#side for alleged potential money it's INSANE
karmaphone · 2 months
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the world if governments didn't make decisions solely based on profit
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sourcreammachine · 10 months
i love how the self-titled Effective Altruists and cuntbags like musk believe that the “demographic crisis” of the 21st century is like a massive insane problem that we need to solve by farting out babies 24/7, as they said in that recent Kurzgesagt propaganda video they produced
it is capitalism that’s the problem, again. growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of a cancer cell. we ‘grow’ when we produce more, and our investments are based around potential growths rather than what is needed - so when alleged ‘potential’ can’t materialise, the economy collapses
we will be able to produce less when there will be less workers. future spacex neuralink hyperloop tech might soften the blow but won’t be able to change that fact
this is coming towards capitalism like a high-speed train. most executives are essentially wagies visàvis their positions as gods of the world, so systemically cannot respond to a problem more than twenty years ahead of time. but oligarchs like musk and formerly bankman-fried, with their oligarchic status seemingly made permanent (lol), become weird nutters who’ve given themselves messiah complexes about “solving” it. we must increase production always at all costs, so we must increase babies at all costs
growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of a cancer cell. the economy is going to shrink and we must not let this cause a world-eating depression under capitalism. we have to accept that we’re peaking, stop investing resources into growth and start investing resources into efficiency, systemic resilience, and services, and drop dead-weight unsustainable overproduction that’s killing the planet. stop even trying to grow the economy during a period of global decline - the global Very Long Boom and global Baby Boom gave a economic dividend that must be repaid
socialistic economics, redistribution, and economic democracy can let this pressure. we have to do managed decline, work towards working better with less workers and less labour, and support untold masses of pensioners. capitalism simply cannot do this. if under capitalism the economy was recessing massively, but don’t worry, in many years the ageing recession will cease and growth should resume with stability - investment simply will not go towards what is needed to improve life under the status quo and will be hedged until growth resumes, and so nothing good will ever come
that’s why the so-called “effective altruists” and muskists are so bothered about preventing what they see as demographic collapse - should it occur it’ll wreak a huge economic recession, be it slow or as a crash, and lead to a world of impoverished pensioners starving on the street. so their solution is babies at all costs, when instead we could have a world where a period of managed decline spurs reinvestment in what we have, a silver age of planet earth, a global new deal beyond measure. and when the massive wave of pensioners dies, we will have good services and sustainable economics, and enriched communities with fruitful childhoods and good educations, and yeah, we can use our growth potential to not just prevent environmental destruction (capitalism’ll’ve already triggered a lot) but do our level headed best to fix it, become the stewards of Earth that we’re abdicating ourselves as, and fuck it, have enough money to reshape the world into a happy and good place to live a life
but capitalism cannot do that. because capitalism cannot accept decline. because capitalism must have growth at any costs, and will continue to beat the dead horse until the skies darken with soot and until the baby boomers who built the longest boom are left to rot without care or food and their children are enslaved to keep the fires burning. and to bring back the boom times, it must be babies at any cost
footnote: this was mostly about economics but there’s one more angle that would’ve made a bit of a tangent. musk’s side of the coin has a massive, massive misogynistic basis. musk, the individual, is famously a total creep. people with breeding kinks can breathe a sigh of relief because he is not one of you - his is a breeding perversion. he has an obsession with creating as many of his own children as possible and subscribes to the belief that a Man’s worth can be measured with his spawn. and so many of his ilk believe the same. this is how he can have child after child despite obviously not caring for them and doing his duty as a parent - parenting ten children should basically be a full time job. it takes a village: this is a village. and i don’t mean to point fingers, but with his first wife he had a set of twins via ivf and then a set of triplets via ivf, and many more children later, including after the birth of the human person he calls “X Æ A-Xii”, he had a second child with Grimes via surrogacy. this worldview undoubtedly affects his everyday misogyny and transphobia - women’s utility is as utility, trans men do iRrEvErSiBlE dAmAgE to their mere utility, and trans women go against womanhood due to having no utility. he abandoned his own fucking daughter for being trans. creepy, disgusting, indefensible - and this man is one of the gods of our world, enacting his poisonous worldview without oversight
and ragging on cunts like musk isn’t letting the ““effective altruists”” off the hook. their circles, as organisations or just general society, has an oft-reported massive sexism problem. multiple EA members have been accused of creating a toxic atmosphere hostile to women, of sexual misconduct, and of grooming with intention to form poly relationships. an ideology of reducing humans to utility, of stressing population growth, and of getting ants in your pants about demographic crisis does not combine well with latent misogyny and the patriarchal, male near-exclusive echelons of capitalism
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
Denver Sean
Stormy Daniels Speaks Out After Trump Indictment amid Fears for Her Safety
March 31, 2023 9:39 PM PST
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Stormy Daniels is weighing in on the indictment against Donald Trump.
via People:
On Thursday, the former president, 76, was indicted by a grand jury in New York, making him the first sitting or former president in U.S. history to face criminal charges. The indictment comes more than six years after he allegedly paid $130,000 in hush money to adult film star Stormy Daniels while he was the presidential candidate in 2016.
“Trump is no longer untouchable,” Daniels told The Sunday Times. “A person in power is not exempt from the law. And no matter what your job is, or what your bank account says, you’re held accountable for the things you’ve said and done, and justice is served.”
Though she added that the grand jury’s decision is “vindication,” she also said, “It’s bittersweet. He’s done so much worse that he should have been taken down [for] before. I am fully aware of the insanity of it, being a porn star. But it’s also poetic; this p—- grabbed back.”
She went on to share her thoughts on the inevitable fallout over the indictment.
“It’s monumental and epic, and I’m proud,” Daniels said. “The other side of it is that it’s going to continue to divide people and bring them up in arms. He’s already gotten away with inciting a riot, and causing death and destruction. Whatever the outcome is, it’s going to cause violence, and there’s going to be injuries and death. There’s the potential for a lot of good to come from this. But either way, a lot of bad is going to come from it, too.”
Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, told the outlet that since the indictment she has already been the target of threats on “all social media platforms, and email, and phone,” adding that she’s afraid “for the first time ever.”
“Part of me is hesitant to say that, because you don’t want blood in the water. It kind of encourages the sharks. It’s especially scary because Trump himself is inciting violence and encouraging it.”
She clarified that Trump isn’t the one she’s afraid of.
“The country is more divided and people are more desperate. I’m not afraid of him, or of the government, but it just takes one crazy supporter who thinks they’re doing God’s work or protecting democracy.”
She’s also not “as scared” to see Trump in court, pointing out, “I’ve seen him naked. There’s no way he could be scarier with his clothes on. And after what [Michael] Avenatti put me through last January, I’m not as scared.”
Avenatti, Daniels’ former lawyer, was convicted of fraud after he stole around $300,000 of the $800,000 advance for her October 2018 book Full Disclosure about her alleged affair with Trump prior to his presidency. He was his own counsel and grilled Daniels for hours when she was on the stand, per The Times. He was sentenced to four years last year.
Daniels said she’s ready to serve as a witness for the historic trial in the charges against Trump.
“I hope that I do have to. I’m not afraid, I have nothing to hide, and I look forward to telling everybody what I know.”
Revealing her first thoughts on Trump’s indictment, Daniels said it was “a shock. There was no warning.” She had just woken up from a nap and was outside riding her horse.
“There’s something really ironic and hilarious that I got the news about the indictment while I was sitting on a horse named Redemption,” she joked, noting that she purchased Redemption with a portion of the alleged six-figure payout she received from Trump.
Though Daniels has alleged she and Trump had sex in a hotel room in Nevada back in 2006, Trump has denied the claim. His now-former attorney Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to charges related to the lump sum in 2018 and was sentenced to three years in prison. He was also disbarred.
Asked what the money was for if she and Trump allegedly didn’t have sex, Daniels said, “I don’t know. I don’t think he’s ever answered that question.”
She went on to share her thoughts about Cohen, who she made amends with in February 2021. “I know that he is worried for his safety and his family — and even my safety.”
“He was sort of responsible for making my life hell, indirectly. But part of me understands that he was trying to be loyal and do his job and really thought he was trying to do the right thing. And it takes a brave person to do what he’s done.”
Adding what she believes was the turning point in her alleged encounter with Trump, Daniels continued, “If I hadn’t signed the NDA, and I hadn’t taken the hush money, then he didn’t do anything wrong. He banged another hot chick — which he’s kind of known for doing — and nothing about that is illegal. Signing the NDA and taking the hush money was actually the greatest gift that I gave. Because it’s what made it illegal, which made it possible to actually go after him.”
She added that her work as an adult film star was “used to ruin my credibility.”
“Can you think of a single time that ‘porn star’ wasn’t put in front of my name?” she told The Sunday Times.” Imagine if I did something else — would ‘school teacher Stormy Daniels,’ or ‘accountant Stormy Daniels’ have ever been printed? No, it was salacious and used against me and used to ruin my credibility.”
She did, however, use the title to her advantage. “Because I couldn’t be shamed. I couldn’t be threatened with nude photos — they are everywhere.”
When she first shared her story, she said she “would get messages that my daughter should be euthanized.” But when she tied the knot with another porn star, Barrett Blade, last year she thought the drama “was behind me. And now I’m responsible for subjecting another person and another person’s family to s— that they didn’t ask for. I feel like I’m a danger to anybody who I love or care about, or supports me or I’m friends with.”
Asked if she has regrets about going public with the allegations against Trump, she said she has mixed feelings.
“Sometimes in the moment, I’m like, ‘What the f— was I thinking? Was it worth it?’ But I wouldn’t be able to look at myself in the mirror. If I could go back far enough to where I did go to the hotel that night, I wouldn’t have done that. But…coming forward, I would do the same thing again. Because it was the right thing to do.”
The charges against Trump may be made public next Tuesday, when the former president is expected to appear in a Manhattan courtroom for his arraignment, according to his attorneys.
Who would’ve ever thought that Stormy Daniels would end up being the person to send Donald Trump to jail?
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anthonybialy · 25 days
The one pretending to no longer be a Democrat endorsed the other.  Robert Kennedy Junior and Donald Trump are both ostensibly party-hoppers.  But you can feel assured that the new partners will continue to tell you how to live while indulging in the wrong kind of paranoia.  The perfect matches can forward emails featuring supposed election thieves and rotten trope-based slurs to each other.
The ultimate self-made man is so dedicated to being his own person that he uses his initials.  That includes the middle one, which coincidentally was the same letter used by some other political figure.  Why should it be Junior’s fault that styling his name in that random manner brings to mind whoever his father was?
Noting who the family is is the family business.  A bootlegger spawned a series of increasingly undeserving generations.  I’d trust Uncle Ted as a driving instructor before anything his shrillest nephew claims about the environment melting.
Do as you’re told to establish independence.  Sophisticated modern Republicans are not going to adhere to preposterous concepts based in sensible ideas.  There’s no need for constitutional fidelity and the same tax rate for all when you can dominate anyone who won’t submit.
You’re obeying the will of which people?  Populism is another term for what a lot of dolts believe.  The most awful conspiracy dreck paired with innate negativity have replaced hopes of ever getting government out of insurance.  The potential new HHS secretary will see to that.
RFK Junior pairing with Trump is like chocolate with peanut butter for the tasteless.  There’s no need to shepherd the easily guided with anything inspirational or helpful or true.  Just claim the whole system is crooked to produce a gritty Network reboot.
Thorough corruption must be the reason why the fearless outsider and biggest winner couldn’t drain the swamp or beat Joe Biden.  Everyone’s out to get you except for the person who told you that, of course.  He’s the only honest man, and it’s a blessing that you’re able to discern such.
You want an old hand at lunacy by your side.  J.D. Vance is only the pretend underling now.  The amateur can’t keep up with the new trendy hire.
Professional plotter Kennedy has been at the forefront of every major bit of nonsensical blather of his adult lifetime.  What’s the craziest of the insanity?  There’s nobody who hates needles more than the premier enemy of vaccines, and not just the slapdash glorified flu shot that got hastily churned out by contemporary troglodytes who purport to believe in science.  Harming children by encouraging their parents to not protect them from disease is his gift to the next generation.
Kennedy’s demented haranguing about what’s good for kids is particularly rich for someone claiming what’s on cafeteria trays is poisoned, as of course Trump does now.  Processing food makes it deadly, according to advocates of consuming dirt.  There’s nothing new about his presumption that the baseless is accurate.  Claiming the CIA murdered his relatives is one way to respect them and reality.
The saboteur is the loudest one on stage.  The real intrigue centers around why Republicans are pretending their party hasn’t been commandeered by someone who’s only principle is collecting genuflecting.  Whatever those he deems to be worthwhile claim is treated as absolute truth.  The new alleged pal could claim jet fuel can’t melt steel and get thunderous applause from the red hat brigade.  I hope he doesn’t try it to see.
A person who’s never had to carry cash established what his soul is worth.  Those who aren’t for sale are left out.  The alliance of one angry ranter who’s prominent despite sense and decency with the other makes sick sense.  People who just want fewer federal agencies have nowhere to hang out.  Now, there’s an establishment to battle.
A Kennedy sucking up to a Trump should irk fans of both.  The prototypical sellout must be running out of money his ancestors pilfered.  That’d be quite a legacy.  Everyone else is a RINO, claims the person who’s now BFF with the embodiment of Democrats.  And Trump will be way softer on Cuba and taxes than his buddy’s presidential uncle.
