#so like i dont need more blondes and i don't need more drummers and i esp dont need that combo together
me @ me like u Cannot have another blonde drummer oc u already have one of those
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1-800-channie · 5 years
I Don't Even Know Your Name
»Bang Chan’s fluff one-shot (1 248 Words ) 
»Strangers!AU Clumsy!Reader Sweetman!Chris Songinspired!AU
»Hi, guys! This is my first post, so I hope you enjoy reading it as much I enjoyed writing it! I’ll be writing about all the boys. Please listen to “I dont even know your name” from Shawn Mendes ♥
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Chris is a modest man, he enjoys drinking coffee while reading his favorite fictional book. He savors the sound of the raindrops falling on the ground when he is sleeping. He surely can’t live without the smell of wet grass, it makes his heart feel safe and fresh.
On this rainy afternoon, Chris found himself craving for some hot chocolate and a piece of lemon cake. His grin widened just by thinking about their amazing taste, perhaps he would even bring a book to read.
Lately, he has been working overnight, their new comeback is near and everything needs to be perfect. While he was practicing alone at the dance studio, passing 3am, his heart felt cloudy, his legs gave in and he fell on the floor. Chris admired the ceiling for some moments. 
His body is weighing so much right now…
The hardworking boy told himself to rest just for five minutes but ended up falling asleep right there. His bandmates found him curled up on the floor, covered in sweat and as cold as crystal. 
Something inside of Chan was missing. His smile was rarely appearing, he could barely eat or sleep, crazy insomnias would consume his body, eating him alive, and wouldn’t let him rest for nights.
That’s how he ended up solo on his dorm, Woojin and Jisung prohibited him of stepping inside a practice room or a music studio for three days. 
With his earplugs in, listening to the Shawn Mendes playlist that Hyunjin had recommended, Chan grabs an umbrella and starts walking around, taking more time than necessary so he could enjoy the smell that comes along with a rainy day.
For the first time in a while, he felt truly satisfied. His lungs were full of fresh hair and his heart was beating along with the music he was listening. He always loved this feeling. The feeling of freedom, not to mention that Shawn’s voice was making feel like a true character of a movie.
The coffee shop that he usually goes to is a small place that was carefully designed by a woman. From the wooden ceiling and tables, the white floor, the green napkins and the small plants that could be found everywhere. It’s very aesthetically pleasing and, once again, it makes him feel like a character in a movie.
On the outside, while he changed from ‘Aftertaste’ To ‘I don’t even know your name’ He took a look at the big window at the front wall of the coffee shop where a girl was peacefully sipping her coffee cup.
She seemed to be laughing at something, her head was thrown back and her eyes were shut cutely making her look adorable and innocent. When her orbs met him, Chris blushed and turned around nervously, facing the big building in front of the coffee shop.
What he didn’t see was how her eyes widened and how she shut down a shriek that wanted to escape her lips when she saw that she was delayed to met her best friend.
Yn completely succumbed in the novel she was reading, the couple was confessing their love with lustful kisses and romantic words, mixed with tears, isn’t it to die for?
The girl immediately packed her book and bought an apology cake that she would give to her bestie for being late.
When she opened the door and felt the icy wind on her face she cursed at herself for being so clumsy.
It is raining, no, it’s pouring outside, and she doesn’t have anything to protect herself from the cold raindrops.
«I’ll run all the way to her house. It’s OK YN you can do it!» She tells herself, trying to encourage her lazy body.
With a final sigh, she started running. The wind was strong, pushing her hair to fall against her face, making it useless for her to see anything in front of her.
The next thing she hears and feels is a loud honk and a strong grip on her waist, pulling her small body back. She screamed and closed her eyes shut, her heart beating like a drummer and her whole body shaking, face hidden in someone’s chest. That, someone, had the most addicting smell she had ever inhaled.
“Are you OK?” A tall man with blonde hair looked genuinely at her. Her cheeks heated up and she felt flustered.
“Ye-yes I am. Thank you very much…I’m so clumsy! I didn’t mean to disturb you.” Yn articulated the first part aloud, but her voice went lower as she finished talking,  lips turning into a pout.
Her mind went completely blank when she examined the tall man in front of her, that has a strong arm around her delicate waist. He is the most attractive man she has ever seen. His brown eyes, filled lips, gentle smile, and blonde locks made her body feel light.
