#so I think she'd be much closer to the front of the merge
yzafre · 3 months
Theory: in an Aqua-Vanitas merge, Aqua's personality would actually be more prevalent in the resulting fusion than Ven's was in his merge, and this is not a good thing. In this essay I will -
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apocalypseornaw · 3 years
Walk Back to Me- 3/3
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A happy ending after all.
Laughter rang through the yard of Donna's cabin as Davina ran behind Max and Dean, her dark brown curls waving in the breeze behind her "Uncle Max! Uncle Dean!" 
It only took a few moments before she caught them both successfully. Dean hit one knee in front of her "Princess Dee you have slayed the dragons yet again" you watched from the porch with a smile on your face. She'd just turned three and was the best part of all of you as it seemed. Your little family was closer than you'd ever seen it.
Donna had invited everyone for the weekend since she had the most space and everyone was making the most of the downtime. Garth and Bess had taken their kids on a hike, Jody and Patience were manning the grill out back and everyone was pretty much just enjoying being normal human beings. No one was hunters, witches or Werewolves here. Just a bunch of people who'd found each other and turned into a family bound together by a bond stronger than one by blood. 
You heard the door open behind you and glanced over your shoulder with a smile when you realized it was Sam. "She's putting them through their paces" you laughed as he slipped his arms around your waist pulling you back against his chest "They wouldn't have it any other way" 
He leaned down to press a kiss to your cheek "Are you enjoying yourself?" You nodded with a laugh when Davina placed her pink necklace around Dean's neck. "I don't think I've been better than I am right now. All our family is here, we're safe and happy"
You could feel his smile against your skin when he said "Good. As long as my girls are happy that's what matters to me" you cut your eyes up at him. You had never dreamed of making it here.
When you'd left the bunker you'd planned to never speak to him again but fate seemed to have other plans. Throughout your pregnancy and then the horror of postpartum he hadn't left your side. You couldn't ask for a better father for Davina and he'd proven time and again that although he'd messed up in the past that he truly did love you just as much as you loved him. "I love you so damn much Sam Winchester" You spoke looking out over the yard. He chuckled lightly "I love you too Y/N"
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Dusk had fallen but that didn't stop all of you. The grill had long since cooled after dinner. There was a fire built with the lounge chairs around and everyone was relaxing. Bess had taken Davina inside with her kids to lay down so you could enjoy the fire.
You were sitting on a blanket with Alicia and Claire. Your legs were stretched out in front of you with a mug of Donna's hot chocolate next to your leg. "That smile is a gorgeous sight" Alicia teased, bumping your leg. Claire nodded in agreement "It's cool seeing the old you and the mom you merging into one you" You laughed lightly shaking your head "that actually made sense"
"Excuse me! Ladies and gentlemen or well this crew anyways" Jody spoke from where she stood on top of an overturned bucket to be seen. 
A laugh went through all of you as Dean hollered "You have our attention! What ya want Jods" she waved a hand towards Sam "I don't he do"
You raised an eyebrow as Alicia and Claire pulled you to your feet. "What's going on?" You asked Alicia who smirked "You'll see"
Sam took your hand from Alicia before saying "Y/N…I know we've been through a lot" "That's an understatement" Max mumbled and was shushed by Erik with a laugh.
Sam nodded laughing himself "Yeah I know. Anyways Y/N I've never loved anyone like I love you. You gave me the greatest gift in the form of not only giving me a chance to be worthy of your love but our absolutely perfect little girl. The two of you are my entire world. I was just wondering since I'm a Winchester and Davina is a Winchester would you want to even it out?"
You raised an eyebrow feeling your heart speed up "What?" He pulled something out of his pocket and went down to one knee "Will you marry me?" "Yes!" You replied feeling tears spring to your eyes as Sam slipped the ring on your finger then got to his feet pulling you in his arms as everyone hooted and hollered.
You heard one little voice above the rest say "Aunt Alicia did Mommy say yes?" And looked up to see Davina on the porch. You held your arms out and she ran across the yard into them "I said yes baby" she flung her arms around your neck "Yay!"
Sam slipped his arms around you both. He'd never been happier than holding his entire world in his hands.
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A Princess. A Queen. A Wife. A Mother.
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Medieval Au
Princess Y/N Stark of York New must marry a man chosen by her brother, by the time she is 21. Her brother's council have the perfect man in mind, one that is terrifying and hell bent on having his Queen. But Princess Y/N's heart belongs to another, and luckily so does her hand in marriage. 'A princess is far more powerful than a king, my love. You have the power of merging families and kingdoms. You have the power of carrying hopeful heirs to the throne. You have more power than you know...'
Bold italics are flashbacks.
Series warnings: swearing, medieval views on women, arranged marriage, smut, bloodshed, violence, 18+ readers only
Part warnings: talk of arranged marriage, light swearing, slight violence, talk of beheading
<Part 5<
Part 6
The days that followed the chaos in the woods went by in a blur. Steven seemed to be in meetings none stop, his council keeping him busier than he would have liked but he was King after all. You were certain you went almost three days without seeing him. But there was always someone to keep you entertained or to spend your time with. You did miss the King's company though.
Not long after the clock had hit midnight on your last night in Brook, you found yourself walking down the hallway toward Steven's study. The sound of raised voices coming from behind the closed door made you stop just before you could raise your hand and knocked.
"ENOUGH!" Steven shouted along with what you assumed was him banging his fist down against a table. "I am not discussing this any further, Sir Alexander, please leave."
You tried to move back as quickly as you could before Sir Alexander opened the door but it seems he was far closer than you had expected.
As he stepped out, he almost bumped into you, glaring down at you like you were something underneath his shoe. "Spying on us, Miss Stark."
You glared up at him, "Certainly not, Pierce, I was about to knock on the door. And have you forgotten who you are speaking to?" You scowled at the man.
"My apologise, Your Highness." He bowed to you half-heartedly before sulking off.
You stuck your tongue out behind the wretched man's back before you turned back to face the door, only to find Steven stood leaning against his desk with a grin. You began to blush as he beckoned you in.
"Not very lady-like, Princess." He teased.
"Don't you mean, Miss Stark," You scoffed and closed the door behind yourself, "God, that man,"
Steven sighed heavily as he nodded and pushed himself up from where he was leaning. "He is infuriating... My apologies for the way he addressed you, Y/N. I will have a word with him." He said as he moved around to sit in his chair.
You shook your head, drifting towards his desk. "No need, Steven. I know what he is like... Unfortunately, he is like most men I have the pleasure of knowing." You scowled.
Steven's brow creased as he looked at you, "I hope I am not included?" His tone was light.
You shook your head with a warm smile. "Of course not, Your Majesty."
Steven watched you as you wandered around his office, running your fingertips over the surfaces. There was something troubling you, he could tell just by the way your brow was knitted together, and the soft pout you had on your lips. You were overthinking, why else weren't you asleep.
"What's troubling you, Y/N?" Steven asked.
You looked over your shoulder to him, taking in a deep breath as you took him in. He wasn't wearing his formal court attire, just a plain white tunic that was open, letting some of his chest hair peak out and breeches and boots. He was stressed, you could tell he'd been dragging his hands through his hair.
"I was thinking of you,"
Steven's face twisted with confusion, "Me?" You nodded turning your head back towards his bookcase. "I don't understand, Princess, why would I trouble you. Have I done something wrong?" He frowned.
"No," You spun around quickly, taking steps closer to his desk. "Of course not." You smiled warmly at him. "You could never do anything wrong to me, Steven."
"I hope so," Steven gave you a pleased smile as he rested his head on his hand, "So if I'm not the cause of your trouble, what is?"
"I-" You let out a frustrated sigh as you fiddled with your own hands, "You mentioned before we were attacked in the woods, something about your council forcing you to marry?"
Steven silently nodded.
"Well, I was just thinking about it... I hope you marry someone who adores you... And truly, cares for you... not just as the King of Brook but, as a person..." You blushed deeply looking down to your slippered feet. You'd forgotten you were in your nightdress. Pepper would have a heart attack if she could see you now. "You're wonderful, Steven..."
Steven groaned as he leaned forwards onto his desk and hid his face in his hands. "... Clearly not everyone agrees with you," He sighed, "Why else would Margeret have done what she had?"
Why indeed? You never understood why the Queen of Brook, Steven's wife, did what she did.
Six months after your 16th birthday, Steven and Margret were married and crowned King and Queen of Brook. They were the picture-perfect couple, or so you would have thought. Steven always been a good king. He worked hard to look after his kingdom. 'Queen' Margret didn't like Steven not paying her enough attention over the eight months they were married, not that she was lacking it and she never had anything to do with the court as a Queen should.
No, Queen Margret was far too busy with her lover. Her lover that was from a neighbouring kingdom, one that was not on good terms with Brook. Steven was a broken man for a long time after learning Margret was with her lover since before they were married.
'You look weak, Your Majesty,' Sir Alexander had hissed, 'You need to make a point with her... you know what needs to be done'. And so Steven had his wife and her lover trialled, they were charged with treason and both sentenced to death by beheading.
"I know I shouldn't speak ill of the dead..." You frowned as you thought about that woman and what she had put Steven through, "But she was a bitch!"
