#slowly updating my page and making icons
splatreference · 1 month
File Garden Mirror of Splatrefs
hey peeps! I genuinely forget if i've already made this post because i've been meaning to for like 5 months, but the gist of it is that i've been working on a mirror of this blog on File Garden.
This will function as a backup of the blog in case something ever happens to it (e.g. tumblr dies, i get banned, i accidentally delete it and whatever else giant meteor etc.) But it will also serve as an alternative way to access the resources here through another website, as well as easily access all the files themselves rather than having to sift through photo posts.
The pros that come with this:
MUCH easier management and uploading of pictures and even videos (for me). Tumblr has a daily image upload limit and even then the images have to be split across many different posts, which makes it a days-long, sometimes weeks-long process to be able to add pictures. Also don't have to memorize tags. -
Clear organization; folders and subfolders mean that everything can be neatly in one place. Whether you find this easier and/or more convenient to navigate than Tumblr tags is subjective, though. -
Easy downloads! I'm always saying that if you need some references a lot, I recommend saving them for yourself and File Garden makes it pretty easy to my knowledge. I will keep recommending this, by the way. -
In MY experience, load times for images are usually much faster than on Tumblr (which is definitely my main draw for making it in the first place) -
It's not Tumblr, but an actual file hosting site. I know, that's revolutionary
Unfortunately File Garden also isn't perfect, so to be thorough here is also a list of cons:
The site is down ALL the time. I feel like it has constant outages which isn't really unexpected for a smaller site. The good news is that these rarely last very long - the bad news is that you might also run into errors. -
There are no folder icons, which can make it a bit harder than it needs to be to actually find where you want to go, which is annoying given there's no search -
While faster at loading image previews than tumblr by a country mile (especially when reloading the page), loading in the images can be really flashy. As in they literally flash white when loading in sometimes.
Going forward, I'll be uploading everything I upload here also to File Garden. I'm slowly working towards copying every major thing from the blog over to there (it's horrible guys, one copypaste at a time) so it should fill up over time and be usable as an alternate resource!
(Also, for anyone taking a look, please help a guy out in the endless war against admin error. If there's pictures in folders where they shouldn't be or there's thumbnail-sized uploads in some of the folders, shoot an ask here with the location and I'll fix it...)
That's it for this century's status update. I've been procrastinating a fuck ton on actually getting anything uploaded here... hope everyone has a good Sizzle Season and maybe I'll try to catch up at least a little bit.
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rainslices · 2 years
long time no update!! (what i've been up to, new project, etc)
hellaur tumblr people... it has been a while since i've written a proper update on things I MEAN, WELL, if you follow me on twitter, you would probably already have heard! but before i get into that, i first want to welcome all ye who recently followed. congrats for finding my tumblr!!! either that or you probably came from twitter. whichever route you took, be careful... because once you check in, you can never check out muahahahaha!!!
first, look at this, i recently made a placeholder icon for jackham's itch io page!!! (it's currently an unpublished draft though)
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this isn't even the final thing, but it still somehow slaps. why did i make a placeholder icon? it's to replace the old one, which was this
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BLEGGH. i went ahead and made a better one, even if i'm the only person who can see it in its unpublished state LMAO. anyways. where am i now with [JACKHAMMERED], you may ask! good question over these past couple months, i've managed to draft a bunch of documents consisting mostly of worldbuilding and character essays. the jackham google drive has a total of (counts my fingers and toes) twelve docs, that's right, TWELVE, currently marinating in the drive. i didn't even know i had it in me! though here lies the problem- out of all these charming character profiles and location docs, only two of them are a 'plot doc'. two, 'cause the first one became half-finished and the vibes were just off whenever i came back to it, and the second one went a lil farther than half, but still suffered a similar fate.
in shorter words, i'm stumped. and i can certainly pinpoint it to not being able to narrow down jackham's scope. i know i want this game to be something great, something that is a culmination of all its wonderful inspirations, but my mind is in a constant tug of war between wanting it to be a chapter-by-chapter thing, or just one full game. it leaves me feeling scatterbrained and unfocused. and even if i DID know what i want, it still feels... well, big. my general plans for jackham feel ambitious for someone who's swan diving into renpy with 0 knowledge. im just one guy ! and so my solution to that is...
i'm making [In The Middle]
NOW I KNOW HOW IT LOOKS LIKE "another VN? but chaurchey ur already stumped writing for jackhammered, how can you possibly write for this one?!" the difference is that i feel comfortable in narrowing things down if i start fresh. i still want to work with the initial ideas i have for jackhammered, but i'm putting it away for now until i feel ready. at least with In The Middle, i hope to apply the experience i've gained and tackle jackham again. i'm sure boel, olned, and kade can wait for me in a couple of months. maybe more. so what exactly is [In The Middle]? picture this: the sun is slowly sinking, with you finally reaching the gate of your house after a long day. your plans upon touchdown consist of only two things: microwave dinner, and a well-deserved nap. but you would quickly forget them when a flash of light temporary blinds you- and now there’s a hooded stranger on your lawn; you have but four days to find out who they are and where they came from, before the inert copper megaminx in their possession becomes active once more. a newfound friend, a stranger, or perhaps something more; only you get to decide. "In The Middle" is a test game that's precedent to the production of [JACKHAMMERED]. the story will be separate, short, and non-canon (maybe! who knows!). it's mostly for me to test the waters so i can properly bite off what i can chew for jackham, while also having the freedom of experimenting! two characters and one outcome, but the choices you make affect the way it's delivered (nods nods). this feels like a scale i can work with, and i've already pumped out a bunch of concepts in a separate drive which makes me really excited to do this!! it just occurred to me how much the isekai concept keeps bouncing around in my head rent free, but with In The Middle, the opposite more or less happens. Pieve gets isekai'd to you
who the hell is Pieve
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TADAAAA!!! meet Pieve, that very stranger whom that portal puked out into your lawn. naked and afraid, so to speak. and oh, the beauty of concept art... i take pride in the fact that their design isn't even final yet as i've got more things in mind i want to tweak before i give this chochi spawn the Chochi Seal of Approval. aaaaand i'm gonna leave it at that so i don't spoil stuff. after all, learning about them is the goal. writing sure is HARD. but god, so is reading. so if you sped-run and skimmed through the entire update post up to here, well done!!! i would've done the same!!! this took hours to write but i'm glad to just get this out of the way because my followers on here deserve an update too. in closing, i'd like to mention just how much i am proud of myself. not just with the progress i've made for this idea so far, but with just. everything. if you told the me from 11 months ago that i would all of a sudden be into making games, i would have not believed you. but here we are, trajectory of life changed and all! i hope you can look forward to [In The Middle], and soon enough, [JACKHAMMERED].
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chaosmultiverse · 8 days
Mini Update
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Moewdy, I'm making this just in case y'all were worried about me & to give you guys a update on my plans & progress on my blog remake!
So firstly just a life update, still homeless, still working on that, but slowly it feels like we're moving forward, just don't know to what yet. It is also my birthday soon! 27th of this month to be exact, I'll be turning 22 alongside my twin @playedbetter.
Now blog updates
I am still going to remake my blog, I think a fresh start would be good for me, my mental health & my writing ablity, when this happens I'll archive this blog & redirect you guys to my new blog/account which will be Chaosmultiverse at that point, right now it has a random name while I work on it.
With this remake I am resetting the majority of my plots & characters, I really want a fresh start & I want to be able to account for the Community Verse system I am gonna be using to make things simple for me from the get go, this does not apply to server Community Verses (DC GC for example) or my affiliate blogs, which is right now just @playedbetter.
(When it is closer to the remake launch I will make a call for those that either want to maintain plots & ships, or want to figure ones out from the get go)
As for progress here is where I am at in a few different regards.
I have found a way of using photoshop on my phone, so have beening icons, a dash icon, and things for headers and promo pics, I still have a lot to make before I have the amount I want but I have made the templates
(There will be a second stage later down the road when I have reliable access to a pc again where I will be remaking my icon templates & remaking/making new pics for the other things, I just want pics for in the meantime)
I have made some of the important OOC pages like a updated rules page & a about the mun, when it is closer to being relaunched I'll make sure these are still up to date.
I have also made a new muse page & a credits page, both are WIPs right now, the muse page isn't still 100% settled, with some muses added & removed from time to time (plus lack of icons) and the credits page isn't done either as it's actively being updated as I use stuff or get permission to use stuff.
I now mainly need to work on character bios, I have a few done and these can really very in how long they take to make, but I want it to be easy to find info about my muses so I am not skipping this step or doing it post blog opening
Besides from the bios the other big thing is important Headcanons & Info posts & pages, along with templates for the info pages, since I tend to be canon divergent or have world scale hc's it's important to me that I communicate them.
There are also some muses I want to do more research on, specifically some LOL muses and DC muses, in general I'm trying to make sure I have a good understanding of my muses.
I unfortunately don't have any time estimates, life is really unpredictable right now & that impacts how much time I can put into this blog, I will say it is safer to assume it will take longer than shorter, so a few months at least, in the meantime I am semi available on discord for talking, plotting & RP'ing with the understanding it may not fit into my blog.
