#sldjfsdlfk I'm going to have to come up with actual tags for this aren't I
almantica · 3 years
introductory post (i.e., “what is almantica” or “why are you doing this”)
Almantica is, at its core, a maladaptive daydream taken one step too far (adhd folks will know exactly what I’m talking about). As the description of this blog says, I need to be entertained at all hours of the day or night or I will start doing skeeter death screams. Basically, I’ve created my own cinematic universe that can generate infinite stories, so I can sleep/get through boring meetings/sit through church etc. Almantica has also given me a creative outlet where I can explore things I might otherwise never have reason to think about (i.e., being a genderfluid 12,000 year pirate.)
I’ve been wanting to do a separate blog for this for quite a while, but I worry that by putting Almantica out there in the world, it’ll stop being fun and start feeling like work (which will not be good because I will become an insomniac due to a lack of mental movies to put myself to sleep with.) More than likely this won’t happen though, because this world is big enough that if a particular story starts to get boring, I can just switch to another thing and mine that for all its worth. I’m also creating this blog to help me finish things- why bother writing a complete article when nobody is going to see it except you and god and the people who make world anvil (pretty sure the last two things are synonymous).
One more important thing about this world is that it’s constantly changing, so who knows- in a few years I’ll probably stumble across this blog again and be like “wtf was she thinking”, delete every post, and start over again. That’s the fun of this though- I’ve being doing this on and off since 2016, and it’s been really interesting to watch it change and grow over the years.
I’ll probably rewrite this post later but! Here’s a sort of introduction! I’ll try to post something more fun to look at later, we’ll see
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