Steven looked up at your outburst, unable to help the crooked smile as he watched your frown deepen. He sighed deeply as he ran his hand over the back of his neck.  "... Sir Alexander seems to think her family is a good one, and I should marry her cousin-"
"Sharon!" You cut the King off, stepping as close to his desk as you could without bumping into it. "Steven you can not marry that woman, not after what she did."
Sharon was just as evil as Margaret, in your opinion. It was obvious she was jealous of her cousin, having had a crush on Steven since they were children. Sharon preyed on Steven's broken heart, wormed her way into his everyday life, trying to replace the woman who had once been his wife.
Just before your 18th birthday, Steven invited you to visit Brook for one of your first trips without Anthony. Steven had promised you could visit when the weather was warmer. He knew how much you loved the ocean there, and he kept his promise.
One night whilst you were having dinner along with Bucky and Sam, and of course Sharon, the men were making jokes, some at their King's expense. They were friends, their titles did not matter when they were joking. That wasn't the case it seemed for Sharon. She'd always hated having you around the castle and Steven because you were a princess and she was Lady Sharon. You weren't aware of her dislike to you, you had done nothing wrong as far as you knew.
"Sir James, you should not say such things in front of the Princess." Sharon hushed the knight that sat opposite you.
You grinned at Bucky, "No need to worry, Lady Sharon, you'd be surprised of the things I have heard whilst these three jest with one another."
"Perhaps it would be wise for you to stop being in their company, Princess. After all, you are supposed to be a young lady and not some thick-headed man." Sharon spoke down towards her plate.
You let out a small giggle, "I knew it, Your Majesty," You turned to look at Steven with a playful grin, "I always said you were thick." You teased, making the men once again start their laughter and jokes.
"How dare you speak to the King like so," Sharon cried out as she swung her arm through the air and hit the back of her hand against your cheek. "You wretched little child."
"Sharon, no!" Steven snarled as he along with Sam and Bucky pushed their chairs back and stood up. You held your face as tears burned your eyes, threatening to fall. "What have you done."
"Lady Sharon, we have no choice but to arrest-"
"No!" You cut Bucky off and grabbed a hold of Steven's arm as he knelt beside you, wanting to check you were okay. Your eyes were wide and teary as you looked into his. "Please, don't. It-it was a mis- misunderstanding, Steven,"
He shook his head as he reached up and slid his hand over your burning cheek. "Y/N, I-"
"Please. You can't-" You sniffled as the tears finally fell. You cleared your throat and quickly stood up, "If, you'd excuse me," You gathered your skirts and began to run towards the doors, slipping through them before they were barely open.
With a heavy sigh, Steven pushed himself up from where he had been knelt beside you and glared down at Sharon. "Why would you do something so ridiculous as that, Sharon?"
"She was insulting you, Your Majest-"
"SHE IS A FRIEND!" Steven snarled.
"SHE IS A CHILD, STEVEN!" Sharon cried as she tried to move closer to him but Steven stepped back and held his hand up in front him. "Steven-"
"I want you gone by first light. You are no longer welcome here, Lady Sharon." Steven turned his back to her, clasping his hands behind his back as he did.
"GO!" Steven ordered her.
Bucky and Sam lead Lady Sharon out of the great hall and to her chambers where she was ordered to stay until first light.
However, that wasn't what happened. When Steven had decided to retire to his chambers sometime after the incident, he found Sharon naked in his bed, begging him to forgive her for her actions. Steven ordered her to leave Brook at once.
Steven stood from his chair with a frustrated sigh, "I know, Y/N," He walked around to where you stood and leaned against his desk. "I have made sure Sir Alexander knows I have no intentions of marrying Lady Sharon." He gave you a reassuring smile as he reached up and laid his hand over the cheek that Lady Sharon had hit. His eyes moved to the other one that the bandit had hit, it had bruised quite badly but thankfully the bruise had nearly faded. "I am sorry for what happened that night." He whispered, smiling as you tilted your face into his palm as your eyes closed.
You reached up and placed your hand over his. "It is in the past, Steven, and it's not you who needs to apologise." You smiled up at him.
Steven let his hand fall from your face and quickly pushed himself from where he leaned, clearing his throat. "You best get some sleep now, Princess."
You nodded, "I shall bid you goodnight then, Your Majesty," You turned away from him but before you left, you turned back and leaned up, pressing your lips against his cheek. "I shall miss you." You smiled, "Good night, Steven," You whispered before quickly turning your back to him and leaving Steven's office before he could respond.
He stood there long after you had left. His cheeks were flushed as he thought about your warm soft lips against his stubble. He would most certainly miss you too. He always did.
Taglist: @coffeebooksandfandom @vxidnik @fckdeusername
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🕯Anon said: hi sweetheart 🕊 can you write about armin having a quiet night with the reader? something like wearing comfy pajamas, fairy lights, cute little candles, incense, soft songs and maybe some reading? and they just cuddling? 🥺 i think about that whenever i go to sleep and do all of the above, but i'm just by myself lmao anyways, thank you so much 🌸 (btw i'm the anon who asked you about the armin x painter!reader 🥺 hello 🥺 i just love how you write can we be friends please) 🕯
Quiet night with Armin
{ Armin x Reader | tw:none | sleep help, comfort, fluff | modern }
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{ "Twilight, Valley of the Genesee" 1865 by Samuel Colman 1832 - 1920 }
Shimmering golden hues weaved across pastel blue walls in the form of strings, crossing the bookshelf before making a turn at the plants corner, illuminating the room with a soft warm glow.
Your head rested against the satin pillow, just right above Armin's shoulder, close enough that you can see the rise and fall of his chest with every breath. The ends of his hair ghosting over your cheek whenever he leaned to tell a particular clever line of the book he's been reading to you.
You can't exactly remember the name of it, but you can clearly recall his excited smile this morning when showing it to you.
"It's one of my favourites" he said, "the last time i got to reread it was in high-school, has it really been that long?" And that's all you can remember from the conversation before it got sidetracked by him asking if you had lunch yet.
There's definitely something to be said about rereading a book over and over again, a sense of familiarity, an attachment to the characters, plot and world setting. It's almost magic how quickly your comfort book, show or movie can turn a horrible day into a nice one, making it the silver lining.
Looking at the way Armin would pause for a second after some lines, or chuckle at random scenes, like it's an inside joke between him and his mind, you can tell he's definitely recalling some good memories.
Just like how he's adding to his list of comfort memories by sharing this experience with you, he wants you to be a part of this silly book he once picked up as a child and continued to revisit every few years.
You glance at the remaining pages, just as he flips another one to start anew. You've already finished a third of the book, only a quarter remaining.
It's not that you're getting impatient, but it's more that the soft blanket draped over you, the warmth of Armin's body pressed next to yours and the sound of his voice, are all luring you into a hazy cloudy state where your eyelids feel too heavy and turning your head to check the clock seems too exhausting.
How long has it been? since you curled up against him right after you went to put your empty hot chocolate mugs in the sink.
You don't have the heart to tell him that your brain stopped registering the words he's saying and instead listens to the tone of his soft-spoken voice and reacts accordingly. Stealing another glance at the remaining pages, you notice a few missing, okay good, just a few more. You can hold on right?
Forcing your eyes open, you suppress a yawn threatening to rise before curling even closer to his shoulder, face against his neck, hand over his chest.
Instead of focusing on his calming heartbeat, you try to focus your attention on different things, like the smell of snowdrops flowers filling the room from the scented incense sitting on the nightstand. 
Snowdrops, the milky bell-like flowers who befriended the cold harsh snow herself.
An ancient German tale that Armin told you, on one early spring morning. When the universe was just in bloom, as the earth shaped its form and the plants dressed themselves, when the god in the heavens above just created snow, she was told to go seek her colours from the flowers below.
She came with her request, but the flowers turned their heads, refusing to acknowledge her for she is the reason for the harsh weather, deeming their life spans short, overzealous and jealous, protecting their colours from the merciless lady snow. 
She was left all alone, friendliness, colourless with no love or sympathy from a soul.
Except for one, came knocking on her door, head bowed down and humbly offered to share. Snowdrops were the flowers that warmed the snow's heart, and so white was the colour in which snow was known.
Snow made a vow, to always protect her one and only friend, even from her own self. Under her watchful gaze, snowdrops were gifted with warmth that let them be the first flowers to bloom when winter bid her goodbyes as spring was arriving soon.
You've never seen snowdrops the same since, their delicate and shy nature standing out between all the proud flowers, you even suggested planting some to Armin.
"...but sweetheart" you remember him saying with a frown, " snowdrops are poisonous."
Yeah, and so getting their scented incense was the second best option available.
You hear the sound of another page being turned, fewer left to go, just hold on a bit longer.
Wondering the room with your eyes, your gaze fell on the straw sunhat hanging from the on the back of a chair. It's Armin's favourite, he'd always wear it when the sun was particularly bright that day.
you remember him saying it was a gift from his grandpa when he was a child.
His grandpa...didn't you visit his farm a few months ago?
...yeah you did, you can recall clearly, how you were:
Squinting your eyes to avoid the bright sun, you wiped the sweat collecting on your forehead before leaning your head back against the wooden wall. The occasional passing cool breeze distracting you from the dryness in your throat, even after moving to sit in the shade your skin still felt too hot.
The grassy fields in front stretched wide before ending in white pained fences, where the crops patches for vegetables started.
