#shuri x Riri
astoldbylanii · 9 months
dealers!shuriri x black!reader
warnings: smut, cursing, reader has a kid
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-------------- "Is everyone clear on instructions?" Your professor asked from the front of the classroom. There were whispers among the class but ultimately everyone answered yes. Prof. Diggs nodded, giving permission to start the project before he took a seat at his desk. He was your art teacher, as calm and chill as they come. He was one of your favorites considering he wasn't always jumping down his students throats.
As you finally started to get into the flow of your sketch, his phone rang. He picked it up, muttering a few words before he stood from his desk, clearing his throat.
"I have to run down to the front office real quick. Best behavior please, lord knows I don't need miss Mulligan asking about my teaching capabilities. Again." He said, throwing on his suits jacket and tightening his tie. "Until I come back, ask your neighbor for help and if they can't I'll answer your questions when I get back." He instructed, saluting goodbye before he left the room. 
Immediately, the room was filled with chatter. You sighed, throwing down your pencil, your thought process now thrown off.
"What's wrong?" Your friend, Eden asked from beside you. She was already well along with her drawing. It looked like it was going to be of her late brother.
"This finna be hard as hell. You know I don't mess with that hyperrealism shit." You said, rolling your eyes as you picked up your pencil, twirling it around your fingers.
"Well, just draw someone but like, abstract. We're in the second semester, by now Diggs knows your style." She suggested, starting to blend her own piece at some points. You shook your head at her idea.
"Nah, he specifically said he wants it to look like he can touch the person. I don't know, I think I might just settle for a nice D at this point." You shrugged, staring at the circle on your page. You took the paper off, crumbling it in your hands and replaced it with a fresh one. After that you didn't pay any more attention to it, pulling out your own sketchbook instead.
"Shii, I could settle for some good D too." Eden joked, smacking your hand down when you playfully shoved her, laughing too. "I'm not kidding!" She said, glaring at you with an offended look when you continued laughing. She rolled her eyes, going back to her drawing as you went back to your sketch.
Some minutes passed by and you two sat there in silence, surrounded by chatter. You were looking for inspiration in your old works while she was focusing on her new one. You were confused when out the corner of your eye you saw her put down her pencil too. Thinking she might've been done already, you looked over to see it unfinished. But maybe that was the look she was going for. You went to ask about it when she spoke up first.
"Girl, who is that fine ass specimen walking towards us." She asked, gawking over whoever it was. You were sure they couldn't have been that good looking that she had to stop drawing, but you stood corrected when your gaze met Riri's. She had been surveying the room for you, and once the two of you made eye contact she started making her way up the stairs to you. "Wait why she coming up here? And why y'all staring at each other like y'all know each other? Wait, bitch, you know her?"
"Shhh!" You hushed, staring at Riri in shock as start to get closer to where you were seated. Why in the hell why she in your class? Much less in your building? You quickly fixed your shocked face when she stood in front of you, her hands in the pockets of her plain grey nike sweatsuit as she stared down at you. "The fuck is you doing here?" You whispered, looking around for any watching eyes.
"Since when you think it's ok to curse at me?" She asked, cocking her head to the side. You stayed silent, leaning back in your seat as you mugged her instead of apologizing. She chuckled down at you, obviously a little surprised at your attitude but she didn't mind it, knowing it'd be fixed in no time. "You haven't been answering our texts, mama."
"Yeah, I know." You said, rolling your eyes and going back to your sketchbook. Duh, why tf she staring the obvious like you don't know what you've been doing. You knew exactly what you were doing. Being petty. But ain't no way you was gon watch them sit there and talk to that girl and not react. This was you reacting, and they caused it so they can fix it.
Now you were starting to tick her off. You could tell you were. The way she rolled her tongue against her cheek as she looked down at you. The way her hand clenched up inside of her pocket. The way she softly scoffed under breath when your attention went back to your book. You could tell. It was because you knew how to piss her off. No eye contact, attitude, basically just being disrespectful. She was big on respect.
A hand came between you and your book and before you could stop it, it was snatched from your grasp. Your gaze snapped to her as you stood, trying to reach over the desk to grab the book but to no avail. She kept it out of your reach, using her free hand to grab your own, keeping you in place just from that grip. She leaned her head over your shoulder so her mouth was right by your ear.
"I don't know what you're trying to pull, but you're lucky your in class right now. When this class is over you're coming to The Palace. By then I want what ever you got going on fixed." She leaned away from your ear so you were face to face, looking you in the eye. "Or, I will fix it for you. Ok?" She warned, waiting for an answer. You nodded, though you changed to a verbal yes quick after you saw the look on her face. She smirked, pecking your lips before she pulled away. She caught sight of Eden, who's jaw had dropped at the affectionate action. Riri waved, knowing who she was to you before she took her exit, taking the sketchbook with her.
You assumed she took that for assurance that you'd actually show up at The Palace. She knew you rarely went anywhere without it. 
Finally relaxing again with her gone, you slumped in your chair. You groaned, dragging a hand down your face as you thought about how the rest of your day was going to go. If God was on your side today, you'd still be able to crawl come tomorrow. But it was Friday. Meaning you didn't have class for the next couple of days meaning both Riri and Shuri were less likely to take pity on you. Damn you fucked up. Why couldn't Riri have came on a Teusday?
"Bitch, you know Riri? Wait never mind, you fuck Riri? I couldn't tell that was her at first but you're with Riri? Wait a minute don't she got a girlfriend? And you bottom too? I knew you was just shit talking all them times you-"
"Eden!" You interrupted her, not enjoying the rant that was soon to come. "Yes, I'm with Riri. Yes she has a girlfriend, I'm with her too. Also no one needs to know about the whole bottom shit, you know? We can just...keep it to ourselves." You admitted, looking around the room for anyone that might've been watching the whole interaction. Why did she have to pull that in front everyone? She could've pulled you outside, texted you. You know what, maybe she did text, you had been ignoring her to be fair.
"We gon circle back to the bottom thing but girl you're with two fuckin drug dealers?!" Eden whisper-shouted but still you shushed her, not exactly fond of the idea of them getting caught. "I am shushing! How did you even manage to- wait how the fuck did she get in here?" She asked, looking around like she felt unsafe now.
"Girl first of all calm down. Acting like someone coming to kidnap your ass. They don't do that type of shit anyway. And that front office call was more than likely her so she could make her way up here. I also heard there was a tour or something today? She proli pretended to be apart of it." You answered, still stressed about what you were going to do after this class. You hoped it felt as long as English usually did, the longer you have to form a plan the better.
"Don't she go to MIT? The hell is she doing on Harvard campus?" Eden asked, but more to herself. For the first time since Riri left, she turned to look at you, seeing the nervous look on your face. "Girl why you shaking in your boots for? You bout to get your doonies beat down goodt. By two people! I'd be clacking my heels."
"I'm not even sure that's what's gon happen for real. That's what's making me nervous." You replied, taking your nail into your mouth to bite. Your best friend shrugged, going back to her painting.
"Well either way if you're not here next week I'll tell your teachers you had some sort of accident. Maybe one about your legs not working." She said, giggling to herself. You looked at her with a fake annoyed face, holding in the smile that threatened to show itself.
"You think you funny, huh?" ---------------- Finally, your last class was over. Usually you'd be happy but unfortunately it did not go by as slow as you had hoped. You had no plan. You'd have to go to The Palace.
"I still can't believe you ain't tell me." Eden said, packing up her bag. You rolled your eyes at her dramatics, hearing her sniff like she was crying. You swung your own bag over your shoulder, waiting for her to be finished.
"Girl please. Like you be telling me every person that be dicking you down every two to five business days." You scoffed. Eden paused her actions, lifting her eyes to stare at me.
"You ain't een had to do that." She shook her head, finally fitting that fat ass computer into that small ass bag. She threw her bag on and we started to head to the door. As soon as we turned into the hallway we were face to face with Riri. She had been posted up on the wall checking her watch. Eden looked between the two of us, quickly dismissing herself while wishing me good luck. 
Ri watched her leave before turning back to me, pushing herself off the wall. She was in the same outfit from before, except now her gold chain was untucked, and you could see what shoes she was wearing. They were just some dunks, ones Shuri bought all three of y'all so we could be matching. Coincidently, you happened to be wearing yours too. Riri leaned in closer to me, You thought she was going to greet you with a kiss. At the last minute, she swerved her head, reaching out and pulling my book bag from off your shoulder.
Yeah. Deserved that one.
She pulled your bag over her own shoulder, reaching her hand out to grab yours and smiling when you took it.
"I see ya attitude fixed." She said, using my hand to pull me so I was walking in front of her, then dropping it. "For now anyways."
"How you even here? I'm sure you got classes or something." You asked, wrapping your arms around yourself when you made it outside. It had gotten colder since morning. You'd forgotten to check the weather again and were wearing a short sleeve shirt. It was a little big too, which made it easier for the win to blow through.
"I got my ways. You of all people should know that by now." She answered shortly, giving you just enough for it to pass as an answer. You felt a soft fabric touch your shoulders and looked behind you to see Riri now in a grey shirt, continuing to make sure her hoodie was covering your shoulders.
"Thank you." You smiled, sticking your arms through the sleeves of the sweater. You zipped up the hoodie, leaning into the girl as she wrapped her arm around your shoulder, now next to you. She leaned down to press a kiss to your temple.
"'Course, ma." She muttered, using her free hand to take her phone out. You sunk into her some more. As petty as you had been, you'd miss her. You'd miss them. Of course you did, but you still weren't happy about the girl. You knew, however, there was no competition. Riri and Shuri would never do that to you. It was just the mere fact that they had entertained her. That's the part that bothered you.
You went to turn into the parking lot, only to be pulled in another direction by Riri. You looked up at her confused, but followed her nonetheless. She led you to some field on campus where a group of white guys were hanging. Some throwing a football, others just sitting and talking. She went up to one of the ones that were sitting, snatching the phone out of his hand. Your eyes widened, stepping behind her a little as she dropped her arm from around you, using both hands to type on his phone.
"Yo! What the fuck?" He yelled, standing up so his height difference was apparent. Riri was unfazed, continuing to type something on his phone. You looked over her shoulder, only to see her stuck on his cashapp, he was signed out. Obviously she didn't know the boy's password.
"You owe me." She told him, muttering something else under her breath as she turned the phone to him. "5k."
"5- what?!" He gritted his teeth, glancing around to make sure no one heard what they were talking about.
