#skylar draconics
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k1ngtok1 · 3 years ago
As the eldrich being that is @legogeek33 rebloged my post about turning my non-ninjago ocs into ninjago ones, I am forced to comply. I used this picrew because I’m too tired to draw right now.
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Hope Calighan - Dragon Kin - 22 - She/Her
When the First Spinjitzu Master fled the realm, both dragon and Oni followed in his wake. As Oni began to settle amongst humans, so too did the dragons, though unlike their enemy, they could not shapeshift.
Instead, they (in true fantasy fashion) bore children with the few humans willing to fall in love with them. Thus, the dragon kin were born; strong, fierce, and resembling both their human and dragon parents.
Dragon kin tend to live in mountainous villages far from human civilization, as they know they would not be accepted by the common folk. They are solemn creatures that share traits with the element they hail from. Some are able to conceal their draconic features well enough to live amongst humans. Most, however, spend their lives in the sky.
Hope is descended from a lightning dragon, but has the passion and recklessness of a fire dragon kin. She is quick on her feet and as strong as an ox, which makes her a fearful opponent for whatever dares threaten her home.
She is adorned with cultural decorations from her clan: colorfully dyed hair streaks and beautiful rings that stack around her horns with each battle won.
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Griffin Mage - Newsboy - 16 - He/Him
He’s a simple kid working for the newspaper for the same reasons as Antonia and Nelson: to help spread the news and thus, protect the citizens of Ninjago. He’s got a heart of gold, scraped knees, and fondness for climbing tall things he probably shouldn’t be climbing. The bandages are from all of the close calls with villains (and also falling from said tall things, but don’t tell Antonia he said that- she’ll think she’s got another Nelson on her hands).
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Jasmine Grace - Vigilante - 19 - She/Her
By day, Jasmine is just a regular old citizen and a big sister figure to Griffin. She plays a few sports- namely rollerblading and boxing, and easily comes out on top with a goofy grin on her face.
By night, she is known as the Rising Star- and name bestowed on her by the tabloids after a man’s description of her made the news.
When the ninja are away or simply overwhelmed, Jasmine works to pick up the slack with her trusty whip in hand. Bad people flood the streets when the city’s resident heroes aren’t there to watch them, so it’s up to her and Samurai X to protect Ninjago city in their absence.
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Clyde Doberman - Baker - 20 - He/him
In Shintaro, there’s a small bakery in the middle of the city that you can smell from miles away. It’s known for having the best cakes and warmest bread all around, and it’s run by Clyde and his mother!
Clyde isn’t one for attention, but after mama…well, just knowing his mom is happy with her flourishing bakery/bookstore that she started with her late wife is enough for him. (He doesn’t know how to break the news that he’s considering going into art instead.)
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Nadia Winters - Theorist - 17 - She/they
Running on energy drinks and spite alone, Nadia is a popular social media figure and blog writer known for producing theories on including but not limited to:
The Ninja’s powers and motivations
Lloyd’s age
Lloyd’s powers
Just Lloyd in general
If the White Ninja is actually an android.
If Cyrus Borg is actually an Android
Who is Samurai X
The floating islands that seem to have appeared out of thin air
And more!
(The ninja laugh when she posts a video theory claiming that Samurai X is none other than infamous noodle chain owner Skylar Chen, then proceed to cheer when she estimates Lloyd’s real age once and for all.)
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Logan Cato - Borg Mechanic - 25 - He/him
Some call him a prodigy. Others call him a danger to society. The rest back away in fear when they see him pull out the blow torch.
Logan works as a mechanical/alchemical engineer at Borg labs and specializes in combining Elemental and mechanical materials. He’s eccentric and excitable and many tests of larger projects end in smoke alarms going off or a block wide power outage.
One of those explosions costed him an arm and a leg. He’s got a simple prosthetic leg and will make jokes about it his brother, Percy.
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Emile Rose - Dragon Kin - 28 - He/Him
Like Hope, Emile is descended from the dragons, though instead of Lightning, he is both a Fire and Amber legacy.
