#so it was hard to tell anyone but the main two apart
greenglowinspooks · 11 months
(DCxDP) The obligations of a rogue versus those of a parent (Pt. 3)
Tw: Vivisection mention, torture mention (GiW agent receiving), me not actually knowing how telegram works
Will be crossposted to AO3 eventually.
(Pt. 1 here) (Pt. 2 here) - (Pt. 4 here)
(Masterlist/subscription post)
It’s an average, ordinary afternoon in Gotham, and Jason is in hell.
Specifically, Jason is in hell because he’s been researching the GiW for the last week or so, ever since a cryptic message from Scarecrow of all people.
He still hasn’t gotten anything substantial out of it that Scarecrow hadn’t already provided. Most location data had been previously scrubbed from the database, weaponry details were apparently all stored physically, and the experiment logs seemed to be only accessible from within one of the bases, whose locations Jason did not have.
Apparently Babs and Tim were having similar issues with gathering information. He had sent a copy of the files over to them in a moment of weakness, but they were having the exact same results as him.
To make things worse, the GiW was more active than they had been previously, combing through Crime Alley and the rest of Gotham tirelessly. At least they weren’t harassing him anymore, he thought, but now he had even less of a clue what they wanted.
And to top it all off, the Joker had escaped Arkham a few days prior to Jason receiving Scarecrow’s note, and he still hadn’t done anything. That could only mean that he was planning something big, which meant more grief for Jason, because the clown was obsessed with him.
So yes, Jason wasn’t having the best week.
He got up from his computer, stretched, and walked over to the window.
The sky was Gotham’s usual grey, clouded with a toxic miasma made up of traditional pollutants and the aftermath of gas attacks both, which could generously be called ‘smog.’
The streets seemed busier than usual, or maybe that was just because Jason was having a hard time keeping his eyes focused.
With blurry vision and a dull ache in the back of his head, Jason paced through his apartment, going through everything he knew.
The GiW, or Ghost Investigation Ward, were part of a secret government project having to do with ‘ecto-entities,’ which were mostly made up of ghosts.
The GiW was able to kidnap and steal away anyone who was ‘ecto-contaminated’ to be dissected, and it was completely legal.
According to the non-censored patrol reports he was given, Jason himself was considered ecto-contaminated. So were Bruce, Damian, Steph, and Cass.
There were also several rogues that were in the same boat, but their names had been redacted, presumably by Scarecrow. He wasn’t entirely sure why, but he guessed it was either for leverage or privacy. Knowing Crane, it could be both.
Anything useful about the GiW seemed to be stored physically within their compounds, or on an operating system that couldn’t be accessed outside of certain areas.
Anything useful about ghosts was conveniently removed by Scarecrow.
And, lastly, he knew from capture logs that they had numerous captive ghosts which were definitely being experimented on. One of these ghosts was named Daniel, last name redacted, and had been turned over by his parents in return for allowing them to run their own experiments on the boy.
From what he could tell, it had been around fifty two days since he had been turned in.
Fifty two days of experimentation and dissection.
Jason had to find him.
But first, he had to find the locations of the GiW bases, and plan his entrance carefully. He couldn’t let them get away because of a simple mistake.
The only location data he had been able to find was on a picture of the boy, Daniel, a picture of a vigilante in a red suit, and a quick note left about Daniel which hadn’t been transferred into the main database.
The note was…
Jason had been around crime for a very, very long time. He understood it intimately, in a way most people would never hope to achieve.
He understood hatred, too.
And yet, the words in that note were almost incomprehensible to him.
They were mockery of a child in pain. A child that was not seen as human. A child that was seen as a threat, a monster.
The man had detailed the security surrounding the child being cut back. Apparently, the kid had some sort of sonic scream. They were removing the muzzle that inhibited it because he had screamed himself hoarse, and he couldn’t make a sound anymore.
He also mentioned that the kid was cut open at least once a day, sometimes multiple times. He was opened up, played with, and sewn back shut.
The man joked that they should just put a zipper on him, so they wouldn’t keep wasting their stitches.
Jason really, really wanted to kill that guy.
The metadata on the note traced back to a newly-bought building in Gotham’s financial district, while the photos both came from Amity Park, Illinois.
Amity Park, Illinois did not exist in any official capacity.
Tim, who had taken the Batplane to check the precise location listed in the metadata, had reported that there was a town there after all, and it was on complete media lockdown from the rest of the world. He hadn’t even been able to use Bat, Justice League, or Young Justice channels to message anyone outside of the city until he left.
Jason had checked the building in the financial district firsthand, and found that the man who had submitted the note had done so while resting on a patrol of the city. He seemed to go there often to avoid his superiors, and Jason found it easy enough to get the drop on him the third time around.
His advanced interrogation techniques hadn’t been enough to get the man to name any locations. Worse, the man definitely recognized Red Hood, and would definitely tell the rest of the GiW about what had happened as soon as he left.
So, Jason did something about that. He couldn’t kill him, unfortunately, so he did the next best thing.
The GiW sent him to a public hospital within a few hours of finding him with shattered hand bones, broken arms, and a throat with near-permanent damage. The man wouldn’t be able to speak for a month at least.
He might never write again.
Jason, having read the note over and over until the words stained the backs of his eyes, thought it was the least he deserved.
Jason sighed, stopping his pacing. He wasn’t getting anywhere with this. If anything, working himself up was only going to lower the chances of him magically coming to a realization about where the kid was or what in the hell was going on.
He walked into the kitchen, popped some leftovers into the microwave, and started them up.
Once they were done, he brought them out to his desk, intending to eat as he continued to work on the GiW case.
When he saw his screen, he froze.
Telegram had been opened to a new chat with someone he had never messaged before.
TooFine: who are you?
TooFine: why are you looking into the giw?
The messages were a couple of minutes old, probably sent while Jason was spiraling pacing. He just stared at the screen, dumbstruck.
Shakily, he responded.
RedDead: How the hell did you get my contact info
Whoever was on the other side of the screen paused for a second. Jason considered sending a quick text to Babs to tell her what was going on, but he decided that he could handle this by himself.
TooFine: got it from the backdoor I put into the giw system.
RedDead: Shit
TooFine: ok your turn
TooFine: why r u looking into the giw? seriously man
RedDead: I don’t have a single reason to tell you. Give me one and I might answer your questions
TooFine paused again. Clearly they both had issues trusting someone over the internet, and rightfully so. What they had both admitted to doing was incredibly illegal, and if someone turned them in, they would be in deep shit.
TooFine: ive been trying to take down the giw since it was created. I can help u if ur honest with me
RedDead: Oh yeah, because no one has ever lied to another person on the internet before
RedDead: But fine
RedDead: I’m looking into them because they’ve been shadowing me for over a month at this point, among other reasons
TooFine: other reasons?
Jason sighed. He shouldn’t have added that. He knew that the other guy would ask, but he said something anyways.
RedDead: They’ve got a kid. I don’t like it when people hurt kids
TooFine: Danny? he’s alive?
RedDead: From what I can tell
So he knew the kid. Or, at least, he was pretending to. It would make sense for him to be cagey about his intentions, and for him to be desperate enough to reach out.
TooFine: oh my god
TooFine: do you know what city? fuck
TooFine: fuck fuck fuck
TooFine: I need to find him man please
RedDead: He’s somewhere in Gotham
RedDead: I’ve been trying to find him for a week now but no dice. They keep everything important on separate servers
TooFine: listen man you’re a good hacker but you’re not as good as me. you need my help if we’re gonna find Danny
RedDead: Okay, what are you trying to get me to agree to?
TooFine: i’m coming to gotham and we’re going to meet up
RedDead: Hell no
RedDead: Stranger danger
TooFine: if I tell u who I am will you say yes
RedDead: ?? How am I supposed to verify if you’re telling the truth
TooFine then sent him what seemed to be a selfie. Jason’s jaw dropped at the kid’s sheer audacity.
RedDead: There’s something seriously wrong with you
TooFine: my name is Tucker Foley. i live in amity park. i’m in 10th grade
RedDead: ???????? WHAT THE HELL
TooFine: i can send u my address too
TooFine: i have to take that chance.
TooFine: Danny is my best friend. they’ve had him for over a month and no one’s doing anything to help. mr. Lancer was the only one who cared and he gave up after they blackmailed him
TooFine: they’ve had him for OVER A MONTH. I THOUGHT HE WAS DEAD.
TooFine: Sam and Jazz and I are coming to gotham and we’re going to find him no matter what it takes
TooFine: you have to help us
Jason considered, for a second, the choices he’d made in his life that had led up to this moment. He also considered, if he was in this kid’s position at his age, if he would be doing the same.
He decided to throw the kid a bone.
RedDead: [4735.jpg]
TooFine: HUH
RedDead: I’m guessing you know me
TooFine: RED HOOD??????
RedDead: No I’m just a very dedicated LARPer
TooFine: am i gonna die for Danny right now
RedDead: If I were literally anyone else, probably
RedDead: But no, you’re not. I’m gonna help you find your friend
TooFine: your username is red dead and you’re. yeah ok
RedDead: Oh come on, it’s funny
TooFine: Danny would love you
RedDead: So Danny clearly has great taste in jokes
TooFine: nope. literally loves puns and wordplay
RedDead: Nevermind
They both paused for a second. Then, Jason had a thought.
RedDead: Wait you’re in the 10th grade and you’re hacking into government databases?
TooFine: please don’t tell my parents.
RedDead: And how are you supposed to explain a sudden vacation to Gotham to your parents?
TooFine: wait so you’ll help me?
RedDead: I really hate to say it but I’m not the best at hacking, and my usual help is busy trying to track down the Joker. So, yep, we’re teaming up
RedDead: God. I’m asking a 16 year old to help me take down a government agency and save another 16 year old
RedDead: I feel like the bat
TooFine: oh my god this is awesome. Danny is gonna flip when the actual real-life Red Hood comes to save him.
RedDead: I already regret this
TooFine: too late.
TooFine: btw do u have any place for 2 teenagers and 1 adult teenager to stay in gotham? preferably without dying but yknow.
Jason groaned. He was really, really gonna regret this, and he knew it.
Still, the alternative was some overeager kid dragging two other idiots to Gotham to find their friend and getting themselves killed. At least this way he’d have help, and damn good help at that.
He really was turning into the Bat, wasn’t he?
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livin4woso · 11 days
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Lingering touches part 1-(alessia russo x reader)
Summary-your best friend alessia has always been touchy with you, but now they seem to be getting more frequent and are pushing along the boundary of whether or not you are just friends.
Growing up gay was a challenge for you as many people dont understand that there is a list of unspoken rules every gay must follow. One of the main rules is the line between are we just friends or are we more than that?. Its a line that ironically can be bent and you spend your time thinking where is it appropriate of where you can put your hands without giving the wrong idea.
This was something that you and alessia weren't very good at. The line is constantly being stepped on being pushed to its limits, but alessia is straight... right? It doesn't matter because she won't ever feel the way you do about her. The way that when her hand grazes your arm, it feels like it's on fire or when she compliments you, you can feel your cheeks heating up, leaving you flustered.
It was an obvious observation that to anyone around you that you were head of heels for the blonde, yet it was if she couldn't tell.
You and alessia had grown up together through the england youth academy teams. Your friendship blossomed over the years with one another. It was when you had reached the U19s when alessia had come back from america to play some international friendlies where you began to question if you just had plationic feelings for the blonde.
Alessia was a naturally cuddly person, or well, she has always been like that towards you her body was clung to yours in one way or another. Many joked that you were alessias personal pillow as even if there was a free seat, she would much rather be cuddled into your side or sat against your lap.
When alessia arrived back to the uk, you had already become a regular starter for the arsenal as a midfielder, and you had really been focusing on your football, so your feelings for alessia had naturally slipped your mind.
She had gone to play for Manchester United, where her other best friend ella was playing. However when yous had game against eachother you would be invited to stay round theres or they could stay at yours for the night to catch up with eachother and get the train back to london or Manchester in the morning.
This was a reoccurring routine, but one time ella couldn't stay in london, she had a media job the next day, so just alessia had decided to stay at your place. "Do you wanna pick the movie, and I'll call us a takeaway" you begin saying while opening your apartment door "also you can grab some clothes from my room rather than sitting in that disgusting gear" you say joking with her. "Yeah yeah whatever you love me, really.. no matter what shade of red im wearing, " she responded and playfully placed a kiss to your cheek, leaving you a melting pile in your kitchen.
The two of you had fell into a regular routine but without ella there alessia was abit more handsy than usual as the movie started she had curled into your side with her head on your chest and your legs entwined with eachother. Each time alessias hand would brush at the skin of where your hoodie had rode up was sending shivers down your spine, and you could hear your heartbeat racing at a million miles an hour.
By the time the movie had finished, alessia was quite content sleeping on top of you, yet you knew a night on the couch wouldn't do either of you any good. So you managed to untangle yourself and carry her to your bedroom, which normally this would be quite a simple task. However, sleeping alessia was like a dead weight. That night, you had realised how no matter how hard you try to push your feelings away for the blonde, they wouldn't go away, not when she was so perfect in your eyes.
But the imposed distance between you made your feelings much more bareable to deal with. Yet when the summer transfer window had opened, seeing the blonde wearing an arsenal kit was not what you had expected. Now you couldn't escape your feelings from the blonde, not when you had to see her every day.
The first day at preseason training was going to be hard for you as you cant ingore alessia but you also cant make it obvious to everyone under the sun that you would walk to the ends of the earth for the blonde if she asked you too.
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azzibuckets · 5 months
Paper Rings [Part 1/10 | Paige Bueckers]
Paige Bueckers x fem!reader
summary: very angsty friends to enemies to lovers told through flashbacks & current day
a/n: this is my very first fic + i’m still pretty unfamiliar with how to use tumblr so pls forgive me in advance 😭 but lmk what you think!
warnings: drinking, angst, paige as a player
word count: 1.9k
masterlist w/ all parts
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It was the night of the Big East championship game, and the entire UConn women’s basketball team was piled into Paige and Azzi’s apartment to celebrate with drinks. At first, you’d been hesitant to come, as you would be the only non-player there. Which usually wouldn’t be a problem, but since it was a celebration for something as special as a tournament win, you wanted to let the team have their moment. But Paige insisted, saying that you were basically one of them at this point, and that everyone loved you and would want you there.
So here you were, sandwiched between Paige and KK on the sofa. There were so many people squeezed onto the sofa, though, that you were basically half in Paige’s lap. She didn’t seem to mind though - one hand was holding a red solo cup filled with dirty Shirley while the other was firmly wrapped around your waist, holding you in place next to her. Not a typical look for best friends, but both of you attributed this intimate position to physical touch being both of your main love languages.
Paige’s fingers were absentmindedly brushing up and down your hip, alternating between playing with the fray at the end of your shirt and scratching your hip. You tried not to think too much of it. Paige was constantly moving, and she always needed something to play with or else she’d get bored and distracted. She definitely wasn’t touching you because she had feelings for you. Paige made it clear that she wasn’t interested in anyone romantically, with how quickly she moved from woman to woman. But that was how she chose to live her love life, and you respected that! And didn’t care….at all.
KK suddenly lurched up from next to you. “Ayoooo, we should play spin the bottle,” she crowed, as if this was the best idea she’d ever come across.
“Nah, girl, I’m good,” Nika teased, shaking her head at KK’s antics. “Geno said he wants us to be close, but I don’t think he meant that close.”
The rest of the team hooted in laughter. KK pouted. “Well, Azzi just texted the guys’ team to come, and they’ll be here soon. That way I don’t have to kiss any of y’all’s nasty lips.”
At that, Paige sat up a little bit straighter, her grip around my waist tightening. “Ain’t no one playing spin the bottle with the guys. Especially Y/N.”
“Why, Paige? Jealous?” Ice teased. Ice always gave you a hard time about Paige, wiggling her eyebrows at you every time you walked Paige to practice or dropped off food for her during their recovery sessions. You suspected that she was onto you, but you always shrugged off her teasing in order to seem nonchalant.
Paige rolled her eyes, although her grip on you didn’t loosen. “Nah, bro. They’re just weird. They don’t know Y/N like that. She’d be uncomfy.”
You tugged on one of her Dutch braids. You loved whenever she put her hair into two full braids. She looked so cute. Although you’d never tell her that. “What if I wanna play, hmm?” You were testing Paige’s limits, and you knew it. And as much as you wanted to chalk it up to her being jealous, you knew she was probably just being a protective friend.
Paige shook her head. “It’s such a middle school game, Y/N. You don’t wanna do that.” With those words, you felt a surge of drunken defiance rise in your chest. Paige was bossing you around, as if she knew what was best for you. But you refused to be seen as the innocent and meek type. And now you wanted to play. Because if you couldn’t have Paige, you weren’t gonna let her limit you from having someone else.
You raised your chin. “No, I think I’m gonna,” you declared.
Paige’s eyes flashed. There was a hint of surprise in the way she leaned back and studied you. “Okay,” she responded coolly. “Whatever. Do what you want - Imma top up.” She briskly slid the part of me on her thigh off, and got up, disappearing into the kitchen.
Soon, the guys piled in, along with some of their buddies that weren’t on the basketball team. You all agreed to do a mix of spin the bottle or truth or dare. It was either answer the question, or kiss. Except those who were players insisted that teammates were off limit. To be honest, you didn’t wanna play. You, like Paige, thought the game was childish. And more importantly, the only person in the room, or frankly anywhere in the world, whose lips you wanted to kiss was Paige. But Paige didn’t want you, and you had to move on.
Paige returned with a full cup, this time of beer, just in time for the game to start. A couple of the girls had gotten up to sit with the guys on the floor, so there was more room on the sofa now, meaning that Paige and you were no longer touching. Instead, there was a sizable gap between the two of you. The lack of her warmth was upsetting to you, and another reminder that Paige was only touching you because of how crowded the sofa was. Not because she craved your touch the same way you craved hers.
Just your luck, the bottle landed on you the first spin. You vaguely recognized the guy who spun it as one of the players on the basketball team. He had dirty blonde hair and a cocky smile. The top buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned, and he had a rumpled look about him that would be messily attractive if it weren’t for the fact that you had almost zero interest in guys.
“Which guy on my team looks like he’d be the best in bed?” The guy’s wildly inappropriate question barely registered before Paige leaned forward, sliding her hand protectively over your knee.
“That’s a fucked up question,” she snapped. Her eyebrows were furrowed in that way that happens when she’s really angry, and her cheeks were flushed, likely from the alcohol. Tipsy Paige meant a Paige with much more intense emotions, and you knew now that she would be even more unashamed now than she is sober, which says a lot considering how she’s already pretty free willed sober. “Don’t be an ass. Give her a decent question so she’s not forced to kiss you.” Paige snarled.
The guy’s eyebrows shot up. “Chill out, P. It’s just a game,” he laughed arrogantly.
“Yeah, P.” The words, laced with malice, were out of your mouth before you could stop yourself, and you wanted to die as soon as they came out. Paige looked like a puppy who was just kicked, confusion and embarrassment in her eyes. Shame rose in your throat like bile - Paige was just trying to protect you from a creepy guy, a guy who you didn’t even want to kiss, and you were taking this random stranger’s side. In front of all these people.
But words kept piling out of your mouth, even though you didn’t mean it. “Stop babying me,” you hissed. This time only Pauge could hear, but you internally kicked myself again for the harshness of your words. It was the alcohol in you, running hot through your veins, exacerbating all the bitterness and jealousy you’ve been feeling towards Paige for so long. You wanted to get back at her…but for what? It wasn’t her fault she didn’t love you back.
You were thrusted back to reality when you realized everyone was staring at you, waiting for you to make a move. It was an almost out of body experience, in the most terrible and awful way possible, watching yourself move like a robot to where the guy was sitting. You kneeled down, planted a kiss on his lips to the cheering of all the people around you, then got back and returned to your seat on the sofa.
And for the rest of the night, Paige didn’t speak to you.
“I can’t find them.” You were digging through your purse, trying to find your keys. Paige was standing next to you, her face stone hard.
You were so drunk. After the whole kiss incident, you’d started going wild with the drinks, putting back shots as if your life depended on it. The alcohol made you feel numb, softening the ache you felt whenever you thought back to earlier that night when you had hurt Paige, embarrased her in front of all those people. You felt like the worst person in the world, and the more you drank, the more that guilt disappeared.
And now you were drunk out of your mind. You’d expected Paige to ignore you completely after, and she had, until the celebrations died down and you had to go home. You had walked to the apartment because your dorm was only 10 minutes away, and now with how you couldn’t even walk without staggering, someone needed to escort you back.
You hated how good Paige was. How she immediately got up without hesitation when Nika requested for someone more sober to walk you home. You knew she was angry and hurt, yet like always, she looked out for you first.
“Paige, I can’t find them,” you pouted. Paige exhaled through her nose and grabbed the purse from you, sifting through it before she found your keys, tucked into one of the side pockets. Opening the door, she rested her hand on the small of your back to guide you inside.
Once inside, you grabbed Paige’s hand, tugging her into your room and flopping on the bed. She stood there, still and silently watching you. She was unamused, and rightly so.
“Are you mad?” You giggled, sitting up to poke her in the stomach. When she stared back at you, still in silence, you stopped laughing. Sobering up a bit, you grabbed her hand and pulled her closer. “I’m really sorry,” you said quietly. “I don’t know why I did that earlier.” She was between your legs now. You weren’t thinking straight, your mind a muddled mess, and so you wrapped your calves around her, pulling her in until there was no space between you two. She looked down at you, bringing her hand to lightly touch your jaw.
You both stayed there for a moment, the tip of her finger running back and forth along your jaw. Your eyelids fluttered closed. Paige’s touch was so gentle, and you wanted to lean into it and stay in it forever. You didn’t understand why she was being so kind to you when you had been so cruel to her earlier, especially on a night as important as this.
“I’m sorry. For ruining tonight,” you told her, shifting to lean your forehead against her toned stomach.
“You didn’t ruin anything. But I was trying to look out for you,” she said quietly from above you. Paige. A golden heart, and a reminder of why you didn’t deserve her.
“But you kiss a lot of people. Why do you have an issue when I do it?”
Paige’s hand stuttered. “You should really get some rest,” she said gently instead of answering your question. She backed up, looking at you closely before shutting the light off. “I’ll call you tomorrow. Good night.”
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s-4pphics · 10 months
click! 2 (e.w.)
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SYNOPSIS: you need a roommate, and you love eggplant. [college au]
WARNINGS: photographer/roommate!ellie, ocs an artist with a rep, all ocs r black coded, crack, alcohol, arguments, more slut-shaming, bullying, disordered eating, brief mentions of sexual harassment/assault, sex for like a second, failed orgasms, masturbation, slight exhibitionism 
one. three. four.
A/N: heyyyyy…. how yall doin🤭🤭 a little something before i go back to work kms 
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“So, lemme get this straight,” Abby pinches a lollipop stick between her fingers like it’s a blunt, adjusting the invisible glasses on her face, “The psycho just barged in?” 
“With all of her shit! Didn’t even bother to say good morning or anything!” 
It’s been hours since the squash-loving hermit took refuge in your home, and you’re sizzling with rage as you recall the events from earlier. You clocked out zoomed to Abby’s building in no time. 
“Damn… why didn’t you call security… or the landlord? She can’t just move in without signing the contract.” 
You pace around Abby’s rug-covered space, “Bitch, I don’t fuck with feds and rent’s due in two days!” You holler, “And she did sign the contract! I haven’t signed it yet because I didn’t know she was gonna show up and act like that. You’re not disrespecting me in my own house.” 
Her head shakes, “What’d I tell you? If it were me… we wouldn’t have any problems.” 
You point a scolding finger at the smirking blonde girl, “Yes, we fucking would. Don’t start.” 
But she presses anyway, “I think we’d be a match made in heaven, actually.” She rises from the couch and hovers over you, the tip of your index connecting with her strong, covered chest. Your glare persists, but there’s warmth pulling in your gut from her scent. 
Your skin is flaming; This is why you’ll never be able to have a serious conversation — or anything, for that matter — with Abby. Her raunchy remedies aren’t going to work in this situation; You’re too stressed. 
“But anyway,” Her brow arches and she backs off. Slightly. “You’re an adult and main tenant. You gotta handle it soon.” She ponders for a moment, “But to be fair, you texted her first.” 
“How many times do I have to say that I was lit as fuck! I don’t even remember— “
Abby’s taunting expression makes you pause, nails digging into the skin of your palms. 
Your hiss makes her snort, “I didn’t say anything.”
“You don’t have to. It’s not funny.” 
Abby knows you and Dina’s history better than anyone. Knows exactly how you got caught up in “situationship” nonsense, all with liquor and a phone. You can’t fault Abby for recognizing the familiarity, but a burning sting rests in your chest. Embarrassment spreads all over your cheeks, and you announce your departure in a rush. 
Her regret is evident in the way she calls out for you, but you’re out the door in seconds, slamming it as hard as the frame can hold. 
The winter air hits your eyes first… You try to convince yourself, hastily wiping the wet trails off your face. You’re not fucking crying over Dina. Not again. 
You snatch your phone from your pocket to ask Amaya for advice, but your heart swells when you see her messages. 
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You think back to all the times she’s coddled you through your emotions: she drops everything to tend to your needs, no matter how big or small. Guilt would put you in the ground if she ruins her opportunity for your convenience; You can’t tell her. She deserves to enjoy herself. You match your best friend’s excitement all the way back to your car.
Abby called twice during the drive back home, but you didn’t answer. You know she wasn’t being malicious, but you’re sensitive, especially when it comes to anything related to Dina. 
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You rip your apartment door open and find Ellie lounging on your fucking couch with Love Island playing from her laptop. And eating peanuts… with Chick-Fil-A ranch? 
You slam her device shut, words sharp as nails, “I don’t know who you think you are, but I’m telling you right now, you’re not fucking staying here.” You’re shredding through skin with your glare, but she’s not reacting. Just sitting there and crunching, eyes void. 