"I supplied your entire party white boy. That's how much you and your frat bros snorted. Pay up." Riri demanded. One thing you were quick to learn about her, there were three things she didn't play about. One of those being her money. She was gonna get it one way or another and when the boy didn't move you had learned that today it was going to be another. 
You could see Riri getting even more irritated than she already was about the payment being late in the first place. You saw her survey the place one last time before lifting her shirt just little, flashing something. You couldn't see it from behind her but the look on the boy's face told you what it was.
"Ok, damn." The boy agreed, snatching the phone. Riri dropped the end of her shirt, watching as he typed in the information. Soon he turned around the screen to face the two of you, showing that it was sent.
"Good, next time you do a deal with me again, have your money with you. I'm not doing no more after pay with you." She said, not waiting for a reply before she grabbed your hand again and started walking away. 
She led you to a familiar foreign and flashy car, opening the door for you to get in and crawling in after you. You could see Okoye, their right hand women, in the driver's seat through the divider of the front and back of the car. You waved shyly and she smiled at you through the rear view mirror.
"I thought you wanted me to meet you at the club, not pick me up." You expressed with slight confusion in your voice. Riri finished typing some things on her phone, sliding it back into her pocket to give you her undivided attention.
"So now you wanna listen?" She questioned, doing the same tilt with her head that she always did when she was mad. So she was definitely still mad. Okoye voided her eyes of the situation after hearing Riri's words, sliding the divider closed. You looked down at your hands, picking at the fresh polish on your nails. Only looking up when you heard Riri snickering. "Clearly I had some business to handle, figured I'd might as well pick you up too. That way I knew you couldn't avoid us. Not that you could even if I didn't."
You rolled your eyes at her cocky behavior, pulling out your own phone from your pocket. You typed in some things, noticing Riri looking at your screen from her position. Dialing your sister's number, you put it up to your ear waiting for her to pick up. "Hey Bianca!" You greeted once it finally did.
"Hey y/n, what's up?"
"Do you have any plans for this weekend? I'm gonna be running a little late tomorrow night, but I don't want you to be staying up late if you do have something to do." You questioned, feeling slightly guilty to be asking this of her.
"No no, it's fine! He can stay longer, it's no problem." Kylie answered, you could practically hear the smile in her voice. Man she must love kids. Asante had been staying there for a week now. Bianca had practically begged for him to come over and spend some time with his cousins, of course you said yes. She didn't live far from you so it wasn't like he couldn't attend school, and you could seen him whenever you liked. He'd been staying there since Wednesday now.
"Ok, thank you so much! I'll send you guys more money for some food and stuff. Could you please put Asante on the phone?" You asked, deciding against ending this call just to call the 6 year old's iPad. The babysitter agreed, and soon you heard your son's voice.
"Hi mommy!" His preppy voice blared through the phone, making you slightly pull the phone away from your ear in surprise.
"Hey baby." You giggled out, putting the phone against your ear. "Mommy's gonna be a little late coming home tomorrow. Do you think you'll be ok? Bianca's gonna stay with you a little longer."
"Yes! I love Aunty Bey, she bought me a new toy car! Does this mean we can have pizza for dinner?"
"Yes, you can have pizza for dinner." You agreed, laughing at his celebrations over the phone. "Okay, when I take you home you can tell me all about school today. Call me if anything happens, okay? I love you."
"You can tell me about yours too! Love you mommy, bye bye."
"Bye, 'Sante." You sighed, hanging up the phone. You put your phone away, looking at Riri after feeling her eyes on you the whole time. "What?"
"Asante could always come to the house, if you want." She offered, not trying to pressure you. You shook your head, laughing at the suggestion.
"No, thank you. The boy hasn't even met you yet, love." You denied, rubbing your hand over her knee. Riri shrugged, throwing her arm to rest on the back of the seats.
"Who's fault is that?" She taunted, watching as you turned your head away from her. She used her hand to turn your head back to her, wanting you to see that she was serious. "Me and Shuri plan on making you a wife. We aren't going anywhere, y/n. We care about you, which means we care about Asante. But, he's your son, we're not going to pressure you into meeting him. Just know that we want to." She assured. You smiled, pulling her in for a hug which she graciously accepted, wrapping her arms around your waist and resting her head on your chest.
"Thank you."
It's not that you didn't want them to meet Asante, your feelings were growing stronger by the day. You didn't stop they'd ever stop growing, really. You were just worried. You didn't want your son hurt. Emotionally, you didn't want him to get attach only for them to not come home one day, a job gone wrong. Physically, they protected you already, and you knew they would protect him even more. But still, there was always room for human error, and you didn't know if that was a chance you were willing to take. 
You loved them, but you would always love your son more. Who would you be to purposely put him in harms way for your own gain and comfort? Sacrifice was something you were used to when it came to Asante. But isn't that what mothers do? Then again, maybe there was supposed to be a certain balance. One that you didn't have. --------------- The Palace. It was their club, also their headquarters. It was protected and secured by all women bodyguards, Okoye being one of them. It was also where you met them for the first time, but that's neither here nor there.
You, Okoye, and Riri made your way through the entrance, the metal detector going off as you walked through, but no one said anything. Once you were inside, Riri pressed a small kiss to your head, making you turn to look at her questioningly.
"Go find Shuri, baby. I got something to handle real quick but I'll meet with y'all as soon as I'm done." She stated, signaling Okoye to follow her. You pressed a short kiss to her lips, wishing her luck with whatever she had to do. Then, both her and Okoye left your side.
You never felt scared to be alone in their club. You knew for a fact more than half of the guards were watching your every move, knowing they'd probably suffer consequences if anything happened to you under the roof of The Palace. 
Anyway, back to the problem at hand.
You did not want to find Shuri. She was more than likely pissed. Just like you knew what made Riri mad, you knew what made Shuri mad. And one thing she hated was being ignored by anyone, and you were no exception.
There was also that fact that she was the harsher one out of the two. Usually, you could always pull one over with Riri. Talking back, rolling your eyes, smacking your lips, the whole nine yards. At least, for a while. After a certain amount of times she'd get mad too. But with Shuri, she'd be mad if she even heard you thinking about talking back.
You weren't scared of her by any means, you knew she wouldn't do anything to hurt you purposefully. Intimidated though? Oh yeah, 100 percent you were shitting your pants. 
But their was no doubt Shuri had been alerted of your arrival and was keeping and eye out for you. So either she knew where your were and was on her way, or she was already here.
You sighed, excepting your fate as you made your way over to the stairs. She usually stayed on the upper two levels as they were more secluded and had some VIP sections. You climbed all the way up to the third level, hoping for some time to prepare yourself before she caught you.
Your hope was crushed when a hand wrapped around your throat, your back being pressed up against the wall behind you harshly. You were going to let out a panicked scream when your eyes met her familiar chocolate ones, a cocky smirk that her and Riri shared spreading across her face.
"My y/n." She greeted with a light smile, letting you catch a glimpse of the gold grills she wore today. You reached up to grab the wrist of the hang currently around your throat. Shuri noticed, loosening her grip just a little with caution. "What a surprise it is to see you here after what I think was-" She pretended to count on her free hand. "Right. Three weeks."
"It was actually two and a half weeks. Unless you rounded-" Your sentence was cut off when she tightened her grip once again, a silent warning that she was not in the mood for your slick comments today.
"Still a smart aleck." She observed. Her eyes trailed down your figure to take in your outfit, Riri's hoodie that was now open had fallen to an off the shoulder look, showcasing the cropped short sleeve you had on. Other than that, you just had on some simple ripped jeans with writing on them. 
Her eyes returned to yours, a certain glint in her eye that made you nervous. Just like Riri had, she leaned in closer so that her lips were right next to your ear as she spoke, her tone sending shivers down your spine. "I want you to tell me why you think it is ok to ignore me. To ignore Ri."
Keeping your act up, your turned you head away so she wasn't right next to your ear. Shuri only chuckled at your defiance, taking the opportunity to mark up the now open side of your neck. The hand that was once around your throat moved down so it was on you hip, keeping you pinned against the wall as her lips trailed down, pressing light kisses to your neck that you knew would get harsher soon.
Shuri moved her head so she was in your line of sight again.
"Things haven't changed since you were gone. When I ask you something, you answer." She said, watching as you turned away from her again, crossing your arms. She took your chin in between her thumb and finger, forcing you to look at her. "What happened to my good girl, baby?" She asked, swiping her thumb over your bottom lip. For a second, you almost fell for it. But you snapped yourself out of it, ripping yourself from her grasp and quickly walking away from her before she could react.
You were confused when you didn't hear her footsteps following after you. She could easily catch up as you were still very in her line of sight. But soon your question was answered when Riri appeared out of nowhere, turning a corner and backing into the same position you were just in. Pressed against a wall.
"Such a fucking brat. Walking away when we're talking to you, talking back. What are we gonna do with you?" She asked rhetorically. She gave you a smile, letting her hand come up to pull at one of your hairs that had fallen out of the bun you made. Shuri came to stand next to her and you pressed yourself further into the wall, if that was even possible. Separately, you were willing to pull almost everything. But when the two were finally together, you knew better than to try anything.
Unfortunately, it was too late for anything else. You had to continue. Gots to see it through my boy.
You were gonna 'see it through' alright. ---------------- "Please, I came already." You whined, trying to push Shuri's head away as you came down from your high for the umpteenth time. Riri's hand grabbed yours, pulling them away while she kissed on your neck, trying to calm you down.
"Cum again." Shuri muttered, pressing a wet kiss to your overstimulated clit, chuckling when you jumped from how sensitive you were.
You three had been going at it for what felt like forever. After the whole confrontation, they drove you to their house, teasing you the whole way. Once you did get there, they spared no time getting you to the bed. Since then, it felt like you had done everything under the sun but stop.
Literally, everything. You'd lost count of how many times you'd came, but you knew for a fact it had to be in double digits. You could only imagine how you looked.
Hair frizzy, sweaty, tear stains running down your cheeks, cum around your lips that you were unable to wipe yourself. Riri and Shuri didn't bother to either, quite liking the look on you. You were exhausted, overstimulated, and clinging on to consciousness by a pinky toenail. But they never stopped. There hasn't been a break since you walked through the door. 
At first, you were conflicted. You couldn't tell if you even wanted them to stop. It hurt so bad that it started to feel good. The pain blended in with the pleasure and you couldn't help but ask for more. But when you felt another one of Shuri's digits dip in for another round you knew something had to give.
"Okayyy, I'm sorry. Please." You begged, seeing your vision get cloudy as more tears appeared. Riri's voice came from behind you, you could feel her warm breath on your neck though you could barely make out what she was saying.
