#so for Ten to be like ''Tentoo bad for genociding them >:( Rose fix him''
sage-nebula · 8 months
To be clear I love Tentoo and the Rose/Tentoo ending, but also it makes me laugh when Ten is like, "[Tentoo] destroyed the Daleks, he committed genocide, he's dangerous" because so did Rose as the Bad Wolf, and she knows she did it ("I took the Time Vortex and poured it into [the emperor's] head and turned him into dust") , and we all know she'd do it again too if it meant protecting those she loved, so how is leaving Tentoo with her meant to teach him this is wrong? You are grasping at straws here, my good bitch, and you know it. If Tentoo is dangerous, then so is Rose, and stranding them on Bad Wolf Bay with their baby TARDIS (which DoctorDonna tells them how to accelerate the growth of so they can use it in their human life time) isn't going to change that.
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