#so much knowledge abojt the decidate house mostly because it's based directly off my grandma's house
saltedsolenoid · 2 years
i migjt not be able to like actually post a drawing onto tumblr of it until I get a new tablet but I have elike 4 out of 6 pokemon for aluzies team rn
Anyways how is aluzies living situation do they have like a lot of money and a big house or like average or are they not doing so great financially
dude literally take as long as you need! I understand those tech struggles, bro...
anyways! aluzie lives with his mom, katya decidate, who works rather long hours at a restaurant to keep the two of them afloat and whatnot. They live in a fairly small house, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (+ one of the baths doesn't function right), and are a bit below the poverty line. So overall: not rich by any standards and under some financial stress.
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