“Don’t even think about unpacking. You’re getting out tonight, I can promise you that.” 
“No, I’m not.” 
She merely shrugs, “I’m not going anywhere.” 
“What the fuck— “
More cracked shells, more munching; Your eyelid is jerking. 
“Rent’s on the counter, by the way.” 
You hold back a scoff before marching into the kitchen, eyeing the envelope labeled fake ass mortgage. You hear the contestants from the reality show resume their dialogue, but you’re locked on how thick the letter looks to bother scolding. 
It’s torn open… and filled with hundred-dollar bills. Way more than half of rent. Ellie might’ve covered the heat bill for the rest of winter. 
“I thought you were a fucking photographer.” The shock in your voice is clear as day, mindlessly returning to the living room. 
“I am.” She calls dryly. 
“No, you’re not.” You toss the money on the coffee table. “The fuck do you do on the side? Sell drugs to freshmen?” 
When your arms cross over your chest with an accusatory stare, she sighs. “I told you. I take pictures.” 
“Of who? The fucking councilman?” 
Another shrug. “Whoever asks. It’s how I make money…” A light pause. “At least until I secure this job.” 
You squint at her, “I thought you got evicted. You’re clearly fit to pay rent on your own.” 
That seems to shake her a little, staring back with hardened eyes, “And who the fuck are you to question me? The reason I’m here is because of you!” 
“Exactly! This...” Arms waving around the living room. “…is my fucking space! You’re a straggler at best.” 
A weighted huff escapes her before she tosses her snack on the table and stands, leaning over the table. 
“You would’ve been in the same position as me if I didn’t show up. No where to fucking go,” She spits. “If you want me gone, fine. But when your landlord comes knocking on your fucking door asking why you’re two weeks late, don’t say shit to me.” 
You waver slightly and she notices, smirk darker than her pupils. You’re steaming; Smoke is going to come out of your ears soon. 
“The same goes for you. I don’t wanna hear your fucking voice, and don’t touch anything that I paid for,” You command, “Don’t even breathe in my space. Stay on your side and I’ll stay on mine.” 
A condescending grin plasters onto her face. 
“Where’d you hide that lease?” 
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Your heart is too weak for hatred… or so you thought. 
Abby, Amaya… everyone you’ve fucking talked to about the bitch right across the hall thinks that she’s dangerous and sick and out for blood. 
They’re all wrong. It’s you. 
Ellie is conjuring up something villainous deep inside you; Her childish antics started off small: bumping against the wall in the middle of the night, leaving her dirty ass shoes out of place by the front door, not laying the rugs that she slipped on flat… Incredibly annoying, but fixable. 
You took the time to construct a new roommate agreement that fit your unique situation the morning after your argument. It was sloppily scribbled on a crumpled piece of construction paper, but it was a symbol of peace. You taped it to her door before you left for your shift, only to return and see it ripped up and scattered in front of your door. 
It’s been five days since then. Five, and you can already feel a bald spot forming at the back of your skull. To think that Ellie was your first option as a roommate just days ago is laughable now. You know that none of the tricks she’s pulling are accidental. You pride yourself in being observant, and you always catch that prideful look on her face when she nails one of your peeves. 
You try to be here when Ellie’s not, but she’s always home when you are. Music blasting in the wee hours of the night knowing you have three upcoming shifts to cover, on the couch rewatching the same episode of Love Island over and over while you make your breakfast, pretending to talk on the phone to friends she doesn’t have as loudly as possible. You’re fucking tired and you’re holding your hand back from slapping her. 
But the worst part is that she’s stocked your fridge with fucking squash. Top to bottom in all colors there is. Filled the drawers with one called cucurbita argyrosperma. You were torn between curling in hysterics and beating it over your new roommate's head; The petty side of your brain wishes that you were allergic so you could “accidentally” eat some, die, and get her locked up, but you hushed it. She’s fucking with you, but rent and some bills are paid for the month. What a sick turn of events. 
You’re plotting, though. Something’s brewing, and Abby’s helping you. It’s finally Saturday, and college kids are fiending for a rager. 
The only quality that you respect about Ellie is that she’s clean. She washes her dishes, does her laundry (separate from yours, thank God), and she’s deep-cleaned the bathroom twice already. Ellie despises large messes more than you, though, since you’re willing to sacrifice your tidy abode to piss her off. Let the ruckus in!
You heard her leave early this morning, and you’ve noticed that when she’s gone, she’s gone, which gives you all the time to plan. You skip to the bathroom like a kid in a candy store, showering, brushing your teeth, doing skincare. You whip up the hardiest breakfast you can before your mall venture with Abby; It’s been days since you’ve last nutted, and you need a new vibrator. And new paintbrushes. 
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“… Why haven’t you beat her ass again?” 
It only took Abby buying food for you to forgive her. You slurp down your strawberry milkshake, “Fear of permanent imprisonment.” 
“Does Maya know what’s been going on?” Abby asks, shaking her head. 
“Fuck no, and she’s never going to. Have you seen her Snaps?” You whip out your phone and show her Amaya’s stories; She’s exploring and meeting new people. “She’s having a ball! The second I tell her what’s been going on, she’s gonna drop everything and come back. I’m not doing that to her.” 
“You’re the only outlet I have, so suck it up and listen to me bitch and moan.” You continue, “Who’s coming tonight?” 
She smiles, “As many as I could get.” 
“Please tell me Armani’s coming.” 
“She is, for sure.” 
Your heart flutters. Armani… She’s everything you could ever want and need. She’s kind, smart, drop-dead gorgeous, and she bench presses with Abby on the weekends. She has your clit jumping like a salmon in the freshwater, and you’re going to see her tonight. 
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You jump awake at your alarm, eyes stinging as you glance at your phone. It’s a little past nine; Pregaming hours. 
You throw your lazy body into the shower and conduct your special-occasions ritual, blasting your music as loud as the speaker would allow, scrubbing your body with exfoliant to your heart's content. 
You exit, water cascading down your shoulders and back, towel engulfed around your body. You have no idea what to fucking wear; What color does Armani like? Do lesbians qualify for the red nail theory or is that something heteros made up for TikTok followers? What if she doesn’t like eucalyptus scented body wash? 
You swallow your doubts with a shot glass. 
Outfit prepping takes longer than expected, but you’re dressed, titties are out, and your thoughts are swirling like the liquor in your gut. You should call Amaya and tell her you love her—
Another shot, more dancing. You’re spinning around your small room to the bass of the beat, sloppily pulling every shot that you can, back arching and hips throwing in any direction they can. 
The bass sounds louder the more you dance, every thud rattling the poster-covered walls of your room. 
It’s not until the bass surpasses the song that you realize it’s not bass at all. It’s knocking… on your bedroom door. You snicker; Abby’s here with your girl. 
You don’t know why she’s boxing with your door, though. Beating the shit out of it. When you yank it open, you’re instantly annoyed at who appears behind it. 
A… gray sweat clad Ellie propped against the door frame, arms crossed over her chest and red hairs framing her face. You force your eyes upward, right in between hers. The dots on her face look like skittles. Since when does she have a fucking tattoo? Are you hallucinating or is it a fat ass leaf with eyeballs?
You barely registered what she said, “Can you turn that off? It’s almost eleven.” 
“Why, absolutely-the-fuck-not.” You slur, and she cringes, nose wrinkling at the scent of liquor on you. “Where’s Abby?” 
Ellie’s biceps are… out on the prowl. And the veins in her hands are still there. Just checking. Right between her eyes again. 
“Who the hell is that?” 
“My bitch.” You chuckle.
Ellie’s eyes widen and you correct yourself. 
“N-Not bitch like whore. Bitch like… like, that’s my bitch! She’s great, love her. BFF… not over Amaya, though.”
Ellie’s getting annoyed; Her nose won’t stop twitching. “… Is she coming over?” 
“She should be on her way.”
“Is she stupid?” 
“Is your… bitch stupid?” 
“Um, no, she’s not fucking stupid. What the hell are you on.” You snap, offended for your friend. 
“Tell her to stay the fuck home before she gets buried.” 
… Did Ellie just threaten to kill one of your sneaky-links? Before she gets buried? 
“And what the fuck are you gonna do? Just so you know, whatever you do, she’ll double it and send it back! And I’m jumping in, so— “ 
Your roommate’s gawking in disbelief. “… I meant buried by the snow, you fucking idiot. There’s a blizzard outside.” 
You’re flatlining, you can feel it. 
“There’s a what.” 
“Check the damn news.” She pushes herself off the wall and turns towards her room, “And go to bed. Looks like you need it.” 
Her door slams shut. She’s definitely poking fun at your eyebags. You thought you did a good job at concealing them. 
A fucking blizzard? December just started. You check your phone, reading the influx of messages from your dad, Amaya, Abby telling you to stay safe and indoors and the party’s cancelled because of the storm and you want to fucking die—
You tear a slit in your blinds and… yup. Pure white is pelting from the dark gray clouds in the sky, the formerly black street painted ivory with ice. Not a car in sight, and if they are, they’re covered entirely. 
The harsh reality hasn’t even set in yet. The girl you want to strangle is trapped inside with you; She’s not going anywhere, either. You’re going to be forced to see her everywhere in your two-bedroom apartment. And you’re not having sex tonight. 
Plan PISS-ELLIE-OFF was a bust. You’re drunk and hungry—
Your eyes bulge; When was the last time you’ve gone grocery shopping? 
You clumsily rush to the kitchen, nearly ripping your fridge door off the handle. When you're met with the pack of cream cheese and mini croissants you bought last week and all of Ellie’s fresh groceries (including squash), you almost start crying. You slept away all your pre-storm chore hours. 
Ellie pads in the kitchen with an empty ice cream carton and spoon, headphones blasting in her ears. She doesn’t acknowledge you as she throws away the carton and grabs the unopened bag of salt and vinegar chips. Your mouth waters. 
You watch as she rips the bag open, the salty, bitter aroma traveling into your nostrils. 
“Ellie.” She can’t hear you over the fuckery penetrating her eardrums! 
You tap her shoulder harder than necessary. “Don’t touch me.”
Her veiny hand — fuck — pushes one of her ear cups over to the side, not even bothering to look at you as she fills her bowl to the brim with the crunchy snack; You never noticed how heavily pierced her left ear is. 
“Who are you again?” 
Alright. Your tongue gets loose, “You know, you don’t have to act like a fucking cunt all the time! I tried to be nice to you and—” 
“Yeah, ‘cause shit talking me with your friends is so fucking nice.” She scoffs and turns, pointed glare set on you. Your stomach drops. How the fuck did she know that?
“Drop the fucking act already. You’re also a cunt…” Her eyes drag over your appearance. “Amongst other things, evidently.” 
Ellie’s eyes hold so much disdain, and you instantly feel exposed and gross. Your face sears with embarrassment, arms mindlessly crossing over your chest in attempts to cover up. 
“… What the fuck does that mean?” You know what she means. 
“You think I’m a fucking freak and a loser and a bunch of other shit I’ve been called since forever?” She sneers, “Then you’re a fucking slut. How’s that for nice?” 
Your body locks up, freezes, and you fight back vomit. Ellie grabs her bowl and exits the kitchen, door slamming shut, leaving you to simmer in her spite. 
You don’t feel hungry anymore. 
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You didn’t drink enough last night. You’re awake, and you remember everything. And you’re so fucking hungry. 
Guilt festers in your chest like rats, and anxiety is building in your fingers. Your head hurts so bad and your mouth is dry, but you refuse to move from under your blankets to get water. You didn’t even have the energy to take your make-up off last night, mascara and small sparkles smeared all over your pillowcase. 
You wallow, using the heavy wind outside as stress relief. People really think you’re a whore with no self-respect, even after a year. Your heart’s hitting against your ribcage at an alarming pace. Deep breaths, that’s all you can do. 
Tears jerk in your eyes as you recall every unwanted stare, every cat-call, every grope and dirty text message you’ve received from people you both know and don’t. You freeze and… that’s it. You just don’t move and hope they can read that you’re scared. 
Does Ellie feel the same way when people talk poorly about her? 
Your breathing techniques aren’t working so you sit up, shaking your hands and digging your palms into your wet eyes. You’re suddenly too hot for blankets. 
Your clock reads near noon; You’ve been awake for hours. Your feet plant on the cool wood and sigh in relief before standing and snagging your new paint brushes off your dresser. 
Your hands tremble as you fill a water cup and grab a black canvas, setting up your workspace on the floor. You squirt hues of blue, green and white on a dried paper plate and let your brush do the work; You’re not thinking, just painting, smudging, trapping yourself in emptiness. The scene you’re creating is drying your tears; You wish you could escape into the grass field, even for a second. 
Your water cup is brown by the time you finish; How long have you been sitting here? The needles in your legs tell you long enough. Your vision will have to wait. 
You unlock and quietly open the door… It doesn’t matter, though. Ellie’s awake and silently sitting on the couch. You pay her no mind and venture to the fridge for your croissants and cream cheese, throwing your pastries in the microwave. 
Eyes are on you. You feel them in your back. 
When the microwave dings, you spread cream cheese all over the buttery dough. Ellie’s hoarse voice freezes you. Not again. 
“The blizzard… isn’t stopping.”
You finally inspect your roommate: leg bouncing and brows furrowed, nails between her teeth, eyes locked on the window that shows the heavy snowfall. 
“Usually how they work.” 
Your sarcasm doesn’t move her, “They said it would pass after a couple of hours yesterday! It hasn’t let up yet!”
“Never listen to weathermen. They make shit up as they go.” You keep your voice curt while you make your plate. It looks a hot mess; You wish you had blackberry jam. 
“They can’t make shit up when there’s money on the fucking line!” You hear footsteps from behind you; Ellie’s pacing. “I have a client today. Their photos were supposed to go in my portfolio before I submit it!” 
Her statement makes you pause. You didn’t think about that; It’s impossible to travel anywhere at the moment. How the fuck are you going to get to work? You can’t afford to miss shifts. It’s almost that time of the month. 
“This was one of the biggest bookings I’ve gotten and I’m gonna miss it because of the fucking weather!” 
You don’t know why she's talking to you, so you cut the conversation short. “You’ll figure it out.”  You enter your room without another word, slamming the door as hard as noise complaints would allow. 
After a few minutes, Ellie’s door slams, too. 
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Hours pass and you’re covered in paint. Your one flower field turned into three, one with detailed butterflies, one with raining rose petals, one with your mother’s name spelled out with clouds. 
Your fingers are sore, but you feel lighter. Those croissants wore off a long time ago; You’re starving. What you’d give for grilled eggplant and shrimp with Greek yogurt and lemon juice—
A soft knock lands on your door, and you stiffen. You stand, legs popping and arms stretching over your head as you wobble to your door. 
The second it opens, you're hit with the smell of garlic and herbs and your mouth waters. Ellie stands over you, playing with her fingers. You don’t register that you’re missing pants until she gawks at your bare legs; Warmth spreads across your body and you maneuver so she can’t see them behind the door. 
A moment of awkward silence before she chokes, “There’s, uh… there’s soup on the stove.” You scoff, ignoring the growling in your stomach. 
“I don’t like squash, Ellie.” 
The door slams in her face and she sighs behind the wood. 
Later that night, you sneak into the dark kitchen, the big pot of soup still on the stove. You open the lid and inspect its contents: shredded chicken, carrots, fucking… green leaves of some sort. You grab a spoon and taste it to be safe. It’s good, and there’s no squash in it. You eat two warm bowls. 
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The storm calms when you wake the next morning. Thank God; You haven’t had coffee in days. 
Ellie’s gone for the day, so you blast music while in the shower. You dry and dress in silence, yanking your underwear and jeans up your legs, throwing on a pair of earmuffs over your earphones and a puffer. 
You almost slip on the ice from the sidewalk on the way to you and Abby’s coffee shop before heading to class like normal. You go grocery shopping before your first shift. 
Work drags on like normal, legs numb from standing and throat dry from sale attempts at checkout. Who the fuck wants to apply for a credit card for a coffee machine website? 
It’s not until your shift is on its last limbs that your heart stops in your chest. The bell rings to the hardware store, and you instantly rush to the back to retrieve your other coworker. It’s Dina. What the fuck. 
You burst into the break room, “Raja, Raja, I need a favor.” 
She slurps her ramen, exclaiming what around her soggy noodles. 
You search for any heads and whisper, “There’s someone I used to fuck outside! Can you take care of her, please, I can’t— “
“Okay, okay, damn. I got it— “
The service bell rings, “Go, go! Hurry up!” Your coworker swallows her noodles and plasters her smile on her face. You hide behind the cracked door and listen to everything. 
“Hey, ladies! Sorry about the wait!” 
“No problem!” Dina’s laugh sends a pain in your chest, “I just needed a new bike lock. Someone tried to steal mine, like, what the fuck.” 
There’s an unfamiliar laugh that melds with Dina’s. “No problem! Would you like to sign up for a Coffee Brewers credit card with your purchase? They’ll repair all filter baskets and decanters for 45% off!” 
You almost smile; Dina doesn’t drink coffee. Raja checks them out, and you peer out the small opening of the door. Dina and… whoever the fuck that is are snuggled up behind the service counter, her head resting on the random’s shoulder. They’re whispering and laughing and you’re disgusted. And sad. 
They depart with a small bag and Raja almost smashes the door into your face. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” 
“Damn… sorry, man.” 
You shrug and thank your coworker before returning to your position. What could’ve been. 
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It’s late when you get home. 
Ellie’s on the couch; You feel her watch as you unlace your boots and unravel your scarf. You set your bag on the floor and grab your Cheesecake Factory brown bread loaf for your grilled PB&J. Ellie clears her throat; You say nothing. 
She coughs louder when you butter your bread. 
“Are you sick or something?”
Ellie whips her head around, “No, why?” 
“You’re coughing like you’re gonna die.” 
Your roommate doesn’t reply, so you turn and toast your bread on the stove. 
“How was the soup?” 
Your eyes bulge, “Huh?” 
“Did it taste… like, decent?” 
You stare down at your sizzling toast, “I dunno what you mean.” 
Voice flat as ever, she says, “The soup… you had some— “
“No, I didn’t— “
“Wha— I know what was in the pot when I ate. You had some—” 
You face her, skin boiling, “Okay, and what about it? Yes, I ate some! I would’ve had three bowls instead of two if I wasn’t so fucking tired! It was good as fuck! I slept like a baby!” 
She calls your name but you ignore her, “Sorry, I got my disgusting, slutty germs all over your stupid chicken noodle soup! Is that what you wanna hear! What, are whores not allowed food, either?! Why’d you offer it to me then?!” 
Another rushed call of your name, but you press on, “Y’know, you’re actually weird as fuck! Who calls someone a filthy, bottom of the barrel gutter rat then offers them soup the next day! What kinda limbo fuckery are you playin’ at— “
You gasp when the fire alarm sounds. When you turn, your toast is charred black and surrounded by dark smoke. You cut the heat off and push the pan over. Ellie’s running with a towelette, waving it around the beeping alarm. 
You grab a washcloth and help her, and eventually it cuts off. Ellie rushes over to the front door and switches the ceiling fan on. 
Your sandwich is fucking ruined. Great! 
You don’t know why you’re sobbing, but it’s loud. You just want to go to fucking bed. Ellie’s just standing there with a towel in hand, fiddling with her earlobe. How embarrassing. 
You push yourself off the counter and turn to go to your room, but Ellie calls for you. 
“What?! What now, Ellie!” 
She cringes, “I— You’re not a… slut?” 
Your teary eyes squint at her. “Are you asking me— “
“No! No, I’m… Sorry? You’re not a slut.” This is the weirdest apology you’ve ever received in your entire goddamn life. 
“Well, fuck me! Thanks!” You snark between sniffles. You yank your bedroom door open.
“You’re good at painting!” She shouts, and you stop. 
For some reason, you sob harder, and she panics, “Uhh… I mean, like, for an amateur! Like, you’re decent enough!” 
Now you’re… laughing? You need to sleep now. Ellie chuckles uncomfortably, and you snicker darkly to yourself, “Life is a fucking joke, oh my god.” 
Your fingers dig deep into your wet eyes, and Ellie’s sock-covered feet pad closer. 
“Look, I’m not… I don't know what to say.” 
“Then don’t talk.” 
She stands there in silence and watches you wipe your face on your sweater sleeve, mascara smearing all over the fabric. 
“Why didn’t you use squash in the soup?” 
“Uh… you wouldn’t have eaten it if I did.” 
You nod and stare at the wall. “So, what? That was a peace offering?” 
Ellie contemplates what she should say. 
“Not really… I mean, I was hungry, but I didn’t care if you ate… some of it, if that makes sense.” 
It doesn’t. “Whatever, I’m going to bed.” Her lip curls like she wants to add something, but she doesn’t. 
“… Alright.” 
“Don’t worry about the pan. I’ll get it tomorrow.” And just like that, you shut the door on her again. 
You don’t have the energy to shower, so you undress and tuck yourself in. Your room is warmer than usual. 
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Ellie’s been acting differently since then. 
For the past three days, she’s been greeting you whenever you’re in her line of vision. She even mumbled hi before she took her seat in stats yesterday. It’s awkward and stiff, but there’s always a wave somewhere in her movements. You nod back at her every time. 
You’re not sure where your relationship lies with your roommate, but it’s not as… bad? Seeing her doesn’t bother you as much as it did; You suppose it’s the same for her, too. 
You’re exhausted; Finals are around the corner, and you’re busting your ass. You had to get another job for the holiday season since it’s you and your dad’s first Christmas together since you were little, and you want to get him something nice. 
All you need is a good nut and you’re set for the next two weeks. You miss Abby. She’s been just as busy with nonsense as you have, but you found time to see her later tonight. 
You’re stuck in the library trying to make the concept of categorical variables stick, but it’s not working. You’re in a block because you’re thinking about Abby. She should be here to pick you up soon. 
You slam your book shut when your phone goes off, a message from… Ellie. 
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You set your phone down with a small smile. What a weirdo. 
You force yourself to study for another hour. Heavy hands clamp down on your shoulders and you shriek, other students looking up in confusion, your hand clasping over your mouth. 
Abby’s laughing behind you, warm breaths hitting your ear before she kisses your cheek. 
“Hi.” She whispers. 
“Hi yourself.” 
“Pack that shit up.” Abby points at your books and messy stacks of paper. “Let’s roll.” 
You don’t hesitate, shoving everything in your bag in anticipation of your nut. Your clit’s cheering; She’s finally happy. 
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You’re warm, well-fed, and Abby’s drilling the fuck out of you, but you can’t cum.
Your face is shoved into your friend’s pillow; She’s hitting exactly where you need her to, and it feels good. You’re tipping, but you haven’t tipped. You’ve been on the verge of orgasming for the past ten minutes and it’s driving you crazy. 
Your voice is barely there, “Just cuuum, just cum, just cum—“ You’re begging… yourself into her pillow. 
Abby sounds so sexy behind you; You’re shocked you’re not convulsing at the sound of her voice alone. 
After some time, her hips slowed into a stop, tip nudged inside you. 
“… You good?” She exhales.
You throw her two thumbs up. You’re not good at all. 
Abby snorts and pulls out, gently patting your hip, “Sit up and talk to me.” 
Your legs give out from underneath you and you lay flat. Abby hands you a washcloth and you wipe between your legs while she unstraps her dick. 
“I think I’m broken.” You muffle into her slobbery pillowcase. 
“You’re not broken, you’re just not feeling it. It’s fine.”
She’s too sweet. You want to cry, “I’m sor— “
“Don’t you dare. Finish your Wingstop.” 
“Okay.” You grumble. 
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Abby drops you off after the movie finishes. The red string that connects her clit to yours snaps as you waddle back up to your apartment. 
You enter your shared home and you’re instantly freezing; Ellie’s not here. She hates sleeping when it’s cold. 
You and your pussy sigh in relief. Just five minutes by yourself; that’s all you need. Your shoes and backpack are thrown to the side in the nick of time, bursting through your bedroom door and rummaging through your drawer. Your cunt screams eureka when your vibrator turns on. You don’t remember charging the son of a bitch! 
Your pants and panties are lunged across your bedroom and you leap into bed. Your toy’s buzzing in your hand, and your walls squeeze in anticipation. Foreplay be damned. 
Your eyes shut the second the vibrations hit your clit, trying to imagine a sweaty Abby on top of you, fucking you deep, choking you out. Your orgasm is right there, walls desperately trying to milk the brisk air around you. You shove two free fingers inside, and your muscles latch onto them, pulling them in deeper. It’s right there, just a little more. 
“Please, please, c’mon, fuck— “
Your pleas go ignored. Your imagination has never failed you, so why can’t you fucking cum? 
Desperate sobs combine with your moans, brain filled with Abby, and Dina. Even Armani slips her way in there and you’ve seen her twice in person, but it’s useless. Your peak never comes. 
You’re seconds away from shattering your window with your fucking vibrator. You and Ellie can’t afford to get that shit fixed—
Your clit jumps at the brief image of your roommate, pissed off and berating you about breaking a fucking window. You hate that you don’t fight it, the visions of her and her strong arms, her twitchy nose, her dot-covered face. It’s stirring something vicious in your tummy, and you can’t keep your mouth shut. 
You see her on top of you instead of Abby, her short hair loosening from her bun and framing her blushing face. Pretty, moss-filled eyes stare back at you, annoyance and bother replaced with something darker. Needier; She wants you to take from her. 
“Fuck, fuck, mmh— “
Your hips buck when your positions switch in your mind, a blushing, spent Ellie, reaching for you, pulling you close, begging to touch her. 
You’re so loud when your orgasm splits your brain in two, your stress melting away in an instant, nasty, unspoken visuals of your pouty and weird housemate fluttering beneath your eyelids. You ride your high until you can’t, vibrator clattering to the floor, walls flexing around nothing. 
You’re so tired that you don’t bother moving. You pull the covers over your trembling form and knock out, not even bothering to turn your shaking toy off as it rattles on the hardwood. 
