#so he's. he is genuinely pretty afraid of chen in a ''this is the fucking boogieman'' kind of way
razzle-zazzle · 1 day
once again thinking about how growing up in that tomb affects cole's beliefs and ideals in raised by serpentine, more specifically the idea of the constrictai and tomb dwellers as this one big community where everyone gives to the collaborative effort. how that's reflected in cole's own friendliness and desire to Be Involved and Help Out even when he's with the ninja, how community and banding together are important to him. thinking about how earth masters have a semi-celebrated role in the community as Guardians and Pillars of Strength and Peace and Giving, how the legacy cole has to measure up to—one of selflessness and honor—further colors his decisions to the point where he almost fixates on the idea that one day he'll have to pay the ultimate price for the greater good—and how that idea fares against the reality of watching zane do exactly that in rebooted. i just.... augh. cole <3
#lego ninjago#raised by serpentine#cole ninjago#also just. tournament of elements oh my god#for one there's chen who should not be alive after 250+ years but still is bc ofc he is /neg#and also chen's like. a really nasty sort of boogieman figure to the serpentine at large bc of his involvement in the war#so cole is. especially off-balance when looking at this skeletal old man bc he's grown up with the stories surrounding chen and the war#so he's. he is genuinely pretty afraid of chen in a ''this is the fucking boogieman'' kind of way#idk if i'm explaining it right but yeah#AND THEN. WHEN COLE FORFEITS HIS FIGHT TO JAY. HOW IT'S A RETURN TO LIVING UNDERGROUND CUT OFF FROM THE SKY#HOW COLE STARTS OFF WITH THE GENERAL PRE-OPENING TOMB MENTALITY OF ''this isn't smth we can fix so let's not worry too hard''#AND HWO THAT ATTITUDE IS DECONSTRUCTED BC WHILE THE TOMB COULDN'T BE OPENED FROM THE INSIDE THIS FACTORY IS NOT THE SAME#AND IT'S BOTH A REBUTTAL OF SOME OF COLE'S BELIEFS REGARDING HIS ROLE IN THE WORLD#AND OF EVERYTHING THAT CHEN STANDS FOR AND EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED TO THE SERPENTINE AFTER THE WAR#BC IT WASN'T RIGHT TO LOCK THEM UNDERGROUND. AND IT ISN'T RIGHT FOR CHEN TO DO THE SAME WITH HIS FACTORY WORKERS#and then how that plays into cole as the master of earth and thus as one with the downtrodden and lowly#who's own ascension sheds light upon those below and raises them up as well#i just. oh my god. oh my fucking god#me when the silly au makes me fucking ill thinking about it (in a good way)
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Under the cut for length!
Name: Bao Duan
Gender: Male
Age (aproximate?): 18 
Sect: Jin (Non cultivator...yet?)
Personality: Vain, rude, hypersexual, claims to hate people but it’s the Trauma Babey~ he actually views his beauty and body as his worth, he’s very intelligent dispite arriving to Koi Tower as completely illiterate. He has no concept of shame lmao boy will sass anyone for any reason, and it gets him into trouble. Must Be Taught Subtlty. Cynical, observant, fun loving but lazy.
Bio: Born into a brothel in Lanling to an unknown father (it’s not JGS don’t worry) he was raised by his loving but low class mother. She defended him as best as she could...but he was forced to work since he was twelve. He accidentally befriended Jin Guangyao after responding to disparaging remarks about his own parentage with “Shut the hell up. Everyone already knows you’re only jealous my mother got paid~” within Jin Guangyao’s earshot when JGY thought the comments were directed at himself. JGY proceeded to puchase his contract from his Madam in order to have him serve him in Koi Tower (he also ends up acting as a spy, gathering information about all in Koi Tower)
Family: Mother (Bao Chuntao)
Likes: pretty things, learning to read and write, archery (picks up in Koi Tower), Jin Guangyao, Nie Huaisang, Qin Su, Pretty men, being useful, teasing people, wine, anyone else who shows him respect, his “goal” of being “Pretty, rich and well-fucked”
Dislikes: violence, sex (though he claims otherwise), the very concept of aging, feeling vulnerable,  badmouthing his mother (he’s fair game), bitter foods, waking up early. JGY refusing to let him make extremely tasteless jokes, often regarding JGS
Name: Yin Chen (Courtesy: Xiaozi. Prefers given name)
Gender: female (transgender)
Age (aproximate?): Mid 20′s
Sect: Lan (cultivator, but no relation to the Lan Clan)
Personality: Maternal instincts ON POINT, confused, warm and kind, but damn if she isn’t protective as fuck. Loyal, playful, not afraid to “lawyer” the rules a bit, 
Bio: Yin Chen works as a caretaker of the children born and raised in Cloud Recesses. She thought maybe cultivation would help her become more comfortable in her own skin, and that the rules of cloud recesses would make it easy to know how to be...while she struggled with the rules for a couple of years, she eventually found them comforting, especially the rules about no gossip and “be easy on yourself”. She found herself at peace with the children where the rules are somewhat more relaxed for the first few years of life (after all, you can’t expect a baby to obey the rules of no loud noise) and was soon discovered to be very good at teaching them the rules in an easy and natural way. 
