#similar and i'm worried it comes off as projection lmfao
kroganloveinterest · 11 months
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answered this ask list for calamity-12! :D i didn't answer every question, so those aren't listed below under the cut.
🍇: What sort of friend are they? Where are they in the group dynamic? Definitely a 'we should kill them as a response to everything' kind of a friend. Calamity is a supportive friend, but he's not really the type to go out of his way to offer said support, partly because he trusts that his friends (who he doesn't even consider friends until he's known them for a prolonged amount of time and eventually fully warms up to them) obviously know that he's there for them. This makes it sound like Calamity never does anything for his friends unprompted, which is not the case lmao, but I'm just generalizing for simplicity if that makes any sense. With that said, Calamity can admittedly be a bit direct when it comes to offering his opinion/advice when a friend asks for it. Again, mostly due to them trusting said friends to know he's coming from a well-intentioned place, and frankly part of it is that he'll be kinda less tolerant of something he might deem silly. (silly as in, "well the obvious answer is to do this") In a group dynamic, I'd describe him as the friend that's present, but doesn't necessarily stand out from an outsider perspective. Like, some of his friends might be chattier, friendlier, etc. than they are so while he's obviously noticed to be there, it's not like Calamity will really go out of his way to chitchat with newer faces while in the group or something. I hope this makes sense lmao. 🍉: Does your OC have a particular piece of jewellery that they always wear or refuse to part with? Not jewelry obviously, but I'll say his helmet. Calamity does take it off infrequently, but they have a strong preference for wearing it. Looks cool, it's become a "face" for them thanks to their guardian career more-or-less, and having it on means they don't have to worry about others around him perceiving his emotions. I will honestly say that it's personal projection too lmfao, I too would love to be a robot and have the luxury of getting to wear a helmet all the time without having to deal with sweat/condensation/etc. Calamity is living my dream for me in that regard. I'll also quickly mention that this works favorably for Calamity when they first start fucking Spider, where both figuratively shake hands to agree to fucking with helmets on only. There is the personal element mentioned above for Calamity, but not gonna lie when I say it's mainly fueled by both enjoying the idea of saving the "INCREDIBLE privilege" of seeing the other emote during sex until later down the line. Also, Spider definitely seems like a half-dressed quickie kind of guy when casually fucking guardians/lightbearers to me so. Honestly I could expand on this specific detail of their dynamic, but obviously I won't because it's not even the point to begin with. 😭 🍋: What is your OC's most painful memory? His early guardian activities on the moon, which for the moment is mainly the Destiny 1 story there. It's definitely a case of someone having experienced plenty of traumatic shit, but there'll be an extremely specific experience that'll hang heaviest over them. As well as growing averse to certain elements and what not that were present in the environment.
I'll be honest by saying I don't really have any specific scenarios thought up for now, but I will say that overall Calamity does develop a bit of an aversion to going to the moon in general.
🍍: Where does your OC feel most comfortable? While Calamity is a pretty sociable guy, I'd say it's definitely when he can be Alone and Unbothered(™). Similar to the helmet explanation, they're super relaxed and comfortable when there isn't any concern for having to put that mask of complete composure on.
Considering all the shit he's up to both in the canon story and elsewhere, it's nice to just simply exist without anyone else perceiving you. Excluding his ghost, Cola, of course. I'll also say his actual friends are exceptions too, when they're in a more private setting than like a bar or simply out and about.
🍑: What sort of traits does your OC look for in a Significant Other? This is kind of a difficult question, because I don't really see Calamity as someone who's interested or all that concerned with a significant other in a dating sense. I definitely wouldn't call Spider his signifcant other, regardless that he manages to worm his way into Spider's genuine good graces after a long while.
So, I'll try to answer this in a general sense. They tend to be attracted to self-assured people, for starters. Obviously, nobody is without even the briefest moments of insecurity, Calamity included, but he typically hangs around folks that have at least a good idea of what they want, who they are, what they're good at, etc. He'll also warm up much faster to people who tend to be a bit distant as he is, compared to someone who might unintentionally be kinda too nosy or "too much" for him to tolerate when he's wanting said person to like, just leave him alone and let him open up on his own. (even if it is well-intentioned and/or not even annoying to the average person, if that makes sense).
This is super vague, I know, but [shrug emoji].
🍒: Has Your OC had their first kiss yet? If so, with who? Well, as far as a "first kiss" goes for his current life, it was probably with some other guardian he casually fucked if I'm being real.