The sudden gentle waves of cool air against your skin made you glance to the side, where Armin was fanning you with his hat, while holding a tray with two ice filled lemonades in his other hand.
"Are you sure you don't want to go inside?" He said, sitting next to you before handing you the cold drink, "you've already done a lot, I'll do take care of the rest."
You've been helping Armin with the farm work since sunrise, feeding the animals together and watering the crops, saying you're exhausted from the scorching hot sun was an underestimation.
And yet, somehow Armin seems unaffected. Not a sign of being bothered as he sat there next to you with his rolled up sleeves and cuffed pants, the slight flushing to his face was the only thing he got from the sun.
"Yeah, I need to lay down a bit." You remember saying, after emptying your drink in one go.
"If that's the case then-" setting the tray aside, Armin patted his lap while looking at you, "Come here."
Too tired to protest, you layed your head on his thigh, feeling your back stretching and the cool air from his fanning was already making you feel better.
"You know, there's a story my grandpa used to tell me about the sun."
An Australian folklore, about a time when the earth was merged in absolute Darkness, when even the stars refused to light up the sky.
Eternal darkness was the fate of humanity, as people were spent their lives carrying torches to light up their way.
Gnowee was an alone mother in a forsaken world, left to fend for her little son. Each day while he slept safely, she'd venture into the the fields in search for plants or seeds. Knowing very well that's it's a matter of life and death if she couldn't come back with something edible.
Each day she'd come with whatever she could find, feeding it to her son even if it meant sleeping on an empty stomach.
But with food scarce and the abyss looming at every corner, things were harder each day.
One day after rocking her child to sleep, she quietly left with her torch to dig for yams she saw on her way last time. Retracting her footsteps, it was a long journey but she knew it'd be worth it.
And so she walked and walked till she reached the place, began digging the ground but dirt and mud was all that she could find. But she couldn't just go back to her son empty handed, and so she wandered far.
She wandered so far in fact that she reached the end, not the end of her journey but the end of the earth itself.
Somehow, in someway she managed to pass from under it, her will for her son to live another day far greater that anything, and so she emerged from the other side.
The void.
Where nothingness lived.
Looking at the vast empty space, she didn't know where she was, the line between the ground and walls was so blurred that she thought she's floating.
Panic and dread filled her mind as she raised her torch higher and higher, attempting to clear a path for her to see. For she had to go back to her son, all alone sleeping by himself.
Climbing the sky was her only solution, as she wondered the world, unknowingly lighting up a path with her as she went.
"And so the Sun Goddess wonders the sky above, in search for her son." Armin told you that day, before offering you his own lemonade to drink because he was still worried about you.
You can't recall how that day ended, you think you might have fell asleep on his lap right after.
The fairylights on the wall reminded you of the clear stars sky you've seen while on the farm, his grandfather was a really sweet guy too.
With your mind still coulded in drowsiness, your hearing was also delayed apparently, since you just noticed the book in Armin's hold was closed with him staring at you with a smile instead.
Moving so he could set the book on the nightstand, Armin turned towards you before pulling you closer to him, making sure the covers don't slip off of you. He cupped your face, stroking your cheek with love in his eyes.
"I'm sorry baby, did I take too long?" He said, glancing at the clock behind you answered his question. 
You shook your head, murmuring a slurred "it's alright." 
Posture visibly relaxing, he gave your cheek a small kiss before resting too on the pillow next to you, a yawn escaping him.
With half closed eyes, you saw him cuddling close to your chest, features softening as he bid you goodnight. Your hand moved to stroke his hair just like he always liked, lacing your fingers through the soft strands you closed your eyes too. 
Warmth took over you, the feeling of his soft breath near your neck, the comfortable weight of his arms around you, the slow ticking of the clock, it all rocked you to sleep as you happily gave in.
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doyelikehaggis · 4 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Carenzo | Caroline Forbes x Enzo St. John (The Vampire Diaries)
"Thinking of jumping down and trying to walk across it?" Enzo asks from Caroline's right, sitting beside her on the stairwell. His tone is light, joking, one that she hadn't quite realized she'd missed all these months they've spent apart. 
She sniffs, sucking in a deep breath that only makes her chest hurt, and lifts her head up. She keeps her eyes straight ahead, staring at the buildings stretching out in front of her as far as she can see before the snow makes it impossible. 
"The thought crossed my mind," she admits, cracking a slight smile. "With vamp speed, we could probably get to the airport just in time. Compel a pilot if the flight's cancelled." She looks at him, blinking once or twice to see him better as she pulls a teasing look, nudging his shoulder. "Or we could just get you to fly it, Captain Lorenzo."
Enzo chuckles at the emphasis she puts on his name. It eases a little bit of the twisting in her stomach, her smile a little more genuine as she watches him duck his head for a moment.
"I actually didn't go by my right name back then," he tells her, and she raises her eyebrows, but he shakes it off. His eyes and his smile turns sad as he gazes at her. "I'm sorry about all of this, Caroline. I know you wanted to be on that flight."
She did. She needed to be on it. Lizzie and Josie are counting on her. Were counting on her, and now she's probably going to have to let them down. Again. She had told herself she would be there, especially after everything that's happened with them lately. 
"It just wasn't supposed to be like this," she says, shaking her head. "I was only supposed to be gone a few months. I wasn't—wasn't supposed to miss Christmas, or their birthday, or—"
She clamps her mouth shut, her throat aching like it's made of sandpaper.
"I just wanted to be there."
There are only so many holidays she's going to get with them. Even without the merge, she was always going to outlive them, and she's hated the thought since the day they were born. But it's so much worse now. 
"They have six years left," she says quietly, her voice shaking and her chin wobbling. "And I am running out of options. I just—I just wanted to be there, you know? For one day, at least. To see their faces light up. To watch them just be happy, without having to worry about any of this, to just—to just be there with them, as a family, and I—I just wish I had my mom because I am so lost and I don't know what I'm supposed to do."
She breaks down completely, sobs racking her body in a matter of seconds. Enzo's quick to pull her in, his arms wrapping around her as she closes her eyes against the tears and all of it. It's too much, too overwhelming. Everything hurts too much and she hates it, and why does this keep happening? Why can't something just go the way it was supposed to, why can't she be allowed to be happy?
"It's alright," Enzo murmurs into her hair, one hand stroking her back, her face buried in his chest and hands clinging to him. His voice cracks ever so slightly, and he tries to clear it. "Let it all out, sweetheart. I'm not going anywhere."
She can't begin to express how much relief the last part brings her, even if it fills her with so much dread as well. Everyone who promises they aren't leaving her finds a way in the end. Even the immortal ones. She just hugs him tighter, letting herself believe it for this one moment, because she needs this. She needs him.
They just sit there. She doesn't know for how long, but Enzo never once stops talking to her, his voice soft and soothing. Slowly, the bubbling of pain and guilt and too many other things that are tearing her apart from the inside starts to ease until it's a gentle simmering. Her sobs turn to sniffles, the tears eventually dry, the shaking in her body turns to shivers. 
Enzo pauses, and she can't see him but she can feel his chin move from her head and assumes he's looking at her. "Cold?" he asks her with concern in his voice.
Caroline huffs out a soft laugh that holds the smallest fragment of humour. "Freezing. So much for vampires being immune to everything."
Enzo chuckles along with her, one of his hands moving to her arm, rubbing through her thin coat. She curls in closer to him.
"We still function as humans," he reminds her. "Even we're not immune to frostbite. Immune to dying from it, yes, but getting all of the symptoms of it where our hands go numb and can't move? Unfortunately, no. Probably not the best idea to be sitting outside in the coldest weather of the century."
Caroline hums her agreement. Her throat is still aching, rubbing raw every time she talks. 
She feels Enzo move again and pulls back slightly to look at him. Her eyebrows furrow in confusion as he produces a scarf seemingly out of nowhere.
"When you came up here, I was going to follow you but figured you'd end up on the balcony in our room," he explains as he winds it around her neck, adjusting it to wrap it around and back down. "But then I remembered the key, and I saw the door coming out here open. You've always had a thing for being outside when you're upset."
Despite all of the crumbled, broken pieces inside of her, she smiles a little. He pauses, checking to make sure the scarf looks okay. She just gazes at him as he gently moves a few strands of her hair until he pulls his hand back. Alarm rises in her as he begins slipping his arm out of his own jacket.
"What are you doing?" she asks him as he takes it off. 
"You need it more than I do," he simply says. 
Caroline starts to protest, but he's already wrapping it around her shoulders, seemingly unfazed that he's now sitting in the middle of a snowstorm in nothing thicker than a flimsy long-sleeved t-shirt. 
"But you just said—"
"Darling, I meant you're not immune to the cold," he cuts her off, shaking his head. He has a faint smile as he adjusts the jacket, pulling it closed around her. "I've endured much worse than a chill. Trust me, I'm perfectly fine. I can barely feel it anymore."
Caroline's heart sinks. It always does when she knows he's referencing his past in Augustine but trying to veer around actually saying it. She watches his face as he continues playing with the jacket, and then the scarf, making sure they're both just right enough to keep her warm. 
