#skye don't look
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neosatsuma · 1 year ago
Scavengers Reign finale spoilers ahead:
There's something about the way Levi was the solution to Hollow, like... Kamen and the creature were in this feedback loop, right, making each other worse, isolated and focused only on each other. I was so unclear about Hollow's behavior and possible "motives" as it grew -- it wasn't behaving like an animal filling a niche in an ecosystem, but it didn't seem to have goals that made sentient sense either -- until I realized the extent to which their psychic bond went both ways. And nowhere was that more breathtakingly clear than when it found Fiona's body, looked at her with what seemed to be deep and genuine sorrow, then laid down beside her. Who knows if it would ever have moved again if she hadn't been destroyed. Like. This was a creature initially in tune and connected with its surroundings -- we see how the other members of its species go about their business -- until it enthralled Kamen and the two of them started feeding this circular obsession with themselves and Fiona, to the point that Hollow left its forest and trekked a vast distance to an alien hunk of metal that offered no sustenance, to go sit alone with a corpse. Completely disconnected from its home and the life on this planet.
And then. And then what breaks it, what boils away the monster, is this massive connection. Levi's deep and profound connection with the vast network of living things all over the planet, all intertwined -- it utterly overwhelms Hollow and Kamen, peels the creature down to a version of itself no longer bloated with the completely self-referential miasma it and Kamen had fostered in the closed system of their psyches.
And it gets another chance! That new little creature gets to go back and become a part of things again -- and so does Kamen. When we see him gently releasing that little green animal into the vibrant forest... That's the least selfish thing we've seen him do in the entire show. It's quite possibly the least selfish thing he's done in years. It's a step outside of himself, finally.
And I think it's interesting that the crucial moment was when the creature tried to enthrall Levi; it tried to suck Levi in the same way it did Kamen but Levi utterly RATIO-ED it through the awesome power of already BEING connected to a degree infinitely greater than the link Hollow was offering. Hollow couldn't contain all that; its capacity was too small. just. MAN!!!!
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satsumadraws · 1 year ago
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prediction for when we cut back, I'm certain it will go exactly like this <3
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neosatsuma · 1 year ago
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One thing that bothers me about jujutsu is that the author doesn't know how to develop some characters. 1 Shoko Ieri is an interesting character but I find her apathetic without a cold and superficial personality. 2 itadori yuji doesn't seem to be a protagonist he seems more like a tool than the protagonist of the work. 3 nobara had no development dry and emotionless death. and many other characters. There were only 2 characters that really had development, which was gojo and geto, for me, they were the only ones that had it. Why do you think the author did this, is it because he didn't want to develop the characters that's why he killed many important characters? I would appreciate it if you respond.
Tell me you got into jjk for satosugu without telling me you got into jjk for satosugu.
I... I don't even know where to start with this, to be honest. I will agree to the point that Gege has a problem with underutilizing and underdeveloping some of his characters, especially the women, but I think that's all I can agree with here.
1. Shoko is a great character. She has a more monotone personality, especially compared to others within the series, but I wouldn't call her cold or superficial by any means. She has friends that she cares about and a fun relationship with Utahime, but I'm not gonna find fault in her not being as enthusiastic as other characters, esp when she's continuously lost loved ones as the series has progressed.
2. It seems to me that you read the panels where Yuuuji called himself a cog and took that as the end all be all of his character. I actually find Yuuji incredibly loveable and complex for a protagonist, especially as an MC. He's a breath of fresh air, and his mentality toward the trope of "save everyone" is refreshing and realistic. He knows he can't, but he tries to save the people he can. He cares deeply about people, especially his friends. He's new to Jujutsu, but what he lacks in initial knowledge he makes up for by meshing almost seemlessly with everyone he's paired up with. He's not the smartest character, but he learns quickly and has some good ingenuity when it comes to fights. He has a positive, outgoing personality that's balanced out by moments of intense emotional and mental upheaval. Yuuji has grown and changed a lot as the story has progressed and he will continue to.
That being said, every character is a tool of the story, and given that we're brought into the wold of Jujutsu through him and are going through the story with him (same as with other characters) I don't see how him, a character within the story, being a tool used for storytelling is the negative point you think it is. Every character is a tool of the story. It's no fault of the character that you just don't find him as effective or useful as others do.