Chan was also lost by her beauty. Her coffee-colored hair was short and wild, full lips and big loving eyes with a perfect cat eye made with eyeliner.
“You should be more careful, beautiful.” Chris smiled with care while sadly taking his arm off her.
Yn is a smart girl, she always has something to say back, when she opened her mouth to speak nothing came out. Her shaky fingers pushed her wet hair back and she took a shy look at him. Noticing her panicked reaction he laughed quietly, his shoulders moved slightingly up and his eyes crinkled.
“I will. Thank you very much!” Yn said blushing once again because of his sudden compliment. “I’m already late, so thank you very much and I’m sorry for worrying you.”
“Here- take my umbrella. I live just five minutes away from here, and if I need anything my friend can bring me another one.” The blonde boy handed her his umbrella.
They gazed at each other’s eyes for what felt like an eternity, their hearts were throwing fireworks inside of them and the young couple smiled once again.
Still, Yn hesitated a little. Her eyes traveled behind him, only rich people lived in that neighborhood. Fear grew inside of her at a quick pace, and the blonde man surely noticed how she took a step back and pressed her lips in a thin line.
“Dont be scared, please. You can trust me, I live there with more 8 people, my bandmates.” Her brain clicked, she has seen him before… 
Her shaky hands reached out and grabbed the umbrella.
“Thank you so much… I… I really- thank you. I’ll make sure to give it back to you later!” The brown haired girl leaves in a rush under the umbrella, making Chris smile to himself for the good action he just made. And, secretly, of her uncanny way of running.
Minutes later, when he was already sitting down with his cup of warm chocolate and lemon cake in front of him, he thought to himself how he didn’t ask for her name.
So his big heart hopes to see her soon, so he can ask her name and maybe offer her a drink, so he can look in her deep brown eyes again and feed his eyes with her angelic smile.
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motleyfuckingcruee · 5 years
Too Drunk For Love (Dirt!Mick Mars x Reader One Shot)
@lilypetite88 thank you! This is my first request!
Would you do a one shot where you are so drunk because your boyfriend cheated on you and mick is there to confort you and he end up being drunk too and end up on you being married and the rest of the boys help with everything then next morning both of you dont remember nothing but you realized you love each other all is happy that way.
Bunch of fluff and fucking language
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Once again you ended up at the Whiskey A Go Go. This became a habit for you. You often came here to get shit faced. God knows you needed too. When you went to work you saw the woman that your boyfriend cheated on you with. She was your best friend too. Turns out she only pretended to be your best friend to get with your now ex-boyfriend. That really stung you. All your life people only walked out on you. Left you out in the cold. You thought you'd be used to it by now, but you guess not.
The Whiskey is a safe haven for you. Everyone had the same reason to be there.
To get laid and piss ass drunk.
You didn't think you ready to hookup with someone yet, so you just got drunk. Multiple men have hit on you while you've been there at the bar. You declined as nicely as you could. That ended up with them calling you a prude or a stuck up whore. It didn'd bother you to hear those venomous words. You could tell they were all pigs anyway.
A band played there every week. Mötley Crüe you thought they were called. It was an odd collection of guys that were up there. The first one you'd noticed was the lead singer. Mostly because he was right in the front and because of his bright blonde hair. You next noticed the mysterious bass player whose hair nearly covered his entire face. The drummer was next. He was really tall and lanky with long dark brown hair.
The last was the guitarist. You instantly knew he was your favorite. He had long black hair and looked to be a bit older than the rest. He played the guitar like a fucking God. You even made eye contact with him a few times.
Now you sit at the bar with a whole bottle of Jack Daniels in your hand. You don't care about what other people must be thinking about you. You just want to forget.
Mötley Crüe finishes up their set behind you. You didn't feel like watching them tonight. You had a hard day. Worse than the ones before. You just wanted to get drunk.
You take a swig as people start nearly swarming around you. They needed their booze just like you did. You listened to everyone give their orders to the bartender who started to look panicked as people were yelling at him.
You smile at him, hoping to make him feel a bit better. You get lost in thought. You drink a bit more. You stare off into space at the bar.
"You didn't watch us tonight," A deep voice says from beside you.
You look up. You're nearly knocked out of your stool from shock.
The last person you expected to see was the dark haired guitarist. He smiles at you and repeats his statement.
"O-Oh!" You stutter, blushing. "Y-Yeah, it's just been a rough day. I really needed to drink."
