#sigh sniff im so sad i love him sm
onlyjihoons · 7 years
Request:  @his-ghoulfriend: can i req a boyfriend renjun pls?? thanks i loved your other versions!
helLo thank you so much for requesting and i’m super sorry this took so so so long as well!?!?!?? i hope this is good and i hope you enjoy it ❤
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i got a feeling that renjun w climb up my bias list after this
ok lets start
so how ya’ll met:
renjun was your mom’s friend-friend-friend-friend's son
and during chinese new year he came to visit your house
and wOaH hold on honey
this boy
is super cute
yet gives off a super model like vibe???
and ok you took the initiative to talk to him like
“hi i’m y/n! nice to meet you :)))))))”
and he SMILES with HIS TEETH
so cute
“i’m renjun, nice to meet you, y/n!”
and like 
you were like
swallowed by his visuals like HOW cAN SOMEONE BE CUHOT
in case you don’t know what cuhot means,,
it means cute+hot
i invented it
you’re welcome
ok back to the meeting
you and renjun hit on instantly bc 
1. you guys were about the same age
2.bc there were zero to no teenagers in your house except you guys
3. you guys had a crush on each other(!!!!)
and ya’ll kept talking and talking for god knows how long
and it was dinner time
so your mom invited his mom to eat huoguo(hotpot)
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ngl renjun was super excited bc he LOVES hotpot
you loved it too but there was one drawback:
you don’t take spicy food
bc spicy food triggers the gastric juices in your stomach pretty badly
and every damn time you eat something spicy by accident
your tongue is on fire
so yeah:(
when you guys tuck in to the food, renjun notices that you were way quieter than b4
when you were trying to flirt w him cough
and he grew worried so he asked why you aren’t eating much
and you said you couldn’t take spicy food
and his face FELL
and was super sad on your behalf
explaining how much good food you’ve missed
and like he even offered his non-spicy portion of food to you
to ensure that you’re well fed despite the spicy yet appetising food on the table
and your mom saw that and was like
huang renjun is my son-in-law ya’ll *sniffs*
ok and at the end of the meal when they left your mom pulls you aside like
“what do you think about that renjun boy?”
and honestly every time your mom tries to match-make you w other boys theyre gross af
but renjun is an exception so
“uhm he’s pretty nice,why?”
and your mom sHrIeKs
i might have went a bit too far there but oh well
so earlier on ya’ll exchange numbers and when you’re about to go to bed renjun texts you
“are you sleeping?”
“i was about to though”
“omg im so sorry go sleep!”
“nah its alright omg”
“did your mom say anything about me when we left?”
and you were like oUH 
and panicky
bc renjun could see if you had read his message on kakaotalk
and you kept thinking
“she said she wanted us to get married”
you rn:
but that was all in your head and praying renjun won’t judge u
ok irl renjun was bLUSHIING
bc he lowkey or highkey likes you 
and his mom complimented how pretty you were 
so he’s actually pleasantly surprised
“ahaha oh my your mom has wild aspirations”
and you heave a sigh of relief
“yeah she does”
fastforward 102947383 texts later
you guys are bestest friends
and surprise surprise ya’ll attend the same school as well??
its basically some bombass performing arts school
and you’re a dance major while renjun is a theatre major
idk which major singing was under so i put theatre
and there was one day your school had this project where dance majors and theatre majors would collaborate
like in pairs
you know where this is going right
you and renjun pair up ofc
and since renjun was decently good at dancing
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yes this move ya’ll dancing genius im chenle 10/10
ya’ll decided to do a dance x theatre combi
of romeo and juliet
oH ahem
and like at first its all those uhm
therefore arteu romeo thingy
i don’t take literature forgive me
then it changes in to uhm
idk what song is this but something upbeat alrite:
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smth like this
yoojung lee is my fave choreographer ok
yo and ya’ll blasted the showcase?!?!?!?!?
everyone was cheering
including teachers
and renjun hugged you(!!!!!)
and everyone went from
and like 
there were some sm scouting people there
and they saw renjun performing and singing
so they scouted him
and ngl you were so sad renjun was leaving china for his career and stuff
you contemplated wheter to audition for sm or smth
and he’s like
“i will visit you every month if there’s a break!!”
