#so i grab a random purple i think vibes close enough to his color
officialrickshades · 4 months
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this literally refused to post for a few solid minutes. i miss him.
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noyasboxdye · 3 years
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Character: Kenma K. Header creds: @leekn6w​ Song: I’m loving your vibe by Xavier Goodman !!WARNINGS!!: College/University AU, Smoking/Drug Usage, Male! Reader Title: Cute Party boy
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You had been sitting in the corner of someone's house deciding to finally give up on finding your friends knowing that they had probably already found some random guy to hook up with. Looking around and watching the drunk young adults grind, sing, dance, scream and drink the night away you finally had enough of sitting there, you stood up from your seat walking into the kitchen and looking at the several different arrangements of drinks noticing they had fireball, whiskey, tequila, gin, brandy, and several other things in one section then having the beer in another.
Not wanting anything to hard and hating beer you went for the fruit punch pouring your cup 3/4 of the way and walking up the stairs making the decision not to open any closed doors knowing that one or several of your friends could be in that room doing things you didn't want to vision your friends doing right now. Noticing a slightly open door, seeing smoke continuously flowing out of the room as people go in and out some alone some with friends or partners.
Finally concluding that you didn't have anything to do and you were tired of being so sober you walked into the room the aroma of weed and what you think is vanilla and strawberry flavored juul pods. Sitting down on the couch near a window, trying to stay your farthest from the two men you were on the couch next to.
Pulling out your pod and taking a longer hit then you would usually and exhaling taking note to the pudding head and black haired male next to him who had been taking glances and staring on and off for about 20 minutes now. Taking your phone out trying to figure out why your phone had been vibrating in your back pocket continuously for a few minutes now. Rolling your eye seeing that your mother had been calling you and texting you nonstop making sure you were studying for your tests that weren't happening till like 3 months.
Texting your mother and telling her that you've been studying all week and its 10pm on a Saturday and you had been cramming for the past week and a half with barely any breaks. Turning your phone off whilst rolling your eyes. Noticing that the two boys across from you were still continuing to stare at you, you stared back at the two hoping that it would make them stop.
Them finally stopping you go on your phone texting your friends once more as an attempt to check on them even though you knew that at least two of them were together. "Hey..." the bed head said. "Uhm- hi." you said not really in the mood to talk to anyone right now. "I know we've been staring at you for a while now and sorry for that, but my friend said your beautiful/handsome and he would love it if you gave him his number." he said with a slight smirk on his face. "Well I mean sure but only if he comes over and asks himself." you say looking at the bi haired colored boy.
"Okay- wait sorry hold on." hurriedly getting up from the old beaten up couch with a smile on his face walking back over the his friend and whispering in his ear while pointing at you, the shorter boy blushes with a smile on his face getting up from his chair and awkwardly shuffling over to you. Sitting next to you and smiling the blush on his cheeks becoming more prominent.
"Hey... sorry about my friend. I told him to leave you alone, but he didn't listen." he said rubbing the back of his neck. "It's fine... so what's your name." you said as you took a hit from your juul "My names Kenma. What's yours?" he said finally starting to seem a little bit comfortable with you. "(M/N)" you said holding your hand out to shake his hand a warm smile coming across your face as you feel his skin contact yours.
"Your pretty to by the way." you say moving your phone out of your back pocket not liking the feeling of your mother blowing up your phone against your butt cheek. "What-?" Kenma said look up at you with wide eyes. "Your friend told me you thought I was pretty/handsome, so I said your pretty." You said smiling. "Oh ah- thanks." he said with a slight chuckle tucking some stray strands of hair behind his ear frowning slightly.
"You going to ask for my number or do I have to." you said smirking slightly in a more teasing/sensual tone, the smirk becoming wider and more prominent when that heavy blush that dusted his cheeks earlier dusted them once again. "You look like a strawberry again Kenma." you state teasing him once again and making his blush deeper. "So- uhm can I have your number... then." he says pointing at the phone on your thigh.
"Yeah sure give me your phone right quick" he says giggling a bit at how shy he was. "Yeah sure- here..." he says practically glowing and shaking a little from excitement. "Uh I called my number so your number should be in my phone now, and my contact name is my name. I didn't know what you wanted it as, so I put it as that." you said handing him his phone back and half way making sure he noticed. "Okay thanks I'll call you tonight to make sure you get home- if that's okay with you."
"Yeah it's fine with me. And I'll do the same if I leave before you." you said your voice lowering slightly as you start to become calmer and more comfortable around him. "Okay cool. You want a drink-" he says not knowing what to do now his mind creating an awkward atmosphere that wasn't even there. "Yeah sure. They didn't have anything good though which is why I got juice before." you said warning him that nothing good would be in the downstairs kitchen.
"Yeah I got mostly juice too. My friend wanted me to get a little tipsy so he wasn't drunk alone." he said you both walking down stairs as Kenma texts Kuroo letting him know where he was going so he would leave without him, it happened once and he'll never allow it to happen ever again. "Kool-Aid or Hawaiian punch?" you said as you chose something from the fridge. "Kool-Aid... duh." Kenma said laughing a bit.
"Which flavor?" you say. "Purple and red." answered checking his phone. "You like purple! I love purple too everyone I meet hates purple." you say a childlike grin on your face. (Yes, ur getting excited over Kool-Aid. The purple flavor deserves more hype!!) "Kenma!" the boy from earlier said hurriedly walking over to you both. "Yes kuroo." he said drinking out of his cup, you laughing a bit noticing he drinks like a 1st grader after they just got done playing outside.
"It's almost 3 we got to go. You have class at like 8 and my class is an hour before yours so let's go." Kuroo said ready to drag him away. "Well I have to go I have a pretty early class tomorrow, but I'll be sure to call you." he said making sure he had everything he originally came with in his pockets. "Yeah sure bye Kenma and..." pausing waiting for Kuroo to tell you his name again. "Oh! Kuroo my names Kuroo."
"And Kuroo. We'll talk later 'mkay?" you said smiling at Kuroo then going to look back at Kenma. "Yeah sure I'll probably text you first by the way." he said him and Kuroo grabbing each other's hands and saying bye. Checking the time, the realization finally settling in that your friends were still missing, and it was almost 3 in the morning.
'Jesus fucking christ where the hell are these fuckers' you think to yourself storming back up the steps your patients being thin to none. 'On my mommy if these hoes fucking somebody I'm leaving' putting your ear up to at least 4 different doors before you finally found them, seeing one friend passed out in the bathroom and the others scattered around the room.
"My god what did you guys get yourselves into" you said finally feeling the exhaustion that you were suppressing throughout the past two weeks. "Ty's sick and vomiting it's guts out in the bathroom, Isaiah's knocked he's been like that for about an hour now, and Alex was crying but ink's now under the desk over there... and I didn't drink a lot so I'm fine." your friend said you trying to find Alex.
"Ok well its... 5 minutes away from being 4 am.", "Okay..."
After taking everyone home and making sure they got in bed safely you and your friend Malik both shared an uber back to both of your houses. Finally reaching the comfort of your room you go to your connected bathroom and start getting ready for the night. Taking a shower, doing your skin care, getting a snack while putting on your show starting to finally calm down.
Finally finishing your food getting up to brush your teeth and going back to your room pressing play to your show again. Turing on your night light and finally laying down. Jumping slightly when you hear you phone go off completely forgetting about it. Turning over to your nightstand to get your phone. Confused when an unknown number shows up on your phone.
In your messages
Unknown: Hey this (M/N) right?
You: Who's this .-.
Unknown: It's Kenma we met at the party... remember?
You: Oh yeah, it's (M/N)
You: Hey Kenma
Cute party boy: Hey (M/N)
Cute party boy: hru?
You: I'm doing good hbu?
Cute party boy: I'm doing good :)
Cute party boy: srry for texting u so late btw I just wanted to do it now, so I didn't forget lol.
You: No worries you're fine :)
Cute party boy: Alr good.
Cute party boy: did you make it home ok or are you still at the party?
You: no I ended up finding my friends after you left so I'm home now.
You: hbu?
Cute party boy: yeah I made it home fine lol
Cute party boy: Did you want to hang out again?
You: yh sure when
Cute party boy: are you busy on Sundays?
You: no Sundays are usually free for me
Cute party boy: you wanna hang out tomorrow
You: yh tht works lol
Cute party boy: mk well i gtg im tired so goodnight :D
You: yh same goodnight sweet dreams and sleep well
Cute party boy: you too sweet dreams and sleep well
After saying your goodbyes to Kenma you put your phone back on the dresser watching a few episodes of your show, finally slipping off into peaceful sleep.
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ibelongtowrath · 4 years
Skipping The Previews - MLQC (Ling Xiao/Shaw) NSFW
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Summary: You decide to go see a movie to take your mind off of everything that's going on in the world, but a sexy stranger thinks it's a good idea to take the seat right next to yours. Rating: Explicit! 18+ NSFW Relationship: Ling Xiao x Female Reader, Shaw x Female Reader, Tags: oral sex, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, fingerfucking, shameless smut, semi-public sex Word Count: 5,707
Read on AO3
Notes: I've been wanting to write something about Shaw ever since I've seen pictures of him & finally encountered him in MLQC and whew...I know he's going to wreck my Kiro and Gavin biases! I wanted to portray him as kind of cocky, since I got that kind of vibe from him, and I hope I managed to capture that essence here. Please keep in mind that I started writing this before movie theaters were shut & things began getting very serious. I was thinking of a scenario where the reader would be upset that Shaw sits directly next to her, and a reason that the theater might still be empty for them to fuck freely in lol. Please enjoy!
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It’s midday Saturday, and the movie theater is practically deserted. Carefully, you push the handicap button with your elbow, allowing the doors to open so you don’t have to physically grab them. Everyone is supposed to be doing mandated social distancing, staying six feet away from other humans at all times, until they can get the spread of the virus under control. Going to see a movie in the midst of a pandemic is not the smartest idea, but you want to take advantage of being able to go out as much as you possibly can before we’re all in lockdown. A good science-fiction action movie will take your mind off of things, even if only temporarily.
Grabbing your favorite drink from the Freestyle machine, a Cherry Coke, you walk towards the theater the movie will be playing in. On your way there, you pass the mirror by the exit of the women’s bathroom, and take a quick peek at your reflection. You’re not exactly sure why you bothered with putting so much effort into your appearance when hardly anyone will see it. Shrugging and fluffing your hair quickly in the mirror, you turn back and continue walking into the theater.
You had picked the seat all the way in the furthest corner of the theater, away from everyone else. Even if there was no social distancing rule, you would have picked it anyway. You settle down into the recliner, the leather cold as it touches your bare legs. It’s an unseasonably warm March day today, and you’re wearing shorts for the first time since September. 
Pushing the button, you recline the chair virtually as far as it will go. The theater is completely vacant, and you pray it stays that way. There’s still about 15 minutes before the previews start, and you decide to pass the time browsing your Instagram explore page, watching makeup application videos and laughing at a couple cute and funny cat videos. You’re so fixated on one particular video of a rather chonky cat, you don’t notice the handsome stranger settling into the seat directly next to yours.
You had pushed the middle armrests up to give yourself more space, and when you hear the strange crinkling sound next to you, you’re confused, because you haven’t moved. Your eyes dart to to left, and widen in shock when they meet the gaze of a gorgeous stranger’s; an amber, honey-colored hue you can’t help but stare into. 
You try to keep your expression neutral, but he’s so attractive, it’s hard to keep your composure. His lavender-grey locks of hair fall messily, but carefully at the same time, over his face, framing it perfectly, some of his fringe falling into his golden eyes. You resist the urge to touch the locks of his hair, to sweep them out of the way, so you can better admire the beautiful flecks of gold and honey in that gaze. His purple and black hoodie, darker in hue than his hair, perfectly compliments the color of his eyes. He wears a black choker around his neck, and jeans that are messily, but intentionally, ripped at the knees. Several hoop earrings adorn his ears, a cuff hugging the upper cartilage of his left ear.
