#simone this isn't your fault btw
disregardcanon · 1 year
thinking about that interview with jasmin savoy where she talks about how tai losing her sense of fashion as the wilderness story line progresses shows a loss of her sense of self, and like. if we assume that's an intentional costuming choice, that is soooo interesting with adult! tai.
before the crash, tai dressed in a way that was bright and bold and stylish. like it was feminine, but it was very bold. child! tai had brightly colored ponytail holders. she didn't dress in a way that made her... smaller, even though it was also more "feminine".
adult tai in season 1 when she's really in her I Am Going to be a State Senator and I Have This Figured Out, Yeah! it's feminine and professional and most of all unimposing. i think it's a great way of showing how much she's melted into simone in trying to shape what the adult tai she might have been would look like.
in later season 2, when she's back with van, we see her in all of van's clothes: 90s butch aesthetic. which is just another indication of that loss of identity. tai had a solid idea of who she was and who she was going to keep being before the crash, but she's spent so much time repressing everything that now she doesn't have a clue, it's just modeling herself off the women in her life. like ann perkins from parks and rec but with way more lesbian trauma
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No Penelope hater will ever convince me that lying about being a petty gossip writer who writes things people don't like is even anywhere remotely near a quarter of a quarter (of a quarter of a quarter, and I mean it) of the EVIL trying to commit paternity fraud is.
I can't count how many times I have read Marina defenders and Penelope haters saying shit like: "Fans of Penelope love criticizing Marina for lying to Colin, but Penelope also lied to him about Lady Whistledown haha gotcha I am so smart."
You people truly don't understand, perhaps because most of tumblr is women so you would never ever be in that position, but that shit HURTS fathers and children.
Imagine having your baby switched at birth and later discovering it, and finding out that the child you raised and love isn't yours, but that is not even counting the "betrayal by someone you thought loved you and had your happiness and best interests at heart" aspect. Imagine BEING that child, and loosing your father figure if your father happens to react badly to the trauma of that betrayal, by shutting off or growing distant.
It is foul, it is a despicable violation of trust. It IS taking advantage of someone and it is NOT the same as being a mean gossip idgaf what you think.
"But it was other times, women in society, she had little choice and blah blah." Context has never stopped fandoms from bashing characters IF they TRULY consider their actions despicable. Daphne's lack of modern sex ed knowledge and the power imbalance between her and Simon hasn't stopped the fandom from hating her for what she did to him, rightfully so.
And Marina did have choices, granted none nearly as selfishly appealing as taking advantage of someone else not at fault for your situation to make the best for yourself, granted perhaps I would have been as foul, cynical, cowardly, and lacking of empathy as her if pushed hard enough by the circumstances, but she did have choices, and just because I see myself taking the easy road doesn't mean that path is any less evil. Bad things you see yourself doing are still bad folks, evil is no less evil because it is relatable.
The only reason Marina isn't hated as much is that the fandom simply doesn't think paternal fraud is that much of a big deal and that many see themselves doing the same thing, to which I can only say... don't your freaking assholes lmao.
Btw genuine question, in case I am wrong and the fandom DOES bash Marina, where are they? Where the hell are those Marina haters people keep complaining about? Where is the bashing I keep hearing about? Whenever I search for stuff analysing that time Penelope saved Colin's ass (Which is what she did and is rarely framed s such, bite me), all I see is people excusing and shamelessly trivializing Marina's actions by comparing them to being a freaking gossip writer of all things. Where are her haters? Where are my people so I can follow them?!
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petalsmooth · 7 months
When you read a long thread about how they dislike Polin and if up to them Penelope would be "independent" alone etc. etc (pretending they want this because they care about the character)...and how they hope another storyline overshadows their story like the Featherington's overshadowed Kate/Anthony and end up with tags for Kanthony.
Way to prove what everyone thinks of your fanbase as being true and invalidate EVERYTHING you said about Polin.