It’ll be dead by the time Ellie comes home. If she does. 
Ellie lays on her side in her bed, knees pulled to her chest, her tattooed arm wrapped around her tummy and a hand covering her mouth. Her face is burning hot and her stomach is swirling. Whenever she blinks, she can see you, eyes rolled to the back of your head as you surrender to your release. 
Her heart is racing and minutes away from crawling up her throat. 
She completely forgets to put in that maintenance request for your broken heater; She’s warm enough under the covers for tonight. 
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A/N: hi again its finna pick up LEMME COOOOOK LEMME COOK
TAGGIES LOVE YALL MMMWAH : @starologist @hrtmal @ohlawdthebirds @villainousbear @timmy-27 @inf3ct3dd @aouiaa @shurisbigtoe @emothurman @lonelyfooryouonly @imelliesgf @baumbii @brackishkittie @littletinyladybugs @r1miese @horror-whoree @elsbunny222 @elliesatchel @makemescreamel @lav3nd3rhaze @elliezflower @ellieloml @ellies-princess @saverdelrey @womenofarcane @muthafuckingstargirl @mina-281 @yuckyfucky @aimformyheartt @elstoy @skylerwhitwyo @sawaagyapong @nil-eena @dewylittlestars @sakiigami @feelsoseencantdream @ellieslittlegf
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tteokdoroki · 7 months
⋆ 𝜗𝜚 ˚⟡. — KATSUKU BAKUGOU. homemade love.
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about. katsuki takes the pain of his middle-born daughter to heart, and does anything he can to fix it.
warnings. minors, blank and ageless blogs do not interact! sfw, fluff, characters aged up, bakugou is a girl dad of three, reader is referred to as ‘ma’, their daughter is quirkless like deku lol, he makes her pasta, pro hero!bakugou, fem!reader, … a draft from a long time ago!! enjoy please <3
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katsuki who cooks and makes his middle daughter her favourite pasta recipe whenever she’s down.
she comes home from middle school with scraped palms and knees, teary eyed and with the weight of the world on her shoulders.
“they don’t like me ‘cause ‘m quirkless.” she says as soon as she’s through the door — the authentic bakugou twang thick in her shaky voice. her face is pressed into your torso when you make eye contact with katsuki, who’s emerged from the kitchen down the hall and to your left.
you see it all flash before his eyes — his childhood, his high school career and the day he died. the way he treated the number one, uncle izuku, for so many years. it’s all reflected in the familiar red of his middle child’s eyes and it kills him.
“c’mere squirt,” katsuki calls to her, drying off his hands with the red riot tea towel slung lazily over his shoulder. he’d been washing dishes before she got home. “we’re makin’ dinner together.”
“but i—“
“i wasn’t askin’, i was tellin’.” the older blonde nudges his head towards the kitchen, reaching a hand out for his daughter which she tenderly takes. when she sniffles, bakugou tucks her into his side as if to protect her from the horrors of the world. you let them go without interrupting, knowing the importance of this moment for the two.
it’s not easy, being a bakugou when you’ve got dynamight’s reputation to live up to. he’s fearsome and fiery, confident and calculated. your husband and the father of your three beautiful daughters is one of the main reasons why japan is safe today. the burden and weight of his reputation that your children carry is unimaginable — only made worse by the fact that your middle is quirkless.
and yet, dynamight’s love for her doesn’t falter. since the moment he first held his baby girl she’s been his entire world, his moon along with his sun and now his stars. he’s adored her before she even became a twinkle in his eye — no amount of power or special ability would change that for him.
she’s katsuki’s girl, not just dynamight’s daughter. he’d tear the world apart to find anyone who ever hurt her.
“hold the knife properly. you cut your finger off ‘n yer ma will have my head.” his gruff voice, holding no malice, makes your sweet girl snort with laughter — a change from her earlier wobbly bottom lip and teary eyes. “we’re tryna mince garlic for the sauce, not yer little hands, squirt.”
she sticks her tongue out at him, bright blonde curls bouncing when she narrowly misses a playful swat from her father. “i’m trying,” your middle child wails with faux upset — her nose scrunches all too similarly to how yours and it sends an arrow of love straight through katsuki’s chest. for a moment, the kitchen falls to silence and the elder of the two turns his attention to the pasta dough in his large floured hands — focusing on shaping them into little bow ties just how his daughter likes, on occasion adding them to a boiling pot of water.
“i’m trying,” she says again, but quieter. “but daddy, everythin’s so hard.”
and like pot simmering away on the stove, her emotions start to boil over — tiny hiccups forming a sad symphony with the sounds of a working kitchen.
bakugou instantly springs into dad mode, dropping everything that he had been doing to take your daughter’s hand in his. despite how messy it may be. “hey now gorgeous, don’t cry…tell me what’s wrong, yeah?”
“i-i don’t want to disappoint you by not havin’ a quirk n not bein’ a hero…” she manages to get out through her blubbering — digging the heal of her palm into wet eyes. “i jus’ wanna make you proud!”
katsuki’s face softens, everything except for love for his daughter melting away. “‘nd i am proud. fiercely fuckin’ so…ah, shit, don’t tell yer ma i cursed, kay?” he stumbles over his words, he’s never been the best at comforting people but when bakugou’s child needs him, he’ll be damned if he leaves her in any pain. “from the moment y’first came into this shitty — i mean — crappy world, i’ve been proud of you. you’ve always pushed yourself beyond anythin’ i could achieve, you’re kind to people when they don’t deserve it, you smile whenever things get tough…”
taking a moment from his passionate rant, katsuki slows his breathing and composed himself — squeezing his little girl close. “yer the best thing that’s ever happened t’me ‘n yer ma. my proudest moment… i love ya so much. you’d never disappoint me.”
“really, daddy?” your baby sniffles, rubbing at her snotty nose.
bakugou nods with a gentle smile, cupping her face between his two floury hands before kissing her forehead z “really.” he affirms. “now get yer choppin’ skills together, this pasta sauce ain’t gonna make itself.”
the two blonde’s return to cooking, a comfortable silence settling in your family kitchen, also full of love. that night, your family of five sit together munching on homemade pasta bow ties in a sauce that your middle daughter had worked so hard to make. she grins brightly between her sisters, staring at her father with her shining red eyes thankfully.
in that moment, she knows that she is loved no matter what the status of her quirk is.
you link your fingers with bakugou’s under the table. “you did good, dad.” you whisper to him, stabbing through your pasta with your fork. “
“so did you, ma.” he whispers back gruffly, thumb running over your wedding band as he eats his pasta too.
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꒰ end. — all rights reserved © tteokdoroki 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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rebelliousstories · 4 months
Again and Again
Relationship: Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Request: No
Warnings: Fluff, Brief Angst, Brief Mentions of Death, Age Gap
Word Count: 1,425
Main Masterlist: Here
Criminal Minds Masterlist: Here
Summary: Age is just a number with them. And now Aaron is frustrated about putting her as their emergency contact.
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“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind it, it doesn’t matter.” Mark Twain
Aaron sat alone in his office as he did many nights. For once he seemed to have finally filled out all of the forms that usually kept him from getting out at a reasonable hour, but there was a single form that held him up. His emergency contact form. Ever since Hailey, that form had remained empty seeing as the people he would want to contact in an emergency are usually right next to him.
His life had been flipped upside down for the last year. The one secret he had kept from everyone on his team, including Dave. His girlfriend, a young, hard-working lawyer from Virginia that was twenty years his junior. He was not able to bring himself to put his pen to the page though. Even though she had practically moved in to his apartment already, Aaron had a difficult time to tell anyone about her.
Jack loved her, and loved when she was around almost as much as Hotch did. The age gap between them was severe, but she was unlike any other woman her age he had met. She was wise beyond her years, and was one of the youngest practicing attorneys in the history of the state. It was a complete accident that they had even met and began talking.
Hotch sighed as he closed the file and placed it in a secure spot on his desk to take care of tomorrow. Packing up his briefcase, he gathered his effects and began to make his way home. Once he left the building, Aaron decided to phone his girlfriend while starting up his car.
“Hey darling. I’m on my way home. Holding down the fort?” He asked, letting a smile grace his face as he heard Jack in the background.
“Of course, honey. We’re just finishing up dinner prep while Jack is doing his homework. Here you go. He won’t stop asking for you,” a commotion came. There was some shuffling before he heard a new voice. He kept making turns and completing his drive home.
“Daddy!” Jack yelled excitedly from the other end of the line. Aaron chuckled as he heard his son.
“Hey buddy. You behaving for her right?” He asked, and made sure to keep his eyes on the road.
“Yeah. She’s helping me do my multiplication tables.” His son answered.
“That’s awesome, bud. I’m going to be home in about twenty minutes, okay? Can you pass me back?” Jack made sure to tell his dad that he loved hm before doing what he requested and passed the phone back to his dad’s girlfriend.
“Did you hear what I told Jack, darling?”
“I did. We’ll see you when you get here. We’re having spaghetti tonight so you may want to change as soon as you get home.” She teased to which Aaron let out a laugh.
“Did you get that recipe from Dave?” He asked, turning down a road that would take him straight home.
“What can I say? I love and trust that man’s cooking when you bring home leftovers, with a recipe sheet so you can make it again. Drive safe, dear. We’ll be here when our get home.” Aaron exchanged his own goodbyes with her. He was only five minutes from home now, and he may or may not have sped those last few miles just to get home faster.
The man flung himself out of the car as soon as he arrived at his apartment complex. Taking the stairs two at a time, Aaron joyously placed his key in the slot and stepped inside. Disarming the alarm, he set down his briefcase and unclipped his firearm on his hip before he was being attacked by a set of small arms from behind.
“Daddy’s home!” Jack exclaimed, hugging his father close. He chuckled as he turned in his son’s arms and picked him up for his own hug.
“Hey buddy.” Aaron greeted looking to where a chuckle was coming from. His girlfriend was wiping her hands on a towel while leaning against the threshold of the kitchen. She was wearing his apron, which was just making Aaron love coming home to her more. With his son on his hip, Hotch made his way to wrap her up in his arms and give her a welcoming kiss.
“Ew.” Jack groaned, trying to push himself away from the display of affection. The two adults began to break apart as they laughed at his innocence that only a child could muster.
“Did you finish your multiplication tables, sir?” She teased, tickling his stomach lightly. The boy giggled but nodded his head in conformation. “Well go get it so we can go over it.”
He took off with the speed of a star and left his dad and his girlfriend alone. Aaron turned fully to face his lover that was just a step away from the door. With a smile on his face, he drew her in closer and captured her lips in a much deeper kiss than before. Her arms came to rest on his broad shoulders as she relaxed with his hands around her waist. They pulled away for some much needed oxygen with grins on both of their faces.
“Welcome home, darling.” She whispered, pressing another kiss to his lips.
“Mmm, it definitely is very welcoming.” Aaron teased, bringing her in closer as she chuckled. Her head rested on his shoulder and they swayed slightly without a sound in the air.
“My emergency contact form came across my desk again.” He finally whispered after a few minutes. She pulled away just a little so that she could see his face.
“Oh?” It was all she could say. That emergency form had been a sore spot for him throughout the years. After Hailey, Aaron did not even put his girlfriend’s name down in his personal address book as he never wanted someone to use her against him again.
“Do you want to put someone down?” She asked, scratching her nails gently through the cropped hair at the base of his head.
“I want to you to be my contact. I’m just…” a sigh broke up his words.
“You’re afraid of me being a target?” Aaron nodded with his eyes downcast. Placing her hand on his cheek, she brought him back up to face her.
“It’ll be alright. You can put me down. Besides, I’m a high-profile lawyer. I’m already a target.” A chuckle tore itself from their throats at the joke, but it was quickly brought down by the weight of the subject.
“What’s the other reason, Aaron?” Another question that the man was reluctant to answer.
“I’m not sure what my team will think about our relationship.” He admitted.
“Because I’m young enough to be your daughter?” She blurted out, causing Aaron to look up in alarm.
“Never phrase it like that again please.” Hotch let out a sharp breath. However, she just laughed at his unease.
“Sorry, too good to pass up. But whenever you want to tell them, I’m sure it’ll be fine. Plus, Dave’s been married and divorced three times. I don’t think anyone is going to have room to talk.” Teasing once more, the couple was broken apart by the little boy in the house running for their feet.
“I did my tables.” Jack declared proudly. They each went off to do their own thing; Aaron and Jack were reviewing the math practice sheet, and she went off to finish up dinner. Dinner was a lovely affair, and the little family ate happily. The cloud of darkness was lifted from earlier, and all that was left was joy and laughter.
The next morning, Aaron unloaded his briefcase as soon as he stepped into his office and a note slipped out. Picking it up off the floor, and returning to his desk, he could only smile as he read it. On the note was his girlfriend’s full name, phone number, address, and any relevant information he needed. Plus, a non informational tidbit on the bottom.
Here you go. I expect to have one of Dave’s recipes straight from the man himself when you tell them. Have a great day, dear. Love you.
Aaron smiled to himself, got out his pen, and began to fill out his emergency contact file.
“Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” Stephen R. Covey
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Simmer #1
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CH1. Home Style | The Menu [3.7K] Eddie Munson x shy fem!reader: a line cook au.
Jim’s Midnight Grill wasn’t the magical place the name made it sound like.
In fact, it was worse at night. Hawkins' only diner sat on the outskirts of town, just before the road that took you out alongside the cornfields. In the height of a sunny day, the water tower cast a shadow over the old building and the gas station next door only had one working pump.
The leather booths were constantly sticky, the table tops grainy with spilled salt, but if you made your visit on a Thursday night after nine, milkshakes were two for one. The back alley was littered with cigarette butts, graffiti on the walls telling you who to call for a good time— and someone called King Steve used Farah Fawcett hairspray? The regulars were permanent fixtures on the bar stools, coffee stains on the counter in front of them, stolen sugar packets in their pockets, frowns on their faces.
The staff didn’t want to be there, the owner refused to replace the flickering lights and the cook had a bad attitude and liked to communicate with heavy sighs and eye rolls. But he made a mean grilled cheese. The walk in freezer was reserved for the pitiful weekly deliveries and breakdowns, a stolen kiss or two. Or three, or four. But no one liked to tackle the clogged sink and god forbid anyone change the TV channel— Mr Creel always had something to say about it.
Honestly, Hawkins wasn’t your first choice when you decided to move to a smaller place. The idea of a big city was all fine and well until you lived a year in Chicago, the dream of a brownstone apartment quickly disappearing when you realised jobs were hard to come by and finding friends was even harder. Living alone wasn’t all that fun, especially when your landlord hinted at sexual favours to justify late payments and he didn’t care to fix the leaking radiator in your bedroom. The nights were never quiet and the city hardly slept, but instead of neon lights and late night bodega runs, you lay awake on the broken spring in your bed and flinched at the sound of backfiring cars and people arguing on the street below.
It was lonely, living somewhere so big and busy and always eating dinner by yourself. So you sold the old car you didn’t really use and cried enough that your landlord eventually gave in and ripped up your lease that still had four months to go. Packing your stuff was an easy enough job, hardly enough belongings to fill the duffel bag you’d dragged with you. You dug into the back of your freezer for the wad of cash your grandma gave you, threw it into the bag and grabbed your greyhound ticket and decided you’d get off the bus when the skyline turned a little more green. When the buildings shrunk, when the smog lifted and when wildflowers sprouted from between the cracks in the sidewalk.
So you rolled into Hawkins before the day broke, way before the sun crept up over the quarry, before the small town came alive. The apartment you’d found was the same tiny size as the one you’d had in Chicago but it was cleaner and the carpet was new. Nothing leaked. Nothing smelled weird. The parking lot was filled with cars and none of them had bullet holes in the side, your trash can wasn’t on fire and god, god, the first neighbour you saw - an elderly woman who was walking with a yorkie on a leash - smiled at you.
She smiled at you.
So despite the lack of twenty four hour stores and pizza parlours, Hawkins was already looking up. There wasn’t much on the Main Street, a library, a tiny bakery run by a couple who offered you a free croissant as a welcome to town gift. There was an outdoor pool with sun bleached bunting across its chain link fence, an arcade next to a video store, a high school that was derelict due to the summer months. The larger houses across from the park were lined with cherry trees, neat lawns with white mailboxes and flowers under the windows and suddenly Hawkins was a million miles away from Chicago and the buzz of traffic and car horns.
The librarian let you print out some resumes the day after you’d settled in, and you found your way around town by asking kind strangers, buying a coffee and a breakfast sandwich in exchange for directions out of your neighbourhood. It was easy to stroll along the sidewalk with an iced latte and your headphones around your neck, blue skies above you and the sound of sprinklers in their yards, breathing in air that didn’t smell like diesel. You found a man by a rundown garage, white haired and tired looking, mechanic scrubs tied around his waist as he smoked a cigarette.
You took a deep breath, and then another one, smiling politely - warily - as you approached. The man lifted a brow at you, a little suspicious, but he held the burning stub away from you, smoke billowing in the opposite direction.
“You lost, kid?”
You were. Just a little.
“I’m looking for Jim’s, uh,” you glanced down at the pink flyer that had been pinned on the library's notice board. “Jim’s Midnight Grill? I got told it was out this way, but—”
You looked around, noting that there wasn’t much out this way. The busiest part of Hawkins was behind you, tidy sidewalks giving way to long roads out of town, a lone bus stop by the garage, a farm in the distance across the street. You squinted against the sun and shrugged.
“You wanna keep going for ‘nother mile or so, it’s just before the town sign,” the man pointed further out where the cornfields were overgrown and the sun faded billboard told everyone ‘thanks for visiting Hawkins!’ You weren’t sure the bus ran that far out. “Jim should be there, but if he’s not, jus’ ask for Eddie, he’ll sort you out.”
“Eddie,” you nodded, peering into the distance. You couldn’t see another building, but this man didn’t seem like he was lying. “Right, okay. Just keep to the road?”
The man nodded and he cracked a smile, small but soft. He stubbed out the end of his cigarette and gestured to an old pick up that looked like it had seen better days. “You needin’ a ride?”
The urge to say yes was strong, especially after walking all the way from your apartment as the heat soared. It snuck up on you like a slow roll, going from pleasant to warm to too hot, far too quickly. Beads of sweat clung to your skin underneath your sundress but you shook your head, shyness crawling up the back of your neck. Accepting a ride from a stranger didn’t seem the wisest idea, no matter how kind he seemed.
“It’s okay,” you told him. “Thank you, though. I appreciate the help.”
The man smiled again, a little bigger this time, crows feet crinkling, the sunlight catching the white of his five o’clock shadow. “That’s alright, kid. Jus’ tell ‘em Wayne sent you, yeah? Follow the road, you’ll see Forest Hills - the trailer park - keep going a lil’ ways and it’s right across the road.”
It turned out Wayne was right.
You kept walking, the heat soaring, the fields on either side of you growing taller but you bit back a smile at the sight of the wildflowers that snuck through the cracks in the concrete. Eventually they gave way to a trailer park, just as Wayne side, a quaint place that hummed with generators and had lines of laundry between each mobile home. Across the road sat a sandy lot, a diner in the middle, a neon sign letting passer-bys know they’d arrived at Jim’s Midnight Grill. Except the ‘r’ was loose, hanging from its wire and buzzing blue and purple.
Cats patrolled along the roadside, going from trailer doorsteps to the back alley of the diner, hoping and waiting for a free meal that they all knew would eventually come. You stopped to pet an orange kitten, a little scruffy looking thing but cute all the same, your CV clutched in one hand as you peered suspiciously at the front of the restaurant. It looked too quiet, like it wasn’t open yet. But there was a black van parked along the side of the building and some steam leaked from a vent on the roof, so you opened the front door.
The bell jingled but the patrons at the dining bar who sat on their stools didn’t move, didn’t turn to look. The place was nearly empty, some people nursing a coffee, some staring blankly at the buzzing television screen that was mounted in the corner. No one stood at the host desk, the menus stacked messily, the phone off the hook. In fact, there wasn’t a server to be seen as you made your way to the counter. You grimaced as you leaned on the surface, elbows sticky, avoiding spilled coffee the best you could. You waited, resume still in your hand, patience on your features.
No one came.
So you rang the bell that was on the bar top for the very purpose of gaining attention, but the man beside you glared at the noise. Still, no one came. The fans overhead squeaked and whirred, the TV fizzed with bad signal and from somewhere behind the open serving hatch, you heard the clatter of pots and pans. You tried to crane your neck to see through the window, steam and smoke billowing from it, the slight shadow of maybe a person moving through it.
The person swore, dropped a skillet and swore again.
You leaned in further, elbows on spilled salt grains and drops of ketchup, trying to gain a better view into the kitchen from the bar top. “Hey, ‘scuse me? Can I— can someone—”
You huffed as the figure moved out of sight, falling back onto the stool that squeaked and the man next to you snorted into his coffee cup. You frowned and took further action, sundress falling back around your thighs as you hopped off the chair and made your way to the side of the counter that lifted up. No one paid you any mind, no one at all, but you still hesitated before ducking under the bar and hovering by the hatch. You could smell garlic and sage and something a little sweet now you were closer, the scents of the kitchen winning over the stale coffee, cigarette smoke and engine oil that clung to the patrons clothes behind you.
You peered into the kitchen, your paperwork still clutched to your chest. It wasn’t much cooler in here than it was outside, the AC unit broken and the fans working overtime to combat the heat. The kitchen seemed empty now, a stovetop still on despite no one to supervise it, flames licking high up the sides of a steel pot, big enough for you to fit both feet in. There was something inside bubbling, foam rising to the top and chopped courgette and red onions sat on the workbench beside it, abandoned. A radio played, staticky and fuzzy, an old sixties tune floating out to mix with the smoke.
“Come a little bit closer, you’re my kind of man. So big and so strong, come a little bit closer, I’m all alone.”
“H-hello?” You cleared your throat and braced yourself to speak a little louder. Stronger. Braver. “Hello?”
No one answered. In fact, it seemed like the entire diner was run by ghosts, no waiting staff, hosts or cooks to be seen. Maybe you’d imagined the silhouette in the smoke, maybe the heat was finally getting to you.
“No customers back here, what d’you think you’re doin’?”
You startled, jumping back a little only to knock an elbow into a half filled coffee pot, the brown liquid thankfully lukewarm but it still spilled across the countertop, soaking into stray packets of sugar and scattered napkins.
“Oh, fuck, uh—” you grabbed at whatever dry napkins were left, hurriedly mopping up the spill before it dripped to the floor. Old coffee dotted the red and cream tiles, into the gaps between your sandals. You grimaced and looked up, only half paying attention. “Shit, I’m really sorry, I just— there was no one there and—”
You stopped, swallowing hard, cheeks hot, eyes wide. The person in front of you was half hidden behind the serving hatch, but he was scowling through the window with a ladle in his hand. Big brown eyes, unnervingly expressive and dark hair to match, unruly looking curls that were pulled back with an elastic band in a bun that wouldn’t have passed a health inspection.
A boy, unfairly pretty, and annoyed looking with tattoos peeking out from his chef whites, a black paisley printed bandana knotted around his neck. There was a furrow between his brow, lines etched there so deep that it made you think they were a permanent fixture on his handsome face.
“—no customers behind the cash desk, sweetheart, you look bright enough to understand that.”
Your mouth fell open, a burn creeping across your cheeks. Annoyance settled in your chest but you realised you weren’t quite brave enough to do anything about it. So you lifted your resume and slapped it on the hot steel ledge that separated the kitchen from the coffee bar. “No one’s working,” you tried to explain, gesturing with one hand to the empty diner behind you. “I rang the bell—”
“What does it look like I’m doing?” The boy scoffed, raising a tattooed forearm to wipe away the sheer layer of sweat from his brow. “Havin’ a spa day? Shit, no one rings the damn bell, don’t you know that?”
You scrambled for a response, the burn on your face growing hotter, an awful clawing feeling coming across your chest. You swallowed, your throat tight, but you pointed at your CV once more. “I’m here for the job opening. I need to speak to Jim? About the kitchen porter role?”
The stranger laughed, a breathy thing that you didn’t think was supposed to come across as mean as it did, but it stung all the same. You shrunk a little, a hardly seen thing as the boy turned his head to check on whatever was bubbling in the big pot. “Look, sweetheart, I don’t wanna be a dick about it, but uh, I don’t think you’re cut out for the kitchen - sorry.” He turned back to you, a slightly more apologetic look on his face instead of the frown. “You understand, right?”
You were speechless, just for a second. Blinking away the confusion, you made noise of protest as the boy started to move away. Your hand touched his bicep and he swivelled back, scowling once more. You snatched your hand away, glancing at your fingertips as if the ink from his tattoos would have stained them black.
“Sorry— it’s just, I, I need a job.” You swallowed, hoping none of the customers could hear your desperate plea. “I just moved into town and honestly, I’ll take anything, like anything. I’m supposed to talk to Jim— or Eddie?”
The boy seemed to mull over your words for a second or two, a passing of sympathy or something just as kind coming over his features. He sighed and shrugged, turning away to stir the pot before it boiled over and he shouted at you through the smoke and steam. Not meanly, just enough for his voice to be heard over the music, the hissing of the stove, the hum of the freezer. “I dunno where Jim is, sorry.”
You deflated, sliding your stack of papers off of the ledge and back to your chest. You tried not to appear too frustrated as you asked, “what about Eddie? Someone - a guy, at the garage - he told me to ask for Eddie.”
The ladle clanged against the pot, some soup - or maybe stew - spilling out the sides. The boy frowned at the mess, dragging a rag over the spots before he glanced up at you. You tried to smile, tried to tamp down the watery doe eyes you knew you couldn’t help but have on show, but you felt desperate. Leaving Chicago with nothing more than the bag on your back and no plans was suddenly seeming like an awful idea.
“Sorry,” the stranger said again. “I dunno an Eddie.”
Sitting in a sticky leather booth in the corner of Jim’s Midnight Grill for another hour turned out to be worth it.
