#since it's the 80's she doesn't know she has adhd though
zenzeroruletheworld · 10 months
ya know what? fuck It
Teague family modern headcanon
-teague like the rock n' pop music of the 60s/70s/80s (/90s).
-he loves the Beatles and always has them as background music at home. that's why Jack knows all the songs word for word
-Jack was home-schooled as a child
-Teague likes to travel, he meet Jack's mother during a journey in south america.
-He has never been married, and has no intention of doing so
-valerie is a sport fanatic
-the key dog is, in fact, called Dog
-all the family live in a building of 5 apartments , even if they don't technically live together each enters the other's house without warning. (it's not strange to find one of your cousins in the living room when you come back from school lol)
-on Sundays and holidays they all eat in grandmama's apartment
-(I honestly think this is obvious to everyone in the fandom but) Jack has ADHD
-Jack is actually quite good at school but his attitude doesn't make him have a good reputation with teachers'
-he can pass exams without difficulty and often without the need to study
-when he started public school he immediately found it boring, for many subjects they had to put him in higher grades since as a homeschooler he was far ahead of kids his age
-that's how he meet Fitz
-Jack have black nail polish
-He always wears the bracelets he collects while traveling with his father around the world
-he have ear piercings (mostly done by himself or with a friend)
-McFlemling is an artist and has a studio that is always messy, when Valerie and Jack were little they loved to go there
-Also she is a tattoo artist
-she's one of those cool moms (of the little cousins) with tattoos and piercings who are super lively
-Brannigan makes craft beer
-Jack is THE popular Kid in school.
-for the summer break he works at the mall: in a music store
-and valerie as a bar tender
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*teague's apartment*
live there: Teague, Jack and Dog
Apartment: fifth (higher)
-teague's apartment smells like 'tobacco & whiskey
-its actually very coozy: it's basically all mahogany wood and some decoration of unworked rock, the kitchen face the living room and it's basically a mini bar.
-there Is no table, they eat in the Isle of the "mini bar"
-you'd think it was the home of a former hippie or rock star (and you wouldn't be wrong)
-the walls are decorated with both guitars collected over the years, and some shelves with books and bottles of alcohol (and some a bong here and there)
-arround the appartament you can also find musical instruments from rural places.
-there Is a spot only for show off the vinils
Jack's room
-they live on the top floor. so Jack's room is in the attic
-he have a French bed, at the foot of which there Is the dog's bed (even though he always ends up sleeping in bed with Jack)
-he also have a hammock swing attached to the ceiling
-and two desks according to him the large one is used for "studying" and the small one is used as a make-up station.
-he have a drawer under his bed covered by the blanket in which he keeps some light drugs and cigarettes
-plus he have a few mini bottles of alcohol in his room, he doesn't remember where he put them
-surprise surprise he actually have many shelves full of books
Teague's room(s)
-Teague's room is a little more sober. he has a double bed, around the room there are several "object holders", in particular he has one in which he keeps all the drawings that Jack made for him when he was still little, he keeps them under the bed (no one I know about it)
-he have one photo of Jack's mother. it's a bit ruined, but he don't really care.
-he has a "study" next to his room, in the study there is a brown leather armchair with his guitar in its container in the corner and a display case of alcohol. one wall of the room is so full of books that you can't see the bricks and among the books there is a photo album in which he keeps photos of the most important people in his life
Photo ideas (those are just examples, you need to use your imagination✨)
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This Is more mountainlish like compared to how I imagine it, but it gives you the idea
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kittykat-creations · 7 years
Fiddauthor Week 4: Day 1
Something silly
I wrote this at 1 in the morning and I’m trying out the queue post thing for the first time, so if it doesn’t post in the morning and is instead posted at 2 in the afternoon, I apologize.
Warning: There is likely some swearing because of who I and my OC are as people.
An edit after I finished writing: There is very very minor swearing.
“Fiddleford, what are you wearing?”
“What?” Fiddleford looked down at his latest fashion accessory. “They’re called leg warmers, Ford.”
“They look ridiculous,” Ford scoffed, looking back down at his blueprints for the portal.
“They’re better than this trenchcoat fiasco ya got goin’ on over here,” Fiddleford argued playfully, sitting down across the table and motioning to his boyfriend. “Do ya even have a fashion sense, Stanferd?”
“Scientists have no need for fashion,” Ford rolled his eyes.
“Yer jus’ like Bella, ain’t ya?” Fiddleford asked, his eyes scanning carefully over another set of blueprints. “Just ‘cause ya don’ need to doesn’ mean ya shouldn’t.”
“I don’ need to what?” Bella grinned, appearing in the doorway.
“Ah, right on time,” Ford teased, waving a hand at the woman. “I figured you would show up quick enough.”
“Ah, my muse is bein’ dumb,” Bella shrugged, sitting down at the third chair and glancing over the paper scattered across the table. “So what’s the topic of conversation that... I’ve been mentioned in?”
“Ford thinks mah leg warmers look silly,” Fiddleford began, “but he don’ even have a sense’a fashion.”
He showed his leg warmers to Bella, who stared at them for a few seconds.
“Fiddleford, that’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen.”
“Ha! See?” Ford grinned triumphantly.
“Oh, you don’ have a fashion sense neither,” Fiddleford argued, huffing in fake anger but grinning nonetheless. “You’ll throw on sweatpants an’ a t-shirt an’ call it fashion.”
“Hey, I ain’t ragging on ya fer... wearin’ what ya want,” Bella said. “You do you, I just think it looks dumb.”
“Well, that’s two to one,” Ford chuckled.
“Hey, Ah’ll have ya know that leg warmers are the latest fashion trend,” Fiddleford pointed a finger and the two others, who were both snickering to each other. “So technically, they’re cool righ’ now.”
“Suuuurrrreeee,” Bella said, rolling her eyes around to look the other way. “’Cool’.”
“Uh-oh, finger quotations,” Ford grinned jokingly. “She means business.”
“Just ‘cause ya put quotations ‘round somethin’ doesn’t mean it ain’t true,” Fiddleford argued.
“Pfft, sure it does,” Bella scoffed. “It means yer sayin’ it sarcastically. Ck, duh.”
“She’s got a point,” Ford nodded in agreement.
“Alrigh’, Ah see that Ah’m the bad guy here,” Fiddleford rolled his eyes and smiled, looking down at the blueprints again. The smile slowly slid from his face after a moment, only to be replaced with a look of concern.
“Hey, darlin’? Can Ah ask ya somethin’ about these here blueprints?”
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