Emile is a respected figure within their community for his therapeutical and medical prowess, as well as his simple down-to-earth, kind, and forgiving nature, which is rare for someone with fire in their blood. In fact, one could say he’s a leader, though he would deny it if asked. He’s simply helping where he can!
He is covered with less expensive decorations than Hope, preferring to wear the things that are given to him out of love by he people he holds dear. That doesn’t mean people don’t put gold trinkets around his horns, though.
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cupcakecoterie · 5 years ago
@true0neutral - Hazel, half-elf cleric
@fauxfire76 - Darvin, human bard
@miaaoi - Froseth, dragonborn monk
@sfwarlock - Nai, elf ranger
Marion - Ava, human ranger
Unfortunately, neither @hyperewok1 nor @noctumsolis could be with us on Sunday - travelling to family get-together and internet issues respectively. Then again, it was probably just as well. There were some personal issues we needed to sort out.
(We did wish you a happy birthday, Noms, if you’re watching.)
Also I got the recording from @fauxfire76 because OBS settings decided to reset.
Riswynn decided to hide out with Molly and not interact with anyone until some of the weird interpersonal shit for which she had no context got resolved. Really did not want to leave the shed. At all. Even a tiny bit.
Remi sat in a chair radiating “don’t talk to me right now”.
Hazel and Nai went outside for air and pondering - going out the front this time. Darvin requested some patience from Bahamut, then went out and told Nai he wanted a word, leading him about 500 feet from the house.
Darvin then went off. The speech has to be watched to truly be appreciated. Then, in order to avoid an awkward walk back to the house, he used Dimension Door to get back.
His Aura of Life tattoo ... expanded, sort of, a bit. Currently he bears some stylised celestial and draconic imagery in an extensive platinum sleeve-style tattoo that extends from wrist up the arm across the shoulder and spreading partway across his shoulder blade and chest. This is the start of our second official PC dual-classer; someone’s getting a weensy bit Divine Soul Sorcerer.
Hazel, meanwhile, went to run laps around the house. She found a note from Alisaie tucked into the fence - the gist was, “Hurt, angry, don’t want to hurt Nai (but seriously, Nai, cope), so going to kill ice drakes and might not come back and I feel bad about it hence the ‘might’ but I don’t want to screw you guys up”.
Hazel went back in, handed note to Remi. Remi mostly skimmed it, tossed it on the table, walked out ... and, off-screen, armoured up to at least help kill ice drakes. Darvin picked up the letter next, then Ava snatched it from him, read, handed to Froseth ... it got mostly passed around and caused some consternation. Darvin went out to be with the screaming in anger and frustration, Hazel went out to run more laps. It ended with a Darvin / Hazel hug-pile in a snowdrift.
When they came back in, they talked about what next. Final decision: wait, let Remi talk to Alisaie, let Alisaie make her decision and respect that decision, even if turned out not to be the one they wish she’d make.
After that, Ava went to find Nai. It required some Ranger-tracking, but she found him on the roof of the barn, where he had Misty Stepped. She talked him down ... or at least, talked him into be willing to come down. The problem was that he was out of Misty Step, and now could not get down from the barn. So Ava went to find a ladder, and with some help from Froseth, she managed to get said ladder to the barn to let Nai get down without breaking something.
With those characters whose players were present back in the same room, they discussed what to do about the current situation. In the end, Froseth gave a rather moving speech about how, frankly, he’d never been afraid of his own death before, but now he had two little girls who've sworn revenge revenge if he dies and would probably get hurt in the process, and since he’d already died twice even when they were working well together, any rift in the group that might make them less liable to survive wasn’t something he was willing to risk - not for his own sake, but for Skylar and Farideh.
The Cathay family adults were listening to this whole thing like some kind of soap opera. It was fun.
Flitty has adopted Nai now because he feels that Nai needs him more.
Dinner was had, they started rebonding as best they could, which was pretty well, all things considered. There was some discussion about meeting Hazel’s biological mother in the Elvenwild, and trying not to punch her.