The Featherington's did NOT overshadow Kate and Anthony. Kate and Anthony had the most screen time. The damn triangle overshadowed your precious couple. That isn't Charithra's fault either, she did her job. It's the former showrunner and others who signed off on the plot.
It will never cease to amaze me why that fanbase continues to embarrass themselves claiming the Featherington's impacted in ANYWAY their storyline. They were around in season one you know and Daphne and Simon's story did quite well. Luke, Nicola and the Featherington characters had nothing to do with the mess that was Anthony proposing to the wrong sister while the sister he actually loves denies her feelings most of the timeline and then insists he keep the engagement when he is looking for a way out.
As for a story overshadowing, it isn't going to happen. As bad as that story was, it still was the main plotline. As will be Colin and Penelope. Nothing will overshadow that. Except maybe a Whistledown reveal to the ton but that is part of their story too soo...
However if people enjoy other stories that cool with me because I'm hopeful I will too. Unlike these nutcases, I actually like the Bridgerton's and Will and while I don't love Portia and Prudence (because their characters thus far haven't been lovable) they serve their roles as antagonists/villains/comedic relief well depending on what they are given to play.
When I say I don't love them btw, mean the characters. I LOVE the actress playing Portia. But like with Marina, she hasn't presented herself yet as a person I could like. I can understand certain motivations driving choices made, but that doesn't mean I have to LIKE you. There are some other characters that do things I may not agree with, but show more conflicted feelings about what they've done. Portia and Marina for the most part never rarely have done so and usually just when caught out. It isn't the same thing.
The first time I felt anything actually real from Portia was the last episode of season 2 when she makes it clear Lord Featherington trying to ditch her daughters was a line not to be crossed. Even if she doesn't always (often) treat well, you did finally see her a mother for one.
And I want Francesca to marry John because I personally like her story with Michael and you can't get to that one without the one with John. Which may sound horrible as means he dies, but this is fiction. Not real life.
And I like seeing Cressida constantly upstaged given the way she acts and Lady Danbury although really I hate the sl from Queen Charlotte for her with Ledger so I'm less enthused because of that....and I love Queen Charlotte and so forth. Personally I think some people need to get over themselves, realize you can love all the characters and otherwise shut the hell up about their narrow view of a Kanthony hour only. Because you will never have that. No "couple" fan ever will.
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deamaia · 4 years
Okay this isn't about the discourse going on(I'm 100% on your side btw) but this the most active I've seen the fandom in a while and I just want to say that I wish they had more non-romantic/non relationship based storylines for Izzy,,, like she really usually only had the strongest chemistry with clary and idk we just didn't get enough of what she avtiaon did in the clave you know,,, like did she have any career goals or hobbies idk,,, it just pissed me off,, you may get other people hating on me but also Simon and Izzy had some of the least chemistry together,,,, Simon and Maia were iconic and superior.. that is all,,, sorry if this is random
(it isn't discourse tbh it's just me YELLING AT PEOPLE THAT IM RIGHT but it's honestly all of us having fun it really isn't discourse) anon this literally all I ever talk about i doubt anybody that follows me will hate on you for saying this sgsgshsjs, izzy (as a lot of other characters) was incredibly underused, and personally I don't think she had any development outside of her love life, it's the show's fault because they only cared about plot and surface level stuff but they had so MUCH they could have done with izzy, her drug addiction, the way maryse treated her her whole life, how she grew up being the one everyone expected less of, how her dad babied her the most and how that made her feel in comparison to her mother, how she showed several times she was willing to sacrifice herself for others and put her own needs aside... i could go on and on. it's sad that we never got to explore her more, remember that demon scene where it brought out like their deepest feelings? We couldn't even get alec talking to her about it???????? smh. anyway about izzy and simon you are right, at this point I don't mind them that much because they aren't the worst but my god if it wasn't rushed, also the chemistry....... yeah no. i think it would have been better if they had both been single at the end and the show had just hinted they could end up together in the future that would have been way better because they really did my girl maia so dirty only make his shit happen
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