#so I've been stuck in a hotel going on four days because its not safe or even possible to drive home yet
backslashdelta · 8 months
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Thank you @cryscendo for the tag! I haven't written much in the last few weeks, but I do have a few sentences of something new I can share. I suspect you'll know the context ;) and we're sticking to 6 sentences exactly!
“I disrespected you, sir,” Kurt says quietly.
“That’s right. What made you think that was okay? You think you can trade yourself for personal favours like a whore?”
“No, sir.”
“That’s right,” Elliott says, and he lifts Kurt’s face with a hand under his chin until their eyes meet. “Because you’re mine to trade.”
It's actually no longer Sunday anymore for me so I won't be tagging anyone, but if you see this and want to share some writing (or art!) feel free to consider yourself tagged!
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anextraordinarymuse · 3 years
Thoughts on 1x01: Pilot
So @jonesgirl88 and I have been struggling to nail down the timeline of Signed, Sealed, Delivered (Katie likes puzzles and I'm an analyzer, but it's also helpful for fic writing purposes). I went back and re-watched it all from the very first episode, and, well ... I have Thoughts™.
First, and unrelated to anything to do with Oliver x Shane ... Oliver had some great one liners in the pilot. "I have a government service pay level higher than you can count", and "It's Shakespeare, peasants." Perfection!
Okay, at the time of the pilot we learn that Shane's dad has died some time in the last 14 months. We also learn that her dad is the reason that Shane is a rule breaker now despite being a rule follower at heart (she went to see him in the hospital, was turned away because it was outside of visiting hours, and then her dad died in the night before she could work things out with him/apologize/say goodbye). So, Shane's rebellious streak is fairly new when she meets Oliver. Also, Oliver and Shane are (at heart) more alike than either of them initially realizes.
Charlie and Kelly (the letter and characters that the pilot story follows) and their story foreshadows Oliver and Shane's story, but you only start to understand that on a second watch through. (Actually, in many ways, every story in every episode mirrors Oliver and Shane and their journey to each other to some extent). Examples: Charlie is working at a job that is just a job to him and is stuck in a rut when he meets Kelly (this is Shane; she tells Oliver that their job is "just a job, not some woo woo spiritual journey."); Kelly isn't really living her life because she's dying and has mostly accepted it, but changes her mind and wants to live after she meets Charlie (this is Oliver; he's alive but not living, and it's only Shane's arrival that makes him want to change). Kelly and Charlie spend one day together and then are separated for a year - a year in which Kelly has to put in the time and the effort to change and get better (health-wise) before she can meet Charlie where he is when she meets him. He's ready to jump in feet first immediately, but Kelly isn't.
Shane is ready to jump in feet first immediately when she meets Oliver, but Oliver has work that he has to do before he can meet her where she is (not just Holly, but in figuring out how to let himself move on and learn to live again).
Shane picks up on the fact that Rita has feelings for Norman as soon as meets them despite the fact that Norman is totally clueless. When they're in the bar toward the end of the episode, Rita asks Norman to dance and he redirects and asks to play shuffle board instead. The camera shows us both Shane and Oliver's reaction to that: Oliver's expression is more subtle, but they both know that Norman is missing the point and a chance right there by declining. After Norman and Rita walk away, Shane says "she has a terrible crush on him, you know that right?" And Oliver replies "that's very insightful, considering she absolutely terrifies him." Who says which line is very telling here (as we'll soon start to see): Shane has a terrible crush on Oliver, and she terrifies him. Mostly because she is unwilling to let him stay frozen: Shane expects more from Oliver than anyone else he knows and won't let him remain stuck. We can safely say even from this pilot episode that Oliver isn't the biggest fan of change, and can be very resistant to it (but will eventually warm up to change, given time).
On a side note, and I've already mentioned this before, but Oliver and Shane have absolutely zero concept of personal space from the get go. 90% of the time they stand close enough to touch each other for absolutely no reason. (Their arms and shoulders often brush or touch each other). And in almost every shot where it shows the four of our postables standing together, Shane is alone on one side of Oliver and Norman and Rita default to the other side, or Shane and Oliver are next to each other regardless of where Rita and Norman are standing. The only time Rita or Norman stand or sit between Oliver and Shane is when they aren't getting along; otherwise, there's literally nothing (physical) separating Shane and Oliver. This blocking visually establishes the connection between these two, and it does it right from the start.