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a-earthssprout · 1 year
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🥀🍯 QUALITY OF … EXPERIENCE? UPDATES. hello, my dear friends ! 🌼 I hope everyone has had a pleasant start to their week 😊 I know it has been a minute since I’ve responded to anything on here, & the short explanation as to why is … my mother was home for two weeks & it severely threw off my rhythm 😭 I had no peaceful mornings to enjoy in solitude, which are the hours that tend to be my best time to write. acknowledging that it would only be frustrating to keep trying to push through & get things down on the paper, I decided to do what I could, since there was much outside of writing that needed to be done on Ari’s blog 🌷 now, I unfortunately did not get everything done that I had hoped to by this time, & some of these goals are still in progress—but the blog is in a much cleaner & organized state than it was before this winter break ! 😊
to not fill the dash with useless information ( as I often tend to do incessant rambling 😅 ), I shall place the updates that may be most important to others first. you will find all things ‘ trivial ’ beneath the cut 🌿
MY RULES HAVE BEEN UPDATED. old information has been updated & new information has been added to align best with the way I currently run my blog 📚 I’ve adjusted some areas that had poor flow, removed anything that sounded redundant or repetitive, & corrected the many errors that I found within the page. the only new section added to my rules is the ‘ accessibility & accommodations ’ section. while it is not required that my rules are looked over by any who are already mutuals with me, you are free to take a look if this section—or anything else previously mentioned—is of interest to you ! 🌼
ARI’S ICON STYLE. she’s got a new one, & how lovely are they ? 😊 I am not done with them all just yet—I’ve had to edit them by hand, & I’m very close to finishing all folders 👀—but I think they look absolutely precious … I’m very excited to use them ! ( I’ve also found this process to be most inspiring for muse, oddly enough ? 🤔 )
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ASK & ABOUT HEADERS. precious Stella / @theircurse back at it with her remarkable talent once more ! 🌼 Ari now has adorable headers & matching dividers for her ask & about posts. as to not make this post exceptionally long above the cut, you shall see them the next time I post a little something about Ari or answer a fun ask ! 🌷
AN UPDATE TO THE WAY I RUN THE ASK BOX. the ask box will no longer be closed, & I will rarely ever close it again in the future. I have decided to handle the ask box differently from the way I had been doing so before. as you all very well know, I am not fast 😅 I tend to take many moons to answer things, & though I have never received a complaint from any mutual about my reply speed, it is never not a worry in my mind 😔 I do think that ask memes serve as wonderful icebreakers for new interactions, & I now feel that closing my ask box limits the opportunity that newer mutuals have to start something with me. I intend to go through my asks at my own pace, however, but I feel like this decision will help new things get started ! 🍃additionally, my meme tag has now been linked to Ari’s pinned post ! 😊
I AM SLOWLY GOING THROUGH & RESPONDING TO DM’S. to those who have been patient with me & my slowness, thank you so very much ! 🌻 I am trying to answer everything that has been waiting for a response. I have made more progress than ever with this, but there are still many people that I need to reach out to—so if you haven’t heard from me yet, trust that you will soon ! 😊
added a picture of Ari to the top of her about section on her carrd. 🍃
updated my about at the bottom of the rules. 🍯
organized dm’s 
did that follower sweep / went through & unfollowed inactive / archived blogs 
learned how to crochet a bookmark … completely unrelated to the blog, but still a personal triumph 👵
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spcllbounded · 2 years
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// Phew! It’s been a long time since I wrote an actual post outside of my silly teasing! Let’s stop beating around the bush.
 Hey all! It’s ya Joy! I think I owe yall an explanation on what I’m planning and doing and what yall can expect hopefully in the near future! (I can’t make any promises due to a couple of reasons, but I’ll get to that!) So! This is gonna be long. Where do I start?
- First off, I wanna apologize for making empty promises on coming back and not. Actually coming back. If I had a nickel for every time I did that, I think I could pay off my last semester at college. There’s a lot of small reasons why coming back to rping has been tricky for me. 
1. Health problems (especially some nasty, chronic ones and mental ones) are rearing their ugly heads, making me feel nasty in times I don’t expect it. 
2. Making icons, promos and overall updating this here blog stresses me out. I’m in that awkward spot of REALLY wanting to update this outdated blog, but also being incredibly intimidated by all the things I need to make and update. 
3. Being gone for some time makes me feel stupidly guilty for. Being gone. I hate coming back after vanishing off the face of the Earth for a hot second. Curse you anxiety.
4. College is a bitch, especially the senior year. Not just assignments, but adjusting to a new life and new people. It takes so much out of me.
There’s so much I wish I could say and explain, but at the same time, I don’t wanna make up excuses. All in all, things haven’t been the easiest. but I DO really wanna come back and rp with yall. I miss you guys so so much!! I can’t make any promises, but I can sure make attempts to come back!
- Muse page has changed quite a bit since the last time I shared it. Unfortunately, a lot have been yeeted off the list at least for the time being. It’s mostly for the sake of trying to ease my stress and getting around to working on muses I feel pretty solid about writing. I do have the missing muses’ bios and such saved in documents though, so they’re not gone for good! If I feel good about the progress I can make on this blog, then I’ll slowly add more!
- Speaking of muses, one of these misses muses is my round bandana boy. But he’s not in the muse void! He’s back on his home blog. For the time being, I’m reviving @dreamybandee! In the end, I thought it would be easier to leave the dee with what he has instead of trying to start over. Plus, only being one muse I hold so dearly, he’s really easy to go back to if I’m stressed! If things do get too hard to manage on multiple blogs, I’ll go back to plan B and add him on multi. But for the time being, he’s sticking around on his own!
- I hate doing this, but icons are going to be a little inconsistent. I simply don’t have the time to go back and remake them all to make them consistent. So in the meantime, I gotta stick with a mess of different icons. I hope you understand!
- Promos, tag reworks, and other graphics are still being worked on! I’ve got a pretty solid start in adding a new theme and plan to keep going from there! I’m gonna slowly chip away at things here and when I eventually get around to slapping a promo or some related post on here, that’s essentially gonna be me saying “Hey! I’m ready! Throw your muses at me!” so stay tuned!
- Wow Joy. Owning two blogs and that many muses? You must be exhausted. Well rest assured. I’m definitely NOT gonna make another blog with other muses.
Is what I would be saying if I was a good liar. Which I’m not.
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All you mutuals that dabble in the Sonic community, keep a sharp eye out for another blog drop. These three got a hold of me and there’s no going back. :’)
Anyways! That’s the gist of what I wanted to get off my chest! I’m so sorry I made a great wall of text here! There was no easy way to say all of this and this has been long overdue I feel. Sorry I couldn’t say or do anything sooner!
I love yall and I hope to see you soon! Have a good one!
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ravencodes · 22 hours
July Updates
Hello lovelies!
I've been wanting to start giving more regular updates on what I'm up to and what you can expect from me in the future. So here I am!
Valhalla Skin - The Valhalla skin is heading toward the halfway mark. I have the main page finished at this point.
Other Skins - I have two other skins in the beginning phases of development, both mostly just have headers complete. You can see previews of these skins in the wip-previews channel of my Discord server.
Cherry Blossom Skin - I am planning to update this skin once I finish the Valhalla Skin. This is my oldest multi-sale skin and it is definitely overdue for a version two. All people who can provide proof of purchase for this skin, will recieve version two for free. I will be updating the icon font, adding a dark/light toggle, and just generally making the code neater and easier to work with. If there are any features you would like to see added to this skin, please feel free to message me here or post them in the suggestions channel in my Discord server.
Skin Installation Service - Some may have already seen, but I am now offering skin installation service through the services menu in my shop. With this service, I will install any skin for you including skins that are not my own. This service starts at $25, there are a few addons I offer for the package including graphics and member group color set-up. I am sort of testing this service out to see if this is for me. So it may not be a forever thing. If it goes well, I will leave it in my shop!
Discord Server - Interested in early previews of my works in progress, easy to access live previews, and just an easy avenue to ask me questions or comment on my work? My Discord server may be the place for you! I should also note that I am slowly trying to move all help requests to my Discord server rather than having people message me directly. Going forward, this will be where my installation guides point people for support. You can join the server HERE.
That is all I have for you guys for now, wishing everyone a wonderful summer/winter wherever you are!
☽ Raven ☾
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mamun258 · 6 months
WeChat updates version 8.0.46 for internal testing! You can now listen to VIP music for free, even Jay Chou can listen to it
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Recently, WeChat has updated its internal beta version 8.0.46. So in this new internal beta version of WeChat, what functional  HE Tuber  adjustments and interface optimizations are worthy of our attention? In this article, the author has sorted out and shared five aspects. Let’s take a look.
After having dealt with WeChat for so many years, Xiao Lei counted his fingers and knew that it had another beta version update.
The latest internal beta version number of WeChat is "8.0.46" , which features a decimal point and the numbers slowly increase by one.
As for the update log of the closed beta version? Ahem, I believe everyone knows it by heart without any introduction from Xiaolei.
"Optimized some known issues." Good guys, we have to find many new practical functions ourselves.
As an excellent experience officer for the new version of WeChat, Xiao Lei will update the experience as soon as possible every time WeChat is upgraded.
After using it for the past two days, Xiaolei discovered that WeChat was testing version 8.0.46, which also updated some practical functions.
It just so happens that WeChat versions 8.0.46 for iOS and Android platforms have been updated one after another. Today we will talk about them together.
No more beeps, what good things have been updated in the new internal beta version of WeChat this time? Xiao Lei immediately shared it with his friends.
1. Added "Today's Information" to audio
"Audio" is a function added in the previous versions of WeChat. It mainly integrates various audio control options of WeChat itself.
Since the launch of this function, Xiao Lei feels that it is not "complete" yet, and WeChat has been making minor repairs.
No, this time the new version of WeChat has added a new "Today's News" function in its internal testing.
Click "All" and WeChat will expand 20 selected pieces of information by default. Click on the article title to play the audio.