Just before two o’clock, a man walked in, greeting the same customers who were still nursing their coffees with a muttered ‘hello,’ a familiar thing that everyone grunted back at. He was a tall man, broad shouldered with a moustache and a shaved head that was covered with a battered wide brimmed hat. He looked more cowboy than business owner, checked shirt dirt covered boots and all, but you heard someone call him Jim and you were up and running after him.
Your sneakers stuck to the linoleum tiles, the ‘shtick shtick shtick’ of your soles pattering between the aisles of empty tables until you caught up with the man just before he disappeared into the kitchen. He raised his brows at your sudden appearance at his elbow, wide eyed and hopeful as you clutched the same resume you’d tried to hand the cook, the pieces of paper stained with coffee now.
The man lifted his chin to a small table before you could speak, gesturing to two chairs by the window. You startled, wondering what was happening as he pulled out a seat and pointed at you to sit in the other one.
“You’re new, right?” The man - Jim - fumbled with a packet of cigarettes, most of them crushed and bent, but he found a good one to lift to his lips. He lit it and blew smoke upwards, staining the already yellowing ceiling. “Here, in town?”
You nodded, unsure how he knew that. You guessed that news travelled fast in a place as small as Hawkins, so you decided to elaborate for the sake of talking. “Uh, yeah. From Chicago. I’m inquiring about the, um, the porter job?”
“What’s your name?” Jim leaned forward in his chair and poked gently at your forearms. “You don’t got a lot of scars, you done soft jobs? No kitchen stuff before?”
The AC unit kicked in and rattled a vent above you as you stared at the man, trying to work out what he meant. Stammering, you told him your name and passed over a resume, pointing out your last few jobs, doing your best to try and make them sound more professional than they actually were.
Librarian's assistant.
Barista. For two weeks.
Cashier at a knock off Chuck E. Cheese.
“I guess they’re what you could call, uh,” you squinted Jim, floundering for the word he’d used, “soft jobs. But I’ve got a scar on my knee from pulling a kid out of the ball pit. He’d come straight from little league, he still had his spikes on and there was a considerable amount of blood even th—”
Jim stopped your spiel by jamming a thumb back towards the kitchen hatch. You could still see the boy there, pretty and scowling all the same, a dark curl falling from his hair band to fall over his cheek. You watched him blow it away and flip something in a skillet, the sizzle of it just heard over the music, the bad TV in the corner of the bar.
“You ever worked a kitchen?”
You shook your head, stomach sinking. ‘Fake it til’ you make it,’ failed you once before, and the owner of the coffee shop in Lincoln Park quickly realised you were wasting both your times when she discovered you didn’t know the difference between a mocha and a latte. “No, sir.”
“Our line cook is real particular ‘bout who we put in his kitchen with him,” Jim pointed to the boy, who’d now been joined by someone else. Another male, one with even longer hair, sleek and dark and they seemed to be arguing over blocks of cheese. “Now I don’t think it’s a good idea to throw you in there—”
Dread bubbled in your stomach. If you didn’t manage to land this job, you weren’t sure where else to look. A small town brought on few opportunities, and you’d already exhausted most of the businesses on Main Street. “Sir, please, I—”
“—but there is a waitressing gig available.” Jim frowned as he tried to remember the details. “Full time, forty odd hours if you don’t mind doing lates.”
“Yes!” You blurted out the answer too loud, loud enough for the customers to turn away from the TV screen for a second or two. The boys in the kitchen peered out the hatch, one curious, one annoyed. “Yes, sorry, yes. I’ll take it, thank you.”
Jim nodded and stubbed out the amber end of his cigarette in an ashtray beside the sauce bottles. “Easy enough job, minimum wage, you keep any tips you make.” He listed off each point on his fingers. “You start tomorrow.”
You could only nod back, eager and grateful. “Of course, yeah, sure. Uh— do I need—?”
Jim waved you off, already standing as he lit up another cigarette. “Just come by for eight, Eddie’ll sort you out with a uniform, locker, that kinda stuff.”
You frowned, confused. Looking around the quiet diner, you wondered if there was someone you hadn’t noticed before, but the number of visible staff members remained the same. The two boys in the kitchen, the pretty cool who you’d spoken to back at the stove, tasting its contents with a teaspoon.
“Uh,” you coughed awkwardly, feeling stupid. “I thought— I thought there wasn’t an Eddie who worked here?” You pointed warily to the boy with the messy curls, the black tattoos across his exposed forearms, he was staring at you, like he knew you were talking about him. He was scowling. “He said there wasn’t.”
The noise and heat of the diner and the summer outside didn’t do anything to diminish the embarrassment you felt at Jim’s next words. His gaze followed to where you were pointing and snorted. “Kid, that is Eddie.”
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minkyungseokie · 6 months
When Nothing Goes Right | LS2
synopsis; Y/n, Logan's long-distance gf, surprises him at the AusGP, but things aren't as happy as they should be
warnings; none
note; requested
note 2; Y/n has no mentioned race but doesn't know English. Jackson is an Oc and the reader’s older brother
Let me know whether you prefer first person or third person pov Please be nice. I haven't written in years and this is my first time writing for F1
Autosports Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Logan Masterlist
I do not give anyone permission to change, copy, or put my work on any other platform. It will only be on top, so if you see it, please report it. Or let me know.
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It had been a few years since Y/n and Logan had begun dating. The two met as children after Y/n had started karting herself. They immediately hit off and stuck to each other like glue. Wherever Y/n was, you'd find Logan not far behind with a big smile on his face.
Their families could already tell that the two would be something more in the future. Your older siblings even started a bet on how long it would take for the two to fully understand their feelings and confess. Neither of them won because it only took them until the sixth grade to realize that what they felt wasn't platonic. They didn't understand their feelings fully, but they knew that they were no one just friends.
Everything has been perfect until Logan's career in karting began popping off and he soon entered F4. To make matters worse, Y/n's parents had split and decided that Y/n would go with her mother back to their home country. Dalton and Jackson thought it'd ruin the relationship the two youngest siblings had built and they'd break up, which would break the two since they were madly in love even if they fully couldn't understand what love was, but that wasn't the case.
Despite the distance between them, Y/n and Logan had decided to stay together and find long distance a try even though their parents, siblings, friends, cousins, and neighbours warned them that long distance was hard. Even people online said that long distance wasn't the best idea because it tended to end with one or both partners cheating on each other, however; Y/n and Logan trusted each other with their lives, so they decided to give it a chance.
Now, Logan was a driver in Formula One and Y/n was studying at Uni. During their time apart, they'd only seen each other at least twice. Even though they haven't seen each other properly in years, they have only grown fonder of each other.
As the saying goes, "Distance makes the heart grow fonder"
Y/n plopped down on her bed in nothing but a towel, answering a FaceTime call that came in on her computer, "Hey, you." Y/n greeted happily, "Hey, babe. I'm sorry to call you so late. I know you're probably busy and tired from work..." Logan sighed. "No! You're fine, love. I just got out of the shower. Anyway, what's up?" Y/n asked, removing the towel off her head and running a hand through her hair, "Nothing much. I just wanted to see you." Logan flirted, giving Y/n a smile.
Y/n stood up from the bed and began towelling herself off, "That's cute. If I'm not wrong, the Australian GP is coming up. How do you feel?" Y/n questioned. "I'm excited. To be honest, I want doing well last year. But it's a new year and you know how I worked hard during the break, so I'm ready. Speaking of the Australian GP, do you think that you can come watch?" Logan hesitantly asked, looking down before looking back at Y/n, who was now sitting on her bed in pyjamas.
"I...Logie, you know I'd love to..." Y/n hesitantly started, "I know. You have work and school, but you have never come to a GP before. I want you to come to support me at least once. But I understand. I don't want to force or coerce you to do anything you can't or don't want to do. You'll eventually come to one, right?" Logan asked. "Of course. I plan on coming as soon as I have the time to." Y/n promised.
She kept thinking about the fact that she had never attended one of Logan's races and began feeling like a shit girlfriend, so she ended up DMing Logan's childhood friend whom she had only heard about from Logan, Oscar Piastri and he somehow got her in contact with Alex Albon, Logan's teammate. Together the three made plans to sneak Y/n into the GP without Logan noticing.
It wasn't hard.
She had notified her job and her school of her trip and packed for Australia. She got on a plane as soon as she could, which ended up being the afternoon of FP2,dropped her things off at the hotel, leaving it behind the desk so she could share a room with Logan, and made her way to the track with a VIP pass in her hand.
The girl was practically vibrating as she walked through the paddock by herself. She was supposed to be looking for Oscar or Alex, but she was way too excited to see her boyfriend again. Luckily, Alex spotted her while she was roaming the paddock, "Hey! You're Y/n, right? Logan's girlfriend?" The man asked, approaching her, "Oh, yes. You must be Alex. The teammate." Y/n said, holding out a hand for Alex to shake.
The British Thai driver looked down at her hand before taking it and giving it a firm shake, "It's lovely to meet you. Logan's been talking about you. A lot." Alex said, jokingly rolling his eyes as if he was annoyed, but he truthfully enjoyed seeing his teammate talk about someone who made him happy and kept him sane while he was having a shit year. "Hey, mate. Is this her?" Another voice asked, but this time it was with a strong Australian accent.
Y/n turned to see a brunette in an orange and black shirt approaching them, "You must be the Oscar Piastri that I heard so much about." Y/n said, reaching out fit his hand. Oscar smiled and shook her hand, "I am. You must be Y/n. Logan talks about you a lot." Oscar commented. "So I've been told. It's lovely seeing something other than the pictures Logan sent to me when you guys were younger." Y/n chuckled.
"Come on. FP2 is starting soon and we want you to reunite as quickly as possible." Alex said, leading you towards the garage with Oscar following behind, "So how long have you two been together?" Oscar questioned. "We've been dating for eleven years, I believe. Since we were twelve." Y/n answered, "Eleven years! That's a long time." Alex awed
Once they were close by, Y/n’s heart began to race. She hid behind Alex and Oscar so she was hidden while Oscar pulled out his phone to film the interaction, “Logan, mate! Come here.” Alex called, “What? Do you need something?” Logan asked, voice getting closer as he walked up to them. “We noticed you were feeling a bit nervous, so we brought you something to cheer you up.” Oscar spoke, “What is it?” Logan asked, narrowing his eyes. “Why don’t you guess?” Alex suggested, “Just tell me.” Logan said, “Come on, have a bit of fun with it. Guess.” Alex insisted.
“Just give me whatever it is, mate.” Logan groaned, Y/n chuckled and tapped the boys on their arms, signaling for them to step aside. Logan watched as Alex and Oscar shared a look before stepping aside to reveal his girlfriend. Logan’s jaw dropped and his eyes widened, “Surprise!” Y/n cheered, giving the American jazz hands. Logan ran towards Y/n and scooped her up into his arms.
“You’re here! You told me—“ “That I wouldn’t be able to come. I lied.” Y/n said, burying her face into his shoulder. Logan put her on the ground and bent down, kissing Y/n softly, “I’ve missed you so much.” He muttered, “And I’ve missed you, my love.” Y/n responded, kissing all over Logan’s face. “Logan, Alex, it’s time for free practice.” A engineer called out, “Go out there and do your thing. I’ll be rooting for you.” Y/n said, cupping Logan’s face and connecting their lips.
Y/n stood in the garage with headphones covering her ears. She couldn’t understand why she never came to a race weekend before, it was exhilarating. She could tell that her boyfriend wasn’t the best on the grid, but she knew he want the worse. It was just amazing to see him in his element, “Go, Logan!” Y/n muttered, clenching the chord between her fingers.
Y/n frowned as an odd feeling settled in her stomach. Y/n put a hand on her stomach and focused on the screen, attempting to ignore the feeling. Something was going to go wrong and she didn’t know what or when. Unfortunately, she didn’t have to wait too long to find out because Alex crashed his car, “Oh shit.” Y/n hissed, biting down in her knuckle.
“Hey, Alex. Are you alright?” Y/n asked, looking at the British Thai driver with concern. “I’m fine.” Alex answered walking away, obviously upset by the accident.
Y/n couldn’t help but feel bad for him, knowing that it absolutely sucks to crash even if she never watched or read up on the sport before.
Y/n made took off her headphones as Logan came back to the garage and jogged up to the American man, “That was so cool! I feel sorry for Alex, but that was so cool! I can’t wait to see you actually racing.” Y/n rambled, grabbing Logan’s hands on hers. While she rambled, Logan just smiled down at her with the softest gaze, “Do you want to go out after this? Or we can go to my hotel room? Have you gotten yourself one?” Logan asked, cupping your cheek.
“We should stay in. Catch up everything we missed and couldn’t talk about on the phone and no, I don’t have my own hotel room. Although, if I did, it probably won’t be getting used.” Y/n tittered. “Let me go get changed and we can go back to the hotel.” Logan said, kissing Y/n’s forehead before rising off to his driver’s room.
Y/n waited and waited, but it seemed like Logan was not coming out, which worried her. Did he get hurt or something? What was teasing so long? Y/n was leaning against the side of the garage, waiting for any sign of her boyfriend, but there was nothing. Until Alex came out, looking conflicted, “Hey, Alex. Where’s Logan?” Y/n questioned, pushing off the wall, “Um, he’s on his drivers room. He’s, uh, not happy right now, so maybe it’s better if you go see him.” Alex suggested.
He pointed out which room was his and continue on with his day, which didn’t really seem out of the ordinary to Y/n. She approached his door and knocked gently, “Logan? Is it alright if I come in?” Y/n called in a gentle voice. It was quiet for a moment before she heard a croaky, “Yeah.” Come from inside.
Y/n opened the door to see Logan sitting on the bench looking distressed, “Oh, what happened? Are you okay? Alex told me you were upset.” Y/n rushed over to her boyfriend, bombarding him with questions out of worry. Logan shook his head, “Alex wrecked his car,” Logan started, “Yeah, I saw that, but what does that have to do with you?” Y/n questioned, kneeling down in front of Logan and grabbing his hands.
“We don’t have a spare chassis, so they’re taking mine and giving it to Alex.” Logan sighed, “What?!” Y/n practically screeched, her confusion and weird turning into anger. “They said that since Alex is the better and more experienced driver, he most likely get the team points.” Logan explained further, “That’s stupid.” Y/n said bluntly, “Y/n…”
“No, don’t “Y/n…” me. I get that Alex it’s better and has more experience, but that’s that dumbest fucking decision I’ve ever heard. That’s like rewarding someone for fucking shit up! He crashed his chassis to the point where it had to be retired, so you have to give up yours? That’s bullshit, Logan!” Y/n argued. “I’m aware. I’ve given my all to this team. I worked myself to the bone during winter break when I could’ve been with you because I wanted it to be beneficial to this team. They are all aware of it.
James said he believed in me. James said he knew that I could go far if I just had a little more time in the car. But it doesn’t seem that way. Maybe I’m just not good enough.” Logan sniffed. Y/n wrapped her arms around Logan’s neck, placing his head on her chest and rubbing his back, “Shut up, Logan. Don’t you dare continue saying those things about yourself. You are good enough. If you weren’t, you would have been chosen for this team in the first place.”
“No buts. The previous Williams owner saw something in you that no one else saw and picked you from Formulas Two to drive in Formula One. If you weren’t good enough, he most definitely wouldn’t have chosen you so early. James know he’s dead wrong for this. James know that this is going to be a blow to you, but he thinks getting points is more valuable than your growth. I’m sorry to say this, my love, but you honestly deserve so much better. It’s not your fault that Alex crashed the car. It’s not your fault that this team is so broke that it can’t afford another chassis.” Y/n angrily said, raising her voice before taking a deep breath.
“I’m sorry. You’re upset and I’m over here ranting.” Y/n quieted down, pressing a kiss too the crown of Logan’s head, “It’s okay, babe. It’s what has to be done for the team to gain some points. It’s whatever.” Logan shrugged, “ no, it’s not whatever, but I’m not gonna continue talking about this. Instead, let’s go to the hotel and order food. We can watch our favorite movies together and cuddle until you feel better.” Y/n said, lifting Logan’s head so his eyes met her and giving him a calming smile.
Logan smiled, albeit it was a sad one, but a smile nonetheless, “I’d like that.” He said, “Good. And since you’re not racing tomorrow, maybe we can do a bit more than cuddling. But that’s only if you’re comfortable and willing.” Y/n teased, pulling Logan up from his seated position, “I’d really like that. Thank you for being here for me and I’m sorry you came all this way only to not see me race.” Logan apologized, “Bah, I do anything for you. It doesn’t matter whether you are racing or not, I’m still here for you and I’d still come. Y/n waved off his apology
“I love you.”
“Love you too. Now let’s go.”
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gayraeofsun · 1 month
i just really want to scream about this movie into the void because it was so well done, and i doubt anyone will really see this but i don't really have anyone i could have a deep discussion about this with.
trigger warning and spoiler warning ahead for the movie blink twice. content ahead discusses themes around sa, including r*pe, drugging, manipulation, and general physical/verbal abuse.
i don't keep up with any previews or recent movie releases much anymore, so i was going into this movie almost completely blind like i do with most new movies anymore. i had seen one preview, but it was apparently plain and simple enough for me to mostly forget about it. the irony in that will be made known a bit later on.
the movie automatically opens with a screen that displays a trigger warning, which is something that i had been seeing for the first time in any kind of visual media. normally these things are already listed by the ratings, but as a sa survivor who had no idea what this movie was going to be, it was a good thing to see so i could brace myself for what was to come. do i think this is necessary for any and every movie of this kind? no, it feels a little redundant (again, these things are typically included in the ratings). and, well, asking me to not watch if it would upset me is kind of a no deal, since i paid for a ticket and popcorn to see this on the big screen.
we're immediately introduced to our two main characters, two best friends, and it's hard to not immediately fall for their relationship with each other. so playful and silly and ridiculous, you can immediately tell they adore each other's company in their shitty job living in their shitty apartment, and you can tell that they're written by a woman who loves these characters and wants to portray them as relatable people. the interactions between the whole cast of girls, i think, was just outstandingly done. they felt realistic, not constantly shitting on each other and fighting for the attention of the men (though some jealousy of that fashion is still portrayed). they were all there enjoying the island and they ended up bonding together wonderfully. they were funny without being over-the-top rude or nasty or promiscuous, as is portrayed commonly in female characters in popular media. i can't and won't stop gushing over how much these characters felt just like real life girls that i was hanging out with.
this movie was really great at putting a pit in your stomach and slowly making it grow. of course, the trigger warning at the beginning spoils what's to come, so for me the pit was there from the start. any sensible person who's been socialized to be a woman will know, you don't ever just run away with some random ass group of men you don't know to the middle of nowhere with no cell service. but the little things that make the main character, frida, stop and question are so subtle, and so easily dismissed to start with. the used lip gloss in the drawer, the available clothes despite being an "unexpected" guest, the weird cleaning staff. but they increasingly get more odd. the island is full of venomous snakes and they all have to be killed on sight. something about these flirty interactions isn't quite right anymore, and he's talking about repressed memories. what day even is it? why am i always waking up with dirt under my nails?
who even knows or cares though, since we're all high and/or drunk 24/7. welcome to paradise!
it builds and builds until it begins to unravel, slowly and then all at once as the girls come to the realization of what happens to them every night when they get unbelievably high after dinner. the bond between the first two to piece it together was outstanding, and i love that there wasn't a cheap "find the phones and call authorities" plan. they worked out why that wouldn't work at all, because who would they believe? the "hysterical bitches" making claims without any kind of solid evidence, or the rich white man who's now a reformed soul and probably good friends with some of the cops?
the ending is not a happy one, in my eyes, though i believe it was probably supposed to be portrayed as one? two girls live and three girls die by the end. the ringmaster (ceo) of the whole thing ends up accidentally taking his own forgetfulness juice and suddenly doesn't understand what's going on and why all his friends are dead or have been otherwise brutalized. he knocks over lit candles and then trips and knocks himself out in his stupor, and the island burns down, the photographic evidence (that was later discovered) and all. i thought it was just going to end there and we would be left with the ambiguous ending, and that's never satisfying and feels very overdone anymore.
but instead, we're given a scene where our main character is now the ceo of the company, and legally married to the man who lured her away and horrifically abused her. twice. i interpreted this as her getting her own form of justice/revenge. i doubt she gives him half the treatment he gave her, but now she controls him and everything he owns and knew, and gets every bit of respect she wants. he killed her best friend and two other girls after overpowering the lot of them every single night. in a perfect world, he'd get tried and punished for his crimes legally. but all the evidence of it ever happening burned to the ground. so this is what she does to cope. in the final scene, she seems very satisfied, more than pleased to make her new husband's old crew squirm. she becomes the thing that destroyed her and so many others (but yk, most likely without the rapist cult).
one character i very suddenly grew interested in was the scrawniest boy in the group. he flies perfectly under the radar and doesn't appear in many of scenes that portray the gruesome sa. the one where he's in clear view, he appears to be another victim, trying to flee from one of the bigger men and receiving a black eye, which he would have no memory of getting the next morning. he's told by one of the girls that he smells nice, most likely referencing the perfume that was making them forget everything. it seemed very clear that he was in a victim role here as well, likely also being sa-ed. but he's never seen bound and gagged with the girls.
his final scene gets interesting when the ceo berates him for doing nothing to help the girls the entire time (yeah, the same ceo millionaire who's been basically orchestrating this whole sick fucking show in his perfect little getaway island). how he thinks there's a special place in hell for people who sit and do nothing in the face of evil. there are two very different ways to interpret this. 1) he wasn't actually getting drugged and abused with the girls, and was there as someone who didn't actively participate in abusing the girls, but also didn't do anything to try to stop it either. this could be blatant commentary on the two types of evil; while "not all men" r*pe and abuse people, not enough men will speak out against it or try to run to the victim's defense. or 2) the ceo was casting blame onto someone who was genuinely confused as to what was happening (which seems to ring true in both scenarios), and someone who was also a victim and stuck in a completely helpless situation. both could hold some level of truth, but ultimately i read him as the latter, thinking he was meant to represent the less common male victim. he gets killed by one of the girls, who wasn't specifically targeting him but also wasn't taking any chances, and that's the last we see of him. in my eyes he could either be read as the kind of evil that merely observes and therefore was rightfully murdered, or he could represent his male victims often get forgotten about or less acknowledged, which could speak as to why he was killed off so quickly never to be discussed again.
and i've gotta say, one thing i really appreciate about the scenes depicting r*pe is that it put a lot of the focus on the r*pists and not their victims. they were careful to not show any nudity or any shots of the women getting r*ped, but still showed them getting forced down when they tried to flee. i have not personally seen any other graphic scenes of this nature in other movies, but from what i hear a lot of it can get rather pornographic, and i feel like that's incredibly distasteful when you're trying to depict something that's absolutely vile. this movie does a great job of getting the absolute terror of the moment across without compromising any of the actresses by posing them seductively or showing off their bodies, and same goes for the men (if you don't count a couple of them being shirtless).
the writing is so wonderful, and the little clues as to what's happening beneath the surface are so good and plentiful. this is a movie that i don't think i'd ever be able to sit through again, but the sense of dread that continued to grow and grow will surely stick with me. it was very darkly funny in many places, which did great to break up some of the tension. for anyone who was able to stomach it, i would highly recommend watching through it once you're able. i think it was outstandingly well done and handled certain things as well as it could without watering any of it down.
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sweetbans29 · 1 month
Tiny Dancer - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: You dedicate your senior showcase to Caitlin (based on THIS request)
Warnings: none that I can see
Word Count: 1.3k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: I am not 100% how to write dance but I did the best I could, IM SORRY.
"I have a surprise for you," you say as you jump down on Caitlin's bed.
Your girlfriend groans and turns over, wanting to get more sleep out of the lazy morning the two of you are having.
"Is it more sleep?" Cait's voice is groggy as she speaks.
"No, no it's not," you say and wait for her to look back at you, which she does not.
"Don't you want to know what it is?" You ask as you kiss her shoulder.
Caitlin knows she is not going to win this battle and turns back over to you.
"What is it babe," Caitlin says.
"I can't tell you," you say with an excited smile. Caitlin rolls her eyes and rolls back over with a groan. When you see her reaction you say, "It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you."
Cait groans and buries her head back into her pillow. You can't help but giggle at your sleepy bear. Your arm wraps around her waist as you assume the big spoon position. Anyone looking at you as the big spoon would laugh due to your height difference with the college star but if anyone were to ask you would tell them how Caitlin loves to be the held.
The rest of your morning is as lazy as you imagined it to be. Whenever Cait had a day off, she didn't want to do anything outside of the confines of her apartment. Part of that was being able to sleep as long as she wanted but the main reason was to be able to spend the whole day with you.
The two of you started dating early in high school. You were both each others first relationship. It wasn't what you would call normal considering you both attended a Catholic high school influencing the decision to keep your relationship a secret. At first it was fun, then became a challenge. It wasn't until senior year of high school where it became comfortable.
When heading into Iowa, nothing really changed. Your relationship remained a secret as the two of you navigated college. Due to it being so normal for the two you, no one suspected a thing. It may also be due to the fact that the two you are in completely different sides in the athletic realm of Iowa. Caitlin is the star basketball player while you are majoring in dance.
When it is time for you to go, your go up to Cait who is engulfed in a game on her PS5. You kiss the top of her head and then ruffle her hair.
"Doors open at 6 tonight, I left your tickets on the counter," you say on your way out. She gives you a little wave and you are on your way.
Tonight would be the first time you showcase your senior project. You had been working on it all of first semester and couldn't wait for all your hard work to be seen. Your groups of dancers had given you everything you had asked for and more.
When 6 o'clock rolls around, Caitlin and a few of her teammates are standing in line to get into the theater.
"How did we end up here again?" Gabby asks.
"Caitlin has a friend or something in the show," Kate says.
