#so i'm also being a Mom and looking for a doggie school as well as a vet for her
strigital · 1 year
the new trailer for Phantom Liberty took me back to 2018... watching demo for the first time... waiting impatiently for the game's release day... ahhh, good to feel that kind of nostalgia-soaked excitement again 💙💛
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mspi · 1 year
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Totes love my family posts that they survived the long plane trip to the province. Teasing me by picking fruits in the yard. OMG I so want young 🥥 meat and water 💦. The stuff is refreshing and tasty. To those who don't catch my drift, feel free to enjoy the durian fruit out behind the building. Don't worry, the stray cats & dogs won't go near it.
Can you see my little punk? It's telling the people who can't taste the benefits of coconut really don't have taste to begin with. Who came up with the scale? Unsure if anyone will consider this good training or not. However I do trust a missionary from my church who has gone and been out in Myanmar for years spreading the good news and helping the locals.
Here's something she picked up, don't touch the food if even the rodents and the bugs won't touch it. They're poisonous. Wish I heard that when living with a witch of a distant aunt bent on killing me and breaking my family.
Anyways I'm so happy to be an American and am blessed to be alive today--beating out naysayers on my lifespan. That's right my sister's and I are here with careers and degrees as well as partners.
You can leave me out of the last bit. I'm not wanting to bring anyone along the painful journey that diseases and accidents have been dragging me through. It's not all bad though. Life is full of unexpected adventures.
> Lemme let you in on one
My married sis who doesn't believe having a child is in her cards looks to be open to teacup doggies. Tiny dogs have been easy for her with our last few well behaved purse dogs.
After her admission of that I let her know our Rottie loves being chased around by tiny dogs. That's when I also picked up a story on how a girl's companion cat came in handy on a bus when empty headed middle aged Karens gave her a bad time about supposedly taking their seats. Girl was wearing a lanyard that said she has a medical issue needs to stay seated.
Maybe I can get a lanyard and my own pup with an attitude to help watch out for me.
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Yes I know I live downtown where thieves hold expensive dogs for ransom. Here's the thing, I'm also never by myself. Friends, relatives, or even guards are with me. The last bit was a bonus from a thoughtful exec looking out for me.
Here's the other thing, as winter cold will be rolling in, it'll be the first time in years that I won't have my puppy foot warner. They like laying above or between my paraplegic legs.
Back to the islands, I know I wrote about it in a grade school paper about my winter vacation. All that even got updated to becoming an engineer, investing money, and getting a luxury condo close to family land. It would be where I could have a chef, housekeeper, guards, dog groomers/walkers, ManiPedi helpers on the regular, masseuse, and doctors.
There are a few big things I can't have out there. My siblings and medical specialists. Bummer, right? An old colleague I know giggled when I shared that with her.
To think about so many who want to move to the States for all the benefits, yet I'm here to stay alive. Is that a first world problem?
Staying away from negativity. I'm gleaming smiles knowing that my siblings will be okay with some hard work. They've even promised our mom that they'll always have someone they trust check on me. Ohh even if it's them kidnapping me to Tahoe to chill on the lake or in the snow.
Still wishing they could become multilingual. Maybe not to my level, but at least they can get a laugh from someone who thinks they could talk behind their backs. It's for security too.
-- dnagirl
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sie-rui · 3 years
Hii can u do soft baji headcanons??
❀ BAJI BEING SOFT | TOKYO REVENGERS 🤍 baji keisuke 💿 general headcanon, third pov, fluff 📅 june 12, 2021 🔗 main
baji keisuke being baji keisuke
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☆ Baji Keisuke loves his mom so much. She raised him all on her own and Baji will literally do anything to make her happy.
☆ He learned how to cook from his mom. Actually, he’s an amazing cook.
☆ He takes his mom out on dates every once in a while
☆ Tries to study real hard but it’s either he gets bored or someone / something distracts him.
☆ Keisuke is definitely going to fail his tests. Chifuyu is just a tiny bit smarter but that is not enough to help him pass. These two barely pass their exams.
☆ Keisuke will not cheat. He’s a lot of things but he’s not a cheater. (Both in exams and in love.)
☆ In conclusion, he’s definitely going to make his mom cry again if he doesn’t get his shit straight.
☆ He may not be smart but he’s hella perceptive. When Chifuyu is down in the dumps, he notices. When his mother is worrying about something, he notices. When Mikey ate one more dorayaki than usual, he notices.
☆ He was wide-awake during a class once but at the end of the day, he didn’t remember a single lesson nor word his teachers said.
☆ Practices his signature during classes. Also doodles cats and taiyakis. Once drew Mikey with pigtails. A decent artist, if Mikey may say so himself.
☆ Since they’re classmates, Baji and Chifuyu copy off each other’s homework. They both absolutely get a perfect zero. The teachers aren’t even surprised at this point.
☆ A little more application and Keisuke is actually capable of passing. He just has... other priorities in his life. (Mainly cats.)
☆ Jumped out the second floor in school before.
☆ Well-loved by both cats and dogs. One time, Chifuyu met up with him at the park only to see Keisuke on the ground, covered with dogs.
☆ Goes absolutely feral when someone hurts the doggies and the kitties.
☆ Chifuyu had seen him climb trees to help cats a lot of times already, along with helping dogs cross the street.
☆ Do not fuck with his food. He protects it with his life and will fight anyone if they dare mess with it.
☆ Keisuke most definitely randomly started dancing in the middle of the street before while Chifuyu records it on his phone. He’s supportive.
☆ He also most definitely ruined Chifuyu’s apartment before by chucking iced chicken in the microwave when Chifuyu was returning the neighbor’s cat.