It’s easy to guess which side has shifted leftward when both do so.  The one in question used to at least pretend to favor a smaller government.  Thinking an alliance with the nasal scold reflects poorly on the Democratic Party is surely not a sign of getting the deal’s raw end, so block that idea out of mind.  Trump is the best businessman ever, remember? Nobody’s had a good steak since he stopped peddling them on QVC.
Pretending the debt accumulator who runs away from conflict is a fearless conservative is fitting for dupes who think believing the most outlandish claims keeps them from being gullible.  The ostentatiously suspicious think their prophet outfoxed foes by getting a presidential dropout on his side when it really means Republicans nominated an unhinged liberal.  The useless parasitic progeny aligned with the son of shady real estate tyrant in the name of common values.
Liberal schemes are now part of the Republican enterprise.  Teaming up with someone who’s tiresome even for a Kennedy is actually perfect for Trump.  The loyalty baron didn’t just happen to go with the guy set up by his rich father: the tag team is on a quest to claim they’re outsiders while uniting with the worst of the insiders.  Doing so at the same time embodies efficiency.  That’s the closest the new Kennedy faction gets to free markets.
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casesenergylife · 2 years
Pegasus hacking remnants
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Within walking distance is the headquarters for Conoco Phillips, and the Houston HQ for Shell, among others.
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In the heart of the Energy Corridor, the property is ideal for those visiting the many oil and gas giants, and the companies that service them. On the west side of Houston, on the Katy freeway is the Hyatt Regency Houston West. If you haven’t followed us on Facebook or Instagram, add us today. If you are considering booking travel or signing up for a new credit card please click here. Both support. Returning to the chain after a long sabbatical away, the Hyatt Regency Houston West is welcomed back to the chain. Opinions expressed here are the author's alone. The content on this page is not provided by any companies mentioned, and has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by these entities. For our complete advertising policy, click here. We value your time and money and will not waste it. It could be “a coincidence”, the spokesman said.My dear readers, some links on this site pay us referral fees for sending business and sales. Of the people whose numbers are on the list, 67 agreed to give Forbidden Stories their phones for forensic analysis.Īnd this research, by Amnesty International Security Labs, reportedly found evidence of potential targeting by Pegasus on 37 of those.īut NSO Group said it had no knowledge of how some phones on the list contained remnants of spyware. “Since the beginning of the company, we didn’t have 50,000 targets total.” “Our customers have an average of 100 targets a year. “It’s an insane number,” the spokesman said. “So there should not be a list like this at all anywhere.”Īnd the number of potential targets did not reflect the way Pegasus worked. “And more than that, the customers are not related to each other, as each customer is separate. “And secondly, we don’t have any data of our customers in our possession. NSO Group said it had been told the list had been hacked from its Cyprus serversīut a company spokesman told BBC News: “Firstly, we don’t have servers in Cyprus. The Israeli company says its software is intended for use against criminals and terrorists and made available to only military, law enforcement and intelligence agencies from countries with good human rights records.īut a consortium of news organisations, led by French media outlet Forbidden Stories, has published dozens of stories based around the list. Pegasus infects iPhones and Android devices, allowing operators to extract messages, photos and emails, record calls and secretly activate microphones and cameras. Investigations have begun as the list, of 50,000 phone numbers, contained a small number of hacked phones.
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NSO Group is facing international criticism, after reporters obtained a list of alleged potential targets for spyware, including activists, politicians and journalists. “But all the allegations and all the finger-pointing should be at the customer.” “You know, if a customer decides to misuse the system, he will not be a customer anymore. “We are sending the system to governments, we get all the correct accreditation and do it all legally. London, July 22 (Indus Prism) The maker of the powerful spy software allegedly used to hack the phones of various people around the globe says blaming the company is like “criticising a car manufacturer when a drunk driver crashes”, the BBC reported.Ī NSO spokesperson told BBC: “If I am the manufacturer of a car and now you take the car and you are driving drunken and you hit somebody, you do not go to the car manufacturer, you go to the driver.
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Ever since the news has come out that they’re filing a lawsuit I’ve just kind of felt. Uneasy. It was very jarring when I first saw it. On one hand, it does make me uncomfortable because they 1000% do look like the rich white guys throwing money at a cause they know they can win because they have money that potential victims don’t. On the other hand, i get it. Allegations like this can be career-ending, and we have no clue of their losses already behind the scenes that brands have done to save face. Them pursuing it makes it seem like they’re sure of their innocence in all of this, which can sort of be viewed as a positive in it all. They don’t really win no matter how this turns out. The whole thing feels generally icky to me. I cant shake the icky feeling I get thinking about it. But I still get it. It makes sense, and I understand why they’re doing it. Sigh. Thanks for always being so level-headed amidst the chaos, Claire. You’ve always handled the discussion of the entire situation since its beginning with nuance, and have never outright taken one completely black or white side. Sending love and positive energy to you, wishing you a better coming week <3
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❣️❣️❣️ thank you both!! I feel insane rambling but I do not know any other way. Everything sucks, can’t be more eloquent, it fucking sucks. I don’t want to be responsible for steering the ship too confidently into the storm but I have to believe The Team had a real harsh brainstorm on pros and cons of this and decided it was going to be okay and was worth it. I don’t always trust them but I do believe it in this horrifying instance.
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tcrumb · 4 years
So, Should I Listen to Billie Jean or Not?
Michael Jackson is a musical legend that few compare to in talent. He was born into the music industry and raised to be a pop star at a very young age. He and his brothers made up the boy group Jackson 5, Michael began his solo career in the early 1970s when he was in his early 20s, and went on to produce insanely popular singles and records. He is so big in fact I feel ridiculous describing who Michael Jackson is. You have heard Thriller and Bad before right? Right. So let’s move on because I don’t wanna talk about Michael himself, I’m more interested in the problem he represents. Should I Listen to Billie Jean or Not? Should you separate the artist from the music or not?
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There is this cloud that follows the Michael Jackson name around that has become difficult to ignore the older I get. There are allegations, we'll say, that have been brought up against Michael Jackson, allegations of child abuse that have merit to them, but nothing that has been officially proven in court. Yet victims have come forwarding claiming Michael was inappropriate with them, his own sister Latoya spoke out against him confirming the allegations. There have been documentaries that compile all the evidence against Michael, and when you sit through it looks pretty damning. I personally am inclined to believe Michael is guilty and should have been locked away for what he did. But that isn’t how it played out, every time a case was brought to court he was either found not guilty or it was settled out of court. The boys had to live on without justice while Beat It plays on the radio, and Michael passed away before the truth ever came out. What’s left is the music. So what do we do with it?
If it was someone like R Kelly the choice would be simple, I was never a fan of his music to begin with, there is video evidence for the abuse he inflicted and the women he basically kidnapped, case closed. I’ll never spend money on R Kelly. But with Michael the lines get blurred, and since he passed away I wouldn’t be supporting him financially by buying his music right? Right?
Personally I can't do it. If standing in solidarity means boycotting Jackson then I guess I can live without Billie Jean. I won't judge you for your stance on this issue, I can see both sides of this, but I don't want to extend the legacy of a potential monster. It isn’t worth it.
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bigbrothermonopoly · 5 years
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Honestly, after recording this, it kinda shocks me how much was happening in House Chat... did they not have friends and family to spend the New Year's with instead of being drunk on Discord?
If I have to hear Chris say "And I ooop" ONE MORE FUCKING TIME. I SWEAR.
I can't say I am not nervous about Eve winning HoH for two reasons.... First off I know that there are no more major house targets so now alliances might start forming, and I just hope that I am a part of them, and secondly I don't think many people know where Eve's head is at and whoever she puts up will absolutely be a blindside 
Oh my goodnessss Im so glad that Eve kept me safe this week. It really really sucks that I’m playing veto though... especially since Austin is up there as a nominee. I really think I should throw this Veto because I really need to keep my middle ground. I want to work with Eve for sure but Chris is just like pulling me into all this craziness with a big alliance and everything it’s really too much sometimes. I’m throwing this veto hard asf and this one BETTER not bounce back lmao. Anyways I hope this works out for me. 
The relationships in this game are definitely becoming super evident and transparent right now. From the top of my head I can name at least 4 sets of duos, budding friendships, and alliances. This what I think so far.... Gwen, Silence, and Austin are an alleged thing. How do I know: Will told me because Madison spilled it to him. (Brien hasn't told me yet and I'm sure Madison has told me so that is SUSSSSSSS) As a result of that... I know: Will and Madison are close which means Brien/Madison/Will should be close just by association through Madison. Madison has come to life so it wouldn't surprise me if she was friends with a majority of these boys because apparently that is her thing. Brien also seems to be spreading his social seed around so those two are kind of scary to me but as soon as I expose they are dating I think there will at least be some paranoia there and people will target them. Will was an idiot and shared his screen so my ass took a screenshot to see his alliances and I do know he has one called "Rws League" so I know he's at least withholding that info from me. SO SUSSSSS but also can't blame him for not sharing alliances with me? We will work on that though. Next up we have: Kristine, Chris, Brien, Emma, Emma How do I know: Brien spilled the beans last round. Do I think it's 100% a thing not really but I do think there is a chance it is a thing. The idea of this being a thing is soooo scary to me because this group has sooo many other outside connections. Brien has Madison because well they are dating. Kristine and Chris are close I think? Emma and Def have that Galore thing but who knows? (I honestly don't think the Galore thing is an actual factor in this game) Kristine has Eve and that whole duo thing fucking scares me because I think they could both run this game if they wanted to do so. Where do I fit into all of this? I have no idea. I don't have anything outside of my day 1 alliance of Kori/Emma/Eve/Mackenzie/Myself and the weird Brien and Madison one. I know I need to make more connections so people won't nominate me or if they do I'll have the votes and the connections to stay. I know Brien has hinted at wanting to make an alliance of 5 with myself, Eve, him, and Madison but he's really pushing for William as a fifth. Which I would be fine with IF I didn't know that he was already close with Madison. I don't like power imbalances not in my favour in alliances so...  yikes. I feel a bit better about my position in the game right now. I do think I've at least gained some ground on people like William and Andrew. I want to trust Kori and work with him going forward but I'd be dumb to think he's not doing the same thing and planning for the future where the alliance implodes. I just feel like with Kori it is so hard for me right now to get him to give me info. I feel like I'm the one who constantly has to talk to him first, give him info first, and try to basically encourage him to TALK TO ME ABOUT THIS GAME and it is driving me insane. I'm trying not to be paranoid but that just scares me and shows me that just because I think I can trust someone it does not necessarily mean the feeling is mutual or at least it isn't at the same level of trust I have in them. This is probably paranoia all talking so don't mind me future episode reader.
All right so I survived Potentially eve putting me up. I only assume that she would because her and Andrew seem very close. I know that I am on thin ice with some people however hopefully the nominations will stay the same and I won’t be back doored. If anyone in my alliance wins and they want to take down Austin, I might convince them to not and just shove all the votes on silence. If all the vote go on silence then Austin will still be here no matter what, which would then still have power trap, Jason’s book club, and underwood slongs are still intact. Soon this game will take off, and there will be no easy targets. When that happens I am hopeful all my appliances and the relationships I made or help me walk towards the end
So, this kindof sucks? Like on one hand I'm glad Eve won HoH because I want her to raise her target so that she'll eventually take the fall, and because I know we're good and she won't be looking to nominate me or backdoor me for a solid while yet. Still not exactly a fan of how it went down since she did LITERALLY nothing in the challenge until the last hour. Mackenzie did all the work in my mind she should've probably won the challenge. The part that sucks is that she nominated Austin AND Silence, two of my Mandela Moncoles Alliance members, which means I can't actually win POV even if I'm capable of doing so. (Granted I'd have thrown even if she nominated one of them.) Because then I'd have to choose, that could expose things, yadda, yadda, yadda. I might come to regret throwing POV because it could lead to myself being backdoored. But I also am hoping the game I'm playing is like I don't know, not complete shit that I won't be in that kind of situation this early on. There's still some people where my relationship is pretty lacking and balancing that last challenge when I'm in 2 alliances was just a complete cluster-fuck, and here's hoping that if it IS Silence and Austin, that Silence is the one that goes. I feel like Austin is easier to manage, even if he's a little less active. Like Silence is ok, but we don't need more drunkeness and shit. Hopefully whoever goes my relation to Gwen and whoever stays remains UTR. Though the nomination situation might change post-veto. I'm also currently debating snagging the Utilities when I have enough money... I dunno, it just seems like it could be a good purchase for me, since I don't predict I'll be in a situation where I'll actually be able to get Boardwalk and Park Place. We'll see what my options are closer to the time.
episode 3 why tf would chris come for me, he asked me to be his ally the other day like thats annoying af. he pissed me off "i see that william billed me. i now give myself permission to destroy him without feeling bad" mission accomplished i want to win this HoH so far im doing pretty good and im confident i can win if i keep it up the only thnig im worried about is i told my bf id hang out with him at like 7:30 but. might have to blow him off jk not ruining a relationship 4 this game but i hope i can win lmfao Chris pming mackenzie to get me out Ur ass is going up if i win mf Ur an idiot. I hate every man in this competition except brian and dem i like actually dont wanna try anymore these bitches are so fucking annoying like i will try but i dont fucking want to i hate kori and chris i hate chris so fucking much Eve is in first place and she hasnt done shit which is lowkey annoying af but its whatever For some reason i feel like Eve is going to do me dirty this week, I don’t know why i feel this way but I just do I see her as big af competition like probs my biggest, i hope she doesn’t see me in the same light because i don’t want her gunning for me@ Daily reminder I hate Chris I know it’s going to be a bitch to take him out of this game But i will go down trying Omg! Austin winning veto is fucking dope cuz i completely expected him to go home this week lmfao And i think he likes me still despite the whole chris thingy (i informed him what happened and how we will no longer be working together) EVE has informed me that there are sides slowly forming in this game, I tell her I'm scared bc I don't get much info, she tells me to stick with her and she'll have my back, so tht's what im going to do :heart: I trust her, the bitch is smart and people like her. her word seems genuine, she doesn't need to be making a deal with me, i have no power and she has all of it, so thats why im trusting her word rn 
Well time for a tipsy confessional. Guess what? People aka: Kristine think me, Gwen, and Tawni are close? That's fucking news to me. That kind of really bothers me because I don't get how she'd come to that conclusion.... which means someone on a call spread that to Kristine. Somehow. The only people on call with the 3 of us were Brien/William/Madison I think so rip,
So... I was nominated this week. But guess what? I won the mother fuckin’ power of veto and saved myself. Now Tawni is on the block next to Silence as Eve’s replacement nominee. I’m in an alliance with Silence so it would make sense to vote out Tawni. Most of the house wants Tawni out I believe so I’m pretty sure she is going home.
