#so he decides to try to take a nap on sabine's balcony because being near her helps him not be plagued by the horrors
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jessicas-pi · 17 days ago
I did another "pick a fic snippet" poll, and the results are in! Therefore, and without further ado, I present a snippet of the next fic in the Teenage Rebellion AU!
Wren took his hands in hers and squeezed them gently, looking at him with painful pity.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you look awful right now.”
“You don’t. You look like a goddess.” He curled his knees up to his chest and bowed his head, resting his forehead on her knuckles. “I’ll worship you, if you’ll let me, Wren.”
She huffed. “Now you’re just being dramatic.”
“No, I’m not. I think I worship you already. You’ll be my patron goddess. The shadows—the shadows have claws, sometimes. You’ll protect me, won’t you?”
“Did you hit your head when you fell off the roof?” she demanded, ignoring his perfectly reasonable question. “Because if you did, the last thing I am letting you do is go to sleep right now. Do you have a concussion?”
“No.” He laughed miserably. “I’m so tired, Wren. Maybe I’m insane.”
He didn’t look up at her, but he could feel her presence tense in suspicion.
“Youngest Brother,” she said, full-naming him authoritatively like First Sister did sometimes. “How many days has it been since you slept?”
“I dunno. Five and a half. No, six. Six and a half days. Or maybe just six. I—I can’t remember. It doesn’t matter, does it?”
Wren didn’t answer him. She just gently pushed him down to lie on his side, after a moment’s pause, and smoothed the blanket over him again. Then, she knelt down beside him, clutching one of his hands in hers.
“I’m going to stay right here,” she told him firmly, even as she slipped her hand out of his and ran it tenderly through his hair. “And I’m not moving until you’re asleep.”
“Won’t you?” he yawned, blinking as his vision blurred briefly. “That’s nice.”
“You’re welcome,” Wren smiled, knowing what he meant even if he hadn’t thanked her aloud. She was divine, like that. “Now, go to sleep.”
“I’ll try. I think—I can, here. It’s so quiet. Not like in Headquarters.” He shuddered. “I can hear them crying in Headquarters.”
Wren’s tender hair-stoking ceased as she went still, and he tilted his head forward, pressing into her touch so she would keep going.
“You can hear… crying?”
“The girl. Fifth Brother brought her. And a baby. I can hear them crying in the night. They’re going to be broken. It—it hurts to be broken.” He nudged her hand with his head again. “Don’t stop. I liked that.”
“Is that why you can’t sleep?”
“I wasn’t sleeping b’fore then. But I was trying not to. Now I wan’to, an’—I can’t.”
“You will now.” Wren sounded shaky, a little, as she said it, but his faith in her didn’t waver. If she said so, it was true. “Shut your eyes. Just rest.”
“I love you.”
“Marry me?”
“Go to sleep, Youngest Brother.”
“Go. To. Sleep.”
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globerjk · 5 years ago
Marichat May 2019 - Final Part
Prompts: Rooftop save –Flowers – Cold Night – Pillows and Blankets - Nap - Fencing - Protecting
Entire story AO3 ***I changed the name on AO3 to “Falling Again”
After lunch they returned to the loft bedroom to retrieve their things and head back to school, but as soon as the trapdoor closed behind them, Adrien turned taking Marinette in his arms to give her a long hug. She immediately melted in his embrace, savoring his scent and warm.
“Marinette, I want to get that kiss now” “Adrien, I want you to talk to Ladybug about me” They said at the same time completely contradicting what the other was thinking.
“I need you to face your feelings for her if you really want us to move forward”
Adrien’s hold on her loosen a little, not letting her go completely but instead placing his hands on the back of her shoulders to allow her a better view of his face.
“Consider it done” If he was Chat Noir at the moment he would have jumped out of her balcony in a heartbeat to find his… to find Ladybug and talk to her about this amazing friend who now claimed his heart.
He really really wanted that kiss from Marinette.
As reality would have it, Adrien still needed to finish half a school day, a fencing practice and a Chinese lesson before he could even thing about a stroke around the rooftops.
Reluctantly, he then let go of her, picked up both their bag and offered his hand to help her down the stairs. On their way out they said good bye to Tom and Sabine, who offered him a permanent place at their table and handed their daughter a large box filled with multicolor macarons for their friends.
Marinette got back from school that afternoon floating in cloud nine but was determined to distract herself with homework to pass the hours before it would be time for patrol, her Kwami had to many questions to let her get away with that plan for too long.
“Are you aware that you are ladybug?” The silence was finally broken.
“I know” Marinette smirked turning in her desk chair to where Tikki was floating near her face.
“Are you sure?” The magical being question “Because your conversation this afternoon left me convince that don’t you want him to love you in a suit”
“Ohh but I do” Her expression remained smugly
“You lost me Marinette”
“You see… he doesn’t know I’m ladybug, for now he just thinks he is in love with two people. And Chat Noir is not only a hot super hero but it turns out that he is also a hot super model” Marinette said obviously plotting her next moves.