He sits on the stool beside you. Ordering himeself his own bottle of Jack. He smirks at you and takes a swig.
"What's got you feeling down?" The guitarist asks.
"I was cheated on," You say simply, taking a swig.
"Oh," He says, surprised. "I'm sorry."
You shrug your shoulders. "I'm not surprised." You pause, looking at him. "I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N), by the way."
"Mick Mars," He responds grinning at you. He takes in a deep breath. "I think we both need to get wasted. Why don't we do together?"
You don't even hesitate with your answer. "Fuck yes."
You wake up in an unfamiliar bed. The light coming through the window is blinding to your tired eyes. You groan, sitting up. You look around once your eyes adjust. You're in your underwear and that's it. You see your clothes scattered on the bedroom floor. You look hesitantly to your side. Laying there is Mick Mars. The guy you only met last night.
You don't remember anything. That last moment your brain can come up with is when Mick invited you to get wasted with him.
You press your hands to your face. As you do so, you feel something different on your finger. It was cold and metallic. Knowing what it is, but not wanting it to be it, you pull your left hand away from your face.
Sure enough a gorgeous diamond ring is on your ring finger.
What the fuck have I gotten myself into? You ask yourself.
Mick stirs from beside you. You look at him and wait for him to wake up. He opens his eyes, looking up at you. He looks just as surprised as you were when you woke.
He sits up, and rubs his face.
"(Y/N)?" He asks hesitantly.
"What the hell happened last night?" He asks, laughing a bit.
You hold up your left hand. "I'm guessing we got wasted enough to get married."
His eyes widen. He looks at his ring finger. He has a simple silver band to match your elaborate ring. "We were that trashed?"
You nod your head. You pull your knees up and rest your head on them. You laugh to yourself. "I'm only twenty three and I'll be getting my first divorce. That's not what I expected."
Mick smiles. "It's not as bad as you think."
You open your mouth to respond, but his bedroom door bursts open.
"Get up, old man!" The tall, lanky drummer yells. "We got shit to do!"
The other two follow closely behind the drummer. They all stop in their tracks when their eyes land on you.
You smile shyly and wave at them. "Hi."
The bassists face lights up. "Finally the old man got laid!"
You roll your eyes and laugh at him.
"Oh! I'm Nikki, by the way," The bassist introduces himself. "The tall one is Tommy, and the blonde one is Vince."
"Nice to meet you guys," You laugh. "I'm (Y/N)."
"A pretty name for such a pretty lady," Vince flirts, winking at you.
"Look at her eyes, Tommy," Mick growls.
You look down, realizing that your in your bra. You pull the blanket up to cover yourself. You blush, completely embarrassed.
"Looks like you had a fun night," Nikki laughs. "You guys left as soon as we tried to join your party."
You frown. "I don't remember that." You hold up your left hand again. You point at the gorgeous ring. "Do you guys remember us getting married?"
Their eyes widen in shock.
"You guys got fucken hitched?" Tommy laughs. "And here I thought I'd be the first to get married."
"We thought so too, T-Bone," Nikki laughs, clapping him on the back.
You sigh. "We need to get down to the court house and file for a divorce." You groan. "This really fucking sucks."
"You know what?" Tommy says. You look up at him. "Why don't you guys try being together? I mean, Mick you've been wanting to be with someone and she seems like the perfect fit. You two got on so well last night. It was effortless. Why not ride this out?"
You and Mick look at each other.
"It's not a bad idea," Mick says. "You're not as ridiculous as I thought you were, drummer."
"Thank you!" Tommy nearly yells.
You grin at Tommy, then turn back to Mick. "It might work out."
And work out it did. You and Mick moved in together the next day. He didn't have to worry about meeting your family since you didn't have any. He took you out on your first date that weekend. You knew you were in love with him by the fifth date.
Mötley Crüe took off about a year after you and Mick got hitched. He made sure that he had time for you at all times. If you called he'd drop whatever it was he was doing. He loved you more than you could ever imagine, and you loved him the same. Maybe even more.
Now here you are, five years later. You're standing in the kitchen of the mansion Mick bought about six months ago. You watch him as he attempts to make you your favorite meal for your five year anniversary.
You grin and take a sip of your beer.
You can't believe how lucky you are to have him.
You're so glad you listened to the kid drummer. That was the best idea he'd ever had, and you could never repay him.
Thanks to Tommy Lee, you stayed with the love of your life.
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