"Sorry for what, mama?" She pressed. All that came from you were mumbles of an apology as you still tried to break your hands from her grasp. 
In the moment you weren't in a good position to realize it, but the fact that she could keep you pinned down with just her own strength was making you even more wet than you already were. Shuri realized though, smirking between your legs as she slowed down her pace.
Shuri used her free hand to push herself up from the bed, kissing up your body and over fresh marks until she met your tired eyes. "What are you sorry for?" She repeated, looking down at you with lidded eyes of her own. 
You began to reply but only a groan left you when you felt her purposely angle her fingers at your favorite spot. "Hm?" She mocked, still waiting for an answer.
"M'm sorry for- fuck, sorry for ignoring you." You apologized, your head falling back onto Riri's shoulder as your eyes rolled behind your lids, feeling Shuri speed up once again, targeting that same spot. "Shit, Shuri please."
"Please what, baby?" She teased, tilting her head with a mock of confusion. You whined again, frustrated with her taunting.  
She shared a look over your shoulder with Riri, who released your hands and started to pin down you hips instead. Your hands immediately flew out for something to ground you. The first things you could get your hands on being Shuri's wrist and Riri's hand.
"Do you want her stop or do you want more? You're confusing her baby." Riri added, watching closely at how your brows furrowed and your back arched when she applied the slightest amount of pressure to your abused clit, practically shoving you over the edge.
"Stop! I want her to stop." You mumbled, finally able to get your thoughts together enough to make a complete sentence. Having some pity, Shuri slowly dragged her fingers against your walls while she pulled out, curling them one last time just to see you squirm. 
Just as slow, she brought them to her lips. Feeling both your and Riri's eyes watching her carefully, she decided at the last second that she wanted you to take them instead. She tapped them on your close lips, watching as you opened them to take in her coated digits.
Taking the sight in, she hums, obviously please with your obedience (as it did take a long time to get back). That was all the acknowledgement she gave you before she and Riri made eye contact over your shoulder again, and Riri's hand began to circle your bud again. 
You whimpered, trying to back yourself into the girl to get away from her touch. They both ignored you in their own conversation about what to do with you, Riri keeping you in place while Shuri forced her fingers further down your throat, making you gag.
Suddenly, the feeling of Shuri was ripped from your mouth and replaced with Riri's tongue as they tried to distract you from the feeling of Shuri's slender fingers dipping back into your already sensitive hole. You immediately pulled away, already feeling yourself starting to ache.
"Shuriii." You dragged, watching as the girl lowered between your thighs again. She shushed you, placing a delicate kiss to your thigh, though dangerously close with your entrance.
"Just one more baby, I promise." She soothed, caressing the same thigh she had kissed with her free hand. "Can you do that for us, love?" She spoke softly, taking one of your hands in hers to kiss.
"You've been doing so good for us tonight, pretty girl. We just wanna make you feel good one last time, can you let us do that mama?" Riri coaxed from behind you, rubbing soothing circles on your stomach to calm you. Debating, you took Riri's hand in your other one, trying to relax yourself into her. "One more, we promise." She whispered, pressing a sweet kiss right under your ear.
"Okay." You agreed. Your words came out mumbled but they both understood you. Shuri smiled up at you, pressing another kiss to your thigh as a thanks before she joined her fingers that had never stopped moving.
The second her tongue makes contact with your clit your hands are fisting through her hair, pulling around the tight coils on her head.
There are a few more strokes of her tongue before she wraps her lips around your awaiting clit, your slick coating her tongue as she swirls it around your clit just before wrapping her lips around the bud.
Her fingers are buried deep inside of your cunt as she sucks your pulsing bundle of nerves into her mouth. There's a second where she sucks just hard enough to make your vision go white at the same time Riri decides to pinch and rub on the sensitive buds on your chest.
Feeling the coil in your stomach tighten, you let out a load moan when Shuri curls her fingers against your g spot one more time before you let go, clenching the sheets in your hand. Riri whispers sweet praises in your ear, rubbing soothing circles on your hips to calm you down while Shuri fingers you through your high, waiting for your legs to stop shaking before she pulls away, your essence coating both her fingers and lips.
She slipped the drenched fingers between her lips, licking your cum from between her fingers before leaning over your frame to trap Riri's lips in her own, who moaned at the familiar taste of you. Though you were drained, you still manage to keep your hooded eyes open long enough to watch them swapping your cum with each others tongues, eventually swallowing when they had enough.
"Are you ok baby?" Shuri checked, rubbing your side comfortingly. You nodded, sinking into Riri more as she rubbed your thighs. Shuri leaned down, pressing multiple kisses to your forehead, cheeks, and nose, making you laugh tiredly, pushing her away. She smiled, leaving you to go get some new sheets, clothes and something to clean you up.
"It wasn't too much, right?" Riri asked softly. Confused by the question, you craned your head to look up at her, not even wanting to attempt to move your bottom half. Riri had already been looking down at you. "I mean, you didn't pass out this time, but still, we didn't overdo it too much?"
"No, Ri," You answered, reaching up with one of your hands to smooth over her cheek. "It felt good, I promise. Even though there was one point where I was fighting for consciousness." You joked and she smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to the crown of your head. "To be fair though, it was supposed to be a punishment so I figured it wouldn't be all love making and soft caressing."
"Yeah, why were you ignoring us in the first place?" She questioned. You shrugged distractedly, running your thumb over her furrowed brow. "y/n, I'm serious." She said, taking your hand from her face and holding it in her's. You let out a dramatic groan. She was ruining the vibes.
"I got mad because y'all were talking to that bitch Ashley." You mumbled, playing with the hand that had took yours. Before she could even respond you continued on, defending your actions. "But I had a right to be mad, I mean y'all went into a whole ass private room with that chick. Without me!"
"Ok, first off, Okoye was in there so we couldn't have done anything, not like we would want to. We only talk to Ashley about business, that conversation wasn't any different. But, if it helps whenever we talk to her again, we'll make sure you're there too." She compromised and you agreed, thanking her. You two continued talking until Shuri returned with a wet cloth, some sheets, and new clothes.
And the night ended with a nice warm bath. Which you fell asleep in. ----------------
You groaned waking up to the sound of your ringtone. You stretched, feeling a certain weight on your chest. Looking down you saw Riri sleeping soundly with one hand up your shirt and on your boob, Shuri spooning her. You smiled at the sight, reaching over to your nightstand for your phone. You wondered how two supposedly high alert dealers hadn't woken up from the sound, but no matter.
"Bianca?" You mumbled, messing with the features on Riri's face. Two big and bag drug lords and yet they looked like puppies in their sleep.
"y/n, when are you coming to get Asante? No rush, because I'd keep him around forever if you'd let me, I just wanna have him packed up and ready to go." Your sister asked, you could hear your nieces and nephews running around in the background. You pulled the phone away from your ear, checking your phone and groaning once you saw how close it was to noon.
"I'll be there at like, one. I still have to shower and everything." You said, rubbing your hand down your face. You and Bianca chatted about some smaller things before she finally hung up, giving you time to get ready. You smiled at the two next to you, leaning down to press a kiss onto both of their lips, even though they weren't awake to respond to it.
You pulled Riri's strong grip off your titty. She was holding on it like a hungry newborn. You replaced yourself with the pillow behind you, slipping out of the bed, only for you to stumble into the nightstand when you did, startling both of them awake. 
The two sprung up from their place as if they weren't just knocked with drool in the corner of their mouths, searching the room frantically until their eyes settled on you, who was currently using the nightstand to stand. They turned to look at each other, holding in their laughs. You glared at them, trying to keep yourself upright so they took your next words serious.
"Both of y'all shut the fuck up and come help me to the bathroom."
"We ain't een say nothing." Riri protested, though she swung her legs to the side, getting up to come help you.
"You ain't need to, your face said enough." You said, holding your hand up for her to help you. Riri disregarded your hand, her small frame bending down to toss you over her shoulder. "Riri!"
"You told me to help you, now you mad I'm helping you. You just acting like this cause we fucked ya lace front off and now you walking like there's an earthquake." 
"Shut the hell up and take me to the damn bathroom, Riri!" You demanded, smacking her back and flipping off Shuri who watched on from her position in the bed, clearly amused. ----------------
BRING BACK SHURI AND RIRI X READER ALL 2024!! I'm jumping into the writing scene because i honestly miss the era where everything was about them, and i miss some of my fav writers😔✊🏾
anyways hope yall enjoyed
thank you guys for the inspiration, whether old fics or new @shinsousliya @inmyheadimobsessed @quintessencewrites @saintwrld @marsolgy @pinkwright @vixentheplanet
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dejaonline · 8 months
same space | shuriri x spoiled!black!fem!reader
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Summary: you and shuri have a unique romantic history—the two of you have been bonded by an “arrangement”, but it’s been a good while since you’ve seen each other last. What happens when a routine drunk call + rescue reveals that it is no longer just the two of you.
Content includes: mentions of drugs and alcohol, swearing, semi-offensive insults.
nkosazana- princess
umhle nkosazana yam- you look beautiful, my princess
Author’s note: ahh! Baby’s first fic! I am extremely nervous posting this, but i’m equally just as excited. I wanna say thank you to my baby boo @prettymrswright for all of her help and encouragement throughout the process. my tummy is achinggg (anxious girlies stand up!) but i cannot wait to hear what you guys think! thank ya’ll in advance for reading <3
Tagging some of my favsss: @prettymrswright @sapphicvqmpires @kisskourt @inmyheadimobsessed @pvnks0ul @vampzxi @quintessencewrites
Shuri took a deep breath, bracing herself for the chaos awaiting her just behind the heavy doors of the mansion. She could feel the music up through her arm as she pushed through the barrier.
She stepped inside and took in her surroundings. Glitter covered the marble floors, shimmering beneath the beams of light coming from one of the many disco balls hanging down from the high ceilings. A neon ‘Studio 54’ sign was mounted on the wall surrounded by vintage photographs and abstract art pieces.
To the left was a dimly-lit lounge with large, plush earth-toned couches and loveseats. People dressed in rhinestone covered jumpsuits and bell bottoms were socializing throughout the space, some smoking or sitting at the bar with decorated martini glasses.
The young royal ventured down a dark hallway to the right of her, following the sound of music emitting from the commodious ballroom. Colorful rays of light bounced off the walls and beneath Siri’s black boots, multi-colored tiles danced around to the beat.
The queen stood out amongst the sea of metallic gogo boots and fringe. Her slender frame was concealed beneath a black, oversized blazer and perfectly tailored pants to match. Her wandering eyes hid behind her favorite pair of black shades.
