#sit with you in the trenches | hypnos
rjhpandapaws · 2 years
Liquid Courage Leads to Real Mistakes
//TW: mentions of nonconsensual induced sleep // I am going to be in the woods til the 22nd so this is the last update for a while. I'm still gonna write and draw while i'm gone though.
Patroclus spent a lot of his time waiting. When Zagreus wasn't around there wasn't much else for him to do. It doesn't feel as hollow as before, he has something - someone - to look forward to seeing again. It made his skin itch with the desire to do something for once. Anything other than just sit and wait. The thing was, that there wasn't much to do in Elysium other than fight. Which is something he's already had more than enough of for one afterlife. Sparring with Zagreus was one thing, but he had no desire for genuine combat. It felt too much like war. There was always the colosseum. There was always the option to watch other people fight. Theseus, for all his bluster, was a one-trick horse, so showing support for Zagreus was really his only reason to go. He imagined that this was what Achilles must feel like when Zagreus was making an escape attempt. A mix of anticipation and worry. He had paced enough that he was certain that if Elysium wasn't a sacred place, he would have worn a trench into the dirt. He wanted to see Zagreus again and hear how he had been fairing, as well as Achilles. To make sure they were both as well as their circumstances would allow for.
It felt like it had been ages since he last got to see Zagreus. He understood there were runs his door didn't come up on, but he didn't think it had ever been this long. Or at the very least it has never felt like it. The sharp clang of the door nearly scared him out of his skin, but the moment of fear was quickly chased away by delight. He met Zagreus at the stairs, which made him grin. Tucked under his arm was a bottle of what looked to be ambrosia. It seemed they had finally graduated from nectar. "I take it you missed me?" Zagreus joked as they walked back to their place by the river. If only he knew, Patroclus thought. "Maybe I've taken to patrolling this place to keep away any wandering shades." It's a playful deflection at best, and definitely not believable, "As well as the occasional pesky god." Zagreus grinned, "I'll be sure to let you know if I see any." They share a laugh as they settled at the edge of the murmuring river. It's once they're both comfortable that Zagreus speaks again.
"Sorry it took me so long to get back here." He said and looked down at the water. His hold on the ambrosia bottle tightened until his knuckles turned white, "Achilles was worried since I haven't exactly been sleeping and so he had Hypnos put me under. As soon as I woke up I made my way back here. I..." He sighed quietly, "I missed you." He finally loosened his hold on the bottle, if only to hand it to Patroclus, "Anyway, I wanted you to have this. It's the first bottle I won off Theseus." He hesitated before he finally took the bottle, "I am only taking this under the expectation that you are going to help me drink it." They had gone through this enough times, that it was more or less an unspoken rule. "Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way. Besides, we have a lot of catching up to do." The bottle was sealed well enough that it took him a couple of tries to get it open. Once it was open a familiar ease settled over them. Its like old times. It's like old times, they share in drink and caught up what had and hadn't changed since they had last did this.
It was pleasant and comfortable. Everything about being at the edge of the river with Zagreus feels so right. Like this was the natural culmination of everything; the only thing missing was Achilles. He knew ambrosia was a divine drink, designed to mimic pleasant memories and ease risk. It loosened him, not too unlike mortal wine. Zagreus was relaxed too. There was an ease to him that Patroclus couldn't remember seeing before. It drew him in. He didn't realize he was moving at all; until his lips met Zagreus'. He stiffened for a moment, then Patroclus felt him return the kiss. It's slow and cautious at first, and then something caved and Zagreus was kissing him like his life depended on it. Patroclus was the one to pull away first. He had a moment to observe Zagreus as he came back to himself. He looked almost relieved before panic crashed over him and he fled leaving only scorched grass and the ominous clang of the chamber door in his wake. Stygius was still stabbed into the ground beside Patroclus' spear. He watched it fade with a growing sense of dread.
The regret came next, He had probably ruined everything. He knew Zagreus had been trying to deal with his feelings for Achilles. Now he'd gone and fucked everything up. But the way Zagreus had melted into him had to mean something. Right? He would be able to ask whenever he saw Zagreus again. If he ever saw Zagreus again.
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writing-the-end · 4 years
LoL Chapter 34- Leyline
A Wizard Hermits tale (AU, designs, ideas belongs to @theguardiansofredland)
The hermits rush to save Grian from the precipice of death, and discover the locations of their next great fight. 