I’m probably gone TAWNIToday at 5:11 AM Part of me wants to quit because I’m annoyed But I’m not a quitter At least physically leave the game quit I’ve just given up I physically feel sick TAWNIToday at 5:18 AM I wouldn’t be in this position If this was the time o was going to bed and not waking up everyday Or if I could be more active at work And this happening right after I’ve had to deal with the add contacts shit Like and everyone is mad at me because I have a bad taste for cheatham in my mouth when I have a valid reason to be mad at him but everyone sees it as I’m mad he voted me out But when have they heard me talk about the others that did Everyone in the community believes what they want to believe And right now I feel like I’m seen as the bad guy TAWNIToday at 5:29 AM But someone is saying I have connections in this game And I don’t I talk to Jess and brien Two votes won’t save me My fucking connections are in here And no one here can help me The worst part is the fact if anyone drafted me I like let them down. And like people have said before no one really cares about the draft like that but it’s like people had faith in me or at least hoped I’d win and I came up short. And on a comp I’m able to get a 12 on and I just couldn’t do it TAWNIToday at 6:23 AM I just don’t understand what I did Because eve saying it’s not personal doesn’t make sense. I’m not a physical threat. I haven’t come close to winning anything. I’m not a social threat clearly because no one wants to keep me where. And she said I was always going to be the renom???? And now I’m the target? And she’s mad at me for being upset?? I’m I just that big of an idiot that I don’t see her logic? And yes I’m still crying TAWNIToday at 6:34 AM It’s seriously taking everything in me to not go off in the house chat. I have so much anger and hurt built up inside of me right now. From getting out on TS and having everyone hate me to getting put on the list and not being able to defend myself not being able to defend someone I consider a friend after I got them put in that Situation and now because I don’t even know who started this thing about me having connections. I
hiiii currently trying to decide who i’m gonna vote to evict hzjjzjzjz ummm hoping me or jess wins hoh next round ummm also kristine still scares me
Tawni will be going home. So much has gone down in the last few days. I was on VC with Silence and he didn't realize that Madison was on and mentioned an alliance with us and Austin. And now people think we're in an alliance with Dem. How that happened? I have no idea. Also, people think that the "Old ladies" of Tawni, Jess, and I are in an alliance. Not true. Soooo that is a good reason for Tawni to go home. I DON'T TRUST BRIEN THAT SNEAKY SON OF A BITCH...LOVE YOU Brien, but you gotta goooo dude.
So I'm just here eating a bagel kind of hoping I choke on it because maybe it'll put me out of the misery that is this GAME. So much has happened this fucking round. First of all Kristine trying to paint me, Gwen, and Tawni as a trio... super cute. She couldn't be more wrong.This is the second time Kristine has been shady towards me so she needs to fucking go. She won't go for a bit because Eve thinks 'she has Kristine" but I don't so she needs to BOUNCE. I don't trust Tawni one bit. She's too emotional, she literally admitted to hating me for A YEAR for a past game move I don't even remember or the game.. Gwen is also just... way.too.much. So that is a big yikes. So Tawni has to go. She was going to go regardless because of her comment she made towards me about being mad at me for a year. So that had to go for me before jury started because nope. not listening to that all game. I'll let Eve think she's protecting me from others but I would have pushed Tawni to go because she has the MOST dirt on my gameplay in this game. So this all works out. HOWEVER, MY BOO ANDREW IS KEEPING STUFF FROM ME. I'm heart broken. LITERALLY HEART BROKEN. I'm hearing he knew about the alliance of Gwen, Austin, Silence, Dem but he didn't tell me. Now he's trying to pretend like he's hearing this shit for the first time and I'm just overrrrrr it. This is strike one for him. I know he's close to Austin. So that's probably why everyone knows about this alliance. Austin probably told Andrew and Chris. I think Chris told Brien who in turn told me.. and everyone else because he's... Brien. I've also found out that Chris/Kristine/Emma have recently played a game together so THANKS JACOB for casting them together. That there is also an alliance with Brien/Chris/Gwen which is cute. Will use this info later on. I just think there's way tooo many unknowns for me in this fucking game but I don't want to win next HOH because I would want to nominate fucking Kristine. She doesn't trust me and I don't trust her. I'd be so tempted to nominate Kristine/Austin just to shake shit up. But one could only dream and that'd be dumb. I'm so happy Mackenzie is starting to see through Eve's shit. I really hope she starts playing as her own player because I'd make her my #1 so fucking fast. I obviously can't agree with her straight up because she might go back to Eve but... Eve does treat her and me like we are her bitches. We HAD to give Eve the advantage, we HAVE to take out Tawni for Eve. I can't wait until people start seeing through her shit and she goes but not only I've secured myself in this game..
So like legit, Tawni has CRACKED. She got really emotional on call with Gwen and Eve, she's apparently HARDCORE throwing Gwen under the bus. I'm just sitting here drinking my tea like: https://media2.giphy.com/media/3o7btLQZrOU4ssEew8/giphy.gif It looks reasonably likely that Tawni is going to go home as a result. What's interesting is that this week I feel like revealed a dynamic to me of Madison-Brien-Tawni-William, that I think I wasn't aware of before. I also just did a clutch maneuver towards what I believed to be peak Chaos, Me and Gwen went and bought the utilities. Ideally I'll be the one in control of how we use the Utilities no idea what the power is yet because we're so BROKE we can't even trade them to a single person to hold... so that's fun. I'm excited though because I feel like it's the first thing I've like DONE. Granted this probably removes any Chance I have of getting Boardwalk/Park Place. But I'm totally fine with that, the odds of me getting that whole set was low anyway, this one is at least obtainable and there's a chance that I might get some more of the lower properties too. Brien is honestly probably a snake though based on the conversations we've been having lately. But I'm not gonna look to make some giant waves. Like if I win HoH next week I'll probably nominate some combination of William, Dem, Andrew, and Madison. Just gotta see how this week goes first. (And actually win HoH next week. Probs won't happen... we'll have to wait and see.) In other news I just launched my ORG series Survivor Zenith YAS! It's stressful hosting an ORG but like I'm excited too, so here's hoping that goes well and that I'm still in this game when I finish hosting it.
shit is gonna be wild next week cant wait to make a confs and not be boring yeehaw
0 notes
battybat-boss · 6 years
Profits Over Patients: Money, Medicine, and the...
Last week, a federal judge determined that The Johns Hopkins University, Rockefeller Foundation, and Bristol-Myers Squibb Co will face a $1 billion lawsuit over their involvement in a government experiment that infected hundreds with syphilis against their will or without their knowledge.
This is a big win for victims and their families, who have been seeking justice since the study first came to light in 2010. Though the Guatemala experiment was funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and led by a senior surgeon from the United States Public Health Service (both part of the Department of Health and Human Services), no compensation has been offered by the government.
Let me fill you in on the atrocious history that led us here.
The Push for Research
During World War II, the military was losing the equivalent of two divisions a year due to venereal disease – roughly 350,000 soldiers – at a cost of $34 million. This led to a major push for research into ways to treat and prevent sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea and syphilis. The recent discovery of penicillin was a major focus of these studies.
In 1943, the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) conducted studies on inmates at Terre Haute penitentiary in Indiana. Dr. Thomas Parran Jr., the Surgeon General at the time, was a major contributor to the campaign researching effects and treatments of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
The study included 241 inmates, who were paid $100 and received a commendation letter submitted to the parole board. These inmates were injected with several strains of gonorrhea and used to study the effects and potential treatments associated with the disease.
It is said to be the first U.S. study to infect human subjects with a dangerous contagion. Among others, Dr. John Charles Cutler helped lead the experiments. The study is now considered a violation of medical and human rights ethics.
Although the subjects consented to the study, they are considered a vulnerable population, and medical professionals should never intentionally infect humans with dangerous and harmful diseases.
Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
But Terre Haute was not the first study on STDs in human subjects, nor the most severe example of ethical violations. From 1932 to 1978, the PHS conducted a clinical study of 600 impoverished black sharecroppers, nearly two-thirds of whom had contracted syphilis. They were told that they would be receiving free healthcare from the United States government, but none of the subjects were given treatment, even after penicillin had been shown to successfully treat syphilis.
Not only were the men not treated, they were actively prevented from accessing treatment that would have been otherwise available. Several men in the study died, 40 of their wives contracted syphilis, and over a dozen children were born with the congenital disease during the course of the study. Cutler was also involved in the study, though Thomas Parran was the catalyst for its creation.
When PHS employee Peter Buxton initially filed a protest in 1966, the PHS's Division of Venereal Diseases determined that his objections on ethical grounds were unwarranted, since the study was not yet complete. He continued to protest the study to no avail until 1972, when he provided details of the experiment to the Washington Star. The next day, the leaked information was featured on the front page of the New York Times, and the study was terminated later that year.
Bringing the information to the public was the only way for Buxton to affect change.
Following a class-action lawsuit, the U.S. Government awarded $10 million to the participants in a private settlement. The study resulted in well over 100 deaths from syphilis and related complications. It is likely that, had the PHS not withheld treatment, these deaths could have been easily prevented.
The Guatemala Experiment
Fast-forward to 1946, when U.S. researchers began perhaps one of the greatest ethical violations in American history in a study in Guatemala. Funded by a grant from the NIH, the study included 1,308 human subjects and sought to learn more about STD treatment and prevention.
But unlike Terre Haute, where subjects gave informed consent, or Tuskegee, where patients were already infected, the Guatemala experiment deliberately infected thousands of human subjects with syphilis either against their will or without their knowledge.
Led by chief PHS physician John Cutler and funded by the NIH (both of which are departments of HHS), the Guatemala experiment was undoubtedly a U.S. endeavor. And the lack of ethics was not lost on those involved. In fact, Dr. Parran, still Surgeon General at the time, acknowledged that the study could never take place on U.S. soil.
The subjects were among the most vulnerable populations, including prison inmates, orphans, soldiers, prostitutes, and patients at a nearby mental hospital. These subjects included children as young as 10 years old.
The methods used in the study are deplorable, and unfit to print here in detail. Prostitutes were intentionally infected and provided to Guatemalan soldiers. Inmates and mental patients were forcibly infected, with researchers going so far as to put bodily fluids from the infected into the eyes and orifices of other subjects.
To read more about the extent of depravity demonstrated by these medical professionals, click here. Warning: The details of the study contained in this document are graphic.
One psychiatric patient was injected with syphilis by Dr. Cutler and suffered severe side effects until treatment was administered 3 months later. After the treatment, Cutler put bodily fluids from a subject infected with gonorrhea into the patient's eyes and other sensitive areas and injected her with syphilis yet again. The patient, who was subjected to these barbaric experiments against her will, suffered horrific symptoms and died a few days later.
This is just one example of the horrendous atrocities conducted by the research team. And it was all conducted and funded by the U.S. government.
The Shocking Discovery
The study was terminated in 1946. R.C. Arnold, a PHS doctor supervising Cutler's work, is on record as saying:
I am a bit, in fact more than a bit, leery of the experiment with the insane people. They cannot give consent, do not know what is going on, and if some goody organization got wind of the work, they would raise a lot of smoke. I think the soldiers would be best or the prisoners for they can give consent. Maybe I'm too conservative.”
Cutler responded: “As you can imagine … we are holding our breaths, and we are explaining to the patients and others concerned with but a few key exceptions, that the treatment is a new one utilizing serum followed by penicillin. This double talk keeps me hopping at time.”
There was never any question as to the morality of the Guatemala experiment. Cutler and officials in Washington were fully aware of what they were doing. Although the sadistic experiments were conducted between 1946 and 1948, the public was not aware of these crimes against humanity until 2010.
Medical historian Susan Reverby is a professor at Wellesley College who was conducting research into the Tuskegee study. Her book, “Examining Tuskegee: The Infamous Syphilis Study and Its Legacy,” was published in 2009.