and at this point you were heavily infatuated w renjun
so you took the dive 
“i have been keeping this to myself for so long, and i like you”
renjun just stared at you like the world has fallen
and you panicked
“ah ah its alright uhm its just me, hahah, stupid feelings-”
that’s when renjun dragged you to a quieter area, like the store room of the school’s dance studio
and clumsy y/n lost her balance,,
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“in case you didn’t know already, i like you too y/n”
and then
uk what happens
the kiss of fate happens
not going into detail bc its just an innocent kiss ok
that was when ya’ll confessed to each other
renjun at first may come off as dense
but he’s actually super clingy and cute
but not too clingy most of the time 
most of the time
you’re studying in korea
while renjun focuses on practicing and his korean
ok can we just talk about his korean?!!? its so good and its almost on par w the korean members like it seemed like he has lived in korea for his whole life ok i shall stop
and you attend SOPA but its all good bc you are fluent in English too so language isn’t that much of a problem in school
but outside it’s a challenge cause not everyone speaks english or chinese
so you had to turn to the person closest to you
he would patiently explain to you what the sentences/phrases mean
and also encourage you when you make mistakes
and you improved your korean yay
and ya’ll go out on dates
i can prolly imagine those
ulzzang couple-ish vibe coming out
like renjun will sneak taeyong’s polariod camera in your bag
so ya’ll can take pictures of each other!!
bc like the memories are somewhat physical you know
like the actual picture
and when ya’ll go on dates renjun has a mask on
and you have a mask on too so he won’t feel lonely
but the challenge is 
if he wants to kiss you its virtually impossible
bc you have masks on
and he can’t let dispatch catch ya’ll
so one day ya’ll were at hangang park eating ramyeon
and you took of your mask
then renjun took off his as well
and when you ewre about to tuck in he kissed you
and you were shookt bc he wasnt the type to show affection so openly
“what are you doing?!?!?!?!”
“i’ve been wanting to do that for so long, baobei”
i m  w e a k
renjun doesn’t attend school in korea unfortunately(as far as i know)
but that doesn’t stop him from waiting outside school for you
ngl when he sees mark or jeno or jaemin or donghyuck
he gotta dashi run run run
bc they would suspect him
unless they arranged for an outing or smth after school
anyhow on one day they weren’t needed in school
but renjun said he had to go out to run some errands
but like mark left his textbook in school so he had to take it back for revision
so he was on his way to school like normal
and he sees renjun?!?
so he kind snoops at what renjun was doing
finds out that renjun is waiting outside SOPA
and agent mark 0208 whips out his phone, preparing to expose renjun when he goes back
but when he was about to press the capture button he sees you running towards renjun
and ya’ll:
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renjun was like 
“baobeiiiiiiiiii i missed you so much i can’t omg”
and you’re like
“huang renjun,, pls,, let,, go,, we’re,, in,, public,,,,”
agent mark 0208 was shookt
he clears his throat uncomfortably, making ya’ll push each other away
a little too forcefully
“renjun? you’re running an errand at my school?”
“no hyung, i just came to see my cousin.”
lies, renjun, lies
“oh really? i don’t know how close ya’ll are to call her baobei, and as far as i know, baobei means babe in chinese,, right??!?!1!11!!!”
in the end mark just sighs and said
“just don’t get caught, okay?”
he just smiles and walk away, probably shipping ya’ll so hard 
“who’s that?”
“its mark hyung, he’s the leader of our group.”
“are we gonna get caught?”
honestly you were super worried bc it could endanger renjun’s career and sour his ties with the company
and he cups your face like:
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“baobei, no matter what happens i will always be with you, and i know i’m being selfish but i love you so much, nothing can break us apart.”
that was enough to assure you for the rest of your life for the rest of the day
thank you for reading omg
i really hope ya’ll enjoy this:-)
sidenote i have 2 drabble requests sitting in my inbox for god knows how long
but after i complete those my inbox will be empty again:(
i apologise if i do your request late as i have homework and it takes time to plan and write out the request
but still
request bc i love writing hehe
ok i love ya’ll good day/night💘
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