#so in other words MBS rocks and y'all need to read/watch it
A Beginning at the End...
I made a post the other day about MBS getting cancelled and honestly that was just a quick vent post and didn't have much of my actual thoughts and feelings about what why I was so upset. So I want to tell a story about my history with the book and later adaptation, just so I can give it a bit of a sendoff and celebrate my love for the series as a whole.
To begin, I believe I'm neurodivergent in some way (undiagnosed for reasons I won't get into), so you can imagine that I wasn't very welcomed by many of my classmates. While it was a small class and I was close with them, I didn't feel that they really understood me. I often felt alone and found my home in books, as cliche as that sounds.
On a Friday in elementary school, a book on my teacher's shelf called The Mysterious Benedict Society caught my eye. I pulled it out and asked her if I could borrow it. She hesitated a bit before saying yes, as long as I promised to take care of it as it was a very special book to her. I, of course, agreed, not knowing how special it would become to me too.
I immediately began reading and fell in love with the world of the novel, finishing it within a weekend. I loved how clever Reynie was at solving the puzzles he was given, how Sticky rattled off facts like a machine, Kate's positivity and agility (I wanted to be her sooooo badly), and Constance's stubborn nature. And of course, the world-building, themes, and overall plot were superb.
But most of all, it was the kid characters I loved, because I felt they were like me in some way (the neurodivergent coding makes a lot of sense now!!), that if I knew them in real life they would be friends with me. And this only increased when I read the rest of the series. The only unfortunate part is that almost everyone I knew had never heard of these books, let alone read them. The few who actually did I didn't get to stay in touch with due to outside circumstances.
Over the years, I've reread the series several times and I still can't get over just how GOOD this book series is. First off, they're funny. There are so many good moments where I STILL laugh, no matter how many times I've read them. The characters are well-thought out and the main four kids are dynamic characters; they each have a realistic and clear arc over the course of each book (which I hope to make a post about someday!). Book Curtain is a bit of a cartoon villain I'll admit, but his funny moments add to the charm and is still a credible threat as a villain. The themes are interesting, and understandable for kids while being even more hard-hitting for adults. The plot structures are fun and while a bit predictable definitely keep you on your toes.
So in 2019, when I found out that the fourth book, The Riddle of Ages, was releasing I was SO excited and of course bought a copy as soon as I could. It was really emotional for me, as it showed the characters aged up and coming to terms with growing up and what that could mean for their friendship. I needed it, especially with the transitional period I was going through at the time.
Around that time, another bombshell dropped: it was actually getting a TV show adaptation (on Hulu at the time)!!! This was a dream come true for me, who had imagined it so many times (and had actually wanted to play Kate lol). I was a bit wary of what they would do with the characters, but honestly I was just happy it was getting an adaptation at all. That at least some people knew about it and wanted to see it come to life.
When it finally came out on Disney Plus, I watched it every week like clockwork. I loved both seasons and how much detail they put into it. While the show changed a lot of things from the book series, I actually loved what they did with it. Kate's arc of not wanting to be a team player is even more prominent from the beginning, Show Curtain, SQ being Curtain's adopted son, I could go on, but those are just *chef's kiss* 👌👌. More than that I could just feel the LOVE that went into the show from the actors, writers...just everyone!! Even the choices I didn't like still worked for me just because I could tell how much care was put into the series. The community on here shared the love even more through posts, fanfiction, art, etc. Finally I felt like I had validation for the series I loved so much and that people were seeing how great it was!
Then I found out it wasn't being renewed for a third season... and it hurt a lot. I felt (and still feel) that it's just another example of a streaming site looking over the quality of the show for pure numbers. What has helped is the MBS blogs I follow/lurk around (shoutout to y'all <3 I know I need to engage more) and the actors of the kid characters, who have all spoken out about how they're sad it's ended but also enjoyed the journey and love the time they had with getting to play the characters, which cheered me up a lot.