Warning: Mentions of blood, wounds, death
Hypno runs his finger along the map. “We noticed it here, by the Midnight harbor. The ground was all…” 
Scar takes up the mantle. If there’s one person who knows dirt and landscaping, it’s him. “I saw that the grass was wilted, just a little bit off color from the rest of the area. At first i thought maybe it was just a ditch or something, but it was too perfect a line to be natural.” 
“Scar and his dirt.” Cub chuckles. His fellow convex knows about soil and land better than anyone. It’s how he became such a natural S-Class. 
“Yeah, he ate it too.” Hypno shudders. 
“It didn’t taste right, it didn’t feel right. The ground I mean. It was all dry and crumbled on my tongue.” Scar ignores Hypno’s shaking head, focused on remembering what he, Beef, and Hypno had seen. Trying not to get distracted and lose his train of thought. “I followed the line, and it led straight to-” 
Lightning crackled through the sky, interrupting Scar mid sentence and sending all of the hermits skittering under the tree. But not a cloud is in sight, the blue unmarred by anything except sunlight. Xisuma is the first to check the horizon, to watch for a husk storm or impending invasion. Nothing there either. 
A wave crashes up against the hill, surging over sand and grass. From the sea, four figures appear. Beef transforms into a massive, beastly bull, snorting and ready to charge whoever dares disturb the hermits. Hypno and Xisuma summon their magic, while Scar is still getting over his spooked stumble. 
The strangers run past the guild hall, running directly into the village half of Eremita. Beef takes off after them, chasing the red fabric that quivers in the wind. He lowers his horns, his speed buffeting his brown fur. Intense, tunnel vision only for the angry, vibrant color. Even ignoring the splatters of red on the dirt and grass. Beef is mere inches away from goring the four, til something constricts around one of his horns and pulls. 
“Stop, Beef!” Hypno calls, digging his shoes into the ground and pulling the lasso taut. “It’s our friends, look!” 
Beef blinks, taking a deep breath through his snout and blinking back the feral mindset his form dares to take up. Indeed, xB stands between Beef and the other three. Iskall and Mumbo are soaking wet, continuing without the kipling. And in their arms is Grian, limp and unresponsive. It was his cloak that enticed Beef into charging. The bright red of the fabric mixes with the dark stains of blood. 
The taurus mage returns to his human form. “What’s going on?” 
“Grian’s hurt. Real bad.” xB looks over his shoulder, waiting until the door to the infirmary shuts tight. Xisuma races after, grabbing Joe and Wels. “They called for me to help them cross the sea. We lost him for a few minutes on the way here.” 
Hypno, xB, and Beef watch the other hermits scurry across the island. They were a family, each and every one of them willing to do whatever it takes to help the others. Beef’s voice hitches as he speaks. “L-lost him? Like… you misplaced him, right? What do you mean lost him? He couldn’t have… he didn’t die, right?”
xB’s silence is answer enough. Hypno pulls his hand through his hair, running across the black material that keeps wayward locks from his face. “For being our guild’s only healer, he sure knows how to get himself in harm’s way.” 
“Maybe that’s how he keeps the rest of us safe.” Beef follows after TFC, joining the other hermits in the crowded infirmary. Almost every hermit is in the tiny space, crowding in to try and help stabilize Grian. 
“-killed us. Dolios ambushed us a-and killed Iskall and me.” Mumbo’s stammering cuts through the orders coming from Wels, Joe, and Ren. 
“And then Grian used his archangel aura to revive us.” Iskall adds. “He was already so hurt, all I remember is waking up and seeing him resurrect Mumbo. Then pass out.” 
Everything the hermits were talking about before has been abandoned. Scar’s discovery is the last thing on their mind. Right now, all they can focus on is keeping Grian alive. Ren mimics Grian’s magic, hands glowing with light, and gets to work. Healing the wounds, both internal and external. Wels casts a healing buff, aiding Grian’s body in the process, and Joe writes just about every medical supply the hermits could ever need. 
Xisuma filters out the hermits, until it’s just the necessary bodies filling the small infirmary. TFC, Xisuma, Iskall, Mumbo, and the three that were fighting to keep Grian from slipping away. 
And Scar. He sits in the chair beside Grian’s bed, leg bouncing as he tries to understand what Iskall and Mumbo told him. “Dolios had another crystal? He was using it against you guys?” 
“He lured us in, and attacked us. He was there. He didn’t even flinch at killing.” Mumbo shakes his head. 
“He’s a bastard, and a mega one at that.” Iskall adds. Silence falls over the infirmary, only the sound of Grian’s healing, his shallow breath filling the air between the hermits. 