Caitlin nods. She loves watching you perform, has ever since the two of you started dating. As the two of you navigated a private relationship, she would never greet you after shows but would rather take you out once everyone has cleared and there was a guarantee no one would notice the two of you together. Tonight was going to be no different.
The three players took their seats and the show begins. There were several pieces that you were in and Caitlin paid close attention whenever she saw you on stage. She clapped a little longer after you had performed but not to raise any suspicion.
Cait knew your senior piece would be in the second half. So when the lights dimmed, she was counting down the pieces until yours made its appearance. When it was finally time, Caitlin sits forward.
She sits and watches as you and your dancers take the stage. It takes her a second at first but as she watches it, she realizes that you somehow were able to capture the stages of your relationship in a beautiful and breathtaking dance.
Your movements captured your meeting, navigating the challenges of your relationship, and the love that the two of you have despite what felt like the world fighting against the you. She doesn't know how you do it, but as Caitlin watches, she knows every event your included in your piece. She takes a trip down memory lane, one that brings tears to her eyes.
Every movement. Every breath taken. It all comes together to show your love for your girl sitting in the audience.
After the show ends, you are greeted with a plethora of people congratulating you. You are surprised when you feel a pair of arms come from behind, lifting you up and spinning you around.
You are too surprised to let out a scream but are comforted when your hands come to support yourself on the unknown arms and you realize whose they are.
Caitlin puts you down, hands on your waist to spin you around and envelopes you into a hug. She buries her face in your neck. You arms find their way around her neck as you breathe her in. Cait doesn't care who can see or what they see, she is so beyond proud of you. Not only that, but no one has ever given her something so meaningful.
"Babe, people can see," you say into her ear.
"I don't care," she says not letting you go.
Kate and Gabby come up and see Caitlin holding onto your for dear life. They give each other a look and nod.
It takes another few minutes before Caitlin lets you go but her hand remains on your lower back.
Kate is the first one to introduce herself. You know who she is but hav never officially met her. She goes to shake your hand but your pull her into a hug.
"I am a huge fan," you say as you try not to fangirl over the basketball teams captain.
Caitlin stands there shaking her head.
"Huge fan huh?" Kate says with a smile.
"You are my favorite player on the team," you say without hesitation. Caitlin chimes in.
"That is her favorite player who isn't her girlfriend," Caitlin says, her jealousy showing.
Your eyes go wide as you whip your head to look at her. She just shrugs.
"What? You would have to be blind to not know after the way I just greeted you," she says.
"So that's it, 7 years just out in the open now," you say and Caitlin shrugs again.
"7 years!" Gabby yells. "The two of you have been together since before coming here and we are just now finding out?"
"Well out parents still don't know..." you say.
"I think it is time to change that," Caitlin says as she pulls your into her side and kisses the top of your head.
The fear you have held in for so long is no where to be seen. You trust Caitlin with every fiber of your being and know she is the one you want to spend the rest of your life with. With graduation right around the corner and Caitlin declaring for the draft, you were ready for your life together to begin.
AN: A short but cute one. Let me know what you think! And as always, thank you for your love and support.
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julilovesyou444 · 1 year
ok first of all your writing is so good i’m literally in love????? anyways, could i request a tom x reader fluff with them cuddling but like tom doesn’t rly know how to do it bc he’s used to hook ups and stuff and so it’s diff for him?? i feel like that’s super specific but i think i wld be so cuteee idkk. anyways tysm pookie 💗💗💗
show me how ~ tom kaulitz
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AHHHH thank you love!! you are so sweet💟 I’ll try!!! thank you for requesting, this is my first time doing one of these so I’ll do my best!! if you have a request, feel free to do it in the little thingy on my page, this was so fun !! ALSO, if this isn’t what you were expecting or anything, I’ll write it again differently, no problem ☺️
background ~ you and your boyfriend had just started dating not long ago, and there were a lot of things in the relationship that were new to him. he hadn’t been in many relationships at all, so he isn’t sure on everything, for example, cuddling and affection. you show him how :)
warnings ~ none, just fluff and cutesy stuff, tad bit of angst too
I’m Montenegrin so please forgive me if my English is messed up !
you had been at home all day, just picking up and relaxing. it was a pretty chill day though. you’re boyfriend, Tom, was at the studio all day. At first it was just a couple days of the week for a few hours, but lately it had been everyday for the whole day. You could tell it was taking a toll on him. He was tired and more irritable. You knew it wasn’t his fault, and you honestly felt really bad for him. When he would come home, he wouldn’t want anyone to bother him. After dating Tom for a week or two, you came to realize he was not an affectionate person. You thought that he just needed to warm up to you, but it had been almost a month. Besides kissing and sex, he rarely touched you. You couldn’t figure out what was wrong, so you tried to ignore it for the main part.
today was another long day for him. you weren’t living together yet, but he just slept over at your place all the time. you had made dinner for him tonight, not something you always did but you wanted to be nice. you were sitting on your bed, scrolling through random websites on your laptop when you heard the front door open and shut. Tom didn’t call out to you like he usually did. You knew today probably sucked for him. The fear of him rejecting you as he sometimes did made it hard for you to leave your room, but you did anyways.
You walked down the hallway to main room of the apartment to see Tom sitting on the couch, watching tv. He looked angry. The dinner you made him still sat on the table, untouched, and probably cold now.
“I made you dinner.”, you spoke softly. His eyes darted from the screen to yours. Tom looked so upset, almost as if he wanted to cry.
“I know. Thanks, but I’m not hungry.”, he replied coldly.
You took a step closer to him, almost testing the waters.
“How was the studio?”
“Shit. It was shit. Do I need to pause this or…?”, he replied rather harshly, referring to the television.
“Tom…”, you trailed off, very quiet. He saw the hurt in your eyes and immediately hated himself for taking his anger out on you. He grabbed the remote and turned off the t.v.
“I’m sorry, I’m just in a bad mood. I’m really stressed and tired and I don’t know how to get rid of it, but I shouldn’t take it out on you.”, Tom said, sounding genuine as ever.
“come here.”, you said, putting your hand out for him to take. You could tell he was very hesitant, but he took your hand and let you pull him up from the couch.
before he could argue or protest, you pulled him into a hug. you usually didn’t hug, but it felt like he needed it. You wrapped your arms tightly around his torso and pushed the side of your face into his chest. At first, his arms were just outwards, unsure of where to go. When he became more aware and comfortable, and put his arms around your neck, hands on the side of your head as he placed his head on top on yours. you could feel him relax into the hug, and it made you so happy that you were finally able to do that for him.
“I’m sorry for being rude, today was just so so bad, and these long ass days are tiring me out.”, Tom said, his voice muffled into your head. He left a soft kiss on the crown of your head.
“I know, and I’m sorry. Let me help.”, you pulled away, looking up at him.
“Help how?”
“Y’know, help you relax and stuff. Make you feel better.”
“I’m not really in the mood to fuc-“
“No, Tom, not that. Like just get into pajamas and I’ll rub your back and cuddle you, yea?”
“Please, trust me, you’ll feel so much better.”
Maybe it was your pleading eyes, or the fact that he secretly wanted to be intimate with you in this sense, but it didn’t take a lot for him to give in.
“Yea?”, you beamed. He couldn’t help but smile back before playfully rolling his eyes.
“Okay, go get changed into something comfier.”
He nodded and grabbed some of his clothes from your room before heading to the bathroom.
You quickly went into your room and started trying to “set the mood”. You dimmed the lights as much as possible and lit a few candles. You grabbed a bunch of really soft blankets and some water too. You wanted him to feel comfortable around you. He wasn’t affectionate or that touchy with you, and you wanted him to be.
Tom walked into your room, looking around, admiring your dedication.
“Lay down.”, you instructed.
“So bossy.”, he jokingly muttered.
He laid down on your bed as you walked over.
“Lay on your stomach.”
He groaned but turned over onto his stomach.
You climbed up onto the bed, and then put one of your legs over him so you were straddling his lower back.
“what are you-“
“shhh just relax.”
your hands found their way under his shirt, making their way up to his upperback. You began to slowly massage circles into his back, feeling him instantly become less tense under you. You gradually added pressure in places that felt a little more stiff. You began to knead the knots out of his back too. There were a lot. No wonder the poor boy was so upset, his stress was causing him to get strained.
You went on massaging him for a bit more, and you could tell how calm he was getting.
you climbed off of his back and laid on your side next to him, facing him. His face was towards you and his eyes were shut, but you could tell he wasn’t asleep just yet.
“did you like that?”, you said softly. he opened his eyes narrowly and nodded.
“yes, thank you. you don’t even know how much I needed that. I’m so tired now.”, he murmured.
you opened up your arms. Tom watched you intently.
“for what?”
“pleaseee don’t fight me on this one. I just wanna hold you.”
“what, like cuddling?”, he questioned, looking doubtful.
“yea… is that okay?”
“um… yea, yea it is. its just that… fuck, this is embarrassing.”, he rubbed his eyes, trying to hide his uneasiness.
“listen, all of the girls I’ve been with before, I never really did anything like that with them. usually we would just hook up and they would leave. what im trying to say I guess, is that I don’t really know how to cuddle or anything like that. I sound so stupid. its kinda just like hugging, right?”, he rambled.
at first, you couldn’t even say anything because you could believe that your beautiful, beautiful boyfriend had never been shown love and affection like that before. he so clearly deserved it, even though he had his moods, he was the sweetest thing. You felt bad for him. That was probably why he hadn’t shown or done anything like that for you before.
“I’ll show you how.”, you responded with a small but sweet smile. his eyes sorta lit up and he picked up his head from the pillow.
“show me how?”
“mhm, c’mere. don’t make me wait any longer, im tired too y’know.”, you teased him a little. Tom scoffed before scooting over to you, waiting for your instructions.
“put your head against my chest, under mine.”
he listened to you, putting the side of his face against your chest. You took his arm and wrapped it around your waist, and he quickly got the memo and snuck his other arm beneath you so that they were both wrapped around you. He pulled you closer, forcing you to smile. you entangled your legs with his.
you two were finally cuddling. you had wanted to for so long, but you didn’t know how to ask. you could feel Tom’s slow breath blow out against you as he got closer to falling asleep.
“thank you, baby.”, he sleepily mumbled.
“of course. I’m sorry your day wasn’t great.”
“it’s definitely better now. I wish we would’ve done this earlier.”
“I thought you didn’t really want me to touch you, or for you to touch me, in this way, I guess…”
“I’m sorry, I wanted to but it was just unfamiliar to me and that kind of scared me, I didn’t want to do anything wrong and I’m not used to this kind of affection.”
“I’m sorry, Tom.”, you said, gently stroking his hair. he breathed deeply, showing you how relaxed he was becoming.
“it’s okay, I have you now.”
You continued to play with his hair as he cuddled you, and you could tell just how peaceful he was. He ended up falling asleep pretty fast. You were so happy that he was able to unwind and open up with you. You reached over to the candle and blew it out. You flipped the light switch off and let yourself fall asleep in Tom’s arms.
a/n ~ awww this is very sweet to me😭 I love doing these cutesy little stories, they are my favorite to write. I’m in my home country right now so I’m sorry if my posts are very inconsistent or posted at a weird time, thank you for the request!! all of the comments are so sweet too, and they make me feel a lot less insecure about my writing. have a good day !!!💋😽
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togrowoldinv · 1 year
Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
Natasha Romanoff is your enemy, but that doesn’t mean that the two of you can’t have a little fun
Warnings: Smut! 18+ please! Kissing, cursing, strap on use (N receiving), thigh riding, oral (R receiving), Nat being needy af
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 1, Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 2, Main Masterlist
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“Romanoff,” you speak into the dark alley. You can’t see her, but you know she’s here. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way.”
You see her shadow peak out from behind a dumpster and you have your answer. The hard way it is.
In a flash, you’re fighting Natasha and who has the upper hand keeps switching. The woman pins you down first, but you manage to slip out of her grasp. This time you push her into the wall, but she lands a blow to your ribs that makes you let go of her.
“Come on, Romanoff,” you groan, holding your side.
“Can’t take it?” She teases.
“This is nothing,” you reply.
“Then allow me to actually start trying.”
This banter is always something you look forward to. Natasha lunges at you again and she wraps her strong legs around you. You’re pinned to the ground.
Her legs straddle your waist as she hovers above you. She has your hands pinned above your head, her sturdy hand keeping them still. The only light in the alleyway is from the moon, but you can still see how beautiful she is.
“Where’s the lab?” Natasha asks you.
“I don’t know,” you say simply.
Natasha scoffs and uses her free hand to grip your face. It’s a little harsh, but she isn’t really hurting you.
“You’re his right hand. Tell me where the lab is, and I’ll spare you.”
“I think you’ll spare me anyways,” you say.
“Oh yeah? Why do you think that?”
She grins down at you. You both know the answer. Still, Natasha keeps a tight grip on you.
“For old times’ sake, how about we go back to my place?” You suggest. Natasha seems to mull it over. “Come on, sweetheart. We always have a good time.”
“Then you’ll give me what I need?” Natasha asks.
“I’ll give you whatever you want, Romanoff.”
She smirks and stands up, knowing she’s got the upper hand. Her hand reaches down to help you up and you rub your face.
“That was harsh,” you comment.
“You liked it,” Natasha says back.
The two of you walk in silence to your apartment. She follows you inside and kicks the door closed behind her.
She grabs you and kisses you hard like she always does. It’s like she’s hungry for you. You kiss her back and move the both of you towards your bedroom.
“Where is the lab?” Natasha asks, kissing your neck. She slips your shirt over your head between kisses.
“I don’t know,” you stick with the same response.
You push Natasha down onto the bed and she accepts the way you straddle her lap. Her tongue mingles with yours.
You take your chance to slip her shirt off. She has bruises against her ribs, and you frown.
“Don’t pity me,” Natasha says.
“I don’t,” you say.
You push her down to lie on the bed and you kiss around her bruises. She would never tell you, but it makes her feel loved when you do it. You slip your hand around her bra band and take it off of her.
Natasha’s nipples react to the cool air of the apartment and you’re quick to take one in your mouth. You lick and suck her as she moans in pleasure. After paying attention to both breasts, you move your hand down to her waistband and unbutton her pants.
“Does anyone else touch you like this, baby?” You ask her.
“No one,” Nat says. Her voice is breathy but deep at the same time.
You reach your hand into her pants and ghost your fingertips over her panties. You use your other hand to shimmy her pants off her legs, leaving her only in her panties.
“Already so fucking wet,” you comment. “Such a good girl.”
“Fuck,” Natasha mumbles. “Can you just do it already?”
At her lack of patience, you take your hand out of her pants and she practically whines. You climb off her and take your own pants off. She leans up on her elbows and watches as your pants hit the floor.
You aren’t wearing any underwear. Only a strap is left on you and Natasha’s eyes widen at the sight. You take it in your hand and sit on the edge of the bed. She gets the message and gets off the bed. You kiss her before you push her down onto her knees between your legs.
“I know it makes you feel so good to suck me off, baby. Go ahead,” you tell her.
Natasha grips your thighs tightly, so as to remind you that you’re enemies, as she takes your strap into her mouth. She starts slowly, barely moving her mouth. It makes you feel so good to see her like this. Nat picks up her pace.
“Keep going,” you encourage her. “Just like that.”
You move your hips to meet her mouth and Nat makes the most beautiful noises.
“You’re so good for me, Natasha. Tell me what you want, baby.”
Natasha releases your strap from throat, and she looks up at you.
“I want to ride your strap,” she says. “And I want you to tell me where the lab is.”
You pull her up off her knees and back onto the bed. You lean your back against the headboard and Natasha settles herself over your lap.
You brush the strap over her folds, and she grumbles.
“I’m ready. I can take it,” she says.
“You need to learn a thing or two about patience,” you tell her.
You slip the strap into her and she takes a second to adjust. You kiss her and play with her breasts again. Natasha starts to move against you, the strap moves in and out of her. She’s so wet and the strap is still covered from where she sucked it.
“You’re so pretty riding my strap, sweetheart,” you tell her. Your hands find her butt and help her pick up her pace.
Natasha’s movements become erratic, and you know she’s close. You kiss her lips again.
“Come for me, Natasha. Come for me and I’ll tell you anything,” you say.
“Fuck,” she mumbles as she comes hard, covering your strap with her cum.
She slips off your strap and lays on the bed next to you. You turn to look at her and she smiles at you just briefly before she puts her guard back up.
“Where is the lab?” She asks.
“I already sent you the coordinates.”
Natasha leans off the bed to grab her phone out of her pants. She did in fact have a text from you from before you even got back to the apartment.
“Thank you,” Natasha says. She kisses you and you feel yourself still unsatisfied. Natasha knows this. “Do you want to come?” She asks you, knowing the answer.
“I did risk a lot helping you here,” you say.
“You did.”
Nat works quickly to take the strap off your hips, and she buries her face between your legs again. This time she licks through your folds and sucks your clit. It doesn’t take much from how wet it made you to get Nat off and how beautiful she looks here.
“Fuck, I’m going to come Natasha,” you moan out.
“Do it for me,” Natasha instructs.
She cleans you up promptly and moves back up the bed to kiss you.
“You know if you switched sides we could do this a lot more,” Natasha says between kisses.
“Where’s the fun in that?” You ask her.
She grinds against your thigh as she kisses you. You let her keep going until she’s desperate to come again.
“Why don’t you switch sides, baby? You know it’s fun over here. I’ll make you mine all the time and let you ride me whenever you want. Doesn’t that sound nice, pretty girl?”
“Fuck,” she mumbles. The talk is turning her on further and she can’t stop herself from coming again. She breathes heavily against you and you rub her back.
“I can’t switch sides,” you tell her.
“I know. I can’t either,” she says.
You both get washed up and dressed before Natasha stands at the door ready to go.
“Until next time, y/n,” Natasha says. She kisses your cheek lightly.
“Until next time, Romanoff,” you reply.
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ohtobeleah · 1 month
Secret Sacrifices // Jake Seresin
Chapter Four: [Like Father, Like Daughter]
Summary: You receive news from your case worker about a family member, its sends you into a spiral. Bob is awol from the Hard Deck and Jake is constantly up to his old tricks.
Warnings: Death, mentions of witness protection. Jake Seresin x F!reader
Word Count: 3k
Author Note: Been trucking along at this series. Really trying to spend a little time each day writing a few paragraphs for some projects. And I really do LOVE these two.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Throughout history, there has always been a superstition that expands across many belief systems. Mirrors can be seen as a portal to another dimension; the reflection staring back at you is another version of yourself. Another version of you from another timeline or realm. 
If that were true, you’d give anything to trade places with the reflection staring back at you as you caught a glimpse of yourself in the small hallway mirror that hung for aesthetics. 
“What do you mean?” Your voice shook with confusion, this couldn’t be real. This couldn’t be happening. “Roger, what the fuck do you mean my dad died?” 
Roger Spague was your case agent. He had been assigned your case right after the funerals of your husband and son. Soon after everything occurred, you were encouraged to enter witness protection to safeguard your testimony. As the only witness who could help bring the men who murdered your family and organised a multilevel drug syndicate to justice, your word was more valuable than gold itself. 
“We couldn’t tell you,” Roger has always been a rather hard nut to crack. He took no bullshit and smiled very rarely. He saw the world for black and white more than he ever did grey. Morals were good or bad, nothing could be in between. “He, unfortunately, passed away a month ago, we’ve been informed of the burial site, Hollow Hills. However, we really advise against you visiting anytime soon,” Rogers’s monotone voice echoed in your head as you struggled to hold your composure. 
“Why? Why would I not run out this door right now to visit my father’s fucking grave you asshole!” You hissed into the phone. Surely this was all some sick joke or a nightmare that never ended. You couldn’t think straight, couldn’t breathe properly. You were almost certain your heart was breaking apart yet again. The shattering pieces would surely slice into your arteries, causing you the bleed out and be at peace with the pain you’d carried for over three years. 
“Because they could be monitoring the site, do you really want to risk everything you’ve worked so hard to protect?” Roger reminded you through the phone. At this stage, you were sure that all the tears you’d cried over the years had permanently stained your cheeks. Maybe one day you’d wake up with no more tears left to cry. 
“Roger–” You sobbed as you made your way into your bedroom. You slumped onto the side and crumpled in on yourself. The only support system keeping you up was your elbows digging into your knees “I can’t do this anymore.” 
“You don’t have a choice to quit this,” Roger, with his little sympathise and tunnel vision, reminded you. “You don’t get to leave this until those bastards are behind bars, and we’ve put too much work into this to have you throw it all away now.” 
“But he’s my dad,” You never got to say goodbye. You never got to tell him how much you loved him, how much you still and always will. You never got to hold your mother or comfort your sister. Everything you’d missed, everything you’d sacrificed was starting to outway the idea, the pipe dream of justice. You were, at the very basic explanation, tired of this life. “I need to visit his grave.” 
“Not until we know for certain that there isn’t anyone monitoring his grave just waiting for you to show up.” The reality was hard to accept, you didn’t want to accept it. But the fact of the matter was, that you have just lost another member of your family, and there was absolutely nothing you could do to help yourself forgive that loss. 
“Fuck you,” You spat as tears spilled over your lower lash line. “Fuck you and fuck all of this do you hear me?” 
“No skin off my nose there, just remember why you’re doing this, who you’re doing this for, Y/n.” Just hearing your real name, and hearing those syllables leave someone’s mouth made you feel real. That you were still a real person with real emotions and valid feelings. “Remember what’s a stake here, they get the chance to kill you now? Then what’s all this been for?” 
“I hate you–” Was all you were able to get out before you broke down completely, deciding that the floor was the best place to be. You hung up the phone and made sure to throw it as far away as you possibly could. 
The carpet soaked up as many tears as possible before you fell asleep crying, sobbing until your eyes could no longer remain open and a steady rhythm took over in your chest. Sleep….it never came easy, but you needed it. 
By the time you slowly opened your eyes again, the sun had risen higher in the sky and the ice cream you’d brought in your weekly shop was melted into a puddle of liquid. You knew as you slowly peeled yourself off the carpet that you had to get yourself together before you lost the plot. So you trailed out into the hallway and made your way back to the kitchen to put away your groceries. The bags still sat where you and Jake had left them on the island bench. 
“You’re okay,” It was two simple words, but the lies that read between the lines were big enough to make them seem like a whole novel of untruthful affirmations. “You’re okay,” Again you repeated the same two words as you unpacked your groceries. “You’re okay.” Hoping that if you said them enough……
You’d hopefully start to believe them. 
Cutting lemons was one of those mundane tasks you actually enjoyed. It gave you something to do while zoning out. You’d only been at work for roughly an hour before the patrons started to pile in after work. Naval men and women from all walks of life all heading to the local watering hole. It wasn't too long after you started on your fourth lemon that Jake made his appearance in your peripheral vision. There was no doubt that his proximity to you was the cause behind your palpitations. 
Jake stood on the other side of the bar, smiling his signature shit-eating grin at you while he watched your knife skills. 
“What's a guy gotta do to get you to handle him like that lemon?” Trust Jake to lead with the unorthodox hello. When you looked up and met your gaze, you knew you were in deep water. The smile that smeared itself across your face was as genuine as it could ever be. 
“I didn’t know you were into knife play Seresin?” You saw the way Jake's eyes slightly widened with promiscuous enlightenment at your reply. “You just after the usual?” You asked as you placed the knife you’d been using into the sink. 
“Yes ma’am, and to see the pretty barkeep,” Jake replied as he sat down on one of the empty barstools. He looked far too handsome in his flight suit, but you’d never tell him that. His ego was already inflated enough. 
“Penny! Hangman here to see you!” You called out as you washed your hands from all the lemon juice. Jake wouldn’t deny it if you asked that his eyes had dropped from looking at your hair to your ass as you turned around briefly to dry them on the rag that sat nearby. 
“I was talking about you–” He smiled as you turned back around to face him. His elbows were resting against the top of the bar, casually, like he was truly at home. 
“Bet you say that to all the ladies–”  You added as you picked up a glass, going about making Jake his usual order. 
“Nope, just you.” It was quiet, a little more serious with an underlying sense of admiration. Jake meant it, he thought you were gorgeous. From the moment he first met you, he saw all the beauty and grace that seamlessly radiated from your aura. “I think you’re beautiful, Brewer.” 
Jake's complement knocked the wind from your lungs as you held the glass at an angle and watched the amber liquid pool at the bottom. Slowly but surely filling the glass to the top with a perfect head of froth. 
“What did I tell you about flattery?” You sighed as you placed the beer down in front of the aviator who was slowly capturing your whole heart in the palm of his hands. Completely unaware that he was falling in love with a complete stranger. 
“That it won’t get me anywhere–” Jake grinned, reaching into his pocket for his wallet. “But if I remember correctly, it did.” The sensation of having Jake’s lips pressed against yours came flooding back as the heat in your cheeks rose. “Let me take you out to dinner?” 
“Jake,” You had to sigh. “Not this again?” Playing a little hard to get wouldn’t hurt the man, would it? 
“Or come over to mine then?” Jake proposed with a cheeky Serein grin you assumed he got from his mother. 
“Oh yeah?” You chuckled as you let your hands rest on your bar, leaning in a little closer to Jake. “So I can contract whatever deceases you’re harbouring in that petri dish of a bachelor pad?” Jake pretended to be wounded as he placed a hand over his chest at your remark. You shook your head as you let out a small laugh. “I don’t think so, Seresin, but I’ll give you points for trying.” 
Jake sat there momentarily, just drinking in the sight of the woman who had slowly become his favourite person to be around. This was his favourite part of the entire day. Getting to come to the Hard Deck, sit on his stool by the bar and talk to you. He thought about you all day long. About all the ways you did our hair and those mom jeans that hugged your waist just right. He’d catch himself thinking about the way you humbly count your tips at the end of each night, or the way you laugh with Fanboy over the most insane things. He would often daydream about your smile, your eyes, and your ability to captivate the entire bar. 