Between courses, Hazel tried her new 4th level spell - Divination, to ask whether Remi and Alisaie would be back. Coming up with omens is fun. Anyway; she got “Remi definitely, Alisaie highly likely”. Hazel went a little hysterical with pride and joy that her god was talking to her. Ava was a little freaked out and critted on the traditional “slap the hysteric’s face”.
Over dessert, discussion turned to improving Nai’s combat technique and after some joking about ducking and Polymorph, Flitty suggested snowballs for learning to dodge. Darvin ran with it and snowball fight ensued. Molly Cathay built a snowball-lobbing trebuchet.
Froseth was the clear winner, using his “catch missiles” monk ability to catch people’s snowballs and throw them back at his attackers. Or ... at least, Froseth was the clear winner until there was some bright and a cry of “Death of above!”, at which point Alisaie dumped a bowling ball-sized lump of snow directly on Froseth. She was covered in blood but at least most of it wasn’t hers, and her clothes were a wreck, but she was back, with Remi standing off to one side, really not wanting a snowball down the back of her armour.
Ava hugged her, heedless of the blood. It was probably the best thing she could have done, really. Smart Ranger.
Whole thing ended with Alisaie offering to cook up ice drake liver for breakfast in the morning, and getting in so she could get into something less shredded and blood-stained. Mostly because it was late and I was tired and anything else we could have done would have taken too long. So the rest of it can wait for next session when they’re back on the road.
Basically there were a lot of fantastic moments and even though I was kind of dreading that session, they made it something wonderful.
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sir-quack-alot · 7 years ago
OC song tag
tagged by @nemothepenguin lol, only writer friend so this is where the tagging dies!
I'm just giving them two each
Seth Stormoath       - Control from Halsey
                                - The Phoenix from Fall out boys
Raziel Bailiwick       - On my own       From Ashes Remain
                                - Papercut           from Linkin Park
Irwin Eonmore         - monsters           from starset
                                - Im going to show you crazy from halsey
Demon Draconic     -Broken               from Lund
                                -Monster             from Skillet
Ashlee                    - Faded                from Alan Walker
Shadowsteel          - Forget me not    from Andra
Toa the android          - Gasoline         From halsey 
Zaniel Eonmore   - Doll house           From Melanie Martinez
                            - Paint it black        from Ciara
Dea Erida Vitae  -All the kings'           from  Karmina
                           -wreak havoc           from Skylar gray
I have like 100 more but i tire of this lol.
Here is some extra songs that are nice to hit up!
Eurielle - City of The Dead
Halsey - Castle
Demon Hunter - I Will Fail You
Melanie Martinez - Mad Hatter
Lola Blanc -Magic
Ruth B.: World War 3 
Game of Survival By Ruelle
Ellem - Kings and Queens and Vagabonds
Holes in Your Coffin
Fleurie - Breathe
Devil's Playground
of Verona - Paint the Pictures
Sam Tinnesz - Play With Fire (feat. Yacht Money)
Natasha Blume - Journey (Ready To Fly)
You should really try looking them up if you never heard them. They don't really fit in a genre... So, none are like the other!
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Skylar nodded, placing his hands on his arms, "One was... She looked like a shadow child. The other was... Draconic, with red hair."
He sighed a bit, raising a hand to his eye, "I... Tried to keep them away from the fight, but... My eye patch came loose, and I... Almost lost control..."
He squeezed his arm a bit, "Eve, there's... Something I have to tell you. When I went, and while I was fighting... Sora... Sora showed up, and..."
Skylar was patched up and had left the manor slme time ago-- secretly, of course. He wasn't keen on being seen at the moment. He opened up a dark corridor, heading through it and into the castle where Eve currently resided.
He held the pendant close to his chest as he made his way to the forge. He was still in a bit of emotional distress from what had happened, but for the most part he was okay.