During her research, she came across some old documents from Dr. Cutler in a Pennsylvania archive. Expecting to find more information about the Tuskegee study, she was floored to find detailed documentation of the experiments conducted in Guatemala.
The study's findings were never published, so when Reverby shared them with government officials, it was the first time that anyone not directly involved in the experiments was aware that the study had taken place. Then president Barack Obama made a formal apology to Guatemalan President Álvaro Colom and condemned the research as a violation of human rights.
Seeking Justice for Victims
Nevertheless, the victims received no compensation from the U.S. government. After a class-action lawsuit, a judge ruled that the U.S. government was not liable for actions committed abroad. Our own government, through funding, oversight, sanction, and execution, was directly responsible for these atrocities. But when it comes to justice for the victims, that same government says that they are not culpable.
Researchers from Johns Hopkins and the Rockefeller Foundation were involved in both the Guatemalan experiments and the Tuskegee study. Doctors from Johns Hopkins conducted panels to advise the U.S. government on the study. Executives from Bristol Laboratories and the Squibb Institute were also involved, and Bristol supplied penicillin for the study, according to allegations in the lawsuit.
And while the U.S. is not to be held liable for their actions outside the country, Judge Theodore Chuang said that the “need for judicial caution” is “markedly reduced” in suits against the private sector, according to a Reuters report. And while these companies clearly played a role in Guatemala, it is readily apparent that the U.S. government is ultimately responsible, despite the absence of any legal liability.
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Standards and oversight have greatly improved since these studies took place. Most notably, federally funded research that exposes subjects to an inordinate amount of risk must now be reviewed by an institutional review board, which is mandated to be especially vigilant regarding studies of “vulnerable populations such as children, prisoners, pregnant women, mentally disabled persons, or economically or educationally disadvantaged persons.”
And while we hope that atrocities like those committed in Guatemala are never repeated, there is a resounding truth that still holds true today: money drives the medical industry. In the 1940s, the need to reduce military spending resulted in a massive occurrence of unethical studies. Today, lobbyists and special interest groups from the pharmaceutical industry continue to demonstrate substantial influence on regulation and safety protocols related to their products.
At TTAC, our mission is to shine a light on the truth, and to provide information that the medical, pharmaceutical, and other industries have tried to hide. We believe that the choice to vaccinate your children, receive chemotherapy, or pursue any medical intervention is your choice, and yours alone.
We want you to have all the information required to make informed decisions about your health and the health of your family. We live in an age of exceptional medicine, in which common injuries and illnesses that would have been fatal in the past are easily remedied. But there's a lot of money in the medical and pharmaceutical industries, and we need to remain ever vigilant to ensure that corrupt corporations and government officials are held accountable.
  Join our mailing list to make sure you receive all the latest news, research, and info about cancer, vaccines, and nutrition. Knowledge is power, and once you're armed with the truth, you'll be equipped to make the decisions that are right for you.
The post Profits Over Patients: Money, Medicine, and the... appeared first on The Truth About Cancer.
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lopezdorothy70-blog · 6 years
Profits Over Patients: Money, Medicine, and the...
Last week, a federal judge determined that The Johns Hopkins University, Rockefeller Foundation, and Bristol-Myers Squibb Co will face a $1 billion lawsuit over their involvement in a government experiment that infected hundreds with syphilis against their will or without their knowledge.
This is a big win for victims and their families, who have been seeking justice since the study first came to light in 2010. Though the Guatemala experiment was funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and led by a senior surgeon from the United States Public Health Service (both part of the Department of Health and Human Services), no compensation has been offered by the government.
Let me fill you in on the atrocious history that led us here.
The Push for Research
During World War II, the military was losing the equivalent of two divisions a year due to venereal disease – roughly 350,000 soldiers – at a cost of $34 million. This led to a major push for research into ways to treat and prevent sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea and syphilis. The recent discovery of penicillin was a major focus of these studies.
In 1943, the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) conducted studies on inmates at Terre Haute penitentiary in Indiana. Dr. Thomas Parran Jr., the Surgeon General at the time, was a major contributor to the campaign researching effects and treatments of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
The study included 241 inmates, who were paid $100 and received a commendation letter submitted to the parole board. These inmates were injected with several strains of gonorrhea and used to study the effects and potential treatments associated with the disease.
It is said to be the first U.S. study to infect human subjects with a dangerous contagion. Among others, Dr. John Charles Cutler helped lead the experiments. The study is now considered a violation of medical and human rights ethics.
Although the subjects consented to the study, they are considered a vulnerable population, and medical professionals should never intentionally infect humans with dangerous and harmful diseases.
Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
But Terre Haute was not the first study on STDs in human subjects, nor the most severe example of ethical violations. From 1932 to 1978, the PHS conducted a clinical study of 600 impoverished black sharecroppers, nearly two-thirds of whom had contracted syphilis. They were told that they would be receiving free healthcare from the United States government, but none of the subjects were given treatment, even after penicillin had been shown to successfully treat syphilis.
Not only were the men not treated, they were actively prevented from accessing treatment that would have been otherwise available. Several men in the study died, 40 of their wives contracted syphilis, and over a dozen children were born with the congenital disease during the course of the study. Cutler was also involved in the study, though Thomas Parran was the catalyst for its creation.
When PHS employee Peter Buxton initially filed a protest in 1966, the PHS's Division of Venereal Diseases determined that his objections on ethical grounds were unwarranted, since the study was not yet complete. He continued to protest the study to no avail until 1972, when he provided details of the experiment to the Washington Star. The next day, the leaked information was featured on the front page of the New York Times, and the study was terminated later that year.
Bringing the information to the public was the only way for Buxton to affect change.
Following a class-action lawsuit, the U.S. Government awarded $10 million to the participants in a private settlement. The study resulted in well over 100 deaths from syphilis and related complications. It is likely that, had the PHS not withheld treatment, these deaths could have been easily prevented.
The Guatemala Experiment
Fast-forward to 1946, when U.S. researchers began perhaps one of the greatest ethical violations in American history in a study in Guatemala. Funded by a grant from the NIH, the study included 1,308 human subjects and sought to learn more about STD treatment and prevention.
But unlike Terre Haute, where subjects gave informed consent, or Tuskegee, where patients were already infected, the Guatemala experiment deliberately infected thousands of human subjects with syphilis either against their will or without their knowledge.
Led by chief PHS physician John Cutler and funded by the NIH (both of which are departments of HHS), the Guatemala experiment was undoubtedly a U.S. endeavor. And the lack of ethics was not lost on those involved. In fact, Dr. Parran, still Surgeon General at the time, acknowledged that the study could never take place on U.S. soil.
The subjects were among the most vulnerable populations, including prison inmates, orphans, soldiers, prostitutes, and patients at a nearby mental hospital. These subjects included children as young as 10 years old.
The methods used in the study are deplorable, and unfit to print here in detail. Prostitutes were intentionally infected and provided to Guatemalan soldiers. Inmates and mental patients were forcibly infected, with researchers going so far as to put bodily fluids from the infected into the eyes and orifices of other subjects.
To read more about the extent of depravity demonstrated by these medical professionals, click here. Warning: The details of the study contained in this document are graphic.
One psychiatric patient was injected with syphilis by Dr. Cutler and suffered severe side effects until treatment was administered 3 months later. After the treatment, Cutler put bodily fluids from a subject infected with gonorrhea into the patient's eyes and other sensitive areas and injected her with syphilis yet again. The patient, who was subjected to these barbaric experiments against her will, suffered horrific symptoms and died a few days later.
This is just one example of the horrendous atrocities conducted by the research team. And it was all conducted and funded by the U.S. government.
The Shocking Discovery
The study was terminated in 1946. R.C. Arnold, a PHS doctor supervising Cutler's work, is on record as saying:
I am a bit, in fact more than a bit, leery of the experiment with the insane people. They cannot give consent, do not know what is going on, and if some goody organization got wind of the work, they would raise a lot of smoke. I think the soldiers would be best or the prisoners for they can give consent. Maybe I'm too conservative.”
Cutler responded: “As you can imagine … we are holding our breaths, and we are explaining to the patients and others concerned with but a few key exceptions, that the treatment is a new one utilizing serum followed by penicillin. This double talk keeps me hopping at time.”
There was never any question as to the morality of the Guatemala experiment. Cutler and officials in Washington were fully aware of what they were doing. Although the sadistic experiments were conducted between 1946 and 1948, the public was not aware of these crimes against humanity until 2010.
Medical historian Susan Reverby is a professor at Wellesley College who was conducting research into the Tuskegee study. Her book, “Examining Tuskegee: The Infamous Syphilis Study and Its Legacy,” was published in 2009.
During her research, she came across some old documents from Dr. Cutler in a Pennsylvania archive. Expecting to find more information about the Tuskegee study, she was floored to find detailed documentation of the experiments conducted in Guatemala.
The study's findings were never published, so when Reverby shared them with government officials, it was the first time that anyone not directly involved in the experiments was aware that the study had taken place. Then president Barack Obama made a formal apology to Guatemalan President Álvaro Colom and condemned the research as a violation of human rights.
Seeking Justice for Victims
Nevertheless, the victims received no compensation from the U.S. government. After a class-action lawsuit, a judge ruled that the U.S. government was not liable for actions committed abroad. Our own government, through funding, oversight, sanction, and execution, was directly responsible for these atrocities. But when it comes to justice for the victims, that same government says that they are not culpable.
Researchers from Johns Hopkins and the Rockefeller Foundation were involved in both the Guatemalan experiments and the Tuskegee study. Doctors from Johns Hopkins conducted panels to advise the U.S. government on the study. Executives from Bristol Laboratories and the Squibb Institute were also involved, and Bristol supplied penicillin for the study, according to allegations in the lawsuit.
And while the U.S. is not to be held liable for their actions outside the country, Judge Theodore Chuang said that the “need for judicial caution” is “markedly reduced” in suits against the private sector, according to a Reuters report. And while these companies clearly played a role in Guatemala, it is readily apparent that the U.S. government is ultimately responsible, despite the absence of any legal liability.
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Standards and oversight have greatly improved since these studies took place. Most notably, federally funded research that exposes subjects to an inordinate amount of risk must now be reviewed by an institutional review board, which is mandated to be especially vigilant regarding studies of “vulnerable populations such as children, prisoners, pregnant women, mentally disabled persons, or economically or educationally disadvantaged persons.”
And while we hope that atrocities like those committed in Guatemala are never repeated, there is a resounding truth that still holds true today: money drives the medical industry. In the 1940s, the need to reduce military spending resulted in a massive occurrence of unethical studies. Today, lobbyists and special interest groups from the pharmaceutical industry continue to demonstrate substantial influence on regulation and safety protocols related to their products.
At TTAC, our mission is to shine a light on the truth, and to provide information that the medical, pharmaceutical, and other industries have tried to hide. We believe that the choice to vaccinate your children, receive chemotherapy, or pursue any medical intervention is your choice, and yours alone.
We want you to have all the information required to make informed decisions about your health and the health of your family. We live in an age of exceptional medicine, in which common injuries and illnesses that would have been fatal in the past are easily remedied. But there's a lot of money in the medical and pharmaceutical industries, and we need to remain ever vigilant to ensure that corrupt corporations and government officials are held accountable.
  Join our mailing list to make sure you receive all the latest news, research, and info about cancer, vaccines, and nutrition. Knowledge is power, and once you're armed with the truth, you'll be equipped to make the decisions that are right for you.
The post Profits Over Patients: Money, Medicine, and the... appeared first on The Truth About Cancer.
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thingsdoingstuff · 4 years
Kenosha and “Projects”
     I will admit something up front. I am pretty naive and optimistic when it comes to my hopes for humanity. So, when I found out about the shooting of one African American in front of his car happening directly in front of his family, I was distraught. On top of this, a 17-year-old went out and declared vigilante justice on protesters and was seemingly taken in by the police as a friend (story and CNN has a much better take on this one. story) I can’t really think of a much better example of a double-standard. A literal murderer and an alleged sexual abuser getting treated entirely out of proportion to their supposed crimes, they are of two different races and being found by the same police force. 
     Now, to cover my ass, a disclaimer.
     This is for me to share my opinions and start a gentlemen’s discussion. Whether you happen to be a gentleman, a lady, transgender, gay, bisexual, lesbian, African America, Native American, Asian, African, Persian, “The One Percent,” a cop, identify as a dog, named “Gordon,” or have sixteen toes makes no lick of difference to me unless it is valid to the conversation at hand (so do feel free to pitch in so long as it doesn’t get personal ‘lest I shall ignore thee). Your opinion is still valid and should always be valid in just about any community as most of the things we do was humans create a little discrepancy called “morality” in which we are entitled to believe anything is wrong so long as we can agree to disagree and by the end of the day we haven’t wrung each other’s necks. All that having been said barring mentioning the fact that I respected your opinion until you wrote it using the stiff end of your raging hate boner and still will so long as you put it back in your pants.     Furthermore, as these are my opinions, I am automatically wrong and will be regarded as such by about three thousand people by the time I have finished typing any given sentence. Feel free to gloat as much as you like so long as you don’t step on anyone’s toes and that includes the white ones, since last I checked all races and creeds were granted immunity and there wasn’t an asterisk at the end.