3. This point honestly makes me think you're trolling, I'm not gonna lie. Nobara had insane amounts of development during her time within the story. To name a few: She learns the value of relying on her teammates and prioritizing her life on her first mission with Yuuji. She makes the mistake of not bringing enough nails (her primary weapon) on her second mission and brings a surplus to every mission afterward. She shows a spectacular amount of foward thinking when it comes to fighting that we see demonstrated both in the Goodwill and Shibuya arcs. She's willing to sacrifice her health for the sake of winning a fight. She's one of the few characters (and one of three students) to land a black flash and touch the core of cursed energy. She's also one of the very, very few characters that can innately damage the soul.
Nobara has great growth throughout her time in the story, and she has the potential to do better if (when, imo) she returns to it. But let's move on to the other point of her dearh being "dry and emotionless" because I simply don't understand how you came away with that opinion. She's one of the main trio, she gave Yuuji hope when he was close to breaking and dealt lasting damage to Mahito in Shibuya, she has a touching backstory and relationship with her childhood best friend, and even still, has an impact on Yuuji and his approach toward letting new people into his life. Yuuji wasn't afraid of letting Higurum into his life and somehow replacing Nanami, he was afraid of letting Hana in and emotionally replacing Nobara. She's the first person that he asks about when he meets back up with Megumi post-Shibuya.
I think your opinion toward Nobara stems from the fact that you just don't connect with her the way others do, but just because you don't notice or care about her impact in the story (much less the impact her death had on Yuuji, who you don't even consider a protagonist) doesn't mean that she's not a well-written, interesting, and enjoyable character.
Gojo and Geto are good characters. Their dynamic is interesting, and their combined and individual stories are emotionally impactful. Even their techniques are cool, in my opinion. But, they're not the only characters that you can say that for. In fact, I wouldn't even put either of them in my personal top five. If you do, that's you, but it's a little wild to say that they're the only ones with good development in the story because that simply isn't true.
Lastly, like I said at the beginning of this answer, I do think that Gege has an issue with how he handles some characters. Does that include all, or even most of them? No, I think he's doing fine. Are their some big ones that he could've written better? Absolutely, but I challenge you to find any series where the author uses every one of their characters as best as they possibly could. Everyone is going to have a favorite character that they want to see shine, just because they don't, that doesn't always make it the author's fault.
I don't think fumbling this aspect of the story is intentional, and I'd even argue thats it's fitting in some cases. We're not going to get the full story of everyone we're introduced to, especially ones outside the main cast. Sometimes a character is simply there to move the plot along or introduce/reintroduce an aspect of the story, and that's fine. I think that people often forget that the story is ongoing and has time to touch on things that they feel have been overlooked. I also think that a lot of people don't want to consider that Gege has a plan for the story that we aren't privy to, nor are we going to like everything that he does.
As for why he kills a lot of important characters? Most likely to reinforce the idea that the world in which the story takes place isn't fair. No one has plot armor. It'd be a boring story if they did, and it would rob us of a lot of emotional investment because the tension wouldn't be nearly as high if we weren't worried for the safety of the characters that we love. If you're not invested in certain characters, maybe you won't feel that way, but that isn't a universal experience.
At the end of the day, I'd say Jujutsu Kaisen is a good story with a lot of really good characters (some of my favorite characters ever, even) but not everyone will agree with that statement. If a significant portion of the story or characters just aren't doing it for you, you might fall into the latter, and it seems that way if Gojo and Geto are the only highlights you've found to be worth investing your interest in.
(Since you sent me two of the exact same ask, consider this a part one. See ya in a minute.)
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racetheskies · 8 months ago
"are you sure you'll be okay?" hinata's middle school friends after seeing kageyama
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yeah they're fine this is normal for them
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relicsongmel · 6 months ago
Thinking about Ema's crush on Miles again as well as the line about her preference for "simmerous" prosecutors in AA4 and given that I'm also a fervent Franema shipper I have no choice but to take those ideas to their natural conclusion:
Ema Skye would probably also find Manfred von Karma attractive.
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ellikiins · 5 months ago
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I mentioned I always hack and lockpick anything to make quests and experience easier. So my Courier Six, Skye, has that skill in common with Sole Survivor Diane. Despite how charming Nick is, he thinks he can reuse the same joke to impress a new crowd but instead makes Diane jealous and disappointed that line didn't make her as special in his eyes as she thought. It's okay, Diane, you are still his best partner, don't be so short sighted! Boone is just jealous that Nick could make a better, more charming friend (or something like that) and he doesn't want to lose his Courier.