Breaking off his gaze, you feel yourself blushing furiously, the heat spreading to your cheeks like a wildfire. Thank goodness you put on a bit of foundation today, so he can’t see the furious rush of red that must be stretched across your face. You notice his hands, the right one wearing a fingerless glove, clutching his phone. The other is bare, a maroon beaded necklace decorating the wrist.
“Is this seat taken, love?” he asks, his lips turning up on one side, flashing you the cockiest grin you’ve ever seen. He knows the answer, obviously trying to provoke you. 
Not wanting to give him the satisfaction, despite feeling your heart  thump, thump -ing loudly against your chest, you turn your gaze towards the screen. An ad for an interactive mobile game is playing on the projector. 
“Aw, come on, don’t be like that,” the stranger says, a hint of annoyance in his voice.
“In the case that you’ve been blissfully ignorant, which is probable,” you respond, gaze hardening on the screen before you, “we’re supposed to be staying at least six feet from other people.”
“Damn, you’ve got some bite.” He grins at you.
Running his fingers through his hair, he continues. “Yeah, I’ve seen the news. Been wanting to see this movie, though. I saw only one person had bought a ticket, so I bought the seat next to ‘em. I was hoping it would be next to a pretty girl. I was right.”
You turn to look at him, an incredulous look on your face. The compliment is flattering, but he doesn’t have to know that. You try to keep your best poker face on.
“And you thought that was a good idea?” you retort. 
It comes out with less bite than you intended, now that you’re looking at him directly. His devastatingly good looks are working their charm on you, and he picks up on it. The cocky smirk returns, a glint of something mischievous flashing in his eye. He knows you’re faltering, and he fully plans on persuading you.
“I thought it would be a good opportunity to get to know each other.” 
You can’t help but continue to stare at him, in complete awe of his audacity.
“Figured if you turned out to be some random dude, I’d just go sit in another seat. No big deal.” 
He shrugs, but that wild glint is still in his eye. In the pause that follows, he takes the time to look you over. His gaze lingers on your full lips, then drops to the swell of your breasts beneath your t-shirt. It continues downward, to the curves of your waist and hips outfitted in your favorite pair of short black shorts.
Feeling slightly self-conscious under the weight of his scrutinizing gaze, you unconsciously drop your hands into your lap and look down. You know you should get up and find another seat, or at the very least try harder to make him move. Some feeling you can’t quite place is anchoring you to your current spot. Is it...excitement? Is it arousal?  No. No way .
The previews should be starting in a few minutes, and you’re thankful for the coming distraction.
“Name’s Shaw, by the way.” His voice suddenly cuts through the silence between the advertisements on screen.
Crossing your arms, you look to your left. You decide it can’t hurt, telling him your name. 
“ Y/N ,” you tell him. “It’s nice to meet you, Shaw.”
“Likewise,  Y/N ,” Shaw replies. 
The smirk reappears, but more playful. It doesn’t quite match the look in those topaz eyes. The determination is still there, and you brace yourself for whatever he’s going to try saying next. You know, deep down, that his unrelenting perseverance, charm and good looks might just be your undoing.
Shaw reaches for something behind him. He pulls out an orange bag of Reese’s Pieces, slightly shaking it so the peanut butter and chocolate pieces clink together. He opens the bag, grabs a handful, and drops them in his mouth, his tongue sticking out to catch the pieces in case they fall. You can’t help but stare at the pink wetness and length of his tongue, wondering what it would be like to kiss him and feel it on your own…
Whoa, where did that thought come from ? you ask yourself, confused. Your face feels like an inferno yet again. As if sensing your thoughts, he audibly crunches the candy in his mouth. He swallows, and grins at you.
“Want some, pretty girl? Looking like you do,” Shaw asks, tilting the bag towards you. 
He knows you were staring, and not at the bag of candy.
“U-um...sure,” you stammer, poorly attempting to keep your composure. 
You hold out your hands, cupping them, fully expecting Shaw to pour the mini candies into your palm. Instead, that devilish glint returning to his amber eyes, he pours the yellow and orange candy pieces into his own hand. Confused, you feel your brow furrow slightly, wondering what he’s planning on doing.
Before you can react, Shaw closes the already short distance between you on the recliners. He pushes himself over and encroaches into your personal space. You feel the heat of his body next to yours, his jeans-clad leg brushing up against your bare skin. Your nerve endings feel electrified, your heart beating so hard, it feels like it could explode through your chest at any second.
Shaw leans in, as though he weren’t already close enough. His face is now mere inches from yours. You feel your eyes widen in shock. This close up, his eyes are even more mesmerizing. His skin is perfect, blemish-free, and his lips look so soft, so inviting…He lifts his gloved hand towards your face, fingers lightly brushing your jaw. Then, moving his hand up to your face, he strokes your lips gently with his thumb.
Nonplussed by his move, you feel frozen. You’re unsure of how to react. At the same time, his close proximity and the softness of his skin as he caresses your lips causes goosebumps to flare on your legs and up and down your arms. You start to feel the excitement building within. Giving in to the feeling, you can feel the arousal beginning to pool in your underwear...all caused by this handsome stranger. With a wicked grin, Shaw places his thumb between your lips, pushing against them lightly.
“Open wide, pretty girl,” he coos. 
You part your mouth at his command, your excitement unable to be contained. 
“That’s a good girl,” he murmurs. 
He takes his hand, fingers tilting your chin up. With the other hand holding the candy, he drops them in your mouth slowly, the pieces clinking together when they land on your tongue. He takes his hand away as you close your mouth and chew the candy, bursts of chocolate and peanut butter dancing on your tongue. You swallow, looking at Shaw again, just as the theater lights begin to dim. The previews are starting, and the theater is still deserted.
With that sexy stunt, you feel your chest beginning to rise and fall a little faster. You try to control your breathing. The tension between the two of you escalates with every breath. With that mischievous expression still on his face, Shaw reaches his hand out and cradles your face in his hand.
“Do you want some more, love?” asks Shaw, talking over the volume of the first preview that has begun playing on the screen. 
He runs his tongue over his teeth, almost taunting you. Fully aware of the dangerous double entendre in his words, you feel your arousal escalate, almost unbearable at this point. 
Instead of answering him, you gently grab Shaw’s hand, moving it upwards, towards your lips. 
Deciding to give him a double meaning of your own, you find yourself opening your mouth a bit wider, wrapping your tongue around his index finger. You close your lips around it. He tastes like the sweet candies. You run your tongue underneath his finger softly, then slowly pull it out of your mouth. 
You’re feeling powerful and sexy in the way Shaw is now gaping at you, completely turned on. His expression quickly changes back to his usual cocky, lopsided grin.
“What’s that you said earlier about being six feet apart?” he teases, leaning in towards your ear, so close you can feel his breath tickling the side of your neck. 
He lightly nibbles at the lobe, then moves lower. He kisses your neck, adding another gentle bite. You feel yourself shudder in delight. It’s easy to forget you’re sitting in a movie theater and someone could walk in at any second.
Shaw continues leaving red marks, from your jaw to where your t-shirt begins. He pulls the fabric down, revealing your shoulder, kissing and nibbling. You whimper, your excitement and desperation getting harder and harder to hide with every bite. You feel your nipples starting to harden against the lacey cups of your bra. Sensing your agony, Shaw lifts his head up and grasps your face softly yet firmly.
“Look at you. Getting all hot and bothered,” he coos, his silky voice causing your legs to tremble. 
His hand still holding your face, Shaw lightly turns your head towards his, then crushes his mouth against yours. It muffles your cry of shock, quickly turning it into a gasp of pleasure. You lean further into him, deepening the kiss. You bite his lower lip and cause a slight groan to escape from his mouth. You use this opportunity to meet your tongue with his, hungrily massaging them together. 
Unable to hold back any longer, the titillating stimulation having completely drenched your panties, you break off the kiss. You can feel the excess saliva shining on your chin. You turn to face Shaw, stand up. Then, you swing your leg seamlessly and straddle him, feeling the hardness of his erection between your legs. The leather chair crinkles loudly as you move. He places his hands on your hips, hooking his thumbs through the belt hoops of your tiny black shorts.
“You bad girl,” Shaw taunts, hot breath tickling your ear. “What if someone sees?”
“Then they’re going to get a show,” you quip, silencing him with your tongue.
After a minute, or who knows how long - you’ve long since stopped trying to keep track of time - he pulls away from your hungry kisses, burying his head in your neck, kissing the sensitive skin. You feel Shaw start to lift up your shirt, revealing your lacy black bra. 
His hands run slowly, deliciously up your abdomen. It starts from your hips, tracing the curves of your waist, and finally reaches the band of your bra, slipping his fingers underneath the silky fabric in one fluid motion. Goosebumps dart across your skin at his touch.
His fingers dance across the skin under the band so deliciously, you’re aching for more. When they reach the cups, he pushes them up, your breasts bouncing and spilling out with the sudden freedom. The exposure causes your heart to leap from your chest, but thankfully, no one else is around. You’ve never done something so lewd in public before.
Continuing to kiss your neck, his hands cup your breasts, caressing them gently. Shaw pinches and rolls your nipples between his thumb and index fingers, shooting pleasure straight down between your legs.
He begins his journey of bites and kisses again down your body again, moving from your neck, and down to your breasts. You feel him tonguing your nipple, lightly sucking as his tongue dances across the sensitive skin. He continues with his talented fingers on your other breast. 
You moan, hardly caring about how loud you’re being. All the self-control you tried so desperately to cling onto has been washed away by the hands of a sexy stranger.
The possibility of being caught heightens the adrenaline pumping through your veins. Your desire now akin to a fire, every touch of Shaw’s on your skin only serves to stoke it further. Each nibble, each caress, sends jolts of electricity through your body. Your nerve endings feel as though they’re out of control, each stimulation causing more sensitivity. You bite your lip with the pleasure of it.
Deciding it’s time that Shaw shows some skin of his own, your hands reach up under his loose sweatshirt. Fingers moving delicately, you trace the taut ridges of his abdominal muscles. Taking your cue, he lifts the fabric, pulling it further up. It’s giving you - and anyone who might walk into the theater, for that matter - a full view of his perfectly-sculpted body.
You run your hands up and down the length of his abdomen, drawing heavy breaths from Shaw. His chest rises and falls more rapidly. You lean forward then, lips on his neck, sucking the skin into your mouth. Then, you move over his defined clavicles and pecs, returning the love bites he had so graciously gifted you not much earlier. 
He gasps in pleasure, placing both hands on your ass, barely covered by the fabric of your tiny shorts. He squeezes it as you grind your hips against his thighs. 
Shaw’s hands move to the button of your shorts, undoing it quickly and pulling the zipper down. Your matching black panties peek out from the opening. He pulls them forward slightly, then slips two fingers in. 
He ventures down slowly into your folds, the other hand gripping your inner thigh. A lewd noise escapes from your lips, and you hear Shaw’s breath hitch at the sound of your desperation.
You’re so wet, Shaw’s fingers slide up and down with ease. They linger around your swollen clit, begging to be touched. He teases it with his fingers, sending delicious waves of pleasure up your spine. 
Suddenly, he pulls his fingers out, the sudden absence of them making you hungrier. Your desire is even more fierce. Your pussy is begging to be filled, and you can feel yourself clenching in frustration at having to wait.
Holding up his hand, you see the evidence of your arousal that coats his middle and ring fingers, slick and shiny in the light of the screen behind you.
“Naughty, naughty girl. Getting so turned on in a place like this.” 
He sounds so proud, so full of himself. You lean back slightly, placing some distance between your bodies. Looking down at the sizable bulge in his jeans, seeing that he’s quite obviously just as turned on as you are, you feel your eyebrows raise at him.
“I could say the same for you,” you purr, your voice as smooth as velvet.