Shuri did her best to avoid getting sandwiched between a couple of inebriated bodies thrashing around her. She swiveled her head, attempting to locate you amongst the crowd until finally spotting you.
You were tucked away in a roped off section, attention focused on someone sitting dangerously close to you in the conversation pit. In the center sat a glass table, littered with empty liquor bottles, ashtrays, and assorted sizes of plastic bags. Your smooth, rich skin was covered in a sheer, floor length gown. Diamonds cascaded in detailed patterns across the fabric and tufts of feathers decorated the sleeves and hem, sweeping the silver open-toed platform heels on your feet. Your fresh braids lay parted down the center, hanging down to your lower back. You looked opulent and sexy in the iconic gown. The shimmer on your eyelids and glossy lips catching the light.
You sat with your legs crossed, one arm stretched out beside you and the other resting on your thigh while you sat back engaged in a conversation with a girl in a beaded mini dress. You watched her lips as she chatted about..stuff.
Your liquor induced arousal was immediately redirected once you caught sight of the slim figure looming behind the stranger.
“I hate to cut you off baby, but my ride is here.”
You eyed Shuri from head to toe, lingering on the bit of exposed chest behind her blazer. You leaned forward to plant a quick kiss on the girl's left cheek before standing to take Shuri’s awaiting hand.
She pressed her palm against the small of your back, steadying you.
“You okay to walk, nkosazana?”
You looked to Shuri with big, pleading eyes and she took the hint. She wrapped one of your arms around the back of her neck and scooped you up into her arms bridal style.
The two of you made your way back to the entrance. You were highly intoxicated and giggling in Shuri’s hold, your head pressed against her chest. You caught a whiff of her signature scent, the mix of sweetness and musk that you recognized as Tom Ford Vanille Fatale. You bought it for her a while back and it had been her favorite ever since.
Meanwhile, Shuri was playing it cool, trying not to make it obvious how happy she was to have you this close again. She cracked a smile at how easily tickled you became at her praise.
Although the noise level had significantly quieted down, Shuri whispered into you again.
“You look beautiful, my love.”
Another giggle escaped you and it was music to Shuri’s ears.
“Thank you, shuri bear”
“I thought I told you to stop calling me that, y/n” Shuri huffed before letting you down, her still wrapped around you until the swaying ceased.
“Oh, by the way, this is Riri.”
Shuri softly tapped on the tinted window, prompting the stranger to roll it down.
Riri sat stone-faced and unamused. Her sharp jaw clenched in annoyance before she threw an uninterested two finger wave your way. She still had not looked in your direction, but your gaze locked in on her. She sat slouched in the front seat of Shuri’s Maserati Quattroporte, wearing a baggy denim jacket over a tight fitting white crop top with matching baggy jeans.
Your attention focused on the neat star design braided into the side of her head and the joint tucked behind her ear.
Even drunk, you could sense that she didn’t like you. Or at least she didn’t care much for you. She didn’t even know you, how could she not like you?
“You good, Cher?”
Riri’s low voice pulled you from your thoughts and you tightened up immediately, flipping your braids back and straightening out your dress. You wouldn’t let her see you sweat, but can admit you were impressed she caught the reference. You threw on a fake smile before bending down to reach her level.
‘You’re in my seat, Riri—“
Before she could respond Shuri snatched you away from the window.
“Hey watch the dress!” You shouted.
Shuri pulled you around to the driver’s side pushing you up against the side of the car. You yanked your arm out of her grip.
“The fuck was that for?”
Shuri stepped closer to you, the front of her body touching yours.
“Riri is my girlfriend, she’s not riding in the back.”
You stared blankly at Shuri as your thoughts began to race again.
Girlfriend? When did this happen? How did this happen?
It seemed Shuri could read your mind.
“We can talk about this later. Just sit in the back and be good for me, please? Riri likes to fight.”
Shuri opened the back door, helping you inside. She was about to close the door, but stopped to pop her head back inside the vehicle, taking your chin between her thumb and index finger.
“Play nice” she whispered
Your eyes followed Shuri as she hopped back into the front seat. The engine purred to life and the three of you were off.
You stared out the window at the star lit sky, watching the lavish residence disappear from view, thinking back to the last time you had seen Shuri.
Four months ago the two of you were inseparable. Showing up to parties together, showering each other with gifts, sneaking away to private islands. It may have seemed extravagant to others, but it was a lifestyle the two of you were accustomed to.
You enjoyed your time together, but both parties especially enjoyed the freedom that came with not committing.
It was no secret that you and Shuri had undeniable chemistry. She would do anything for you, go anywhere with you.
The reason you weren’t in Riri’s position was because you didn’t need to be. Girlfriend or not, Shuri was never really out of reach. Your history ran deep and you had been through a lot together. Somewhere down the line, friends became more and things became romantic.
You both saw other people, nothing serious. Shuri usually had a few girls on rotation. It didn’t really bother you because she would abandon whomever she was using to occupy her time with to be with you.
It was one of the things you loved most about her. She was kind and attentive, kept you in check, never let you get lazy or unfocused.
On top of that she really knew how to f—
“-uck is she back there daydreaming about?” Riri snapped.
“She does that a lot” Shuri laughed.
“You wanna hit this or not? Don’t got all night.”
Riri held the lit joint between her fingers, pointing it in your direction.
“Thanks.” You replied dryly
You took it from her, then began to examine the bubblegum pink rolling paper.
“You roll this, Riri?”
“Yeah. Problem?”
You didn’t miss the small smirk that crept upon her face as she awaited your response.
“You used my rolling papers.” You stated matter-of-factly.
Your voice came out more shrill than you intended.
Shuri cut her eyes to you through the rear view mirror. It was a look you had come to learn was a silent warning.
“You left them behind the last time you were over, nkosazana”
You looked back over to Riri, who had now cracked a full blown smile. She watched in amusement as you took a long drag, letting the smoke fill your lungs.
You blew a path directly at her with the remaining smoke, letting it drift around her chiseled face and creating the illusion of her sitting among the clouds.
Her gaze had yet to leave yours. She was studying you: the way your nose scrunched up in annoyance, how your plump lips seemed to always sit in a permanent pout, and fixating on the way your chest increasingly rose and fell.
Maybe it was the weed or maybe it was the fact that Riri was stunning. Her eyes were intense as they bore into you, it made you nervous. It also made you extremely horny.
The car finally rolled into Shuri’s garage. And although you felt a suffocating heaviness in the vehicle, neither you nor Riri moved. You both knew better than to touch your own door handle.
Shuri went for your door first. You stepped out and pushed right past her, leaving no room for conversation. The clicking of your heels echoed throughout the vast garage as you stormed off, hips swaying beneath your dress.
The couple silently watched your figure stride past the rows of parked vehicles and vanish behind the door, making your way inside the house.
Shuri sighed deeply, carefully contemplating her next move. She grabbed Riri’s hands and kissed her knuckles before guiding her inside.
Inside, you made a b-line straight for the kitchen. You swung open one of the cabinets just above your head, snatching a wine glass from inside before slamming it shut.
Shuri was leaned up against the wall, right next to the small space that housed her impressive wine collection. Her eyes traveled down to the glass in your hand and she rolled her eyes, turning to grab the handle.
She disappeared inside, a look of contemplation on her face as she scanned the rows of bottles. Finally, she reached for a 1973 Chateau Montelena Chardonnay. She sauntered toward you, sending you a cryptic smile before heading right for the same cabinet you were just abusing.
In her hand she held two more wine glasses.
“I taught you better than that, y/n.” She teased.
Shuri made her way into the living room and you followed behind.
Riri sat alone on one of the couches, her hand rested over her face.
Shuri stood before you two, looking as beautiful as ever, oozing with charm and sex appeal. She set two of the glasses down, prompting you to add yours to the mix. You jumped at the ‘pop’ of the cork, anxious to have the glass back in your grasp.
“I think we should play a game, get to know each other a little better.” Her accent was thick, but it was no match for the tension in the air.
“And why would we do that?” You questioned.
The last thing you were interested in doing was learning anything about Riri. You felt you had gathered enough information about her from the ride to Shuri’s place: her name and the fact that she has a nasty attitude. Which is rich coming from you.
“Because, princess,” Shuri paused as she filled each glass. “If I’m going to keep both of you in my life, I want you two to bond, learn to get along.” She passed one to Riri, then you, before picking up the last for herself.
Before she could take a sip, her kimoyo beads hummed to life, signaling that someone was trying to contact her.
“I’ll be right back” was all she said before rushing out of the room.
Silence once again fell upon the house. You sipping from your glass, Riri staring you down from across the room. She was the first to speak up.
“So, what escort service did she find your ass from?”
You choked on your drink, appalled at the accusation.
“What the fuck did you just say to me, Keebler elf?”
You were trying to keep your voices down, afraid Shuri would hear from wherever she ran off to.
Riri stood up from her seat, coming face to face with you.
“There’s no way someone would be desperate enough to cling onto someone with a whole ass girlfriend the way that you do without getting paid for it.”
You stood your ground, pushing your upper body up to meet Riri halfway, mere inches away from her face.
“And you’d have to be one dumb bitch to think that title has any meaning.”
Before you could register the end of that exchange, Shuri grabbed you up for the second time that night, dragging you down the corridor and into a guest room. She slammed the door behind her, shoulders raising and dropping as she breathed heavily.
Stupidly, you opened your mouth to defend yourself.
“Shuri, that’s not fair, she was being awful to me—“
“I do not care! That is my partner, you do not speak to her like that. You disrespect her, you disrespect me. You’re lucky she even allowed you to step foot in our home!”
Our home. Your throat tightened at the sound. You were starting to feel sick.
“I should have told you earlier, I’m sorry.”
Shuri kneeled in front of you, taking your hands into hers.
“I met Riri a while back, when I went on that trip to Massachusetts.”
“That was six months ago.” You were trying to keep up with the timeline of events that Shuri was explaining to you.
“Yes. We kept in touch, nothing serious.” She peered up at you, waiting for your reaction.
“Go on.”
She cleared her throat before continuing.
“Of course you know, I got this place here in New York to be closer to you. But then I had to return home for a while.”
Things were starting to add up. You remembered having to say goodbye to Shuri, how much you had missed her over the last 4 months.
“Riri came to help me in the lab and we grew to enjoy each other's company. Not in the way that I’m used to, this was real. We made things official and when all the chaos settled, I asked her to return to the city with me.”
