#so it'd be her saying the news of Sejanus' passing to Marcus over the phone like that scene in the movie
binarisunset · 2 months
Cannot stop thinking about how Brokeback Mountain is the most sejarcus coded movie ever like hear me out.
Them meeting each other as young boys working a summer gig looking over some sheeps in the mountains of District 2; Marcus because he needs the job to help his family, Sejanus either because he was on his rebellious phase trying to get away from his father OR his own father sent him to teach him a lesson about hard work and getting his own hands dirty (I'm thinking the Plinths are still filthy rich in this AU).
They meet, and they start their relationship. Sejanus obviously doing the pursuing and Marcus reluctantly but ultimately accepting his attempts.
But the summer eventually ends, and they have to go their separate ways. Marcus immediately marries the girl he was with at the time, and Sejanus is sent to the Capitol where his father arranges a marriage for him.
They don't see each other for quite some time, until Sejanus is able to find Marcus' whereabouts and they plan their first trip back to the mountains. Just a fishing trip with and old buddy, they each say to their respective wives.
And, well. We know how the story eventually ends (and you can easily imagine who is who).
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