Shaw looks at you then, drinking in the sight of you. Lips pink and swollen, your eyes, half-closed and shiny, glazed over with lust, your hair messily falling around your shoulders. T-shirt and bra pushed up, bare breasts bouncing with every movement. His eyes fall on the delicious pinkish-red trail of love bites leading from your neck to your breasts...all in this very public setting. 
He draws a sharp breath in, his cock straining harder against the constricting fabric of his jeans. Excitement is etched all over his skin. He knows he should stop, but he doesn’t want to, and he’s hoping you don’t want to either.
“What are you going to do about it?” Shaw tilts his head up at you, and you recognize the challenge in his words.
“You’ll see.”
Half of your brain screams at you to stop, to end this now before it goes too far. The other half eggs you on, telling you that you only live once. The metaphorical angel and devil sit on your shoulders, each giving you a reason to listen to them. Grinning, you decide to turn towards the devil, abandoning all common sense. The thrill and the pleasure are overloading your senses. All rationale and reasoning are being completely thrown out the window.
You find your hands on the button of Shaw’s jeans, unbuttoning them, and pulling the zipper down slowly. You hook your fingers into the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down. After a few seconds, his fully-erect cock springs out. You widen your eyes in surprise at his length and girth. You’re a bit nervous about your ability to fit him, but you never back down from a challenge.
You grasp a hand around his erection, jerking him up and down a few times. You tease your thumb around the head, drawing out ragged breaths from Shaw. You remove your hand from his cock and, without a second thought, you stand up. Shaw watches you in anticipation. 
The rush is so satisfying, you never want it to end. You’re in complete shock at yourself for feeling like this. What happened to the careful, cautious girl whose motto was “better safe than sorry?”
She’s dead and gone now .
Feeling the adrenaline blazing a trail through your veins, you sink slowly to your knees in front of Shaw’s seat, your eyes never leaving him. His eyes widen, realizing what you’re about to do, and he scoots forward to the edge of the seat.
“You’re crazy!” laughs Shaw, teasing but obviously delighted. “Crazy, crazy girl.” 
You grin, accepting it as a compliment. The adrenaline rush gains more and more momentum. You can feel your pussy throbbing. Your black lacy underwear is completely soaked with the anticipation.
You lean in, grasping his length in your hand, jerking it up and down in slow, tantalizing motions. His pre-cum leaks out, and you dip your tongue into his slit, tasting and lapping up the salty fluid. Removing your hand from his shaft, you use your thumb to caress his head. You run your tongue over the length of his dick, back and forth, as though you’re tasting the most delicious ice cream you’ve ever tasted. 
Shaw looks down at you then: reddened lips, swollen and moist with spit. He inhales sharply, leaning back against the chair as he does so.
Sufficiently lubricated with your saliva, you breathe deep. You open your mouth, accepting his generously-sized dick into it. You’re swallowing around it, your cheeks hollowing with the effort. You’ve never deepthroated any guy as big as him before, and you feel your throat rebelling in protest at the new challenge. You manage to quell the gag and relax your throat muscles. 
His dick fully engulfed in the wet heat of your mouth and throat, you hear Shaw let out a ragged, breathy moan: 
“Fuck, oh, fuck…”
He leans forward again, threading his fingers through your hair. The sudden action forces his cock a little further down your throat than you’d intended. This time, you can’t control the small gag that escapes you. Tears form in your eyes; one manages to escape, and falls down your face. Thankfully, Shaw doesn’t notice, and you continue your movement: back, and forth, swirling your tongue up and down his shaft as you move to the rhythm of a song nobody else can hear. 
Having lost track of time, you continue. The loud music and explosions of a preview of some new action movie is playing behind you. You feel his dick twitch, knowing he’s close.
“F-Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum, pretty girl…” Shaw groans, stroking your hair.
A few seconds later, Shaw finally releases, shooting hot white ropes down your throat. You move your head back, slowly pulling him out of your mouth. You grasp his length once again and slowly move your hand up and down. More of his cum leaks out onto your lips, dribbling onto your chin. He looks down at you then, riding out the final throes of his orgasm as you lick your lips with a grin. You catch the slightly bitter white fluid on your tongue and make a big show of swallowing.
Shaw sits back against the cool leather of the recliner, panting, trying to control his breathing. He grins, the corner of his lip turned up, feeling amused. He can’t believe you had the balls - no pun intended - to suck him off in the movie theater. He thought he would be lucky if he got your phone number, especially considering how cold you were to him at the beginning. Pulling his underwear and jeans back up, he stands up suddenly. He looks at you, still on your knees. 
“Stand up,” he tells you, and you follow his command, getting up slowly. You feel your legs shake slightly.
You sit, in the same space Shaw had been sitting just seconds ago, the chair still warm from his body heat. Without warning, Shaw is now on his knees. Just as quickly, he starts pulling down your shorts and lacy black panties over your legs and feet, discarding them on the floor. You gasp in shock. That cocky upturned smirk returning for the umpteenth time, Shaw revels in your surprise.
“Just returning the favor, yeah?”
Before you can react, he forces your knees apart, spreading your legs. You whimper, slightly ashamed that you’re in this very compromised position. The hunger grows in Shaw’s steady amber gaze. Your pussy is now on full display, the fleshy pink skin coated in the clear fluid evidence of your arousal. 
Shaw begins by hooking his arms around the bottoms of your thighs. He slowly kisses the sensitive skin of your inner thigh, moving closer and closer to where you want him to be most. Your desire feels like agony. It’s like a thirst dying to be quenched, a growling hunger aching to be quelled. After what feels like forever, you feel his tongue flicking at your clit. The sensation sends jolts of pleasure and electricity up through your abdomen and into your chest. 
“Shaw!” you hear yourself crying out his name, overtaken by the combination of pleasure and adrenaline. The fire spreads through your body like a wildfire.
Unhooking an arm from around your thigh, Shaw inserts two fingers into your pussy. They fuck you while his talented tongue works its magic on your clit, alternating between sucking and massaging. His fingers curl up as he plunges them in and out of you, massaging your g-spot. 
Shaw suddenly pulls away from you then, his voice husky. 
“Oh, baby girl, you’re going to be making a mess of that seat.”
He continues his song and dance of getting you off. The combination of his fingers and tongue is almost too much to bear, and you begin to feel the heat between your legs start to rise uncontrollably. You know you’re close, and can feel the pressure building. 
Within seconds, you feel the orgasm reach its crescendo, trails of fire burning from your hips up into your abdomen. Your heart pounds as you dissolve into the pleasure. At the same time, as though in sync, a loud gun “BANG!” sounds off, playing from the preview on the large screen. 
You arch your back, riding it out, savoring the delicious electricity pulsing through your most sensitive nerve endings. There’s a sudden gushing feeling between your legs. Realizing you just squirted for the first time, you clap your hand over your mouth in embarrassment and excitement. The fluid leaks down your leg, pooling on the underside of your thighs.
“You didn’t tell me you were a squirter,” Shaw quips, licking his lips. They’re shiny, coated in your juices. He flashes that gorgeous smile at you.
Figuring that you also weren’t aware based on your lack of response, Shaw stands up, silhouetted by the flashing lights of the screen at the front of the room.
“Think I sufficiently returned the favor, right, love?” he asks, leaning over you. 
Your tongues meet yet again, tasting each other on your lips. As he presses into you further, you notice he’s still hard. You glide your hand over the noticeable bulge, teasing him. He inhales sharply and groans into your mouth, then pulls away.
“Guess you’ve still got another round in you,” you hear yourself say. You immediately feel your face flush, shocking even yourself with your sudden boldness.
“Guess so,” Shaw replies, moving to sit down in the set of recliners to your left. He unbuttons his jeans and pulls them down, his fully-erect cock springing out once again.
“You made a mess of that one, so why don’t we try another seat, yeah?” 
He winks at you, then lifts his hoodie once again to reveal his perfectly sculpted abs. He leans back, his dick resting up against them, enticing you over. You glance around the theater, still somehow empty. You then look back at Shaw, who sits patiently, waiting for your reaction.
The devil that’s still sitting on your shoulder whispers into your ear:  Do it. You’ve already gone this far, what’s a little further ?
You feel a grin forming on your lips as you walk over to Shaw. Pressing against him, you straddle his thighs. You tease his cock with your pussy, your wetness coating him. His breath hitches in anticipation as you hover over him. You slowly lower yourself onto his cock, the delicious feeling of his girth filling you up overcoming all your senses. He stretches your walls and you gasp, never having felt this full before.
At the sound of his moans, the feeling of a dark, sinful, rush flows through your veins. Adrenaline, raw lust and desire are controlling all of your actions. You roll your hips, and he groans louder, placing his hands on them as the dialogue behind you drowns out the sounds of your sins. You bounce up and down, moving to the tempo of a lullaby no one else can hear. He grabs your breasts as you ride him, drawing out a whimper of pleasure.
Shaw thrusts into you, matching your cadence. You lean into him, the two of you pressed together as you fuck without inhibition. The feeling of his cock between your walls is heavenly, and you throw your head back in ecstasy, hair hanging loosely down your back. 
“Hey,” you hear Shaw whisper suddenly, “why don’t we switch it up?” 
The words are breathy, as though it’s hard for him to speak and fuck at the same time.
“What...do you mean?” you answer, confused, though you’re finding it equally as hard to speak coherently.
“Stand up.”
Lifting yourself off of him, you do as he says. You’re in the back of the theater, and if anyone came in just then, they would see your naked behind, save for your t-shirt and bra pushed up as far as possible. 
Shaw remains seated for a few seconds longer. He reaches out behind you and squeezes your supple ass. Your naked, curvy silhouette is framed by the bright lights of the newest science-fiction action movie trailer, and he has never seen anything so sexy before.
Finally, he stands. You watch his movements carefully, your curiosity heightening. Suddenly, he moves behind you, gently pushing his knee between your legs.
“Bend over,” he instructs. 
You obey.
It doesn’t take long to realize what position he wants you in, and his hands reach out to grab your hips as you’re bent over the seat, facing the back of the recliner. You oblige him further by arching your back, deepening the angle for his maximum pleasure.
An initial wave of the fear and paranoia of being caught rolls over you, but you feel it ebb as Shaw begins slamming into you yet again, returning right back to the same rhythm where you had left off in your sinful lullaby. All of your attention is focused on him. His hands rest on your hips, guiding your movement as you push back into him. 
He’s so big, you can feel him filling you all the way. The heightened angle is allowing his cock to go so far, up to where he can reach no further, but thankfully it doesn’t hurt. Instead, you revel in the feeling. You’ve never been fucked by a guy who could slam all the way into you like Shaw does.
His hands grab your ass as you bounce up and down methodically. He moves them back to your hips, guiding them up and down as he thrusts harder and harder into you.
His dick slams into your g-spot repeatedly, and you feel yourself on the verge of shattering once more. Not even seconds later, you hit your climax. The fire pools low in your abdomen. The buildup starts slow as the fire blazes to life, then transforms into a pleasurable inferno, shooting all the way up into your chest.
A cry of ecstasy tears from your throat. Riding out the final throes of your orgasm, your pussy walls clench tighter around his dick, causing him to gasp. The sudden tightening, a torturous yet delicious feeling, becomes nearly too much for him to handle, threatening to make him come undone sooner rather than later.
“Shit, I’m gonna…” Shaw rasps, barely finishing his sentence as he, too, cums, spilling into you.
Breathless and panting, you pull yourself off of him and stand up, your legs shaking so much you have to hold on to the seat in front of you to prevent yourself from tumbling onto the floor. Quickly, you reach down and pull on your underwear and shorts, a little bit relieved to be covered up again. Shaw is also breathing hard. He’s grinning at you as he buttons his jeans, then glancing to the seats to your left. There’s a few wet spots on the seat - the glaring evidence of your sin.
“You certainly made a mess, huh, Y/N?” he teases, leaning towards you, amber gaze burning into yours. “And not just the seats.”
Blushing furiously at the double meaning, you look towards the aisle.