You were speechless for a moment, taking in Shuri’s words. You didn’t find yourself being angry, you had no right. The two of you were never exclusive and until a few weeks ago, you didn’t even entertain the thought of it. It had never bothered you that Shuri preferred an open relationship, but hearing that she was serious about Riri struck you to your core.
“Does she know?” You whispered.
“About us?” You nodded in response.
“Yes, I told her up front. My love for you never ceases. No matter who I am with, no matter where I go. You may not have chosen me, my love, but I will always choose you.”
Classic Shuri, girl always had a way with words.
“So how does this work?”
“Riri doesn't care for monogamy, that is how this even works in the first place. We’ll have to set some boundaries, of course, but I believe that we can figure this out. You just have to trust me, okay?”
It was a lot to consider. To say that you and Riri were at odds was an understatement, and establishing mutual tolerance would take some work. But you saw how much this meant to Shuri.
“I missed you, Shuri” you said honestly. Fatigue began to overcome you, and Shuri knew she didn’t have much longer to converse with you.
You laid back onto the bed while Shuri removed your heels. She covered you with a blanket and bent down towards your face. Your eyelids grew heavier with each passing second.
“We’ll talk some more in the morning. Get some rest now. Did I already tell you how beautiful you look?”
“Yeah, but you can tell me again.”
A big smile broke across Shuri’s face. She placed soft kisses on your cheeks, one after another, and lingered as she made contact with your forehead.
“umhle nkosazana yam”
It was the last thing you heard before sleep carried you off.
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axailslink · 2 years
"Don't look over there. Look at me"
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Your honor they're girlfriends and we're their devoted wives.
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roseamongroses · 3 months
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it's always the fanart i finish in a day and start on a whim that i end up posting smh.... everything else gets trapped in the drafts bin.
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wiiggomo · 2 years
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<33 >Reblogs are appreciated <33
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quintessencewrites · 1 year
Y-yes, Daddy pt. 3
college student!ShuRiri x college student!black!fem!reader
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Her eyes sent the message that her lips didn’t; they couldn’t, too busy being bitten to the flesh between Riri’s perfect rows of teeth, the gold on her lower set mirroring the gold around her neck.
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Warnings: (buckle up, there are a few) 18+!!!!! Smut HEAVY, dom! Shuri, switch! reader, switch! Riri, cuckold? voyeurism, fingering (reader receiving), oral sex (reader/ Riri receiving). rough sex (reader/Riri receiving), public sex? explicit language (as always), double penetration (not saying who, it's a surprise), anal sex (not saying who), heavy praise kink, slight illicit drug use, strap slinging! all three of them... etc because I know I missed a few...
Word count: 8.4k+
@percsane @zestgodtj @k3nn3dyxo @mlmilani @letitias-fav @doms-fav @sweetalittleselfish-honey @g4yforu @widowmakker @becauseimswagman1 @zayswriting @inmyheadimobsessed @laurensmabel1 @malltake12 @msudaku @faeriah-thv @fetchyourlife @mbakuetshurisprincess @sinsikoxo @honey-teaaaaaaaa @rxcently @pinkcorns @takeyaki @yamsthoughts @thethickerside @0hshoot1tsl4ni @shurisbathwater @shurismainbxtch @luvrzhearts @sadfreakx @shuri-my-love @justariellove @heartsforjojo @blackgirlfariy @tuesdaylovesu @chocoflagcutii @taiiunknown @zhanylai @ziayamikaelson @verachii @taiiunknown @beautybyfire @soearthquakequeen @remwritess @pinkwright @jenlouvre @letitiasleftfoot @6-noir @kya-rose @saintwrld @someshuriposts @jessiap @ilikegecos @iiluvl4n @katymae12344 @shurismainbxtch @crookedsaladlover @motheroffae @saintwrld @marsolgy @ogbells16 @verachii @shuriszn @playgurlxoxo @ashleighshaw @te-23 @dominquesheart @shuridefenselawyer @iminlovewithdomandtish @limbozqueen @cansah2002-blog
A/N: Y'ALL!!! I'M BACK <3 I don't know how to thank you guys enough for checking in on me while I was gone and giving me such grace while I got myself together a bit <3 I love you guys
Dedicated to my baby, @inmyheadimobsessed, Yes Daddy's biggest fan, president of the fan club, and one of my biggest supporters. She also gave me an idea for one of the scenes in this so co-writing status goes to her <3 Anyways ily, Lyric. As always, I hope I did you justice.
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The cobalt waters glistened around your figure, swaying to and fro with a serenity unlike any you’d experienced. Eyes closed, face warm from the sun’s rays kissing your skin, Wakanda was a beauty to behold, with such vibrancy in its colors and its people. 
Its marketplace was adorned with rich tapestries, the palace was picturesque. The rivers that flowed through the heart of the capital flowed the bluest blue you’d ever seen; the grass was too green, the sand too yellow. 
“You grew up here? Shuri, it's fucking beautiful. Why would you ever leave?”
Riri’s hand never left yours, excitement traveling back and forth between your bodies. “I’d asked her the same thing, baby.”
“It’s unreal. It’s cartoon-like, like the trees and flowers, even the fucking sky, were painted that bright.”
Shuri couldn’t deny the pride that swelled within her at your awe of her home. She’d experienced it with Riri the first time she brought her over, and now, with you, her heart skipped a few beats just the same.
Your mouth dropped at every spectacle, arms wide, ready to engulf every new person. Merchants shared your contagious grin when you approached their displays, excitement beaming across every feature on your face. 
“Princess, Miss Williams,” they greeted. They’d nod in return, dropping a wave or two every now and again.
Shuri fell into your forestep, presenting a beam just as wide. Her usually too-cool demeanor dissipated the moment her sandaled foot touched the Wakandan dirt. Even Riri couldn’t deny the peace that the country brought forth from her. Her shoulders fell, relaxed for the first time in weeks as the stress of midterms and exams and assignments finally evaporated. 
 The princess hadn’t anticipated taking you home to meet ma dukes so soon, but you were ready. 
“Wakanda? Why?”
You rolled your eyes, an exasperated sigh floating from your lips and through the air. Riri sat on the other side of your dorm room, man spread with a wrap between her fingers, preoccupied, but still tuning in. “I told you, y/n.”
“Hush, Ri. She ain’t even say no yet.”
“I’m waiting to hear why before I say no.”
Upon your face were the biggest, roundest, neediest eyes Shuri had ever seen. Your bottom lip protruded into a plump little pout that quickened the pace of her heart. In her mind, she’d already lost. Regardless of the reason, she wasn’t going to be able to deny that look.
“Because it's spring break, I’m tired of the same old beach trips, and I’ve never been,” you walked closer, until your bosom rested on her stomach, eyes batting up at her with sweetness. “What better tour guide than the Princess?”
“Give it up, baby. Ain’t no way she gon say yes that ea-”
“Shut up, shortie. What better tour guide than the Princess, right?”
Shuri made plans to take you to her home that very night.
You were ready to visit the fairytale-like land; the very place where the rumors of its grandeur couldn’t even do it justice. The place where vibranium ran through its streets and every shade of brown sparkled under the sun's rays like a spotlight on the deserving natives. 
You were ready to meet their monarch, the powerful woman whose monologue at the State of the Union address those few years ago still gives you goosebumps. The awe-inspiring mother who raised such a capable daughter, so unlike herself and allowed her off to the States. 
You were ready to put a face to the names Shuri and Riri spoke of, those who were oceans away and still held such a prominent place in their worlds, one which you wished to be a part of. 
Thank Bast, or God, or fate, or whatever the hell it was for placing you at MIT at the same time as Shuri and Riri. Their pervertedly twisted minds complimented yours so beautifully, like the missing piece in a complex puzzle. 
 Nerves didn’t dare touch you when the Queen greeted you, slender, loving arms pulling you in, holding you tight, and giving you a motherly love you hadn’t felt in quite some time. 
“Y/n,” the older royal’s voice was booming. “Shuri, umhle (she’s beautiful).”
“Ndiyazi (I know), mother.”
“Grinnin’ like a dummy” Riri’s voice was a barely-heard whisper, not risking her words to be heard by the well-respected monarch. 
Shuri's eyes threw daggers at the small girl, an even smaller smile playing at her lips. She felt such serenity at your acceptance of her country that not even Riri’s words would get to her. 
The young royal wanted so badly to praise you, to kiss you, to shower you in the melody of ‘good girls’ that you deserved. 
Slender fingers snaked around your exposed waist, rippling the water around you and pulling your mind back to the present. Your lids lulled open, meeting a familiar gaze in the foreign place.
“Hey, ma.”
 The scent of cocoa butter radiated off you in an aura. Riri inhaled deeply, taking it in, entangling her brain with your essence in a dizzying spell. You were so soft under her touch, your chocolate-colored skin melting in her hands.
Her head was heavy against your shoulder, pushing her weight against yours until your back was pressed into the damp marsh of the riverbank. 
The lifting of your hand and caressing of her curls was instinctual and Riri softened even further underneath your fingertips. She’d been wanting this for hours; just to fall into your hold, to grab you and know that you were really there. 
Barely an arm's length away stood your princess with Nakia, engulfed in a conversation of their own, paying you no mind. Okoye sat close by, only allowing her feet to be swallowed by the water’s gentle waves.
“I see the States are treating you well, Shuri?” Nakia’s light voice curved at the end of her sentence, a tease evident between her words. 
“What makes you say that?”
“You haven’t returned home yet is what.”
“I haven’t graduated yet, Okoye.”
A string of mumbles leaves the general’s mouth, laced with curses. “You’ve gotten greedy, Princess.”
Shuri leans over the shore, elbows resting in the sand. “Greedy how?”
“You went to America for school, not to become a sister-wife.”
The poor young royal can’t hold back the laughter that erupts from her. “A sister-wife?! What the fuck are you talking about, Okoye?”
“You need two girlfriends, Shuri?”
“I do.”
“For what?”
Shuri’s wandering gaze over to you and Ri is full of desire that spills over her ducts like a tear. “They both got something different to offer.” 
Riri caught Shuri’s gaze from the corner of her eye. Of course, her majesty was watching you. She was always aware of what her girls were up to, both on and off campus. She saw the way Ri’s nails grazed the small of your back and the way your body curved upward in response, pressing your two figures into one another even further. 
She saw Riri’s hands travel further and further south, tickling your skin until they stiffened in the waistband of your bikini bottoms and came to a stop. Shuri’s breath caught in her throat, waiting and watching, wondering how far Riri would go considering the audience that surrounded them. 