"I'm glad you're here," she tells him softly, making his hand falter and his eyes move back up to hers. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
"You would get through this," he says, completely serious and sincere. His hand is still hovering next to her, a few strands of hair between his fingers. "You would be upset, but you would pull yourself together, and you would find a way to get on that plane. Even if it meant you had to march right through this snow and demand that the plane takes off otherwise you'll fly it yourself if you have to."
Caroline can't help but laugh softly at his exaggerated tone, his intentions clearly to make her do just that as his eyes sparkle with a flicker of happiness. She knows he's right, of course. It would feel so much harder if she was here all alone, stranded with little hope of getting home, but she wouldn't stop trying to find a way to make it happen.
She sighs, wiping her eyes, feeling the dried tracks on her cheeks. "Well, it's a good thing you're here then, because putting me in control of a plane definitely wouldn't get us home."
"Nonsense," Enzo says, grinning, wrapping an arm back around her shoulders. "You'd make a damn good pilot. With some supervision."
"Oh, high praise from an ex-captain," she jokes, then pauses. "It is ex-captain, right?"
Enzo nods. "Yes. That whole part of my life is in the past."
Caroline just nods back as he shifts to lean against the wall behind him, pulling her closer. She settles against his side, tucked under his arm, her head on his shoulder. There's no hope of the snow stopping any time soon, and by the looks of it, they don't have much of a reason to be in any rush anymore. 
A beat passes, silence falling over them like the snow blankets the ground. She listens to the beating of his heart as her own finally slows back to an even pace, the anger and frustration and guilt seeping out of her, leaving her nothing but exhausted. 
"Can I at least ask what your alias was?" she asks softly, her curiosity poking at her as she looks up at him with a slight raise of her eyebrows. 
Enzo glances at her, then smiles.
"Michael Quinn," he answers with a strange raise in his accent, slipping from the gruff, charming British one she's used to, to a slightly softer American one.
He gives a laugh at her obvious surprise and confusion, and his voice goes back to normal.
"I adopted a completely different identity back then. Faked an accent, pretended to be American. It was easier to blend in."
"That makes sense," Caroline agrees, but can't quite wrap her head around the idea of an American Enzo, even if just for an act. 
"I started off a pilot in '42, because of World War One," he continues, to her surprise. "By '52, I was made a Captain of the US Air Force. I ended up working with the government. Shocker, I know."
Caroline's definitely thrown, that's for sure. "I thought you weren't allowed to talk about this?" she questions. 
"Well, considering all of the people I worked with back then are more than likely dead now, I think I'm safe," Enzo says, shrugging. 
Caroline nods slowly. His logic makes sense. And if he thinks it's safe to talk about then who is she to argue? It's not as if she wouldn't like to know more about this secret part of his past.
"So, the government?" she asks, twisting around in his arms and resting her chin on his shoulder. "What, did they have some shady secrets? Oh, did it involve alien conspiracies? Please, Captain Quinn, tell me this story has aliens."
Enzo laughs, and it makes her feel a little more at home for a brief moment. This storm will pass, she thinks. In all senses.
She'll call Alaric, somehow, and let him know what's going on if he hasn't already been filled in. They'll work something out. She will find a way back to Mystic Falls, even if she does have to compel someone to fly them home.
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blancheharlow · 7 years
Ghost Busted || Rebecca & Blanche (And Some Visitors)
TLDR: This isn’t even Rebecca’s final form and Blanche…. well, we just don’t know. 
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Minor gore, blood mention, bone breaking, disturbing images. 
Remember that episode of Scooby-Doo where they sent Shaggy and Scooby out as bait and they caught the monster that was terrorizing the town and it was really just Mr. Jenkins all along?’ That’s the only thing that kept repeatedly running through Blanche’s mind as she walked in another circle. This was the plan—turns out, there was something Blanche could do. She was serving as bait. All that whining about wanting to help, and Blanche was almost regretting it. Blanche told Granny where she was… Well, she lied to Granny about where she was, so Granny was still trying to do research on this Girl in the Gap… She lied to her parents too. Said she was out with her new friend Reza. The thought Reza was a girl and not a vampire and hadn’t questioned it—they thought it was nice she was going out and making friends. She would be home by Tuesday. Blanche was nervously clutching her phone as she probably did her eight circle around the quad. The university was where they were doing it—wide open space, easy enough… And plus it was deserted in the dead on night on a Sunday in the summer. In through your nose…. Our through your mouth… That was some useless anti-anxiety bullshit that didn’t even work. Mouth breathing was gross. Blanche swallowed as she turned to circle again… Hadn’t that thing found her much easier than last time?! Blanche glanced, trying to eye Rebecca from wherever she was, and she slid her phone into the back pocket of her shorts. She would be less inclined to text someone—no one else needed to be involved in this. But Blanche only felt that paranoid feeling that made her stomach churn… Not the sickening feeling of being watched. Of all the damn times for a ghost to be late to it’s own exorcism…
Rebecca didn’t like this at all, but the voice in her head was growing louder, and if she was going to get this done, it needed to be now. Granny Harlow had put up quite a fuss about it, and with Walsh having left Ashkent, she really was the only exorcist left. An exorcist possessed by a ghost, what a ridiculous notion. And this, well– this was the first one she was going to perform since the incident. She could barely remember the past few months, all the days blended into one. She hated it. And she’d sworn off everything. But one cry for help, and here she was again. She supposed that was just…who she was. Amnon had laughed at that thought and agreed with her. She sighed softly and watched Blanche from a distance. Where was this damn ghost? A sudden chill went up her back, a very familiar chill. She was here. But…where? Her eyes flitted across the courtyard, to Blanche and she squinted. She’d never been able to see ghosts before, but something in her had changed– though she hadn’t figured out whether or not it was the demon inside of her or something else. Something else like that apparition of her younger self she’d seen in her dreams. In Ashford. She cinched her nose and watched closer, hoping Blanche could sense her, too. Things were about to get going.
Blanche longed to be able to actually see Rebecca. But she knew that wasn’t going to be an option. She rubbed her bare arms, not particularly cold, but it made her feel better. And then an all too familiar chill ran up her spin and Blanche thought she was going to vomit right there. She fought the urge to whip her head around. If she knew she could be sensed, or seen…. Blanche didn’t know if she could sense her like that because of her… gift, but she did know she could feel the girl’s eyes burrowing into the back of her skull, as if reading her soul. Blanche swallowed, and she continued to walk. ’Something isn’t right.’ The rational voice spoke in the back of her head, and Blanche willed it to shut the fuck up. This was just going to be a quick tag out. Blanche felt it— behind her? No. There was an ugly statue of the school’s mascot. She passed by it at least 15 times before them. There was an ugly crack in it, running down it’s front. Probably from age. And now it was right on Blanche’s side. A familiar sight, just out of the corner of her eye made her freeze with fear. Her bones grew rigid and she was shaking. ”Do you give up?” the voice hissed, and Blanche’s heart felt like a block of ice. She shook her head, slowly turning. Ready to walk away from the crack in the statue. Lure her out. Just when her and AJ exited The Calling Card, the girl started too loom behind her. Her lip trembled and her eyes watered. No. No crying. It would be over soon.
Rebecca kept her eyes glued on Blanche. She saw it. The statue! Shit, that was just outside of the circle’s range, she needed to get her in range of it before she could show herself. If she came out too soon, the ghost would just catch on and hop away through her strange dimension between the cracks and shadows. You really think you can help her? Rebecca grit her teeth, hand tightening around the dagger in her hand. “Shut up,” she growled, “go away. Just a little bit longer. Please.” Blanche was backing away now, getting closer. “Cmon….” she murmured, peeling away from the wall, and taking a small step towards her. “Cmon…” just a little bit closer. Just a little bit.
Blanche felt like her limbs were metal. She was slowly walking forward and she willed herself to move faster, to break out into a run, anything faster than the slow trudge she was doing. IT was looming right over her—- and she thought she saw her. On the top of her vision. She must have raised herself over her. Blanche jerked her gaze to the grass. And there she was, to the left… Blanche whimpered, turning to the right, but she was there too. Blanche cussed, turning again. But the ghost was predicting her movements, bouncing around, trying to get her to look at her. “No! Leave me alone!” It was some sort of demented dance and Blanche’s eyes were smushed shut, a refusal to look.
 Shit. The ghost was bouncing around, toying with Blanche now. Rebecca grit her teeth and took off in a full sprint. Are you sure you’ll even be able to do it? We haven’t tested our power since the merge. But she kept running anyway. Nothing was going to stop her. This was what she was put on this planet to do, and she was going to follow this until her dying breath. “Blanche!” she shouted, pulling out the last Ofuda slip she had, dug up from a box in her basement, “get in the circle!” She had to aim this perfectly. If she missed, they were screwed. She lined up her arm, pulled it back– and her mind went blank. Her feet stumbled. Amnon caught them before they fell, and the slip peetered uselessly from her grip. “Oh, shucks,” he grinned, “I missed.”