“Did he mention how he corrupted that crystal? Why?” Scar finally whispers, not taking his eyes off Ren’s glowing hands. He knows that Grian’s healing magic isn’t easy. It’s painful, forcing the body to heal itself. The fact that Grian isn’t even moving worries him. 
“He said it took him weeks to make that thing.” Iskall answers, since Mumbo is too preoccupied watching the procedure. His teeth worry his lip, making the mustache dance on his face. He just wants his friend to be okay. “And...and he said something about a- a creation? That he needed the power for him and his creation.” 
Scar’s brows furrow, deep in thought. Piecing together all the parts of the story. It’s like he’s reading a book in random order, finding scraps of the tale and gluing them to make one full line. “The crystals are sending the stolen magic somewhere. They can’t be holding that much power, they’re like...like…” 
“Like redstone redstone torches.” Mumbo breathes, eyes lighting up. “So there has to be something it’s powering.” 
“And that line of dirt and grass, I think it’s got something to do with the stolen magic. It’s a circuit. A leyline of magic.” Scar crashes backwards in his chair, rolling out and slamming the door out of it’s frame. He returns a second later, holding the map. He lays the parchment over Grian’s legs. It’s not like he’s moving anytime soon anyway. 
“Leylines? Like what the ancient ones used?” Joe picks his head up from battling a roll of gauze. Leylines haven’t been used in eons. No one knows how to tap into their energy. It was magic lost with the ancient civilization, pre-Lairyon. 
“Not exact leylines, but more… artificial ones, I guess. Hand me some charcoal.” Xisuma pulls a pencil from his pockets. Always prepared. Scar snatches the pencil, and begins to draw across the map. Straight lines connecting crystals and husk storms. The more lines that Scar adds, the more apparent that his crazy, wild line of thinking becomes. Lines begin to connect, three hotspots appear. 
“The evernight forest.” Ren breathes, hands drifting back from Grian’s body. 
Scar ignores the whisper, continuing with his work. Another hotspot rises from the straight lines, this time on the other side of the kingdom. TFC shakes his head, as if it was obvious. “The Crystal Mines, of course.” 
One final place, and Xisuma growls from beneath his mask as the lines intersect, right in the broken heart island that is nestled within Lairyon’s moon-shaped continent. “Heartbreak Trench.” 
Scar shakes his head. “The power being stolen by those crystals has to be going to these places. Routing power to these for Dolios to use.” 
“What does he need all of that power for? What could he be using it for?” Iskall looks across the map, noticing something else. “It’s in three corners of Lairyon. North, east, and south. Does that mean there’s one to the west as well?” 
Xisuma traces the lines, but they lead to everywhere and anywhere within the western hemisphere of lairyon. “If there is one, we don’t know where it is. For now, we should go on what we know. We should go in search of these hotspots, follow the leylines.” 
“Sounds like a fun new adventure.” All of the hermits present look down, a weak, aching voice joining the conversation. “Where are we going next?” 
Grian is awake, wincing with only one eye open. Iskall and Mumbo are hovering over him, while Grian observes the white bandages that cross over his body, wrap around his arms. He looks around for his shirt and cloak, relieved to find them in decent condition. Otherwise, BDubs is going to have another sewing job. 
Scar hugs his friend tight, until Grian is practically squeaking from the pain and pressure. “So good to have you back among the living, my man. No dark mage can hold you down for long.” 
“If it means giving Dolios a taste of his own medicine after our battle, I’m in.” Grian smiles, already attempting to sit up. Ready to get back to saving the world. “So…. what wild adventure waits for us now?”
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fatherfishbach · 7 years
Ash’s Jury Answers !
Hello again ! It is time for my answers ! 
It’s really a combination of both. I knew people were a little bit mad at Billy, and I thought I had at least a slightly better chance of winning against him. But I also cannot sit here and pretend like I didn’t take personal relationships into account. I have tried my absolute hardest in this game to keep my word whenever humanly possible. And I told Billy a long time ago that I wouldn’t vote him out. And as much as I love you, I don’t think I ever explicitly made you that promise(If I did I am so sorry and that negates this entire argument and you have my deepest and truest apologies). I think coming to FTC with someone who I promised I would take with me if I had the chance shows a sense of loyalty and integrity that I tried my best to keep with me throughout the game.
Please never change I love you.
I know you didn’t ask a question. But I wanted to take this space to say just how much I appreciated what you said to me in your speech. It made me smile. A lot. You’re a wonderful, and truly incredible friend.