Riri knew Shuri was watching. She wanted her to; she wanted her to see the effect she had on your body, without Shuri’s presence. She knew the panther could smell the heat radiating from your frame, pressed tightly against hers.
 So tight, so close that the chain that never left Ri’s neck was resting in your bosom. The chill of the metal contrasts with the humidity in the air and causes a shiver to travel down your spine.
It was such a slight movement, one that didn’t go unnoticed by either girl. Those mocha-colored eyes that you adored bore into yours, and baby, if only you could read the filthy thoughts behind them. 
Luckily, you didn’t have to. Riri wanted you and she wasn’t being slick about it. Her slender fingers toyed with your bottoms, one hand gently tugging the drawstring that held the thin pieced fabric together. The other grazed the front of your dangerously low waistband, touching your sensitive skin, but barely. 
“You’re so pretty, y/n, baby. I tell you that enough?”
“More than enough, Ri.”
Hmm, the distracted girl hums. “I like this swimsuit on you.” Her fingers don’t move from your waistline, playing and fiddling with the fabric there, tugging it away now and again. 
You wanted more; you craved more, and Riri didn't need to be a mind-reader to come to that conclusion either. Her eyes sent the message that her lips didn’t; they couldn’t, too busy being bitten to the flesh between Riri’s perfect rows of teeth, the gold on her lower set mirroring the gold around her neck. 
She cocked a thin brow and a devilish smirk played across her face. Her thin fingers continued to move, slowly and meticulously so that the water didn’t stir. 
Shuri caught the exact moment Riri succeeded in untying the dainty strings of your swimsuit. Her gaze traced your startled features when the fabric floated away from your body. 
“Riri, what the fuck?” It’s supposed to come out intimidating and intense, but the pitch of your voice and vibrato in your vocal cords melodizes a low moan from your lips instead. 
Underneath the still waters, from the waist down, you are completely naked. Everyone is oblivious; except Riri, whose actions were intentional, and Shuri, who was using every bit of restraint held in her slim frame to remain stoic.
“You gonna be good for me, baby? Good and quiet?” Riri’s lips brush the sensitive skin where lobe meets neck. In the back of your throat is a low moan, one that you know can’t be expelled. It stays tucked away and you nod instead, head barely moving, bobbing curls that can be explained away by the breeze. 
Shuri’s truly amused at the sight before her and the reaction it has on her body. She’s hypnotized by Riri’s fingers playing with you, gliding through your slit, brushing against your tender bud much too gently for your liking. The wetness in your folds can’t be deciphered from the wetness of the water, yet those bejeweled nipples that stood at attention, straining behind the padding of your top, exhibited the arousal that started in your toes and crept its way upward. 
She’s amazed at how little the water moves around you, eyes darting back and forth between you struggling to remain quiet and the conversation she held a part in with lifelong friends. Her mouth waters at the thought of you, so exposed. Thoughts of how fucking wet you must have been, how slick your pussy was, calling out for her. 
Your mind is muddled, completely ignorant of the extra set of eyes on you. Riri’s teasing you, never putting her long phalanges right where you want them. She’s taking her sweet time, mapping out every line, dip, and curve of your core. Her touch is too light for your liking as the neediness in the pit of your stomach expands. 
She’s got a few moments left in this game of cat and mouse before you break and the moan you try to disguise as a cough tells her just that. 
Shuri’s eyes wander back over at the sound she knows all too well. She couldn’t help but smirk at the noise. The heat she burns into the back of Riri’s head causes the distracted girl’s head to turn, resting her gaze on the princess’s watchful glare.
Ri’s brow raised once more in a silent question to Shuri, one that you weren’t able to decipher. 
Too bad for you. 
She doesn’t even look at you as her dark eyes drag slowly down Riri’s small frame and back up. Her chiseled face is unreadable to you and with a nod, a quick tilt of her chin towards the sky,  Ri reaches for your bottoms, dragging them back between your two bodies. 
“Lemme help you put these back on, baby,” Her whisper is so low, it’s almost nonexistent. 
Your sigh in response is frustrated, so sexually frustrated, just oozing an attitude Riri wants no part of. “You fucking tease-”
Her hand leaves the water, snaking around your chin and drawing your faces together. 
“I’m not done yet, baby. Just listen, damn.”
The chill behind her words shut you up immediately. Silence washes over you as your choppy movements ripple in the water, too quick for Nakia and Okoye to notice anything but your smiles, plastered across your face like a mask.
Shuri’s stifled laughter reeks of “I know.” The way she looks at you, so deep, so suggestive makes it clear she knows exactly what you two were up to. Her voice pulls her friend's attention back to her, those glistening coffee-bean-hued eyes dancing with knowing. 
“Nakia, how is my little Toussaint?” 
Riri’s body emerges from the river first, bottoms hanging so low on her waist, the indent where her abs meet her pelvis winks at you. Her hand reaches down, extending to you and the little effort it takes for her to lift you from the water is beyond impressive. 
Your drenched swimsuit runs streaks of water down your body, glistening against your dark skin like glitter. Your steps falter, the quiver from your heat making its way down your legs and tripping you. Riri guides your walk back to the palace, a ‘goodbye’ to Shuri barely playing on your lips as she lingers. Squelching emits from your soaked steps, following Ri’s quick ones. 
Goosebumps prickle your skin at the icy air in the palace, the large place still maze-like to you. Riri, however, is an expert guide. She makes every turn with precision, every array of large doors leading somewhere. 
Her steps suddenly stop, in the nook of a long hallway. Yours skip a bit, not expecting her sudden standstill, and her cool hands, still damp and shriveled from the water, reach for your bicep, pulling you into her. 
Her lips crash into yours, kissing you the way she’s craved all day. They’re moving in sync, tasting every crook of her mouth, entangling your tongues, and swapping saliva. The moan that remained trapped in your throat finally releases, deep and breathy between her lips.
“Couldn’t wait til we got to the room. Need you, now.” 
The way Riri’s hands travel your body, the way they hunger to hold you, squeeze you, anywhere, everywhere. It’s fucking intoxicating, coating your mind like a drug.
“W-wait, fuck, Ri,” her lips move from yours, trailing down your jaw, licking up your neck in such a way that you shudder. She’s famished now, having had a taste of you, and she needs more. Her lips attack your throat, nipping and biting. You’re close, so close to melting in her arms, right then and there.
“Come on baby, you know my name and it ain’t Ri. Say it.”
There was a part of you that hated the effect their vulgar words had on you. They were so lewd, so perverted, and they had such a fucking hold on you. The dampness in your bottoms couldn’t be explained away solely by your swim any longer and Riri knew it. She could feel your body temperature rise, your skin growing warmer under her touch. 
She tasted the word from your lips, growling at what they did to her. She couldn’t keep her hands off you, overwhelmed, not knowing where to grab. They rested on your right breast, squeezing, but she removed them quickly, afraid that your left one would grow envious at the lack of attention it was receiving. Caressing your back didn’t feel exact either; your front being so soft- there it was, begging for her fingertips to sink into it as well. 
Riri’s mind was racing an unwinnable race. What if the Queen was around, or the Dora? What if her body broke, fucking fell apart, needing so much of your touch that it couldn’t be satisfied by the little bit you were offering up?
Your still-wet (now even wetter) bikini bottoms were glued to your skin. The effort it took for Riri to pull them away from you, to pull them to the side just enough to reveal your pussy to her left water dripping to the stone floor beneath you. 
She wasted no time. Fuck all the teasing she did before, Riri fucking needed you. Her lips were on yours once more as she lined up two fingers at your entrance, preparing herself to swallow the moans that would spill from your lips. 
And swallow them she did, keeping your lips connected until she was knuckles deep, only coming up for air once your moans had died down to whimpers. 
“My good girl, baby. I know you can be quiet, right?”
You weren’t so sure. As soon as those digits got to moving, you knew that biting your tongue would be a near-impossible task. 
“C’mon, baby. Gotta be quiet so I can fuck you good.”
How pathetic was it, the way obedience ran through your veins? Your nod was hard, curls bouncing back in forth. “I’ll be quiet, ma,” the words quickly followed before Ri could correct you for not using them.
You felt your knees buckle beneath you the moment her slender fingers slid out of your wet center, only to be thrust in once more. What a beautiful pattern, one that left a warmth spreading through your body, face hot, cheeks hot, cunt hot. 
Ri knew your body better than no other, though she and Shuri were neck and neck. Her free hand had already slithered around your waist and her center of gravity shifted, preparing herself to catch you if your legs were to give out entirely. 
Your bottom lip was rolled between your teeth, moans collecting behind it. You were a sight to be fucking seen, a pussy full of creamy fingers, and eyes that begged and pleaded for more. 
“Look at you, baby. You doing such a good job, taking me like that.”
Riri was enjoying the sight before her, the tightness of your walls, clenching around her. She almost drooled when she looked down and saw the cum she was digging forth from you, collecting in the palm of her hand. Even she had to resist a moan as the need to taste you, to fuck you, to ruin you crossed her mind. 
The fingers trapped within you would not speed up, nor slow down, much to your demise. Your hips rocked, pelvis crashing back against Riri’s hand as you rode her. Whispered moans were shared between you, lewd praises being thrown your way. 
“Shit, baby, you doing so good. Look at you, fuck.”
Low moans were all you could respond with.
“You gon ride me like this in the room, pretty girl? Gon let me get strapped up and watch you bounce on my dick?”
Fuck, Riri’s words had opened the floodgates. She could feel you tightening and convulsing around her fingers. Your moans had grown at that point, but she couldn’t stop you, Your head was thrown back, so her lips couldn’t cover yours. She couldn’t use her hands either; one of them was holding up your limp figure, the other, still being ridden into the sunset. 
You’d earned those moans, she decided, and as soon as you were done, the trek to your room would continue. 
All Riri could do was watch as her fingers tipped you over the edge. Your chest strained against your top, rising and falling with every gasp; those lips, round and full and so fucking biteable, parted and poised as you came. 
A sea of thoughts swam through Riri’s pretty mind, not a single one of them an intelligent one. There wasn’t a moment when she didn’t think you were stunning, but baby, when you came? Ugh, it fucking did things to her, bringing forth groans from her chest. 
Your brows furrowed, your body stilling and Riri’s hand was drenched. “Ohh, shit-” Your voice shook, just as unsteady as your legs, but Ri had you. 
“I know, baby, I know.”
You were a bit louder at this point, your voice echoing off the tall walls. Riri wasn’t religious, but she was truly praying to Bast that no one would wander upon you two. 