Get in the circle! Her mind’s screaming mingled with Rebecca’s and Blanche stumbled. The ghost was doing her best to bop into line of sight—No, no, no, no! It was hard—Blanche couldn’t remember where the circle was, her head was too scrambled to realize she stumbled over the line. Her eyes were clamped shut and whenever she cracked them open, she was spinning, seeing grass a building. “Leave me alone, leave me alone, please!” There were definitely tears streaming out of her eyes. And then Rebecca spoke again—but something about her voice caused her heart to sink. The crudeness was misplaced, and she didn’t… She didn’t talk like that. Blanche realized her mistake a second before she did it. It was too late. Blanche turned quickly. “Rebecca?!” She called, her eyes snapping open, she was concerned. But instead of seeing Rebecca, she was met with the spirit’s dark eyes. Blanche felt herself stiffen as the spirits lips curled into a grin much too wide for her face. ”I win.” It said, gleefully. ”I can take you now.” Blanche’s voice caught. “N-No.” The whisper was barely out of her when the ghost was gone. Confusion. Rebecca was barely 10 feet away. Her brow furrowed--- and then it seized her. The cold, clammy hand grasped at her leg, and Blanche hit the grass hard. The air escaped her lungs. “No!” Blanche gasped, trying to claw—her wrist throbbed but she barely noticed. She was trying to breathe. Trying to dig her fingernails into the earth, to hold herself. But it was impossible. The spirit was strong and Blanche wasn’t. “No! Please! Please! Don’t kill me! Please!”
Let me go to her, please Rebecca screamed inside of her own head, stuck, watching in pure horror as the spirit grasped Blanche’s leg and began to drag her away, towards the shadows. Rebecca felt ill. Please! I’ve never asked you for anything, please! But it was to no avail. Instead, Amnon just grinned, watching the spectacle. “You forget yourself,” he said to her, “I’m here to make you suffer. You made this decision. This is your fault.” He kept their eyes on the young girl. “She’s going to die and I want you to watch.” Skin vibrating, heart racing, even as she was forced to watch from inside her own mind. She’d promised. She'd promised she’d protect Blanche. She’d promised she’d save her from this spirit. She’d promised, all those years ago, when she’d set out on this journey, that she’d never let anyone innocent suffer if she could help it. Her insides boiled. “Let me out you dirty bastard!” she screamed, and it came out. It was her voice. They were both shocked. Her body jerked as she tried to stand, but he tried to keep them down. “I’m not going to let her die!”
Blanche was being dragged across the ground, her hands clawing the ground until her fingernails were bloody and caked with dirt. She was getting a face full of dead grass and dirt and tears as she tried to struggle to get free. It wasn’t working, her struggling, her fighting wasn’t working. She wasn’t strong enough. Her free leg swung, trying to find some divet in the ground to help pull her away from the ghost. The grip of the ghost around her calf was painful—as if some violent burn was coursing through her leg. She kicked, and she kicked again. Rebecca was screaming, she couldn’t hear her over the sound of her own pleading. Blanche didn’t even know what she was pleading for—life? To survive? Her friends? Her parents? Granny? Anything. She had just made friends with people her own age. She had college. Her senior year. She was only 18. Blanche would be chalked up to just another Ashkent Creek death. Unexplainable. She went missing. She spat out grass and she kicked and struggled with her left leg—The ghost had had enough. Blanche felt it pause, and she thought for a second the girl had given up on her. A moment of relief before a sickening crack echoed as her leg snapped. Blanche screamed, lurching off the ground in agony.
Rebecca ’s scream matched Blanche’s. She heard it. The snapping of her leg. It echoed around her. Rebecca’s fist slammed onto the grass. No. She was done sitting around, she was done wallowing, she was done letting this thing inside of her win. She couldn’t stand by anymore and let these things hurt people when she, and only she, had the power to stop it. “Just sit down and shut up! You can have my body, you can have my soul, but as long as my consciousness is still here, I’m not going to let anyone stop me from protecting people! So you can either fight it and lose or help me out!” Her body lifted and she launched herself at the ghost and Blanche, closing the distance quickly, her body aching from the internal struggle it battled. But this wasn’t about her, it never was. It was about doing everything in her power to save someone, and that– that was how she got this demon stuck in her. By saving someone. It wasn’t a curse. It couldn’t be. Words poured from her mouth, and she barely knew what she saw saying, chanting in Japanese, igniting the circle. “Get your hands off of her, you filthy demon!” Her dagger came down right on top of the ghost’s now corporeal arm, thanks to her circle. It tore right in half and Rebecca left the dagger lodged in the ground as she hauled Blanche up and away. Eyes flashing red. “You’re little game of hide and seek is over, spirit,” she growled, “time for you to take a hike.”
Blanche‘s vision blurred as she writhed. She couldn’t move and she kept trying to rip her broken leg from the monster that was dragging it. Tears streamed down her face as she left clawmarks on her own legs. What was Rebecca doing? She didn’t know and she wasn’t sure she cared. Something had gone wrong. Rebecca had missed. This wasn’t—- and then something wasn’t right. Rebecca poured over her and she saw a flash of metal…. Blanche was covered in blood? This wasn’t blood. Not real blood. Blanche’s mind was going fuzzy as Rebecca dragged her away, her leg screaming in protest and Blanche trying to ask what was going on. Black spots came to her vision, and she thought of Granny and her parents. What was going on? “I… want to go home.” She whispered.
Rebecca ’s features softened for only a moment at Blanche’s weak plea. “I know, darling,” she murmured, looking down at her as she set her safely in the circle, “just give me a moment and we’ll get you home.” And when she looked back up, her eyes were red again. The spirit was screaming in agony now, writhing around as it grasped for its severed arm, pinned down to the circle by her dagger. Rebecca calmly put her hands together and glowered down at it. “Spirit of Japan, you have haunted this girl and this town for far too long. It’s time for you to go home,” she said, and opened her mouth to begin the banishment. “Or how about we kill her.” A wicked grin. Words poured from her mouth again, ones she didn’t even know. Ones she’d never even learned. She felt something surging inside of her. The dybbuk. He was using his own power to destroy another spirit. Channeling it through her. The girl began to vibrate, pieces of her body peeling away from her. Steam poured from Rebecca’s hands, pressed together like irons. The ghost screamed in agony again, as if pleading for its life. Pathetic, isn’t it?
Rebecca set her down gently, and Blanche fell to the side, unwilling to hold herself up. The feeling in her leg…. Well, Blanche knew that she was going into shock. The numbing feeling that was starting to happen wouldn’t last foever, and things wouldn’t be okay. They would possibly need to rebreak it at the hospital, and then set it, which would be even more painful… Or it was supposed to be even more painful. Blanche couldn’t think of what could hurt more at that very second, unless it was her pride. She was curled over, sobbing into her arm. This wasn’t how this was supposed to go. What had she done wrong? Was this her fault? Rebecca was talking to herself, but no one was there. Confused and dazed, Blanche stared… Were all exorcisms like this? Blanche lurched as she tried to shift, the ghosts screams piercing the air and hurting her ears. Pain shot up her own body and Blanche moaned, falling back onto the grass as dark spots clouded her eyes. The ghost girls screams were fading and so was Rebecca. Maybe… it was time to sleep.
“No,” Rebecca hissed, “it’s not.” The spirit was screaming and writhing before her, and she almost– almost– wanted to keep going. But she couldn’t. That wasn’t the kind of exorcist she was. And perhaps that resolve was what had gotten her into the predicament of being possessed herself, but if she compromised her morals now, then they actually won. And she wouldn’t let that. With another great yell, she pulled her hands apart and snapped her jaw shut. The remnants of the spirit drifted around her, the agonized screaming dissipating. She was still here. Good. Rebecca bent down and pressed her palms to the ground, in front of the dissolving spirit. “Count yourself lucky,” she murmured to her, “and never come back here. I might not be able to stop him next time.” And finished off the banishment, watching the spirit finally disappear. When it did, when all was still, Rebecca let herself fall for a moment, breathing heavily. Everything was still and quiet now. There was ectoplasm all over the ground and her arm and Blanche’s legs. A little bit of blood. Rebecca’s palms were burned with the expulsion of the Dybbuk’s power. Blanche’s leg was snapped and crooked. But they’d won. She had a long ways to go, but they won. Rebecca pulled her cellphone from her pocket– with great pain and effort– and dialed 911. They’d won.
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warnerbro · 8 years
that one party
Boo: [What was she doing there? What in the world was she--- Cilla Dodgeson's blonde hair whipped around the corner, once more, as Boo stuck like glue to the wall. It was the ghost of ex girlfriend past, and of course Donnie's arm was around her. There they were, haunting Boo, as any ghost would; tormenting him.
Boo: As if supporting Donnie at soccer games wasn't enough. As if kissing that stupid guy in front of him wasn't enough. No, she was haunting him, and making sure he'd remember her and see her face every chance he'd get. Especially at that stupid party. So he took one look at her and scRUNCHED HIS NOSE, AND SCOFFED BEfORE TAKING A NICE GULP OF SOME MIXED DRINK
Cilla: [Cilla's honestly thinking to herself, why am I at a college party? I don't even like high school parties that much. Maybe these are better? Eh. Anyway, she was just here because Donnie wanted her to come with him. Something about it being important for her to come with him? Whatever. But yikes. She notices Boo is there too, and of course, why wouldn't he be? Wasn't this a soccer team sort of party? Heck. She grimaces so hard. But she huddles further into Donnie, like, keep me away from these drunk people. I'm tiny.]
