#so chosen figures out that 'ah yeah i guess it wouldn't like someone poking around inside it's code'
i3utterflyeffect · 6 months
OHhh that's fascinating I hadn't seen it like that! And Dark having the mission statement... I could imagine it could cause conflicts. You said Dark could make error sounds, right? What if they didn't really know they could access those until those codes were... conflicting? Until they were FEELING those errors building up. Though that's up to you knvxbmcbv
it's probably insanely stressful to feel their code conflicting, especially since the mission prevention code is hard-coded into the virabots so the mission code can't really shove it out of the way-- it isn't really visible from the outside other than the fact that they start acting weird once it starts to get bad.
initially i think it'd just be like the hiccups though. mostly just annoying and uncomfortable
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