☆ Watches sad telenovelas on the television. Chifuyu joined him once. They were both crying at the end of it but none wanted to admit it.
☆ Absolutely adores Chifuyu as if he was Keisuke’s baby brother. Hypes him up all the time.
"Fuck Chifuyu, did you just get scouted as a model or am I seeing things?" "Baji-san... I'm sorry but please shut up." "You're turning red!" "Shut up!"
☆ When he’s not fighting, he’s really dorky and sometimes squirms when girls’ attention are on him.
☆ Talked with Draken about shampoo and hair condition more than once.
☆ Are you trying to tell me that Baji hadn’t braided Draken’s hair before and Draken reciprocated and did the same. Taking care of each other’s hair is basically Toman’s love language.
☆ Recommends great shampoo and hair care brands to Chifuyu once before. In exchange, Chifuyu helps him with fashion. It’s a pretty nice deal if Baji says so himself.
☆ Surprisingly knows how to play chess. He learned online.
☆ Wanted to own a dog. He never really did get to adopt one.
☆ On the bright side, Chifuyu who shares his love for cats, always comes with him to visit pet-cafes. They go every Saturday. It’s tradition at this point. It does not matter if they’re broke or if they have an important event to go to that day, they. will. go. to. a. pet. cafe.
☆ Once tried to smuggle a cat out of said cafe.
☆ Crackhead by day, crackhead by night. Randomly burst out laughing in the middle of a class for no reason at all other than Chifuyu looking so offended at what the teacher said.
☆ Teachers are always trying to separate the two of them at class. Chifuyu sits on the front row and Baji is either outside, out in the hallway, or at the very back. Hey, even if he looks like a poindexter, it doesn’t mean that he is one.
☆ Chucked erasers and rulers at Chifuyu during class before. I’m here to remind you that he’s literally at the very back in the far corner and Chifuyu sits at the very middle right in front of the teacher’s desk.
☆ Baji has no patience for Escape Rooms, did Mitsuya care? Nope. He and Chifuyu got stuck together in one room for half a day, not even bothering to find clues. Baji literally fell asleep and Chifuyu stared blankly at the wall.
☆ Judges Mikey on daily basis. Mikey judges him back.
☆ Emma put flowers on his hair before. It stayed on the whole day. No one knew if he didn’t notice or he left it there on purpose. Except for Mikey that is. And Mikey can tell you that-
☆ He’s always there to cheer up his friends in a weird unconventional way.
☆ When Baji smiles, it’s always genuine. He doesn’t force himself to smile and he doesn’t fake grins. It’s what makes him Baji.
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sparklingdust4612 · 3 years
Reviewing "Naked in Brooklyn" by the amazing @mega-aulover!!
Favourite parts:
1- "Our baby is going to look like you, and she is going to be gorgeous and I'm going to fight the boys off with my paintbrush and rolling pin."
2- "Holy moly, it's you," The kid pointed at Katniss. "The Brooklyn Bridge Chick! OH Man! I remember me and my friends were hanging out in my apartment and there you were stretched out on the hood of that car looking soooo hot! Congrats man you knocked her up, if your baby's a girl and looks remotely like your wife, I'll wait for her."
"Come on," Peeta snarled. He took her by the hand and headed outside. He growled, "You'll use my phone for now."
Katniss waited until they reached the cross walk, before she grinned questioned playfully "You still want a little girl, that looks like me?"
Peeta looked to his wife then to the sign. "Maybe we should look into home schooling until she's twenty five."
3- ";-) Say, speaking of cute hidden things, how are the freckles under that left but cheek?"
"What the hell Jo, I don't need t know about your love life!"
"No but I need to know about yours, tell me how do you and lover boy do it with your bump in the way?"
"Goodnight JO!"
"I'm serious do you guys do it backwards, doggie, do you sit on a chair?"
4- "Our little bun wants to meet their papa."
"Our little bun has to stay in the oven for a little more time." Peeta said quietly.
5- He was born Rye but he didn't like the inference to bread so he changed it to Ruben. Katniss was the only one who told him that he named himself after a sandwich.
6- "I feel ill just picturing your mother that way Peeta. She's so mean."
"Well they took Polaroid's it was Ruben who found them while we were playing hide and go seek. He was hiding underneath the bed, they were wedged between the metal slats and the mattress."
Katniss recalled what Prim said about kids getting into the darndest places. She rubbed her belly. "No wonder Ruben's messed up."
"In our defense I was two but Ruben was like five. He didn't know what he was looking at but Graham knew and he shouted it throughout the house."
7- "Good, recognition is the first step in becoming human."
8- "My sister is a survivor just like her daughter. She'll make it. She doesn't give up, and she's as stubborn as Peeta. Trust me; those two can't survive without each other. They don't need each other or so they claim but they can't make it out of the door without being attached at the hip."
9- "Have you seen our baby?"
"Your mom showed me pictures." Katniss shrugged though she couldn't contain her glee. "She's okay, I think we can keep her."
This story started out as really funny but by the end had me sobering up (only a tiny bit lol) I hated how the Mellarks and many treated Katniss like shit. I am dying imagining lil Katniss and lil chubby Peeta holding hands awwwwww!!! I also love Louie the fish (God bless all alive and dead Louie's lol) And Miss Carrie, god gotta love that woman, kickass, blunt and overall awesome. Where can I find one of those again? ;)
Katniss and Peeta's love in this is so sweet and innocent and ughhhh i am going crazy because they're just too cute!!
I love you cutie pie Fathiee!!!!
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