Boo: [Melissa, of course, sees his discomfort. She walked right up to him and suggested they should leave, right there but no. Not tonight. He wouldn't be running away from that girl anymore, so he took one more drink and shook his head.] No, I'm spectacular. Just get me trashed. [So she nodded and disappeared for a minute and returned with libations. He tried not to stare. Boy, Willy, did he try not to stare, but of course he did, as even when he felt like he should hate her, he really didn't, and couldn't.]*
Cilla: [As Cilla is probably unable to keep her peripheral vision off of Boo, she sees that snake in the grass approach Boo, and that only serves to make her grimace even harder and tense even more. Donnie notices this. He raises an eyebrow at her, asking what was wrong.] Just not used to this... I guess. [She gave an awkward laugh, and Donnie gave her this smile, told her how adorable she was, and handed her a cup with what she guessed was alcohol in it. Oh, cool. Though, in her state of 'kill me now' she took a laRGE sip of it, and then coughed because wtf is this stuff he just gave me it is strong stuff. Donnie patted her back, and told her to slow down to which she just nodded. Yikey.]
Boo: [he wasn't quite seeing double yet. Moments had passed. Beer pong match after pong match. There were some quarters involved with a shot glass, and Melissa had even pulled him away to play a round of flip cup. She was great at distracting him. It worked, but Boo couldn't forget about that blonde-haired girl. Nope. She stayed in the back of her mind, and Boo had assumed to the side of a certain Rocket boy. His stomach tied in drunken knots he felt sick at that notion. He was still in control of most of his functions and though he swore he wasn't intoxicated, he could feel his inhibitions escaping to freedom. His eyes scanned the room once more. Melissa was nowhere to be found, and he was on his way to find somewhere to sit down, alone. To think. To escape the embarassment of how he felt-- ashamed that Cilla wasn't with him and instead with that assclown of a person. He found the perfect place up the stairs and down the hallway.]
Cilla: [The room. It was spinning. Yup. The lights were merging together. How much did she have, exactly, in her quest to not pay attention to her boyfriend's sister and her ex-whatever? Too much for someone that drank maybe half a beer for the two parties she'd been too in her life. Awesome. She swayed a little, into Donnie. He stopped his conversation with his soccer pal to ask his gf if she was alright.] Yeah. I'm fine. I just-- I think I need to go to the bathroom, and... I don't know, splash some water in my face. Nope, you can stay here. I'm a big girl, thanks. [So, on her way she goes. Up the stairs???? Down the hallway????? And oop, there's a door. Oop. This room is occupied by... ohboy. She freezes y'all. But the grimace from earlier is back now. She says nothing because BOY WHY.]*
Boo: [Boo's sitting in an armchair, his head in his hands and the room is spinning for him as well, but he's not drunk. No. Don't ask him because he'd drive himself home right now. It was only a couple of beers. A couple of drinking games. Whatever. He just needed time to himself. Which was interrupted. He looked up at the door, and his eyes fell upon a silent Cilla and he could throw himself out the window right now because why?! So he's going to address her with a real condescending tone. ] You lost, Princess?
Cilla: [And yup. Was she an angry drunk? Because, boy, that condescending tone just got her PISSED.] Yeah. You know what? I guess I am. Because I'd rather be anywhere else than standing right here. Believe me. [but is she even making an attempt to move? Probably not. Maybe a sway towards the door.]*
Boo: Good job leaving. Congrats. A+ feet you have there. [He claps.] So while I've got you here, you can't just bring yourself to my soccer games, I told you to not to feel obliged to come. Remember?
Cilla: Fuck off, Boo. [iF SHE COULD LEAVE SHE WOULD BUT HER FEET AREN'T WORKING.] You said don't feel obliged to come /for you/. And I'm not.
Boo: You'RE THE ONE STILL HERE. [ SO HE SHOOTs RIGH T UP bECAUSE LET"S GET ANGREY LETS. walking towards her all angry like] You're the one still fucking here. And Cilla, for the first time in ever, I really don't want you around anymore. So go. Leave. [he points to the door. because gdi go away.]
Cilla: YES, YES, GO AHEAD AND ACT LIKE YOU CAN KICK ME OUT OF A PLACE THAT ISN'T YOURS??? [she roLLS HER EYES.] If you don't want to be around me, which, trust me, I feel the same, you're welcome to walk away. Because, yeah, not everything is on me.
Boo: You're the one who walked away from me, and THEN you walked right back around with that STUPID GUY ON YOUR ARM SO.... [he points back towards the door, agAIN. LIKE FUCK YA I WAS HERE FIRST GET OUT, he sways of course. Alcohol soz.] I don't think I can forgive for this anymore, and I don't want you in my life anymore. Stay away.[his eye twitches tho, lol bcs he doesnt MEAN IT]
Cilla: [NOT EVEN GONNA REPLY TO THAT BS BECAUSE HE'S ACTUALLY BEEN WITH MELISSA ALL NIGHT? AND TO THE REST OF THIS, THE STUBBORN PRINCESS, WHO ALWAYS GETS HER WAY, just plants her drunken feet, crosses her arms, gets this defiant look, and stays silent.]
Boo: [HE IS GONNA PULL ALL OF HIS HAIR OUT BECAUSE GDI GO AWAY. He opens his mouth to sCREAM AT HER. BECAUSE FRUSTRATION. But it takes a step back. He pauses and takes a deep breath. He looks to the floor, and seriously seriously puts on his apology face.] You're breaking my heart all over again, and I understand why. You're mad at me because what I did with Mel, it was unfair. But what you're doing--[ hE FINALLY LOOKS BACK UP AT HER.] Showing up here, and everywhere else--it's not fair to me.
Cilla: [NOT EVEN GONNA REPLY TO THAT BS BECAUSE HE'S ACTUALLY BEEN WITH MELISSA ALL NIGHT? AND TO THE REST OF THIS, THE STUBBORN PRINCESS, WHO ALWAYS GETS HER WAY, just plants her drunken feet, crosses her arms, gets this defiant look, and stays silent.]
Boo: [HE IS GONNA PULL ALL OF HIS HAIR OUT BECAUSE GDI GO AWAY. He opens his mouth to sCREAM AT HER. BECAUSE FRUSTRATION. But it takes a step back. He pauses and takes a deep breath. He looks to the floor, and seriously seriously puts on his apology face.] You're breaking my heart all over again, and I understand why. You're mad at me because what I did with Mel, it was unfair. But what you're doing--[ hE FINALLY LOOKS BACK UP AT HER.] Showing up here, and everywhere else--it's not fair to me.
Cilla: [She does nothing but scoff. Really.] Do you think I keep visiting to hurt you? Really? [clo eyebrow raise.]
Boo: Don't you even pretend this isn't about us. [SCOFF RIGHT BACk.]
Cilla: Crazy enough, I come to visit Donnie. You know, that guy. My boyfriend. [she makes a face that says 'duh you idiot'.
Boo: Yeah. He just so happens to play on the same tEAM as me. He JUST SO HAPPENS TO BE MELISSA'S brother. Makes sense, why you'd pick him. [HE GIVES HER A SARCASTIC SHRUG.] Right?! Make REAL sure I know about. See it. [He claps again.] GREAT.
Cilla: I didn't even /know/ he was Melissa brother the first time I met him. It's not all about /you/, Boo. And just... [she shakes her head. She wants to break his hands.] No. You know what? I don't need to explain a n y t h i n g to you.
Boo: Yeah. You were LEAVING anyways. [ eye roll]
Cilla: Nope, that was you. [the face of pure sass.]
Boo: I was here first. [crossing his arms over his chest.]
Cilla: Don't care~. [she does the same.]
Boo: You know what? I can't stand you right now. Really, REALLY hate you right now. [STANDIN THERE ]
Cilla: Now you know how I've felt for months. Congratulations. [SAME.]
Boo: Thanks. REALLY appreCIAte THAT. [YELLIN,]
Boo: [He doesn't leave. He doesn't move. He takes one look at her, and the sneer he was sure to have worn softened as he let out a low fit of laughter.] I'm not going anywhere, Cil. I'm still here. And, you know what, when you're done being stubborn, I'm sure I"ll still be mad at you, but I'll be here. [so he walks right up to her, because let's push her buttons, right?] Because, yeah, I hate you so much right now, but you're still the same girl I'm head over heels for. So, you go on. Go on with your life, parade your stupid boyfriend around and you keep telling yourself that it's not about me. Because we both know it is. Otherwise we wouldn't have even had this conversation. Otherwise you still wouldn't be here.
Cilla: [She freezes again, because now he's closer. Much closer, and her alcohol-addled brain is somehow even more jarred by the lack of distance. But, his words still manage to fuel the fire of anger within her, because what right does he have to say all of those things? She managed to pull herself back enough to throw a look of annoyance his way.] Keep telling yourself that it /is/ about you, then, you arrogant asshole. If that's what gets you through, go ahead. But, you know what? It doesn't make you right. Because I feel nothing for you. Not anymore.*
Boo: Nothing? Just like that? Nothing? [So that would have hurt Boo a lot. A whole lot, a couple of months ago, and maybe without the alcohol it would have reverberated within him, but he knew that girl was lying. So he looked at her, and understood her words as a challege. He let out an irriatated sigh, before taking one step closer to her, and without any permission he tested her words. A hand on her waist, he kissed her, just as he had wanted to for the past couple of months--just like he did those months ago in his car-- just as he did under that mistletoe. He kissed her, like it would have been his last kiss on earth, K. Because well, it might as well have been, right?]
