#sidebar but regardless of carton i do think if there's any character you could make the case for being near-textually queer
Where did the idea that Sydney is bi come from and why is it so popular?
I've actually been saving this ask for a long time because I (still do!) intend to fully answer this question in a thorough, very-long-form essay once I finish a reread of A Tale of Two Cities (and also read some companion analysis books I now own for it!)...
...but being as it's gonna be a long time until that happens - and also being as it is now pride month(!!!) - I figured that what I would do in the meantime is...open the question up to everyone else!
* for those who aren't familiar with the terminology, here's a good article on the word "headcanon" ** I broadened it to "queer" because although bi is the most common queer headcanon for him, it's also possible to headcanon him as queer without headcanoning him as bi, and I wanted to open the question up to all of the possibilities🌈
I'm going refrain from writing out my own answer (for now, at least!) and instead am leaving it completely open - please elaborate if you feel compelled to do so!
though I do have one humble request: I know it's a common way to talk about queer headcanons, but no sex jokes / nsfw, please!
I know the original questions in the ask concern a more fandom-wide cultural phenomenon and that my poll is more based in individual viewpoints, but I think enough of a variety of answers to the latter could help build towards answers to the former - at least as a starting place before I do my big analysis some day😌
🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️In the meantime, happy Pride!🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
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