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clovariia · 1 month ago
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i'm starting 2025 off with designs for more g5 characters for the elaborate au that i've been cooking in my evil mind...expect to see another year's worth of niche pony content!
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years ago
Ask Idea! (Any version of these two Links!)
Time being a “Dad” for Legend.
(@thepinklink @hermitdrabbles56 @triforce-of-mischief @servantprincess come enjoy)
The emergency department was fairly abandoned as Time entered. The surgeon made his way directly to the charge nurse station and saw Warriors coordinating some bed assignments to get patients to the floors where they needed to go upon admission. When the charge nurse finally finished his task, he let out a sigh of relief upon noticing Time.
"Your patient's in the 300 block," Warriors said. "Census is finally low enough that I have an actual excuse to kick him out. Please help."
"How many?" Time asked, more out of morbid curiosity than anything.
"This is night eleven."
The surgeon's eyes widened. Eleven? He remembered his residency days when he would work well over a hundred hours in a week and was on the brink of insanity while being expected to work. Eleven shifts... that made for, what, 132 hours?
"Eleven consecutive shifts?" he repeated.
"Yeah," Warriors confirmed tiredly. "It isn't safe, Time. For anyone. I'm not letting management get away with it. Get him out of here."
With that, the conversation was cut off as the phone rang and Warriors had to start dealing with another situation. Time watched him a moment longer and then sighed, heading for the area sectioned off for the 300 rooms.
The emergency department was divided into several "blocks" of rooms, usually separated by acuity. The 100s were the "primary care" rooms, where patients who really didn't have an emergency but had nowhere else to go would be sorted. The 200s were the behavioral health area, secluded from the rest of the ER with doors that were always closed to mute the noise of the rest of the department. The 300s and 400s were the acutely ill while the 500s were the critically ill, and the 600s was the pediatric block.
The 300s wasn't far from the charge nurse station, so it didn't take Time long to reach the open area. The nurse station for each block sat in the center of the room so they could easily see all their patients, alongside the "doc box," where the physicians worked. Off to the left side of the nurse's station was the person in question.
Legend sat in front of a computer, a patient's chart open with an assessment half charted. Legend had his head propped on his right fist, his left hand absentmindedly typing words until the computer autocompleted them and he'd tab to the next box.
"Legend?" Time prompted as he approached him.
The travel nurse perked up slightly, some energy lighting his dull eyes. "Hey. Can I help you? They... they didn't put in a trauma consult for the guy in 12, it's a simple fracture. Right?"
"Nobody put in for a trauma consult," Time assured him, resting his hands on the counter in front of him. Legend looked very small and, for lack of a better word, defeated.
They stared at each other for a moment longer, Legend clearly not processing what was going on, and the nurse eventually settled his eyes back on charting with a noncommittal hum of acknowledgement.
The nurse's eyes gazed back up at the surgeon.
"Warriors changed assignments," Time explained. "Someone is picking up your patients."
"I only have one," Legend remarked confusedly. "Wait, what? Shouldn't I be picking up someone's assignment? Why are you even talking about--what?"
"He told me you had one patient, who is waiting for some paperwork from the physician and then is getting discharged," Time said slowly, gently tapping his fingers on the counter as he waited for Legend to process his words. "Which means you really don't have much of a patient assignment right now."
"You're going home, Legend."
Legend blinked. Then he blinked again.
Before he could argue, another nurse slid in beside him, stating exactly what Time had just articulated. Legend stared between the two, baffled.
"Then what am I...?"
"You're. Going. Home." Time repeated, stressing each word.
The travel nurse's coworker cleared her throat with a smile, and Legend hastily gave her report before staring at Time once more.
Then it finally seemed to click.
"What kind of bullsh--"
"Why the hell did that idiot think he could send me home--"
"What, does he think things are going to stay calm just because census has settled? I swear, the instant I leave the hospital the waiting room's gonna flood--"
"Legend!" Time finally said a little louder, making the travel nurse jump at his snappish tone. Then the surgeon settled. "Don't worry about what's happening here. That's Warriors' job. You've been working far too much lately."
"They're short staffed," Legend argued, motioning at the barren nurse's station. "What the hell was I going to do, just let them flounder?"
Time sighed and put a hand on his shoulder. "Your sentiment is admirable and good, Legend, but wearing yourself to the bone isn't going to help, either. You'll burn out and fall apart, and they'll be short staffed all the same."
"You're saying I'm replaceable," Legend grumbled, looking at the ground.