Cilla: [She was poised to answer-- ready to tell him, yes, without a doubt, I feel nothing but absolute hatred for you now. You're nothing but a piece of shit, and I didn't deserve what you did. But there was no opportunity for the words to leave her mouth. Because, as soon as she began, his lips were on hers, and her ~inebriated~ legs practically buckled underneath her. And no, she didn't try in any way to push the boy off of her. Nope. She kissed him like she hadn't kissed anybody since... well, the last time she kissed Boo. One might say she's kind of all over him right now.]
Boo: [A fist in the air in his mind, just like the breakfast club, yep, everything she had said, well this proved it completely wrong. So he pulled her closer because why stop? After all this time, after everything, he could still lose himself in that stubborn girl. So arms wrapped tightly around her holding her in palce and lips pressed all too close it happened. Even, with what he had just said to her. Even after all the hurt they had caused each other. It fell all on this really real moment. No matter how drunk she tasted-- it was real. So no, he didn't mind how all over she was on him. Nope, he invited it.]
Cilla: [In the back of her mind, someplace where her logic was still slightly working, something was telling her that her boyfriend was downstairs, and she should stop now, while she was ahead, and she could pass this... lapse of judgement on alcohol and Boo starting it, but... no, that voice was too far away. Why listen to that voice when there was a louder voice telling her to continue. So, what does she do? She listens to the loud voice, and she's got him by the collar, and she's pushing him towards the chair he was sitting in when she came in. Oop, they're down. Oop, she's on top of him. Yikes.]*
Boo: [ So lips on lips, he fell towards the chair, with his hands surely crawling up places they weren't supposed to like, for instance probably under hER SKIRT, he pulled Cilla with him. There was no breaking his hold on her now. There was no stopping him. There was no stopping her, he was sure. And screw the party, screw her boyfriend. screw Melissa. It was just him and Cilla now. And if he had it his way, it would be that way forever. But all things would come to an end he was sure. For the time being however, he would continue to kiss her, even after the door was opened and someone eNTERED THE ROOM.]
Cilla: [For the better part of being in this chair, Cilla's brain actually ceased to function. Like, she was certain there was no activity happening up there, because she literally couldn't think. The only things occupying that space were lips and, whoa HANDS. And, boy did she not mind it at aLL. But then, the sound of a door opening behind her kicked that silent part of her brain into gear, and she realized OH BOY, and she was practically army rolling off of Boo, her face towards the wall so the interruption didn't see her, stayin quiet bc oh geez.]*
Boo: [Before he even had a chance to react to the absence of Cilla, he opened his eyes, and Melissa Thornberry Rocket stared at him from the doorway. He had to catch his breath from, well, Cilla literally taking his breath away and before he was able to take calming inhale, the other girl had her hands acrossed her chest. That look in her face-- that anger shook Boo a little too sober, and he didn't know whether to explain himself, or accept the fact that, yeah, he was walking home that night. So he ran his hands through the hair on his head, because gFDi why didn't he lock the door. He looked up at Cilla, her back facing him, and he had no words.]
Cilla: [Cilla still has no idea of what fate could besET HER SHOULD SHE TURN AROUND RIGHT NOW. SHE IS UNAWARE OF THE DANGER THAT SURROUNDS HER. So, she just keeps herself pointed towards the wall. Practically everyone in this house knew her boyfriend, and therefore, they knew she was DATING him. No matter who it was, if they saw it was her she was s c r e w e d. So, she stayed silent in her little corner, probably burying her face in her knees. Like, nope, you won't see me today sis.]*
Boo: [Before he could even explain what was happening, Miss Rocket had literally stomped out of the room. And what had recently transpired as the most awkward silence in his whole life, the door slammed behind her. He looked up to the ceiling and closed his eyes, got up from his spot, and before taking his leave, he placed a hand on Cilla's shoulder, just lightly as if to ask if she was okay.]*
Cilla: [When she heard the door shut, she didn't get up immediately. But then she felt a hand on her shoulder, and that sprung her to action. Without another word, literally, she was up and out the door (the opposite direction that Melly went in). Because. Nope. Not facing this. Not in this drunken state. Not today. Bye Boo. She's probably ACTUALLY going to the bathroom now.]*
Boo: [So that's when Boo walked out too. Yep, out to find Melissa, because low and behold she was his ride home, and without her, he was going to walk his ass home lol.]
Boo: [And avoiding everyone else, he probably never found her so he did.]
0 notes
warnerbro · 8 years
Boo: [What was she doing there? What in the world was she--- Cilla Dodgeson's blonde hair whipped around the corner, once more, as Boo stuck like glue to the wall. It was the ghost of ex girlfriend past, and of course Donnie's arm was around her. There they were, haunting Boo, as any ghost would; tormenting him. As if supporting Donnie at soccer games wasn't enough. As if kissing that stupid guy in front of him wasn't enough. No, she was haunting him, and making sure he'd remember her and see her face every chance he'd get. Especially at that stupid party. So he took one look at her and scRUNCHED HIS NOSE, AND SCOFFED BEfORE TAKING A NICE GULP OF SOME MIXED DRINK]
Cilla: [Cilla's honestly thinking to herself, why am I at a college party? I don't even like high school parties that much. Maybe these are better? Eh. Anyway, she was just here because Donnie wanted her to come with him. Something about it being important for her to come with him? Whatever. But yikes. She notices Boo is there too, and of course, why wouldn't he be? Wasn't this a soccer team sort of party? Heck. She grimaces so hard. But she huddles further into Donnie, like, keep me away from these drunk people. I'm tiny.]
Boo: [Melissa, of course, sees his discomfort. She walked right up to him and suggested they should leave, right there but no. Not tonight. He wouldn't be running away from that girl anymore, so he took one more drink and shook his head.] No, I'm spectacular. Just get me trashed. [So she nodded and disappeared for a minute and returned with libations. He tried not to stare. Boy, Willy, did he try not to stare, but of course he did, as even when he felt like he should hate her, he really didn't, and couldn't.]*
Cilla: [As Cilla is probably unable to keep her peripheral vision off of Boo, she sees that snake in the grass approach Boo, and that only serves to make her grimace even harder and tense even more. Donnie notices this. He raises an eyebrow at her, asking what was wrong.] Just not used to this... I guess. [She gave an awkward laugh, and Donnie gave her this smile, told her how adorable she was, and handed her a cup with what she guessed was alcohol in it. Oh, cool. Though, in her state of 'kill me now' she took a laRGE sip of it, and then coughed because wtf is this stuff he just gave me it is strong stuff. Donnie patted her back, and told her to slow down to which she just nodded. Yikey.]
Boo: [he wasn't quite seeing double yet. Moments had passed. Beer pong match after pong match. There were some quarters involved with a shot glass, and Melissa had even pulled him away to play a round of flip cup. She was great at distracting him. It worked, but Boo couldn't forget about that blonde-haired girl. Nope. She stayed in the back of hIS mind, and Boo had assumed to the side of a certain Rocket boy. His stomach tied in drunken knots he felt sick at that notion. He was still in control of most of his functions and though he swore he wasn't intoxicated, he could feel his inhibitions escaping to freedom. His eyes scanned the room once more. Melissa was nowhere to be found, and he was on his way to find somewhere to sit down, alone. To think. To escape the embarrassment of how he felt-- ashamed that Cilla wasn't with him and instead with that assclown of a person. He found the perfect place up the stairs and down the hallway.]
Cilla: [The room. It was spinning. Yup. The lights were merging together. How much did she have, exactly, in her quest to not pay attention to her boyfriend's sister and her ex-whatever? Too much for someone that drank maybe half a beer for the two parties she'd been too in her life. Awesome. She swayed a little, into Donnie. He stopped his conversation with his soccer pal to ask his gf if she was alright.] Yeah. I'm fine. I just-- I think I need to go to the bathroom, and... I don't know, splash some water in my face. Nope, you can stay here. I'm a big girl, thanks. [So, on her way she goes. Up the stairs???? Down the hallway????? And oop, there's a door. Oop. This room is occupied by... ohboy. She freezes y'all. But the grimace from earlier is back now. She says nothing because BOY WHY.]*
Boo: [Boo's sitting in an armchair, his head in his hands and the room is spinning for him as well, but he's not drunk. No. Don't ask him because he'd drive himself home right now, just to prove 'em wrong. It was only a couple of beers. A couple of drinking games. Whatever. He just needed time to himself. Which was interrupted. He looked up at the door, and his eyes fell upon a silent Cilla and he could throw himself out the window right now because why?! So he's going to address her with a real condescending tone. ] You lost, Princess?
Cilla: [And yup. Was she an angry drunk? Because, boy, that condescending tone just got her PISSED.] Yeah. You know what? I guess I am. Because I'd rather be anywhere else than standing right here. Believe me. [but is she even making an attempt to move? Probably not. Maybe a sway towards the door.]*
Boo: Good job leaving. Congrats. A+ feet you have there. [He claps.] So while I've got you here, you can't just bring yourself to my soccer games, I told you to not to feel obliged to come. Remember?
Cilla: Fuck off, Boo. [iF SHE COULD LEAVE SHE WOULD BUT HER FEET AREN'T WORKING.] You said don't feel obliged to come /for you/. And I'm not.