Click the "Add" button in the lower right corner of the article to add this article to the "Listen Later" list.
At this time, return to the "Audio" homepage and we can find "Listen Later", which is very convenient to operate.
Well, in addition to All and Listen Later, the homepage also has two tabs : "Friends Are Listening" and "Follow Updates . "
Click the little man icon in the upper right corner of the homepage to enter the "My Audio" page .
Here you can see our "Audio Listening Duration", as well as 3 lists for listening later, playback history and my favorites.
Clicking "Go to Publish" will jump to the homepage of our video account, where published audio works will be stored.
2. The audio player now adds the ability to slide right to display the original text.
In addition to the above changes, the WeChat audio player also adds a "slide to the original text" function.
Swipe right from the playback cover to the area above the article title. After the vibration feedback, let go and you can jump to the original article.
It is also very simple to return to the audio. Click the "floating window" on the article to jump back to the audio player.
Having said that, this function is still very user-friendly, making it convenient for us to jump back and forth between articles and audios.
But it would be even easier if you could jump to specific paragraphs and sentences in the article according to the playback progress bar.
3. New switch added to mini program page
In the personal center of the WeChat beta version of the mini program, a new "Discover Mini Program Personalized Recommendations" switch option has been added.
The specific path is: WeChat bottom bar discovery-mini program-little man icon in the upper right corner-discover mini program personalized recommendations.
When this option is turned on, WeChat will recommend mini programs that may be of interest based on mini program usage records.
It should be reminded that this option is still in grayscale testing, so don’t be surprised if you don’t see it.
Xiaolei feels that it may be that the personalized push algorithm is not perfect yet, which is why this function has been tested repeatedly~
4. Watch ads and listen to VIP music for free
In July last year, after WeChat was updated to version 8.0.38, music, audio and recently played buttons were added to the drop-down mini program page.
After clicking the "Music" button, WeChat will jump to a page similar to a music APP, where we can listen to songs.
At that time, WeChat and QQ Music launched limited-time activities. After receiving the VIP song limited-time experience card, you can listen to VIP songs for free on WeChat.
Source: Internet
In the latest internal beta version of WeChat for iOS 8.0.46, WeChat “Music” supports listening to VIP songs for free!
Important things to say three times: Currently only iOS, iOS, and iOS beta versions support it, and Android next door should be coming soon.
Well, at the top of the "Music" page on WeChat, a new column labeled "Watch ads and listen to the full version for free" has been added.
In the player interface, a line of labels "Watch ads and listen to the full version for free" will also appear under the progress bar .
After clicking on these tags, "for every 15 seconds of ads we watch," we "can listen to 30 minutes of VIP songs for free."
Maybe some friends think that only half an hour of listening time is not enough? WeChat has already figured it out for you.
No problem, WeChat provides the option to continue watching ads. As long as you keep watching ads, you can get additional free time.
Does this wave of WeChat operations feel familiar? Yes, it’s a bit like QQ Music’s “free listening mode”.
For some friends who only like to listen to music lightly, there is one less music APP to install on their mobile phones.
5. Storage space cleaning supports more categories
WeChat chat history and various files occupy the internal storage space of the phone, which must be a big problem for small memory.
WeChat has also realized that in the past two years, the updated version has made some upgrades to "storage space" from time to time.
The previous storage space cleaning has already supported the cleaning of cache and chat records, and a new option has been added in the internal beta version.
It’s this “resource file and chat history of other accounts”.
This contains resource files required for running some functions of WeChat, as well as chat records of other accounts that have been logged in on the current device. We need to remind everyone that chat records of other accounts cannot be restored after cleaning, so you need to operate with caution!
Please follow Xiao Lei's instructions for the specific path: My - Settings - General - Storage Space - Resource Files and Chat Records of other accounts in the bottom bar of WeChat.
Xiaolei applauds this feature with both hands. After all, as the use of WeChat takes up more and more memory, it is time to have more cleaning options.
Xiaolei also hopes that WeChat can continue to subdivide the storage space cleaning options in the future, so as to take the “burden reduction” of mobile phones to a higher level.
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mamun52 · 6 months
WeChat updates version 8.0.46 for internal testing! You can now listen to VIP music for free, even Jay Chou can listen to it
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WeChat has updated its internal beta version 8.0.46. So in this new internal beta version of WeChat, what functional adjustments HE Tuber and interface optimizations are worthy of our attention? In this article, the author has sorted out and shared five aspects. Let’s take a look.
After having dealt with WeChat for so many years, Xiao Lei counted his fingers and knew that it had another beta version update.
The latest internal beta version number of WeChat is "8.0.46" , which features a decimal point and the numbers slowly increase by one.
As for the update log of the closed beta version? Ahem, I believe everyone knows it by heart without any introduction from Xiaolei.
"Optimized some known issues." Good guys, we have to find many new practical functions ourselves.
As an excellent experience officer for the new version of WeChat, Xiao Lei will update the experience as soon as possible every time WeChat is upgraded.
After using it for the past two days, Xiaolei discovered that WeChat was testing version 8.0.46, which also updated some practical functions.
It just so happens that WeChat versions 8.0.46 for iOS and Android platforms have been updated one after another. Today we will talk about them together.
No more beeps, what good things have been updated in the new internal beta version of WeChat this time? Xiao Lei immediately shared it with his friends.
1. Added "Today's Information" to audio
"Audio" is a function added in the previous versions of WeChat. It mainly integrates various audio control options of WeChat itself.
Since the launch of this feature, Xiao Lei feels that it is not yet "complete" and WeChat has been making minor repairs.
No, this time the new version of WeChat has added a new "Today's News" function in its internal testing.
Click "All" and WeChat will expand 20 selected pieces of information by default. Click on the article title to play the audio.
Source: WeChat
Click the "Add" button in the lower right corner of the article to add this article to the "Listen Later" list.
At this time, return to the "Audio" homepage and we can find "Listen Later", which is very convenient to operate.
Well, in addition to All and Listen Later, the homepage also has two tabs : "Friends Are Listening" and "Follow Updates . "
Click the little man icon in the upper right corner of the homepage to enter the "My Audio" page .
Here you can see our "Audio Listening Duration", as well as 3 lists for listening later, playback history and my favorites.
Clicking "Go to Publish" will jump to the homepage of our video account, where published audio works will be stored.
2. The audio player now adds the ability to slide right to display the original text.
In addition to the above changes, the WeChat audio player also adds a "slide to the original text" function.
Swipe right from the playback cover to the area above the article title. After the vibration feedback, let go and you can jump to the original article.
It is also very simple to return to the audio. Click the "floating window" on the article to jump back to the audio player.
Having said that, this function is still very user-friendly, making it convenient for us to jump back and forth between articles and audios.
But it would be even easier if you could jump to specific paragraphs and sentences in the article according to the playback progress bar.
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pr0ng3ls · 10 months
So weird thing I'm chatting about right now, I have an Etsy! Or, well had.
At the current moment my page is down, why? Lots of fun real life problems ;o;! The most prominent being the fact that my ability to get packages sent out has been horrendous, I think its because the packages are so small and bland looking that they just easily get lost in the mail. So, as of the last few months stuff has just seemed to be stacking up.
If you wish to read more, everything is under the cut including some behind the scenes in recent developments.
So I'm just gonna be 100% transparent about all the reasons my shop has been down:
•My wrist has been getting Really bad, I've had to purchase a wrist brace just to function with my right hand, it hasn't been fun.
•My dad and So managed to both have a hospital visit within a month. My dad had 2 serious viruses (idk the name of them. Funny enough one you can only get on cruises while the other was a simple fungal infection of the throat), while my SO had hydroplaned on his way home from work one morning and crashed into a tree, he had came out amazingly well, with just a few scrapes, bruises, and a pulled shoulder. Scary thing about it was maybe 10 ft away was a large irrigation ditch that would have easily swallowed and flooded his car.
•Depression and ED had a pretty solid hold on me, I was left with unfulfilled orders and by the time I would wake up the next day the post office was already closed. This was going on for a few months, all orders that were not fulfilled were fully refunded.
•My products are just not getting to me. I've been waiting on our old housemate to send me the rest of my Sakura enamel pins, this was back in... Feb? March? Just after we moved.
•Many if not all of my designs just don't sit right with me anymore. I still like them, but they need a heavy dose of updating to better suit what I have planned for them. At the current moment I'm experimenting with a new hand heart design for the characters. I will exsplain this further bellow.
•The last reason is income has been very strained because of the reasons above. For the past 3 years I've personally been doing my best to aquire a stable job, but oh boy has that not been fun. I'll be honest when I say I've applied to just about every job I was able bodied and skilled to do in my old home town, employers just don't want to hire and its been making it quite difficult to focus on my etsy store because of this.
Now, I have been working on the Etsy page off on the side for the past few weeks. I've been making a new banner, icon, I've got certain things lined up and will probably have my shop remained closed for a while till I have everything figured out.
Bellow is my current lineup on how I've been overhauling the etsy page:
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This has been the best way I can organize everything I've got. Now, I was going to have the Sunflower Sun Sticker checked off but unfortunately I ordered 10 beta Keychain instead of 10 beta Stickers cause my ability to comprehend words is a little... Lack Luster. But again if I decide I like the Keychain, Ill keep the design idea!
Bellow is a comparison of Sunny's old desigm and the new one!
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As you can see there is a HUGE difference between the two designs now. Which I'm quite proud of actually, I'm thinking after I get my Keychains in I'll do a giveaway with them so 9 lucky people can have the design before I even properly sell it which may be months from now.