So in the end, I'm still upset the show was cancelled. And I'm still holding out hope that maybe it'll get renewed somehow, or picked up by another studio. But no matter what, it'll never take away the love I have for the book and TV series and the community surrounding it, so I'm glad I'll always be able to celebrate that.
TL:DR: I have a lot of history with the original book series and while I'm still sad about the show ending, the love I have for the MBS series as a whole and the community surrounding it won't go away. I'm happy there was an adaptation that got so much love from everyone involved and that people got to enjoy it.
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tsfrbss · 7 years
Paper Moon Part 10
MB - @thecountessakasha - here! Finally, I can give you part 10! If you’ve been reading this series, I am so, so, so super sorry this has taken soooo long. Since I have a new job and come home everyday exhausted beyond measure, it’s taken me much longer to get this part together. Good news is, it’s finally here!
I’m going to tag a couple people who I’ve told about this and my really special love who keeps betaing this for me @evansscruff - thank you, darling.
A/N: Bucky and Steve end up at a venue that has a 40s night and meet an OFC, Melissa Rose, a singer in a local club. They both are smitten by her, and start to vie for her affections. They end up finding out more about themselves in the process.
This honestly started out as maybe a one shot but as I got going, I decided it’ll be chapters. How many? No frigging idea. This is my absolute first time writing a fic of any sort and yes I did base the OFC on myself. I hope y'all enjoy.
Word count: 5000+ because I am a wordy bitch.
Warnings: A little angst. DETAILED SUPER SMUT. (F/M, M/M, F/M/M) Possible fluff, depending on your view of things.
Oh shit. I did not mean to make her cry. Especially after the ecstasy we both just brought to each other. After the way she made me feel. MAKES me feel.
Wiping her tears away, I caress and kiss any part of her I can reach, “Hey, hey, doll. I’m sorry. It’s too much, too early, I know.” I give her a soft sigh, moving in beside her to wrap her in my arms. “You just…I can’t explain it. You make me feel centered. You make me feel like I can be myself, like I can actually live my life the way I want to, the way I feel I need to. The way that feels right to me.”
Her big green eyes, still brimming with tears widen at my words as she stares at me, “This is fucking deja vu, I swear to God.” She’s trying to slip out of my hold, but I pull her in tighter.
“What are you talking about?” Then I realize that can only mean one thing. She’s had this same conversation with Bucky.
I roll to my back, flinging my arm over my eyes. I can feel her trembling under the sheet next to me and I move my arm to peer at her. She’s sitting up, arms wrapping around her shins as she’s resting her chin on her knees.
She hasn’t answered me.
Don’t scare her off, dummy. Don’t do it. Be gentle. Tread lightly. This is something you want, you just haven’t spoken your piece yet to Bucky.
“Doll.” I reach out, touching the back of her hand, “Doll, look at me. Please, Melissa. Just let me explain, alright?” I sit up and start running my fingers through her silken waves.
I hear a deep sigh from her. Turning to look at me, her eyes are still pooling with tears. She presses her cheek on her knee as she waits for me to continue.
“I’ve come to some realizations over the past few days. One of which is that I’m tired of waiting for my life to begin. I feel as if I never really got to have one. I’m sure you can understand why.” I brush the back of my fingers against her cheek softly as she’s nodding.
Moving closer, I orient my body to where I’m sitting up knees to knees with her, “I also know that due to the nature of my life as it is now, I’m not meant for a life filled with settling down and having a family. The guy who wanted all of that disappeared a long time ago. And he didn’t come out of the ice.”
She’s watching me evenly, and for the first time since we met, I’m unable to read her expression. “Melissa, you’ve shown me I cannot be afraid of what I want anymore. Of who I really am.”
“And who is that, Steve? And am I just a bridge to get you to that point?” She’s frowning, something I hope to never see mar her beautiful features again. “I mean, that’s great you’re done being afraid of what you want, but when you really start living as you wish, will you be strong enough to take the barbs? The inevitable judgement?” Her eyes close, feathery dark lashes brushing against flushed cheeks.