     Killing people of a specific race more than anyone of another race constantly has made our nation’s police force look undeniably racist, but there have been times that I’ve wondered whether or not it was truly hate that brought it on or just the fact that veteran cops jump to solutions of violence faster, because they’ve lost discipline over the years. However nothing defines racism like a good-old-fashioned double-standard. And while ‎all the evidence to our nation still having many pure racists in it is very apparent, I choose to give the benefit of the doubt whenever possible. Now, George Floyd’s death was obviously racially charged as well as many other police shootings on African Americans, but if you ever needed proof of inherent racism, just look at Kenosha and tell me there’s nothing personal about that load of honky.
     I’d be remiss if I didn’t propose a solution, because one of my many problems with mainstream media is that all public journalists complain and bitch and moan about how bad things are and never come up with any solutions or make any attempts to fix anything. But the root of the problem is deep-seeded racism that has been present since day one and attacking the actual root just happens to coincide with another issue that flat-out racists have brought to the forefront of media recently: Low-Income Housing.
     Now, hear me out, because this may sound bat-shit insane, but after the civil war and reformations, African Americans were still second-class citizens with very little money and very little housing opportunities. Fortunately, banks aren’t so biased nowadays as anyone with the potential to pay off their loan can buy a house and for the sake of interest, the banks make money. But there’s still so few opportunities left.      So the government decided to pitch in and build some houses themselves in their own neighborhoods, meaning the government can earn it’s money back by cutting the funding to those areas and it always adds up as such. Year one: no problems, there’s protection in numbers and everyone is content living in their own houses at an affordable price. Years later: the drugs start rolling in and the “projects” become dangerous and violent, because there’s still no opportunities and little funding. Hence, inner city schools have a reputation for being crowded, run-down and ineffective. Hence the infrastructure always looks decades old and corrupt with cracks and scars. Hence the people living there are always down on their luck and looking for a way out of the slums; then the people looking for said opportunities have to make some risky moves to get out. That’s when the violence starts and the police start doing some horrible shit, because they automatically assume “bad guy, black guy,” because of the area’s known track record for gangs and cartels and other nefarious stuff.
     I thoroughly believe that people of all races have equal potential to do great things and become industry leaders or successful celebrities, but the ability to actually act on that potential may be diminished by third party sources. Unfortunately, those third party sources are basically all controlled by the government, so the factor that has been limiting potential for centuries and still is would be the government and for once, I actually believe they can fix it.
     If you’ve ever gone on a drive around your town or city, you’ve probably taken a note of some of the houses and buildings that you see. Citing that a specific building has perhaps been unoccupied for a very long time or that a specific house has been for sale for decades. I for one have witnessed the same, massive red-brick house have the save bank-owned lock on it for seven years and it’s right in prime real-estate territory. So, to eliminate the slums throughout America and redefine a stereotype that’s kind of become a self-fulfilling prophecy, what if the government bought preexisting houses from banks throughout the United States, remodeled them and sold them at the price of the remodel? Now, maybe I made this up myself or maybe I’m just stealing this idea from someone else without realizing it, but at least then, the government can’t sanction off specific districts and plummet an entire population into poverty over and over again when they are inter-mixed with every other population.
     “But what if people don’t accept them and there are casualties?” you may ask. obviously, this plan isn’t without its faults, but the citizens of the area aren’t nearly as immune to being prosecuted as the police in inner-city areas, and having large houses with plenty of black family members or friends/roommates grants extra protection from angry neighbors and police. Plus, we don’t need to put them in states/communities with dip-shit racists that don’t understand the “melting pot” analogy. And with the “melting pot” analogy on our minds, I’m sure everyone would be happy if the “melting pot” had a smoother more consistent flavor across the whole thing, instead of one corner being extra spicy while the rest just tastes like cheese wiz on grits with a side of mayonnaise.
     Once again, I may be a total idiot, and feel free to tell me I am. I feel like a conspiracy theorist writing this essay, but actually fixing the negative stigma wafting around the country and giving equal opportunities to the marginalized all with one simple change to shit we’re already doing seems like a perfectly predictable outcome here, since extending opportunities to every minority means no need for drastic measures for both police and marginalized citizens.       So, tell me if I’ve been spending too much time in my own head. Tell me why your opinion is correct. Tell me what you think of our political situation and how it can be resolved, but don’t tell me that it’s hopeless. If you truly believed that, you wouldn’t still be here. As a wise man whose name I don’t remember once said: “If you love something, you critique it, but if you truly hate it, you leave it behind.” For most people, if you truly hate what you’re eating, you throw it away, if you like the taste, but not the texture, you bitch about the texture and you keep eating. American pie can be pretty gritty every once in a while, but we keep eating, because we know it gets better, because this freedom tastes better here than it does elsewhere and because we’re holding out hope that it will get better with change, respect and reform.
     Yours truly,
Jiminy Fucking Christmas.
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thisdaynews · 5 years
Rick Perry dances toward the exits
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/rick-perry-dances-toward-the-exits/
Rick Perry dances toward the exits
In a Cabinet as volatile as Trump’s, Perry’s biggest success may come down to one achievement: “He hasn’t been fired yet, has he?” asked Illinois Rep. John Shimkus, a senior Republican on the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
Here is a report card on Perry’s handling of some of his biggest priorities as secretary:
Making natural gas great again: A-minus
The energy industry gave Perry high marks for streamlining the DOE permit process and expediting approvals for U.S. companies to export liquefied natural gas, a fuel the former Texas governor hailed as “freedom gas” as he became the industry’s biggest booster abroad. He relished that role during his several trips to Ukraine and other European countries, where he pitched the fuel as an alternative to the continent’s reliance on Russia.
“I feel like a traveling salesman, which is exactly what I am,” Perry told an American Petroleum Institute event in September. As more U.S. gas plants came on line, the United States became the world’s No. 3 exporter of the fuel, and Perry’s effort helped drive deals like one in which Poland agreed to buy natural gas from the U.S. — though that campaign also embroiled him in the ongoing impeachment investigation.
Charlie Riedl, head of the trade association Center for Liquefied Natural Gas, said promoting the fuel was a core part of Perry’s message. “At every opportunity Perry was talking about U.S. LNG, not just in Ukraine,” Riedl said. “It wasn’t a side conversation. It was part of his main remarks.”
But Perry’s power to clear away permitting hurdles at DOE didn’t extend to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, an independent agency that couldn’t approve several gas export projects for months because it lacked a quorum. FERC approved three projects on Nov. 21, just 10 days before Perry’s exit.
And Perry’s efforts to draw more interest from Chinese companies to invest in the U.S. industry were undermined by Trump’s trade war. The U.S. share of sales to the leading LNG market fell from 7 percent in the first half of 2018 to 1 percent in the first half of this year.
Rescuing coal and nukes: D-minus
Despite Trump’s promises to save the coal industry, it has continued its sharp decline during Perry’s tenure. Nuclear power hasn’t suffered as much, but a handful of reactors have closed in recent years and many others are slated to retire, and a wave of expected new reactors has failed to materialize.
Perry whiffed with his first proposal to have FERC mandate customer-financed supports for struggling coal and nuclear power plants, which he justified on national security grounds as propping up plants that store their fuel on site. Critics attacked the plan as an assault on free-market principles, and FERC unanimously reje cted it in early 2018 — even with a commission mostly made up of Trump-appointed Republicans.
“It was not a serious document,” Harvard Electricity Law Initiative Director Ari Peskoe said of the proposal. He added that just by filing the plan, “DOE required the entire industry to waste tens of millions of dollars responding to a proposal that was [dead on arrival].”
Perry tried again, pushing a plan at the White House that would have used DOE’s emergency authority to keep the plants open. But the president’s advisers on the National Security Council and National Economic Council scuttled the proposal over concerns it could not stand up to legal scrutiny.
Still, both FERC and the Energy Department have kept alive discussions of how to create financial incentives for “baseload” power from coal and nuclear plants, though no firm plans have yet emerged. DOE has also poured money into research to developa new generation of small nuclear reactors that it hopes could eventually be far simpler and cheaper to build than the technology in the existing fleet of plants.
Rolling back regulations: C
Perry pushed to ease federal mandates that prohibited the sale of some types of older, inefficient light bulbs in favor of new LED versions, and he agreed to allow sales of faster but less efficient dishwashers. Republicans and industry groups have long bristled under the Obama administration’s push for energy efficiency, arguing they interfered with consumers’ ability to choose what products to buy.
He also pushed a rule change that would let manufacturers design their own tests to measure their products’ energy use and efficiency, a move that critics say would violate the law and give companies too much control.
But those changes haven’t been completed, and opponents are likely to string them out in court for years, frustrating manufacturers’ groups that called them overdue.
Ethics: Incomplete
It’s unclear how much long-term damage Perry’s reputation will suffer from his involvement in Ukraine.
Perry has so far declined to provide information to the House impeachment investigation, but he has denied any knowledge of an alleged scheme by Trump’s appointees to pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to announce an investigation of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. One Democratic congressman is separately urging the House Oversight Committee to look into whether Perry helped two Texas oil men win potentially lucrative drilling leases in Ukraine.
“It’s hard not to grade him on a curve” compared with former Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt, former Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, former Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price and others who flamed out of Trump’s Cabinet, said Jessica Tillipman, an assistant dean and ethics professor at George Washington University Law School who has followed Perry’s work. “But when you grade him against secretaries in past administrations, there are causes for concern and issues that are troubling.”
Getting along with Congress: B
Perry was one of Trump’s least divisive members among lawmakers, not a small thing given the all-but-open-warfare waged between other departments and congressional Democrats.
Republicans were generally effusive about Perry’s time at DOE: “He was very positive,” Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) told POLITICO, echoing other Republicans. “He was very open, transparent, wasn’t afraid of coming up to testify. Wasn’t afraid to take a phone call or weigh in. He had a really good rapport I think with members on both sides. Never a harsh word.”
Democrats largely agreed, despite saying they didn’t agree with the policies Perry was tasked with pushing. But Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.), whose subcommittee on the House Energy and Commerce Committee oversees the Energy Department, said he was ultimately disappointed in Perry for “trumpeting Trump.”
“He was a Texas politician, he had a lot of personality,” Rush said. “It’s a shame that he allowed himself to fall victim to this insanity.”
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johnny-simpson · 5 years
Multiples of 10?
10. song that’s in a stage production but not the cast album that you WISH was on the cast album
Sincerely, Me (reprise) from Dear Evan Hansen. It shows that Jared HAS feelings. It shows that Jared feels lonely and he’s trying to write himself into the lie. (Also, it has the Insanely Cool Jared Kleinman lyric, which is one of the best lines.)
20. weirdest/niche musical you really like
My niche musical is definitely Bombshell. I find old Hollywood incredibly fascinating and the music is just fantastic. All though it wasn’t an actual show, it has the potential to be and I hope it does become a broadway show. The entire story of Marilyn is interesting from start to finish and the stuff in between is even more interesting. It even covers DiMaggio leaving her because he was jealous of the media attention that Marilyn was getting and the alleged affair with JFK. And the ending song is just phenomenal. Sorry, that was long. Everyone, listen to Bombshell now.
30. Sondheim or Andrew Lloyd Weber?
Sondheim because he did West Side Story and I just ADORE West Side Story. I love West Side Story so much and I’m so excited for the Spielberg movie. I’m excited to see his take on it. And it also has Rita Moreno and I love her.
40. you hate _____ [trope/characteristic/plot point], but ______ [show] is the exception
I hate the trope of someone asks out somebody else in an attempt to win money from a friend, I despise it with a passion. But, Dogfight is an exception. I love the music of Pasek and Paul and Lindsey Mendez’s voice. I love that it’s a group of Marines, I love that the girls protects girls, I love the dimension and development of Birdlace, I love how the reprises echo the first songs, i also just love Nick Blaemire WAY too much. Lastly, I love the foreshadowing of calling the boy’s The Three Bees.
50. show you never would have gotten into if you weren’t in it
Annie. Annie is one of those old ones with tons of movies based off of it, and it never interested me, but I was ensemble and crew and I had a blast.
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homepictures · 6 years
Learn All About House Design In And Out From This Politician | house design in and out
Some of them are insane. Abounding are never sober. Continued ago, they fabricated Corktown their home. And a lot of bodies actuality ambition they would aloof go away.
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Here they were, the neighborhood’s abandoned people, aggregate already afresh at Manna Association Meals, a soup kitchen in the basement of St. Peter’s Episcopal Abbey in Corktown, bistro chargeless soup and sandwiches. Some lingered continued afterwards their meal was eaten, continuing in clusters, authoritative baby allocution with anniversary added afore branch out to aberrate the streets alone.
7 abbreviate belief about Corktown
“They don’t accept a lot of bodies they can allocution to during the day, so this is a amusing abode for them, breadth they can affix with added bodies and feel comfortable,” said Marianne Arbogast, 62. For about four decades she’s run this soup kitchen, which is accessible bristles mornings anniversary week. “They’re abandoned or pushed abroad wherever they go. There are aloof so few places breadth they feel like they’re welcome, and I anticipate that’s commodity that we can do. It’s a absolutely important affair for anybody to feel like they accord somewhere.”
Next to her, sitting serenely on a stool adjoin the wall, was Ancestor Tom Lumpkin  watching over them all. This is his flock. And in added means than aloof his title, he is their father.
“He’s the best man. I adulation him to death,” said Darryl Dudley, 57, who’s homeless. “He walks like Jesus walks. He helps the association added than anyone else.”