🍆: Does your OC have any favourite form of affection, physical or otherwise? To be honest, Calamity is a sex enjoyer, first off. While he does have very casual sex with others besides Spider, when I say he's a "sex enjoyer" I'm referring to the close relationship he has with both of them (later on in life of course) which is what makes it that much more enjoyable for him since he has a greater degree of comfortable intimacy.
Besides that, he's honestly not much of a physical affection kind of guy if it's not in private. That means hand holding, cuddling, etc. is not something they're particularly fond of doing in front of others, especially in public spaces. Also, even in private, Calamity typically needs their own space after awhile, so he's not one to cuddle for hours or something like that.
I'd say he's more appreciative of compliments, gifts, and above all, being allowed to exist in his own personal bubble of space. It seems redundant to mention at this point, but it's important to him! However, those affectionate type of gazes from across the room/table/etc. will definitely get to them too. (in a good way)
🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable? While Calamity tends to be a bit self-centered and selfish honestly, I'll say that they can be very cutthroat about someone hurting a genuine friend of theirs in some way. In the more lighthearted "oh we should just kill them" way as I mentioned in an earlier question, but also like, Calamity will absolutely despise the offending person of said friend as a bitter, petty yet very strong grudge. Calamity doesn't just count anyone as a friend! So to see someone who they genuinely trust and are close to be hurt in some way, he's rolling up those sleeves for a fight figuratively and literally. This does not extend to Spider though, but again, their entire dynamic can be a whole post on its own. 🎂: Has your OC have any contradictory interests or traits to the first preception people have of the? How do they surprise people? I guess what I mentioned directly above counts for this question, since Calamity is typically characterized as this distant, blunt person, but when he's around those he's genuinely comfortable with, they're relaxed, cracking jokes and laughing, etc. I'll also mention that Calamity is definitely an animal person too! Most likely a very distant echo of a past life/reset maybe, but he's really drawn to learning about fauna and the kind of guy to simply observe animals in the wild while he's out and about on patrols and such. :] So you know Calamity is totally down to have a cat nap on his lap or a dog jumping up on him and all that other good shit. He likes the ocean too. Calamity would be a "stare out at sea all day" kind of guy, honestly. Another distant echo of a past life/reset is that he'd totally be a music guy!! Meaning, if he had the time or drive, he'd learn to play an instrument for sure. That and he genuinely enjoys dancing. :] 🍩: What's a crime your OC is most likely to commit? What's a crime they're most likely to get arrested for? The guy is a glorified (and later, favored) errand-runner for Spider, that list grows like every month at this point, I'm sure.
🍹: Does your OC have any funny anecdotes told about them? Bruh, I feel like regularly fucking Spider is a "funny anecdote" on its own lmfao.
A more accurate answer is probably the belief that Calamity is the one who killed certain raid bosses. I'm talking about the ones that debut in the story, are defeated there, but aren't truly defeated until later on in a raid. So, adversaries like Crota and Oryx, for example.
Calamity has to explain "yeah I faced them and pretty much softened them up for the actual raid team to take them down for good. But still, you're welcome for dealing with that." pretty much lmaooo.
I do alot of projecting of my own gaming habits onto Calamity's guardian career, so I think it's fun to include silly details like that!!
🍻: What's your OC's favourite comfort ritual? How do they calm themselves down after a rough day? Agh, I don't think this is all that canon compliant, BUT the ideal way for Calamity to unwind would be strip off that armor, get comfortable, go for a relaxing swim, shower afterwards, then chill.
🥃: If your OC was in this universe, what would be their favourite show/book/band/social media platform? Not exactly a correct answer for this question, but I have to say that Calamity would probably actually have an Instagram or Twitter where he might post a picture or two; or even a simple status every once in awhile, but he'd hardly be active on it. Even when it gains alot of traction as his canon young wolf role grows over time lmao. He'd follow friends if they ask him to, etc.
Calamity would also like using emojis unironically.
Spider: "Location for drop. [attached info]" Calamity: "👍🏽" or the funnier alternative, "🫡"
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synthmama · 5 years
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Please repost, don’t reblog. Answer the questions for your muse and tag some people.
Muse name: Quinn Renata Espinosa. If she goes by full (maiden) name: Quinn Renata Diaz Espinosa; married name (no longer goes by) Quinn Renata Durant-Espinosa. Fun times.
Least favorite nickname: Quinoa. 
Least favorite color: Orange. Yellow.
Least favorite season: Spring (allergies!).
Least favorite weather: Windy.
Least favorite—hot or cold: No preference.
Least favorite holiday: National/patriotic holidays given the political climate leading up to the Great War.
Least favorite food:  Veal.
Least favorite flavor: Overly sweet. Syrup.
Least favorite drink: Quantum Nuka Colas.