“Am I a stepping stone?” she continues. “Or are you wanting me to be a part of this new life? You saw how they looked at us that night in the club. And that was just me.” Lifting her head now, she says pointedly, “What happens when you add Bucky to the mix?” Her big green eyes focus on my blues.
Now it’s my turn to be surprised. “I… I don't… I don’t know what to say.” My hands reach out to cup her face, my breathing so rapid I can barely contain myself. How does she know? How could she? I’m shaking as I’m watching the tears fall down her face.
“You don’t have to say anything to me. You need to talk to him,” pressing her face to my hand, she’s nuzzling into my palm. My thumb brushes away the tears that paint her soft skin, “You said you didn’t have any right to make me choose. I don’t have that right either. All I can tell you right now is that I want you. Both of you. But I also realize that you two have far more history together.”
“You’re right. We do. But what are the odds that we have both said the same thing to you, about you, about each other, in the span of three days?” I lean forward, ghosting her lips with my own, “That can’t be coincidence, can it? Melissa, don’t you see that the common thread here is you?”
Her gaze is puzzling. I can’t tell if she’s scared or incredulous. She seems as if she’s about to say something before turning her gaze away from me. Shaking her head, I hear a soft murmur, “Why me? I have nothing to offer. I am no one. No one special at all. You both… “ and she’s trailing off.
Reaching for her, I take her chin gently in my palm, moving her gaze to mine. “We both what, Maîtresse?” My brows knit together as I’m waiting for her answer, but I see her relax slightly when I call her that.
“You both deserve someone better. Someone younger. Someone thinner. Someone who is better suited to your public life. Who am I but an old, fat, divorcee with a checkered past and…?” Shaking her head, she finishes, “I am not good enough for either of you.”
It’s killing me to hear her speak of herself this way. Tearing herself down. I hate it. I hate what her life has done to her.
She doesn’t see what she does to me, and apparently what she does to Bucky. She doesn’t understand. How can we show her? How can we break through this wall of self hatred she’s created for herself?
“Melissa, don’t you remember what I told you on our first date? You’re more than good enough. I told you I wasn’t giving up, because you’re too special. That I didn’t give a damn what people thought. Let them judge me! I welcome it! For you, for him, I would endure anything…”
“Steve, please! You’ve endured so much already. Frankly so has Bucky. Do you really want this burden, too?”
Grabbing her by the shoulders, I shake her slightly, focusing her attention fully on me. “You are NOT a burden. To me. To Bucky. To anyone.” I pull her in kissing her hard, and she returns it as I slide her onto my lap. She moans softly as my hardening cock brushes against her folds. I’m shuddering at the feel of her already.
“You are a blessing. Everything about you draws me in. Everything.” I murmur against the skin of her neck, fingers tangling in her hair. She’s melting at my touch, my words. I slide my hardness along her damp slit, bucking my hips upward. “What you do to me, no one has ever made me feel this way. I feel free, fully comfortable in my skin. I feel happier than ever, I feel whole…” I snap my hips up again, teasing her.
Her hands press into my chest, fingernails digging in as her hips start to move. She’s rubbing her soaking wet core on my throbbing cock. My hands grab her full, soft hips, pulling her tighter. I lift her up easily letting her sink down onto me, her head falling forward as I slide inside her once again.
We gasp in unison once she’s fully seated, eyes locking. “Steven…” She whispers, her arms linking around my neck to hold on. I’m gripping her hips fiercely, moving her forward then back, forward then back, making her rock on me.
Squeezing her eyes shut, she buries her face in my neck. I continue with the push pull, fingers bruising her flesh. Her breath tickles me and her teeth are pressing into my skin where my neck meets my shoulder, leaving marks. She’s groaning, shuddering, her slick smearing on me as I move inside of her, feeling it on my belly. She’s so tight and wet.
