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Undertale AU
The Au is called Underwing. It's a bit more unique than other au's not just in how some characters look but also in how somethings are gone entirely. [see tags]
The monster's lost the war earlier than their other counterparts. After the monster's were sealed underground they explored their new home and discovered it was many degrees hotter than the above world. As the years went by they settled down until the first creature appeared. It viciously attacked the monsters causing them to flee. As more and more creatures appeared the monsters knew they had to adapt and as they did, so did their environment. The monsters grew giant trees which they then created homes around building bridges to connect them to one another. They also grew to have bird feathers on their clothes. Some became more bird-like than others. The culture also adapts with the monsters. After this the same timeline follows up until we get to Frisk. Frisk goes through with a Neutral run before going on to do a Genocide run. Raven is the only survivor and the Genocide run causes the world to glitch. Once Raven returns home, the AU is entirely empty. No human, no monsters, even the other human souls seem to be missing. The only living things around were the Creatures.
When Frisk first falls into the underground they land on a large suspended net. It has a couple of vines wrapped around the edges. Flowey is an Oleander flower instead of the regular yellow. Toriel comes and saves you, she has iridescent hummingbird feathers on her outfit.
The Ruins are built into redwood trees and the occasional normal oak trees. The bridges are a deepish red like the trees and some seem to be the tree branches warped into bridges. Napstablook is still a ghost but as a Potoo. The Froggits have Frogmouth feathers along their backs, and Whimsun looks like a Humming-bird Hawk-moth, Moldsmal, Loox, Migosp, and Vegitoid are all the same and so is the spider bake sale. After leaving the Ruins Frisk falls again and lands on another net and are now in the Leaffall outskirts
Leaffall is the Snowdin of this place except there's no snow. It's all trees, Oak, Pine, and much more. Sans is a female but continues to go by Sans. She doesn't have any feathers when Frisk meets her and instead has down along the edge of her hoodie. Papyrus has Greater Bird-of-Paradise feathers along the end of his scarf. As Frisk travels instead of the normal piles of snow there'll be leaf piles. The Royal Guard is referred to as the Royal Flock. Snowdrake and Chilldrake both have Muscovy Duck feathers, Icecap has a Pileated Woodpecker feathers, Gryftrot has partridge feathers and his horns have vines growing on them along with a few tiny nests, Dogamy and Dogaressa have lovebird feathers. Doggo is a Catahoula Leopard Dog, Lesser Dog is a Treeing Walker Coonhound, and Greater Dog is a New Guinea Singing Dog. The Snowman is just a voice coming from a hollowed our tree and eyes. They give Frisk a pinecone to take. Grillby is a Phoenix. The other residents are the same.
Next is Lavafall which takes the place of Waterfall. As the name suggests, instead of water it's all lava. The trees don't have any leaves and are all charred and some are on fire but don't seem to be burning. Most of the bridges still have some wood to them but there are parts that have been replaced by stone. The monsters that would usually be aquatic are now built to survive in lava. Monster Kid is now Monster Hatchling and has Kiwi feathers on his outfit. Undyne is an Osprey, Mad Dummy is a cassowary. There are no echo flowers in the area. Onionsan appears to be a fire bird from Russian folktales, Aaron has a tail of fire and Woshua instead has lava instead of water. Shyrien has Red-eyed Vireo feathers as a part of her hair. The Temmies have finch feathers except for Bob who has Waxwing feathers. Gerson is a Golden Eagle with messy feathers.
Onwards is Sandland taking the place of Hotland. Before entering Frisk takes a pair of goggles and mask from a nearby box. Hotland is constantly having sandstorms with the bridges swaying while the trees built near them, Palm and Acacia, stay sturdy against the high winds. Alphys has Greater Horned Owl feathers on her lab coat, Mettaton has Peacock feathers and his Neo form is him as a full peacock, Muffet is a Goliath Birdeater, Royal Flock 01 and 02 both have armor with Greater Roadrunner feathers on their shoulders. Burgerpants is some sort of parrot, Bratty has Egyptian Plover feathers she added to her hair, Catty has Egret feathers she added to her nails. Instead of meeting amalgamations, Frisk would stumble upon some of the Creatures Alphas has and is able to drive them away.
Last is New Home. It's a lot like the Ruins just minus the vines. Asgore has Philippine Eagle feathers on his entire cape and his trident is made of his feathers. Asriel would have Ivory-billed woodpecker feathers on his outfit.
Since all of the original residents are dead except for Sans/ Raven the AU has made some changes. The original house the skeletons had before was expanded and now houses Raven, Blackbird, Crow, and Robin and has a few extra rooms. The Library was torn down and expanded also. Most of the areas are left abandoned since the four live mostly in Leaffall and last parts of the Ruins. Parts of the bridges outside Leaffall have fallen in disrepair and the only way to get across is to have the ability to travel through air either through flying, floating, or riding something or be able to travel through the trees by climbing and jumping. The Core doesn't even work half the time so the few lights available are in Leaffall anyways and they're powered independently by a generator in the library.