Father Tom’s the one who feeds them and gives them money aback they allegation it, the one who defends them aback bodies accuse how acid their attendance is, the one who listens to them aback cipher abroad will. The one who treats them like people. And because of that, the abandoned are angrily loyal to him.
“One time a guy agape Ancestor Tom down, and Ancestor Tom had to get up off the attic and bandy himself on top of this guy to accumulate bodies from stomping the lights out of this guy,” said Dave Odom, 63, a once-homeless adept who now comes to the soup kitchen to advice out. “Everybody out actuality knows him, and everybody would booty a ammo for him.”
You’d never assumption by the small, thin, 79-year-old priest’s calm address that aloof moments afore he’d stepped in to breach up a action that began aback a mentally ill woman who has a addiction of speaking audibly to herself began shouting too agilely for one man’s liking, and that man shouted back, and she reacted by acrimonious up a metal folding armchair and aggravating to accident him with it. Ancestor Tom approached her, she calmed bottomward in acknowledgment to a few quiet words from him, and he assertive her to leave peacefully.
“I would say calmly bisected the bodies actuality accept cogent brainy bloom issues,” he said. “Some of them, it’s added accessible than others. And it’s apparently additionally a agency that, alike if they accept family, they apparently can’t angle to accept them in the house.”
A lot of bodies can’t angle to accept them in the neighborhood, either.
Now that Ford Motor Co. is affective in, bringing up to 5,000 advisers and potentially a ripple aftereffect of accessory bread-and-butter development, some bodies actuality anticipate the abandoned and their casework are bigger off about abroad in the city. Who needs bums dabbling alfresco the contemporary restaurants and confined forth Michigan Avenue, alarming off customers? Why should association accept to abide crazy bodies adrift the blocks abreast their houses?
Father Tom saw this abhorrence before, about a decade ago, aback an beforehand beachcomber of new association approved to get the soup kitchen closed. The anti-homeless affect climaxed with a citizen assault a abandoned man with a baseball bat.
But the priest thinks that poor and abandoned people, forth with the organizations that serve them, accept as abundant appropriate to be in this adjacency as the hipsters and the Ford bodies and anyone else. Afterwards all, they were actuality first.
“The bodies that we apperceive as abandoned are not as brief as homelessness may seem,” Ancestor Tom said. “They do not accept a allowance or a architecture to break in, but a lot of the guys that are abandoned that we see are accustomed with this neighborhood. This is breadth they’re homeless, and it would be displacing them to go to addition abode in the city. I anticipate that’s significant. This is their home in a way, alike admitting they’re homeless.”
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* * *
“I’m activity to acquaint you added than you apparently appetite to know,” the priest said to the four young, well-dressed acceptance from a bounded Catholic aerial school. They were at the soup kitchen that morning, allowance augment the abandoned as allotment of their school’s account requirement. At the end of anniversary morning, Ancestor Tom gathers volunteers like them and distills his life’s assignment into a abbreviate speech.
He told them how the soup kitchen began at this atom in 1976 because hobos from about the country would block rides on trains into town, jump off at the Michigan Central Base and go to the churches in the breadth allurement for help. The churches responded by aperture a soup kitchen abreast the alternation station.
He told them that abounding poor bodies are bagged because their actuality is afflicted and they appetite to aloof themselves. “When somebody gets abundant into drugs or booze it’s because for one acumen or addition they don’t like their accustomed life, and they’re accomplishing this as a way of aggravating to escape from it. If you accept that, it’s not hasty that a lot of poor bodies get addicted.”
He told the volunteers one above affair separates them from the bodies they aloof served. “The aberration amid them and you is that best of the guys who appear actuality don’t anticipate they accept any future, admitting you do.
And this, he told them, fuels their hopelessness.
“At this point in life, activity has gotten narrowed bottomward to one choice: I could get clean, I could get sober, and if I did I apparently could get a job that would pay abundant to accept a bargain accommodation in a asperous breadth of the burghal … and faced with that a lot of guys say, ‘What the hell, it isn’t account it. I’m aloof gonna break high. I got annihilation to alive for.’ ‘”
Father Tom wasn’t consistently this accustomed with poor people. He grew up in a nice adjacency in northwest Detroit, chose to become a priest and spent four years in France and Belgium as allotment of his studies. Postwar Europe was still in ruins, and he saw abjection he hadn’t encountered in his stable, accepted world.
“Without alike acumen it, I had lived a actual cloistral life,” he said. “It absolutely sensitized me to bodies not accepting much, to the point that in my aftermost year of studies I was barometer my aliment out, I was so sensitized to bodies not accepting abundant to eat.”
Someone alien him to the accelerating Catholic Worker Movement, founded in 1933 in New York Burghal as absolute irenic communities committed to agriculture and accouterment the poor. It became his airy home and anchored his constant affiliation to those active in poverty.
“He’s affectionate of affable and slender, but he’s absolutely one of the giants in the city,” said Ancestor Norm Thomas, 87, the pastor of Sacred Heart Abbey in Eastern Market, who’s accepted Ancestor Tom for decades. “He’s a very, actual airy person, but bottomward to earth. And whenever there’s commodity to do with poor bodies or those advised on the margins of society, Tom shows up. He’s there. And sometimes aloof his attendance — sometimes he doesn’t accept to say anything, ‘cause his attendance says it all. He’s affectionate of the absolute thing.”
When Ancestor Tom alternate to Michigan, he was assigned to one burghal abbey afterwards another, disposed to flush parishioners. “I was actual happy, but for whatever acumen I aloof acquainted like I was in crisis of acceptable too comfortable,” he said.
He kept allurement the Archdiocese of Detroit to accredit him to churches in the rougher genitalia of the city. “I approved to accomplish it as acceptable as possible. I said, ‘You don’t accept to pay me any salary. I won’t booty any bloom insurance. I’m activity to alive as a poor person. Let’s aloof try it out for a year.’ ”
For bisected a aeon since, he’s tended to poor bodies by alive at the soup kitchen, administering a abandoned apartment for women, adulatory Mass every Sunday at the Wayne County Jail, captivation casework for the above aggregation of a bankrupt east-side church, and active not aloof amid the poor, but like them, too — in a baby bedchamber at a abandoned shelter, which he outfitted like a monk’s corpuscle with alone a few religious articles, some books, a baby bed and a brace photos of his asleep parents.
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“The abandoned guys, they advise me patience, they do,” he said. “I’m afraid sometimes at their attitudes. I will be in the soup kitchen some mornings … guys appear walking by me to get the soup. You know, ‘Well, how’s it going?’ And a guy, you know, who has nothing, who is homeless, will say, ‘Oh, I’m blessed. I woke up this morning. I’m blessed.’ And ‘I fed some birds,’ ‘I helped calm bottomward a guy who was irritated,’ ‘I’m actuality to eat.’ And the little they accept — I get affecting about it — I’m afflicted by that.”
“Some of the guys, it’s aloof amazing — they accept what you and I accede to be nothing, and they’re ‘blessed.’ They feel blessed. But you don’t see that if all you aloof anticipate of is, here’s a abandoned actuality you see walking bottomward the street. You don’t see some of their personalities. You accept to get to apperceive them a little bit.”
* * *
Now actuality comes Ford to the neighborhood, whose affairs dwarf the area’s developments of the accomplished decade or so. And if there’s a admonition in the awakening of added genitalia of the city, such as Midtown and downtown, life’s about to get tougher for abandoned bodies in Corktown.
“I’m still processing what aftereffect the move of Ford to the alternation base will accept on the bodies I accord with,” Ancestor Tom said. “After cerebration about it, I do accept a affair that … poorer bodies will be displaced.”
He was sitting on a daybed at Day House, the apartment for abandoned women founded in 1978 in an old bifold he and a few others bought for $2,400. Already there were four bodies from the Catholic Worker Movement allowance run this place, but over the years they confused on, abrogation him alone in allegation of a abode abounding of nine women. Some were there artifice calm violence, others were exhausted activity on the streets.
Back about 2010, continued afore Ford’s announcement, he said, there were efforts to accomplish the abandoned in this adjacency go elsewhere.
There was the time a citizen removed all the benches from Dean Savage Park so they couldn’t beddy-bye there at night anymore.
There was the North Corktown citizen who exhausted a abandoned man with a baseball bat as he slept in the aperture of a bounded church, and was accused of aggravating to braiding him to the aback of his auto to annoyance him off afore neighbors bent him. Admitting actuality answerable with attempted murder, he was bedevilled to bald probation.
And there were the new restaurateurs forth Michigan Avenue who were fed up with the homeless in the breadth and brainstormed means to get the shelters and the soup kitchen closed. They branded themselves “The Conquistadors” of all things. “Like affective into the built-in acreage actuality and we’re activity to acculturate it,” Lumpkin said of the name. “They were authoritative a fuss.”
Now there are signs of such action again. Afterwards Ford’s announcement, the benches that had been in Roosevelt Park — the blooming breadth in advanced of the alternation base — vanished one day. Maybe it’s a coincidence, but those are the benches breadth some of the abandoned bodies accept continued slept at night.
“People don’t appetite poor bodies in their neighborhood,” Arbogast said. “And our catechism is, you’re advancing into their adjacency — it’s abounding of people, and some accept homes and some don’t. And is there a way for bodies to move into an breadth afterwards displacing the bodies who are already there?”
Yet not anybody in Corktown is adverse to abandoned people, Ancestor Tom insisted. Afterwards the benches were taken from Dean Savage Park, a accumulation of association rebuilt some of them. Aback that abandoned man was attacked with the bat, several arresting abstracts from the adjacency wrote a letter to newspapers reaffirming their abutment for the abandoned in the area. And afterwards the attack by “The Conquistadors” came to light, neighbors captivated a affair with them.
“They accomplished that … all the neighbors didn’t apperception accepting the abandoned guys be there,” the priest said. “And, I mean, it aloof evaporated. The action evaporated. They anticipation that the residents, their neighbors, the adjacency that they were aloof affective into would additionally not like the abandoned guys. But they didn’t. So I absolutely adore the Corktown residents.”
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Father Tom knows cipher wants abandoned bodies adrift their neighborhood. And if addition invests money to accessible a restaurant in a asleep allotment of boondocks and abandoned bodies use their acreage as a toilet or basset their barter for money, it can be frustrating. “I don’t apperceive if I’d like it if bodies were defecating in my alley,” the priest admitted.
But how abounding times, he asks, can abandoned bodies be shuttled from one allotment of the burghal to another? Why not set the example, he suggests, and booty affliction of them appropriate actuality in Corktown? If added bodies lived alongside them, he believes, they ability be added absorbed to advice them instead of blank them or block them away. But he knows he’s advocating an ideal that few others would embrace.
“I anticipate this apparently comes out of acceptance added than reason, but I anticipate that a alloyed association is a account to everyone,” he said. “There absolutely are irritations, but I anticipate it enlarges your vision. You see they’re not as alarming as you anticipation they were, you know? You see them, maybe if you alive with them for a while, you get to apperceive them as animal beings, not aloof as affectionate of objects, abandoned bodies as a category, not a person. And you get a added faculty of your accepted humanity.”
Outside the window abaft him, arresting through thin, delicate curtains, was Trumbull Avenue. A abandoned man absolved accomplished on the sidewalk. Moments after came a barbate hipster walking a little dog on a leash. A woman blockage at Day Abode stood at the bus stop beyond the street, cat-and-mouse for a ride to her new job at a drugstore. A few doors down, abutment workers smoked cigarettes alfresco Teamsters Bounded No. 337. For a continued time, North Corktown has been one of the best diverse, chip places in the city. And admitting the big changes coming, Ancestor Tom hopes it can still be a home to all kinds of people. Alike those afterwards a home.
“I would prefer, the best solution, the ideal band-aid would be that bodies who’ve been active actuality for a acceptable allocation of their activity not be displaced, alike as ‘better,’ added flush people, added flush bodies are affective in,” he said. “People shouldn’t be displaced if they’re accustomed and comfortable. If this is what they alarm home, why forcibly move them out?”
Read added abbreviate belief from ‘Corktown’
On a mission
No man’s land
Alone in a crowd
The breakfast club
All in the family
Tomorrow never knows
This commodity originally appeared on Detroit Chargeless Press: Out of abode and home
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republicstandard · 6 years
The Modern Left-Wing Mindset is a Lesson in Stupidity
The days of the ‘old left’, which perhaps conjures the image of a working-class White man in a labor union fighting for workers’ rights or a pay rise, are long gone. Of course, there were many other forms of the ‘old left’, the most notable being Communism, an ideology which ripped Russia, China, and Ukraine to shreds. But as with most things, the left did not stay in the same form and has evolved over time. This is why when you fast forward to the present day, you see a dramatic change from the early 20th century.
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Of course the same totalitarian, big government ideas are floated around in left-wing political parties, but they are overshadowed these days by cultural Marxism and the victimhood narrative. This narrative expands as more non-Whites immigrate to White countries, and is sending left-wing political parties down a rabbit hole they are unlikely to recover from in the near future. Not only is ensuring the ‘safety’ of the victim groups of paramount concern to them, but also the victimhood hierarchy as well. Although they will insist that everybody is equal, they will then also insist that a black feminist is more of a victim, (and therefore from their point of view more important), than a White feminist. Or they will point out that a disabled gay man is more of a victim than an able-bodied gay man. This, of course, leads to hilarious confrontations, where young White leftists find themselves at the receiving end of hate directed at them by the minorities they are advocating for.