Here's examples of what I mean about the blocking.
Example 1:
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Example 2:
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Example 3:
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Example 4:
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Oliver and Shane start healing each other from day one. They start giving up little pieces of their pain and trauma immediately. Oliver tells Shane about his wife; Shane tells him about her dad; she calls him out on not facing the truth and finding his wife; he calls her out on not wanting to open her birthday card and face her pain. But at the end of the episode, they both rise to the other person's challenge: Oliver gives Charlie a sewing kit that he took from the hotel in DC that he stayed in when Holly left him (literally giving away a piece of his pain); Shane opens her birthday card from her father and uses the $20 inside to buy coffee for herself and the others. Shane and Oliver are each other's catalyst for change and healing.
Oliver's change is also reflected in the fate of the DLO. At one point in the pilot the DLO is being shut down because it's no longer viable/has outlived its purpose. At the end of the episode, rather than being shut down the DLO is actually expanded (or, you know ... it grows/changes). Oliver is the DLO, and both needed Shane's arrival and presence to move forward.
Remember a few paragraphs ago when I said that Oliver and Shane both witnessed Norman's missed (or given up) opportunity to dance with Rita? Well, Oliver doesn't miss or pass up his chance to dance with Shane even though we learn later on that he apparently doesn't dance. Shane has already challenged and goaded Oliver several times in the episode by this point (even pleaded with him at one point) and he has ignored several of them or resisted her ideas and influence, but he still doesn't let this opportunity go without answer. In fact, it's interesting that in a professional capacity Oliver is rather resistant to Shane and her influence: he won't keep reading the letter, he won't just deliver the letter to Charlie even though they're standing right outside his house ... Oliver won't step out of bounds despite all of Shane's pleading and prodding. But personally? Oliver blows right through his self-imposed boundaries. During their first meeting Oliver says he won't call her Shane, but he proceeds to do it twice later in the episode (once even calling her "my dear Shane"); she tries to leave and he immediately goes after her and doesn't accept her attempt to quit; we only find this one out later, but apparently Oliver doesn't dance ... yet he dances with Shane the first time she asks.
This is a masterful way to introduce us to the division and dichotomy that exists in Oliver (and that becomes more apparent as we go, specifically between Holly and Shane). One of my favorite things about this show is how they establish Shane and Oliver's connection not just from the beginning, but through multiple mediums and layers.
We'll explore all of this more in episode two.
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johnkrrasinski · 5 years
the chain on your neck; 
full masterlist
Pairings: Steve Rogers x female!reader 
Word count: 2,291
Warning: too much fluff probably 
Summary: Steve Rogers came home to you after a delayed return and brought something special for you. 
a/n: i was listening to call it what you want by taylor swift (well, it would be pretty obvious for my swiftie followers lol) anyways, i was really inspired by the line “i want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck” and that to me, has always been one of my favorite lyrics of reputation. also, the title was inspired by that exact line from you are in love. so here’s a steve rogers fic predicated on that line! hope you like it. please leave a like and comment. ❤
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It was 9.30am on a Sunday morning in New York. Normally, you would take your sweet time to stretch in your bed and turn slowly to the other way around to gaze lovingly at your boyfriend. It was a rare sight to see him in such a serene state, so you didn't have the heart to wake him. It was lovely to see him without the wrinkles on his forehead and furrowed brows because he was carrying so much on his shoulders. His duties as Captain America, the missions, the battles, the reports, the urgent late night calls, the miscreants had clearly took a toll on him.
And you being his girlfriend, it was crystal clear to you how often he would put on a facade to be the backbone of the Avengers. Because, everyone is relying on him. There were innocent folks that needed his protection. There were little kids looking up to him. He didn't have the luxury to pour a couple tears to lay off some steam or have a mental breakdown in public. He had to be strong and steady.
Often times, when the fight really did a damage on him and it was written all over his face, he would try to hide it away from you. You knew he needed you, you knew he needed your comforting touch to ground him. He wouldn't ask for it though, he would simply undress himself out of the grimy suit and wordlessly wrapped himself around you. The feel of your skin against his kept him sane throughout all the worst missions he'd ever gone through.
So when you had the chance to just take a minute and enjoy this brief moment of life simply letting your boyfriend be... Human, you cherish and savor every single second of it.