I keep her close as I work her on my cock, whispering praises of her. How beautiful she is, how good she feels, how much I want nothing more than to please her, how I hope I’m making her happy. How deserving she is of all of this and more.
Small whimpers and grunts issue forth against me where her mouth is locked to my neck. I can feel her nails digging deeper into my shoulders, walls beginning to close in. “Maîtresse, touch yourself for me, let me watch you, let me feel you. God Melissa, please… you feel so incredibly good, I want to see you come undone…”
She obliges, hand slipping between us, gripping the base of my shaft as I push her back. She gathers some of her wetness, the lewd sound of our union filling the room.
Her fingers move quickly around her pink, swollen bundle of nerves and almost instantly she tightens around me. A long low hiss comes from her lips as she sits up, still letting me move her as she gets closer and closer. Working her clit fast, I feel her squeezing even more, and she starts to cum for me.
“Oh God, Steve… fuck, you feel so… yes, keep going, just like that-” and she’s there, words frozen behind the perfect O her mouth makes in silence as she collapses atop me. Her walls flutter and tighten, making me buck up even more. She’s so tight I’m almost unable to move.
I’m thrusting up into her harder and harder, her vise like grip sending me over as I coat her walls once again. My fingertips leaving imprints behind on the tender flesh of her hips, growling out her name again and again before stilling under her.
I wrap my arms around her, unwilling to let her go. She rests there against my chest and I whisper praises, fingers carding through her hair. “It’s you, Melissa. You are the one. The one I’ve been looking for. The one he’s been looking for. And we didn’t even know we were looking.”
“We need to talk to him, Steve.” She’s nuzzling into my chest even as she reaches for my phone on the nightstand. “Get him here. Now.” Placing the phone in my hand, she pushes off me, leaving me staring after her as she heads to the shower.
Pacing, pacing, pacing back and forth on the roof of the tower as the minutes tick by waiting for Steve to come back. I feel like I’ve been up here for hours. I chew on the inside of my mouth, looking out over the city, peering toward the building where the club and Melissa’s place is.
I shove my hands into the pockets of my sweats when suddenly my phone vibrates. Pulling it out I see a notification from Steve.
Jerk: Hey man, you busy?
Nope. Was just hoping to talk to you tonight about some things.
Jerk: Yeah, I wanna talk to you too….. And so does Melissa. Can you come over to her place?
I stare at the phone, and I can feel my stomach drop to my feet. Fuck. Did she chose him? Did he choose her? Am I to be left in the cold?
My hands are shaking so badly as I try to type my response.
Of course I can. Anything for her. For you.
Jerk: Alright. See you shortly then. Door’s open.
I lock the phone, sliding it back into my pocket. I make a pass by my room to grab my wallet, moving as quickly as I can.
I don’t bother with the elevator, and as I rush to the stairwell I brush by Clint and Sam. They both call out to me. I’m practically a blur running down the stairs ignoring them, so Sam yells, “I see Mr. Personality has returned!” He doesn’t see me roll my eyes. Not now. Bird Boy will pay in the gym tomorrow.
Out the door in seconds flat, I’m already at the club when I discover I’m wearing only sweat pants, a thin t-shirt, and flip-flops.
Oh well. Neither of them will care.
It’s then I realize I didn’t bother to cover my arm either.
Jesus Christ, James. She really does have you fucked up. You didn’t think twice about concealing yourself.
It’s close to 7pm and I creep into the club, which is in full swing. Ducking the owner I slip backstage and up the steps to Melissa’s place. Two rapid knocks to signal my entrance before I open the door, being greeted by Steve. His skin, milky and freckled all flushed brightly as if he was just working out.
And there goes my heart again. Fuck.
He’s only wearing jeans, slung low on his hips, first couple of buttons undone. His hair is all disheveled, lips curling into a smile. He looks relaxed and at home here.
At home. In her place. Home. Like I feel when I’m here. When I’m with her. When I’m with him.