Songs ! Okay ! Hopefully this goes alright, my music library is...varied. To say the least.
Gage-Good Grief by Bastille
Carson-Rolling in the Deep by Adele
Allison-Home by Phillip Phillips
Sara-The Promise by Emma Blackery ( I love you and I’m so happy you’re doing okay )
Jordan-The Kids Aren’t Alright by Fall Out Boy
Karen-Miss Missing You by Fall Out Boy (Showmance jokes here are always good right?)
Ricky-How to Save a Life by The Fray
Isaac-By Now by Marianas Trench
Shea-How Far We’ve Come by Matchbox Twenty
First off I’ve known you forever and how on earth did I not know you liked danisnotonfire? Anyway, questions !
1. Honestly, this was a much earlier move than I think the other two might say. But I genuinely think Kait’s exit is really what shaped the way this game went. Kait’s exit was really the first major blindside in this game. Well, that was planned. Steven’s exit was a bit of a blindside as well I suppose but from what I hear it was literally last minute of tribal. Gage and I meticulously planned Kait’s exit and I think that set the stage for the multitude of meticulously planned blindsides that came after that.
2. That I regret making? It’s..complicated honestly? Because it’s hard to regret any moves when they took you this far. But I will say that I regret taking both Brian and Tyler out. Those two were people that I really feel like I could’ve worked with further into the game and I really wish I’d given myself the opportunity to play with some new people instead of keeping the same people in that I always tend to.
Gage: .Persian. Beautiful but also shifty as all hell.
Carson: Gengar. Mate you were like a shadow this game. Attacking left and right and then disappearing into thin air.
Allison: Lapras. You were beautiful and hunted to almost extinction you poor thing.
Sara: Vulpix. Adorable but most certainly firey.
Jordan: Firstly just know I’m mad that it’s 151 so I can’t give you Absol because you generally meant well but were often misunderstood. But instead I suppose I’ll go with Machamp because of just how much of a physical threat you were.
Karen: Alakazam. You were so, so smart in this game. You were an absolute strategic mastermind therefore, strongest psychic pokemon.
Ricky: Hypno. You were so, SO persuasive. It was almost..shall I say..Hypnotizing.
Isaac: Jigglypuff. You were a cute and silent killer man. Tiny assassin.
Shea: Dugtrio. You were underestimated in this game. And I’ve seen Dugtrio underestimated a lot. And just like dugtrio, you shocked everyone by getting this far.
My love ! I really, really wish it would’ve worked this time around. And thank you for the kind words ! 
I think my best asset in these games has always been my social game, and I think that can apply to this game as well. I won’t say the two boys sitting next to me necessarily lacked in that, I just think I did very well myself. I tried my best to keep in touch with as many people as I possible could. Except for you and Isaac because we’re all terrible at actually responding to things (Love you xo). And I think that’s what helped to keep me around in this game. People liked me enough to trust me, and they liked me enough to listen to me when I started to discuss tribal. And people liked me enough to let me know they’d heard my name, which lead to my ability to save myself.
I think Andrew played a stronger game that took more risks. So Andrew.
I answered this already with Allison but Brian and Tyler leaving
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tandgstories-blog · 8 years
Character Sheet...