That's your usual Sunday morning routine. But not today, today you woke up in a cold bed alone because the love of your life had gone to another mission in Prague four days ago, and he was supposed to come back last night. You were feeling grouchy because you didn't get your morning cuddles and kisses and Steve's morning cuddles and kisses were like coffee to other people. They need their morning boost to start off their day.
Delayed returns were part of the job. There was always unexpected incidents that required immediate attention of whoever took the mission. And the behest is that, you do not come home before the mission was truly taken care of.
So instead of sulking all day in bed, you leisurely check your phone and send him a good morning text. You figured that it would ease the feeling of missing him. You knew better than to wait around for an instant reply. You were not allowed to check your phone under any circumstances during missions unless you are safe and sound in your hotel room. So you decided to get yourself out of bed and washed your face and brushed your teeth.  
After your daily morning routine, you went to the kitchen to cook yourself some early meal. Nat, Tony, Wanda, Vision, Rhodey and Clint were already there in the middle of their breakfast. They greeted you in your not-so-cheerful state.
"Good morning, kid." Tony was the first one to speak up.
"Hey Tony." In an indifferent tone. You just weren't in the mood to socialize because you missed your boyfriend terribly, and you just really wanted to spend your Sunday morning with him.
"Someone's in a grumpy mood." Natasha spoke up. The woman was always too good in seeing right through people.
"Not really, I'm just hungry." You retorted. Again, with that disinterested attitude.
"Hungry for some food or a certain super soldier, cause I've seen you hungry for actual food y/n, it wasn't like this."
"Okay! You're right. I'm missing my boyfriend and I'm so goddamn worried. He hasn't contacted us since last night, when he was supposed to come home. I texted him this morning and he still hasn't answered. What if something had happened to him and he wasn't able to send a message? What if he got stuck somewhere where he can't find a signal? What if he-"
"Sweetie, I think you are getting yourself too worked up. Just take a deep breath and eat some breakfast, yeah? I'll make you some coffee to ease your nerves." Wanda politely interrupted you. Out of all people, she knew exactly what the feeling was like. Aside from being able to read people's minds, she had actually lost so many of her loved ones, so she understood your overwhelming fears.
You put your head in your hands and took a deep breath and exhaled. You were getting too worked up and you needed to clear your head because freaking out is clearly not going to solve anything or give you any answers. It's not going to turn whatever situation Steve was stuck in and provide you a call or a text from him out of nowhere.
And you didn't realize how hungry you had been until your stomach started to make some growling noises that told you you needed some nourishment.
"Yeah, okay, I'm gonna cook something up."
Just as you pushed your chair back and stood on your feet, Friday's voice alerted everyone from the tranquil state of the room. "Captain Rogers, sergeant Barnes and Mr. Wilson are about to land in 5 minutes."
As everyone in the room had realized what was happening, they all immediately got on their feet and ran to the where the helipad was placed. You, on the other hand was overwhelmed with a sense of relief and joy. Because your boyfriend has come home and in one piece. You were about to see his beautiful sapphire eyes again and you couldn't wait any longer. You wanted to be the first one to welcome him home as soon as he lands.
As the quinjet landed on the ground and the door opened up wide, revealing your boyfriend and your friends, Bucky and Sam on his sides, walking out limping but still with that warm, familiar smile on his face because he finally saw you. Four days had felt way too long for being overseas from you.
He instantly ran as fast as he possibly could to you and grabbed you by your waist and carried you off the ground in a tight embrace. He buried his face in your neck and inhaled your luscious scent. You couldn't see his face because you were also burying your own face in his neck, but you could feel him smiling so widely because he was home and you were in his arms now.
"God, I've missed you so much, baby."
You moved your face to the front of his and pressed your foreheads together.
"I've missed you too, baby. So fucking much." You sniffled. In that moment it was just you and him, because you had been without each other for way too long to have a care about anything else in the world. Four days felt like four thousand years. It might seem dramatic but that's what happens when you are madly in love.
"I know baby, I know. I'm here now, it's okay." He kissed you, it was brief but it held more meaning than words. You closed your eyes as you relished in the feeling of him. Pressed up against you and tangible. Not a looming presence in your room, not a ghost in your dreams, not a whispered name in your prayers.