Things I don't have written down are holiday exclusive designs which I'll be selling on my Kofi later down the road till I can get settled. These will only be sticker designs atm.
Any and all inputs are welcomed at this point as I've been slowly working up a new stock, waiting until I hit a 500 count on each item before I decide its time to reopen the shop, its alot but its something I just feel I need to do.
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thypunisher · 2 years
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My theme + rules (including my mun page etc.) is all up and done. I just gotta finish wolfwood’s bio + verse page and i’ll only have icons left to sort out!
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sunshineijirou · 4 years
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Shouto stared at the video window, the replay button obscuring Deku’s adorable freckled face. A small smile crept up on him, planting itself on his mouth before he had a chance to fight it down. He felt an odd sense of pride seeing this video, looking at the downbar and seeing “1M subscribers” next to the username DekuGames. He shouldn’t, by all logic—he didn’t even know Deku, had never spoken to or messaged him before. But he knew the kind of hard work it took to gain a following, and he’d been a loyal watcher of Deku’s for a long time. Even though they'd never met or communicated with one another, Shouto almost felt like he knew Deku just through watching his videos.
behind the camera lens by @chibistarlyte
[[i’m gonna be slowly posting up some of the edit work I did for Ally’s YouTuber AU she did for @tododeku-week earlier this month!! Thank you so much for allowing me to help you out with this super kick ass ambitious project! I can’t get over how talented you are both as a writer and makeup artist/cosplayer!! I look forward to continuing to expanding this AU with you one day~ (in between all our other fic projects lmaoo)]]
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ofcamerasflashing · 3 years
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REQUIRED to send in an asking for the rp icons. You must let me know where you plan to use these icons. (tumblr only).           
“  Hey Gwen!  I would like your icons of Danielle Rose Russell in LEGACIES for seasons  1-4.  I will be crediting you and I have read the post.  “   is the template that you send me.  If you prefer just for a certain season note that in there.
Don’t share the link to these pages with ANYONE.  You will get at least four links  (for the 4 seasons. Although at the rate that I am going we might have to break these up into 2 pages a season as I’m already making a great deal of icons).  
You MUST credit me on your rules page / sidebar / pinned post for these icons.  Link back to this post as well for the credits of the coloring and the other screencap creator.
All of these are color corrected by me.  The psd used is from raven-orlov.  Some of the screencaps are from glitchkingdesign while anything from season 4 is mine.
The icon size is 85x85 with a 2 px border in white.
Don’t edit these icons down to a smaller size and you must ask me before putting a blockquote on them.
No smut rps,  underage  &  taboo topics are these resources allowed to be used in.
If there is no like / comment  on this post then you will not be given the links.  
I check this blog daily  (sometimes several times a day) so if you don’t get a message back from me within 48 hours,  tumblr ate the ask or you didn’t follow the instructions and thus that means that you need to read this post and resend the message.
These pages will be slowly updated until all episodes are done.  I have a spreadsheet that helps me keep track of things.  If you have a certain episode that you want me to upload / icon just message me as that helps motivate me to get these things done faster.  If you want the link to my spreadsheet to see what is done,  what has been uploaded,  etc just send me an ask.
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cksimpodia · 2 years
WIP Things
New Icon & Banner I’ll get on this soon, I swear. I think I’ve had the current banner since like, Christmas 2019 or something. I’m just gathering pose options and such at the moment.
Roll Call My character list page is well overdue an update, so I’m slowly-but-surely getting everyone freshly Gallery posed and uploading their pics in preparation for some sort of list.
Resources Page This one could take a while... I have a lot of CC, and some hairstyles are proving difficult to locate. I’ve said this several times, but I wish there was some mod that forced the filename of an item to display when you mouse over or select it in CAS. Anyway, plans so far are just to list hairstyles, eyes, and skins, that I use. I can’t promise to make clothing or decor lists because that would take forever, or even be impossible without such a mod. However, WCIFs are welcome, and I’ll do my best for you.
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neontrender · 2 years
The MOGAI Wiki (mogai.miraheze) may continue to use the art and emojis I made of its mascot, if they so choose. If Kris leaves the Wiki and decides to take the mascot with him, then he may continue using the art.
My terms and flags can be added to any Wikis. I rescind my request to not be on the LGBTA Wiki, and would be happy if somebody chose to make pages there for my terms. You may use my flags for edits, icons, or anything else you want. Just do not claim them as your own, and give credit where you can to this account and username.
As of right now, I am working on passing along the mogai-wiki url to one of the other moderators, as Kris has stated he’s leaving tumblr, and we are currently the only two mods on that blog. If I am not able to pass it along, I will still leave the blog, and it will be out of my hands what happens to it after that. I will try to update this post on if I was able to transfer the url. (UPDATE: The url has been transferred. I no longer have anything to do with the MOGAI Wiki or any of its social media. I will be slowly going through and making sure I have unfollowed everybody, and abandoning my neontrender reddit account.)
This blog will no longer be active, and remains up for archival purposes. I will, at some point, be making a post with all of the links I archived from various FANDOM Wikis, as I no longer have the motivation to compile them into a google doc.That will be my final post on this blog. Other links exist that were archived by others, but I do not have them. The screenshots I archived are not things I saved to my computer. I posted them in the MOGAI Wiki’s discord, and I hope that somebody is able to take the time to find them and post them externally, but I don’t have the energy or motivation to do that myself.
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velmashaircut · 3 years
Sims 4 Big Brother Challenge Grand Finale
After weeks upon weeks of gruelling challenges, the last two contestants of Big Brother have finally reached the highly anticipated grand final! Levi and Nathita were given all the skill building items in existence so they could master as much skills as possible! The more they advanced their skills, the better chances they had to win Big Brother!
I let Nathita and Levi do their own thing for the week and focused my attention on the Jury House. Since they’ve been eliminated, I can do whatever I feel like to these people. Fall and Aden’s relationship went downhill, so I had Canto start making movies on Fall since those two always got along with each other. Then, I had Aden instigate a fight with Canto multiple times, all which Canto miserably lost.
I also let the Jury throw a party because so I had nothing better to do. They all dressed up and ate cake together, it was very wholesome. Canto began badly playing the guitar, and Vikky got so angry she began ranting to the Potty Mouth 2.0. Throughout the whole week, Kenji looked like he was slowly going insane - he was constantly running on the treadmill.
After the week was over, I sent everybody to the small party area I built and let them all mingle and have fun. I got a pretty shot of them all in the jacuzzi together.
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Now, onto the winner of Big Brother! I used a point system to see who the winner would be! Every 100 satisfaction point would count as one point, so would each friend, skill level and challenge one. I tried not to make it complicated for my own sake.
Anyway, I added all the points up and Nathita got 54 points all together. As for Levi, he got…51, meaning that Nathita the ‘Vampire’ won Big Brother!!🎉🎉 I always knew Levi would make it to the top two, but Nathita? I underestimated her. Who knew a twilight obsessed woman had what it takes to win the most difficult reality TV show!? Congrats to Nathita though, she definitely deserved her win! My brothers really happy she won, she was his favourite character.
Since Nathita has been declared the winner, I’ve decided a mini epilogue for her. My fanfiction skills are extremely rusty, but please enjoy this small ending and thank you for watching Big Brother!
Nathita sat on the crown of her custom made casket, on her lap was her laptop which had Twitter displayed, more specifically, the Twitter account of a prominent author who had written the perfect love story for society’s favourite nocturnal creatures. Not owls, silly, vampires!
Every minute or so, Nathita would refresh the authors Twitter account page, hoping there would be an update she desperately needed to see.
Outside of Nathita’s apartment, night was slowly being vanquished by the sun; light starting to emerge over the horizon caused the woman to hiss involuntarily. She would usually be asleep well before dawn, but today was different, she was waiting for something, a message to be specific.
After a few more minutes of mindlessly refreshing her icons Twitter page, a new tweet appeared! Nathita involuntarily gasped and immediately read the tweet aloud:
“As much as I appreciate my die-hard fans entering a reality TV show just to get my attention…I still won’t be writing a sequel to Twilight. Not even if that fan wins the show. Let the series rest already…”
Nathita started at the screen blankly for a second, the authors words taken a moment to process, before her face contorted in anger. “She won’t be writing a sequel?!” Nathita yelled, “I was stuck in that hellhole for two months, and she still refuses to write a sequel???!?!?”
The ‘vampire’ screamed out of frustration, she tossed her laptop to the side before she threw a mini tantrum. After she calmed down, she sat back down on her casket and whipped out her phone. Just as she did, she suddenly received a text message.
Her once angry mood immediately changed to a happier one when she saw who messaged was. “I’m nearly at your door! I hope you’re just as excited to go to the park as I am! 😁”
As soon as she read the message, she heard her doorbell ring. She hastily opened the door to her apartment, to find the amiable Levi the Yodeller on the other side!
“Nathita! You’re looking well!!” He smiled cheerily, “Thanks for agreeing to come out and yodel with me so early in the morning! I know you’re a creature of the night and all…”
Nathita gave him a slightly pained smile “About that-” she wanted to tell him the bad news regarding Twilight.
“Can you tell me on the way there? It’s nearly 5:26! I have to be yodelling by then!” Levi asked.
Nathita nodded “Okay, okay. I just need to get something I’ll be right back!” She went into her bedroom and walked towards one of her many black, Victorian styled drawers, she opened the drawer and picked up a plane ticket labelled ‘Scandinavia’ and tucked it into her pocket.
One of the first conversations Levi and Nathita had with each other was about what they planned to do with the prize money. Nathita had told Levi about how she was going to spend the money on the fanfiction of the century, which she did use most of the money on. However, she had a few thousand simoleons to spare, which she intended to use to fund Levi’s dream: going Scandinavia and being with the reindeers.