“Hey, jerk”
“Hey, punk.” he counters, smiling brightly, but looking nervous.
“So, where is Melissa?” I can smell her on him. I can smell their mingled scents and oh it’s a heady mix. So, so good.
He gestures toward the bedroom with his thumb, cheeks turning bright red, “Shower. She should be done shortly.” He moves toward the kitchen, grabbing three glasses. Dropping ice into each, he fills one with her favorite rum, one with Johnnie Walker, and one with Jack Daniel’s. Handing over the scotch, he tilts his Jack toward me in a toast which I match in silence.
We both take long pulls as we hear Melissa pad softly into the room. Our heads turn in unison, and we sigh contentedly together.
Wrapped in a silken robe of red, she’s standing with her hand on her hip, her lips painted into a half smile at the pair of us. Her hair is still wet, making her waves stand out. Fresh faced, no make-up, no anything except those adorable black framed glasses. She’s so beautiful. My angel. My curvy, soft, ethereal angel.
Steve walks her rum over and she takes it from him, wrapping her delicate fingers around the glass. Before drinking any, she runs her fingers through his hair, petting him, “Merci, Etienne.”
I feel my stomach tighten with jealousy as he preens under her touch. Her eyes move to mine and she can see it. She knows. With Steve still at her side, she runs her tongue along her lips, watching me. I’m trembling while she’s studying my reaction to this situation. “Come here, James.” she says softly, but with that authoritative tone I love so much.
As I make my way to her, she takes a deep drink, before setting the glass on the coffee table. When I reach her side, she pets my hair as well, fingers sliding through easily. She tugs with both hands, Steve and I groaning together at the feel of it, the sense of her being in charge.
“Now. We’re going to have us a little come to Jesus meeting. Y'all catch my drift?”
She looks back and forth between us and sees that we are clearly confused by her obvious Southern saying. Her head tilts, lips curling into a broad smile, “That means we’re gonna have us a serious talk. And we’re gonna resolve some shit. And it probably ain’t gonna be fun.”
With that, she moves away from us standing in front of the TV. Snapping her fingers and pointing to the sofa with both hands, she indicates for us to sit. We both immediately take our spots. “Such good boys.”
Picking up her rum, she crosses her arms. “Now. First things first. I am not choosing between the two of you. This may be selfish, it may be greedy. But I believe that by my age, and with the bullshit my life has been to this point, I’ve earned it.” Her sparkling, big green eyes slide between the two of us.
“I want you.” She’s looking directly at me. “And you.” She says to Steve. “And if that’s a problem, speak up now.”
Silence fills the air between all of us. It’s not awkward, it’s not tense. A quiet calm of sorts. I peer at Steve beside me, and he’s looking back. I give him a shake of my head, and he does the same. We both turn back to her, “I don’t think that’s a problem, my Angel.” My lips turn into a smirk, “I have a feeling Steve doesn’t either.”
“Good. That’s one issue out of the way. The least painful one.” Sipping her rum, she pauses here, taking a deep breath. “Now, the hard part. Which I suspect has something to do with me, but not in the way you’d imagine.”
She looks directly at me again. “Tell him. Because if you don’t it’s going to fester and cause issues within this dynamic and that’s something I refuse to tolerate. I want open and honest dialogue between the three of us all the time, constant communication. This simply will not work without it.”
I give her a heavy sigh, rubbing the side of my face then draining the glass of scotch in one go. I turn my body to focus on Steve, setting my empty glass on the table. “You know that I love you,” I say to him.
He nods, opening his mouth to answer and I hold up my hand, “Just let me finish. I love you. And not just in a friend way. A brotherly way.” I close my eyes, “I’m in love with you, Steve. And I think you’re in love with me, too. And I think we’ve been dancing around this issue for as long as we can remember. Since from way back, Brooklyn days.”
Opening my eyes I see his cheeks color brightly, and I can tell Melissa is watching closely. Studying. I love it when she does that.