"I'm saying you can't help them if you have nothing left to give," Time corrected him patiently, understanding that the nurse's exhaustion was no doubt going to lead to irritability and false assumptions.
"I have plenty to give," Legend fired back, taking a step away and stumbling. "I'll--"
Here he faltered, scrambling for an argument and unable to find one. Time crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow, making the travel nurse wave at him dismissively with an irritated tch.
"Where are you going?" Time asked as Legend walked away.
"To see if I'm needed elsewhere," was the terse reply.
"Legend," Time warned. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way."
The travel nurse froze, throwing a seething glare in his direction. "What, you think you can boss me around like you do Twilight or Wild? I'm not your kid, and I'm not part of your little war veteran posse either. What difference do I make, shouldn't you be in surgery or something? Pretty sure you have a job you're supposed to be doing."
Time took a steadying breath and walked towards Legend. His silence intimidated the travel nurse far more than his words did, and Legend took a wary step away. "What are you--"
With a swift motion, Time reached forward and slung the travel nurse over his shoulder, Legend squealing in alarm. A curious family member peeked out of one of the rooms, but beyond that Legend's hemming and hawing did little to change the situation.
Time had to admit, he was impressed at the combination of curse words the travel nurse was coming up with, though.
By the time they reached the alcove just outside the staff room for the ED, Legend had settled a little, only occasionally cussing Time out, jumping to different languages when he felt particularly irate.
"You need to clock out."
"Fuck you."
"All right, you can deal with it later."
They reached the entrance to the waiting room, and Time finally paused. "Am I going to have to carry you out of here, or will you walk with me?"
Legend's death grip on Time's shirt eased a little, followed by a defeated sigh. "Fine, dammit, I'll walk with you. Just put me down."
With that settled, Time slowly eased Legend to the ground, watching the nurse stumble a little with a dizzy spell. He steadied him by his shoulders, and Legend hissed, pushing him away.
Time furrowed his brow. "What compels you to think you can singlehandedly save everything and everyone, Legend?"
Legend's glare lost its bite, and he looked away. "It's my job, damn it. I'm a travel nurse, we come in to help departments who don't have enough nurses. This is what people rely on me for."
"Well, I don't know what your other assignments did to abuse you so much that you think eleven shifts is acceptable," Time stated, his words softened by his gentle tone. "But you have support here. We're not letting you burn yourself out like this."
"I'm not burnt out!"
Time stared at him until Legend withered under his gaze. He didn't have to rub salt in the wound. Instead, he just said, "Let's go."
Legend followed him somberly to the exit. The longer they walked, though, the more confused the young man became.
"Wait, my car's in a different deck. Where are we going?"
"I'm driving you home."
"What?" Legend stopped in the middle of the parking deck. "Come on, old man, I can handle driving myself home. Do you trust me that little?"
"You do realize that the level of exhaustion you're at probably makes you as addled as if you were drunk?" Time threw back. "You're coming home with me, Ledge. Someone has to take care of you since you don't seem to know how to take care of yourself."
Surprisingly, this didn't merit another string of curses or a fit. Instead, Legend deflated, suddenly out of energy to argue. Time left him be, willing to give the boy some space since he'd been manhandling him so much already. Instead, he unlocked his car and walked towards it, opening the passenger door. Legend dragged his feet over, sliding in silently and buckling up.
The travel nurse was out like a light before they even left the parking deck.
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cerealbishh · 4 months ago
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"Just be careful. My dad loves you but he'll stick a knife right in your back and sever your spine!"
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neosatsuma · 23 hours ago
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smh, why was he in there so long, the exit's right there
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satsumadraws · 9 months ago
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oh Yuuta WIP we're really in it now
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pk-heart · 5 months ago
playing harvest moon ds cute and I forgot this game is actually insane and expects you to spend a million hours throwing a ball at your dog.
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technikki · 1 year ago
actually hey do you ever get fucked up over the fact that the main two instances of don laughing in the anime happen after he's been told the worst news he'll ever hear in his life. he laughs in episode 4 because he thinks it's a joke and he laughs in episode 6 because he is suddenly hit with a wave of the most intense emotions he's ever felt in his life and he's a child and he literally cannot process any of it let alone try to figure out how to react to it. do you guys ever think about that. because i do
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skywerse · 11 months ago
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I designed finch's dad!!!!
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wizardnuke · 5 months ago
i can't play valoranté..the storm..my wifi..my dodge record...
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relicsongmel · 1 year ago
In a perfect world Franziska von Karma would be 5'10
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