“Fine,” Jake knocked his knuckles on the wood of the bar as he rose to his feet once again. “Suit yourself, but just for the record, I like my bachelor pad very much.” For as much as Jake truly did love his quick, tidy and rather put-together home, he sure wouldn’t have minded the slightest bit if you lived there too. 
“I think the local community of gonorrhoea would say the same.” You took the card Jake was handing over. “Starting a tab?” 
“Depends, what’s Bradshaws looking like?” Jake was always the first to add an extra beer or three onto Bradley’s outstanding tab. You were always the first person to turn a blind eye then doing so. As you looked up Roosters name in the system the number was much higher than you originally expected. It seemed as though the boys had well and truly been taking advantage of Rooster’s current love-hate relationship with the Hard Deck barkeep. 
“Eh, he owes me a couple hundred.” You smiled softly back at Jake as you placed his card in the draw. 
“Yeah, start a table angel, gives me more of an excuse to linger,” Jake replied with a genuine smile, his eyes were soft and swirling with ease. He’d never felt this way about a woman before. You gentled him to a point where if you asked him tomorrow to run away with you, he’d follow you to the end of the world.
“I’m sure that’s called stalking–” You sighed as you turned around momentarily to pick up your knife and head back to cutting your lemon slices. 
“Consider me your biggest fan then, Brewer.” Jake grinned ear to ear as he took a sip of his beer, heading off toward the pool table where you knew he’d be for the next few hours.
The Hard Deck was rather busy for a Monday afternoon. The bar was in high spirits as you manoeuvred yourself around the floor collecting empty glasses and cans. You could feel Jake’s eyes burning into you as you spoke to patrons and cleaned up tables. But there was one person you hadn’t seen yet that you needed to talk to desperately. Bob. 
“Where’s our resident underage drinker this evening gentlemen?” You cooed as you made your way over to your favourite group of aviators. “And Nix.” You added as you gave Phoenix a side hug. 
“Haven’t seen him actually?” Fanboy replied, his answer wasn’t one you wanted to hear. Usually, if someone wasn’t here by this time of the night then they weren’t coming at all. You really needed to speak to Bob. 
“Do you think he'll be in?” You questioned as you let go of Phoenix and went about collecting empty glasses. You knew Bob had annual leave coming up, he'd been talking about it for weeks now. 
“Why the sudden obsession with Bob, Brewer?” Rooster chimed in. “You guys on the down low or something?” That very question had Jake's blood boiling. You could see the jealousy clear as day smeared across his face from across the pool table.
“I’m uh—” It came out before you knew what you were saying. “I'm seeing someone, casually, it's really new.” Your eyes very quickly glanced over at Jake who now wore that same smug grin that he normally wore. Only this time his eyes were swirling with administration. “It's not Bob, but I appreciate your interest in my love life, Bradshaw.” 
“Lord help the man who ends up under your control,” Bradley rolled his eyes with a deep resentment you couldn't quite understand. The feud between the pain of you was something that formed from a mere misunderstanding. Surely the two of you could let bygones be bygones and move on. 
“An apology will wipe that ever-mounting tab clear Bradshaw, you know that.” You teased as you made your way back to the bar. You could feel the back of your throat growing tighter, and the sting of holding back tears that had become an all too familiar sensation began to grow. You couldn’t keep yourself busy enough to forget your dad was dead and no one, not a single soul had told you of his passing until he was six feet under. No amount of work could keep your mind from trailing to all the memories that played aloud in your mind, drowning out the mundane chatter from patrons. 
“Can I get another beer sweetheart?” You hear one of the men say as he held his head up with the palm of his hand. He was using his elbow as an anchor, keeping him from slumping over onto the bar. 
“Sure, what are you drinking?” You facked a smile so easily readable that Jake saw right through it from across the Hard Deck. He could sense that you were off, something wasn’t right. One minute you were happy, the next he didn't recognise the look in your eyes. 
“Whatever you don’t mind tasting after you finish your shift.” The man said with the confidence of a much taller man. It made the damn burst inside you. Fuck this and fuck everything. 
“Careful, the succulent reminder of your own inadequacies walking this way might cause a scene real quick if you don’t back off.” The problem was simple, you’re doing it all on your own. Choosing to stay all closeted in your own little bubble, longing for love, friends and family. Scared of death, scared of life, taking it out on those who tried to get close. But as Jake walked towards the bar, you felt like you could rely on him. He made you feel safe even if being around you put him in unimaginable danger. “That’s what I thought too.” You chuckled to yourself as the man nodded and sighed. 
“You good?” Jake asked as he decided against following the first of many of Penny’s rules for the residence group of aviators. Mavericks rag-tag team of adopted children. The first and most important being no aviators behind the bar. Jake, however, didn’t care. 
“I feel like I’m rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic here,” You growled as you poured the man his beer. The last one you were going to pour him for the night. “My life is falling apart around me and here I fucking am pouring beers for America’s best and brightest tax-guzzling fighter pilots.” 
Jake could very much sense that something was wrong, this wasn’t like you. He thought, however, since your shared moment in your apartment yesterday, that he had some sort of upper hand here over all the others. 
“You need to take a break, just pause for a second.” Jake placed his hand softly on your shoulder as he stood behind you. Whatever was going on inside your head was bleeding out into reality. 
The feeling broke you. Jake’s touch, it wasn’t your husband’s. The man you got killed. It was Jake’s touch that broke you from whatever restraints you had tangled yourself in. The barbed wire that cut you right to your bones. 
“No, you can’t just pause, because in real life the trauma doesn’t just stop,” You broke as you spun around into Jake’s chest. He was quick to look around as people from all walks of life looked around to bear witness to your impending mental breakdown. He caught Bradley’s gaze before anyone else's. Even the man who had unintentionally started a war with the new Hard Deck manager was worried about you. 
“Penny–” Jake sighed as he looked over at the woman who still ran the show from behind the scenes. She nodded in agreement, a silent one. One where it was now Jake’s responsibility to get you out of the Hard Deck before you could draw any more attention to yourself. 
“Let's go outside alright? Get some air–?” Jake tried to reason with you as you shook your head and balled your fist into his white cotton T. Your eyes swirled with a pain he’d never be able to process. A pain so unfathomable it sounded fictional. 
“God doesn’t work that way or whoever the fucks in charge of this godforsaken hell I’m living!! You can do absolutely everything right and still…. Good, people, die.” 
Tags: 🏷️ @a-reader-and-a-writer @xoxabs88xox @hiireadstuff
@buckysteveloki-me e @athenabarnes
@els-marvelvsp @blindedbythelightt @tayl0rhuynh @na-ta-sh-aa @kmc1989 @sunlightmurdock
@jaxfart @lauenderhaze @sugarcoated-lame @maisie-rebloging-blog
@captainmoonknight @seitmai @shanimallina87 @kajjaka @imnotcreativeenoughforthisblog
@imladrisofabookdragon @buckysteveloki-me
@mrsevans90 @allepaula
@els-marvelvsp @djs8891 @paperbag33 @the-aspiring-fanfic-writer
@86laura11 @mickie-rosebud
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wingsofachampion · 4 months
I'm going to preface this by saying that I'm not mad at anyone. I love the Pokemon IRL community, and I'm so so happy to be a part of it. And I don't plan on leaving for good anytime soon.
But. Look.
This is getting out of hand.
I've been here since November of 2022, and I haven't seen things being this bad in the community since The Incident.
I'm trying as hard as I can to hold things together, even when it seems like everything's falling apart. But it's getting really exhausting.
So that's why I'm making this post.
There's a lot of problems happening in this community, and I'm going to try to address at least a few of them in this post.
So, here we go.
Part 1: Anon Hate & Other Harassment
There's unfortunately a lot of this in the community. I've been a victim of it myself.
Anon hate is a serious problem that has led several pokebloggers to completely disable anon asks or even leave the community entirely.
I'm not sure how to combat this, unfortunately, other than blocking them as they come, but that's an imperfect solution.
There's also been direct harassment, too, not just through anon asks. I'm unsure how to tackle that either, but I'm spreading awareness just in case.
Part 2: Lack of Engagement
There's a ton of blogs that get little to no engagement, and not for a lack of trying. Pixelated made a great post on this already, so I won't rehash it much.
My main advice is to send asks. That goes both ways. If you see someone struggling to get engagement, send them an ask, brighten their day!
And if you're struggling to get engagement, send asks to as many blogs as you feel comfortable. That way, you put your name out there.
I know it can be scary to send asks, but if it helps, you can send one to me! I won't bite!
Part 3: "Cliques"
There's a lot of subcommunities in the Pokemon IRL community. Eebydeebies, Fallers, Blueberry Academy, and so on. And that's great! What's not so great, though, is how some of these can be rather cliquey.
Sometimes, it's hard to join a subcommunity. Sometimes they push you away, are just difficult to fit in a new blog, or something else.
I've been trying to remedy this in the eebydeeby subcommunity by having Gen send asks to every new eeby blog I can find, but I'm not in every subcommunity, so I can't do this for all of them.
What I suggest to remedy this is, those in subcommunities, reach out! If you see someone trying to join, reach out and welcome them in! Send them asks! Tell other people in the subcommunity about them! Let them know that they're welcome there.
Part 4: Lack of Warnings During MMM
This one is something that mostly just affects me personally, but Muse Mixup Madness has been extremely stressful for me because people keep completely changing up their blogs with little to no warning.
One of my worst triggers is post-apocalypse, and I've been jumpscared by this several times during Muse Mixup Madness by blogs that were previously safe.
Please warn what your Muse Mixup Madness stuff will contain, and please use content warnings, too.
Part 5: New Blogs Dying
This is one of the ones I'm saddest about. Almost every day, there's at least one new person trying to join Pokemon IRL, but 75% of the time their blog dies within a week.
I recommend supporting newcomers as much as you can. If you see a newcomer, send them an ask! Interact with them! Boost them if you feel comfortable with it! Don't let them feel so discouraged that they leave so soon.
I recommend checking the reblogs on realpokemon's pinned post every so often. It's a fantastic way to find new blogs.
Part 6: Exhaustion & A Call for Help
I've been trying very very hard to fix things, but I'm only human (as much as I wish I was a Meganium). I can't do everything by myself.
So I'm asking for help.
I have two blogs primarily made for boosting. @pkmnirlblogboosting and @tacklrnews. Former is OOC, while the latter is IC.
Pkmnirlblogboosting is for boosting blogs that either have less than 75 followers, or are less than a month old. If anyone wants to help me run it and boost blogs, feel free to send me a message asking if you can be added to pkmnirlblogboosting.
Tacklrnews is for reporting on events that are happening in-character. Its primary purpose is to boost stuff happening on people's blogs that they want more people to see and interact with. If anyone wants to help me with this, feel free to send me a message asking if you can be added to tacklrnews.
A caveat with tacklrnews: It's fully in-character, so you'll need to create a character for it to be a part of Pelipper's little news agency. It also writes articles on Pokemon RPC and Pokeask blogs, so to people in those communities, this offer is open to you all, too.
I hope these will both be helpful in revitalizing the Pokemon IRL community.
Part 7: Moving Forward
So, how do we move forward?
I think we should be more supportive towards others in this community. Less OOC anon hate and harassment, more engagement and boosting. Tell your fellow blogrunners how much you appreciate their blogs! Let them know they have people who care about them.
I love this community so, so much. I don't want it to fall apart and die. I'm doing everything in my power to keep it standing, but I'm just one person. I need your help, too.
Together, we can make this community better.
That's about all I had to say.
If you've read this far, thank you. I really appreciate you taking the time to read through this.
I'd appreciate any reblogs to spread this around, but don't feel pressured to if you don't want to.
I hope you all have a wonderful Pride Month.
190 notes · View notes
strawberryya · 11 months
I have this friend
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pairing: seungcheol x reader x soonyoung
synopsis: Your regular hookup with Seungcheol took an interesting turn when he brought a friend along, one that was more than willing to help you two try out something new.
word count: 2.5k
genre/cw: smut, fwb, strangers to lovers too, threesome, double penetration, mentions of being in a club and sex in a bathroom (lets agree that this one is unusually clean and nice ok) unprotected sex - which should not be done, smut rules applied (so no questions or reality checks should exist around here), fem reader, oral sex
rating: 18+
a/n: got it in my head that this needed to be created, and I was correct, it was a need.
network tagging: @svthub @cultofdionysusnet @k-labels @kvanity-main
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While Seungcheol was thick, Soonyoung was, simply put, big. The length of him alone would hit further up than you had ever taken anyone, and your mouth watered at the way he was deliciously thick as well. He wouldn't stretch you out until you fell apart as Seungcheol could, but you were already eager to discover what he would be able to do to you. 
You stroked his length slowly, taking in his pretty cock with your eyes while you had the chance. If you bent over right now you could get the chance to taste him as well, but you knew the man behind you would make the most out of that position once you got into it, and you were simply not done playing with the two just yet. 
Seungcheol was someone you had known for ages, regularly fucking him on nights out like these. It had started as a one-time thing, but after the fourth time, you had both agreed that it was best to keep things casual. Although, you also agreed that it would be more fun to continue if the opportunity arose in the future, but as friends. 
The opportunities, it had turned out, were plenty. You both ended up at the same clubs and bars too often to call it a coincidence. 
And right now Seungcheol’s heavy cock was once again pressed against your back. His hands skimmed your body, caressing your skin and carefully unzipping your clothes. He had been hard since before you had made your escape to this bathroom along with a new addition to your regular pairing: Soonyoung, one of Seungcheol’s friends since way back. You weren’t too sure how far back they went, you hadn’t asked for too many details before following along to the back of the club and to the nicest bathroom they had. 
He had been a good dancer, which had convinced you that even if he couldn’t meet your expectations he could at least keep a steady rhythm. Not to mention that he had a certain air about him, something that made him seem cocky without being a pain in the ass. It was intriguing. You had let them surround you on the dancefloor. Grinding against them under the colorful lights, your friends had already left you to your regularly scheduled routine with Seungcheol the moment your eyes met. None of them had heard the conversation that followed, the one where Seungcheol had excelled in his casual flirting before telling you about this friend he had brought with him to the club. When he gestured to the man in one of the booths you had giggled, unsure if he was being serious or not. 
“Are you trying to set me up with him?” 
He shook his head, “C’mon, you think I’d give you up that easily?” When you rolled your eyes, hoping that he couldn’t feel your heart skipping a beat at the hint of possessiveness in his words. “I just think you two would be good friends.”
“Good friends… like you and I?” you squinted suspiciously at the man smiling handsomely in front of you. When he winked at you before asking you to dance you knew exactly what he had in mind. He had been right, Soonyoung had fit right in with your dynamics. He was quick to catch on to what the older man wanted him to do, and the way he moved carefully around you didn’t hide how much he desired you one bit. You knew he would be a lot of fun to tease, and you had been right. 
He had made such pretty sounds as soon as you had kissed him on the dancefloor, and they had only gotten sweeter as his clothes got sparser. He let your hands explore more of his perfectly sculpted body eagerly. 
“You were so right about her…” Soonyoung moaned as your fingers swiped the precum off the slit of his cock and continued pumping him. You liked the way his chest heaved and the way he couldn’t stop himself from jerking into you each time you stopped your movements. 
“Right about what? Have you been talking about me, Cheollie?” You asked, feigning innocence as you finally let yourself bend forward, wrapping your lips sluttily around Soonyoung and giving Seungcheol free access to the parts of you that ached for his touch. You had been wet since the dancefloor. Their hands on your hips, along with the gazes that followed your movements as if you had enchanted them, had turned you on until the point where you felt your panties sticking to your slick lips. 
“I told him all about you, how could I not when you’re such a good little slut for me?” He growled above you, pulling you back from his friend’s cock by the neck. You couldn’t help but smile when you felt his cock hard and twitching against your ass. 
“You’re not getting jealous now are you, Cheollie? He’s very pretty, and he’s bigger than I expected you know…” 
It was a foul move to tease him like this, but you knew he could take it. After all, if he didn’t want you sucking another man’s dick he wouldn’t have brought Soonyoung on a silver platter for you. You both looked at the younger man who now stood untouched, entranced by the way his friend had you under his control. You could see his ears flaming up when he realized how exposed he was, standing before you two barely clothed and desperate for your touch. “He is pretty…” you heard Seungcheol whisper behind you, making you chuckle at how he couldn’t argue against you on that front. 
“Such a brat,” he mumbled to himself before he turned you around to face him instead of his friend. The kiss he planted on your lips was passionate and sloppy, he had been forced to wait his turn while you played with your new friend, but now he wanted to get a taste of you as well. 
When he pushed you back against Soonyoung you weren’t too sure what he meant to do, but as he left your mouth to squat down in front of you while pushing your short dress up even more you understood perfectly. He kissed up your thigh, hot breath flowing against your soaked panties. 
Seungcheol threw your leg over his shoulder, letting Soonyoung support you while he pushed the fabric covering your cunt aside and began kissing your sensitive bud. His tongue licking up your arousal made you moan from the pleasure, head falling back against Soonyoung’s steady shoulder. You could hear the younger man whining behind you, his hands roaming your body to find something that would distract him from your ass pushing against his hard cock. He wanted to know what you felt like too, jealousy over the fact that Seungcheol had had you all to himself this entire time burned inside of him. 
“Can I taste you too?” he asked you shyly, soft kisses pressing against your cheek and down your neck. You hummed in response, “Do whatever you want as long as it makes me cum…” 
“Fuck,” was all you heard, his erection grinding against your ass without him being able to stop himself. Did you always hand over the control to Seungcheol like this? God, he wanted to be the one making you feel this good, Soonyoung thought as he listened to your moans. Seungcheol knew what he was doing, and you came on his tongue soon enough. 
Soonyoung had taken the opportunity to pull your dress down, revealing your heaving chest to both of the men currently kissing and caressing your body. 
“That’s it, baby. What a good girl, isn’t she Soonyoung?” Seungcheol praised while letting you ride out your orgasm on his face and fingers. 
“So good, tastes so good too I bet,” Soonyoung agreed as he played with your hardened nipples. His hard cock was still pressing against your lower back and you felt yourself wondering how good he would feel inside of you. 
“Soonyoung, baby, I need to know something. Are you clean?” You panted, surprising the man behind you. 
“Uh, yeah, I am… wait, you don’t mean-?” He could come on the spot, the thought that you might want to do it raw set off a million tiny explosions inside his mind. 
“I only fuck Cheol, and I know he’s good, so if you’re clean and feel like giving it a try I’m okay with that.”
Seungcheol was already rising, lips glistening from your arousal and a handsome smile adorning his face. “You won’t regret it, trust me.”
Soonyoung didn’t need his friend’s support on this, he was down for almost anything you would be able to suggest, at least he was convinced of that at this moment. 
“I’m so down, but who… goes first?” He asked and looked between you and the older man. 
You looked to Seungcheol, “We could always stretch your cute little holes out at the same time. What do you think about that sweetheart?” 
“Both of you?” You gasped at the thought. Your eyes were wide, but the idea of being filled so completely made you flustered beyond salvation. Soonyoung had gone speechless behind you. 
“Don’t wanna?” Seungcheol asked, moving back an inch to give you some space to make your decision. However, you were quickly shaking your head. 
“No! I’ll try!” 
The smirk he flashed you at your eagerness to please them both made your skin heat up even more. “Could you… show me how?” You asked nervously, smoothing over the soft material of Seungcheol’s button-up shirt. 
You felt his heart, fast but steady in his chest. “Of course, baby. You just focus on being relaxed and we can handle the rest. Right, Soonyoung?” The younger man nodded, “We’ll be careful.”
“You don’t have to be careful… just make me feel good, okay?” You said while turning back to watch Soonyoung’s entire face redden at the way you acted with them both. He would have to be in debt to Seungcheol for the rest of his life after this, he realized. You were simply too good to be true. 
Seungcheol kissed you gently as he used the moment to switch positions with his friend. Letting him leave against the solid block of dark stone that held the sinks. He let you use him to climb up, legs wrapped around his waist and hard cock pressing against your entrance. You hadn’t noticed when he had freed himself, but feeling the head of his erection sliding against your slick triggered your muscle memory and you were sliding down on him before you knew it. He stretched you out perfectly as usual, making your head spin and the pressure build quickly in your abdomen. The low groan he let out as he was finally being stimulated made you want to bounce on him to hear even more, but his firm grip on your waist told you it wasn’t you who was supposed to do the work tonight. 
“My turn?” Soonyoung asked, startling you just a bit. You had almost forgotten this wasn’t one of your usual hookups with Seungcheol. The younger man’s cock pressing against your hole was an immediate reminder, however. You relaxed as much as you could when Seungcheol instructed both you and his friend. 
Seungcheol couldn’t let go of you since you were in this particular position, but you were convinced that if you had been in a different space the older man would’ve personally helped his friend spit on his cock before slipping inside of your tight hole inch by inch. 
He filled you up quickly, and soon you felt delirious from the slight pain that mixed with enormous pleasure. The sting of being stretched more than you had ever been before, with two men filling your holes up, soon dissolved and you were a moaning mess as they began thrusting into you. They matched their rhythms to one another, grinding up into you perfectly in sync. 
“Look at you, taking us both so well,” Seungcheol groaned as he helped hold you up while he and Soonyoung used your holes for their pleasure. “I’m so proud of you,” he mumbled with a gentle kiss on your neck.
The two men’s groans and erratic breaths made your head spin, and their cocks pounding into you hit all the right spots. When you came, you couldn’t even scream, the pleasure too much for you to handle. You squeezed around the two, pulsating walls tightening around their sensitive lengths. Soonyoung whined that he was close, and you moaned in response. “Fill her up Soonyoung, she loves it,” Seungcheol panted, making the younger cum as if on command. 
Seeing both you and Soonyoung in pure bliss set Seungcheol off as well, and as he emptied himself inside of your dripping pussy he moaned into the kiss you pressed against his lips the moment you realized he was close as well. 
When your feet touched the ground again you felt how unstable your body felt, luckily the two men held you up with ease. 
“Let us take care of you,” Seungcheol said gently. Soonyoung quickly cleaned you up while you let your body rest in Seungcheol’s arms. 
“I like you,” you said sleepily to Soonyoung, the tiredness having hit you hard very suddenly. The younger man’s ears became a shade redder yet again, making both you and Seungcheol chuckle. 
“If you like him that much, why don’t you take him home with you?” Seungcheol said in a joking manner. 
“I’d like that. Would you two like to come with me tonight?” You asked without hesitation, knowing that whatever happened after this would be things you wouldn’t regret in the near future. 
When the two led you out of the club, arms wrapped around your waist, you signaled to your friends that you would be leaving. The looks on their faces asked about a million questions. Both about who the stranger who had your lipstick on his face and neck was, but also about if you were actually planning on going home with the two. In all the months you and Seungcheol had been hooking up you had never actually gone home together, his car or a nearby hotel being the closest you had gotten to a home. Tonight felt different, not just because you had been more than the two of you, but because you weren’t the least bit hesitant to bring the both of them home with you. You were honestly just looking forward to the change in scenery. They would both look amazing on top of your duvets, you could already see it in front of you as you left the club with Soonyoung and Seungcheol. 
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Reblogging and commenting is highly appreciated!! Hearing what you thought is what makes writing and being here overall so much fun! Ty and ily 💕
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lustspren · 1 year
California Love ft Soyeon, Minnie.
length: 12k words✦
Soyeon, Minnie & Male Reader. 
(The Judge A.U)
genres: threesome, anal, voyeur, hard sex, creampie, double blowjob, oral sex, facefuck, daddy kink, squirt, facial, strap sex, bi  ✧ 
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What should be done when you feel that you don't know exactly what your relationship with a person is? That was the question that was constantly going through your mind every day that passed after having visited Soyeon's apartment and having fucked in absolutely every corner of it.
After that day you two had been going out together to all possible places, you went to see movies, to have breakfast, to have dinner, for a walk, to museums, and any moderately fun place for you two to have a good time together; she would even show you the songs she was working on when they were just the skeleton of what you were sure would become a PAK worthy song there in Korea. But the most important of all this, was that you fucked like absolute rabbits in each of the places you went out, yes, even in the movies.
You had never been caught, despite being quite horny all the time, you still kept a certain common sense and all the fucks you did were previously thought out and planned, so nothing had ever gone wrong. Never, except once.
You went to visit Soyeon without letting her know, since you had a day off and you were really bored at home. Soyeon was obviously surprised, but she wasn't really upset about it. Right at that moment she was making food, so you two calmly ate dinner while watching Lost on TV. Things began to heat up, as always happened between the two of you, and as it was also common, she was the one who took the initiative. It all started with a make out session, and in a matter of minutes, you were fucking her missionary on the dining room table.
But there was a small detail that completely escaped Soyeon, she had invited Minnie to her house before you arrived, and in all the heat of the moment, she forgot about it, it simply vanished from her mind. Besides, you had made the mistake of leaving the apartment door unlocked, that's what put the nooses around your necks. As expected, anyone could enter, and of course, Minnie was one of those people. The poor girl had entered without making any kind of noise, and when she got to the dining room, she caught you pounding Soyeon's pussy so hard that you almost broke the table.
You had your back to the kitchen doorway, so only Soyeon realized that she had caught you while you were still working, it was only when you both finished that Soyeon had told you what had happened, and you immediately felt embarrassed and quite worried about what Minnie might or might not do with the information she had just obtained, but the horny little monster was always one step ahead of you, and with complete serenity and confidence, she had told you that she wanted you to have a threesome with her. She did not tell you when or under what circumstances, it was just a comment that remained as a that, a simple comment.
After that day you didn't talk about it anymore, it was simply forgotten, but you kept it in mind all the time, especially when you were together with the other girls and you exchanged glances from time to time with Minnie. You pretended that what had happened had never happened, and you acted like it. In fact, you had a very good relationship with Minnie and with all of them, but deep down you knew that she couldn't get the memory of finding you while you were having sex out of her head.
However, you became so close to those girls that you came to do something that you never thought you would do for a person. Travel to LA. And the irony was that the idea had come from Minnie herself.