“I-I’ll go get some paper towels,” you stammer, suddenly feeling the need for fresh air.
Running to the bathroom to clean yourself up, you return a few minutes later, several paper towels in hand. You wipe down the seat, hands shaking all the while. When you’re done, you ball up the towels in your hand, moving to throw them out. As you turn to leave, Shaw pulls on your arm.
“Hey, wait. The movie’s starting,” he whispers, holding you in his gaze. You turn towards the screen, and, just as Shaw said, the title screen of the movie flashes across. Something else catches your attention, and you look down to find another couple walking into the theater, whispering loudly about how they made it just in time.
You look back over at Shaw, and he flashes you that gorgeous smile, winking at you as you sink down into the seat next to him. He wraps an arm around you and you start suddenly, but sink into him. His touch is surprisingly comfortable.
“That’s definitely the best way to skip the previews,” he laughs, and you feel yourself smile, the devil on your shoulder winking at you and finally disappearing.
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col0rlord · 4 years
🍓Strawberry Daiquiri🍓 // JJ Maybanks
This is something I like to think is cute. SeaGrams Strawberry Daiquiris are really good. that don’t have as much alcohol in them. This wasn’t a request I had one the other night and thought it was good. don’t tell the cops.
Warning: Underage drinking gets heated a little at the end.
Summary: You are new to OuterBanks and you are looking at what people are like here and getting a vibe with them. JJ finds you to be different from his random hookups. you could be the one he sticks with.
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Something so easy and sweet. So simple but still had a kick to it if enough was consumed. Something that had a taste that lingered in your mouth for a while. And that was the taste JJ was dying to have on his lips from watching you drink that from across the boneyard. His eyes were on you the whole time not recognizing who you were but you definitely weren’t a Kook or a tourist. You looked lost, like you were looking for someone to help you out because you have just lost your puppy. JJ wanted to take his time with you and not just throw himself at you like the other hookups he did. You were cute and innocent looking. Like you would be so easy to crack. Yet hard if someone were to hurt someone you loved or cared for. “Yo JJ What are you looking at?” Kie said walking up to JJ and putting an arm around him looking in the direction he was. JJ looked away and then glanced back at you then back down. He cleared his throat and looked at Kie. “UmN-Nothing just the ocean. Smelling that salt water waves. If you know what I mean?” He said smiling at Kie. “Ok buddy. Have you found a hookup for tonight yet?” She asked lightly laughing. JJ looked over at you and you two made eye contact for about 5 seconds with you eyes getting bigger before you broke it and looked over at the other people dancing. “I don’t think there will be any more hookups after tonight.” He said smiling and looking down at the sand they were standing on. Kie wasn’t even paying attention anymore just now looking at you. The girl that was now making his heart flutter. No other girl made him think like this or made him feel this way. “Her? She sure is a beauty ain’t she?” Kie asked him looking down and smiling with him now. Happy that he found a girl that made him calm and happy. She patted his back and sighed. “Well I give the best of luck that she agrees to you.” She said walking away.
About twenty minutes passed since that moment with Kie and JJ working up the feelings and guts to go and talk to you. He turned to the rest of the group and watched as they laughed. Kie told them that this was happening. Pope turned to JJ and gave him a proud smile and the rest of the group turned to JJ and smiled and gave a thumbs up. JJ gave a weak smile to the group and then turned around and that smile dropped. He was so Nervous to even look at you. This was the first time JJ felt this way for a girl and was the first time nervous to talk to one too. JJ thought you were too good for him and kept thinking that you needed someone better than him. Him thinking so much he didn’t even realize John B walked behind him and gave him a little push. “JJ you got this man don’t worry that much.” John B said massaging his shoulders. JJ took some breathes and started walking up to you. “THAT'S MY BOY!” JJ heard John B yell as he walked back to the group. JJ saw you look at him and smile and move to the side letting him be next to you. JJ just waved and smiled and came next to you. “Hey, I saw you and it  looked like you were looking for someone. Are you?” JJ asked looking at you studying your face from up close now and not just from far away. You gave a little giggle with your hand over your mouth. “Nope. I just moved here from Y/S and just studying faces and getting to know what people are like here.” You said looking back out at the wave of people. “Oh really let me start you off with getting to know me, I’m JJ.” JJ said, putting his hand out for you to shake. You took his hand and smiled at him. He almost melted at the smile you gave him. “I’m Y/N. So what do you all do around here for fun?” You asked, taking his hand and shaking it. It was soft and seemed like he put lotion on before he came here. He leaned back on the newly fallen tree you were by. “Well me and my group mainly surf and go on our boat and swim.” He said scratching the back of his head. In his mind he thought that you would think it was lame and boring. You nodded and smiled. “Laying low and very chill. I like that a lot.” You said turning to face him. “I am also thinking that is your group over there staring at us by the keg?” You asked, pointing to them. JJ looked up at the Keg faster than the speed of light. They soon realized they were caught and looked away. JJ looked down at you and gave a little laugh still scratching his neck. You laughed and put a hand on this shoulder as a sign to tell him it was ok. After you took it off that spot you had it on started tingling. JJ Looked at the spot and held it in his other hand trying to feel if you were still there. JJ Smiled knowing you were comfortable with his presence. He looked back at the crowd and looked down at the sand you were standing in. “Um since you are new to outer banks would you want to hang with me, and my friends?” JJ asked you looking over at his group. You did the same and looked at them taking glances at us and going back to what they were talking about. “Only if it is ok with them. I don’t want to interrupt anything that is going on.” You said slowly turning your head to JJ. He just shook his head and gave a little frown. “You wouldn’t hurt anything. They are pretty chill and when I tell them about you they may like you.” JJ said facing you. JJ grabbed your hand and pulled you to the keg where everyone was. “Hey guys this is Y/N. She is new to the outer banks. She moved here from Y/S.” JJ said with his hand still in yours. They all smiled and waved at you. “My Names John B, this is Pope and Kira but we call her Kie.” John B said pointing to everyone and they waved. Kie ran and gave you a hug and whispered in your ear. “I am so glad that I am not the only girl now.” You gave a little laugh and Hugged back. “Yea I guess you can say that.” Kie pulled away and looked at JJ. “ I was hoping Y/N can be with us and hang with us?” JJ asked and rubbed the back of his neck. They looked at each other and gave me a nod. “Yea sure you can hang with us we are in need of other girls.” John B said, looking at Kie as Kie rolled her eyes and interlocked her arm with yours. You smiled at them to give them a thank you without saying it. “You will also need our numbers if you are going to hang because we do a lot.” Pope said, giving JJ a wink and they all pulled out their phones.  After exchanging Phone numbers Kie was jumping in the air happy that we had another girl. After hanging out with them for a few hours JJ pulled you aside. “Hey so umm you seem like a really cool girl and was hoping if you would like to go on a date with me?” JJ asked, holding your hand and looking down at them, smiling. You smiled and gave a little laugh. He looked at you and gave you a little frown because he thought you were laughing at him. “JJ I would love to go on a date with you.” You said smiling at him. JJ looked up at you and smiled at you. He was so happy that you agreed. This wasn’t like his usual hookups this was something special something that would last. 
You were now at Kies house. She was helping you out with what to wear. You have learned that Kie was a Kook but hung out with Pogues. She didn’t really want to be a Kook in some ways. John B and Pope were doing the same with JJ. Kie pulled out this Yellow Sundress and yellow flats. You really didn’t think that you could pull such an outfit but lord helped and you rocked it. Well that was more of Kies words. Kie told you to sit in a chair that was at the end of the bed. “So want about JJ do you find interesting?” Kie asked as she pulled out a bag that was full of makeup. I looked straight at her and smiled. “JJ gave off this vibe that I really liked . He seems very protective of his friends and the people he loves. That he would do anything to keep this safe. He is very open minded and speaks what he thinks. He doesn’t take anything from other people. He can be serious when he needs to be, but will still try and lighten the mood.” You said smiling as she put on some blush. She smiled at my response and put the blush down. “Well you didn’t hear it from me, but we all think you are the one that is just right for him.” She said, pulling out the mascara. “You really think so?” You asked looking up at the crystal light that hung from her ceiling. “Yep. He seemed really calm around you and relaxed. He was so nervous to talk to you.” She said with a laugh at the end. You gave a little giggle to and blinked when she told me too. “So where are you guys going? Is it fancy?” She asked. JJ told me we were going on a boat but not swimming. “We are going on a boat. I don’t really mind. I don’t like big things.” You  said with a laugh at the end. She stood up and moved a blanket from the top of a mirror. You walked over and smiled at herself spinning around to see the flow of the dress. KIe was right behind you with her head on your shoulder. “You look like his dream.” Kie said as she smiled and looked you up and down. You turned around and hugged her. She hugged back right away and whispered in your ear. “I’m so glad that we have another girl in our group and I’m not stuck babysitting them alone.” We laughed and she walked me to her door. We hugged for the last time. You waited on the dock that I had in the back of the house we got. We had some chairs on it so you sat in one of those and read ‘The color purple by Alice Walker’ . It was the second time you flipped the page and heard a howler. You looked up and saw JJ in what seems to be one of John B’s button ups and navy blue shorts. You Smiled at him and put your bookmark in your book and into your bag. “Ahoy there gal are you ready to find some booty?” He said acting like a pirate. He stopped the boat and helped you onto it and moved his head to look behind you. “Looks like I have already found it.” I said looking back at you and smiling. You rolled your eyes and hit him in his chest. You sat down on one of the spots and watched as JJ Started the boat and headed to a spot to watch the sun set. Once you guys stopped JJ took a beer from the cooler and a Seagram Strawberry Daiquiri. He handed you the red colored drink with a glass bottle. You looked at him and gave a laugh. “You remembered when I told you like 4 days ago.” You said laughing and opening it. He laughed and opened his beer. You guys sat there talking and getting to know each other a little more than you already knew.
2 Beers and 2 Strawberry Daiquiri later the sun was starting to set. You watched the sun set and JJ was watching you. He was Just smiling and watching how your eyes sparkled in the light the sun was giving off. You felt eyes on the side of your head so you looked over at JJ and he just looked away quickly and looked over at the sky. You giggled a little and scooted closer to him. You leaned against him and smiled up at him. He smiled and looked you up and down and licked his lips. “You know you can ki-” You started but was cut off by lips on yours. You tasted his beer and mint that he had in his mouth earlier. He could taste the Strawberry that was all over your mouth from the Daiquiri and chapstick you put on earlier. This turned heated really quickly and you where now on his lap full make out. You two pulled away after that not wanting to be doing the dirty not in a boat at dark. You both smiled at each other and put your foreheads together. “I have wanted to taste that for the four days I have known you.” JJ said with a laugh at the end. You laughed while playing with the hair on his neck. “JJ?” You asked to get his attention like you didn’t already. He hummed in response to show he was listening to every word you said. You looked him straight in the eyes and rubbed his cheek with your thumb. “I think i’m in love with you.” You said staring straight in his eyes looking for an answer to whatever you just said. He laughed and pulled you back to kiss him again. He pulled away and looked you straight in your eyes. “I think I love you too.” He said smiling at you and putting his head on yours again.
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themysteryofwriting · 4 years
Soulmates don’t have to be Romantic: Part 3- Patton
Part 1 Part 2
With the first three soulmates being pretty calm, they should have expected that trend wouldn’t keep up with their next soulmate.  Unlike with the others, they actually didn’t meet them at school.  The three had been hanging out on voice chat, which had started as a quick study session for a US History test as they hadn’t had enough time to meet up and after a bit of studying turned into when Virgil grumbled all of a sudden.  
“Everything okay there Virgil,” Logan asked, glancing up at him.
“I just realized I’m out of fabric for the thing I’m working on.  I have to head to the mall.  I’ll call back later?”
“You better Purple,” Rachel teased.  
