#silvette spinaker moody and roelahk (rowlock) are the most egregious i'd say
mollusken · 2 years
tell us more about poni plz
OKAY!!! Poni is a member of the draking crew Swannie used to be a part of so I’m definitely using this as an excuse to talk about all of them. This is the hierarchy of that ship, named the Busken:
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• Poni is very funny because she’s just a tertiary character in Swannie’s story, but people really take a shining to her when I show her around. (For reference, here she is!)
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She’s a rowdy girl, always the first to jump into a fight. Swannie and her would oft butt heads over their strategy, with her seeing the younger draker as a little foolish and brash. Despite that, she was one of the most honest and brave people Swannie had ever worked with. She was an instrumental figure in helping people during the attack on Raley’s town, risking her life - and her arm - to save people from the drakes that swallowed it. I seriously don’t have much on her other than that lol. She’s just super cute and fun to draw and everyone loves her especially the DM. :]
I’ll put everyone else’s info under the cut!
The Rest of the Crew:
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(above, left to right: Swannie, Silvette, Vinan, Lark)
• Silvette and Swannie met at the beginning of their Draking career, hired onto a ship out of the same port city. They became allies very quickly as a means of survival in that setting, and kept in touch as they moved onto other ships.
When Silvette managed to save up enough to start their own crew, Swannie was one of the first people they asked to join. They’re like siblings and have a lot of history in helping each other grow up and into themselves as people.
• Vinan is Silvette’s right hand man, he was raised on a pirate ship which explains his sharp tongue. Having done a lot of sailing, he’s an expert navigator. He also handled the ship’s chequebook with an iron grip, especially after Lark joined and wasted a good chunk of their funds (more on that below).
• Skipping around a bit but since they’re tied into the last two characters: Lark Roelahk.
Lark is an interesting character (for me at least lol) because they came from a branch family of the Amastacias, which made them a cousin of Bett’s. The Amastacias are - of course as everyone knows - an old money family of hex specialists who will do any job for a price. They are tieflings with direct bloodline ties to the nine hells.
The Roelahks were one of the few Amastacia branch families that had Actual law-power come after them for the fucked up magic crimes they were doing, and so Lark was in the path of being collateral damage on that. Silvette, having a personal relationship with a relative of theirs, took them on to give them a place to lie low.
Lark was a useful asset with their family’s connection to the criminal underworld, as it helped the Busken find opportunities they usually wouldn’t have access to (their role being the ship’s job manager). Unfortunately coming from a wealthy family they had No idea how money worked and spent way too much attaining those opportunities. Lark:
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Vinan had to step in and take control of the chequebook before they single-handedly bankrupted the ship, so their role whittled to just the finding and sales-pitching to clients.
This was also the catalyst for Swannie and Nova meeting, as Nova came aboard on loan from the Vestige to help balance their books.
•   Next is Jolli & Moody because I love them. They are a couple who worked with Silvette, and are exact opposites of their names in their dispositions.
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Jolli came from a noble family who moulded her into becoming an engineer. She hated it, and wanted to get out of her family’s grasp, so she used those skills to get onto a draking ship. She’s pretty sarcastic and reclusive, but comes out of her shell with her partner. Although not a fan of engineering as a career she does like inventing useful tech, especially in her retirement.
Moody on the other hand, was a rogue from childhood. even though draking was illegal until like 2 years ago, Drakers generally frowned upon any mercenary or thieving work. So Moody had a bad reputation for the jobs she used to do. Not many people would look past it, but Silvette did and hired her anyways.
She’s been a stalwart friend to both them and Swannie, and the couple has recently joined our team on the Vestige. She also apparently picked up Clowning in the years they’ve been apart much to Nim’s delight lol.
The rest are more tertiary characters like Poni so they have a little less info but:
• Indus was an engineer specialist who definitely picked up Jolli’s slack in terms of caring for the job; they were incredibly analytical and inventive. Basically the absent minded inventor type. Their skills and quick-thinking were imperative for the little ship. Both Indus and Lark unfortunately died in the crash of the Busken that also took Swannie’s leg.
• Jax was a former army cook who moved into draking. As a quiet man, he liked the solitude in the day when the crew was out working, and the rowdy atmosphere of get-togethers over meals in the night. He also had a specific interest in science/biology and went over drake dissection with Swannie, teaching her a lot of her skill. 
• Raley was an integral piece of the crew, as medics were a rare skill to find in the Draking profession. He was a doctor-in-training that hailed from a small town, which unfortunately suffered a dragon’s attack. He learned a lot in the gruelling days afterwards while helping folks patch up. Something in him shifted from that experience, and he was never comfortable again staying in one place. The Busken was one of the ships that responded to the distress calls and, intending to board just to make it to another city, he never left the ship. Um so yeah there you go, another addition to the Untamed Lore Bible. I made a LOT of side characters for Swannie’s background (and just keep expanding it the more I think about it) but I love having the variety. It’s so flattering that people like Poni’s design enough to ask about her even if she’s very minor in the main story! :]
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