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opaloremerald · 5 years ago
Chapter 8
An anima—the anima, that I had given the emerald—was slipping on the stone floor, her ears red with embarrassment. She looked up at him with big eyes. Big green eyes that looked mighty familiar.
             “Emilie?” I asked, then thought better of it, and spoke quickly, “sorry, I thought you were someone else. Now, are you okay?”
             The anima looked at him pointedly, “I’m not too used to marble floors,” she slipped and her toes spread wide, trying to keep her balance. I snorted a little at the picture. She looked like a kitten on hardwood.
The anima’s glossy black fur looked like Emilie’s waterfall of hair, but I had to remind myself that Emilie was up in the fifth tower room. I walked over to the anima, smiling, “How do want me to help you?”
She frowned, “Can you just help me get across to the stone, then I’ll be out of your hair.”
I grabbed her upper arm and pulled her over to the hallway I had been walking in before I had heard her yelp. The anima nodded a thanks to me before she ran off up a staircase, the emerald around her neck glinting. I stared at the place her tail had disappeared at. Even though most people considered dragons as equal, they were also called magic folk by other magic folk. Animas and Dragons had the closest connection, seeing how some animas could be reptilians.
I saw those big, green eyes in my head again, and compared them to Emilie’s. they looked so similar, but Emilie was a witch, not of magic folk—right? I ran a hand through my perfectly styled hair. I would check on Emilie in the tower room and that would prove that I was thinking too much.
The spiral stairs were solid underneath my feet as and I came up to the top. The door was solid would, rough underneath my knuckles as I knocked. The wind sprite, Sæt was fixing up the room simultaneously as she was playing the piano.
She looked up, still playing, and smiled at me, “she just left. Adorable thing, the biggest green eyes. She asked about you, too. Probably worried that you might see her in that state.”
I stared at a few hanks of her white hair that were sweeping, not focusing, “She asked about me?”
Sæt smiled even wider, “yep, it was pretty far forward in her question list. I told her you were waiting impatiently. You got a cute girlfriend, there.”
I was taken aback, “No, no. She’s not even my type. I was just really worried about her.”
The sprite’s face fell, “that’s sad. Not many people like her kind and it looks like it’s starting to get at her.”
“People don’t like seers?” I asked dumbly, not understanding what she was speaking of. As far as I knew seers were held in high respect.
“Emilie is a seer?” she said, stopping her playing and looked at me with huge purplish eyes, “you mean, you don’t know?”
“Know what?” I refocused on Sæt’s pale face, she raised delicate eyebrow but didn’t answer my question.
“If she hasn’t told you, it is not my place to say, now shoo,” she waved me out. As I walked back down the staircase, my mind spun as the stairs did. Did Emilie’s secret have to do with the little tattoos she got on her face? Were they even tattoos?
I ran a hand through my hair again, then stopped. I couldn’t feel my hair on my palm. I slid my wand out of my sleeve as I stopped, mid-stair. I tapped the tip to the back of my hand and a light ignited on the end, showing rows of scales on the back of my hand. I clicked my tongue.
My Wing Point was coming on soon and there was no way I could get back to my parents in time. The new scales on my hand itched, but I turned off the wand light and rushed the rest of the way down the stairs. I pushed the thick wood door open and peeked around to see if anyone was near. Thank goodness.
The urge to itch became too much and scratched my fingernails across the smooth scales. The relief was temporary, but when I lifted my hand I saw more scales had appeared.
“I have to hide this,” I mumbled to myself. But how? A bandage? No, that would be wasting a bandage, and I would have to change it every day. I don’t think there is a concealment charm strong enough to hide what species you are—
I did.
There was a charm that could hide a species, though it had a time limit.
The anima girl! The first time I met her it seemed as if she had a concealment charm on and the spell timed out. If I want to hide being a dragon I have to find her.
I waved my wand to summon the map as I ran to the dorm room. Classes had ended right after I saw her, so she was probably going back to one of the houses. The bold black line led to the hall and stairway to my dorm. As I raced down the hallway to the Great hall, another, different colored line, showed a sharp turn and ventured far into the castle. I almost took the turn, but thought better of it, and kept going the way the map told me.