The AU itself is also hard to find. It seems to mostly be accessible to those who are running from something or looking for something. This may be a new home, a place to belong, or someone they know. Most people who do appear here don't stay since the AU is unforgiving in nature and takes more than it gives. The amount of skill needed to just travel to other parts of the AU and the general heat definitely has people thinking twice of staying.
I might do other post either about the culture of the au, or what the oc's I have are like, most likely Raven and Blackbird first. I'll definitely be doing post on The Under and the Creatures that live down there.
#undertaleau#Underwing#its been on my mind since 2019#birb#was remade so many times until I was satisfied#originally I only had Raven but the idea then spiraled as I had to make everything i wanted to share fit together along side my other oc's#i only have art of Raven someone else made for me#i was so excited#i originally posted this on amino
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年末といったらこちらです! 今年の踊り納めはMIHOさん主催のチャリティーショウ、Shakara Loungeです!
Shakara Lounge Vol.20 -2019 year end of charity show- *Studio ritamによるベリーダンスと音楽のチャリティーショウ。 今年はなんと20回記念! 収益のすべてを「国境なき医師団」に寄付いたします。 今年への感謝と来年への希望を持ち寄り、年末をご一緒に過ごしましょう。 open 14:00 start 14:30 adv ¥2500 door¥3000(スペースに余裕があった場合のみ) 場所 シルクロードカフェ JR錦糸町駅 徒歩5分 墨田区太平3-2-8 *Dancer タカダアキコ ニコル &ニコル塾生 Noel Nisaa JJ Rohita トリンカファイブ Shyrien Ayumi MIHO Studio ritam dancers *Musician Kyoko Oikawa (Violin) Abddallah ( Darbuka) Rain in Eden 出店 moonlight journal 予約、お問い合わせ(12/1より) infostudioritam☆gmail.com (☆を@に変更お願いします) 件名 シャカラ2019 ご予約はお名前、人数、ご連絡先電話番号 をお知らせください。 3日��内に返信のない場合は、お手数ですが再度ご連絡ください。 もしくは、出演者への予約も可能です。 当日は自由席、ご来場順の入場となります。
#ayumi bellydance#shakara lounge#タカダアキコ#ニコル &ニコル塾生#Noel#Nisaa#JJ Rohita#トリンカファイブ#Shyrien#MIHO#Studio ritam dancers#Kyoko Oikawa (Violin)#Abddallah (Darbuka)#Rain in Eden#moonlight journal#Silkroad cafe
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"Zhese are mein old Creepypasta OC's I did a long time ago, but I plan on redrawing zhem later, not Anytime soon. Ryland Pierce and his uzher forms I've made. Zhey're old, but I still are for mein Kind. I vill be honest, I like zheh very first top one's better! I'll do better....just vanted to show mein old artverk! I used to use mein old female persona named,"Shizukami Shyriene Shadowshire" for zheh signature to sign off mein artverk, But I just decided to give her up for adoption to mein sister, She really loves her. Now I go by vhat mein Medic Oc ist instead. I do still use her, but...I just vanted mein older sister to take care of her for me. Zhat's so you von't get confused. I hope you like it, enjoy!" 🖤💜🖤
~Vladimir S. Humboldt
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2/29(日)Shakara Lounge Vol.20 錦糸町シルクロードカフェ
*Studio ritamによるベリーダンスと音楽のチャリティーショウ。
open 14:00 start 14:30
場所 シルクロードカフェ
JR錦糸町駅 徒歩5分
ニコル &ニコル塾生
JJ Rohita
Studio ritam dancers
Kyoko Oikawa (Violin)
Abddallah ( Darbuka)
Rain in Eden
moonlight journal
件名 シャカラ2019
ご予約はお名前、人数、ご連絡先電話番号 をお知らせください。
adv ¥2500 door¥3000(スペースに余裕があった場合のみ)
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師匠MIHOさんの主催ハフラ! 出演&Retromanticaで出店もさせていただきます!
1/4(sun) Haflet Raks! ーStudio ritam Belly Dance Partyー Open:13:30 Show Start:14:00 【Tiket】 ¥1500 6才以下 無料 【Dance】 Studio ritam members Aki, 彩, ,Emi, Eri & Yuko, Kozue,さくら,Tucchi, tomoko Haruka, Maiko, Madoka, Minaal,Yuki, Raki, Ritsuko, RuU MIHO 【Guest Dancer】 AYUMI Ayumi Fujimoto Shyrien Shyrien Sultana Sagara Fumie Sagara Takahashi *チケット予約、お問い合わせは出演者にメッセージお願いします。 もしくは[email protected]まで。 会場 驢馬駱駝(ろまらくだ)http://www.paoco.jp/roma/index.html 東京都中野区東中野2-25-6 PaoCompound 9F 総武線・大江戸線「東中野」駅西口より徒歩3分。
#ayumi bellydance#MIHO#studio ritam#師匠#驢馬駱駝#ろまらくだ#romarakuda#higashi nakano#東中野#Haflet Raks#dance party#show
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順不同になってしまいましたが、満員御礼!Shyrienさん主催のPetit Trianon!!!
私たちはみんな同じStudio ritam出身だけど、それぞれ違った個性が出て面白い。
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色々brush upしたり inputしたい熱!!!
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