But despite the occasional conflict, this has done nothing to harm the acceleration of the victimhood narrative. From the left’s perspective, within the White race, only a White woman or White disabled person can be a victim. A White male, who from their perspective is head of the patriarchy and has ‘complete control’, cannot usually obtain victim status, unless he is gay or disabled. Of course, a White woman who alleges that she was sexually assaulted or raped can find her life prospects (and bank balance) increasing at a rapid pace these days. But in order for this tactic (which is now very common) to work, one key point has to be regarded – the race of the perpetrator. A White male raping a White woman or a woman of another race is a story that the media will latch onto and promote to no end. However, if a White woman alleges a non-White has raped her, things get difficult. Not only are the authorities themselves tied up in political correctness and so run scared at trying to reveal the shocking truth about White women and their non-White rapists, but also because a White woman revealing the race of her attacker could potentially threaten her career, especially if she is in the public eye.
This is why the White working class is so often forgotten about and ignored by the left and the political class as a whole because they are seen as being part of the alleged ‘White hierarchy’. As we saw with Brexit and the election of President Trump though, ignoring the White working class comes at a price, and in the present day, that price takes the form of losing elections and referendums. Hillary Clinton scoffed at the idea of needing White votes to win, as did the mainstream media, but they were wrong, and they are still wrong on this issue today. Instead of trying to reconnect with White industrial laborers in Wisconsin and Massachusetts, the left has doubled down on their hatred, and the puppet masters are sending their Antifa legions onto the streets to confront them.
Meanwhile, the ‘cultures are all equal’ belief system, which has led to non-Muslim children being heavily indoctrinated at school with a false, peaceful view of Islam, is still going strong. It is quite common for school children in the UK, France, Germany and the Netherlands to visit mosques on school trips, something which their idiotic teachers are more than happy about. There is nothing more stupid, and unsettling than seeing a White feminist school teacher immediately reject her own principles and put on a headscarf on such a trip; (that is if she is even allowed in the mosque!). She would never dare allow a White man to tell her to put on a headscarf or take off her shoes, yet when an Asian man asks her the same thing, she immediately complies with his request. But amazingly the feminist teacher sees this as okay, because to her they are an oppressed religious minority, and are also, more importantly, a member of a different ethnic group. The racism card is so strong in a leftist’s head that to them, White people must always come last, even if it means throwing their feminist principles out the window.
The shift of a left-wing party’s priorities from working-class advocates to minority advocates directly correlates with the minority population in that particular country. In Britain, as in America and France, as soon as the White population dipped below 90%, the left changed their priorities. Seeing an opportunity to increase their electoral success, they began importing as many minority groups as they could. Welfare dependent consumers not only increase votes for left-wing parties, but they also provide more customers for the corporations, and so increase the wealth of the billionaires who fund the left wing parties. And so this is why the most successful global corporations in the west are now overwhelmingly siding with liberal-left causes – it’s all about money. The fact that they are demographically destroying the west and thus dooming their own companies to operating in a third world hellhole in the near future seems of little relevance to them at this stage.
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No matter how absurd the cause, no matter how stupid the idea, you can guarantee the left will pick up their guns and storm the barricades in support of it. This is no more clearly demonstrated than in the recent phenomenon known as ‘fat acceptance’ or ‘body positivity’. Despite claiming to believe in science, facts and being predominantly atheists, this all gets thrown out the window when an obese person wants to be accepted as healthy. Heart disease, strokes, cholesterol, and diabetes are all largely ignored because the left genuinely believes the feelings of the obese person are more important than health concerns.
Upside down and back to front is one way you might describe the liberal left's belief system, which of course is bankrolled by the now infamous ‘Globo Homo’, which has become a meme in itself. There is no point debating the left unless you have an audience because they are interested in emotions and victims, not logic. The only good thing that can come out of a debate is if you use your points to red pill onlookers, by showing up the hypocrisy and contradictions of your left wing opponent. The so-called middle ground ‘normies’ are only two steps away from the left’s insanity, but they are also only two steps away from us as well. Drawing them to the political right shouldn’t just be a goal, it should be a duty. We need to save as many souls from the left’s insanity as possible and in the shortest amount of time because in the coming storm we need as many allies as we can get.
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robgrayofficial · 6 years
HAPPPPPPY SATURDAY, PATRIOTS!This is your girl u/IvaginaryFriend here and I'm back at it again with a weeks worth of spice for you lovely Deplorables! (◠‿◠✿)Before we officially get this recap started, if you happened to miss any past recaps you can catch them hereSunday, July 29th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Tom Homan, fmr ICE Director: “There is nobody that has done more for border security & public safety than President Trump. I’ve worked for six presidents, and I respect them all, but nobody has done more than this Administration & President Trump, that’s just a stone cold fact!”Wow, highest Poll Numbers in the history of the Republican Party. That includes Honest Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. There must be something wrong, please recheck that poll!Do you think the Fake News Media will ever report on this tweet from Michael?Please understand, there are consequences when people cross our Border illegally, whether they have children or not - and many are just using children for their own sinister purposes. Congress must act on fixing the DUMBEST & WORST immigration laws anywhere in the world! Vote “R”Democrats, who want Open Borders and care little about Crime, are incompetent, but they have the Fake News Media almost totally on their side!The only things the Democrats do well is “Resist,” which is their campaign slogan, and “Obstruct.” Cryin’ Chuck Schumer has almost 400 great American people that are waiting “forever” to serve our Country! A total disgrace. Mitch M should not let them go home until all approved!Congressman David Kustoff has been a champion for the Trump Agenda - I greatly appreciate his support. David is strong on crime and borders, loves our Military, Vets and Second Amendment. Get out and vote for David on Thursday, August 2nd. He has my full and total Endorsement!Had a very good and interesting meeting at the White House with A.G. Sulzberger, Publisher of the New York Times. Spent much time talking about the vast amounts of Fake News being put out by the media & how that Fake News has morphed into phrase, “Enemy of the People.” Sad!The biggest and best results coming out of the good GDP report was that the quarterly Trade Deficit has been reduced by $52 Billion and, of course, the historically low unemployment numbers, especially for African Americans, Hispanics, Asians and Women.I would be willing to “shut down” government if the Democrats do not give us the votes for Border Security, which includes the Wall! Must get rid of Lottery, Catch & Release etc. and finally go to system of Immigration based on MERIT! We need great people coming into our Country!When the media - driven insane by their Trump Derangement Syndrome - reveals internal deliberations of our government, it truly puts the lives of many, not just journalists, at risk! Very unpatriotic! Freedom of the press also comes with a responsibility to report the news... ... ...accurately. 90% of media coverage of my Administration is negative, despite the tremendously positive results we are achieving, it’s no surprise that confidence in the media is at an all time low! I will not allow our great country to be sold out by anti-Trump haters in the... ... ...dying newspaper industry. No matter how much they try to distract and cover it up, our country is making great progress under my leadership and I will never stop fighting for the American people! As an example, the failing New York Times... ... ...and the Amazon Washington Post do nothing but write bad stories even on very positive achievements - and they will never change!There is No Collusion! The Robert Mueller Rigged Witch Hunt, headed now by 17 (increased from 13, including an Obama White House lawyer) Angry Democrats, was started by a fraudulent Dossier, paid for by Crooked Hillary and the DNC. Therefore, the Witch Hunt is an illegal Scam!Is Robert Mueller ever going to release his conflicts of interest with respect to President Trump, including the fact that we had a very nasty & contentious business relationship, I turned him down to head the FBI (one day before appointment as S.C.) & Comey is his close friend.. ... ....Also, why is Mueller only appointing Angry Dems, some of whom have worked for Crooked Hillary, others, including himself, have worked for Obama....And why isn’t Mueller looking at all of the criminal activity & real Russian Collusion on the Democrats side-Podesta, Dossier?SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Fellow American telling Yankee Stadium what’s upBecause being against raping kids is a far-right position.LOL! Therapists say they've seen a rise in anxiety under Trump: report🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:An typical week for TRUMP...and for non-binary dickless liberals.Trump Supporters Sitting In Front Of Starbucks Drive Through Line, So Everyone Has To See Their SignsNo Fucks Given...The difference between Trump and ObamaMonday, July 30th:TODAY'S ACTION:Presidential Proclamation to Take Certain Actions Under the African Growth and Opportunity Act and For Other PurposesPresident Trump Meets with the Prime Minister of the Italian RepublicPresident Trump Hosts a Joint Press Conference with the Prime Minister of the Italian RepublicSwearing-in Ceremony for the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:We must have Border Security, get rid of Chain, Lottery, Catch & Release Sanctuary Cities - go to Merit based Immigration. Protect ICE and Law Enforcement and, of course, keep building, but much faster, THE WALL!(Retweeting Ronna McDaniel) “David Burritt, U.S. Steel's president and CEO, said the company was experiencing a ‘renaissance’ and credited @realDonaldTrump’s actions for the steel industry's revival.”It is my great honor to welcome Prime Minister @GiuseppeConteIT of Italy to the @WhiteHouse!🇺🇸🇮🇹Congratulations to General John Kelly. Today we celebrate his first full year as @WhiteHouse Chief of Staff!@Troy_Balderson of Ohio is running for Congress - so important to the Republican Party. Troy is strong on crime and Borders, loves our Military, our Vets and our Second Amendment. Troy will strongly protect... ... ...your Social Security and Medicare! Cast your early vote, or vote on August 7th, Election Day. He has my full and total Endorsement!@JohnJamesMI, who is running in the Republican Primary in the great state of Michigan, is SPECTACULAR! Vote on August 7th. Rarely have I seen a candidate with such great potential. West Point graduate, successful businessman and a African American leader... ... ...John is strong on crime and borders, loves our Military, our Vets and our Second Amendment. He will be a star. He has my full and total Endorsement!Congratulations to Judge Jeanine on the tremendous success of her new #1 best-selling book, “Liars, Leakers, and Liberals – The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy!”Illegal immigration is a top National Security problem. After decades of playing games, with the whole World laughing at the stupidity of our immigration laws, and with Democrats thinking... ... ...that Open Borders, large scale Crime, and abolishing ICE is good for them, we must get smart and finally do what must be done for the Safety and Security of our Country!Thank you to @RandPaul for your YES on a future great Justice of the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh. Your vote means a lot to me, and to everyone who loves our Country!A highly respected Federal judge today stated that the “Trump Administration gets great credit” for reuniting illegal families. Thank you, and please look at the previous administrations record - not good!MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:How fake news works....Well done Starbucks! They went from plastic straws wrapped in paper to paper straws wrapped in plastic.Donald Trump: Europe Should Follow Italy’s Immigration ExampleOnly took 18 paragraphs to find something verifiably true.GOP lawmaker wants answers on FBI's alleged Southern Poverty Law Center ties🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Trump's Views on HomosexualityMy how the tables have turned.This Racist Picture Never Gets Old.NEW BEN GARRISON: "FAIR AND BALANCED"Wait for it...Tuesday, July 31st:TODAY'S ACTION:Ten Nominations Sent to the Senate TodayPresident Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Personnel to Key Administration PostsVice President Pence Delivers Remarks at the DHS National Cybersecurity SummitPresident Trump Speaks on Workforce Development and Participates in the Signing of HR 2353🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:The globalist Koch Brothers, who have become a total joke in real Republican circles, are against Strong Borders and Powerful Trade. I never sought their support because I don’t need their money or bad ideas. They love my Tax & Regulation Cuts, Judicial picks & more. I made..... ... [....them richer. Their network is highly overrated, I have beaten them at every turn. They want to protect their companies outside the U.S. from being taxed, I’m for America First & the American Worker - a puppet for no one. Two nice guys with bad ideas. Make America Great Again!]()https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1024239166429769729)(Retweeting Doug Mills) .@realDonaldTrump pumps his fist after his new Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie is sworn-in by @VP Mike Pence in the Oval Office. At left applauding is Secretary of Defense James N. Mattis. Holding the bible is Julie Wilkie. #Veterans(Retweeting Doug Mills) .