G-IDLE was preparing for their next comeback, you knew it before anyone else thanks to your relationship with Soyeon, and you had also heard both songs, both the pre-single and the main track, but the most exhausting moment of the whole process was coming, shooting the respective MV's.
Finding out that the chosen place had been LA was a somewhat bittersweet feeling, on the one hand you were sad, since clearly you weren't going to be able to see Soyeon or the girls for a long time, but also happy because you knew that the MV's were going to be of incredible quality, with good scenery and producers. You were already resigned to spend the days without Soyeon, but Minnie changed the whole landscape for you.
You had met her a few days before their flight to the USA, while you were waiting for Soyeon at the exit of the CUBE building. Minnie had dared to get into your car, tell you all about the plan she had, give you her phone number, and if that wasn't enough, give you a bank transfer with which to buy your one-way ticket. At that moment everything happened so fast that you couldn't even internalize all the information she had given you, all you knew was that it would be a surprise for Soyeon.
The reality was that Minnie hadn't even given you a real plan, it was more like 'Alright, I know you're going to miss Soyeon, why don't you come with us to LA?' To which you had no choice but to say yes, even though you knew all the difficulties that entailed.
And there you were, on a plane heading to a city that you had only visited in GTA V so far. The 11-hour flight had left you completely destroyed, and as soon as you arrived in the city, the first thing you did was look for a nice and cheap hotel to sleep properly. You woke up around 8 p.m, jetlagged as hell and with your perception of reality completely blurred. It wasn't until you checked your phone that you remembered where you were and why.
You had several unread messages from Minnie, and you didn't know how long ago since you still had Seoul time set.
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You put the phone down when you were done talking to Minnie and sat on the edge of the bed, immediately getting dizzy, and having to close your eyes, stay perfectly still, and take a deep breath before you were able to get up without falling over in the process.
The room you had rented was about 12 square meters, located in a small hotel near the Santa Monica pier. It was quite a beautiful area, full of life and unusual things, the little you could appreciate in your search for the hotel when you started wandering around was nice, but it was just that, since your head was more on a comfortable bed in which to sleep than in reality.
For the modest price you paid, you were quite surprised by how clean and nice your room was, minimalist, with just the necessities and a bathroom that wasn't exactly great, but it was more than functional for your purpose at the time, in fact, you were also surprised that in the shower there was a fully functional heater. Maybe you had a wrong idea, but in many places, for that price you barely got a bed.
You took a quick bath, no more than 10 minutes in which you just washed your body well and spent a few minutes just letting the water flow over your body to relax, and when you came out of the bathroom to check your phone, Minnie already I had sent you the location of the set where they were filming. You dressed as quickly as you could, with jean shorts, a baggy t-shirt, and vans sneakers, before going out into the street to hail a taxi.
You reached your destination after around 10 minutes by car, you recognized it thanks to certain signs that indicated that something out of the ordinary was happening there, but the most obvious were the warning bands that must have formed some kind of perimeter for several streets. You got out of the taxi, and as soon as you approached one of the bands, a security man discreetly stepped between you and the other side. It was Minnie's turn to act, so you pulled out your phone to text her.
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A couple of minutes passed until in the distance you saw a stunning goddess walking straight in your direction, your first reaction was to be completely mesmerized by the sway of her hips, and by her strong aura with which she demanded all possible eyes on her. Incredibly hot body, wide hips, perfect waist, gorgeous long legs, and killer shoulders and clavicle, all highlighted by a short, tight black dress, with one piece of leather on top and the rest of glittery fabric.
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You knew Minnie was gorgeous, but on this particular day, she could easily be the hottest, most beautiful woman on earth.
"Let him in! He's coming with us," Minnie said in perfect English to the security guard, who was obviously a local. The guard stepped aside, and you stepped under the band to wrap Minnie in a warm hug.
"Girl, you look really hot," you told her with a giggle, to which she laughed back.
"Oh yeah? Wait till you see your little woman," Minnie replied, pulling away from you with a smile, "she's over there, come on," she nodded for you to follow.
You followed Minnie from behind through the set, which was nothing more than the completely normal street, with empty lit cars and actors who would later appear in the scenes as ordinary passers-by. The other girls weren't on set, but if you'd seen any familiar faces, like the styling team or the group's manager, Soyeon was right behind him, and it wasn't until you got closer that you could fully see her, dressed in the exact same dress as Minnie, sporting an ass and hips that always drove you crazy.
She was distracted talking to the manager, but you wish you were recording her reaction the moment she saw you approaching with Minnie.
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Soyeon yelled, putting her hand to her mouth, "Oh my god!" In the midst of her emotion, she took quick steps towards you and clung to you with a strong hug, which the manager viewed with some misgivings.
"Surprise surprise!" you laughed, lifting Soyeon into the air in the middle of your hug and then lowering her down.
"Have you been planning this all this time, you little jerk?" Soyeon broke away from you, still incredulous that you were standing in front of her in the middle of Los Angeles while she was working.
"You could say that someone planned everything for me," you stepped aside, so Soyeon could see Minnie playing dumb.
"Oh right, I should have been suspicious of the rich girl who's been acting weird all day," Soyeon raised an eyebrow, glaring at her.
"Hey! Thanks I brought him here, the poor guy was going to be left with nothing to do in Seoul," Minnie replied, annoyed.
"If you want I can go back to Korea, no problem," you teased, pretending to turn away.
"Don't even think about it, boy," she grabbed your forearm and held on to your arm. You and Minnie laughed.
"I'll get him a room at the hotel where we're staying, okay?" Minnie asked Soyeon, hoping for her approval as her leader.
"Honey, it's your money, not mine, you can do whatever you want," Soyeon replied, still hugging your arm, "Manager-nim!" she caught the man's attention, "I need to talk to him alone for a moment, okay?" while she said that, she started to walk pulling you with her.
"Don't be long, please! There are a few scenes left to shoot," he told her, then motioned for Minnie to come with him.
"It will be a moment! Don't worry!" Soyeon said louder as you walked away from him.
Soyeon led you through the empty cars, to a location that was outside the perimeter of the set where they were filming but was significantly more isolated and lonely than the rest of the block. A dead end, basically. You went behind a quite tall block of garbage, enough to cover her and you up to the neck. The first thing she did was press you against the wall with her tight body, one hand on your abdomen and her eyes on yours.
"You're not going to suck my dick here, are you?" you teased, tracing the outline of her hips with your hands on them.
"Sadly I can't, sweetheart, it's too risky," she replied, reaching under your shirt to rub your abdomen, "but I can tell you one thing."
"What thing?" You raised an eyebrow, wrapped your arms around her body, and bravely squeezed her ass through her dress.
"Do you remember what happened a while ago? With the girl who brought you here?" she responded immediately, reaching down to squeeze your cock over your shorts and getting closer to your lips, "Today could be the day we fuck relentlessly… with her."
"Uh?" you frowned, "you're kidding right?"
"Do you think I'm kidding?" she squeezed your cock harder, and lifted her dress with her other hand so you could touch her bare asscheek, "The other girls have the night off, who knows where they are, and my hotel room will be lonely..." she brushed her lips against yours, "all night."
"I'm glad you said it, then," you bit her lower lip, giving her a small spank that echoed through the walls, "Because in those black dresses I can't help but imagine how you two suck my cock clean."
"She looks hot, doesn't she?" Soyeon murmured, massaging your cock slowly until it was completely hard, "Wouldn't you like to fuck that pretty face? Or fuck her ass as hard as you do me?" Soyeon's tone was loaded with desire and sensuality, so much so that you were tempted to fuck her right at that moment against the garbage can.
"Fuck, Soyeon..." you gasped, "Yeah, I'd love to, and I'd love to cum on her perfect fucking midriff, too."
"Then you'll have to play along with me, honey," she smiled mischievously, letting go of your cock, pulling away from you and then pulling her dress down. You growled, your cock nearly ripping through your shorts and now too horny to think straight.
"Whatever you say, I'm in, fuck," you sighed, glancing down the street to make sure no one was peeking, "let's go now, you've got work to do."
"There are just a few close ups left to record, it's not a big deal," she adjusted her dress, making sure not to arouse suspicion, "Okay, listen to me," she crossed her arms, "here's the plan, you're going to Look for your suitcase and your things at the hotel where you stayed, and you'll wait for me to tell you to go to our hotel. I'll invent an excuse for Minnie to leave while you arrive."
"And are you sure that all this will work out?" you raised an eyebrow.
"No, but it's better than nothing, right?" she shrugged, "walk on."
"If you say so," you sighed, following her back onto the set.
While you two were in the alley, the thing on the set had started up again. Minnie was filming one of her scenes, while Queencard was playing in the background. Soyeon and you discreetly approached the director, to see the screen he was looking at. You were perplexed by how she performed in front of the cameras, her face and her body made a deadly combination, with a charisma and charm that few idols in the industry were capable of showing so naturally.
"Wah, she's really stunning," Soyeon said next to you, genuinely impressed by Minnie's beauty.
A few long minutes of different takes, directions and revisions passed until Minnie had finally finished filming all the scenes that were missing, and the first thing she did was walk towards you with a smile on her face.
"How was I?" she asked, a little nervous.
"Awesome as always!" you said, flattering her.
"Hey honey, you should go get your things, don't you think? We're almost done here," Soyeon asked, staring at you.
"Oh right! I'll call a taxi," you said, pulling out your phone.
"I have the hotel number, I think I can book your room in my name right away," Minnie said, looking for her bag.
"Thank you very much, Minnie, this makes me very happy, really," you thanked her with a bow and a smile, "I'll go wait outside for the taxi, okay?" you told Soyeon.
"Alright, please be careful," she waved her goodbye to you, indicating for you to go now, "I'll give you the location of the hotel when I'm done filming."
"Understood," you nodded, "see you guys!" you said goodbye to them, starting to walk.
"See you later oppa!" Minnie said goodbye, and you walked back to where the previous taxi had left you.
The taxi arrived about 10 minutes after you called it, and you returned in a short time to the hotel where you had stayed. In there you didn't really have to do much, you hadn't unpacked practically anything from your suitcase and the only things you picked up were your airpods, powerbank and your watch.
You waited for a few minutes which frankly took forever. You were sitting on the edge of the bed, with your hands clasped between your knees while you looked at a fixed point on the wall, anxiously moving your right ankle. You would have used your phone to distract yourself, but it was charging, and you didn't like using it while charging. The precious message arrived just a few minutes later, and it contained only the relevant and necessary information: the location of said hotel, and you were not a bit surprised to find out that it was the Fairmont Century Plaza. Minnie fucking Yontararak was going to get you a room in what was probably the most famous hotel in all of Los Angeles, and she hadn't trembled at any time to do it.
You ordered another taxi (the third in a little less than two hours), and you waited patiently outside the hotel, when it arrived, you put your suitcase in the trunk and got on. About 10 minutes by car were enough to reach your destination. The taxi dropped you off right in front of the impressive piece of infrastructure, which if that wasn't impressive enough on its own, was made even better by the two parallel towers just behind it.
Of course, your first instinct was to take a picture of the place, whose red-gold lights, placed on each and every room balcony, made you gasp when you realized how massive the hotel was. When you had finished taking as many pictures as you could, you walked around the large circular fountain that preceded a roundabout with two installations on the sides and a sculpture in the shape of a man's head made of what appeared to be thick metal wires, which it was backlit with a set of lights installed under its water.
Among all your astonishment, you didn't even realize that Soyeon was already waiting for you in the hotel lobby, so big that if it weren't for the fact that she was waving at you like crazy, you wouldn't have found out that she was there among so many pieces of furniture, pillars, plants and people. You approached her with your suitcase in hand, dragging the little wheels on the most expensive floor you had ever stepped on in your life.
"Do you have any idea how much fucking money Minnie must have to splurge on a room in this place for an idiot like me?" you asked, looking at Soyeon with a mischievous smile on her face, of course she still had her dress on.
"Last Christmas she gave us all Chanel handbags like it was nothing, that's your answer," Soyeon said pulling your shirt to give you a little kiss on the lips, "wait here, I'll tell someone to bring your suitcase to your room.”
"Have you booked it yet?" you asked Soyeon before she left, "What about...?"
"She did it right after you left the set, and don't worry, I told her I needed some alone time in our room," she winked at you, and then headed down a couple of steps to the reception area. She spoke to the manager for a moment as she pointed in your direction, the man nodded, and within seconds she was back with you.
"You don't think she suspects something?" you asked, seeing how a bellboy took your suitcase who knows where.
"It's not the first time I've asked her for a moment alone, sometimes I need to be alone in a room and think about things," she replied with a sigh, "let's go to the reception, you have to sign up to get the keys."
You went to the place that Soyeon had indicated, and with her you spent at least 10 minutes filling out paperwork and doing security checks before the receptionist gave you a pair of keys along with the card you would use to open the door of your room, he also explained to you that the service Minnie had purchased was an all-inclusive service, which meant breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and access to recreational areas such as the pool, spa, and bars.
"Fuck, I didn't even want to ask the amount paid, I'd feel guilty," you said, walking Soyeon away from the reception.
"Honey, whatever amount it is, it's not your problem," she took your arm and looked into your eyes, "now let's go to my room, I want you so bad," she licked her upper lip slowly, thing she knew turned you on
Soyeon grabbed your hand, and you hurriedly headed to her room, first taking an elevator and then going through a long corridor with several people before reaching the door. Each room seemed to have a badge above the door frame, and that one in particular said 'Fairmont Gold Suite'. You two walked in, and as she closed the door behind you, you stood there admiring the space.
It was a long room, with two wide glass doors on the left that led to two separate balconies, each with two chairs and a small circular table. On the wall between the glass doors was a large TV, and at the far end of the room, a gray leather corner sofa, with a small table and a small barrel-shaped stool. Lastly, to the right were the two queen size beds, with a nightstand in the middle and decorative pictures on the wall. To the far right was an open door, and judging by the little marble wall visible from where you were standing, you knew it was the bathroom.
"CUBE didn't put a single dollar to pay for this, right?" you asked, taking a few steps while looking at the incredible views of all of Century City.
"Of course fucking not," she answered behind you, moving closer to the first bed to tidy up the mess a bit, "we both paid for everything."
"God, may I ask why you continue with that disgusting company?" You sat on the opposite corner of the bed that Soyeon was making, watching the TV off and then back outside.
"Contract," Soyeon said dryly, "Soojinie was really lucky that CUBE terminated hers, she's been very happy and easy-going lately."
"Is she?"
"Yup, she is always in contact with Shuhua, you know why."
"Are they together?"
"They were," you heard a suitcase open behind you, you turned to see Soyeon over your shoulder, who was putting some things inside, "They broke up when Soojin decided to walk away, but they're still really good friends."
"I'm glad to know that," you couldn't help but smile.
"Anyways," Soyeon closed the suitcase again and stood in front of you, "Time to tell the little bird that she can come back to this nest, don't you think?" She had the phone in hand, typed a message to Minnie, and then tossed it to the other bed, "Okay, now, I think it's time to open the curtain, honey."
Soyeon stood between your knees and put her hands on your shoulders, rubbing them slowly. You wrapped your arms around her petite body, looking up into her pair of staring predatory eyes, and she climbed onto your lap to accommodate her legs on either side of your hips and involuntarily lifting her dress, just enough so that your bulge pressed against her slit over her black lace panties.
She wrapped her arms around your neck, and with a quick movement of her head she attacked your lips in a fierce and intense kiss from the beginning. Her fingers tangled in your hair, and as your tongues swirled around each other she began to rock her hips back and forth, rubbing her slit against your now growing bulge. Your hands went to her hips, and from there slowly moved down to her ass, you gave her buttocks a hard squeeze, only to then grab the hem of her dress and pull it straight up to the middle of her abdomen.
Soyeon broke away from your lips, and as she now attacked your neck with wet kisses, bites and suckers, she reached between your bodies and reached for your cock, to give it an initial squeeze and then began to massage it constantly until it was completely hard. You gasped, and gave her right buttock a hard spank, followed by a light squeeze. You tried to lean slightly forward to push her panties away and bring one of your fingers to her ass, but she stopped you by putting her hand on your chest.
"Uh uh, no sir, not yet," she told you with a mischievous smile, placed a small kiss on your lips and climbed down from your lap to kneel between your legs, her face right in front of your big bulge.
"Did I tell you how fucking hot you look in that dress?" you commented, gasping.
"Actually no, you didn't," her hand went straight to your bulge, massaging it for a moment before beginning to unbutton your shorts, "but you didn't need to tell me to know I had you drooling, darling," she pulled down the zip, and grabbing the hem of both your shorts and boxers, she lowered both items of clothing directly to your ankles, releasing your hard, throbbing cock in front of her face.
She skipped absolutely any foreplay and took your cock in one hand, rubbed the tip of it a couple of times against her tongue, then took you right into her mouth, taking half of your shaft in one quick shot. motion. You gasped, throwing your head back to then stare at her as she began to bob her head up and down.
It was obvious that she was just as in need of it as you are, as she aggressively pumped her head and started salivating all over your cock within a minute of starting. Her little lips slid lower and lower, until with each bob of her head your whole cock was going in and out of her mouth.
You moaned, and she mimicked you moaning around your shaft, using her tongue to stimulate the back of her and tilting her head from side to side in a corkscrew motion. She was making your cock all salivary and slippery, driving you completely crazy with pleasure; you supported your hands on the mattress, and wrinkled the sheets when she pushed her head down and rested her nose against your pelvis, while she looked you straight in the eyes and without showing a single gag reflex.
"Holy fucking shit, I missed this cock so much, honey," Soyeon said after taking you out of her mouth to take a breath and start jerking you off quickly, then she spat all the saliva that had accumulated in her mouth right onto your dick again.
"Then sit on it and bounce like the slut you are," after a while you were confident enough to talk to her like that, so you weren't afraid to tell her what a slut she was, or give her small orders.
"Do you want my ass or my pussy, sweetie?" she asked, placing little kisses on your shaft.
"I want your pussy first, let's save the best for later."
Soyeon gave a small smirk and stood up, grabbing the straps of her dress and pulling it off her shoulders, rolling it all the way to the middle of her abdomen along the other end, now leaving her perky little tits exposed. You took off your t-shirt, and as you did, she had already turned around to present her ass to you. She pulled her panties down very slowly, first showing you her ass and then her delicious little plump pussy.
She tossed the panties away after pulling them off her legs, and with her back to you, she bent her knees to float her round ass just above your cock, ran a hand between her legs and cupped your shaft with one hand to straighten it, rub it a few times between her folds and then begin to slowly lower herself over it, impaling herself inch by inch on your cock.
"Oh fuck yes baby!" Soyeon moaned, resting her buttocks against your pelvis as your cock was deep inside her pussy. She rested her hands on your knees, and began to move her ass up and down slowly until her pussy walls molded to your shaft, that's when she clung more tightly to your legs, and her ass started to quickly bounce.
Under normal circumstances, seeing your cock disappear between Soyeon's buttocks would drive you fucking crazy, but in that situation, in a suite that expensive, with the city lights of LA illuminating the room, you felt like you were in the most sexy erotic Hollywood movie, fucking a coveted and desired movie star.
Soyeon didn't bother to regulate the volume of her moans, despite the fact that it was already quite late at night and that the people in the adjacent rooms were probably already sleeping, she just dedicated herself to jumping like crazy on your dick, making the sound of meat against meat colliding take over the room.
Your hands went to her hips, and clung there until her hair looked tremendously tempting to you. You caught a handful of her hair in a messy ponytail, and yanked it back hard so she let out a little groan of pleasure. That seemed to make her angry, because she started moving her ass as hard as she could, and you responded with a strong spank straight to one of her buttocks.
No more than your moans and the sound of her ass bouncing against your pelvis was present in the room, until the moment that both you and Soyeon were looking forward to finally happened. There was a small Beep at the door, and then it opened wide, showing Minnie as stunned as if she had seen a ghost, still dressed in that sexy black dress. She put her hand to her mouth and looked to the sides of the hall to make sure no one passed while the door was still open.
You saw her, and then you saw Soyeon still bouncing on your cock like the sex machine that she was.
"S-sorry guys… I better go, sorry," she was about to play dumb and close the door again, but Soyeon cut her off.
"Not so fast, woman, why don't you join us?" Soyeon asked between gasps, "or don't you want to release today's stress?" she moaned louder than normal, just to show Minnie how much she was enjoying jumping on your cock.
"Uh... can I?" Minnie asked doubtfully, biting her bottom lip and stepping into the room and closing the door behind her, she saw Soyeon waiting for an answer, then you, and then your cock disappearing and appearing between Soyeon's buttocks. She seemed mesmerized by the scene immediately, as if it was something she had been imagining all this time, but that was coming true until now.
"Of course, princess," Soyeon finally stopped, and you let go of her hair as she looked over her shoulder at you, "Honey, why don't you help me give our guest the welcome she deserves? "
"I'd be delighted, boss," you winked at her, and she got up from your cock to walk slowly towards Minnie, you followed her from behind, until you stood behind her and Soyeon in front of her. Minnie looked nervous, clearly intimidated by being trapped between two naked bodies, but still horny as fuck, you could tell by how she was looking at Soyeon, or how she was looking at you and your cock over her shoulder, "Can I kiss you?" you asked.
"I'd be upset if you didn't," Minnie said in a low, sweet, dreamy voice, the one she usually used to open songs like Oh My God, so fucking sexy she made your dick throb.
You took Minnie's chin with two of your fingers, leaving her head still for you to slowly approach her lips, looking into her eyes at all times until finally your mouths met in a slow and calm kiss, which soon evolved into a more intense and passionate one. Soyeon was the next to attack, taking advantage of the fact that Minnie's neck was exposed to fill it with small kisses as she removed the straps of her dress and lowered it to her abdomen.
Having a new pair of tits at your disposal, you didn't hesitate to pass your two hands around Minnie's body and reach her little tits to play with her small and sensitive nipples, Minnie moaned low in the kiss, and you went even deeper in the kiss, adding your tongue and little lip bites from time to time. Soyeon continued to undress her, grabbing her rolled down dress and pulling it down her body until she slipped it off her legs. You didn't even have time to find out what color Minnie's panties were, because Soyeon as soon as she saw them also removed them from her legs.
Now completely naked, Minnie pulled her ass back and pressed it against your slippery cock. She also took one of her hands back, grabbing your neck and drowning her small moans into the kiss while Soyeon put her tits in her mouth, licking and sucking on her nipples. Minnie moved her hips slowly, rubbing your cock between her buttocks, and you began to go over the body that had been driving you so crazy for a while with your hands. Your hands slowly passed the sides of her torso, moving down until you reached what was undoubtedly your favorite part of her body, her flat, soft, long and incredibly beautiful abdomen, which you slowly rubbed up and down, teasing with touch her pussy but always coming back higher.
"Enough," Soyeon said, and you and Minnie parted from the kiss, her face red with pleasure and you gasping for air, "I want to cum on that cock, and you," she looked at Minnie, "are going to help me with that."
"Oh, with pleasure," Minnie replied, carefully taking Soyeon by the face and planting a short but sensual kiss on her lips.
You let go of Minnie and went back to the bed to sit on the edge, leaned back and rested your hands on the mattress, waiting for Soyeon, who came back to stand between your legs with her back to you. You took your cock, and you made it straight so that she only had to lower her ass and find herself once again completely impaled on your cock. Minnie also went to stand between your legs, to grab Soyeon's face once more and start kissing her; Soyeon began to jump more aggressively than a moment ago, devoting the entire moment solely and exclusively to her own pleasure, using you as a little sex toy, which didn't bother you at all.
Minnie, remembering what Soyeon had asked of her, separated from her lips and raised her back slightly to be able to leave her tits at a more accessible level, for her to bend her knees and begin to pinch and suck on her tits. Soyeon took Minnie's head between her arms, holding her and pressing her even more against her tits while she jumped like crazy on your cock. You brought your hands to Soyeon's ass, squeezing her buttocks as you helped her bounce faster. You gave her another strong spank that made her squeal, and then she started to lose control of her body as Minnie brought a hand between her thighs  and began to quickly rub Soyeon’s clit.
Soyeon was already close to her orgasm even before Minnie arrived, but now with her help, and between the two stimuli in her pussy, it didn't take long for her to reach her peak of pleasure. She pulled Minnie's hair away from her tits and kissed her again, muffling loud squeals of pleasure against her lips as she jumped slower but just as strong on your cock. Her pussy walls tightened around your shaft, and you had to make an inhuman effort not to cum. You clung to her waist, closing your eyes and concentrating until she finally stopped.
"Fuck..." you sighed, "I missed that tight little pussy so much," you gasped, still deep in her cavern to give another hard spank to her other ass cheek.
"And I missed that big cock, honey," she turned to look at you, Minnie's face still in her hands when she blew you a little kiss.
"I… I want to suck it, can I?" Minnie asked, looking down as Soyeon lifted her hips to free your cock.
"You'll only do it with me, naughty girl," Soyeon climbed off your lap and pushed Minnie aside to kneel between your legs, Minnie knelt to the side of her, forcing you to spread your legs wider so they could fit between them.
"My god… it's so big," Minnie said, taking your cock in her hand and admiring it like it was the toy she asked for for Christmas, "now I envy you," her hand began to move slowly up and down, spreading Soyeon's fluids on your cock.
"Wait till you feel it in your ass," Soyeon said with a giggle.
"What are you waiting for to clean that cock, cutie?" you asked, rubbing the outline of her face with the back of your hand.
Minnie bit her lower lip, and after a few seconds of hesitation, she guided the tip of your cock right into her mouth, wrapping her thick lips in a tight grip as she slowly began to suck the first few inches of your shaft. Soyeon brushed Minnie's hair from her face, and joined her with little kisses and licks on your balls.
After a few seconds Minnie got confident enough to start pumping her head lower and lower, and that's when you noticed that she was fucking amazing giving head. You gasped, placing a hand on the back of Minnie's head to guide her into the correct pace, but it was unnecessary to do so, as she knew exactly how to move her head and her tongue to drive you wild with each pump.
