#so i get upsetti when i get a 2 sentence reply to a mulipara five minutes after it's been posted
justafleck · 2 years
Replies and threads
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alrighty, it’s fresh on my mind for many reasons so I figured it was time to whip up a post to discuss how I function in terms to my way of writing for you. 
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Obviously, this is a collaborative hobby. That means we both work together to provide a fun, fair writing experience. It takes two to roleplay, afterall! You get what you put out: if you write in paragraph format or multi-para, you will be getting a similar length reply from my end. When I write you a starter or answer a meme from you, I tend to write it in the writing format that I see the most of on your blog as I consider it your default formatting unless requested shorter or longer otherwise by the mun. While I understand that I can get long winded at times, I don’t expect you to match my length down to the exact sentence, but when you cut me short by entire paragraphs or two, I do get pretty frustrated. I already match your length, which often times is difficult for me when it comes to anything shorter than three paragraphs as there is way too much Arthur to cram into shorter threads, so if I’ve already shortened my default reply format down ( my default is three large paragraphs ) and I get a single or one and a half paragraph reply back from you in return, it really gets under my skin. If you were already replying with.. lets say two paragraphs in your replies to me and I wind up hitting you with 3 in my next reply, I do not expect you to match that as it’s my own expense as I know you don’t typically write that much. But if you’re going to give me a lot less than you recieved, then please don’t even bother with replying bc chances are, you’ve killed the mood for the thread entirely. Otherwise, you can always message me and let me know that we need to shorten the length and I will gladly do so because you asked: I don’t take well to sudden change that’s thrown onto me out of the blue and doing that changes the entire vibe of the thread when I spend hours writing a reply to you to get a few short sentences in return. I put in a lot of time, work, effort and dedication writing Arthur to the best of my ability for you and with me already matching your usual length, I feel like I’ve been duped when I get barley anything in return. The energy level plummets and I match the energy levels given to me so don’t expect much effort wise in my reply as I’m giving you exactly the same energy you tossed my way. Otherwise, don’t be surprised if your thread doesn’t get replied to at all. The moment I lose motivation for a thread, I drop as I can’t force myself to write something that I can’t even feel excited for so please, for the love out of everything holy, don’t jupe people out of entire paragraphs.  I’m not saying you HAVE to write lengthy things with me, but I write no less than one paragraph replies on this blog and if that’s all you want from me, that’s fine, but let me know if you need to change from lengthy to short if we’ve already been writing lengthy things or just simply don’t write me a mega lengthy starter / meme reply if you’re not going to want to keep up that same energy a few replies later. 
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