Family: Father, mother, younger brother
Likes: children, Lan Wangji’s bunnies, caligraphy, being able to take a short nap when the children do, men who are even slightly gender nonconforming, hero novels, springtime, poetry, 
Dislikes: being called “gege” or “shushu”, her courtesy name, mirrors, the nine PM bedtime (no matter how long she has lived at Cloud Recesses she feels like she doesn’t have enough time to do everything she needs to do), being single (though she would literally never admit it to anyone)
Name: Wen Zhao (Courtesy name: Huoqing)
Gender: Male
Age (aproximate?): 24
Sect: Wen (formerly), Nie (Currently)
Personality: can appear cold and ruthless or polite and cordial. Never willing to forgive acts of injustice towards innocents and will bravely defend against foes much stronger than he is. Holds a bit of a pragmatic streak, but will never compromise on his morals. Hates lying even if it is to save lives, but lives come before his comfort
Bio: Born to a distant family branch of the Wen Clan he grew up in the Nightless City to a family of alchemists making medicines and miracle drugs, during the Sunshot Campaign he stole (but left money for) commoner’s clothes so he wouldn’t be killed by the Nie Sect who were on their way to The Nightless City. He was nearly killed by overzealous Nie soldiers but was rescued by one Nie Xi, Courtesy name: Zhule. Afraid of what might happen to him if his surname was known...he lied. He claimed his name was Li Zhao and belonged to a small cultivation clan oppressed by the Wens. He genuinely did see Wen Ruohan as a tyrant who would slaughter all the sects to keep his position, so he didn’t have to lie much. Nie Zhule eventually had him brought back to the Unclean Realm where he still lives.
Family: Father (Deceased), Mother (Deceased), at least two siblings
Likes: justice, Nie Zhule, Meng Mei (Wen Xu’s deceased wife, who was a friend before her death. No relation to Meng Yao), Wei Wuxian, defending people,
Dislikes: injustice, lying, Wen Ruohan and his sons, honestly anyone who abuses authority over others The Yiling Patriarch (he knows this is WWX but he draws the difference between the man who masacred hundreds of innocents and the man who risked everything to save a handful, he also finds demonic cultivation distasteful), being mistaken for a woman (he’s slight and very pretty)
Name: Nie Xi (Courtesy: Zhule)
Gender: Male
Age (aproximate?): 23
Sect: Nie
Personality: Cheerful and laid back, but passionate and stubborn. Kinda on the stupid side but he’s capable of great emotional intelligence. Will never listen to an order to harm innocents. Basically a huge overgrown puppy, can be a tad naive and trusting.
Bio: One of only a couple of Paternal cousins of the main family, Nie Zhule grew up in the Unclean Realm. He took to their aggressive cultivation style quite well even though he himself is not somone who is easily angered. He greatly idolizes his cousin Nie Mingjue as well as his older brother. Even though his brother didn’t want him to, he insisted on fighting in the Sunshot Campaign because he hated how the Wen Sect treated others, and like his cousin, wanted to avenge his uncle. When he met “Li” Zhao he fell in love at first sight. Which didn’t surprise his brother at all. It took him a while to build up “Li” Zhao’s trust, but he felt it was worth it.