"Your pussy tastes delicious, Soyeonie," Minnie said, pulling you out of her mouth to get some air, her hand moving slowly over your cock.
"Don't be greedy, I want a taste too," Minnie stopped moving her hand, and Soyeon started licking your shaft and then sucking a few inches of it.
"Get on the bed, both of you, I want to see those asses while you make me cum," you ordered with your mouth agape, getting on the bed and resting your head on one of the two pillows.
Minnie and Soyeon obeyed your command, and climbed on the bed to slowly crawl towards you, then turned around, their asses facing you and their backs arching so that their faces were level with your cock. You saw Minnie's pussy for the first time, and you couldn't help rubbing her folds slowly with your fingers, she turned to see you, and with her gaze fixed on you, she took your cock again to guide it back to her mouth. You let out a long moan, and squeezed both asses as Minnie let her lips trail to the base of your cock with each pump of her head.
Minnie took you out of her mouth after a few seconds, and Soyeon was the next to take you. Unlike Minnie, who gave you a more sensual, slow and clean blowjob, Soyeon was completely the opposite, with frantic and fast movements on your cock which began to leave it more and more full of saliva. After a moment, Soyeon took you out of her mouth and then they both began to work together to give you pleasure, each one with her mouth on the side of your shaft to stick out their tongues and start moving up and down, from your base to the tip. And that was your downfall.
The two girls kept moving their perfectly coordinated heads, making their tongues serve as a cocksleeve for you, and after a few seconds your unannounced orgasm arrived. You let out a loud moan, and immediately your cock began to shoot thick jets of cum into the air, which fell on your cock while they were still moving their tongues up and down, collecting every drop that ran down your shaft, but it was so much that part of it remained accumulated on their lips or on their chins. Out of sheer instinct you gave each of them a strong spank, but you were so out of that existential plane that you didn't realize when your orgasm had passed, and they were already taking turns sucking your cock clean once more.
"Such a fucking delicious cock, dammit..." Minnie said, licking your cock just like Soyeon.
"You can have it anytime you want, as long as you share it with me and do everything I tell you today," Soyeon replied, taking her chin to run her tongue over it and clean any remaining cum.
"I'm fine with that," Minnie smirked, and then she licked her lips to return the favor to Soyeon, wiping her lips and her chin until they were clean.
"Oh yeah? Well listen to this, rich girl," Soyeon grabbed her neck and kept her brushing against her lips, "I'm not touching that pussy... until your fucking squirt."
"Oh… but, I don't think I've ever done that," Minnie said, with a slightly worried expression.
"It's quite easy, I'll guide you," she knelt up, and stared at you, "but for that you'll need inspiration," she raised an eyebrow, you got the message, and nodded for her to do what she wanted.
Your cock was still hard, and Soyeon took advantage of that to climb onto you with her back to you, planting both feet on either side of your hips, and began rubbing the tip of your cock between her folds. Minnie also took a new position on the bed, lying on her back in the right corner with her legs wide open, leaving her pussy exposed to you and Soyeon.
"Should I just... finger myself?" Minnie asked, rubbing her index and middle fingers between her slit from top to bottom.
"You must be completely relaxed, honey, especially your pelvis, when you feel close, just let me know, okay?" Soyeon asked her, teasing with impaling herself on your dick but only sticking the tip of it in and then pulling it out of her.
"God… very good," Minnie agreed with a sigh, rubbing her clit slowly in circles and then taking her index and middle fingers slowly inside her pussy, she let out a small moan, and that was the green light for Soyeon to fully impale herself on your cock one more time.
Soyeon leaned back, and rested her hands on the mattress to start moving her hips at a steady and pleasurable rhythm. Minnie, staring at how your cock moved in and out of Soyeon's pussy, moved her wrist faster than she was supposed to at first, and did so between cute, needy moans.
"Do you like this, princess?" Soyeon asked Minnie, moving up and down on your cock, "seeing how his big juicy cock fills my little pussy? I bet you'd love to feel it inside you, wouldn't you?"
Minnie didn't respond with words but with more moans and an increase in the rhythm of her wrist, her fingers pumping rapidly in and out of her pussy. Her mouth was parted, and her free hand was pinching her own nipple as the pleasure built up in her body. Soyeon began to bounce harder completely on purpose, forcing Minnie to stop looking at her and see what was going on between your legs.
You could let Soyeon ride you all day, in fact, it was one of your favorite things in the world, but you needed to take control for a moment, so you made her stop, planted your feet on the mattress and you grabbed her legs tightly before pulling her back, her back was pressed against your chest, and now you were holding her in a full-nelson position, her knees on either side of her head and your hands holding the sides of it, perfect to give Minnie exactly what she wanted.
Soyeon couldn't even meet Minnie's eyes anymore, you had started pumping your hips up and down as hard and fast as you could, crashing your pelvis against her ass with each thrust. You turned your head to the side, so you could see Minnie clearly as her fingers went in and out of her as fast as your cock did Soyeon's pussy.
The moans from both girls were like music to your ears, both squealing and whimpering with pleasure in different ways and volumes. Minnie stopped pinching and massaging her tits with her free hand, and instead brought both of her fingers into her slit as well to begin rubbing her clit intensely and in circles. You couldn't see Soyeon's face, only Minnie's, and you couldn't stop thinking that it was a work of art carved by the angels themselves, and how it distorted and turned red with pleasure, had your motor at all speed.
"Soyeonie... ah, fuck fuck! I'm too close, now w-what?" Minnie managed to ask between whimpers, pumping her fingers and rubbing her pussy quickly.
"Just squeeze your glutes and relax!" you were sure Soyeon meant to tell her nicely, but instead, she just let out a desperate scream, "You're gonna!... FUCK!" Soyeon squeaked, "You're going to feel like you're going to pee, don't panic, j-just go on relax and push!" she said all that last without a pause, only to be able to moan again.
At first you weren't sure if Minnie had stored all that information in her head, but a few seconds passed, and she frowned, clenched her teeth, and suddenly put her fingers out of her pussy, letting out a considerable stream of fluid that stained the entire sheet in one line and part of your calf, all while she continued to rapidly rub her clit until the squirt combined with her orgasm. Her body twisted in a violent spasm, and she dropped her head to the mattress to writhe and crumple the sheets with her free hand.
"I think it's time to give her the prize, don't you think?" you asked Soyeon, considerably slowing down your thrusts and loosening your grip. Minnie, meanwhile, kept squealing and rubbing her clit much slower than before.
"I… fuck yeah, right," Soyeon moaned, and you released her legs so she was sitting on top of you again. She got off your cock and you got up to grab Minnie by her thighs and pull her to the center of the bed. You and Soyeon lay on each side of her, Soyeon cupped the side of her face and started kissing her, while you concentrated on kissing her jaw, her neck and then her clavicle.
Your hand ran down her incredibly sexy body once more, and when you reached her abdomen you couldn't help but move down a bit to bring your lips to it, spreading wet kisses around her hot tummy, down to her pubis and then back up. to bring one of her small tits to your mouth. Minnie still had her legs wide open, a moment that you took the opportunity to put a hand between them and rub her clitoris, a little spasm scared her, because she was still sensitive, but she immediately relaxed thanks to Soyeon's care.
“You're going to squirt one more fucking time,” you said, more as a warning than a request, Minnie's weak, lust-filled eyes meeting yours as she stopped kissing Soyeon.
"Do what you want with me, I don't care," Minnie said, her voice husky and low.
"Wow, that's an invitation you can't turn down," Soyeon said with a mischievous smile, grabbing one of Minnie's tits and spreading kisses all over her face.
You kept moving your fingers over her clit for a few more seconds, until you trailed them down her folds and deep inside her pussy. Minnie trembled and squealed, and grabbed onto Soyeon's neck as you began to move your wrist frantically without any warning. 
You and Soyeon each took one of Minnie's tits into your mouths as you pumped your fingers in and out of her tight, drenched pussy. Minnie's legs did a little reflex to close, but you quickly looped a leg over hers to hold it in place, restricting any kind of movement other than her hips.
Minnie was screaming like crazy, making growls from the depths of her throat and grabbing both of you by the hair on the nape of your neck, entangling her fingers in it between slight spasms that her body had every time you hit her G-spot. You knew how and how deep to move your fingers, so now you were stimulating her sensitive area at all times.
You continued to lick and suck on her nipple for a few more seconds, until you came up and met her pretty lips once more. She cupped your face with both hands, and you brought your lips together in a fiery kiss. Minnie muffled her shrieks against your lips, but it soon became impossible with Soyeon's fingers rubbing over her clit, following the rhythm of your wrist and causing her to start screaming in pleasure.
Minnie's eyes started to get teary, but that didn't stop either of you from continuing your mission. Not more than a minute passed when you felt Minnie's hips thrust forward and her pussy squeezing around your fingers, that was your cue to pull them out, letting a new, stronger and longer lasting stream come out of her pussy, now completely wetting one new bed area.
"That's a good fucking girl, oh yes..." Soyeon said with a mischievous smirk, pecking her tit and then her cheek as her pussy shot out little less prominent squirts, "I think I'll go find something outside, have fun while I'm gone."
"Where will you go?" you asked, raising a curious eyebrow.
"To find a mysterious tool that will help us later, honey, don't be impatient," she winked at you, taking you by the chin and giving you a little kiss before getting up and getting out of bed.
Soyeon put her dress back on, completely ignoring her panties and leaving it on rather disastrously, and without saying anything, she hurried out of the room, leaving you completely alone with Minnie.
"Seems like it's just you and me now," you got level with her face, grabbed her waist to turn her on her side and press her against you, embracing her body with your arm and kissing her again. This time you dedicated yourself to enjoying her kiss, tasting her lips and entangling your tongue with hers amid very soft moans from both of you.
"Fuck my face, please use me however you want baby," she murmured against your lips, plunging back into the kiss and hugging your torso with her thigh.
You took her request completely into account, and it didn't come out of your mind, but her lips were so addictive, so soft and delicious, that you couldn't help but stay kissing her for at least 5 more minutes, which certainly didn't bother her, since with each passing second she seemed more and more entranced by your lips.
When you considered that you had enjoyed Minnie's lips enough, you separated from her between small kisses and knelt up to one side of her, with your cock floating just over her face. She stuck out her tongue, and looked at you with a pair of incredibly sexy and piercing eyes.
"Holy fuck Minnie… your face is so fucking… unreal," you gasped, rubbing the tip of your cock against her tongue, "you're so gorgeous, and so perfectly ruinable."
Saying that, you grabbed Minnie by the back of her head and turned her towards you, giving you the free way to push your cock deep into her mouth, brushing her throat with your tip and letting out a moan into the air. Minnie scrunched up her face, while her nose rested on your pubis and you mentally prepared yourself for what was going to happen.
After a few seconds, you began to rock your hips back and forth, your cock slowly moving fully in and out of her mouth. Minnie's gag reflex was non-existent, which resulted in unimaginable pleasure every time you hit her throat. She was completely still as she stared at you, acting like a puny sex toy, which she enjoyed most was choking on a good cock.
You could spend hours moving your hips at the same nice slow pace, but you wanted to ruin her and her beautiful face completely. You gave her a dry and spicy slap straight to her cheek, then began to move your hips faster and faster, grabbing her hair hard and carelessly, and fucking her mouth as if she were just a piece of living meat.
You didn't mind treating her in a rustic and aggressive way, you knew she was loving it, especially because of how she moaned around your shaft. Soon the room was filled with the sounds of your cock hitting her throat over and over again, her eyes watered, and thick saliva began to spill from the corners of her mouth straight down her chin onto the sheets below her. Her tears spilled little by little, and with them her eye shadow began to run down her cheeks, staining a faint black.
You were fucking her hard and mercilessly, pulling her hair and moving her head in conjunction with your hips to reach deeper into her throat with each thrust. Your cock was all drenched in a thick layer of her saliva, and it was dripping in all directions as you kept moving.
Tears were running down Minnie's cheeks, who was clinging tightly to one of your thighs with her hand. Fortunately (or not) for her, your orgasm was not long in coming, you were already conditioned from before when you were hammering Soyeon's pussy, and when you felt the tingle, you immediately pulled out your cock and started jerking it quickly over Minnie's face. She didn't even stick her tongue out of it this time, she just stared at you with slightly parted lips and a puppy dog look, and that was enough for you to explode. Your cock shot multiple streams of cum straight into that work of art, staining her lips, her nose, her forehead, and even her eyes, which she instinctively closed as you unloaded on her pretty skin. Gasps were the only thing that came out of your mouth at that moment, so incredibly pleasant that you questioned for a moment if it was real.
"Fuck... is it okay if I call you daddy?" she asked after a sigh, wiping the cum over her eyes so she could open them, while you brushed your cock across her face.
"You call me whatever you want, honey," you replied, panting, and then she caught your cock in her mouth to wipe it clean.
Right at that moment, Soyeon suddenly entered the room, giving you a little scare. She closed the door quickly, but without showing what she had hidden behind her back. When she saw the scene that you had set up, she made a surprised face.
"Wow, you sure didn't waste your time, did you?" she asked you, raising an eyebrow.
"You can't blame me, her face is extremely fuckable," you objected, brushing the dick out of Minnie's face and sitting down on the bed.
"Yes, whatever you say," she ignored you on purpose, and then looked at Minnie, "I brought a little surprise for you, darling," that's when she finally showed what she had hidden on her back, it was a strap-on, with a rubber dildo at least about 6 inches long. You raised both eyebrows, completely stunned. Minnie didn't seem to have a different reaction than you did.
"What?! Where the hell did you get that from?" you asked, still unable to believe it.
"A horny bitch doesn't reveal her secrets," she said as she dropped the strap on the bed and quickly slipped out of her dress, getting naked with the two of you again. She strapped on like she'd done it a thousand times before (suspicious), and then went to get something  in her suitcase, "put that little slut on all fours, I'm going to fuck her ass."
You and Minnie exchanged glances, she nodded, making you understand that she could do it alone, so you put a pillow on the head of the bed and leaned on it to enjoy the show. Minnie weakly dragged herself to the center of the bed, and with some difficulty got to her elbows and knees, arching her back and lifting her butt to wait for Soyeon, who came back with a bottle of lube in her hand and then climbed on to the bed, kneeling behind Minnie.
"Is that thing sterilized?" Minnie asked, gasping, looking over her shoulder at Soyeon with her face still covered in your cum.
"Of course, silly, what kind of psycho do you think I am?" replied Soyeon, pouring lubricant on the strap-on dildo and leaving it nice and slippery, then, with what was left in her hand, she took two of her fingers to Minnie's ass, to lubricate the inside of it for a few seconds.
With nothing else to do, Soyeon threw the bottle of lubricant to a completely random place and began to rub the tip of the dildo against Minnie's ass, who bit her lip and you noticed how her hands tensed. Soyeon placed one hand on Minnie's ass, and helped herself with the other to start guiding the dildo very slowly into her hole. Minnie squealed, as the dildo forced its way through her walls inch by inch. At this point you didn't know if her face was in pain or pleasure, the line between both things was very thin, but what you did know was that Soyeon was persevering, and she didn't stop until the dildo was completely buried inside Minnie's ass
Minnie crumpled the sheets tightly with her fingers, and dropped her face to the mattress amid desperate screeching. It was evident that it was her first time trying anal, but she was in good hands, so you didn't even worry.
"It fucking hurts! Ugh!" Minnie whined, pursing her lips, her hands balled into a fist.
"I know, just relax, it's normal at first," Soyeon began to rub Minnie's buttocks slowly, keeping the dildo buried in her ass for a few more seconds, "I'm going to start moving as slow as I can, but I need you to relax, you're going to feel good, honey."
Minnie nodded uncertainly, and then Soyeon did as she promised, moving her hips back very slowly. Minnie tensed again, but then closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and bit her lip as Soyeon moved forward again, completing just a pump.
Soyeon continued pumping as slowly as she could, until she noticed that Minnie's body was not tense, and that a small moan had already come out of her mouth, indicating that she was already beginning to feel pleasure. Knowing this, Soyeon stopped holding back and began moving her hips faster with each passing second, slowing down a bit each time Minnie complained.
But soon the complaints subsided, even when Soyeon moved fast and hard, Minnie showed no trace of pain in her expression, now it had turned back into a mess of moans and whimpers as her ass was completely filled by Soyeon's dildo, which went in and out its full length with each pump.
"D-Daddy..." Minnie moaned, raising her head a little to look at you from her with lust-filled eyes, "fuck my pussy, I'm begging you, I need it!" pleaded Minnie between moans.
"Daddy? That's new," Soyeon said, raising an eyebrow and biting her lip, to give Minnie a hard spank that made her squeal, "do you want to be double penetrated? I didn't know you were such a fucking whore."
"Shut the fuck up, I just need it!" Minnie yelled, looking over her shoulder as she frantically fucked her ass, "daddy please!" she repeated, looking at you again.
You were so mesmerized and entranced by the scene that it took you a while to even react. You got off the head of the bed and went to kneel in front of Minnie's face, slamming your semi-hard cock against her lips.
"Put that cock hard again then, honey," you ordered, to which Minnie captured your cock in her mouth and began sucking on it fast and hard, helping herself with her hand to soon bring it back to its full hardness. 
When your cock was fully hard, Minnie lifted her body so that you got under her, and when you got comfortable, she lowered herself on top of you, pressing her tits and her abdomen against your torso. You reached between your bodies, taking your cock and aligning it with her pussy to plant your feet on the mattress and push up, entering Minnie's tight pussy for the first time.
Minnie clung tightly to your shoulders and buried her face in your neck to drown out her loud whimpers of pleasure as she felt her other hole being filled deep, this time by a thick, throbbing cock, while Soyeon didn't stop hammering her ass mercilessly for even a single second, crashing the base of the strap against her buttocks.
You took a moment to enjoy the first sensation of Minnie's pussy clenched around your shaft, it felt silky, very fucking wet and tight, and dare you say it felt better than Soyeon's, but you would know that with time.
Your hands went to Minnie's waist, and squeezing her flesh firmly, you began to move your hips up and down in a rhythm that from the beginning all it did was drive her absolutely crazy, since you were matching Soyeon's movements while she pounded her ass.
Minnie kept her face on the side of your neck, but with a strong tug on Soyeon's hair she made her back stand up. You didn't stop pumping in and out of her pussy for a single second, so Minnie continued with her face distorted with pleasure. Soyeon caught Minnie's face in her hand, and turned her face to the side only to start licking your cum off her face.
"How does that juicy cock feel inside your pussy, honey?" Soyeon asked, licking cum from Minnie's lips and swallowing it all, "And your ass? How does it feel to be fucked in the ass like a good slut?" Minnie didn't respond, she just kept moaning and screaming like crazy while you continued to pump frantically up and down.
"You love it, don't you?" you asked Minnie, squeezing her ass tightly, "you love how my cock fills you up so well," you growled.
"Yes daddy, fuck yes!!" she squeaked, and Soyeon began to pinch her nipples as she continued to fuck her ass, "I'm gonna fucking cum so hard! Oh my fucking god !!" she grabbed the sides of your abdomen, and digging her nails into you almost painfully, she reached the peak of her pleasure.
You felt a different sensation inside her pussy when Minnie's orgasm came, a sensation that forced you to suddenly pull out your cock so that a squirt just as powerful and long-lasting as the previous one came out of her pussy, but this time completely soaking your cock, your pelvis and part of your thighs. Her body began to shake and spasm violently, and she rolled her eyes as she moaned and growled with her mouth wide open in an O shape.
It took a moment for her orgasm to pass, and when it did, Soyeon released her so that she fell directly on top of you, her hair now covering part of your face. You felt her breathing completely uneasy and messy, and also how her body still had little electric shocks. Soyeon got out of her ass, and then took off her strap to leave it on the side of the bed.
"Wipe off his cock and you can rest for a moment, I'm not done with you, sweetie," Soyeon patted Minnie's ass and went to lie down on her side next to you.
"I... I..." Minnie couldn't find the words or breath, she raised her face to see you and then Soyeon, "Okay..." she swallowed, and gathered strength from where she didn't. She had to stand up and give you space to get up.
You knelt up, and Minnie returned to her knees and hands just for you. You took your cock, drenched with her squirt and her fluids, and brought it into her mouth, for her to suck on slowly, from tip to base, until she left it squeaky clean.
"That's a good girl," you gasped, cupping the side of her face with your hand and caressing her cheek with your thumb.
"You're going to fuck her ass, honey, fill it deep, I know you're close," Soyeon commanded, leaning forward to take Minnie's buttock in her hand and squeeze.
"Are you okay with that, baby?" you asked Minnie, that she looked so cute, destroyed and sexy that you just wanted to cover her with kisses.
"Yes daddy… I want to feel your load inside me… I don't care which hole," Minnie sighed, nuzzling herself against your hand like a kitten.
"Fuck, you did charm her with that dick, didn't you?" Soyeon teased with a giggle, as you moved to position yourself behind Minnie, and she lay down right in front of her face, spreading her legs wide to leave her pussy inches from Minnie's mouth.
"Let's just say it was something much simpler than my dick," you replied, remembering your magnificent making-out session with her. The bottle of lube was close to you, so you just reached over to pick it up and pour it all over your cock.
"Oh, isn't your dick the only magical thing you've got?" Soyeon grabbed Minnie by her hair, and not caring what she said, she plunged her face right into her pussy. Minnie didn't seem to mind, as she fully understood that she had to start eating Soyeon's pussy, "That's it sweetheart, right fucking there," Soyeon moaned under her breath.
"I don't know, you should know right?" You raised an eyebrow with a smirk, and that was the last thing you said before guiding your cock right into her already stretched ass, which spread easily for your shaft until you were all the way inside her, "What the fuck Minnie, this ass feels amazing," you gasped.
You rested your hands on Minnie's waist, and as she ate Soyeon's pussy so well it had her pursing her lips, you began to pump at a leisurely pace, which gradually turned into aggressive crashes of your pelvis against Minnie's nice ass.
Minnie was moaning against Soyeon's pussy, which served to her advantage in bringing her to a quick point of no return, in which Soyeon was pinching her tits and arching her back between loud moans. Then you realized that Minnie was a fucking goddess of oral sex.
Seeking to increase Soyeon's and Minnie's pleasure, you raised your hand and gave Minnie the hardest spank you'd given her all night, which made her scream against your girlfriend's pussy. You squeezed both cheeks together, spanked her again, and started pumping your hips as fast as you could, pounding Minnie's ass like a complete animal.
You wanted to keep fucking Minnie's ass for a while longer, but you couldn't hold it anymore, and it took a few seconds until with a strong thrust, you left your cock resting inside Minnie's ass while you shot all your load inside it. You moaned loudly, and when she felt the spurts of your cum fill her ass, she began to eat Soyeon's pussy as good and fast as she could.
Soyeon, between moans, moved her hips involuntarily and pressed Minnie's mouth and nose even more against her pussy, while you already left your last drops of seed inside her ass. You pulled out your cock, and as if it were a plug, it dropped all your cum like a waterfall from her ass to the sheets.
You fell back, admiring your work while the focus of pleasure was now Soyeon, who didn't take much more than 2 minutes before she violently raised her hips and began to shake in spasms. Minnie continued to eat her pussy through her orgasm, scooping her fluids and wiping her fleshy folds so she wouldn't have a trace of what had happened. Soyeon was pulling her hard by her hair, and for a moment she closed her thighs around her head as her body relaxed.
"Minnie… since when are you so fucking amazing eating pussy?" Soyeon sighed, removing her fingers from her hair and relaxing her legs.
"I eat Yuqi's pussy all the time, it's one of my favorite pastimes," Minnie sighed, her soul completely drained out of her body as she begged for just five minutes of rest.
"But that doesn't explain how you're so amazing at sucking cock," you said from behind, breathing hard.
"I... I just want to rest, leave me alone for a moment," Minnie completely ignored both of you, and she settled on the side of the bed to plant her face on the pillow, her stomach flat.
"Don't worry, honey, I'll make sure to find out later," Soyeon said with a giggle, then fixed her gaze on you, "You… come here," she waved her finger, and you as a good slave of her charms, you went without question, placing yourself on top of her and covering her body with yours.
"We've fulfilled our little fantasy, haven't we?" You smiled, sharing small kisses with her as you took both of her hands to intertwine your fingers.
"Oh no honey... you're so wrong," Soyeon said between kisses, then looking into your eyes and tracing the outline of your lower lip with her tongue, "it doesn't end here."
"I want us to fuck the other members… together," she murmured in a sultry, husky way, caressing your inner thigh with hers.
"Really? Are you sure about that?" you asked, somewhat hopeful for a positive answer.
"Of course, I know you're going to love it," Soyeon started to kiss you again, but this time on your chin and cheeks, "Miyeonie fucks like an angel, very fucking lovely," she returned to your lips, "Yuqi is too fucking energetic... and Shuhua..." she laughed at that last one, "Shuhua is the biggest fucking brat I know, she won't stop until you leave her scarred ass, weak pussy and shaky legs."
A shiver ran through your entire body just imagining each one of them, and you got so excited that even your cock, already flaccid, moved involuntarily.
"I… fuck, I'm in," you sighed.
"I know you are, sweet boy," she smiled, carefully taking your neck to kiss you again.
You two kept kissing for a long time, until you both got tired and settled next to Minnie to rest. Soyeon settled to your right, hugging your body with her hand and her leg, and Minnie was face down to your left, fast asleep. A few minutes passed, and soon you joined Minnie in a deep slumber.
Spren Notes:
I really love writing about The Judge AU because I can bring out my pure fucking smut writing skills lol. That was REALLY intense. And I hope you all start to appreciate G-IDLE a bit more, it's annoying how underrated they are around here on tumblr.
Remember! If you, dear reader, are interested in buying me a commission, do not hesitate to go through my inbox, I’ll be delighted!
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