Despite Nathita beating Levi in the grand final, he didn’t take the loss badly, instead he just congratulated the woman and asked if the pair could still be friends outside the mansion. Even though the pair had a bumpy relationship in the mansion, Levi was there for Nathita at the beginning and ending of the show, which Nathita was forever grateful for. For that, she was going to gift Levi his dream.
“I don’t mean to rush you, but can you hurry up!? I have to be at the park within twenties minutes!” Levi called somewhat urgently.
After Nathita got her cloak on, she left her apartment and locked the door behind her. As the pair walked down the hallway, Nathita got the plane ticket out of her pocket and handed it to Levi “So about your dream of going to Scandinavia…”
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lgcmax · 4 years
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hellooooo my legacy loves !! i hope life’s been treating you all well ! i know right now things are still pretty difficult ( as been all of 2020 tbh ), so i just wanted to flood the dash w a little positivity !!  you know, sometimes i feel bad because it seems that i can’t connect with everyone as much as i’d like, and it sucks !! but between my spotty activity at times and bad response times i didn’t want you to think i loved you all any less. so !!! below you will find a love letter to all of you lovely muns as well as some individual comments about my favorite thing about your muses everybody ! also, if you have lgc friends who aren’t really dash scrollers feel free to share this with them so that they can see !! anyways, go ahead and enjoy 😇💖
dear legacy,
okay - let me start by saying - i care for you sooooo so much !! and that goes for ALL of you reading this !! even if we’ve never talked, or you just joined, or we talk like every other month but never seem to catch each other at the right time ? i care for you !!! and don’t you ever forget it. honestly, legay is one of the healthiest places i’ve been in to develop my muse in a safe space, void of any judgement or just weird vibes. and that has to do with all of you, and i’d like to thank you for that !! our mods, of course, get a special hug for all that you guys do - i know that things can get hard, and we test your patience sometimes ... i get it !!  but to us, you’re kinda like our rp parents ?? we might nag, joke, and annoy but it’s all out of love, we promise ahaha !! anywho, once again everyone i’ve met in legacy, has no lie been so special to me ?? and i want you guys to know that !! literally all of you, even if it was just a quick message, have made an imprint on the great rp experience i’ve had here and i’d like to thank you for that ! and no this isn’t me leaving, i promise i’m gonna stick around for a loong time to come ahaha. but honestly, who would’ve thought ? i was bouncing around from rp to rp, and i didn’t recall, if i’m being hoenst, expect anything to come out of me giving this place a shot for the 2nd time ? but i’m so grateful to have gotten such a wonderful experience that made me not want to leave. there’s always things to do, muses to meet, and it’s crazy how well everyone keeps the dash flowing ! i’m always excited to look at what you and your muses are up too, and honestly i’m lowkey invested in all their little relationships lol ?? but that’s what makes this place so special ! the friendships, the enemies, the romance, and everything in between has made this into such a unique writing atmosphere to be a part of. so for that, i say thank you. and here’s to more legacy for years to come !!
now for the special portion of my letter !!! in alphabetical order, you will find a compliment of mine for your muse below !! phew, here i go :
(  and pls ... if i forgot u ... i apologize 20000x !! PLEASE tell me lol !! obviously this is for muses who are here at the time of writing this 10/2/2020, and i may update ! but if your muse is here at that time and you don’t see them PLEASE tell me i want to write them something but i might have accidentally deleted someone’s in the process of writing so many ! )
phunsawat kannika first of all i have the fattest crush on her fc ojoijjoioij !! anyways, i love the commitment to all her pages, all her character inspos are my favorite, and i’m really interested to see her adjustment to korea ! i think she’s doing a great job already and will show that she can go even further !
yoon aria i haven’t got to say it yet but i LOVE how much of a meme she is oijoiiooij !! esp since she’s a model, it’s fun to have one who’s this cool model on camera but honestly so real and fun ?? like it gives her so much depth and i’m sure she’ll develop a loyal fanbase of like-minded goofs ? i want her and nari to interact tbh haha !!
lee benji my KING ! i love seeing benji develop his sense of purpose and try to see what he wants to become in the long run, and also how he’s stayed true to himself even after mocing to a whole different country ! and of course, his commitment to caring for others !
pongsak tee i ship jinseo and tee oijojoijoij !!!!!! anywho we love the thai representation, i really have enjoyed seeing tee’s progress over the past few months and how he’s adapting to slowly coming into the starlight ? it seems he’s still managed to maintain his kindness and i really enjoy that about him !
im nari is void because she is my muse but i love her very much hee hee !!
kang eunho first off as i’m writing this i see eunho’s first words for his babysitting solo is him flipping out over how cute babies are and i just think that’s adorable lol. but anywho ! eunho’s such a little sunshine and def gives me baby energy ?? light of my life. he’s like legacy’s daily dose of vitamins !
im bomi hana ... my favorite girl who i’m in love with ojjojjoijioji !! i think hana is so weird and goofy in the BEST ways and she’s an example of someone who’s not a famous girl, but a girl who happened to get famous ? i love her for her quirks and all her uniqueness, gamer girls ftw, 10/10 main character material !
hwang minjun i also love shinha and minjun too lmao !!! they are ... v cute !! i love how warm minjun’s heart is from what i’ve seen, and how open and accepting he is to all types of people and welcomes them to his warm fuzzy heart !!! also i would like to personally thank him for taking max in when they were in tokyo max DOES NOT deserve !
kim jinah ah i love her sm !! i know it sounds like max talking, but i love how she’s basically one of the bros lmao ?? but really ! i love her dually embracing of her cuter side and her more casual one, and how she just seems like the type of person you can have a drink and a good talk with ? and her interactions w junghwan stand out and give her an unexpected soft side !
lee yushin i feel like yushin is the younger brother we all wish we had but don’t deserve !! just a real fresh breath of air, definitely a little goofy but just as sweet ?? has the capability to win over even the coldest muses hearts ! and i am rooting for actor yushin 100%. you got this bud !!!!
kim nami somehow nami always pops up first on my dashboard but i’m not mad about it at all lol !! and i think nami is actually very multi-dimensional ! she already seems pretty sure of where she wants herself to go, and i think she’s going to make a really good senior to mentor junior trainees once she’s debuted for a bit ! she def will come correct !!! 
lin yue the way i’m SO invested in guessing what she’s eating but never can .... ahh !! also she loves martial arts which means nari would love her if she knew her uwu. anyways to me she’s quite the baddie, i feel like she’s got her toes dipped in a lot of things and therefore will be very versatile in what she can do ? i really love that ( outside of her outstanding visuals ) she actually has a v good personality and niche interests !
ahn dohwan i have promised myself i wouldn’t put any emphasis on fcs but since vernon is one of my ults i literally have to say: TASTE. anywho lmao !! dohwan gives me cafe boy vibes ?? hear me out. could totally see him making someone a macchiato while listening to their problems and offering advice ? he just seems like a v good listener & adviser ! i think once he debuts for real for real he’s gonna have a lot of bf material made by fans haha !!
leong charlotte first of all i just need to comment i saw a while ago on the dash when charlotte covered i wait and that was ?? iconic ??? we stan ??? streamday6pls ahem anyways ! her being in a band itself makes her an instant baddie, but beyond that she also seems v kind & passionate from what i’ve seen ! she’s got the cute & the fierce, and because of that i think she’ll be fierce competition in the industry once she debuts !
choi max is my muse however as my first bb here i love him deeply heart heart !!
jung ahin i will not lie i did not know seungwoo before i saw ahin, then realized he kinda looked like wonwoo and started to simp ?? IOJOIJOJ anyway this is more of an ooc note but thank u ahin’s mun for bringing me to the light 😇anyways !! i want ahin to do more things to make himself happy bc i think he really is this close to living his best life !! i want something really really good to make him super happy yk ? also i support his english learning journey !
kang jaemin HI ME REALIZING I NEED TO MESSAGE U BACK I’M SORRY SCREECH anyway !! he has a very warm presence, i feel like even when he debuts he’ll be the approachable type ? but also he’s just so smiley and i love it !! such a little fuzzball !! i do feel like more is going on in jaemin’s head than people would think, though ??
lee jaewoo listen jaewoo is my baby ok ... and he’s nari’s too ! also btw did you ever get that birthday text from her own his acc ? anyways i’m going wayy of topic let’s regroup lol !! i honestly admire the level of passion and drive he has so young, and he’s already come so far ? jaewoo has a lot of love in his heart for people and i hope he keeps that even after years of acting ! he truly is the light of lgc agency uwu !
seo yura i feel like yura is v real ! i think she only hides the things she feels are nessescary about herself, but to me she still comess off as really genuine ? it seems she has many types of connections present in her life, which i really like ! i think she’ll do really good at holding her own once it’s time for her official debut and i’m excited to see what’s ahead !
kang jun i think jun doubts himself far more than he realizes just how much he’s capable of !! jun is so adorable and he might hate me for saying that but it is what it is !! i don’t think he’s recognized his true power yet, and though that’s sort of good at humbling him, i think he will be a beast when he becomes fully confident ?? and i believe he will !! i think getting a proper fanbase will show him just how much he can do !
 ji haneul okay haneul made it to type zero, so tbh he already has his life together more than half of us ?? IOJOIJOJ no but for real i think haneul is a true  ✨professional ✨even if he wouldn’t believe me if i told him ? although HE might not be so confident in it, i think haneul’s growing into his more mature self well and it’ll actually help him in the long run as he starts his journey in the idol industry !