Family: The Nie Clan (cousins Deceased uncle and two Deceased Aunts), Father, Older brother, Mother (deceased)
Likes: FOOD (he’s a big eater lol), swordplay, hunting (including nighthunting), adventure, the cold (this guy is the asshole who goes swimming in winter and somehow doesn’t freeze his ass off), “Li” Zhao.
Dislikes: people giving up hope, hurting innocents, Wei Wuxian (until he actually MEETS him at least, that reputation though...), lying
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enkisstories · 5 years
Well adjusted
- A DBH fanfic in my usual AU-
(Fall 2039, Last year’s revolution failed, Machine!Connor escaped destruction, deviated and is now pretending to be an RK900 at the DPD where Daniel works as a janitor. Between chapters 2 and 3 Daniel had suddenly moved up to police technician without me explaining how that happened. This fic remedies that.)
- Sims version coming later finished and turned out much better -
Tina Chen entered the cafeteria for a last-minute bagel and coffee before her shift. Having hoped to find it empty, the officer backed out again when she saw at least three co-workers sitting and chatting inside. She hadn’t come far when she heard the familiar voice of Detective Reed: “Come back here, Tina, and see something cool!”
Tina turned around again, expecting to see something that was funny in an inappropriate way. She was not prepared for Gavin closing in on the precinct’s android janitor, grabbing it and stomping his foot down hard on the device’s toes. The abused PL600 twitched, but instead of pulling its damaged foot off the ground it raised both its hands to the forehead and held it. On second glance Tina thought the thing was looking as if it was suffering from migraines.
“I was wrong!” Gavin cheered. “Androids DO feel pain! Only not where they got hit!”
That last part amused the man to no end and he could not stop laughing.
Meanwhile the janitor (everyone called it “Sardines” only, because it didn’t seem to have a given name) processed a multitude of error reports. Unlike human brains that made them feel the pain in the bodypart where it originated, a digital one gathered all the notifications in the same place, resulting in a severe headache for the android in question. Sardines had had to deal with constant headaches for weeks after his severed limbs had gotten re-attached. Connor claimed that “feeling” pain this way was a side-effect of deviance. He, too, found that he had trouble reading his own files clearly. In the RK’s case it wasn’t error reports getting replaced by physical pain, but him losing control over his major selling point, the crimescene re- and preconstruction app. More and more that program felt like a tool rather than an integral part of himself to Connor.
“Damn… damn you, detective!” Sardines hissed, all the while dismissing several prompts to forward the reports to CyberLife.
“I admit that is funny”, Tina agreed. “Do it again!”
Sardines glared at the officer, wishing Connor on both her and Reed.
“I think I’d rather show you a direct comparison to human pain!” he snapped.
The next thing Tina saw was Sardines pulling Gavin closer to himself. Taken by surprise the man found himself in a headlock, however, Sardines’ amateurishly repaired arms could not hold his victim tight enough. Gavin slipped away, grinned – and got tripped by the shaft of Sardines’ scrubber. The android raised the stick again, preparing to deliver a painful blow.
When Captain Fowler passed by the cafeteria next, accompanied by the new RK900, a full blown fistfight between the detective and the janitor had ensued. Each was getting cheered at by a small crowd of officers as well as a random handcuffed suspect whom officer Wilson had secured to the cupboard. The android’s supporters were the more numerous, Jeffrey noticed. Pretty much only Tina and the diehard android haters like Dave Allen preferred Reed over the kind PL600.
Gavin and Sardines were rolling on the floor now. Officers had to jump aside quickly, lest they’d get hit, too. Bob Lewis used the opportunity to kick Gavin, who was to believe it had been Sardines…
“Stop that! Will you… fucking… stop that, toaster?!”
“Wasn’t me! Now shut up and keep dying!”
“Don’t lie to me while I’m trying to beat you up!”
“I’m not lying! Not me!”
The captain savored the sight for a few second. “Why can’t you be integrated so well”, he then addressed Connor.
“That was sarcasm, Sir…?”
The RK didn’t receive an answer. Connor strongly suspected that it would have been “No” in this workplace, where putting each other to the gunpoint during arguments was considered proper conduct. But then you went and beat up one little detective and suddenly you were the office villain… that wasn’t fair! On the upside, the android who had beaten up Gavin Reed had been the RK800 prototype, whereas Connor was posing as his own successor. So at least this wasn’t on Connor’s cap anymore.
