#so it's got autonomy and isnt feeding mairon a feedback loop of how awesome and not totally not flawed all his ideas are
ibrithir-was-here · 3 years
Hi! If, theoretically, the Ring Babies AU were to occur in the Silmaril Babies AU, how do you think that would change things? Because I’m thinking of possibly going down the route of having the Ring Babies in my story (because I love them so much)
Ooooh! Ok so first change would be that making them children would definitly be intentional in this, as opposed to like, a happy accident the way I've pictured it in other timelines.
Tyelpe is 100% inspired by memories of his glowing aunts to try his hand at creating babies of his own, using rings as their focal point the way the silmarils are for the triplets. (Not sure if they'd have the feature of changing back into rings when they're scared since they don't burn those who are of ill intent, so it might not be the most protective feature)
Of course the real question here is /why/ would Tyelpe try to make magical jewelry children when he saw just how badly everything turned out with his aunts?
In the actual canon timeline he makes the rings to help heal and protect what's good in Arda, perhaps intentionally creating Three and having their powers mirror the fates of the silmarils in an attempt to make up for the damages that the silmarils caused to the world? As sort of attempt at penance for what his grandfather's creations had lead to.
There could be something of that in this AU, though I also feel that if he intends to make them children Tyelpe wouldn't t want to put so much pressure on them.
Tbh the most likely way I personally see the Ring Babies happening in this AU would probably lead into that Silvergifting picture I did where Sauron comes back to find that Tyelpe's made them kids. Like, they would have been working on the normal rings of power together before Annatar goes off to do his secret master ring, (they'd be already in a deep relationship at this point, probably just straight up married or Tyelpe would never presume to do the next part) and while he's gone Tyelpe starts drafting the three, and probably his loneliness from being so happy with Annatar and now so unsure now that's he's gone off without saying when he'll return gets the better of Tyelpe's judgement, and he decides to use the Three Rings, the greatest of his creations and thus the most likely to work, to see if he can recreate what his grandfather did, and gain a family of hia own to love and hold again (you know since everyone else is like, dead :/ or mad at him for marrying Annatar >cough Galadriel cough<)
And then of course once they're done he has the realization that Annatar is Sauron and he's gonna march on Eregion to get what he things are merely rings of power aaaand it could really go several ways from there, some good if love can win out over greed for power, and some...not so good if it doesn't :/
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