Least favorite scent: ... Bad body odor and decomposition, mostly. Isn’t fond of rotting vegetation either.
Least favorite sound: Overy shrill/loud and sudden sounds. The sound of supermutant suiciders. 
Least favorite book: Not really a book but she hated the tone/mindset of all the Guns and Bullets issues.
Least favorite movie: Literally like almost all the movies suck in the Fa/llout universe why do this to me.
Least favorite tv show: Probably has a lack of interest in shows with overt themes of patriotism/propaganda in light of the war. 
Least favorite school subject or area of study: I know this is nerdy but Quinn honestly was one of those types that got really passionate and invested in all her classes. She loved math for its predictability/routine & structure, loves science since it involves a lot of memorization and critical thinking; enjoyed speech and debate, history, etc.... I’d say she’s got a good handle on language but probably hated English class the most. 
Least favorite aspect of their job: At times, the futility of it. She got stonewalled on a city level by lobbyists rigging things in their favor on a state & federal level. 
Least favorite fictional character: Grognak...
Least favorite person: Kellogg..... Given what he did to Nate & Shaun... Ayo is a close second. 
Least favorite trait in others: Callousness, toxic masculinity.
Least favorite place: The Glowing Sea.
Least favorite thing to talk about: Anything that’s personal.
Least favorite thing about themselves: Physically? Her jawline. Non-physical: always feeling like an outsider and pretending she’s something more. 
Least favorite sexual position: Missionary... Anything where she’s not in control. Also: sustained eye contact -- it feels too personal, and she isn’t about that kind of connection anymore. 
Least favorite daily chore: Folding laundry.
Least favorite style of clothing: Overly baggy clothes, but more as a result of her upbringing than actual preference.
Least favorite activity: Heavy cardio... Ironic, I know, considering how much of it she has to do lmao.
Least favorite superpower: Probably flight. 
Least favorite thing about humanity in general: Their callousness & selfishness. Their preference towards violence than to seeking a peaceful solution. 
Least favorite thing about being in love: E-ve...rything...??? She’s on the aromantic scale so it’s hard to say. 
Least favorite thing about death: That which remains unfinished and unsaid. 
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aetherknit · 3 years
A while ago you talked about the whole they/them pronoun thing with cc's (totally agree with you btw) and that's why I thought I'd come to you with this. I hope that's okay, obviously feel free to ignore this if not.
I've seen a good amount of people (especially on tiktok for some reason) saying that dream and sapnap have used they/them pronouns for George like this past week or so. (https://twitter.com/gnfarchive/status/1411559886379487232?s=19 can't find specific tiktok, sorry)
And I feel like that just...isn't true? Like, English isn't my native language but each example they give... it's kind of obvious to me that in each instance they didn't actually address george.
Generally, if the people that think that find some kind of comfort in that, sure that's fine. But it just doesn't look/sound like that to me. And I don't think it's "healthy" to add so much meaning to something that was either dream stumbling over his words or just not addressing george at all. Ultimately, I don't care if people believe they used they/them for gnf or not, it just feels off to me that a lot of fans are so convinced they did when it didn't look like that to me at all. I don't know if I'm just a dick about this and if I am, please tell me because I don't want to be.
HI!! answering this under the cut bc it got a little long <3
this was articulated super well first of all and i completely agree with everything you said here!! so dont worry about coming across as a dick. the instances ive seen have just been places where it would be pretty natural to refer to someone with they/them (like in the clip where you provided -- they were pretending like "georgenotfound" was a stranger, so they both switched to they/them to joke about this ~anonymous individual~)
ultimately, as a nonbinary person, to me it comes across as a similar mindset to truthing? like u are clearly trying to project lgbt-ness onto streamers that dont claim those lgbt labels. and while i don't think it's done with malicious intent, trying to find representation in CCs where there (probably) isn't any can be really harmful. like, your perspective of a CC starts to strip them of their humanity to me (this sounds overdramatic but you get what i mean). streamers aren't characters to project onto; they have their own identity to protect, and pushing something else onto them is bad for your own health and appreciation of them as well.
also, there are nonbinary streamers if you're looking for streamers that represent you. and i'm not gonna pretend like i don't understand why it would be special for streamers you already fixate on or enjoy to use they/them, but it is disappointing to see nonbinary people swept under the rug in order to cheer over "representation" you pressured from streamers who are (probably) cis.
AND TO WRAP IT UP. dream has he/him in his bio and people claim him a he/they legend. i don't think we should claim any streamer to have a different preference of pronouns unless they clearly state it to be the case
thank you so much for the anon!! please know u are not alone in this feeling LMFAO i am right here with you
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