Virgil rolled his eyes as he hung up, probably to go to the mall like he said.  Logan and Rachel kept talking for a bit,the thing that had kept Logan busy being earlier in the day, and the thing that would keep Rachel busy not for another hour or two at least. At least they kept talking until Rachel felt a tingle come from her wrist and glanced down. “...That’s still really weird,” Rachel muttered.
“Purple and light blue,” Loan said, glancing down at his wrist. “Virgil met our next soulmate.”
“Must be at the mall,” Rachel noted.  “They’re far enough away that neither of us are getting tugged.”
Logan nodded.  “Which means Virgil will be calling us first chance he gets.”
“Once he calms down enough to actually remember to do so.” 
Logan chuckled slightly at that. “Fair.”
“So what do you think blue is like,” Rachel asked.
“Well if our small group is anything to go by, they’ll probably also be pretty calm.”
Rachel was about to respond when she got a text from Virgil. 
‘New soulmate, lot different from rest of us.  Getting bit overwhelmed. Reinforcements?’
“You may have spoken too soon Lo,” Rachel said.  “Do you think you can head there, not that I don’t want to help V, but I know I have a family night planned soon.”
“Yeah I should be able to, I’ll text you the deets?”
“Logan, you know I platonically love you, but please, never say that again.”
Logan grinned slightly at that. “And why is that?”
“It just sounds so wrong coming from you.  You should not be allowed to use slang!”
“You sure about that Princess,” Logan asked with a slight grin, knowing that nickname never failed to fluster Rachel.
And indeed, Rachel’s face immediately went red.  “Just go help Virge!”
Logan chuckled and nodded.  “Talk to you later Ray,” he said before hanging up.
Rachel may have started muttering murder plans under her breath but it’s not like anyone would know.
Rachel didn’t get an update on the situation, minus a slight tingle from her wrist again when Logan apparently met up with the two, until her phone went off during game night.  She took a glance at her phone between turns and it was just one sentence from Logan.
‘Our next soulmate is...a lot different from the rest of us…’
Rachel made a mental note to try to find out what they meant once game night was over, as she was now extremely confused as to what was going on.
Unfortunately, because of how late game night went, she wasn’t able to contact them until the next day.
Checking her phone, there were several more messages from both Virgil and Logan.  Both freaking out a bit about their mysterious new soulmate. She decided to tease a bit before asking questions.
Lavender: you know some of us actually sleep
Purple: how late did your game night go that you’re just seeing this?
Lavender: we’ve been playing DND lately
Purple: completely fair, carry on
Lavender: so what's up with Blue? Both you and Lo said he was different and im confusion
Indigo: he was….interesting to say the least
Lavender: what do you mean by interesting?
Purple: he gets excited way too easily.  He’s literally an excited puppy
Lavender: and all your messages from last night make sense now
Rachel was trying her best to not burst out giggling at the fact that Virgil and Logan were the first to meet this apparent ball of sunshine.
Lavender: so when’s your next planned meet up?
Indigo: later today, you free?  I know you’re better at dealing with that then we are
Lavender: yep, I’m free! We meeting up somewhere first?
Purple: my house? It’s closest
Lavender: alright see you soon!
With that, Rachel put her phone down for a bit so could meet up with the others.  She hummed as she got everything together and glanced at her phone when she got a message for when they were going to meet up.  Once it reached that time, she eagerly headed there.  
The three talked for a bit, updating Ray on what had happened since they last talked, before all going to meet Patton.  
“I swear if I get dragged again I’m taking one of you with me,” Rachel muttered.
The two both snicker, of course knowing exactly what she was talking about.  And of course soon after they got there Rachel felt the tug and immediately grabbed onto Logan, who was closer to her at the time, when it started pulling her.
“See you there,” Logan asked Virgil as Rachel started pulling him with her as her string started tugging her away.
Virgil chuckled and nodded.  “Food court?”
Logan nodded as Rachel’s string picked up and she had to start speedwalking to keep up with her string, not letting go of Logan.
“Did you really have to drag me with you?”
Logan rolled his eyes as the two continued heading apparently to where Blue was.  
Fortunately Rachel didn’t run into him this time, but the string stopped when she saw a short boy with short brown hair.  His hair seemed like the type that people liked to ruffle. His eyes were so bright blue that Rachel almost thought they were contacts. Despite almost being shorter than her, which was a real feat in itself, he kind of gave off dad vibes.  Like he’d be there to help with whatever you needed and support you in anything. But he also seemed like he got over excited about random things.  How exactly can someone give off parent vibes and bab vibes at the same time?
“You must be Rachel,” Blue said cheerfully, “Virgil and Logan told me a lot about you.”
“Oh have you,” Rachel said, giving Logan a look. 
“Okay listen,” Logan said trying to defend himself, “A lot happened yesterday, and dealing with Virgil’s slight panic was more important.”
Blue winced slightly at that. “I’m still really sorry about that, I didn’t mean to overwhelm him like that, I just got really overexcited. Uh, anyways, it’s nice to meet you, my name’s Patton!”
“It’s nice to meet you, Patton,” Rachel said with a beam, “my name’s Rachel. Oh, we should probably go meet up with Virgil.” 
Logan nodded a bit.  “We probably should meet up with him before he wonders where we are and gets anxious.”
Rachel nods. “You coming Patton?”
“Of course kiddo!”
Fortunately, it didn’t take long to meet up with Virgil, who grinned upon seeing them. “Took you guys long enough.”
“Oh i’m so sorry my soul string let’s dragging me halfway across places when we were already going to meet up soon after,” Rachel said, clearly teasing.
“You make this joke every time you get the chance,” Logan sighed.
“Cause it’s true,” both Virgil and Rachel said at the same time.
Logan sighed, too used to this joke.  He turned to Patton to explain.  “Apparently when Rachel and Virgil met, they had the same class and yet their strings decided to pull them halfway across the school. I have heard that joke so many times.”
“Well hey, if their strings did that then that joke was tied to destiny,” Patton joked.
Logan groaned, while Virgil tried to hide his laugh and Rachel beamed. “Ah yes, it’s good to have another punny guy around,” Rachel said without hesitating.
You could see how much Patton lit up when Rachel said that.
“Before you guys start a pun fest, can we at least do the normal string comparison first, so I know I can tune out.”
Rachel nodded, showing her strings.  Everyone else soon did as well.
Rachel looked over to Patton, specifically his wrist.  On his wrist, there was a red string, a yellow string, a green string, an indigo string, a purple string, and a lavender string.
“Oh you only have one red string too,” Rachel noted, “it must be the same person as mine!”   
Logan and Virgil both glanced up at Rachel, hearing how her voice dropped a little.  
It seemed Patton noticed it was well. “Is everything okay kiddo?”
“It’s nothing,” Rachel said immediately.
“..I just...I thought I was acearo.  I’ve never liked anyone before like that and yet...I have a romantic soulmate?”
“Actually, they may not be a romantic soulmate,” Logan spoke up.
Everyone else immediately looked at Logan.  “What do you mean Lo,” Virgil asked.
“Can I see your wrist with the strings Virgil,” Logan asked.
Virgil was confused but handed it over anyway.  Logan gingerly grabbed Virgil’s red strings, and showed them to the rest of them.  They could all see that while the colors were close in color, they were distinctly two different shades of red.  The one tying Virgil and Logan together was a darker red while the one who’s owner was off in the distance was a much brighter red.
“But what does it mean?”
“I suppose we’ll find out when we meet the owner of that string.”
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siempre-pedro · 5 years
Say No To This
Mob!Ben Hardy x Reader SMUT 
Summary: Ben has been relentlessly trying to get you to sleep with him, and you say no every time knowing what you know about him. But how could you say know when his lips are dangerously close to yours and his hands roaming your body when he meets you after hours. 
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: SMUT 18+ 
A/N: I’m so happy to be back from vacation in NYC! I got the opportunity to see Hamilton so this is hella loosely based on Say No To This. The title and the vibe of the song fit here. Please let me know what you think!! 
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Y/N Y/L/N stood by the front automatic sliding doors at the entrance of the library, ushering the last few reluctant elderly patrons out the door. She forced a smile as they finally made their way out the door talking amongst themselves about the books they rented. Y/N takes her shiny golden key from the ring of her purple jelly bracelet and swiftly locked the doors “Any plans tonight Sid?” she asks as the janitor Sid walks out of the closet with his bright yellow mop bucket.
The white-haired man leans against the thin mop and shrugs “Margie is on a vegan binge, I’ll be eating the with the blokes tonight,” he chuckles making the young librarian laugh. She shakes her head and folds her hands against her lap, cocking her head.
“A salad isn’t bad Sid,” she sang, “I need to reorganize the history section before I leave. Have a good night,” she chuckles motioning towards the stairs.
“Have a good night, Ms. Y/N,” he sends her off with a smile, taking his mop out of the bucket of water. She nods and descends the long winding staircase, her heels clacking against the stone ground. A fully stocked metal cart awaited her at the glass doors of the room. As she wheels it through the long shelves the Y/H/C woman grimaces at the state of the once neatly lined books. But it was something she was used to in her many years of working here, her father was once the director of the large library in London…once.
She picks up a tattered biography and examined the worn edges of the dull green cover, something in the brown pages catches her eye. A colorful piece of paper emerging from the center pages, she quickly opens the book to see the 50-pound note. A fake note. Her breathing shallows as she takes the fake bill and wads it up to put it in the pocket of her black skirt. Paranoia makes her flip through the books; more notes fall out. She thought the cops got them all. She places the book on the shelf and turns her attention to the cart, picking up each book and shaking it.
How much more fucking money was in her library? Her thoughts run wild as the pile of fake money builds in front of her. In her panicked search for the counterfeit money, she begins to hear footsteps on the cold floor entering the space. They weren’t like the normal footsteps of someone staying after hours frantically trying to get out or even normal, calm steps. These certain pair were slow, one foot after the other taking their time to get to their target. The sound alone exuded confidence, a chill stops her in her tracks, closing the books. She knew those steps all too well.
She’d met the man who belonged to those methodical steps months ago when she arrived at her father’s house for a typical Thursday night dinner.  Y/N wasn’t met with hot dinner on the table but with her father standing with 5 men in black suits, guns in hand as her father handed over large stacks of cash. “What the hell is going on?” She asks, slamming the door behind her
The leader had turned to face her his pink lips forming a condescending smirk “Well Mr. Y/L/N, who is this?”  Fuck he was pretty. He was tall with swept-back blond hair and freshly shaven undercut, his bright green eyes bore into hers as he scanned her up and down.
“Dad?” she asks hesitantly.
“Y/N it’s ok,” he tries to reassure you, placing the money in a black duffle bag one of the man's goons was holding.
The blond turns on his heel and walks over to you slowly “Did Daddy not tell you he worked for the mob?” he chuckles, standing close so that their chests were almost touching. Her worried eyes look past the handsome man and straight to her embarrassed father.
“The mob? Are you fucking kidding me,” she nearly sobs, angry tears forming in her eyes.
“He takes care of my money…maybe I could take care of you,” Ben smirks as he bites his lower lip.
“Fuck off,” she seethes as she pushes him away, “I-I need to go.”
Even then it wasn’t the first time he’d find her. Ben would show up at random times at work and while she was out. Even offering to buy her coffee when he appeared behind her at the third coffee place she found in the city, the previous two the mobster had already found out about. He was like a disease and she was bound to catch it.
“What do you want, Ben?” She questions without turning around.
Ben chuckles lowly “I came to see my favorite girl.”
Y/N narrows her eyes and turns around, pointing the book she was holding to his face “I am not your girl…the doors are locked…h-ho-where’s Sid?” She panics, pushing past him to get to the door. He grabs her by her arm as she passes him, stopping her in her tracks “He’s fine, Darling,” he sighs, “he’s in a closet. You and I have this whole place to ourselves,” he purrs in her ear. She puts her hand on his chest to push him away. His bright green eyes look down into hers, a smirk adorning his lips.