Character Sheet for Durjan Nyghte better known as Morpheus 
Verse: The Prophecy:The Death Curse Date: 01/16/17
Full Name: Morpheus Nickname/Alias: Durjan Nyghte Meaning: Shape/Dark night (Alias) Title: God of dreams Pet Name: Sand Man, love Signature: Neat and beautiful cursive
Gender: Non Binary Gender Role: Acts more feminine Pronouns: Him/His or They/Their Orientation: Pansexual/Polyamorous Real Age: Unknown Age Appearance: Appears early twenties Birthday: None Deathday: None Birthplace: Hades
Immediate Family: Father, Hypnos; Uncle, Thanatos; Aunt, Eris; Grandmother, Nyx; Grandfather, Eberos,  Triplet Brothers(including him), Phobetor & Phantos Distant Family: Most of his uncles and aunts Parenting: It depended on who he was staying with Upbringing: Never do anything for free, work hard, believe in the darkness and chaos Species: Deity, Daemon Ethnicity: Greek Blood Type: Unknown Preferred Hand: Left handed Eye Color: Acidic Green (Sclera is solid black)(Most common form)/Naturally white iris outer ring of pale pink Hair Color: Dyed purple, naturally chestnut brown(Most common form)/Naturally solid black Hairstyle: Undercut, chin length, usually kept in a ponytail(Most common form)/Knee length, bangs frame face naturally Skin Tone: Olive Complexion: Youthful glow Makeup: Nail polish, sometimes wears other make up Build: Lean, swimmer Height: 5'8” Weight: 140 lbs Facial Hair: Stays clean shaven Birthmarks/scars: None Distinguishing Features: Eyes, Tattoos Tattoos: wings filling back, long horns on side of head, night sky sleeve on right arm, alchemy symbols down left arm, sclera(white of the eye) tattooed black, a chomp chomp on his ass
Health: Divine Energy: More than he appears to have Memory: Poor memory with specific details Senses: They are about equal, though greater than a human's Allergies: Claims to be allergic to daylight, none Handicaps: None Medication: None Phobias: Silence, Bright lights Addictions: Sleep, movies, music Mental Disorders: Hypnosomnia (excessive sleep) Style: Gothic and punk styled clothes Mode of Dress: When he's not being super lazy, he'll actually look really good Grooming: Either well kept or messy, no inbetween Posture: Slouches Gait: Slowly but with extreme grace Coordination: Far stronger, faster, and better reflexes than a typical human Habits and Mannerisms: Excessive yawning, Rubbing exposed skin, Making weird faces Scent: Smells like poppies under a full moon Mood: Lethargic Attitude: Doesn't want to deal with people while awake Stability: Fairly stable Expressiveness: Is the least expressive person on the planet when awake When Happy: Hums softly, sleeps lessWhen Depressed: Sleeps more, will fuck with people's dream When Angry: Will put people in eternal sleep, deny them dreams, full blown attack someone Family: Family loves him, especially his brothers Friends: He's lazy but incredibly kind Enemies: He's a lazy good for nothing bastard Bosses: Grandparents Followers: Many people follow him or at least acknowledge him Heroes: Family Rivals: Brothers, aunt and uncles Relates to: Brothers, father Pets/Familiars: A stuffed animal goldfish named Glub, shouldn't be responsible for another's life Wardrobe: It's a mixture of casual and comfortable and expensive Equipment: A decent sized box that’s half ivory and half horn and very decorative Accessories: Two tongue piercings, two lips rings on the left, two eyebrow piercings on the right, septum piercing, several ear piercings Trinkets: A pocket watch with a night sky on it Funds: Unlimited funds due to divine status Home: Decorated as however Phoinix wants Neighborhood: Artsy, higher income people Transportation: Teleports, sometimes flies License Plate Number: Doesn't own a vehicle, can't drive Collections: Blankets Most valuable possession: His pocket watch, blessed by his grandmother and father Prized Possession: Pocket watch Lovers: a variety of lovers Marital Status: Divorced, dating Phoinix and Mags Sex Life: Pretty much dead Turn-Ons: He doesn't care as long as they can sit down, relax, and cuddle Turn Offs: Fidgeting, pacing, super energetic or excited Position: Switch Fetishes: Experimentalism, Rope Play/Shibari, Pet, Masochist, Blood Play, Non-Monogamy Virginity: Too many times to keep count Element: None
Occupation: God of dreams Work Ethic: Loves his job, hates to work Rank: N/A Income: However much they want Wealth Status: Higher class, lives however he wants, usually middle class Experience: None really, born into his divinity Organizations/Affiliations: Whoever sleeps Social Stereotype: Goth or Punk now and days Intelligence: Interpersonal/Intrapersonal Extracurricular Activities: Sleeping, listening to music, sometimes going to a night club, watching movies Religion: Greek Pantheon Morals: Moral compass is a bit skewed, believes that as long as you don't get caught, do what you want Crime Record: Nothing recorded by man Motivation: His job as a god, family Priorities: Family, Personal interests, friends Philosophy: Never be afraid to pursue your dreams, even if it means sleeping your life away Political Party: None Etiquette: Excellent manners Culture: Greek Influences: Family inspires him Relates to: Dreamers of the world Traditions: Greek traditions Superstitions: None Main Goal: Learn what human life is like Minor Goals/Ambitions: Support his friends Career: None Desires: To learn more about human life and why they're so active Wishlist: None Accomplishments: None really Greatest Achievement: Starting to live on earth Biggest Failure: Doesn't talk about it Secrets: He hides the fact that he's a god Regrets: Not moving to earth sooner Worries: Being discovered and feared Best Memories: Spending time with his family Worst Memories: Losing his wife