“Are you trying to tell me that you are jealous of yourself? Are you planning something to test his faithfulness to you Marinette when alone with you Ladybug?” Tikki seemed offended by the idea.
“Maybe a tiny bit of that but actually the main reason is that I’m planning to finally reveal”
“And you are sure? He´s asked you so many times before and you always refused” Now the magic companion was showing concern
“Precisely. I was in love with Adrien but never got to confess to him. As he pointed out, I actually denied ever having feelings for him, repeatedly, so I can’t really say he ever rejected me. With Ladybug and Cat Noir on the other hand, the story is very different” Marinette continued to explain “I literally said I couldn’t date him, that I couldn’t love him and that there was someone else. I broke his heart more than once, Tikki. I am ecstatic that Adrien turned out to be Chat Noir, but would he feel the same way about Ladybug turning out to be me?” The kwami was silent once again, her only response was to nuzzle her charged to give her support.
After finishing homework on record time to be early enough to finish the surprise for Chat Noir, Ladybug was pacing anxious on their favorite rooftop.
“Coming so early was a bad idea” She muttered to herself and froze when hearing the tail tale sound of his feet landing beside her.
Her plan was simple but tough full. A picnic basket, a bouquet of red roses (similar to the ones he always tried to offer her) a large blanked and some candles. The little, yet beautiful arrangement left no doubt of her intensions. This was no regular patrol between friends, this was a date.
Chat Noir gulped audibly at the sight before him, unable to look at his partner but from her point of view she could almost sense him hesitating. Was he double questioning his earlier decision to let go of Ladybug to pursue Marinette? The tough gave her both hope that he could forgive her rejections and a burn at the idea of him changing his mind that easily.
She shook the doubts at the same time as he shook his head and finally their gazes met. She placed herself in front of him on one knee taking a single rose and presenting it to him, a clear reference of his trademark moves.
His jaw dropped and he looked at her with adoration, but then cleared his throat before blurting something intelligible and taking a step back.
“What did you say” Ladybug asked standing up.
“I sort of have a girlfriend” He repeated, slower this time. “I’m sorry My Lady, and I really really hope that I’m reading this” he said gesturing to the picnic “the wrong way but it very much feels like you had a date planned… and today, or for a while actually if I’m being honest, I can’t accept any of this from anyone else but her”
Out the window, or rather, off the rooftop went the pranks to tease this amazing boy in front of her, to make him guess, to give him little clues for him to link her two identities together. At Chat´s words, at his sincerity and the way he smile thinking of Marinette, she forgot everything that she had plotted and simply jump him the same way she did a few days ago on her own balcony making him almost fall of the side of the building.
Taking out her yoyo off her hip and throwing it around a chimney to stabilize them, Ladybug quickly dropped her transformation and locked their lips. He didn’t respond right away out of pure shock, but recovered on time to deepen in her mouth and melt their bodies together.
Chat Noir, finally got the kiss from his princess.
Thankfully not even Alya was aware of how close Marinette had become to Chat Noir so they decided that for protecting purposes it was better if only the civilian side of the couple dated. This obviously meant that they had to keep appearances in front of basically everybody in Paris since they were so famous and also meant that Marinette and Adrien were going to have to show signs of getting closer little by little, also to avoid suspicions.
For almost two month they pretended to be victims of mutual pinning but when it was reveal that they started dating, even his father was glad. He always had a high opinion of Marinette.
It still felt unbelievable to them that they really were pinning after the other, just in the wrong side of their suits. Flirting through Akuma battles or stuttering through class was definitely not working for them but apparently spending some time with each other without the pressure of their respective crushes was all that was needed.
“I can´t believe that for years I was so distracted by you that I didn’t even notice your eyes when we exchanged miraculouses. I have spent hours just looking at your eyes” Marinette said after they woken up from their little nap on her chaise, both still buried in a ridiculous amount of pillows and blankets.
“How about at the rest of my body? I had some memorable pictures taken this year. Since I turned 17 they are including me on some campaigns I was banned from before”
“I know” Marinette said dreamily then clear her throat. “I mean I wouldn’t know”
“If you want I could give you some exclusive pictures that surely won’t be release to the public. I felt pretty sexy on some of them" his expression turned sheepish “They are from the long week shoot, that time I said my schedule was too busy as a civilian to make the time to visit. I kind of did an entire set thinking of you"
“Me me or Ladybug me?” There was not even a tip of salt on the comment, Marinette was genuinely curious.
"It’s” He groaned “Ok. This is going to sound stupid. But hum" He took a breath “I started taking of my shirt of and felt its fabric so I began to think about clothing and the process of making of them and the designs. Before I could notice, your face was all I could think about. Especially the little gestures when you concentrate on sketching”
His face felt hot from embarrassment as he rubbed the back of his neck as comfortably as he could with his girlfriend laying half on top of him and staring at him with awe.
“They even took some candid shots of me shirtless… If maybe you would…”
“I WANT THEM” Adrien almost fell of the chaise at her screech.
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