#so much so that everyone thinks Willie's stepdad is just some other dude named Caleb
innytoes · 7 months
let's throw a curve ball (is that the right metaphor? I know nothing) 21 and/or 16 for the Caleb/WD* au
*Willie's Dad ;P
How do I even explain this AU? Well, Yeo wrote in some fic or tags something about Caleb being Willie's stepdad and it spiraled from there.
Today had been awesome. He had spent the morning skating around town, landing some sick tricks, and then he and Alex had a date. They'd gone to a cute little cafe and a music store and gotten ice cream together and talked and talked and kissed for hours.
So yeah, Willie had an excellent day.
Until he came home and found his dad making out with his dance teacher in the kitchen. Like, full on making out, with tongues and teeth and rucked up shirts and in the kitchen where Willie made his sandwiches.
"What the fuck?" he blurted out, because seriously, what the fuck?
"Willie!" Dad said, and gross, his lips are all shiny and his face is all flushed. "Okay, so, I can explain..."
"IN THE KITCHEN?" Willie shouted instead, because well. He knew his dad wasn't straight. And had recently started dating again. Though could he have found anyone else to date besides his dance teacher? "With my dance teacher? Really dad? You couldn't just go on the apps like a normal person?"
"Well actually," Caleb started, and Willie decided he really didn't want to hear the rest of that story. And Caleb wasn't his teacher here, so Willie didn't have to listen to him. So he covered his ears and shouted 'ew ew ew' all the way to his room.
He hid under the covers, trying to wrap his head around this. He pulled Lancelot close, burying his face in the plush dragon's soft stomach.
He'd told dad he was fine with him dating. And he was. But why did it have to be his teacher? What if they broke up and Willie had to switch dance schools? Or worse, what if they stayed together and Willie still had to switch because of bias or something? Those classes were cut-throat sometimes, and he could see the dance moms out for blood if Willie got a part they wanted their kid to have and they found out Caleb was dating Willie's dad.
Because it wasn't like he disliked Caleb, or anything. Sure, he was a little extra sometimes, but that's part of what made class fun. And he never got weird about gender stuff, all parts were cast based only on talent. The dress code was lax, and the rules weren't so stifling they made dancing un-fun, unlike some of the other studios Willie had tried.
Also Caleb was just really cool and accepting. And funny, in a snarky way. And he never let anyone get away with any kind of bullying. And when Willie was having trouble with a certain part of the routine, he let Willie stay after class and worked with him on it.
So okay, maybe Willie understood those were all things that could be nice for a boyfriend to have. Alex was also cool, and funny, and kind, and principled. But still... the kitchen. Where they ate.
There was a knock on the door, and Willie grumbled out a 'whaaat'. Because he wasn't actually mad at his dad or anything.
"I brought you Oreos as a peace offering," his dad said, sticking his head through the door.
Willie sat up, pouting. "You may enter," he allowed, making grabby hands. He had no idea where Dad had hid those from him, because usually Oreos didn't last in this house.
Dad sat on the bed with him, forking over the goods. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Caleb sooner," he said, as soon as Willie's face was stuffed with cookies so he couldn't talk back. His dad was a wily one. "We really wanted to make sure we had something before we told you."
"Do you?" Willie asked.
The way his dad's face turned shy and happy at the same time said everything Willie needed to know. "I think so. I really like him, Willie."
"Uh yeah, I could tell," Willie said, because while he was happy for his dad, he did Not Want To See That. The shy smile turned into an embarrassed grimace. "Two rules. One: no matter what happens, you won't make me switch dance classes, and Caleb won't be weird about it."
"I promise," Dad said, holding out his pinkie. Willie hooked his pinkie around it, and they shook on it. "What about the second rule?"
"No sex in the kitchen!" Willie said. "Or any of the shared living spaces! No sex on the couch, or in the garden, or on the stair case, or wherever else you two want to get nasty."
His dad sighed, but held his pinkie out again. Only when he promised that did Willie deign to share his Oreos.
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