#so it's rare I'll be listening to anyone's new episodes as they're released
starlene · 2 years
Recording our podcast interviews, a lot of the people we’ve met have told us they listen to our episodes, or that they know someone else who listens to them.
Even with that in mind, I’m getting really frustrated with the fact that the number of streams just keeps getting smaller and smaller. It’s been like that for this whole year. Sure, it’s a passion project first and foremost... but it still stings, because the money we get from our ad sales and memberships is peanuts, so it would be extremely rewarding to at least be “paid” in exposure – not to mention more exposure would also mean more potential money from ad sales and memberships.
Like. I’m complaining because I don’t really know what else I can do about this. I’m busy and exhausted enough as it is without trying to put together a no-budget marketing campaign, and of course I accept that a podcast about a niche hobby in Finnish can only get so popular, even in the best-case scenario. But I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t feel extremely frustrating sometimes.
Anyways, I have my part of the next week’s episode to finish off, so no use moping about this for the whole weekend. Just wanted to vent a little tonight!
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tuckersdeslauriers · 7 months
Hey!! There's been a lack of Chenford promo/sneak peaks for this ep?! Thoughts/expectations...
listen...tv being this accessible is so wild. it makes me feel soooo old. like, tv has never been this accessible prior to an episode airing in the history of the format. the idea that we see press photos and releases and 10000 sneak peeks and spoilers is just so...bleh. i'm not into that. it can be fun to follow but idc about anyone's speculation but my own, other people's thoughts/expectations stress me out and i honestly very rarely share my own bc they just get me hate mail ✉️
i miss when the only thing i knew about an episode of upcoming tv was what i read in like, tv guide. i realize this is such an old lady take but as a person who loves the art of tv writing, i just feel like all this shit does the story such a disservice. think about the fact that until like, 10 years ago, honestly a little less, we didn't really see hoards of press photos for every single episode. we didn't see a bunch of sneak peeks so we knew what was to come. sure, there were spoilers, but idk - i yearn for tv to be able to operate in that oblivious space again, i hate knowing what's coming for an episode and forming expectations bc i'd rather just...enjoy television. it's honestly sad to me bc all this shit has changed the way tv works, the way it's written, etc.
anyway all of this is to say: there's been a lack of promo/sneak peeks in general for this ep. that's not abnormal, it just feels weird coming off 2 weeks in a row of a season premiere/100th episode level of hype. the chenford element of it is also not weird to me. they're 2/8 main cast members. other people are going to get the sneak peeks sometimes, just gotta roll with it. if you like the show, it shouldn't matter. ngl, i hate seeing chenford in sneak peeks bc then not all of the content is new for me. i'd so much rather be surprised.
i'm sure there will be some chenford content since there are press photos of them together and we know lucy will wind up riding with celina/tim from spoilers when they were shooting this ep. i'm personally hype not to have to go into this ep assuming i know anything. having all these preconceived notions, imo, is not a healthy relationship with tv so i just try to avoid doing it at all.
tl;dr: i have no expectations of this ep, i'm sure i'll like it bc i like most episodes of this show. i don't think it's weird there's been a smaller amount of promo bc we're coming off two major episodes and i enjoy the rookie without solely caring about chenford.
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