#so it's actually rlly bad curation in this respect
branmer · 4 months
frustrating thing about the arts is that pretty much every art event or publication is curated according to the personal tastes of the organisers, so if your practice happens to be out of style with those tastes, sometimes the only solution is to create your own event/publication, but then that only continues the problem, as you inevitably curate, once again, according to your own personal taste
i have no solution to this and frankly don't think there is one, when it comes to something as subjective as art practitioners are always going to face this problem. a lot of it just doesn't come down to whether your work is good, but whether it happens to hit the personal taste of some random or is fortunate enough to be on trend
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cupcraft · 2 years
heya cup!! i just want to hop on your post because ive actually been thinking about this kinda thing for a while now and i rly loved reading ur post bc i think you expressed everything in a really nice, respectful way!
personally, i am not at all a big crit enjoying person lol, bc of my demons (makes me v stressed for whatever reason lmao), so i tend to have discourse, crit tags blocked bc they kill my personal vibes etc. i will admit i've unfollowed people before for not tagging their crit lmao, but most of them time i will click through to see whats up, and i think most of the time, i do enjoy reading some crit, esp when its not like, my whole dash lmao, and esp when it comes from a place of love!! (hell im a cfiances main i think my entire mutuals circle only grudgingly accepted the csapnap book lore as canon like two months ago like i get cc's making Choices in regard to lore i do!)
crit is so so good and i love reading it from people who gen love the characters!! its always interesting to hear, and if im not in the mood, i can always block it lol. i love hearing people pick stories they love apart and analyze them, because i know they're doign it with great love in their heart. i remember after the ctubbo caimsey lore all my ctubbo mutuals got in a huddle and talked about why they did or didnt like the lore, and it was really fun to read!! it was so clear they really do love all the characters and enjoy cctubbo's content, even if they didnt like the choices made, and even if i personally enjoyed the lore (<- sick little ccabinetduo main) i really thought they made a lot of good points that i really enjoyed hearing!
but i think a lot of the time i can get really frustrated with "crit" is when its tinged with a weird sort of distaste for the cc's writing the characters, and perhaps in a bit of a unfair/petty way, i get really frustrated when i see people who often extremely, unfairly critical of people like quackity or karl, and their storytelling and ability to create character arcs. i feel like karl esp has gotten so much of this (which is personally so odd to me bc i feel like he's just a pretty likeable guy even if you're not into his content, but i digress sfdjkla 😭). so much "tales" crit is really irritating to me bc it feels really clearly like barely disguised dislike for cckarl seeping into a discussion of ckarl.
esp when i see people writing crit of a character that they do not main or usually talk about! there was a post a while back that was, like character crit of cq (apologies if this is too much of a vague to post lmao), and it really frustrated me, not just because i dont like it when people are mean to my little boy, but because it was clear that the author of the meta did not understand the lore they were talking about. they were completely misrepresenting a character morality and behavior in a way they absolutely would not be doing if they had watched the arc from cq's pov. and i know they're capable of writing well written, interesting, respectful meta and even crit bc they do it for characters they love. but when it comes to characters from cc's they personally dont like, the crit is. bad. its bad. like if you dont like their lore, dont watch it, dont post about it!! like curate your experience please!! but it feels like you dont enjoy any lore they could even do and you dont want to put in the effort to do so, so please do not engage with their lore!!!
tldr, well written crit w love for the characters always in mind always good!! (also the great majority tbh!!), crit for characters op hates the cc's who play them bad!! (a v small but really upsetting portion that has rlly turned me off the whole genre of post!)
hey soap thanks for your additions to this discussion :)! i really liked what you wrote here and agree with most of it. Because to the point of people who dont like a character writing meta i generally dont mind and if really do mind its chances those people have been blocked by me (it really depends on the take for me personally so in taht regard i do understand your frustration a lot! this is /nm btw).
And yeah the pt of my post isnt that you cant dislike ppl's posts but that i just want to open up the discussion how we can all coexist healthily within this sphere of analysis. And i dont blame you for disliking certain genres of posts in your experience even though i do still like those genres myself (with some nuance ofc).
At least one positive thing to do in situations of what you said (at least what i do) is write meta since i do understand the character (or like to think i do ig insome instances). which maybe would help people learn and change their view. I used to have really bad c!q and c!wilbur opinions ngl and i read a lot of meta ppl posted about them who did understnd their characters more and now people i think generally i have good takes on cwilbur so thanks to the wilburian meta-ers ig sldfjsdl!
all /nm gen liked your additions and stuff i hope you hav ea great day soap!
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