“Go away. I mean it,” she growls. Ben moves them back making spine hit the edge of her desk, his hands roam her sides, fingertips dipping in underneath the fabric of her top. She threatens him again, trying to nudge him away from her, it’s laughable he thinks of it. He’d worn her down and that blush on her cheeks told him so.
“I don’t think you want me to, Y/N. Tell me what you really want.”
“Well it’s not this,” she hisses. Ben rolls his eyes and brings his lips closer to her ear with his nose lightly brushing against the skin.
“Are you sure? Look at you pressed against me. You know I’m bad for you but I think you like it. You can’t say no to this,” he whispers knowingly, fingers lifting the thin fabric of her shirt. She held back a groan at his darker voice. She couldn’t do it, after her fathers fall from grace and it was all because of his dealing with him, the handsome mobster wanting her. But he was right there hovering above her, his lips leave her ear and find their way to her lips. His warm breath that smelled of dark liquor and cigarettes lingered above her painted frown.
Ben had enough, he presses her lips against his roughly, bringing her body closer to his as close as they could be. She couldn’t say no now, she gave in to the deep feelings that started after he left her father's house that night. Their lips move together effortlessly, lifting herself onto the cold desk she wraps her legs around his waist. The mobster pulls back and before he starts biting at her neck he whispers “I told you so.”  
His hand reaches up her skirt to rip off the thin lace panties that were separating him from her aching core. She gasps at the sudden gust of cold air that hits her, goosebumps rising on her skin. Ben chuckles and rubs his hand up and down hers for warmth “Let’s take this off,” he purrs as he starts to unbutton the black circles on her blouse. As soon as he sees her exposed chest, breasts still confined to a black bra he groans lowly sucking in his lower lip. Ben’s eyes scanned the beauty on the table below him, fuck she was perfect.
“Your turn,” she mutters, reaching behind herself to unclasp her bra.
The mobster obliges and takes off his suit jacket and unbuttons his white shirt, his toned abs on full display “You like what you’re seeing, Princess?” He asks. Y/N nods with her pussy aching for him, she needed to feel him, all of him on her body. Once he finally strips down he tugs off her skirt and throws it over his shoulder with a light thud as it hits the floor with all the other articles of clothing. Ben gets on his knees and hums as he sees what he’s done to her “I knew you were into me, look how wet you are,” he draws out his words as he takes a finger and glides up her sensitive folds only to hold it up and show her the fluids on his finger.
“B-Ben please,” she mewls, bucking into his touch. Taking her trembling legs and pulls them apart farther, he leans in licking a long stripe up her core.
“Fuck!” she shouts.
“Shh Princess, in a library? You should know better,” he provokes again, making her roll her eyes.
“Fuck you,” she sighs, running her hand along his shaved undercut. The grip on his head tightens pulling him towards her again. The blond licks up and down her folds, drawing out letters on her that always stops on her clit. “Ben there!” she gasps. he responds to her moans by gently sucking in the sensitive nub. Her hips buck making him laugh, the vibrations sending shock waves of pleasure “I think I’m going to cum,” she manages to get out. Ben inserts two fingers quickly making her hips buck again, her whines were music to his ears as he finger fucked her. “Ben I’m going to come,” she cries when his fingers find her g spot.
Ben instantly pulls back, her pending orgasm weakening “The only way you’re going to cum is on my cock,” he says as he wipes his lips on the back of his hand. He loves the look of her, in pure pleasure and disarray as she kneads her breasts. “Such a beauty,” he comments.
“Do you want me to?” She questions awkwardly with her eyes looking at his hard cock, the tip glistening with precum. His strong hand begins to stroke the thick shaft and rolls over the sensitive head. Ben shakes his head in disapproval, his face slightly scrunching.
“No, baby girl I just want to be inside you.”
“Hurry, Ben,” she says as she slowly starts to close her legs to tease him. She knew she wouldn’t be able to close them before he would take his hand off his dick and open them back up. She was right of course. Ben opens her legs back open telling her it wasn’t the time to get shy. That’s true. Taking his cock, Ben lines himself up at her entrance.
As he pushes in she grips his flexed biceps due to the slight pain of his cock stretching out her pussy. And when the pain died down she fit wonderfully around him “So fucking tight,” he groans, bringing his head down to her shoulder. His warm breath sends a shiver down her spine, her hips bucking with her body desperate for his touch. Which he was happy to provide with his hand carefully running down her side and her hip. Once he came to her hip he latched on, his thumb digging into the flesh at the same time his thrusts became harder. They were still slow with him pulling out so that the tip was inside her until he slammed his cock inside her making her cry out every time.
“Fuck. Harder Ben,” she orders.
“What’s the magic word, princess?”
“Now or I’ll call the cops!”
Ben only laughs and pulls out “I have the cops in the palm of my hand,” he growls before pulling her hand and guiding her off the desk. Ben turns her around and plants her face against on the shiny desk and uses his legs to spread her legs apart. Scanning her ass he gives it a firm slap leaving a pink mark. She gasps and clenches her fists tightly “Do you want me to fuck you again, Y/N?”
“Y-yes,” she pants. He gives the other cheek the same treatment giving it a matching pink mark. He smirks in admiration of his work, his palms rubbing over the warm marks. The sound of slaps filled the large space, her moans followed soon after pleading for him to stop. But she really didn’t want him to stop.
Suddenly he stops to line himself up at her wanting entrance, “Then be a good girl,” he taunts before entering her. His thrusts are quicker this time around, he’s had his fun but he was ready to cum and he could see that she was too. Her walls clench around him “Clench tighter,” he grunts, throwing his head back.
“Fuck! Sh-ahh. Ben, I need to cum,” she cries reaching down to rub her aching clit. He doesn’t say no or continues to be his demanding self instead he places gentle kisses on her shoulder telling her to cum for him. Y/N lets out the most erotic moan that Ben had ever heard as she came, her legs going weak. That moan alone sends him over the edge. The thought of spilling himself inside her crossed his mind but that would be a mess for another time. Deciding to pull out, long lines of cum paint her ass and a string of curses escape his lips.
He reaches over her desk and grabs a few tissues from the pink tissue box. He wipes away the evidence and tosses the used tissues into the trash. Helping her stand up, he looks down at her tired face “Did you like it?”
Y/N laughs, his question sounded like a someone who just had sex for the first time looking for validation. She turns around and stares at his naked chest “I can cross off almost hate sex with a mobster from the bucket list. I enjoyed myself, yes,” she answers, reaching up to kiss him.
They get dressed in silence, sneaking glances at each other as the clothes go back on. Ben readjusts his tie and watches her put her heels back on with a satisfied smirk. Y/N straightens out her blouse before they walk together towards the glass door, her hands folded over her lap “Are you going to tell?” she asks worriedly.
He turns to her and cocks his head, his pointer finger lifts her jaw to meet his glare “Nobody needs to know,” he tells her. After placing a last longing kiss, he walks towards the staircase “I would like to do this again,” he calls, looking back at her.
Y/N folds her arms over her chest while she leans on the thin glass responding by rolling her eyes “You know where to find me,” she mumbles.
“I’ll see you soon then Ms. Y/L/N…you should probably get the janitor out of the closet. It’s been a while.” She looks up at him while he walks up the stairs then looking back at her desk in the middle of the room. The Y/H/C sighs and puts her hands on her pocket, crumbling the fake bills before returning to her work like nothing ever happened.
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ferallymine · 5 years
Attack at the USJ
A/N:  Listening to this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-Q24gB4ELE Gave me a bunch of inspiration for the fight scenes. Had the best animatic in my head ldafjhasklj
This was supposed to be just a rescue training day. This was supposed to be a secure location. 
Now a purple mass swarmed all of class 1-A. The evil grins on the villains below burning in their minds.
Mardea fell through the air, landing on the compact dirt beside the stone platform where the leader of the attack stood. 
“Aren’t you a pretty one?” His voice was gravely. She couldn’t see past the hand mask, but the vibe of a disgustingly twisted smile reached her soul. 
Mardea shot back to her feet, hopping backwards to put distance between her and the enemy. Underlings circled her, trapping her in the middle of them.
Bolts formed in her hand as she took up an attack position.
“Feisty one, eh?” A villain to her left.
Grey fabric wrapped up a villain in front of her. They went flying back, clearly unconscious. 
“Lin! Get ready!” Aizawa fought his way to her, then stood with his back against hers, “Stay with me. Run when you get a chance.” 
“Yes, sir.” The bolts in her hand connected and grew, now forming a pure-energy scythe. 
The group attacked, each yelling some bizarre war-cry. Aizawa’s eyes were wide open beneath the mask, erasing quirks left and right. Lin wielded her scythe like a natural, sending villains flying up, where a simple energy bolt could knock them out and put them on the ground. 
The villains changed their tactic, swarming from different sides at once. Aizawa and Lin onto the platform with the leader and a monster. 
“Tell me, Eraserhead,” The leader uncrossed his arms, extending one forward, “Would you like to dance?” 
“I’d like all of you to piss off,” Aizawa’s scarf remained poised for attack. 
“As expected. Go, Nomu.” The extended hand turned to a finger point.
The monster behind him seemed to come to life at the command, charging right for the duo. It’s beak hung wide open as it screamed. 
Aizawa grabbed Lin’s waist and pulled her with him as he jumped away. The Nomu crashed into the metal railing of the platform and stopped. 
“Get out of here,” Aizawa let Lin go, and raced for the leader. 
Lin tried to run but the Nomu was back. One punch sent her straight into the ground. It cracked underneath her. Lin put of a shield just in time to stop the creature from stepping on her.
She sent a bolt through its foot. The screech was ungodly, but it stepped away, allowing her to get up and away. 
The leader dodged each attack Aizawa threw at him, “Getting tired? Eyes burning, by chance?” 
“Not in the slightest,” He lied.
“Then this shouldn’t surprise you~” The villain snapped his fingers. 
The Nomu, out of nowhere, grabbed Aizawa’s shoulder and forced him to the ground. He’d had zero time to react or think. 
The leader walked up to Aizawa, who was wincing in pain, “Aw, beaten that quickly? I expected more from you.”
The Nomu kept him pinned as he snapped Aizawa’s arm. The cry that escaped hurt Lin’s heart. 
do something do somethiNG DO SOMETHING
Hair warped red, Lin silently charged. Their backs were to her, so she had an opening-
The Nomu sensed her coming, and swiped his spare hand at her. Lin jumped back, still getting a nasty cut across her torso from the thing’s claw. 
“Oh? Is this bothering you?” The leader taunted, snapping his fingers again. 
The creature raised Aizawa’s head and smashed it back into the ground. Blood ran out. 
Strands of purple colored her red hair, but Lin forced it back, “Let him go.” 
“Make me.”
“Alright.” Lin charged, hair burning red. The bolts left her hands at a quick random pace, forcing the man back. A stray bolt hit him, knocking him off the platform.
The Nomu didn’t move, instead focusing on its prisoner. Lin laid both hands on its side. Currents of energy swarmed her arms, getting larger and larger until she pushed the Nomu off her teacher. A spiral pattern was burned into its flesh as it skidded across the stone. 
Lin scooped up Aizawa and ran for the stairs. She spat out blood from her mouth, and grew dizzy. Her vision began blurring and unblurring. Gotta get help gotta get help gotta get help gotta-
Something wrapped around her ankle. Lin surrounded Aizawa with a shield before being pulled back to the platform. 
“Don’t leave me so soon,” The leader had gotten back up, and managed to catch her ankle with a rope. He was pulling her back, fast. 
Lin waited until she was just close enough, then pushed herself up and kicked his head with her free foot. Caught off guard, the man dropped the rope and stumbled back. The hand mask over his face fell to the floor. 
She froze. He froze. Her hair turned back to blue, forcing her to lean on the railing for support. 
“....We look an awful lot alike, don’t you think?” Lin cocked her head, breathing heavy. Her green eyes staring into his red ones. 
He charged at her, not another word spoken. She turned the rail into energy and swung at him, hair back to red and energy back up. 