kang jina you know what ? i think jina would be a really good leader in her group, if she were to debut as an idol ! i think she has really good communication skills and seems to just vibe with everyone around her ? which is important, as a leader ! but i also feel like she could lighten the mood and kay down the rules depending on which is needed ? that’s just how i feel ! i think she’d do well <3
seo geonwoo first of his theme is so aesthetically pleasing wow ?? anywho ! i do really enjoy geonwoo and honestly need to pay him more attention !  i honestly respect the fact that he knows his own power, and isn’t afraid to be confident in himself ? he just seems v sure of how he wants to live his life which makes him seem v stable, and def in the right direction ! i think he most often knows whats best for himself, and that’s a really valuable skill to have !
ok miyoung first off i DEFININTELY whole-heartedly ship miyoung and hunji, i do !! 😌 but yes miyoung def has romcom protagonist vibes, and i mean that in the best way possible ?? like she’s got quite a lot of things going on for her simultaneously, all while trying to discover things about herself too ?? i empathize with the level of chaos in her life but i think she’s handling it all very well and it’s exciting to read about !
son nabi nabi my ANGEL. i didn’t even know nabi too well prior to us plotting but now i’m so glad that i do !! she has the kindest heart and is willing to go out of her way, even for people she isn’t that close to, just out of the good of her heart ? and i think that’s so powerful ! she’s so baby and i vow to protect her from all the horrors of the entertainment industry because she’s a prime example of light amongst darkness !
ahn jaehwa you knowww jaehwa’s my girl 😚 i just love her adventurous spirit, and how she definitely is filled with more mischief than she may show on first impression ? i think she can use that to her advantage, and it will translate really well as charisma !! her and max’s first interaction showed me just how much of a daredevil she can be and i love it ! psa, we need to plot again !  
lee yohan first of yushina nd yohan’s broken friendship is some .... tea 🍵 i’m intrigued ... really i am !! i kinda wanna give him a massage chair for his birthday because i feel like there really is a lot of internal conflict going on in his head ? def hoping he achieves the dream od getting famous before he’s forced to enlist and drop his dreams, and in return for my support i am expecting free starbucks coffee on him, lol !!
bae nathan i honestly didn’t even realize just how iconic nathan is until we started plotting ? him and max share a lot of similarities, which i love, but beyond that he just is such a real dude who kinda just seems ... ok with being not perfect ? and i enjoy that ! he’s accepting the fact that he makes mistakes and knows that that’s ok. i feel like in the future he’d have a fire podcast ?? like i just feel like it’d be so real and entertaining !
han allie first of all, happy ( belated ? ) birthday to allie !!! second of all, producers in general are always just so interesting to me ? i feel like even though she’s still finding it, allie’s rather focused on creating a sound for herself and making it different ? def has the drive to make her dreams a reality, and i know she’ll do well ! allie, fighting !
kim junghwan i think junghwan has a heart of gold ! he’s good at working with others and def would have nice personality to just sit and talk about life with ! i think he also has a lot of hobbies and interests that are v cute and soft boi, so he’s definitely gonna attract the soft stans !! he’s another person i feel would make great leader material some day. also ship him and jinah all the way 😉
kim alex first off i LOVE luna she is my pride and joy .... i feel v embarrased i think we were supposed to thread and i forgot ! but that beside the point !! i feel like he does have crazy duality ?? at some points it’s like “wow, nice man, pet parent of the year” and other times it’s like “wow this man is wilding did he just say that ??” but ... the way i love both !! it’s so interesting seeing his conflicts and how he deals with other people, but maybe that’s the messy mun in me 🙊
ahn jaesun jaesun !! a king. first off i said it to danbi’s mun before but i am just putting it out there i love him & danbi together i do, i ship it !!! secondly i think, maybe because he’s been around for a quite awhile, but you ( the mun ) seem to have a very good grasp on his character ? i think he’s had really significant but gradual development, sort of coming out of his shell and expanding the things he’s willing to take on ! and i love that for him.
yoon shinha let me repeat that minjun and shinha - i ship it !!! i don’t even know hwo to describe it but i just love the energy shinha exudes !! it’s fun, playful, and full of energy, and i think that’ll transfer really well on stage !! he’s the type of guy who’s just down for whatever and i feel like he could befriend anybody if he really wanted to ! i like that about him and think he’ll have no problem getting along w whoever he works with in the future !
kyo miyeon my queen .... oh how i love her ! 😣❤ i think miyeon’s got a cold exterior with a soft interior ?? like she’s sososo composed and a little cold on the outside, but in reality she’s just over here loving animals and the simple things in life ? i think once she debuts she’s going to have fans have v passionate debates about whether they like her cool or soft side more since they’re both so prominent and so good !!
løvehjerte emil first off emil being from denmark and his name immediately stood out to me when he was accepted, and to me makes him v unique ? also doyoung rights ;) i like how well he seems to adapt to the situations presented to him, even if they’re new and unfamiliar to him ! i think he has his ability to keep his cool, but is still learning a lot from being a trainee and proving he can definitely grow beyond what he’s already accomplished !
jung miso miso is the baddest b no one can change mt mind oijoijoijo !!!!! but no for real i always have admired miso even if i haven’t got to interact w her on my muses too much ? at first i def got vibes of the popular girl everyone wants to be just like ? but i’ve realized she’s a loot more ! she has ( shrek vc ) layers, and i think it’s good to see someone who has a lot of things people would see as ideal, but without being unobtainable !
nam yunho yunho intrigues me so much !! i’m sad max hasn’t gotten to interact with him yet lol !! i feel like in this i keep comparing muses to character types but - just take a journey with me ok soijioiofoijfio !! i so see yunho as one of those guys in the movies about small town who’s family has has a business there for years and he’s the chill guy who shows the main character around town ? AND THAT’S A GOOD THING LMAO ! i feel like he’s just immensly chill and always is just vibing and down for a good time ! <3
jo jiwoo i think jiwoo is so exceptionally cute !! but don’t underestimate her because to me she also does have a very fiery spirit ?? and i love it !! def would have the potential to be a maknae on top and i am here for it !! but since she wants to be an actor i def see her even stealing the hearts of the staff ?? the best example of a puppy in real life i’ve ever seen !
na sera first of all being a twin is automatically cool so there’s that ?? but also !! i like how hard she’s fighting to prove her own, individual self worth ! i’m definitely excited to see how she’ll find her “thing” that really riles her up and makes her feel passionate ? and that maybe she’ll decide the idol thing is for her and go forward with it as a career !
min soyoun i think soyoun’s definitely go the girl next door charm, she defintiely seems like the type who you could be friends with easily, and i think she’ll maintain that even when she’s more famous ! she gives me free spirit vibes, and i think that even if she doesn’t know how, life will somehow work to make sure she always does well ! she’s defintiely proved her individuality and i think she’ll stand out from most around her !
geum danbi ugh danbi ... the way i’m obsessed with her ! i mentioned this already but her and jaesun ? cute we ship it !! i am a stan, i am ! anyways i think that danbi is so powerful, and i don’t mean that jokingly ! she does hold a very commanding presence for me, and i really respect her resilience in continuing to fight for her debut, even after being discouraged numerous times in the past ! i think that’ll make her debut all the more worth it, as she has taken the time to get even better and improve her skills !
jang taesung taesung ... the way i really am fascinated by him ! i don’t even interact w him on my muses but he’s still so entertaining to me !! he’s so casual and i just enjoy seeing his interactions ? he isn’t afraid to be authentically him, and though he doesn’t really show it in his words all the time he’s got a lot of emotions swirling around there ! he do ... he do be messy sometimes i get it ?? he’s a lil problematic ?? but it entertains me so we will take it !
song ahri ok i don’t want to claim this bc i’m not COMPLETELY sure but do i have permission to ship her and geonwoo .... i saw their thread on the dash and they’re so cute what 😚💖 ( revision : they are together i can say this lol !!! ) anywho onto ahri things ! she just seems like the sweetest person EVER she’s v gentle with her words and actions, and definitely seems like a comforter of sorts ? i think that, whoever she gets close to, would def have her to lean on in hard times ! she’s like 
son seolmi first of congrats on seolmi as the new musical actress !! we need more of them >.< but i feel like when seolmi looks back on her training experience she’ll be very proud of herself ! she has made a lot of improvements over her training period, found her passions, and worked to prove herself ! but i think, although she’s working v hard, she’s also doing twice as good at maintaining her friendships and being good to the people around her !
seo minseok minseok a true angel !! i know we haven’t gotten to write together in a while, but seeing his thread w nari we had i saw how kind he was ! he’s loyal to the people he calls friends, open to trying new things, and i think in the future when he gains experience he’ll be a really great mentor to the people who he precedes ! 
oh max ok first off i feel like i cannot not say this everytime i see him on the dash or a thread with him i’m constantly in a state of confusion about which max it is oijoioiiojaojoi ?? but !! i’m despite their names, they’re actually pretty different ! because unlike max choi, oh max is has a very loving and warm personality, and even though he comes from money you couldn’t really tell by his personality ?
park dohyun i def want him and max to interact together, side note !! because they’re both goofs and, of course, we need as many lgc boys connections as we can ! but anywho, i love dohyun, as i feel muses such as him are v necessary ! he definitely provides comic relief, and even though he doesn’t like to reveal his emotions, that just reveals another component to his emotional depth ! even if he isn’t someone who is vulnerable, i think it is great he does his best to make others happy !!
