#so i went well omit you're probably blinding all the eyes he uses to see the outside world right and it went who said im stopping there
networksupported · 2 years
(tw and cw for mentions of gore, blinding people, death, torture, manipulation, and other not very nice stuff under the cut)
okay hello :)
so, your honor- may i present you with exhibit a:
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now, this is taken from a piece of text that holds surprisingly true considering cas's lore seems to only be defined by the Family Guy Law Of Accuracy (read; something's only canon once it's stated at least three times) though i'm pretty sure i've said it at least once before and considering this post let's just call it three times- cas, or rather, cas's form, does not bleed.
so why is he doing so now, i hear you cry?
well, to answer that, i need to impart on you three pieces of information i truly haven't stated in canon yet:
one, lex, cas, and cain all have very different ways of breaking and interacting with the fourth wall,
two, lex and cas do not share a form. they are actually seperate assets, it's not that cas's form is a fucked up version of lex's,
three, omittance makes far more threats than i have currently stated.
so. i'm sure you can see where this is going.
cas, perhaps unsurprisingly, interacts through the fourth wall via sight. while verbal communication with players is something he can't initiate, he can see and witness almost anything.
he also sees and interacts with speech and asks as text, rather than them being voiced:
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cain interacts through speech- he's limited in terms of sight, but he's more than able to initiate conversations with others, no matter who they may be.
and lex? well, lex could hear. lex could hear his coworkers, even after their disappearance- and more than that, he could actually hear omit itself. so i suppose it's arguable if the transition between cas and lex wasn't when lex died but when he went from hearing omit (it's just a voice in my head, it's fine, it's not real) to seeing its text (this is a story, it's predetermined, i'm not real).
i say its arguable, but the point is that omittance certainly considers that the point of transition.
considering the situation- that all of a sudden, cas is a) capable of bleeding, b) unable to see the events going on even before he got blinded, c) now hearing voices, which are evidently summoned by and under the control of ommitance;
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d) ommitance didn't actually say how many eyes it had blinded, and e) omittance has revealed if he didn't listen it would be his fingers next, and then his tongue, and then finally his ears- aka, 'i am going to deprive you of every other way a version of you has been able to differentiate from lex and only then will i rob you of your hearing too', my guess is that omit's trying to corrall him back into being lex- probably going so far as to force his consciousness into lex's form in an attempt to get its little willing puppet back- ergo, in lex's form, cas wouldn't have the ability to shapeshift which is...the real question being asked here
TLDR: he's currently stuck inside lex's form so :(( thags gonna be pretty hard :(
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I think it's about time I tell you all my story. These are real life events that happened to me years ago. I am not looking for sympathy nor do I want any. Most will see this as a black spot in my past but that's not how I see it...it's what shaped me to be what I am now. I was underage for the first portion, so I will gloss over the details and omit others. Please keep in mind that this was all pretransition and before I even knew that I was trans. I know some of the details are jumbled around from what I have told some folks, that's because I had to focus to get them all in the correct order, my memory isn't the greatest.
This is NOT a whump story or any kind of entertainment. It is a cautionary tale that needs to be heard.
TW: sexual themes (some forced), grooming, enforced captivity, beating, contractual service, willing minor (myself when I was young), severe Stockholm Syndrome, human trafficking.
When I had turned 17, I was...well...promiscuous. I know what you're all thinking and I don't frankly care, I don't need your approval nor your disgust, it's what made me happy and I enjoyed being a slut. Do I approve of sex with minors? Of fucking course not! Is that maybe a double standard since I was the minor in that situation? Probably, but it's what I did and I'm not ashamed of what I did in my youth.
Anyway, when I turned 17 in 2007, I started looking on kink sites for older guys who wanted to have some fun. Besides the usual time-wasters that still exist today, one man stood out. He was polite and understood that I wanted to explore the kinky side of sex, telling me that he was looking for a pet to serve him long-term. I agreed to meet up with him for a casual date to discuss everything, which went very well. We talked about my limits, how he would treat me, safewords, the works. I was so excited to begin, that I became blind to things that, in hindsight, were obvious red flags.
The first time I went to his house, he didn't pick me up in front of my sister's house (where I was living at the time), he told me to meet him three blocks away. I didn't think anything thing of it and since he was now my "sir", I blindly obeyed. Once in his car, he had me use both hands to hold onto his hand that he had in my lap as he drove also having me stare down at it for the entire hour drive. In case that's not obvious: my hands couldn't reach for the door without him knowing and I couldn't see where we were going. We got to his house and I began my training to be his fuckpet. It honestly wasn't bad, even in the moment, I actually enjoyed it. He was my Master and I was his boy.