Hobbies/Interests: Besides sleep, likes to listen to music, watch movies, and make people have weird dreams Skills/Talents: Extremely talented and creative when creating dreams for people Likes: Sleeping, creating dreams, watching movies, listening to music, cuddling, cheesy jokes and puns Dislikes: Being woken up, super excited or energetic people Sense of Humor: Dark, witty, sarcastic, punny Pet Peeves: When people can’t stay calm, when people are unnecessarily loud Superstitions/Beliefs: Knows the powers of the gods, doesn't have any superstitions Dreams/Nightmares: Can't dream Quirks: Likes making a nest to sleep, hates wearing shoes or socks, Savvy: Greek mythology, dreams and their meanings Can't understand: human culture, energetic people, rushing around, insomnia Closet Hobby: Going to a nightclub to party Guilty Pleasure: Helping his aunt or uncle with their work Strengths: Kindness, Patience Flaws: Lazy, prone to lying, likes to sometimes cause mischief Perception: A world full of dreamers just needing the motivation to strive for them Conflicts: When his interests with humans interfere with his divine status Instincts: Constantly create dreams Lures: Tranquil people, Nightmares, Sleeping people in general Soft Spot: Humans who can't sleep, cats Cruel Streak: Insulting his family or friends, People who are cruel or mean without reason Powers/Abilities: Can shapeshift to look like any person, can influence, change, and shape anyone's dreams, can put single individuals to sleep, can hide his wings and horns, can prevent people from ever dreaming again, can put people into an eternal sleep Origin: Divine birth Source: Through a variety of means, often by using a box Ability: The best, the god of these skills Weaknesses: Same weaknesses as most deities Immunities: Cannot catch human diseases or illnesses Restrictions: Can only enter another's dream when he's asleep Alternate Forms: Shape Shifting abilities, only his family knows his true form Extra Anatomy: Wings(Left is white, right is black), long horns growing from temple and back just past his head(Left is white, right is black) Special: When in his true form, he looks like an ancient greek king in people’s dreams. Often wears a long rawhide trench coat that is white on the left, black on the right. Also wears worn leather pants that are white on the left and black on the right.  Wears knee high boots and soft leather gloves, both have the left one white, and the right one black. Also wears a white gold crown. Languages: Can speak any spoken language Accent: Changes with his form Voice: Low bass, deep and husky Speech Impediments: Can have one depending on his form Greetings and Farewells: A series of grunts and other noises and waves State of Mind: “How are you?” Proceeds to grunt Compliment: “You're as beautiful as a dream come true,” Insult: “I'd say knowing you is a dream come true but it's more like a nightmare,” Expletive: Just doesn't curse, will make a weird face at you though Laughter: He laughs very quietly, you can usually tell he's laughing by the fact that his shoulders shake, Tag Line: Random meows at friends, “Sorry, can't help with that, I'm sleeping,” Signature Quote: “I'm like a cat that way. I sleep twenty hours a day and gods know what I do in the other four,” “I love helping people dream. If they are willing to dream it, I know that they can achieve it. It's something beautiful,” Reputation: He's lazy First Impressions: He's extremely tired and doesn't want to be there Stranger Impressions: He's a little off, looks like he doesn't want to be there Friendly Impressions: He's lazy yes, but that doesn't stop him from being kind and funny. Enemy Impressions: He's a freak, and he needs to wake the fuck up Familiar Impressions: He sleeps so much so that he can do his job as the god of dreams, he's a good but mischievous guy Compliments: Inspiring, funny, odd Insults: Freak, bastard, sleep addict Self-Impression: He's a lazy bastard who hasn't accomplished anything significant in his long life The Self: Caring individual who wants to inspire others through their dreams The Shadow: A cruel and masochistic man who doesn't mind hurting others to have a little fun and chaos Persona/Mask: Presents a lazy bastard to hide a sensitive and caring man Role: The inspiration, keeping people on their toes Fulfillment: By helping people with their dreams, and just being odd Significance: His divine abilities Comparison: Cats, lots of cats Symbol: Sleeping cats, anything that makes you think of sleeping Song: “Morpheus in a Masquerade” by Cain’s Offering Vice: (Pride/Greed/Gluttony/Lust/Envy/Sloth/Wrath) Virtue: (Patience/Diligence/Chastity/Temperance/Charity/Kindness/Humility) Defining Moment: When he left Hades to live among humans Tropes: His clothing choices, taste in music, some of his views Originality: His divinity One Word: Strange
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writing-the-end · 4 years
LoL Chapter 27- Hermits
A Wizard Hermits tale (AU, designs, ideas belongs to @theguardiansofredland)
Its not often the hermits get a chance to all be together. And while they know battles lie ahead of them, they take this moment to enjoy being a family again. 