Corridors I had never seen before flashed by my eyes as I ran and ascended up lots of stairs, getting closer and closer to my destination. But when I arrived, I wasn’t at the flimsy door of my high-up dorm room. I had in front of me a solid wood door with iron hinges and bolts that had long rusted over and blackened. A simple iron circle made the handle and, as I looked around for anyone to ask what was behind that door, I gripped the knob unconsciously. The door creaked as I opened it, looking inside tentatively. The room was musty and filled from ground to ceiling with books. Loose paper and scrolls, too.
I took a step inside, lighting the tip of my wand to better see the room. But, really there wasn’t much more to see other than an inscription on the far wall. I squinted at the gibberish writing until I could make it out in old draconic, a language used by the dragons of old. Mum and Dad made me memorize it when I was a kid.
Fire or Fur,
One must choose.
Scales or Skin,
Or they might lose.
Rags or Riches,
This has just begun.
Opal or Emerald,
The choice is yours, Son.
             I stumbled back from my position with my nose towards it. It sounds like it’s talking directly to me! I looked around the room, trying not to glance at the wall again. The ancient materials were rough against the spreading scales on my hands, though I could barely feel it. I thumbed through one book, but the language was one I hadn’t even seen before. It looked almost as if there were scratch marks and paw prints as the lettering.
             Considering bringing one of the books written in old draconic, I clicked sparks on my tongue. An iridescent flame came out of my mouth, and I caught it and made a plume of fire as I whistled. The opal underneath my tongue was the third out of the set I had to give to Skylar for her earrings. Pulling it out, I shined it against my coat. Looking at the luster, the gem just didn’t seem inviting to me anymore. I don’t know why, but I thought about the draconic on the wall. Opal or Emerald. What was that supposed to mean?
             I turned to look at it again, but the lines were gibberish again. It looked like one of the languages in one of the other books, but I wasn’t sure.
             I heard a crash in the hallway outside the door and snapped my wand to the right to shut off the light I had summoned. The crash was short-lived, but voices floated through the opened door. They weren’t loud enough for me to hear, so I pressed my ear to one of the knots in the door to hear better.
             “You idiot! That stupid seer is too strong for you to block! We need to bring her over to our side and I have the perfect blackmail,” a slippery-sounding voice hissed, and a foul stench seeped underneath the door. By seer, did he mean Emilie? And what was he going to blackmail her with? The slimy voice kept going, “but that boy—he is a menace to our cause. We need to get him out of the picture, quickly. it might be hard, but you can defeat a dragon, can’t you?”
             I blanched. That was me.
             “Yessir,” a warbling female voice choked out and the sound of hurried feet in high-heels clicked away. The gross voice called after the woman, “Oh, and don’t forget, it doesn’t matter if the girl is dead or alive. Seers don’t move on my plan, they just make it go a little faster.”
             My eyes widened. Emilie was one of the only two seers in the whole school, that means she was most likely the one they were targeting, since she had a vision attack the day before.
             I waited about thirty minutes after the encounter until I went out to find Emilie to keep her safe from the man coming for her. I summoned my map, concentrating on where Emilie was.
             I took a hard right as I burst out of the dark library. I glanced down at the map, still running.
             That voice—not the first one, the second one—it sounded like one of the teachers, but I which one?
             I racked my brain as I ran, trying to focus on the map and place the warbling, female voice. My shined shoes sliding against the stone floors as I turned another corner. Girls stared at me as I sprinted down the corridor, following the black line. It led up to the scaffolding off of a servant staircase and down into a small crevice between an uneven wall. I peeked down and tried to see what was past the entrance to the hole. I consulted the map and it told me to go straight down. I glanced at the hole again and decided not to jump to certain death.
               I kept an eye on Emile for another month and a half, staying as close as I could without warning her something was wrong, but one day she threw off that assumption.