Her thighs were pressed together, her body shaking a bit, still in the wet swimsuit. You didn’t even have to touch her for her body to react. Just watching you, so vulnerable, so needy, all over her-just for her. 
Your head rocked back up slowly, eyes finally meeting Ri’s. A deep blush grew in your chest and rose to your face. Riri’s was adorned with a sexy smirk, one so delicious. 
“Good girl, baby.” 
You had made Riri soft and she hated to admit it. She’d never been so gentle to someone, so tender. 
“You ready to keep walking?” She plants a sweet kiss on your cheek, pairing it with one on your neck, nuzzling her head into the sensitive space.
“How much further we got?”
She pulls her head from you and glances down the hall. “Um, not too far.”
Mm, you groan. “Do we have to? You could just take me right here.”
Riri’s chuckle is so deep and alluring. “Don’t tempt me, baby. C’mon, it’s not that far.”
“Carry me?”
She couldn’t tell you no. You knew she couldn’t. Neither of them could, especially Riri. You were spoiled in every sense of the word, and they’d stopped trying to deny you. Why should they? 
“Bridal style or piggyback?”
Your dark eyes danced with joy as she trekked through the halls, you upon her back with a goofy ass grin. 
She was right, it really wasn’t that far. 
The bed bounced when Riri finally dropped you on it, legs spread wide, bosom bouncing with the fall. 
Ri tapped your pussy through your bottoms, standing to retrieve her suitcase. “Off, baby.”
You were eager, the fabric still sticking to your skin, falling to the floor with the weight of the water drenching them. Your damp pussy came into view to the girl across the room, whose breath caught in her throat at the delicious sight.
She watched you sit up and untie the strings to your top, the barely-there piece falling from your body. You watched her visibly drool when your breasts come into view, full and round, nipples erect, begging to be touched in any way.
You had her, every bit of her attention was on you, waiting so patiently for her to touch you.
Patience had never been your virtue, however. 
Your hands stuttered as they traced up your body, your nipples hardening at the sensation. With fingers you wanted so badly to be Riri’s, that you imagined were hers as she watched you from a small distance. 
The piercings adorning your bosom were one of her favorite parts of you. If her pupils could form tiny hearts, they would have. The sight before her was mouthwatering. Your fingers flicked the jewelry, that perfect little “O” forming on your lips. 
The heat in the air was palpable, the intimacy between you two undeniable. 
Your left breast weighed heavy in your hand as you brought it up, further and further until your tongue flicked out, eyes never parting from hers while you tasted your hard nipple and the metal pierced into it. 
Every bit of her demeanor cracked under the sexiness that was you. She stood frozen, in awe as you rose from the bed, strutting towards her on your toes, ass high, head even higher. 
You bent into her suitcase, finishing the task she’d abandoned. The harness was tucked away into the bottom, hidden beneath weeks worth of clothes. 
Still on your knees, you grab Riri behind hers, pulling her closer, until her clothes pussy sat in your face. “Here, lemme help you.”
The wet suit was already hanging so low on her waist that it only took a tug to drop them, her pretty, wet cunt coming to view in front of you. 
Your mouth is on her before you can resist the urge. She accepts your hands on her ass, holding her in place against your tongue. 
Riri’s hand rests on your head, trying so hard to keep her balance and not collapse. Your mouth goes to work, the taste of her satisfying your insatiable hunger. Her clit is so plump against your tongue, the sensitive bulb of nerves twitching, jumping away from the licks that won’t let up. 
“You taste so good, mami,” the urge to please fueled a courage unfamiliar to you. Riri bucked at your words, eyes rolling into her head. 
“Shit-“ the moans came from her in rapid succession, her lungs never fully expanding to take in a complete breath. They were music to your ears. Your pussy leaked, needing to be stuffed full of her. 
You couldn’t part from her just yet. Her hands tangled in your hair, gripping and pulling. Your name was on her tongue, her abs flexed with the orgasm building within her. 
“Shit, baby, you doing so good.”
The praises rang in your ear, satisfying something deep within you. You lapped faster, sucking and slurping. Riri’s pussy was wet, the vulgar sounds echoing in the room. 
She was close-so fucking close. The juices that poured from her were streaming, dripping onto your tongue with a taste that you couldn’t get enough of. Her body burned, needing to feel you everywhere. 
Ri’s thick thighs trapped your head between them, drowning you in the waters that she released, so warm and sweet. Your satisfied moans vibrated within her and though your jaw grew sore, you weren’t stopping. 
Not until you’d planted a passionate kiss to her center, tonguing it as though those lips would kiss you back. 
She watched you stand to your full height with a look full of lust. Oh, she was gonna fuck you up. Riri no longer cared who heard; she needed to hear you scream her name, she needed the bed to be soaked and she needed you to spill over for her time after time. 
“Strap up, Ri.”
The harness had gone from your hand to hers as you backed away, returning to her suitcase to choose the dildo you so craved.
“Where’s mine?”
There were at least six toys, all stored away from any wavering eyes. They were different shapes and sizes, different lengths and girths, all ones that you’d used before.
“Which one, baby?”
Ri wasn’t looking at you, too preoccupied with the straps around her hips and thighs. 
“The vibranium one-“
“They’re all vibranium, y/n.”
You made an audible sound when your teeth smacked your lips, one that Riri took note of. 
“The one I like the most, Ri.”
“I don’t know which one you talking bout, baby,” she stepped towards you, reaching into the bag to pull a thick piece from it, securing the toy to her pelvis. 
“Guess we gotta try them all, see if any of them are ‘yours’.”
She sat on the bed, resting on her forearms, arm held out and welcoming you over. Your steps were slow, and when you were finally close enough, Ri grabbed your waist, pulling your legs on either side of her hips. 
“This how I like you most, pretty girl.”
You hovered over the thick cock awaiting you. Riri’s hands on your backside, eyes scanning you. She brought your hands to her chest and tilted her hips upwards. 
“Sit on it, baby.”
Her whispered commands floated softly to your ears and you groaned at them as the heat burned within your chest. Your pretty lips parted over the tip of her dick, her hands guiding your body onto the extremity. 
Ri was biting on her lip so hard, she was afraid it would bleed, but the sight of you would be worth it. Your body lowered, further and further and she could feel your pussy stretching over the thickness of her cock. She could feel your warmth as her tip kissed your cervix and your pelvis kissed hers. A deep groan rumbled in the back of her throat.
Your pussy felt so full. Beneath you, your legs quivered, the tightness of Riri in your cunt weakening you. “Ohh, fuck-”
Riri gave you a moment to get adjusted, lifting your hand to kiss the palm before resting it back above her chain, the metal cool compared to the heat emitting from your bodies. “Move, baby. Bounce on this shit.”
You weren’t one to be told twice. Knees planted, toes digging into the mattress, you gave her what she wanted. The faux dick slid in and out of you, slurping with your wetness. Ri’s head is thrown back, mouth wide open. “Fuck, baby-”
Riri was something to behold. Her brows furrowed, forehead pulled tight in concentration. Each time you landed back on her cock, your ass slapped her thighs and the sound vibrated through the room.
“S-so good, ma. D-dick so fucking good.” You were already stuttering between clenched teeth. It felt so good, so right. Riri fit into you like she was made for you. Your thighs started to burn, your speed picking up, throwing Riri’s small body into the bed each time your body slapped hers. 
“Griot, soundproof the room.”
Her African accent was thick and low and it shocked you to stillness. You hadn’t even heard her come in.
“Ugh, baby-” Riri didn’t give a fuck who had entered. She already missed the feel of your pussy swallowing her cock.
Shuri sat on the loveseat adjacent to the bed. Her swimsuit had been swapped out for a black shirt and jean shorts, Her chains swung around her neck with each movement, her curls hanging lower in her face than usual, still weighed down by the water. 
“Who told you to stop, intombi entle (pretty girl)?”
She rested her elbows on her knees, hands folded before her. Her tongue flicked over her lips, moistening them before her canines sunk into them. 
“Ri, fuck her.”
Wakanda was doing a number on all of you because Riri did as she was told with no smartass comeback. Her hands grabbed your wrist, pulling them from her chest and restraining them behind you. Alarm bells rang in your head, but you ignored them, your body too excited for what was to come. 
You could feel Shuri’s eyes on your ass, anticipating Ri’s next movements. She fiddled for a moment, her thick cock sitting stuffed between your walls, jerking into you just slightly. You were leaking around her, growing wetter at the watching panther. 
Riri’s first thrust was anything but gentle. You bounced back down on her dick with the echoing sound of skin slapping skin. “Oh, my g-”
Your words are gagged in your throat, the next thrust coming quick and hard, cutting you off. Shuri’s eyes follow your body as Riri finds her rhythm. 
“You fucking her good, Ri. Look at her, just taking that shit.”
You and Ri share a moan at Shuri’s praises. She can’t wait until she can step in and get a taste. She’s allured by your bouncing breasts, so heavy and needy, the way they jump with your gasps and Riri’s movements. Your cunt is spilling onto Riri’s thighs, causing a stickiness between you two that the princess can’t wait to get her mouth on. 
Your movements sputter, cries growing louder, climbing higher. You feel Riri deep-its like she's in your stomach, the way she pounds into you. You’re clenching around her, squeezing your thighs, praying away your impending orgasm. You weren’t ready to cum yet. You didn’t want her to stop, Bast, you didn’t want this to stop. The lack of feeling in your legs was nothing compared to the feeling in between them.
“Ooh, pretty girl. You gon cum already?”
Words no longer exist in your mind so your head shakes in response. Shuri doesn’t move, fueling your flame from her front-row seat. “You not? That dick not good enough to cum on? My bed not good enough for you to flood?”
Riri is fucking drilling you. Her hips rotate into yours, her cock digging into parts of your cunt that you don’t think have ever been reached. 
“C-cum on m-me, baby,” Riri is breathless, her own orgasm fighting to get past the dam she has in place. “F-flood my shit.”
Their words are too much-they’re always too much. You could be on the edge of a cliff and their words would be what pushed you over. It did, every time, and this time was no fucking different.
Your cunt rains down on the girl beneath you, a scream trapped in your chest as she continues amidst the mess you’re making. 
“Fuck-” it drags from Riri’s mouth. She can’t hold it anymore. You’re just too warm, too wet, too tight. “I-shit, baby, c-can I cum in you?”
A nod is all she gets as confirmation and it's more than enough for her. Your eyes hit the back of your skull when you feel her warmth fill you, pushing around the cock that was still buried within your walls. 
“Ooh, fuck, ma-” your words find you, still gasped and low. 