Steve doesn’t answer. His mouth hangs open for a moment then closes. After what seems like an excruciating long time, he reaches for my hand. My metal hand. He holds it delicately in his own. Palm up. He traces his fingers along the plates, giving a soft sigh.
After several torturous minutes, he looks up into my eyes. “I’m in love with you, too, Buck. I have been for as long as I can recall. I just never knew how to tell you. Or if I could. Or should.”
We slide closer to each other on the sofa, “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear you say that.”
Reaching out to cup my cheek, his lips turn into a soft smile. “I think I do, Buck. I think I do.” He’s blushing all sorts of colors and it is knocking me breathless.
I take this moment in, just for a couple more seconds before I lunge forward pressing my lips to his. Both of us sigh in relief and adoration of the other as we kiss softly, slowly. The fluttering of my heart is matched by his own which I can easily hear, and I deepen the kiss.
I take my time, feeling each and every part of his lips, loving the soft pressure, the plumpness. “So long I’ve wanted this, too long I’ve waited,” I murmur against his mouth. He gives a small whine as I pull back, still holding him but breaking the kiss.
My eyes slide to Melissa and she’s on the verge of tears, I can see them gathering. But she’s wearing the biggest smile I’ve seen from her yet. Steve finally looks to her as well, giving a little gasp at the sight.
She looks so proud, so happy to see us this way. I want her to look at us like this forever. And to be honest, if it weren’t for her this may have never happened. “Melissa, my Angel. Thank you for this.”
“Ma Belle Maîtresse, merci.” and he gestures for her to join us on the sofa. Setting her glass back on the table, she walks over but doesn’t sit. She stands before us, taking each of our chins in her hands, smiling down upon us like the goddess she is.
“You are both very, very welcome.” She frowns a moment then replaces that with a more contemplative expression, “Please know that I expect nothing from either of you in return. If you decide that you’d be better off without me, with just each other, I will totally understand. I’ll back off and slip out of the picture to allow you to pursue your life as you see-”
She’s unable to finish that train of thought as Steve and I both grab at the lose ends of the tie holding her robe closed, undoing it, and letting the silk slide open. I look at Steve, and we’re both grinning.
“If you think we’re ever letting you go, you’re out of your mind, Angel.” and with that I press my lips to her left hip in an act of reverence.
“That’s right, Maîtresse, for as much as we belong to each other, and to you, you belong to us, with us.” Steve now pressing his lips to her right hip, mimicking my action.
Neither of us remove our lips from her soft flesh as we look up at her. The tears that were threatening to spill down her cheeks begin doing just that, and she brings her hands up into our hair, petting the both of us.
“Thank you, boys. My boys. For this. For…” she trails off sighing contentedly at the sight of us.
My fingers card through their hair as they look up at me. I would never, could never believe that I am deserving of what’s happening. Of these two. I still don’t believe I am and yet here they are, saying so.
I take a deep breath trying to calm my galloping heart and quell the flow of tears. Bucky sees me struggling and pulls me into his lap. He starts to wipe the tears away and Steve slides in right next to him, helping to dry my face.
I look from one to the other, feeling like I have just taken a willing step off the tallest building in New York City. That feeling of falling, floating, half sickness you get when you’ve done something huge that will change the course of your life forever.
I’m scared out of my fucking skin.
I’m having trouble with this. Already. There is no way I deserve this. To be a part of their lives like this.
“Melissa, doll. Please tell us what you’re thinking right now. Please.” Steve looks terrified, as if they’ve broken me, or scared me, or something else entirely. They’re both petting my hair, and Bucky is planting small kisses along my temple.
I can’t seem to stop shaking. I feel Bucky’s lips move against my skin as he speaks lowly, “I know you’re scared. I know you don’t believe you’re worth this. Worth us. I know.” He takes my chin in his metal hand and pulls my gaze to his, “You are worth more than this. You are worth everything and anything he or I could ever give or do. We will make you see that.”