             Emilie whirled around and stopped me in the middle of a hallway after Spell creation and adaption. Her whisker tattoos stood out on her tanned skin and her hair fanned out in a starburst around her head. She stabbed a finger with a long, nicely painted nails at my chest. The color complimented the skin tone of her hands that, compared to mine as I pulled her hand away from my chest, were dwarfed. She tugged her hand away before she spoke.
             “Why have you been following me around tout le temps?” she said the last part in French, pushing me into a little alcove out of the way, then went on ranting. “it’s getting annoying, so if there’s something wrong about me that you don’t like, tell me.”
             I was frozen, lost for words. I was right in front of the one girl I had been appreciating and protecting from afar. When did I get so socially inept with girls? My mouth worked, but no noise came out. Emilie cuffed my ear and I snapped out of my haze.
             “No, there’s nothing wrong with you per se but…” I trailed off, not wanting to scare her with the news that people wanted to kill her. She raised an eyebrow.
             “Per se?”
             I sighed and ran a scaly hand through my hair, “It’s really hard to explain, but I have reason to believe someone—in the school—wants to hurt you or blackmail you. I just want to keep you safe, Emilie.” I rested my hands on her shoulders, “I just want to protect you.”
             Emilie sighed, but caught a glimpse of my newly dragon-ified hand. She caught it up in her delicate grasp and inspected it, and, after she was done, her green gaze locked with my own, “What happened here?”
             I didn’t pull my hand away, liking the warmth that seeped underneath my hard scales, but gave her an explanation, “I’m near my Wing Point. Dragons get ready for their Wing Point by growing scales all over their body so the change to the wild form won’t be such a far leap, but enough about me. Have you had any visions lately?”
             Emilie huffed, “No, my tea dreg readings won’t give me anything either. And don’t ask about crystal balls, the ghosts trapped inside only want attention and are extremely hard to talk to. Mirrors don’t know all either. They have a one thing they know about, and it’s terribly specific. I can’t even get my dreams to be prophetic these days.”
             Emilie started running her hands through her hair and pulling on the roots in a frantic way after she started talking about crystal balls. I chuckled a little but she scowled at me, “Don’t you laugh. It’s hard for a seer not to see visions after a while. We’re used to too little blood in our systems. I’m already getting lightheaded.”
             It looked like I had triggered a panic attack so I dipped my eyes to her level, “Hey, calm down. It’s going to be okay. I’m going to keep you safe, but in the meantime, you need to tell me what you see in your visions.”
             Emilie looked up at me, the most scared look in her eyes, which made me feel absolutely awful for scaring her. I folded her into my arms and tucked her head underneath my chin. Emilie shook as she cried, wadding up my suit jacket in her fists. After a few minutes her sobs quieted and Emilie was just pressing her face into my chest.
             “We’re going to be late to class,” she mumbled, her voice muffled by my dress shirt.
             “I have a free period,” I said, unmoving. My arms grew heavy around her, and I probably couldn’t’ve lifted them if Emilie didn’t move when she did. Her reddened face smirked up at me.
             “I know. You follow me, remember?” she said, trying to break out of my embrace, but clipped footsteps were coming up on us. They sounded of high heels, like the ones the accomplice of the man with the gross voice.
             I whipped Emilie around so that I shielded her. Her eyes were wide as I raised a finger to my lips.
             “The accomplice of the man I heard was wearing high heels,” I whispered, then lowered my face towards her, “people are uncomfortable with open displays of affection. May I?”
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cupcakecoterie · 6 years ago
@true0neutral - Hazel, half-elf cleric
@fauxfire76 - Darvin, human bard
@hyperewok1 - Remi, human paladin
@sfwarlock - Nai, elven warlock
Marion - Ava, human ranger
Couldn’t sleep, so here’s the quick bullet points for tonight.
