#similarly don't feel weird if you wanna attach your screenname to your asks doesn't matter if we're mutuals or not I try to respond
alectoperdita · 1 year
Hello friend! (We are mutuals but I am shy.) I saw your tags on the recursive executive disfunction post re: taxes and wanted to let you know that when I did mine this morning (after days of procrastination > >) and they only took 23 minutes. (I have this data point because my little brother has been nervous about growing up and needing to do taxes someday, so I timed it for him.)
Congrats on getting it done! Twenty-three minutes is pretty swell! I hope that's a weight off your shoulders.
The past few years, it's taken me about an hour to two to do mine. I just don't want to... Until I literally have no choice... Now comes the question of do I write before I do taxes today or do taxes first. Just have that feeling doing taxes will be my One Task if I do it first and I'll be too tired/moody to try and write afterward. 🤔 LOL just rambling and thinking out loud.
I hope you have a good day, friend! Especially now freed of the burden known as Filing Taxes.
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