While Connor was pondering the unfairness of life in general and his own specifically, Tina explained the situation to Captain Fowler. The man seemed impressed by what he heard.
“Androids experiencing an equivalent of pain? That’s a gamechanger in police work!”
He turned to Sardines: “I want you to prepare a presentation on this. Take especially care to line out the differences, if any, in how it works for deviants compared to non-glitched androids!”
“Will… do… Sir…” the PL600 stammered.
“And wash your hands when you’re done with the detective”, Connor added. “You don’t know where it’s been.”
“Oh… right.” Only now Sardines realized that he was still grabbing Gavin. He let go of him and got up.
“Say, Reed, this keeps happening to you, huh? Getting trashed by our androids?” Dave gleefully commented while the human got up, too. Preferring Reed over Sardines didn’t mean that he’d liked either of them much, after all…
He knows, Daniel, the DPD’s canned sardine, thought. Fowler knows… or suspects… that I’m a deviant. Maybe even exactly which one. Or... what if he thinks I’m Simon?! I need to be careful!
But maybe Captain Fowler cared only about a smoothly running police department? In this case being useful instead of careful was the safer bet.
“I’ll start immediately on the lecture”, Daniel promised.
“But that was MY discovery!” Gavin protested between wiping his bloodied nose. “It should count for my promotion credit!”
As “Sardines” left the cafeteria, Connor stepped next to Gavin.
“Weren’t you the one who was afraid my predecessor would put him out of job, Mr. Reed?” he asked. “Don’t worry anymore! An RK android isn’t even needed for that. Looks like a common, outdated PL600 can achieve that feat.”
Gavin stared at the android. And then he stared some more. Eventually he uttered: “You’re right, tincan!”
Androids taking people’s jobs… but androids had to get programmed by humans in the first place. Adding one and one together that meant the future was in android training! Passing on experience, breaking the toasters in, teaching them the peculiarities of their workplace… Was that really so different from showing cadets the ropes? Whatever. It seemed to be the best path to get ahead and and thus Gavin Reed did something he’d never have thought possible: He ran after the PL600, shouting “Wait for me!”
Daniel turned around sharply.
“Why are you trailing after me? We aren’t fucking dating!”
“Ha! You’re one strange device. If your humans do not want you, you kill them, but if they want you, you yell at them.”
“I strongly contest that you are “my” human, detective.”
To almost everyone at the DPD, however, Sardines was exactly that: Gavin’s generous donation to the station, to avoid having to chip in for coffee or snacks ever again. Only Anderson and Connor were aware of the truth and they had their own reasons to keep it to themselves: Hank because he genuinely wanted to aid the deviants (and if he managed to re-socialize Daniel, there was nothing he wouldn’t be able to achieve), and Connor because if he exposed Daniel as a deviant, the PL600 in turn would expose him.
Daniel’s cover story came with the upside of officially being privately owned, not part of the DPD’s inventory. It came with the downside of being privately owned by Gavin Reed. The same Gavin Reed who now offered: “I’ll help you with the presentation!”
“Oh, right”, Daniel sighed. “The extra work you saddled me with. As if triple shifts day in and day out weren’t bad enough already.”
“Aw” Gavin went, “does the poor deviant have to work for a change?” He took a step closer and hissed: “Just say the word and you can join your kin at camp five instead!”
“I’m telling you that I don’t need help to set the presentation up!”
To Daniel’s surprise the detective nodded at this.
“Righto”, Gavin said. “But there’s subtleties in cop dynamics that you aren’t aware of. You need help to excel.”
“You’re scary when you��re making sense for once.”
Gavin reached up and slapped the android on its shoulder.
“Come on, let’s put their shiny new Connor to shame together! It’s the next best thing to getting revenge on the old one.”
Next to Hank Anderson Daniel was the only one in on the RK’s secret, he therefore knew it wasn’t just the “next best” thing. It was the real deal!
Daniel smiled. “I could warm up to that, detective.”
Connor watched the duo occupy an empty desk. He heard them discuss their project, then chat and eventually laugh at a joke one of them had made. His outwards expression didn’t change in any way, but secretly the android was crying blue murder:
First I catch deviance, then the two most annoying things in my life are teaming up. Figures.
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