Etho appears beside TFC, causing the mineral mage to sputter out the coffee he was sipping. “I caught sight of xB a few islands down!” 
The hermits murmur with excitement and follow Etho to the shoreline. Sure enough, xB is hauling Hypno and Beef onto the warm sand. Hypno thumps his hand against his head, an attempt to escape his clogged ears which only fails for him. “Can’t we take a sky turtle next time?” 
“But it’s more fun to swim!” xB chuckles, and with a flick of his finned ears and his grey tail he runs to hug the hermits. “It’s so good to be back, guys! I can’t remember the last time all of us were on the island together.”
“You guys said something about taking back Lairyon?” Beef raises an eyebrow, looking over at Doc. “This isn’t your rebellious phase coming back, is it?”
“We’ll explain everything on the way. TFC has a lot to tell.” Etho wraps his arms around Hypno and xB, before disappearing into their shared shadow. 
The kipling laughs, shaking his head and looking around the island. “Some things never change. I see you haven’t fixed the hole in False’s forge either.” 
The hermits laugh, the entire group filled with life as they return to the guild hall. Joe and Cleo regale the missing hermits with the story of their victory at the Chimaera’s Championship. Their battles and challenges in the arena, facing off against the best guilds and winning the cup. They also tell Hypno, xB, and Beef about the heist, the discovery. 
“Why am I not surprised?” Hypno hums, tapping his fingers against the wood of the table that he sits down at. TFC pats the boys on the head, grabbing at Beef’s face and tapping his finger on a scar he sees. Beef shrinks away, concerned for a second, but the guildmaster only chuckles in response.
“I can’t wait to hear that story. It’s good to have you guys back.” TFC pats him on the back. “Treat you to a pint of beer next time we go to town.” 
“Let’s hear about this big job you’ve got planned for us first.” xB raises an eyebrow. In response, TFC rolls out his map.
The paper has changed since they first decided to go after Dolios and his creepy crystals. If there’s one thing an outlaw guild knows how to do, it’s to find new jobs through the grapevine. “Dolios has these tales silenced. I’ve heard of at least six other guilds being attacked or wiped out by unknown magic. Unfortunately, we’re too late to help them.” Team ZIT glance at one another, but focus on the here and now. “But there are places we can make a difference, as well as get information and better ourselves as a group.”
TFC motions to the Evernight forest. “An old friend of mine said there has been stories of familiars and companion animals going missing. No trace of where they went, except for a few patches of charred grass.”
“Charred, or drained?” Mumbo muses. To anyone, that sounds like the signs of a dragon ravaging Foresta, but after Mumbo’s duel with a draconic mage he knows dragons aren’t that dastardly. Nothing is as dastardly as Dolios. 
TFC grins, the newest member and the guildmaster sharing a knowing glint. “There’s also Shellor- which, I believe one of our hermits here knows quite intimately.” Etho gives a two fingered salute, rocking on the back legs of his chair until they fall out from under him, dumping him on the floor. Doc, Beef, and BDubs laugh at him. “There’s a few spies who’ve seen things Dolios has done, but the hard part will be earning their trust.” 
“Hmm, yeah. I don’t think I really left Shellor on a good note.” Etho grimaces. 
“That’ll be you, Keralis, and Grian’s problem. Meanwhile, we also need some help in the magical beings department. And if there’s one group that has mysterious, arcane magic on lock, it’s-”
“The fae!” Stress slams down her hands, a bright smile on her face. Iskall jolts upright and nearly hits the table again on the way down. “But where will we go? The fjords? The mountains? Heartbreak Trench?” 
“The flowerfruit fields. While you’re there, you and BDubs can gather ingredients that we’ve been running low on.” TFC glances at the map, running a finger over the lime green patch on the map. “We do have two confirmed crystal sightings, as well as Gildara. Edenswell seems to be falling ill to dark magic, and there’s reasonable belief that Dolios isn’t getting these massive rocks from nowhere- he’s using gems from the mines.” 
Heads peek over one another in an attempt to see the map. The charcoal diamonds and swirls. Gildara still sits untouched, and every hermit looks at one another. Do any of them want to return to the beginning of this all? Even to put an end to the dark magic plaguing the land, the memories of what they saw, what they experienced, still remain. 