lee jiho i mean can i pls just adopt jiho as my child ?? he’s so cute oijjoijoij !! i think all though he’s ambitious and knows what he wants in life, he’s also realistic with himself and knows what he can expect and how to work toward a clothes ! it’s a trait not everyone has so i like that he does ! i think he’s also enough of a positive thinker that throughout any troubles he may have, he’ll get through it with a nice mindset !
lee hanbyul i think that once debuted officially officially, hanbyul will definitely grow in popularity almost immediately ! she’s already done well at gaining the hearts of fans even when she was a trainee, and with so many friends and opportunities under her belt she’ll get big in no time ! i think she’ll definitely be well known and that she’ll bring multiple fandoms together because it’s just hard not to like her !
jung jihye i love jihye !! she’s so raw and rolling with all the punches life has given her ? even after a rocky start to her career, she’s ready to give it a second chance, and although she went through a lot of bullying discovered a newfound love for acting ! i think that her dedication to being happy will show in her passion for whatever she acts in in the future, and i’m excited to see how the public perceives her !
tsai sunisa isa is the ultimate chill dude haha !! i think that he’s very calm and level-headed, while not coming off as careless ? although he’s very casual, he clearly does care about the other’s around him, and i think for him that shows in the little details rather than the big things ? i think he’s the type of person who does well at picking up on the energies of others, and noticing small details about them !  v v cool 💖😌
shin yeseo u KNOW me and max are collectively whipped for her oijoijoi !!! no but honestly, from what i’ve viewed of yeseo from an outside perspective, she’s goes beyond the socially required level of thoughtful ? she really does listen to everyone’s perspective and do what she thinks is best for everyone involved and i really like that ! i also like that the simple things are enough to make her very happy, and that she puts her all into the ones she cares for ! 
kang yonghwa i love how in love yonghwa is in with life, and how bright his spirit is !! he has such a ... sunshine spirit ? that’s the best way i can put it ! he’s just so positive the majority of the time, and i feel he has the ability to see the best traits of others and bring that out of them ! i also love his sense of adventure, and i think he’ll be a favorite for fans in no time ! kang yonghwa, 10 / 10, our best boy !!
kim hyunbin hyunbin reminds me of a cartoon character, in the best way ! he’s definitely very theatrical, and also has a more playful, teasing side to him ? i think that everyone needs a hyunbin in their life because he’s very considerate of the emotions of the people around him, and on top of that has a lot of interests and boosts any social scenario !
choi jinyoung jinyoung ... an angel ! it’s so my fault we don’t but we should plot more ! uwu anywho ! first off, happy belated birthday to him ! i noticed that during our to the max thread, despite being a little overwhelmed by human tsunami max choi, he stayed very polite and was open to trying a new experience out, and for that i really gained respect for him ! i think he’s a v soft boy but i don’t think he’s weak at all, in fact maintaining his kindness for others has shown my just how strong he is !!  😇😇
oh eunhye just like her article says, eunhye has a real knack for entertaining and i think it’s already begun to show ! i think her authenticity easily transfers to the camera, and that it makes people love her all the more ? she has the type of hypnotizing personality that makes people want to get to know her, and i don’t think it’s coincidence that she’s had the opportunities that she’s had already come to her !
oh gitaek congrats on becoming a producer gitaek !! clap clap !! hehee but i think gitaek is very adaptable ! even in environments when he doesn’t want to do anything, he’s going to push through - like dancing, for instance ! also him and hyunbin’s dynamic ?? v interesting. i’m invested on seeing where it goes ! i think gitaek has a lot of potential, much of which he’s already showing, and i think he’ll have no problem discovering himself fully and becoming big !
son alec just gotta say i always mix him and alex up on accident i wanna scream oijooi !! but also while scrolling his page and saw this: “ old people are amazing, is the conclusion he’s come to yet again  ” and i just wanna say i love him for that ojojoioij !! but anyways, alec gives me the vibe of a young adult still sort of finding their way, and i really love that ! he enjoys what he does but still has doubts, and i think that little back and forths very important ! i hope he becomes a super famous actor and achieves all his dreams !
son jieun i love how much jieun cares for her friends !! she was bold enough to straight up call taesung out for mistreating allie and tbh ... kinda in love with that energy ?? i think her bravery goes beyond even just this though, as she’s already tried many new things that others may have strayed away from in fear ! her sense of justice and determination is something i admire and honestly i feel like if it wasn’t for her obvious career path she’d be a great lawyer haha !!
nam jueun it’s the way i want to claim that i indeed am one of seojin & jueun’s biggest fans ... i am 😌✌ but listen !! i have to respect jueun for the way that she’s managed to repair a damaged relationship AND work on herself and her career at the same time ? and both are going good ! she’s also got a real edge to her, and i feel like she doesn’t realize just how cool she is ?? we stan !
park seojin now we alr know ... seojin is one of the muses i am most whipped for in legacy i cannot lie i’m sorry !!! listen ,,, i love my tsundere !! he’s had exceptional development, but in really small yet significant ways, and he’s grown so much in the time he’s been here ! in terms of max, he’s definitely starting to take on a more nurturing role, and in term of himself, getting a better idea of who he is as an artist and a person and i think that’s gonna really show when his band debuts ! also think he’ll be a strict yet incredibly respected mentor when the day comes ? anyways i’ll just say i l*ve park seojin and go 😭💔
lee jiae lee jiae, the apple of my eye !! i was astounded how much kindness could be fit into one small body ?? even in situaitons she doesn’t like, she maintains her bright spirit that brings people to her in the first place, and i think that comforts the people around her if they’re having a hard time as well ! but i think she also does have a bit of a chaotic side when panicked and i do love it i do !! do not underestimate lee jiae everyone i am betting all my money on the fact that she can beat some ass !!
hwang sori first of all her theme made me gasp it’s literally so incredibly gorgeous omg ?? but !! the first thing i read was hwang sori is an ugly crier and that made ME ugly cry with laughter LMAOWAOOA !!  even though she’s relatively new i’ve already come to love how out of the box and unapologetically her she is ! she has so much to offer, both on and off stage, and i know she’s destined to be a star ! i’m already so invested and excited to see what she does in the future !
lee aaron aaron !! our dad of the year sobs. of course, my favorite thing about aaron is how nurturing he is ! he has no problem taking care of others, and i think that although it’s easy for younger / less experienced trainees to be intimidated by those above them, aaron removes that stigma completely ! truly a gentle soul. my only complaint about aaron is that he’s so selfless that i feel he sometimes forget about himself, so aaron please eat more and take care of your health oijoijoioij !! 
lee youngmin the way i love youngmin !! i was so touched by his patience when he helped my baby nari get herself together when it came to learning lines for cram school ! it proved to me that he’s a v caring person, and even if acting was sort of a sore subject for him, he still went through with helping her ! and that brings me to my next point - congrats for joining the actors youngmin !! i admire him for giving something he’s apprehensive about another shot, and i’m so incredibly excited to see how it goes for him !
song yifei ok even though i don’t know yifei too well yet seeing her intro did help me see why i’m going to love her so much !! i appreciate her adaptation to such an unusual environment like korea, and although i’m sure she’s homesick and a little lost she’s already doing her part to adjust to life in korea ! starting so young, i have to admire her work ethic and her strength by not giving up ! i’m excited to see what she can offer us all ! 
hwang minsik ok so !! even though minsik is quite the introvert, i think it’s v cool that he has worked past that, and although it may have been uncomfortable, got more comfortable performing in front of others ! i think that being in his head for the majority of the time will actually prove to work in his favor, as it’ll be easier to transfer all the emotions he’s feeling into his music when he locks down and pursues his dream of being a producer !
tsuchiya mitsuki from what i’ve seen, mitsuki seems to be very considerate of others, and i like that she celebrates other’s accomplishments outside of just her own ! the entertainment career can be a very risky and sometimes scary one, but i think that she’s doing a great job at rolling with it and putting her all into forming it into a serious career path for herself !
yamashita ichika i think she put it best - she’s new to korea, but not this world !! i love love LOVE how sure of herself ichika is, and though it may come off as blunt, maybe y’all aren’t just ready to accept the truth she’s spilling ... 👀 lMAO no but for real !! she’s a woman who knows what she wants and i never will be mad at that ! you can never say that ichika doesn’t keep it real and i think that’s something we need to learn from her !
hwang subin i think subin is incredibly self-aware, which really is such a super important trait to have ?? he’s had a lot of conflicts over his training period, but he’s overcame them, and to me he holds a lot of grace even in those scenarios he has this sort of ... calmness to him ? idk maybe that’s subjective but that’s how i feel ! i think in the end he’s going to turn the pain into power, and he’ll be one of the people really idolized for their resilience !
kim minjee i feel like along her path to fame, she’s learning all sorts of new things about herself in the industry, and that feeling of self-discovery is awesome ! i think she’s a really good example of the changes people go through throughout their path toward stardom ! i think she does her best to embrace both the highs and lows life brings her, which i think is preparing her to be a really steady person when it comes to being famous !
im hyunjin my baby !! the way i love him beyond measure !! he gets along with max so well and i love how well they balance off each other’s energy ! he’s got a boyish charm that helps me remember that yes, a lot of the trainees are still kids at heart, and that reminder is v refreshing ! though a lot has been thrown on him with this trimester, he’s been a good sport, and i think he’s such an accurate representation of someone who’s growing up in the spotlight ! i think it’s enough for me to excuse him mixing up the maxs. 😚😌
okamoto akira what a wonderful soul ugh !! he really did impact nari’s heart with his unconditional kindness. i think he’s grown even in his time in the rp alone ? he’s so kind to others, and i love how he holds interest in other people and their stories ! even though he’s still getting adjusted to life in korea, i think he’s doing a great job at getting his name out there while making a good impression of himself. but like i said about aaron pls, akira, take care of yourself more !! you deserve the best, heart heart !!