During their long rest, four of our heroes gained some extra abilities. Froseth (whose player @miaaoi could not be with us tonight) attuned with water and air to a point where he can move like water to avoid that which might harm him (Evasion) and to blow away fogs of untruth (Stillness of Mind). Remi and Hazel got a dream-visit from Alisaie’s Solar parent / guide; Remi got a couple of boons and Hazel got Death Ward. Darvin, reading a bit from the books Clarity loaned him before went to sleep, finally got the trick of Dimension Door.
Come the morning, Alisaie made breakfast and they talked tactics. Their eventual plan: go to town, let Hazel and Ava stealth to the shrine for cleric backup while the rest stopped Candor’s execution, then let the clerics support the townsfolk so they could get to ... well, first the manor, to make sure Baron Langerhan wasn’t going to die (there’s a question of the succession - if Langerhan dies with his heir still in hiding, the Heart goes to the crown, which means to the black dragon asshat, which means no one wants that), and then to Vendren’s Hold to rescue Twilly, Skylar and Keth.
Froseth reasoned that there might be reprisals from the Crownsguard after their slaying of Coryvel, and didn’t want to muddy matters by being so draconic when half their presentation was “LOOK WHAT WE KILLED - IT WAS EVIL”, so offered to stay to guard the house just in case. He’s mounting a defense with Shinyra, Conn and anyone else at Hearthhome who can shoot a bow. (Basically my throat being a mess meant I didn’t want to do another voice, not even one that speaks as infrequently as Froseth.)
The plan started quite well - Alisaie popped the wings to save Candor from the noose, treating all and sundry to the sight of a celestial being protecting a ‘demon-child’, and Remi held aloft Coryvel’s head shouting “This is what becomes of tyrants!” However, Darvin’s speech inspired the townsfolk more than it intimidated the Crownsguard, and a particularly vicious riot kicked off. Thankfully, the clerics joined in quite quickly - including Hazel, saving the life of a teenager who threw a tomato at a Crownsguard and got a crossbow bolt through the throat for it.
They ran for the manor, chased by twelve guards. Alisaie took out most of the bunched-up runners with Shatter; Nai and Ava did the mop-up. (They had no class levels and few enough hit points.)
Upon reaching the manor, an unfortunate nat 20 from the guards (and Hazel’s botched Stealth roll even with Ava’s Pass Without Trace) got them spotted at the front door, and Hazel got herself pincushioned before everyone else joined in. Between Darvin’s Magic Missile, Alisaie’s casting Heat Metal on one guy’s armour, one slightly weak Eldritch Blast and Remi’s first use of Sacred Flame, that fight ended quickly.
The fight inside wasn’t exactly long-running either. Half of the Crownsguard in the Langerhan Manor throne room ran like hell once they saw their fellows cut down (Remi was impressive with a one-shot smite on one guard; Alisaie used her College of Swords routine and took two down at a stroke). Darvin tried Cloud of Daggers on the one who attacked Alisaie, which meant that Alisaie had to stick her arm in the equivalent of a blender to kill the guard-captain. She did it, though, and gave Darvin the finger after.
With some killing and a lot of intimidation, they found Baron Langerhan literally at death’s door. Hazel improved his condition with Lesser Restoration but there was underlying disease - some unnatural, some the natural result of the weakening of his system through poison and neglect. Remi rode for the clerics while everyone else kept an eye on Baron Langerhan.
After a tense moment trying to blow past a sentry wyvern-rider, Remi made it to the shrine and picked up Mellora, the tiefling cleric of Istus. She’s a Mischief domain cleric and invoked Duplicity to cause enough of a distraction for her and Remi to ride back to the manor. She cured Baron Langerhan but he’s still quite weak and will need care before he’s back on his feet.
Because of that, and because we need to get Froseth back for next session, they found a wagon, loaded Baron Langerhan into it, and Mellora rode for Hearthhome, which might well be the safest place in Goldendale right now, with the plan being to send Froseth back with the cart or at least the horse and leave Mellora there to take his place as guard, as well as to help mind Baron Langerhan. Once he comes back, they’ll assault Vendren’s Hold again.
Okay, now I can go to sleep, I think.
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