Boo: You'RE THE ONE STILL HERE. [ SO HE SHOOTs RIGH T UP bECAUSE LET"S GET ANGREY LETS. walking towards her all angry like] You're the one still fucking here. And Cilla, for the first time in ever, I really don't want you around anymore. So go. Leave. [he points to the door. because gdi go away.]
Cilla: YES, YES, GO AHEAD AND ACT LIKE YOU CAN KICK ME OUT OF A PLACE THAT ISN'T YOURS??? [she roLLS HER EYES.] If you don't want to be around me, which, trust me, I feel the same, you're welcome to walk away. Because, yeah, not everything is on me.
Boo: You're the one who walked away from me, and THEN you walked right back around with that STUPID GUY ON YOUR ARM SO.... [he points back towards the door, agAIN. LIKE FUCK YA I WAS HERE FIRST GET OUT, he sways of course. Alcohol soz.] I don't think I can forgive for this anymore, and I don't want you in my life anymore. Stay away.[his eye twitches tho, lol bcs he doesnt MEAN IT]
Cilla: [NOT EVEN GONNA REPLY TO THAT BS BECAUSE HE'S ACTUALLY BEEN WITH MELISSA ALL NIGHT? AND TO THE REST OF THIS, THE STUBBORN PRINCESS, WHO ALWAYS GETS HER WAY, just plants her drunken feet, crosses her arms, gets this defiant look, and stays silent.]
Boo: [HE IS GONNA PULL ALL OF HIS HAIR OUT BECAUSE GDI GO AWAY. He opens his mouth to sCREAM AT HER. BECAUSE FRUSTRATION. But it takes a step back. He pauses and takes a deep breath. He looks to the floor, and seriously seriously puts on his apology face.] You're breaking my heart all over again, and I understand why. You're mad at me because what I did with Mel, it was unfair. But what you're doing--[ hE FINALLY LOOKS BACK UP AT HER.] Showing up here, and everywhere else--it's not fair to me.
Cilla: [She does nothing but scoff. Really.] Do you think I keep visiting to hurt you? Really? [clo eyebrow raise.]
Boo: Don't you even pretend this isn't about us. [SCOFF RIGHT BACk.]
Cilla: Crazy enough, I come to visit Donnie. You know, that guy. My boyfriend. [she makes a face that says 'duh you idiot'.
Boo: Yeah. He just so happens to play on the same tEAM as me. He JUST SO HAPPENS TO BE MELISSA'S brother. Makes sense, why you'd pick him. [HE GIVES HER A SARCASTIC SHRUG.] Right?! Make REAL sure I know about. See it. [He claps again.] GREAT.
Cilla: I didn't even /know/ he was Melissa brother the first time I met him. It's not all about /you/, Boo. And just... [she shakes her head. She wants to break his hands.] No. You know what? I don't need to explain a n y t h i n g to you.
Boo: Yeah. You were LEAVING anyways. [ eye roll]
Cilla: Nope, that was you. [the face of pure sass.]
Boo: I was here first. [crossing his arms over his chest.]
Cilla: Don't care~. [she does the same.]
Boo: You know what? I can't stand you right now. Really, REALLY hate you right now. [STANDIN THERE ]
Cilla: Now you know how I've felt for months. Congratulations. [SAME.]
Boo: Thanks. REALLY appreCIAte THAT. [YELLIN,]
Boo: [He doesn't leave. He doesn't move. He takes one look at her, and the sneer he was sure to have worn softened as he let out a low fit of laughter.] I'm not going anywhere, Cil. I'm still here. And, you know what, when you're done being stubborn, I'm sure I"ll still be mad at you, but I'll be here. [so he walks right up to her, because let's push her buttons, right?] Because, yeah, I hate you so much right now, but you're still the same girl I'm head over heels for. So, you go on. Go on with your life, parade your stupid boyfriend around and you keep telling yourself that it's not about me. Because we both know it is. Otherwise we wouldn't have even had this conversation. Otherwise you still wouldn't be here.
Cilla: [She freezes again, because now he's closer. Much closer, and her alcohol-addled brain is somehow even more jarred by the lack of distance. But, his words still manage to fuel the fire of anger within her, because what right does he have to say all of those things? She managed to pull herself back enough to throw a look of annoyance his way.] Keep telling yourself that it /is/ about you, then, you arrogant asshole. If that's what gets you through, go ahead. But, you know what? It doesn't make you right. Because I feel nothing for you. Not anymore.*
Boo: Nothing? Just like that? Nothing? [So that would have hurt Boo a lot. A whole lot, a couple of months ago, and maybe without the alcohol it would have reverberated within him, but he knew that girl was lying. So he looked at her, and understood her words as a challemge. He let out an irratated sigh, before taking one step closer to her, and without any permission he tested her words. A hand on her waist, he kissed her, just as he had wanted to for the past couple of months--just like he did those months ago in his car-- just as he did under that mistletoe. He kissed her, like it would have been his last kiss on earth, K. Because well, it might as well have been, right?]
Cilla: [She was poised to answer-- ready to tell him, yes, without a doubt, I feel nothing but absolute hatred for you now. You're nothing but a piece of shit, and I didn't deserve what you did. But there was no opportunity for the words to leave her mouth. Because, as soon as she began, his lips were on hers, and her ~inebriated~ legs practically buckled underneath her. And no, she didn't try in any way to push the boy off of her. Nope. She kissed him like she hadn't kissed anybody since... well, the last time she kissed Boo. One might say she's kind of all over him right now.]
Boo: [A fist in the air in his mind, just like the breakfast club, yep, everything she had said, well this proved it completely wrong. So he pulled her closer because why stop? After all this time, after everything, he could still lose himself in that stubborn girl. So arms wrapped tightly around her holding her in place and lips pressed all too close. it happened. Even, with what he had just said to her. Even after all the hurt they had caused each other. It fell all on this really real moment. No matter how drunk she tasted-- it was real. So no, he didn't mind how all over she was on him. Nope, he invited it.]
Cilla: [In the back of her mind, someplace where her logic was still slightly working, something was telling her that her boyfriend was downstairs, and she should stop now, while she was ahead, and she could pass this... lapse of judgement on alcohol and Boo starting it, but... no, that voice was too far away. Why listen to that voice when there was a louder voice telling her to continue. So, what does she do? She listens to the loud voice, and she's got him by the collar, and she's pushing him towards the chair he was sitting in when she came in. Oop, they're down. Oop, she's on top of him. Yikes.]*
Boo: [ So lips on lips, he fell towards the chair, with his hands surely crawling up places they weren't supposed to like, for instance probably under hER SKIRT, he pulled Cilla with him. There was no breaking his hold on her now. There was no stopping him. There was no stopping her, he was sure. And screw the party, screw her boyfriend. screw Melissa. It was just him and Cilla now. And if he had it his way, it would be that way forever. But all things would come to an end he was sure. For the time being however, he would continue to kiss her, even after the door was opened and someone eNTERED THE ROOM.]
Cilla: [For the better part of being in this chair, Cilla's brain actually ceased to function. Like, she was certain there was no activity happening up there, because she literally couldn't think. The only things occupying that space were lips and, whoa HANDS. And, boy did she not mind it at aLL. But then, the sound of a door opening behind her kicked that silent part of her brain into gear, and she realized OH BOY, and she was practically army rolling off of Boo, her face towards the wall so the interruption didn't see her, stayin quiet bc oh geez.]*
Boo: [Before he even had a chance to react to the absence of Cilla, he opened his eyes, and Melissa Thornberry Rocket stared at him from the doorway. He had to catch his breath from, well, Cilla literally taking his breath away and before he was able to take calming inhale, the other girl had her hands across her chest. That look in her face-- that anger shook Boo a little too sober, and he didn't know whether to explain himself, or accept the fact that, yeah, he was walking home that night. So he ran his hands through the hair on his head, because gFDi why didn't he lock the door. He looked up at Cilla, her back facing him, and he had no words.]
Cilla: [Cilla still has no idea of what fate could besET HER SHOULD SHE TURN AROUND RIGHT NOW. SHE IS UNAWARE OF THE DANGER THAT SURROUNDS HER. So, she just keeps herself pointed towards the wall. Practically everyone in this house knew her boyfriend, and therefore, they knew she was DATING him. No matter who it was, if they saw it was her she was s c r e w e d. So, she stayed silent in her little corner, probably burying her face in her knees. Like, nope, you won't see me today sis.]*
Boo: [Before he could even explain what was happening, Miss Rocket had literally stomped out of the room. And what had recently transpired as the most awkward silence in his whole life, the door slammed behind her. He looked up to the ceiling and closed his eyes, got up from his spot, and before taking his leave, he placed a hand on Cilla's shoulder, just lightly as if to ask if she was okay.]*
Cilla: [When she heard the door shut, she didn't get up immediately. But then she felt a hand on her shoulder, and that sprung her to action. Without another word, literally, she was up and out the door (the opposite direction that Melly went in). Because. Nope. Not facing this. Not in this drunken state. Not today. Bye Boo. She's probably ACTUALLY going to the bathroom now.]*
Boo: [So that's when Boo walked out too. Yep, out to find Melissa, because low and behold she was his ride home, and without her, he was going to walk his ass home lol. And avoiding everyone else, he probably never found her so he did.]
0 notes