He managed to duck and tackle her. They both flew off the platform and rolled in the dirt. Another pulse from her pushed him off and beside her. 
He snapped his fingers.
The Nomu sprung back into action, fixated on Lin’s tired body. She threw up another shield, not even able to stand up. Her hair turned lilac as the creature stared into her soul and punched his fists at the cracking barrier. 
Blood gargled in her mouth as she screamed, everything turning blue. Her hands pushed back against it. A blue glow traced along the insides of the Nomu’s body from her hands. It screeched and pulled itself away from her. 
A wall of ice separated her from the other two. Lin only remembered feeling more blood in her mouth before darkness clouded her vision. 
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shinsousbedroom · 3 years
It’s a particular kind of agony that leaves Kazuya tied up naked to a chair in the middle of his living room, staring at himself playing baseball on TV while he’s sitting on a vibrator.
The agonizing part isn’t the rope or the vibes. It’s seeing his own face.
Or; Kazuya and Eijun stumble into a brand new kink in the middle of trying out another.
On AO3.
Kazuya doesn’t know how long it’s been when Eijun slips into the living room, pausing behind him with a considering hum. Eijun rakes his nails lightly across his bare shoulders, letting his fingers twine into the top of Kazuya’s hair, then jerks it back with a yearning grip.
“How’s it going, captain?” Eijun asks with a sarcasm he’s borrowed from Kazuya, eyes meeting his upside down.
The space around them is pristine and well-decorated—family photos on display, the tables and floors all dusted and clean, an outrageously nice TV mounted to the wall. There’s even a color scheme to the room, nothing like the mishmash Eijun originally wanted based on their teams’ colors. Soft, homey, and contemporary; the kind of classic place that gets featured in magazines about the lofty tastes of the rich and famous.
And then there’s Kazuya, sitting in the middle of it all, naked and tied up in pretty purple ropes to an office chair. Anomalous decor waiting patiently for Eijun’s ruin.
Kazuya can’t quite remember how they tripped into toys, then restraint, then BDSM. Something to do with him stumbling into Eijun’s poorly hidden box of dildos in university, back before they started dating. A near decade before they got married.
The neglect bit of it is relatively new, though. Kazuya has been trying very, very hard not to read into how much he likes the odd taste of an Eijun who putters around the house ignoring him, as if he could ever have zero desire to chase after Kazuya. Just the thought of it makes him desperate for Eijun’s attention and hands and dick, goddammit.
Kazuya knows he shouldn’t psychoanalyze it, some things in life don’t have reasons, but does it anyway.
But because Eijun knows he thinks like that, Eijun can’t help but undermine the actual neglect part out of concern. The minute he’s meant to check in on Kazuya’s isolation to tease him more, his earnest concern in making sure Kazuya is still enjoying himself blares out like a foghorn cutting through Kazuya’s goal of reaching his perfect, spacey sex haze.
Eijun tugs again, a mild reprimand for a wandering mind. There’s a smear of some sort of grease at the edge of Eijun’s eyebrow, but the rope catches Kazuya’s wrist when he tries to lift a hand to rub it off with his thumb. Somehow, he’s forgotten his hands are tied together at the small of his back, both too present in his own body and a world away from it. From the impish grin on his face, Eijun catches the failure.
“Is it time for you to fuck me yet?” Kazuya asks, trying to press his head further into the grip Eijun still has in his hair.
Instead of answering, Eijun lets go and kneels behind the chair, running a gentle finger over the area where the rope digs into his wrists, then kissing each fingertip. He catches a scratch of stubble on Eijun’s chin as he pulls away, crawling around the chair to sit in front of him cross-legged.
“No,” Eijun responds point blank, massaging Kazuya’s calves and checking the rope around his ankles. “And you call me impatient. Don’t I always have to wait on you to catch for me?”
“In case it’s escaped your attention, we’re not exactly playing baseball right now.”
Eijun rests his cheek against the inside of Kazuya’s thigh. His blinks are slow and lazy as he looks up with a disappointed frown, molten irises shining bright. As if he really could spend forever winding Kazuya up and dragging him back down from a high.
“That is not what I meant, Miyuki Kazuya. You’re being unreasonable.” Eijun nips at the thin skin of his knee. Kazuya barely keeps his knee from bashing into Eijun’s nose from a shock of desire. His entire body feels hypersensitive, attuned to every change in temperature and airflow while he has nothing else to do but feel. With every movement, his skin drags a stutter against the leather of the chair, sweat and lube mixed unevenly across his thighs and back, so as to catch and glide in turn.
“You’re unreasonable. You haven’t used the vibrator once, so far. It’s there, in my ass, ready for you,” Kazuya says, voice hoarse.
“So demanding,” Eijun grumbles into his skin, then picks himself up with a heave. “I know because I put it there, so I’ll use it exactly when I want to and not a second sooner.”
Eijun’s sudden distance is cold despite the heat in their house cranked up to keep them warm and drowsy. Whatever he’s been up to to keep from checking in on Kazuya too soon is working. Their last few attempts at denial had been wrecked by someone’s enthusiasm. But in front of Kazuya, it’s still too easy to see the sheen across Eijun’s brow, the way he can’t stop biting and licking his own lips. One of his heels is bouncing on the floor, the only way he can release all the energy keyed up inside of him right now.
“But you do want to.” Kazuya feels so powerful right now, pitching forward in the chair as much as the rope will let him. It’s not just the blood pounding rabbit-quick through his body that’s making him hot, but the way Eijun is struggling to maintain his cool against Kazuya’s own bratty, undermining hand. From the tempting flush of Kazuya’s cheeks to his cock filling out against his stomach, legs spread wide in invitation, getting to see his unrestrained want even as he’s tied tight just for Eijun—Kazuya must be a beautiful sight.
…So maybe Kazuya’s grasp on willpower is also nonexistent in the face of Sawamura Eijun. He literally asked for Eijun to make him wait. They are both really bad at sticking to a theme.
Eijun crosses his arms over his chest, and Kazuya loses a moment to admiring his biceps, out and armed in his casual tank top and grey sweats. “You are being way too snarky. You’re supposed to be unthinking mush for me now. Mush! If your brain is stuck running 24/7, at least set it on showing your husband gratitude. Completely unacceptable!”
He steps over to a little side table where the vibrator’s remote sits next to the TV’s. He stares at the two for a second before grabbing the latter, much to Kazuya’s relieved disappointment.
“Nope! If the silence is keying you up instead of blissing you out, you can empty your head with whatever’s on TV. Call me when you’ve learned your lesson and you’re ready to behave.” He flicks on a random channel, safe in the knowledge Kazuya hates watching TV and will only fidget more from the stimulation, then leaves before Kazuya gathers his thoughts enough to protest.
It does its job, for a while. Kazuya’s eyes go glassy at the colors and sounds, but he’s already overwhelmed by his own body when he closes his eyes to shut it out.
The commercials clear past a blur of cars, snacks, and local lawyers. And the programming starts back up again. Cutting through the silence of the room is a rowdy crowd and a set of announcers saying his name.
It’s baseball. Of course it would be goddamn baseball, in this household.
And then, with the sinking horror of watching a disaster unfold, there Kazuya is, front and center on the TV in his last game of the season.
He hates watching himself on the diamond. He can easily do it to analyze his baseball, but when he’s not focused on his form or a call or whatever the hell that throw was to third, it’s agonizing to see how obsessive the cameras are about following him between each play. He cringes at all the speculation about his future. And he sure as hell hates every time the cameras pan out to his fans holding signs asking him to marry them or—heaven forbid—something raunchier that gets blurred out when it airs.
Kazuya huffs, falling slowly out of the headspace he was just reaching, the heavy weight returning to his limbs the more his mind latches onto his own face splashed across the screen.
“And he’s out! Miyuki tags the runner in the nick of time—”
“Eijun!” he calls out, resigned at derailing the very nice night they’ve been having so far.
After a mildly concerning metallic crash, Eijun comes skidding around the corner from the kitchen. “That was fast. What’s wrong?”
Kazuya turns towards the TV with a pout.
Eijun takes a moment to parse out the fact that Kazuya’s old game is running despite it being postseason and there are plenty of other games to air with more relevancy right now, and laughs at the putout expression on Kazuya’s face. “Is that all?”
“It’s annoying.” He’s fidgety now, self-conscious in a way that’s turned his blush more towards embarrassment than lust. He can suddenly feel the rope, the bite of it distracting instead of just a soothing pressure, his chair creaking as he shifts.
Eijun leans over the back, arms smoothing down Kazuya’s chest to link together on his stomach, and presses a kiss to his hairline. The pressure of his body settles him. Eijun settles him. “You call me annoying twice a day. Get over yourself, you giant baby.” Tinny cheering hollers from the TV as someone steals a base. Above him, an impish grin lights up Eijun’s face. “What if I tell you what I see?”
Kazuya closes his eyes, relaxing into Eijun’s presence. “What do you mean?”
Eijun breaks away abruptly, Kazuya’s head dipping for a moment before he catches himself. By then, Eijun’s swung around to his front, looming over him larger than life as ever with a knee placed between Kazuya’s thighs, leaning in to cage in Kazuya’s chest and face. The chair is literally shaking from Eijun’s anticipation.
“I wanna tell you exactly what I see on screen when I see you.” Eijun’s voice dips low, mouth brushing Kazuya’s without a real kiss and building a fire back in his gut. “I’ll take you out of the rope—but I want you to stay in this chair like a good husband while I describe every detail to you and make that vibrator earn its worth. Think you can do that? Be patient a little longer? It’s always rewarding when I am for you. Let me show you now.”
Kazuya knows he could say no and Eijun wouldn’t be disappointed. If anything, he’d be ecstatic about healthy communication, it’s very important, Miyuki Kazuya! I love that you trust me like that, always, you make me so proud!
But that’s not the trust he wants to indulge in tonight. His dick is still hard and his husband’s really hot, okay? Just seeing him in all his lean muscle and eagerness is an argument that wins over Kazuya’s libido 90% of the time. It’s not a drive he wants to fight against, most days.
“Go on,” Kazuya says, surging up to steal a quick kiss.
The breaking joy on Eijun’s face already makes his impending agony worth it as he shoots off behind him to untie the rope, massaging out his arms again as he places each one onto the rests. “Stay,” he tells each hand as he carefully curls every finger around the handles.
He kneels down and flicks a glance back to the screen to catch a close up of Kazuya crouched behind home plate.
“Your thighs are so beautiful,” he says kneeling down between them, tugging the rope free. Eijun looks up, raking his nails up Kazuya’s thighs until his arms are laying down twin heavy lines of heat, pressing gingerly into the tender flesh of his waist. He leans forward so he can bat his eyelashes while his mouth is right there next to his dick, the fucker. “The way your uniform stretches across them when you’re crouched behind the plate—I don’t know how anyone can focus on the pitch when you’re right there.” Kazuya’s eyes flutter as Eijun presses a gentle kiss to the head of his cock, refusing to give him anything more than a tease. “I should tell you that more, how obsessed I am with your thighs.”
“If you love them so much, why don’t you marry them?” Kazuya bites out. It’s not the most inspired. Kazuya is distracted.
Eijun takes the question seriously, because of course he does. “I’ll marry you as many times as you’ll let me.”
“You’ll get a divorce instead if you don’t do something with that vibrator soon.”
Eijin narrows his eyes, then stomps over to the remote, swipes it off the table, and turns the vibrator on high , sending a shockwave through his body. When Kazuya’s vision clears from the flood, it’s settled down to a low, comfortable rumble, keeping him from relaxing while also making him boneless.
“You asked for mean Eijun, and mean Eijun has arrived!”
His dick is beginning to leak, especially at seeing how Eijun’s pants are tenting, too. “I’m noticing,” Kazuya says dryly.
Eijun looks down at the little remote in his hand and without a second thought, changes the pattern.