He put you down as threw his arm around your neck to keep you close. You both walk in each other's embrace to your room. Luckily, he didn't bring home any severe wounds that would require an immediate & extensive care. He could go straight to his own bed, take a warm shower and change into his pyjamas so he could lie in his cozy bedstead with you. Really, that's all he really wanted right now.
Steve Rogers was a man of sentiment. Not a lot of people saw it but, it's factual. You were lucky enough to witness the way this man displayed his affections and the way he'd never let you doubt his love and loyalty a single second. He was an assertive and a solemn leader to the team, especially when he had to save the world and faced the government. But you knew his tender heart way too well to let it affect you behind closed doors. You love him for the man he chose to be even when he didn't.
After you both wash yourself off the dirt, you put on one of his hoodies that literally swallowed your smaller figure. You looked so tiny and adorable in his shirts, he never minded that he'd often have trouble finding a certain shirt. It was always his hoodies, sweaters and old shirts that he rarely wore anymore. If she claimed it, then it's hers. No room for argument. Not that he'd try anyway.
She was drying her hair with the hairdryer in the small mirror of her bathroom when he walked in with nothing but his sweatpants on, he stared into her beautiful eyes in the mirror with a smile. "I got something for you."
"Yeah? What is it?" She smiled back at his reflection in the mirror.
He pulled out a lovely navy blue box with a silver ribbon on top of it. It made her turn around with an inquisitive look. She moved her eyes directly to the box in his calloused hands. He opened the lid cautiously, fearing that she might not like the surprise. Because even Captain America is still scared of rejections, he was trained for orders and enemies, but no one taught him that the little, sickly guy from Brooklyn would be rejected by  a lot of women who couldn't see him past his appearance. And certainly, no one  prepared him for the rejection from the love of his life. His past fears are clouding his mind and taking over his emotions before she even said a word.
The navy blue box revealed a beautiful piece of jewelry, specifically, a golden vintage necklace that hang up the letter "S" in the middle of its rounder. The red rose adornment on the left side of it only added the exquisite intricacies to it. And the antiquated piece of leaf on the other side enhanced more of its charm.  She couldn't help the desire to touch the charming piece with her own fingers. She delicately curled them around the rustic chain, deliberately picked them up closer to her sight; she was charmed by it.
"Do you like it?" Steve spoke up timidly, as if he was doubting his own choice, he really wanted her to like it. He nervously stared into her eyes, waiting for her answer.
"I love it, Steve." She returned that restlessness expression on his handsome face with a fond smile. She loved it. She truly loved it and she meant it. She wasn't even faking it to spare his feelings, she genuinely became attached to it even if she hadn't even hung it around her own neck yet.
"Where did you get it from?" She continued. Her curiosity knocked on the moment.
"There was this local gift shop in Prague, it looked really old and small but still had its own charm, you know? I was walking around one night..." He looked distant for a second. "Couldn't sleep, the mission really carried a weight that day. I just kept walking, taking in the fresh midnight air until I found the shop... It drew me in."
Steve's face changed from an agitated expression to pure delight. He couldn't wait any longer to see it encircle the shape of her neck, so he asked; "do you want me to put it on you?"
"Please." She turned around to face the mirror again and waited for Steve to unclasp the hook of the necklace. She could feel his warm, steady breath on the back of her neck and this is the kind of intimacy not a lot of people talk about, but oh, how much it mattered in the moment.
When the necklace was on, she took her time to soak it in, how divine it looks on her now, she didn't think she could go anywhere without this necklace being a part of her. She pressed her thumb on every inch of this necklace, it really is a part of her now.
He is now wrapping his bulky arms around her shoulders and put his head right on the right side of hers. He looked at her reflection in the mirror. "You know why I chose this necklace?" He left a swift kiss on the right side of her neck where he was just resting his head on.  
"Because it's the closest thing to your heart, and that's where I'm always supposed to be."
She didn't realize tears had started brimming in her eyes, the tenderness and sincerity in his voice made her realize just how lucky she was to possess such love him, and to have that love returned in if not, a greater measure than she ever hoped for.
"I love you, you know that?" It was rhetorical, she knew damn well  that he had it ingrained deep in the back of his head that she loved him. Desperately, utterly and irrevocably.  And so did he to her. It was more than a mere declaration but rather a vow, that it would be bounded to their souls for eternity. In sickness and in health, for better or for worse, 'till death do us part.
"I love you too, angel."
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