Except for those that weren’t there. “I don’t think I’d mind checking out this hokey little town you guys keep talking about.” Beef grins, glancing over at Hypno and Wels. “We’ll have that place brimming with flaxen fields and green gardens all over again.” 
TFC grins, dipping his head in thanks to the returning hermits. He leans back, looking at the filled guild hall. “It’s been so long since we’ve all been together. If only it were on good terms.” 
“It feels good to return home.” xB ruffles his hair with a scaled hand, looking around for a second, then returning to speaking. “Even if it’s just for a short time, we should enjoy everyone being together again.” 
“What I’m hearing is we need to have our signature hermit celebrations.” Tango’s face splits into a devious smile. All around him, other hermits get a similar smirk on their face. Before TFC can agree to the idea, the hermits are gone. Cleo rushes to her wrecked pirate ship, hefting kegs of ale with the aid of Stress. Wels commandeers False’s forge to begin baking his favorite sweets, while Mumbo, Grian, and Iskall work together to fix the pennants, lanterns, and flags that decorate the guild hall in a myriad of colors. 
Tango snaps his fingers, and a small flame dances at his fingertips, jumping from his nails to the wicks of the lanterns. He ducks out of the way just in time to avoid being smacked in the face by a massive fish, tossed from the sea by xB and grabbed by Grian midair. The whirlpool mage disappears back underwater, back to hunting in the realm he was born in. 
The sun begins to inch towards the western horizon, turning the sky ablaze in a mosaic of pinks, oranges, yellows, and reds. A blue flag flutters against the ancient oak tree, catching on a branch. BDubs reaches out from his seat near the food platters, hardly even glancing away from the fresh baked goods, and with a flick of his wrist the branch bends away and the flag flies free again. 
False appears beside Wels, grabbing a brownie from the hot pan and sticking her tongue out at him as she passes. When Wels objects she’s quick to retort. “You used my forge. It’s rental payment, paladin.” 
Beef sets out plates, which are promptly ignored once Impulse and Zedaph have finished cooking the tuna xB caught. Music swells from a music box the creation of Ren, with the help of Mumbo, the upbeat songs written and composed with Joe and requests from the other hermits for their favorite tunes. 
The music thrums against the low roar of talking, the sound only broken by the common lilt of laughter. Hermits tell their stories, whether they be heard for the thousandth time or a new tale to tell. Beef causes Hypno to flush as he recounts the prank he pulled on the dream mage. Hypno turns bright red, quiet voice cracking over the tale. “I smelled like centaur shit for a week! It was awful, I’ll tell you that.” 
A raucous laugh erupts from that table, overshadowing the story of Mumbo’s duel to xB. “I swear on my life, I thought she was gonna swallow me whole. Or burn me like coal.” Mumbo shakes his head. “I don’t think I ever want to go up against a draconic mage ever again in my life.” 
“I’m surprised a kipling, a draconic mage, and a desert wizard were one team. That’s a strange group. I don’t think I’ve even met each of the others.” xB takes a bite of his fish, marinated in fresh fruits that Cub plucked from nearby islands. “But I’m sure that kipling gave you guys a run for your money. That magic she had… it’s rare beyond imagination. In kipling legend, it means a legendary hero is about to arise.” 
“He definitely kicked Ren’s ass. I don’t think I ever saw so much water moved at once.” Mumbo shakes his head, and stuffs a red jelly tart into his mouth. 
Keralis stands, tossing his woven hat from the brown curls of his hair, and inviting himself onto the open floor. “I love this song! Come on, my wonderful friends, let’s dance!” 
The setting sun casts a golden glow, bouncing off verdant leaves, twisting along the waves of the Ashioll sea. Laughter and music dance in the gilded light, playing in the curls of Zedaph’s hair as he joins Keralis. The two bumble around, drunk from Cleo’s ale but enjoying themselves immensely. 
Only one hermit wasn’t taking part in the festivities. Atop the canopy that protects the guild hall below, Xisuma watches as the stars appear in the sky. For a few moments in the day, the void and the sun share the space above. And he always thinks of the one person he knows he should forget by now. But he would’ve loved this, even if he’s constantly worrying about being caught doing something wrong. 
“Hey X, you gonna mope up there all day or join us?” Jevin grins below, one hand placed on his hip and the other waving Xisuma down. “Just because you’re a void mage doesn’t mean you have to a-void everything!” 
Xisuma rolls his eyes, but smiles beneath his mask. “After that terrible pun, how can I say no?”
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