The switch drags a whine out of Kazuya, limbs spasming in response to the unexpected buzz inside of him. It’s a rhythm that steadily builds to a high intensity before dropping off abruptly, just when satisfaction might have been found. Eijun knows the way this particularly winds him up, which either bodes very, very well for Kazuya, or very, very poorly.
“It’s hard to focus on baseball, sometimes, when you radiate that stupid smug aura from striking out a batter. You make that same face in bed, y’know. In the sex chair, too,” he says, stepping forward enough to poke a divot into the chair’s leather padding by Kazuya’s shoulder. It spins lightly. Eijun swings him back around, jolting the vibrator inside of him. “But back to your thighs. They’re just right there. Constantly.”
“What do you expect, I can’t just take them off,” Kazuya says through reedy breaths.
Eijun mercilessly notches the dial up a few levels stronger.
He yelps at the wave of pressure that sweeps through his bones, only to recede with no final push towards a break. When his vision clears and he can feel the vibrator settle back onto a low hum, he glares up at Eijun’s shit-eating grin.
“Wait your turn, Miyuki Kazuya. This is still my night to monologue.” He pulls back and casually rests his arm against the back of the chair. The remote is dangling in his hand, right next to Kazuya’s face. “You could stand to be more patient, y’know.”
“That’s rich, coming from—“
Eijun grabs a fistful of hair at the back of his head and yanks hard. “What did I just tell you?”
“Tell me again,” he gasps.
“What is with this bratty behavior!” Eijun releases his grip and runs a soothing hand over Kazuya’s hair, then cups Kazuya’s jawline, moving aside to direct their attentions back to the screen.
Kazuya cringes at the camera lingering on him in the dugout, face burning. He’s just drinking an Aquarius. There are so many other people they could be showing, players actually on the field.
Eijun presses a hand to the base of Kazuya’s neck. When he swallows, Kazuya feels the hint of a promise in the pressure of each fingertip. “It’s stupid, the way you think the camera should be focused on the game. You think they’d waste time focusing on you if that wasn’t exactly what everyone watching on TV wanted to see? You’re the draw, Kazuya.
“No one else gets to think about you the way I do, though. They can look at you chugging your water or unbuckling your chest plate and fantasize, but I can watch and make a promise. Next time I see you with a water bottle, it’ll take everything I’ve got not to rip it out of your hands and feed my fingers into your mouth instead. If you think you get dirty sliding home, wait until I shove you onto the floor of the dugout. I’m gonna drag that annoying sly look off your face until you can’t even think of back talking, just stuck with overwhelming pleasure because of me.”
Eijun’s voice is raspy, crackling with fire as his nose brushes Kazuya’s ear, nibbling tiny bites to the shell between his words. “And shit, all the baseball gear? It drives me mad, how it’s your own kind of wall against anyone getting to you. You look so distant swamped in it all during a game. I wanna strip it off piece by piece and lavish each part of you below it like you deserve. I’ll start with that helmet. It’s a shame how it blocks your pretty face, but everytime it comes off, god, I wanna grab your hair and wipe every bead of sweat off your face and replace it all with come—
“That’s why I love watching your games, over and over again. Every time you show up on screen, it’s a reminder of what we get to do later.”
Eijun’s eyes flip between the screen and Kazuya, who is very, very still. And very, very quiet.
“And that’s a home run, right there! What a season for his RBI already—”
“You like me watching you like this,” Eijun says, wonder in his voice. He walks up to the TV, crossing his arms, letting a leg kick out as he tilts his head at the screen.
Kazuya drinks in the pose. The flickering lights of the screen make a hazy glow around his silhouette, the wild hair and comfy sweats, arms bare for him. He wants Eijun to turn around, to see the calculation in his head as he parses through the puzzle in front of him until he can take on the entire challenge of it with ease.
There’s something special about his observations to Kazuya, the way he pulls apart tape. Knowing the analysis doesn’t come naturally and that he learned it for the game—learned it from him. That skill was earned. And then it kickstarted a surprisingly adept analytic side of Eijun that’s opened up a world of possibility.
Like now.
Eijun spins on his heels, pacing towards Kazuya, pinching at his own lips. Eijun could stand to let Kazuya have a taste. He doesn’t care if it's of his fingers or his mouth, Kazuya is parched for anything and everything. His hisses out from between his teeth, the sweep of his eyes following Eijun’s hands, a desperate plea for Eijun to bend down just to touch.
Eijun hovers above Kazuya, refusing just that, not saying a word. His shallow breaths match Kazuya’s own, drinking his husband in. Kazuya does not reach out. It is the hardest thing he’s ever done, he swears, but he just clutches the armrests harder until his knuckles are white.
“Hey, Kazuya,” he finally says, low and gravelly. On any other night, Kazuya would shove Eijun down to his knees and feed him his cock the minute he heard that tone, balanced on the edge of breaking. He would ruin Eijun’s throat, fucking it until his voice was gone and every spoken word after served as a reminder of Eijun sucking so prettily on Kazuya’s cock.
But that’s for later. Kazuya’s being good for his husband right now.
Well, sort of.
Eijun trails a single finger down and around Kazuya’s brow, pulling down past his neck and chest, flicking his nipple on the way to his stomach. “Kazuya, if you like me watching you play baseball on TV, what do you think you’d do if I recorded you like this for me?” he says, golden eyes meeting Kazuya’s squarely. He turns off the vibrator, and the feeling of silence hollows Kazuya into a creature of pure need.
Oh, fuck.
Eijun’s pupils are blown, a maniacal grin settling onto his face at Kazuya’s frozen form. Eijun pokes Kazuya’s side and he takes a sharp breath in, having momentarily forgotten how. “I’ll sit you in front of the TV and let it play, so you can see how desperate you get for me. You can see the way your face goes soft just for me, so pliant when I touch you. You don’t believe you can be like this, can you? Always have a retort for everything, such a needling terror. But you’re so good to me, Kazuya. You open up just for me.”
And finally, finally Eijun perches a knee again on the seat between his legs, sinking his fingers into the base of Kazuya’s abs, a single brush against his cock lightning through his bones. He kneads the soft skin there, covered in wiry hair, not bothering to avoid the random touches against his cock as precome dribbles from the tip.
“I think I’d like to see you like this, too, on the screen,” he says, excitement bubbling free. “I love watching you no matter what, but I could break you down in a completely new way like this. The calls you make with your whimpers. Your form, head thrown back and gagging for me. God, and your thighs, spread out for me and not just teasing from behind the plate.” His hand moves lower, scraping a line down the inside of Kazuya’s thigh as he speaks.
“Think you'd wanna review that tape with me sometime?” He clicks a button on the remote Kazuya had forgotten about. Kazuya keels forward.
His head hits Eijun’s chest. His hands are wrapped in his tank top with a grip he can’t release. He can’t tell what the pattern or the pulse is, but whatever it is is good. There’s a clatter to the ground as Eijun drops the remote to steady his husband and maneuver him out of the chair.
Eijun reverses their places, Kazuya sitting on his lap in the chair, legs folded around Eijun’s thighs, eyes squeezing tight as he presses as much of his body into Eijun as he can. He basks in the soft cotton of his husband’s sweatpants, the ribbed lines of his tank scratching against his wired skin.
“Do you want the video to show our whole bodies in frame so you can see how you jerk with pleasure while I’m huddled between your legs and desperate to make you come?” Eijun skims a hand back to the vibrator and presses against it, then pries it out slowly, but not completely. The slide of it is agonizing. Eijun brushes it in circles, each pass knocking him higher and higher. Eijun wraps his other arm around Kazuya’s back, a firm hold keeping them close, their damp skin sliding against each other.
“Or maybe you want a closer shot, to remember the details. How slick your skin gets from the sweat and the spit. See my swollen mouth running up and down your bruising thighs, leaving my marks across your body. My fingers sinking into you, my cock splitting you wide.”
Eijun picks them both up just enough to draw down his sweats and free his dick. He slathers on a lube from the pump they keep duct taped to the back of the chair, and wraps a hand around them both. Even slicked up, his calluses scrape a fever deeper into Kazuya. “Or maybe it’s the recording more than the watching that’ll get you. You wanna put on a show for me?”
Distantly, Kazuya can hear himself keen into Eijun’s neck and spill over them, covering Eijun’s hand.
“Keep going, keep going,” Kazuya chants when Eijun falters, about to take back his hand. His voice is so weak, but it’s right in Eijun’s ear. His husband shudders—Kazuya has taken advantage of how sensitive those ears are more than a time or two—and double downs on his dirty talk and his twisting wrist.
“It would wind me up seeing you on tape when you're gone for your away games and I’m not. I could cry just thinking about how frustrated I’d feel watching you stroke yourself on camera for me where I can’t help.” Kazuya is shaking from overstimulation, world narrowed down to his dick and Eijun’s voice and hand wrapping around him. “Sinking down on a dildo when I’m not around to satisfy you, don’t even have you on the phone to help you through it. Jealous of myself holding you, a different me running my hands all over you and driving my cock into you—”
Eijun squeezes hard, coming with a groan. He lets go and grabs at Kazuya’s waist as they pant into each other. Kazuya’s fingers claw into Eijun’s shoulder and he urgently begs, “Eijun, Eijun.”
“Shit,” Eijun mutters, scrambling to pull out the vibrator, still buzzing a madness into Kazuya. Eijun’s hand is coated with come, lube and sweat still smeared thick across Kazuya’s ass. His fingers keep slipping against the vibrator, driving it back in until Kazuya’s whole body feels like static and his limbs lose their strength. It’s all he can do to keep his mind working at all, honeyed thoughts oozing through a numb haze.
Kazuya blinks and they’re on the couch. He’s laying facedown into Eijun’s chest, half on him, half under the back cushion. The vibrator is out of him, and Kazuya toys with the idea of making Eijun get him some sort of plug instead to soothe the weird emptiness.
Eh. He’d rather Eijun hold him like this, right now.
The TV is still on.
“What a comeback for the Giants,” the two announcers say, lively in their recap, “knocking the Swallows off their perch there at the end. After spending most of that game firmly in the lead, not even the catching and hitting talents of Miyuki Kazuya kept the Swallows ahead of the flock—”
The screen blinks off, and suddenly the only sound in the room is their heavy breathing.
Eijun shoves one arm beneath Kazuya and wraps the other over him, leaning him forward into his chest, “That was a surprise.”
“We might need to revisit that character sheet you made. Make a new one,” Kazuya mumbled into Eijun’s shoulder.
“Gonna have to make a new one anyway. Kuramochi ripped it up, remember?”
Kazuya snorts, recalling the horrified face Kuramochi had made when he accidentally found Eijun’s notes and research on trying to figure out how to pretend to sexually ignore his husband. For the things Eijun tries just for Kazuya, he always makes a character in his head and on an honest to god sheet of paper to play out, though half of them get tossed out pretty quickly. Honestly, it’s a miracle Eijun gets asked to do as many commercial sponsorships as he does. He’s a riot trying to act, even if he’s just acting as himself.
“I’m not the only one completely failing to play their role, here, Kazuya.”
Kazuya snorts. Somewhere between the immediate stench of sex, and whatever it is about Eijun that signals home to his animal brain, he finally realizes the house smells good. Like something’s baking.
He sniffs the air twice, trying to place it.
Eijun looks on, bashful and arrogant at once. “I made dessert.”
“That’s what kept you occupied earlier. What kind?” he asks suspiciously.
“Lemon bars. Extra sour. No sugar on top,” he said, nose wrinkling in judgement.
Kazuya lets his head slap back down into Eijun with a smirk. “I don’t think those will smear as easily across my nipples as the dark chocolate pudding did.”
Eijun pinches his waist. “That is not why I made them. These are meant to go in our mouths.”
“Technically so was the pudding. And it did. Eventually.”
Eijun sputtered and ducked his head to press his own face into the crook of Kazuya’s neck. “It’s annoying how much I love you.”
Kazuya can feel the smile pressed into his skin. “I love you, too, Eijun.”
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