This went on for months, I'd visit on weekends whenever I didn't want to go home (I attended a military boarding school that was just a couple-hour train ride from his home. I knew which station to get off at, but he had me follow the same protocol as before: eyes down, hands on his. I never thought about it being a red flag, it was what I was supposed to do and so I obeyed. My sister never thought to ask me where I was going on the weekends I didn't come home. Part of me thinks she didn't care, I was out of her and her husband's hair. Her husband didn't seem to care either, for that matter.
After about six months of being his loyal pet, I had to stop going as the school had somehow found out where I had been going and obviously didn't approve. I called Master and told him the terrible news and that I was devastated, he was not thrilled either but he calmed me down and got me to stop crying. I would not see my Master again for two years.
When I turned 18 the next year, I got expelled from the boarding school and with no job, my only choice was to enlist in the Army. I had been going to a JROTC-based school for three and a half years, that got me brownie points with my recruiter as I was a shoo-in. I did one year out of the three in my contract and got out with an Honorable Discharge. The details of my military service will not be discussed, do not ask.
When I got out, it was December of 2009. I had nowhere to go as I couldn't show my face around my brother-in-law, a die-hard former Marine, after not even completing my military contract, I'd never hear the end of it. So I went to a cafe with my laptop and did the same thing I did before, I went online to post on the kink sites, offering myself in exchange for a place to stay. I would have contacted Master...but I couldn't get a hold of him.
Enter, Master Travis, a lawyer in LA who was searching for a houseboy to serve him and his wife. I was to sign a contract that stated that, in exchange for a room, new clothes, and food I was to do all chores (including cooking) and let him and his spouse do anything they wish with me. Anything. I didn't want to be on the streets so I signed. I was then given three identical uniforms consisting of a black leather collar, a white long-sleeve button-down shirt with a rouched front and black buttons, black slacks with sizing straps as I was not allowed a belt, a black clip-on bow tie, black dress socks, and black dress shoes. When Master Travis didn't have any guests, I was to go barefoot.
At this point, I was 19 and fully legal for sexual use, which Master Travis and his wife took full advantage of quite regularly. My morning routine started with a caning, then a shower where he would fuck me, then I was to finish my shower and get ready for the day. Throughout the day, I would be summoned to please either one between chores. I didn't mind any of this. Even the caning was necessary as it was a form of maintenance discipline.
What I did mind, however, were the beatings Master Travis would give me whenever he was angry or had a bad day at the office. He would restrain my hands above my head and punch my torso until his stress or anger was relieved. It usually didn't take long and he always made sure that he only hit below my collar and never bruised my hands, hiding the damage beneath my uniform shirt from any guests that he may have over. He also made sure that he never broke anything besides minor fractures that healed with time.
I served Master Travis for two months before he and his wife decided to move out of state, unable to take me with them. He didn't want to fully release me so he asked me if I knew anyone that would enjoy having me like he did. I told him about my first Master and he told me to get a hold of him, no matter what it took. After two days of trying, I finally managed to contact Master. He was elated to hear from me but he wanted to talk to Master Travis. They discussed when and where to hand me over and I got my old clothes back.
Later that day, Master Travis brought me to the meeting point; a neighborhood I had never seen before. Upon arrival, Master Travis instructed me to take my things from his car and put them in Master's car, which I began doing. As I passed by them, I heard Master Travis telling Master about the training and skills he has given me, to which, Master responded by offering monetary compensation for me...he was offering to literally buy me. Master Travis declined and said "consider him a gift for your troubles". They shook hands and Master told me to get in his car, I obeyed. I was his boy again.
When we got to his home, he told me to leave my things in the garage and so I did. He then took me inside to give me a proper inspection. When he saw the bruises and my post-military physique, he wasn't happy. He said that I didn't have the young body that I used to have but he would make do. That didn't feel right...I thought he was happy to own me again, full-time this time, and he was...he was just disappointed that I didn't look like a minor anymore. He also treated me differently from before, he seemed like he didn't care about me like he used to, not caring if he hurt me during usual activities, often giving me a cold shoulder and disregarding my pained cries.
One day, he had been particularly cold towards me while he had me in his home office as a stress pet, and with being young and stupid, I tried doing something I had never done before: be defiant. He wanted me to pleasure him and I refused. This angered him to the point of throwing me to the floor and pinning me beneath him to have his way with me. I had hit my limit. I started screaming for help, for someone to call the police. Houses in Southern California are really close to each other, someone would hear me. He froze and went pale before getting off of me and giving me back my clothes. Then he had me tell him where he can drop me and my stuff off. I didn't have anywhere else to go.
I figured I had been through enough, I just wanted to go home so I told him to take me back to my sister's place. He did and I never heard from him or Master Travis ever again.
This all may seem unbelievable but I assure you it is all true. This is what happens when you're not careful and rush into things before you know a person. Don't let desperation and horniness get the better of you and you end up being abused and trafficked. I talk about wanting to go back to Master Travis but I need to make it clear to everyone who reads this that just because I want it for myself, it does not mean that I wish it on anyone else.
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