jeon haeun haeun has such an intense drive when it comes to her love for dance and performing, and i hope she never loses that ! it’s the most important thing, after all ! she’s got such a spunky personality, which will work in her favor as it will keep eyes on her even after she’s off the stage ! she’s a baby, being so young, but already has proved herself to have a worthy place in legacy, and i think she’s even got the capability to teach the older trainees a thing or two, haah !
park viggo i definitely respect viggo, because of the insecurities that have developed from his biological parents putting him up for adoption, he’s shone so brightly already at such a young age ! and i just read his solo w / his encounter with his biological father and - literal chills ?? but .... phew ! i’m so impressed by how he’s had so many horrible experience influence his life, but not let it overtake him ? he’s so strong and if he can handle what life has already thrown at him, i know he’ll have nothing but good to look forward to from now on !
techaapaikhun kit i don’t think i’ve had the chance to tell you yet .... but god i LOVE kit oijoioi !! he’s such a loveable ball of fluff ! he has a very big heart, and i feel like even when he doesn’t know exactly what to do or what’s going on he’s still very much 😊💖✨ ?? you would never think he’s a foreigner because he just seems in high spirits ! also him and daehyung’s interactions ? 10 / 10 in terms of entertainment, definitely deserves a read !
ahn yein i love the short queen energy this woman exudes !! her duality is already quickly becoming my favorite thing about her ?? she’s so this and this ! i truly cannot wait to see how she’ll let her musical style influence the type of music she produces, and i think she’s a producer full of energy who has the potential for being famous for her music and her own personality !
seo yumi though yumi did go through a lot of hardship with her first debut, i really respect her for fighting to prove she deserves a spot in a group for a second time, even if the first time wasn’t even her fault ! i think because of it, even if her light’s dimmed a little, her enhanced discipline will work in her favor, as well as her prior experience, and potentially give her a step up among others ! which, hopefully, will make the hardships she went through not to be in vein !
han insoo insoo’s gone through quite a bit, and though i’d imagine that to be incredibly tough on him, he hasn’t lost his shine ! he still has a brightness to him when interacting around the people he loves, and i think that’s what it takes to be in a band ! i wish nothing but the best for him, because honestly, i think he’s just trying to get by and have a good time, and i really have to respect it !
choi jongsuk okay so from what i see jongsuk is a tad manipulative in the way he interacts with people ... and yet ... i stan ? obviously this isn’t a very good trait, but it is entertaining, especially for a messy mun like me haha !! i think, if he wants to, he can actually use his particularly good social skills to his advantage, and become a charmer among his fans !
choi daehyun omg prince daehyun rise !!! i always love the spoiled rich boy types, because to me, they have the most room for growth ! if i’m being honest with you as ... awful as he  might be i think he’s one of those trainees who would 100% give everyone a run for their money ? because if he doesn’t have anything ( beside money ofc ) he has confidence, and well .... confidence is a dangerous thing !! i’m really really anticipating seeing how he’ll get along with the other trainees, and his journey in legacy !!
chwe hunji phew .... my adoptive son !! i admit i am slightly biased to hunji i am i am what about it !!! 😌💖 i gush about him all the time so i’ll keep it ( relatively ) short - i don’t think hunji realizes, but given the whirlwind of events that’s happened in less than a year, he’s doing a fantastic job of both grieving and growing !! he’s been able to look out for those who need him most even in his darkest times, put up with max’s shenanigans even amongst trying to decipher his feelings for him, and adapted to a ever-changing climate that comes with being a trainee in his hardest year ! not to mention how much he’s grown since his arrival !! his development ?? chef’s kiss !
kang dongwon first of all already massive respect to dongwon for doing school and training at the same time ?? that’s already difficult in itself ! but i think he’s taken a lot of risks despite not necessarily wanting to, like expanding outside of activities he’d expected that he would do ! it’s good for him to dip his toe into numerous places, and he’ll be less thrown off if he’s asked to do something unexpected in the future. also him & his relationship w his siblings is the best haha !!
park sarang first off seojin and sarang together are such a cool duo !! the concept of siblings in the industry is honestly so cool ?? but anywho ! but i soso admire sarang !! even though she was initially was following her brother’s dream, it’s gradually morphed into her own, and she really has developed an individual name for herself, which shows her passion and determinism ! i also love how they have a healthy relationship, even with normal sibling fights, without getting into super super competitive territory ?? that just shows her capability to love & that’s great !
kim jinseo first off !! his familial relationship w shinha ? we love to see it ! cutest cousins on the block ! but what i admire about jinseo is how stable he is ! i think he can help people and handle his own problems without getting too stressed, he’s a good problem solver and i think he can calm down and figure out the best way to approach a situation ? also once again him & tee ? cute, we ship it 😊
kim ara first off, friend of the year award goes to ara for helping hanbyul through her breakup and working around processing her emotions ! and also that she’s pretty mature in handling her own breakup w / nathan ! that brings me to the point that i feel ara is a thoughtful person, who definitely sees the good even in bad scenarios and tries to think of the positives that come out of her life, even if it can be difficult to do so !
jin eunji now we know that’s my queen !!!!! i honestly love seeing eunji’s development, and she’s much more of a deep character than she shows on the outside ?? and there’s even more left for others to discover about her ! she’s trying to work through her shit but I like her because she’s the realest depiction of someone who’s growing - because it’s not particularly nice or cute ?? it’s rough but it’s real, she’s struggling to grow and move through her emotions but she’s growing nonetheless and i love that for her !!!
park seon seon is def the type of girl who is just sort of taking it day by day, and i respect it so much !! she has a lot to discover of herself and what she wants to do, but quite honestly i like that about her !! i think that she’s still young and def doesn’t need to stress about it, and i like that she’s just sort of flowing in whichever direction that life wants to take her ! i can only imagine how far she’ll go when she discovers her true potential !
lim sanghyun i feel like sanghyun really is prepared for any situation that’s thrown at him, even if he feels like he can’t do it !! i mean, since birth he’s had tons of bad cards thrown at him, and yet he always manages to turn them into something good ? although it may seem like he doesn’t have good fortune, to me, it seems he has the opposite, because he always finds a way out the trenches !! i think sanghyun’s legacy’s phoenix !
choi daehyung omg daehyung has been a favorite of mine since he came !! i love peeking at the many relationships he has bc they’re tbh so interesting !! he's honestly fit to be a main character in a show ? and i think, despite what daehyung thinks, he’s grown a lot in the time he’s been here ! to me, he’s more aware of his emotions, and more reflective of the choices he makes ! sure he’s got some things to work on but let’s be real .... don’t we all ?
lau mike mike is such a breath of fresh air !! def a roll with the punches kind of guy - reminds me of those popular kids where it’s just like ... dang, things always seem to be go well for them ?? i’m jealous ?? but i think more of that has to do with mike rather than him just having good luck ! he does good at adapting & working hard, from moving to korea, to changing careers, to now training ! he seems to excel and everything he does and i have no doubt that will help him out in the long run !
li zimeng meng is so pretty !! but she’s also SO much more !! this whole thing of her feeling average, and like she didn’t really stand out in comparison to the other trainees .... it’s so real !! and honestly, so good for her ! even though she doesn’t feel special always, i KNOW she is, but i think it’s also great she has this good foundation ? because rather than being good at only 1 thing and realizing in the long run she hates it, zimeng has the potential to be super well-versed and i think she’ll be more aware of what she needs to work on to improve !
tsai king truly our king ... and i don’t mean that ironically !! i looove king’s development, i truly love to see it !! though he’s still got his pride, i think he’s transformed his confidence from blind cockiness to a reason for him to want to work hard and succeed ?? king definitely had things to work on, but he has worked on them, and i think he’s truly proved his place in legacy in the long time he’s been here !! also thoroughly impressed w how much he’s done !
bae doha i think that if I had to describe doha, it would be “ proceed with caution ” !! he’s a cautious person, i feel, who wants the balance between having a good life and keeping himself grounded ? which is a really good type of personality, and I think it would make him a leader for those around him ! he’s also very observant, and i think that will make him much more meticulous of a person as an actor !
song shaun first of all i gotta still thank shaun for doing tiktok dances with max back in the day !!!! that was iconic and i will never forget it lol !! and i'm so glad he’s back. anyways, i think shaun is definitely the type of person that’ll stay true to himself even after becoming famous, he seems v carefree, but also w/o not losing that ambition to work hard ?? 
pongsak arinya arin is so freaking adorable !!! i think she’s like a puppy and I love it !! she’s so curious about the way around her, i think she just loves what life has to offer her and in turn life loves her ?? she has such a playful and optimistic light about her and to me, it’s impossible not to want to be her friend !! her fans will easily love her <33
jeon haru to me, haru seems like a team player !! he listens to the input of other’s, and i think before rushing to do what he wants to do, it’s in his spirit to think of how his actions affect other people ! and i think that’s shown in how he’s babysitting on the show, even though he’s a little panicked ! i also think he’s a good self-soother, he’s good at helping calm himself down and make himself feel better, and to me that’s so great !!
liu jiao I think she’s doing a great job at making her reality one she enjoys ! she’s struggling to find the differences between her dreams and her moms, what she wants and what she doesn’t ! and still, i believe that she’s doing well and spreading love to those around her despite ! i hope she finds full inner peace and that she can live a life of happiness ( and a little wrecklessness tbh ) without any worries !!
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