@realDonaldTrump walks with Giuseppe Conte, Prime Minister of the Italy following a joint news conference in the East Room of the White House.Rush Limbaugh is a great guy who truly gets it!One of the reasons we need Great Border Security is that Mexico’s murder rate in 2017 increased by 27% to 31,174 people killed, a record! The Democrats want Open Borders. I want Maximum Border Security and respect for ICE and our great Law Enforcement Professionals! @FoxNewsCollusion is not a crime, but that doesn’t matter because there was No Collusion (except by Crooked Hillary and the Democrats)!I am looking into 3-D Plastic Guns being sold to the public. Already spoke to NRA, doesn’t seem to make much sense!Will be in Tampa tonight. A big year for @RepDeSantis, who will be a great governor for Florida. Strong on Crime, Borders and our 2nd Amendment. Big help on Tax & Regulation Cuts. Loves our Military & our Vets. Has my Full & Total Endorsement!The Fake News Media is going CRAZY! They are totally unhinged and in many ways, after witnessing first hand the damage they do to so many innocent and decent people, I enjoy watching. In 7 years, when I am no longer in office, their ratings will dry up and they will be gone!Congressman David Kustoff has been a champion for the Trump Agenda - I greatly appreciate his support. David is strong on crime and borders, loves our Military, Vets and Second Amendment. Get out and vote for David on Thursday, August 2nd. He has my Full and Total Endorsement!.@SenJohnBarrasso has a Primary on August 21st. He doesn’t need any help because he is absolutely outstanding in every way, but I hope the great people of Wyoming will go out and show their support anyway. John is absolutely top of the line & has my Complete & Total Endorsement!I don’t care what the political ramifications are, our immigration laws and border security have been a complete and total disaster for decades, and there is no way that the Democrats will allow it to be fixed without a Government Shutdown... ... ...Border Security is National Security, and National Security is the long-term viability of our Country. A Government Shutdown is a very small price to pay for a safe and Prosperous America!On my way to Tampa, Florida. Look forward to seeing everyone soon!President Trump Delivers Remarks on Workforce DevelopmentThank you Florida. I love you!(Retweeting Eric Trump) #Truth @AcostaSIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Trump tweeted the most badass video everMedia gave Trump's 400k salary donation zero coverage.THE MADMAN SAID IT - “IT IS TIME FOR VOTER ID!”CNN wasted again - drops in ratings below .... wait for it ..... Shark Week. Nom, Nom.BREAKING: Kelly Agrees to Remain Chief of Staff Through 2020 at Trump’s RequestPRESS BRIEFINGS, INTERVIEWS, RALLIES:WATCH PARTY: President Trump Rally - Tampa, FL - 7/31/18🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:HAHAHA. ACOSTA is getting destroyed in Florida. HAHAHA he'll be in tears on fake news soon. Good work Florida"Crossing the Swamp" by Jon McnaughtonMFW I realize Trump only has 7 more years in officeToo Late, The jig is up, the news is outWednesday, August 1st:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Appoint Personnel to a Key Administration PostThree Nominations Sent to the Senate TodayPresident Trump Meets with Inner City PastorsVice President Pence Delivers Remarks at an Honorable Carry Ceremony🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:“FBI Agent Peter Strzok (on the Mueller team) should have recused himself on day one. He was out to STOP THE ELECTION OF DONALD TRUMP. He needed an insurance policy. Those are illegal, improper goals, trying to influence the Election. He should never, ever been allowed to..... ... .....remain in the FBI while he himself was being investigated. This is a real issue. It won’t go into a Mueller Report because Mueller is going to protect these guys. Mueller has an interest in creating the illusion of objectivity around his investigation.” ALAN DERSHOWITZ.... ... ..This is a terrible situation and Attorney General Jeff Sessions should stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now, before it continues to stain our country any further. Bob Mueller is totally conflicted, and his 17 Angry Democrats that are doing his dirty work are a disgrace to USA!Paul Manafort worked for Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole and many other highly prominent and respected political leaders. He worked for me for a very short time. Why didn’t government tell me that he was under investigation. These old charges have nothing to do with Collusion - a Hoax!Russian Collusion with the Trump Campaign, one of the most successful in history, is a TOTAL HOAX. The Democrats paid for the phony and discredited Dossier which was, along with Comey, McCabe, Strzok and his lover, the lovely Lisa Page, used to begin the Witch Hunt. Disgraceful!Looking back on history, who was treated worse, Alfonse Capone, legendary mob boss, killer and “Public Enemy Number One,” or Paul Manafort, political operative & Reagan/Dole darling, now serving solitary confinement - although convicted of nothing? Where is the Russian Collusion?“We already have a smoking gun about a campaign getting dirt on their opponent, it was Hillary Clinton. How is it OK for Hillary Clinton to proactively seek dirt from the Russians but the Trump campaign met at the Russians request and that is bad?” Marc Thiessen, Washington PostIt was my great honor to be joined by leading pastors and faith leaders from across our Nation today at the @WhiteHouse!#PledgeToAmericasWorkersJoin me tomorrow night at 7pmE in Wilkes-Barre Township, Pennsylvania for a MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN RALLY! Tickets: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/rallies/wilkes-barre-pa-august-2018/…“Private payrolls boom in July, increasing by 219,000 vs 185,000 estimate: ADP”Incredibly beautiful ceremony as U.S. Korean War remains are returned to American soil. Thank you to Honolulu and all of our great Military participants on a job well done. A special thanks to Vice President Mike Pence on delivering a truly magnificent tribute!“Worker pay rate hits highest level since 2008”Congratulations to @GreggJarrett on The TREMENDOUS success of his just out book, “The Russia Hoax, The Illicit Scheme To Clear Hillary Clinton & Frame Donald Trump.” Already number one on Amazon. Hard work from a brilliant guy. It’s the Real Story of the Rigged Witch Hunt!Thank you to Chairman Kim Jong Un for keeping your word & starting the process of sending home the remains of our great and beloved missing fallen! I am not at all surprised that you took this kind action. Also, thank you for your nice letter - l look forward to seeing you soon!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:BREAKING: Tommy Robinson has been released from prisonBREAKING: The Democratic National Committee is refusing to play the Republican National Committee in their annual softball game this year.Ontario ends basic income experiment. "Unsustainable". "Quite Expensive". Socialism BTFO. Again.[Surprise, Surprise!!] Noncitizens find it easy to register to vote, cast ballotsPRESS BRIEFINGS, INTERVIEWS, RALLIES:Press Beating🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:I'm an American!Take it from the Lord.Reporter To Sarah: "President Trump Said You Have To Use A ID At The Grocery Store, Well I Have Never Had To Use A ID At The Grocery Store" Sarah Sanders Response: "Have You Ever Bought Beer Or Wine?" They Are Not Sending Their Best FolksHere’s an honest question... Since June 16, 2015, have you ever seen this man sick or unhealthy? How about ever even lost his voice? At 72, God is truly protecting this man 🙌🏻🇺🇸TAMPA RALLY 2018Thursday, August 2nd:TODAY'S ACTION:Vice President Pence Participates in the Honorable Carry Ceremony in HawaiiVice President Pence Delivers Remarks at an Honorable Carry Ceremony🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Charles Koch of Koch Brothers, who claims to be giving away millions of dollars to politicians even though I know very few who have seen this (?), now makes the ridiculous statement that what President Trump is doing is unfair to “foreign workers.” He is correct, AMERICA FIRST!Wow, @foxandfriends is blowing away the competition in the morning ratings. Morning Joe is a dead show with very few people watching and sadly, Fake News CNN is also doing poorly. Too much hate and inaccurately reported stories - too predictable!Working hard, thank you!Looking forward to being in the Great State of Pennsylvania where we had a tremendous victory in the Election. Will be campaigning hard for an original supporter, Lou Barletta, to replace a weak an ineffective Senator, Bob Casey. Lou is tough and smart, loves PA and our Country!Pennsylvania has to love Trump because unlike all of the others before me, I am bringing STEEL BACK in a VERY BIG way. Plants opening up in Pennsylvania, and all over the Country, and Congressman Lou Barletta, who is running for the Senate in Pennsylvania, is really helping!When the House and Senate meet on the very important Farm Bill – we love our farmers - hopefully they will be able to leave the WORK REQUIREMENTS FOR FOOD STAMPS PROVISION that the House approved. Senate should go to 51 votes!Looking forward to being in the Great State of Ohio on Saturday night where I will be campaigning hard for a truly talented future Congressman, @Troy_Balderson. See you all then! Tickets: http://bit.ly/2LOT1L7 …They asked my daughter Ivanka whether or not the media is the enemy of the people. She correctly said no. It is the FAKE NEWS, which is a large percentage of the media, that is the enemy of the people!Thank you Pennsylvania. I love you!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:"Your network said I should be harassed for life" Sarah Sanders acosts Jim Acosta and refuses to not call him a enemy of the state instead lists off all of the harassment she takes on a daily basis by the very people in the room asking her questions and stands firm that they are the enemy.Promises made are Promises kept. UFC Colby Covington Brings the belt to The White HouseTommy Robinson gives powerful interview with Tucker CarlsonPOLL: TRUMP APPROVAL 50%..!The NYT hires a new editor. Why am I not surprised!PRESS BRIEFINGS, INTERVIEWS, RALLIES:WATCH PARTY: President Trump Rally - Wilkes-Barre, PA - 8/2/18Press Beating🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:RACIST.When your parents just don't understandPacked! This never gets old.I'm not allowed back on twitter until I agree to delete my tweet about Jim Acosta. After I agree, only then will a 12 hour suspension timer begin counting down. Worst than censorship. This is physchological warfare/manipulation attempting to drive me to agree that my post was bad & self-censor.We are an unstoppable AMERICAN force and the Left knows itFriday, August 3rd:TODAY'S ACTION:Weekly Address🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Congratulations to Bill Lee of Tennessee on his big primary win for Governor last night. He ran a great campaign and now will finish off the job in November. Bill has my total and enthusiastic Endorsement!Congratulations Marsha!(Retweeting Rasmussen Reports) Today’s @realDonaldTrump approval ratings among black voters: 29% This time last year: 15%“Pastor praises Trump as 'pro-black' at prison reform event”Marsha Blackburn had a BIG win last night in the Tennessee primary for U.S. Senate. She is an outstanding person & great supporter of mine. Congratulations Marsha, we need you very badly in the Senate to vote for our agenda. Your next opponent will vote against all we are doing!July is just the ninth month since 1970 that unemployment has fallen below 4%. Our economy has added 3.7 million jobs since I won the Election. 4.1 GDP. More than 4 million people have received a pay raise due to tax reform. $400 Billion brought back from “overseas.” @FoxNewsNASA, which is making a BIG comeback under the Trump Administration, has just named 9 astronauts for Boeing and Spacex space flights. We have the greatest facilities in the world and we are now letting the private sector pay to use them. Exciting things happening. Space Force!“The media are good news fire extinguishers!” @greggutfeld @TheFiveAlmost 500,000 Manufacturing Jobs created since I won the Election. Remember when my opponents were saying that we couldn’t create this type of job anymore. Wrong, in fact these are among our best and most important jobs!Great photo from Ocean City, Maryland. Thank you. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!Congratulations to Gregg Jarrett on his book, “THE RUSSIA HOAX, THE ILLICIT SCHEME TO CLEAR HILLARY CLINTON AND FRAME DONALD TRUMP,” going to #1 on @nytimes and Amazon. It is indeed a HOAX and WITCH HUNT, illegally started by people who have already been disgraced. Great book!(Retweeting Dan Scavino Jr.) “Pro-Trump pastor: Trump is ‘the most pro-black’ president I've ever seen”(Retweeting Dan Scavino Jr.) ✅”US workers see biggest pay, benefit increase in 10 years”“Private payrolls boom in July, increasing by 219,000 vs 185,000 estimate: ADP”...Dianne is the person leading our Nation on “Collusion” with Russia (only done by Dems). Will she now investigate herself?(Retweeting Vince McMahon) Grateful for our special #MakeAWish guest at @WWE HQ. Thanks for visiting us, Tyler … and for making yourself comfortable in my chair! See you at #SurvivorSeries!Lebron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made Lebron look smart, which isn’t easy to do. I like Mike!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Hi everyone, I'm Sean Spicer, Former White House Press Secretary to President Trump and author of The Briefing: Politics, The Press, and The President. Ask Me Anything!Betsy DeVos to require all colleges to publish stats on grad income and debt BY major.Eric Trump: Family members have all been threatened with ‘white powder’; media is hypocriticalTRUMP STOPS WHEN WOMAN FAINTS AT RALLY — HIS IMMEDIATE REACTION SENDS THE CROWD TO THEIR FEET. Could you love DRGEOTUS more??!!!The Secret Service proved The Guardian's reporting wrong, and they ran the story anyway🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Sarah Jeong is a perfect example of what Michelle Malkin is talking about.According to CNN, do I have this about right???Fired vs Hired - The Left Keeps Showing Us Their Double StandardsLooks like a good readSaturday, August 4th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Will be going to Ohio tonight to campaign for Troy Balderson for the big Congressional Special Election on Tuesday. Early voting is on. Troy is strong on Crime, the Border & loves our Military, Vets & 2nd Amendment. His opponent is a puppet of Nancy Pelosi/high taxes.Troy Balderson, running for Congress from Ohio, is in a big Election fight with a candidate who just got caught lying about his relationship with Nancy Pelosi, who is weak on Crime, Borders & your 2nd Amendment-and wants to raise your Taxes (by a lot). Vote for Troy on Tuesday!HAPPY BIRTHDAY @USCG!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Scott Adams on meeting POTUSDELINGPOLE: Tommy Robinson Abused, Tortured with Complicity of British StateDid anyone catch this at the rally? Crowd was yelling "lock her up" and Trump said "Some things just take a little longer. Things are changing.""Trump-Free Zone" sanctuary city Chicago is now begging GEOTUS for help due to record-breaking violence. Mayor Rahm Emanuel guaranteed 'safety' for ILLEGAL ALIENS but not for its own American citizens, especially within the Black Communities!🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Lebron. To the faceWhy didn't they notify the public that senator Dianne Feinstein had a Chinese spy working for her for 20 years?That Face You Make When You Find Out You Have Been Demoted to the SECOND Dumbest Man on Television.“I Like Mike!”This is what we're up against.SO MUCH WINNING!!!! STILL NOT TIRED OF IT!!!!Without further ado, some tunes to get you jamming through all this winning:Sink, Florida, Sink!Breakfast At TiffanysEvery MorningOne WeekSlideMAGA ON PATRIOTS!! #robgray
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