Steve takes my hand, placing his lips against my palm, murmuring softly, “I was not lying when I said I would endure anything for you, for him. For us. This is what we want. What we need. What makes us feel whole. You are the missing piece.” he finishes with small butterfly kisses along the inside of my wrist.
This simply cannot be happening. This simply cannot be true. But, oh, oh how I want it to be.
I close my eyes, silently counting to three before reopening them, expecting to wake from this as if it’s a dream.
But it’s not. It’s real and tangible and oh god they are so warm surrounding me, holding me.
“James. Steven. Are you both sure, absolutely sure? Because this is huge. This is a big, scary step and you know how harshly we will be judged. Hell, wait until your teammates find out, oh god…” I trail off, shaking my head.
“Melissa.” I hear lowly, sternly from Bucky. “This is our choice. These are our lives. Not theirs. Not anyone else’s. That’s the end of the discussion.” He reaches up and runs his fingers through Steve’s hair at the back of his neck as he places more little kisses on my temple.
“He’s right, Melissa. And we need you. And we want you. Just as much as we need and want each other. The common thread is you, did I not just say that to you that earlier?” His fingers slide through my damp waves as he kisses Bucky’s forehead.
But I’m not. I’m not worth this. Them. Either of them. Much less them together. They’ll see. Eventually they’ll see.
We wrap our arms around each other, holding tightly to one another as I sit still perched on Bucky’s lap. My breathing has calmed, the tears have stopped. We’re all smiling at one another, and I start to laugh.
It’s a quiet laugh at first, then they join me and finally we’re all rolling with it. “This is completely insane.” I finally sigh.
“It is.” Steve pipes up, “But to be fair, our lives have really all been insane to this point. Why stop now?”
Bucky punches his shoulder, “Christ, you’re a fucking nerd sometimes.” and I collapse into giggles against his chest.
“So, we should celebrate, yeah? What should we do to commemorate this ridiculous journey we’ve just begun, y'all?” I look between them, grinning.
“I vote dinner. I’m fucking starvin’!” Bucky grabs at his belly, groaning.
It’s then I realize what he’s wearing. “Wait. What the fuck, Bucky? You…what do you have on?”
“Um. Yeah. I sort of just ran out of the tower as I was dressed.” His cheeks color brightly, and it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
Steve is so surprised, “You didn’t even cover your arm?”
Bucky shakes his head, “I… I didn’t know what was happening. I didn’t think. I didn’t care about anything except getting to the two of you.” he looks so embarrassed, Steve reaches up and cups his cheek.
“You precious thing.” I lean in and whisper against his lips before kissing him softly.
Steve looks at the two of us, eyes full of adoration. He gives a soft chuckle after a moment, “I guess that means we’re ordering in.”
Bucky and I start giggling, “Alright, I leave it to y'all, my local boys. I only have one request.” Wrinkling my nose I murmur, “No seafood.”
They mock gasp at me, eyes wide.
“I know, I know. The Gulf Rat hates seafood.” I cover my blushing face. Steve pulls my hands away and kisses my brightly colored cheeks, “You know we’re never going to let that drop.” He nods toward Bucky, who’s smirking.
I groan, “Fuck, I know.” My eyes roll as I try to stand, but they don’t let me, pulling me closer to them.
“You’re full of surprises, my Angel.” and I feel Bucky’s lips against my neck.
Steve’s hands are back in my hair as his lips claim my jaw, “She certainly is.”
I’m squirming under their kisses, “Now, now, boys. Let’s eat first, oui? We have plenty of time to all get acquainted with each other.”
They groan and let me stand finally. I move away from the sofa reclosing my robe and start clearing up the glasses while they’re arguing over what to order.
These two will be the death of me.
@alievans007 @buckysbackpackbuckle @justareader @anice-1 @ya-girl-evanstrash for genuinely being kick ass people who were interested in my work from day one. One more addition who asked specifically to be tagged: @hardcollectiontrashworld Thanks everyone!
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