You raise up on shaky legs that fail you. Riri releases from your pussy with a wet squelch and you fall beside her, body spent, legs sore. Both of you lay side by side for a moment, hoping for a few moments to recover, but Shuri is having none of that.
She stands from the chair, eyes stuck on your dripping cunt. It’s calling her and she saunters over, a “good fucking girl” falling from her parted lips. Her large hands hook beneath your thighs, dragging you to the edge of the bed with swift movements. 
Her head dips to your sore center, blowing gentle, cool air over your soaked lips. They’re so pretty, so puffy. You quiver beneath her, “W-wait, Shuri, I need a second-”
“I don’t care,” Her tongue is flat and wide, licking your entire core. The moan she releases at your taste is primal. Both you and Riri’s juices dance on her tongue, and it's better than any chef-made meal she’s ever had. 
The princess’s lips cup your clit and suck. Your back arches, throwing more of your wetness into her face and she accepts it graciously. You feel her everywhere down there-tongue stiffening and darting into your slit, nipping at your lips, kissing on your clit. 
Her tongue picks up speed, developing a pattern. It goes from left to right, up and down, in circles and drawing shapes. A square, a triangle, an S-H-U-
“D-did you just spell out your name?”
A big, stupid grin stretches her cheeks when she parts with your pussy. “I did. Good girl, picking up on that.”
Her praises bring forth a slight chuckle from you. “Why?”
“It’s mine; you’re mine.” She shrugs and her lips are warm and wet when they return to yours.
Riri is mesmerized, stomach heaving. “Can I taste?”
Shuri’s eyes may leave you, but her mouth does not. She beckons Ri over with a quick nod, tongue on your clit while her finger toys with your entrance.
You thought Shuri would move then and make way for Riri, but you were so fucking wrong, it was laughable. 
Two tongues, two wet mouths were on your pretty little cunt and it was heavenly. Shuri and Riri had your sensitive bulb trapped between their tongues as they tasted you, tasted each other. 
“Fuck, fuck, please-”
“Please what, baby?” Riri’s voice was muffled, her head still between your thighs. She wasn’t talking to you, though. Her words were directed to the glistening pussy stuffed in their faces, begging for them to tear it apart.
Fingers enter you and again, you didn’t know whose they were, but they were fucking you, deep, hard, so damn fast. “You squeezing me so fucking tight, baby, damn. Squeeze on my fingers, just like that. Look at you, you doing such a good job.”
“I-shit, mm, I w-wanna cum, pleaseeee-” That last syllable dragged through the air. It was too much. Fingers and tongues and mouths, everywhere. You couldn’t tell them apart, but it didn’t even fucking matter. They were going to bring you to your release, orgasm after orgasm. They weren’t planning on stopping, there would be no breaks. 
“Ooh, Shuri, she asked so nicely.”
Mhm, she moaned, too busy with your clit in her mouth. “Give her what she wants then.”
There was perfection in their movements. The two fingers curved into your cunt were rubbing your G-spot every time, the tongue on your clit further tangling the sensitive nerves behind it. Baby, you were so fucking close, you just needed one more thing-
The third finger in your pussy is what did it. 
“F-f-uck, I, coming, da-shit-” You were drunkenly incoherent. The feeling was overwhelming, so much so that it hurt. Your body needed to get away, but it couldn’t move, frozen in place as pleasure mixed with pain. 
Shuri and Riri were soaked, faces still deep between your thighs as you squirted before them. They devoured you, not letting a single drop go to waste. Your juices ran down their chins, glistened on their cheeks. It was so sloppy, so fucking messy, and it was delicious, the way they swallowed you.
Finally, your sap ran dry and your breathing evened out. Shuri flicked your bean with her tongue once more before she parted with it.
“Aye, Ri-”
Riri’s eyes departed your quivering cunt with a roll. “I swear to God, if you say I took that like a bitch, Imma-”
Shuri’s lips shut her up, pressing hard against Ri’s. It catches the small girl off-guard for a moment, and her mouth drops open.
The princess uses that as her in, tasting your essence from Riri’s tongue. The kiss is sloppy, strings of spit connecting them, your cum being swapped between their mouths. Riri moans into it, and you follow up with one of your own. 
You can see their tongues caressing each other, twisting and tangling, and it's so damn sexy.
You’d never seen them like this, so tender with one another. 
Shuri drops Ri onto the bed beside you, their mouths never detaching. An idea forms in your mind at the sight and you will yourself to get up. Your sore muscles scream as you turn towards them, reaching between their close bodies to unfasten the harness still strapped to Riri. 
Her moans fill the room, coming out muffled underneath Shuri’s lips. Neither of them notices you leave the bed, moving through the room like a ghost. Riri’s suitcase is still open and at the very bottom, zipped behind a discarded pocket is exactly what you’re looking for.
You weren’t one to strap up often in this relationship, and you had no idea how the straps were supposed to go around your hips. “Shuri, c’mere.”
At the sound of your voice, Shuri pulls away from Ri, drool covering their faces and sparks behind their eyes. She turns and catches a glimpse of you, struggling with the harness, and cocks a sharp brow your way.
You can’t help the eye roll you let follow through. “C’mere, please?”
“That wasn’t the problem with that sentence, and you know it, baby girl.”
“I need help,” you whined, patience thinning. 
“What are you trying to do baby?” Shuri reaches you in two steps, her long fingers taking the harness from you and securing it properly. 
You ignore her, directing your next words at the girl still on the bed, watching, waiting for what was to come. 
“Ri, can I fuck you?”
Her mouth fell agape, stunned by the thought. You took her dick so damn well, but she had never taken it from you. The thought was dizzying, excitement in her bones, slick in her cunt.“Y-yeah, baby.”
“You sure it’s not you who need to get fucked again?” Shuri grabs your face, index finger, and thumb sinking into your dimples. “You seem to have forgotten how to address us, baby.”
The smile that spreads on your lips is devious. “Whether or not I address you correctly won’t change the answer, now will it?”
You’ve rendered the princess speechless. Before she can open her mouth again, you throw a pair of boxers in her direction, the ones she used when she fucked you into oblivion. 
“What you want me to do with these?”
“Wear em on your head,” your sarcastic tone cracked a smile on the young royal’s face. She reached up to catch the object you threw her way. It was one of your toys from home, a smaller cock compared to others you used, but still impressive. 
“Safeword, ma?”
Riri sat on the bed, legs spread wide. Anxiety pooled through her veins at what was coming for her and she couldn’t wait. “Um, shit. Red?”
“You always choose red.”
Her shoulders rise and fall, “Then it should be easy to remember.”
You were too busy trying to secure a thicker piece to your body, the vibranium running through it connecting you to the fake cock like it was real. A soft moan lingered on your lips at the feeling radiating down your legs and through your center. 
“You think you in charge now baby?” Shuri’s tone was teasing but her words were true. You’d taken a new lead in the new country and she kind of liked it. 
“Nah, I like being taken care of too much,” your wink actually causes the princess to blush. “Can you go sit behind Ri? Put her on your lap?”
“Yes ma’am,” Shuri gave you a swift salute and made her way back across the room. She lifted Ri with no effort, placing her still-naked, still-wet body on her lap, back to front. 
You made your way behind her, the bed dipping with your added weight. Riri was mesmerized by the sight of you, on all fours, making your way to her like a predator to its prey. 
Her lips are parted so prettily, waiting for you. Her breathing hitches as your mouth approaches hers. When they connect, it’s with a moan and you can still taste yourself, still taste her on her own tongue. 
The kiss is brief and wet. Your lips wrap around her tongue, sucking on your own flavor and when you pull away, you pull her bottom lip with you, teeth sunken into their softness. 
“Remember the safe word?”
“I-yeah? I just said it like two minutes ago.”
You move past her, lips brushing her ear ever so slightly. “Just making sure.”
Shuri’s your target and you get close, your voice getting low so that only she can hear you. 
“Has she ever taken you in her ass, daddy?”
She sputters, her nickname rolling off your tongue and straight to her core. “U-uh, y-yeah, baby. Why?”
“Because that’s where I want you.”
This fucking confidence, it looks so good on you. Shuri can only nod, mind foggy. She lifts Riri by the back of her thighs, planting slow, tender kisses on her neck. “You ready, Ri?”
Shuri’s cock is lined up, ready to enter and Riri’s caught on. “Baby wh-“
You’re running your hand down her front, over her golden chain, through the valley between her breasts, down the tattoo that sits at the top of her stomach, past her belly button, all the way down to her clit. “If you don’t want to, you don’t have to.”
Riri fucking loved this, whatever this side of you was. “I-I want to.”
“Good,” your arms fall around her shoulders and you nod at Shuri to continue. “And we gon take real good care of you, I promise.” You seal your vow with a kiss, just as Shuri’s tip slides in, trapped in Riri’s tightness. 
“Shit,” Ri hisses between clenched teeth. Shuri’s breath is gone, Riri’s squeezing around her just too well. 
“R-Ri, I-“
“Go ahead,” Riri’s pussy glistens at you, awaiting Shuri’s next movements. “B-bottom out. I’m good, f-feels good.”
Riri’s ass swallowing Shuri’s cock was a fucking delicious sight. Excitement grew in your stomach, your clit beneath the strap jumping at the sight. Her legs were spread wide as Shuri’s dick disappeared completely into her. 
“F-fuck Shuri-“
“Yeah, baby. It’s been a minute,  you so fucking tight. C-can I move?”
“Not yet,” you butt in, crawling into the space between Riri’s thighs. Your own cock lined up at her entrance, tip tracing her slit. “Ri?” 
“O-oh,” a dry chuckle escapes her. “Y-you’re gonna destroy me, baby.”
Your lips land against hers once more as you will your hips forward, just a bit. “Is that okay?”
Her nod is frantic, “F-fuck yes.” 
You’d intended to give her all of you at once, but with Shuri in her as well, you’re met with resistance. Riri has to feel every inch of you penetrate her walls slowly, digging deep. She throws her head back against Shuri’s shoulder, mouth wide open, eyes lazy. 
“Oh my god, baby, fuck!”
You stop before you’re fully in, halted by her curses. “Am I hurting you?”
Don’t stop, don’t you fucking stop. Riri’s already gotten a taste of what you were about to give her, she wants it all. Her fingers grab your hips, pulling you closer until you’re hilt deep. “N-no, baby. F-feels good, please, fuck me, fuck me.”
Shuri’s index finger taps your chin, pulling your eyes from Ri and onto her. “You ain’t boss man yet, baby. Follow my rhythm.”
You agree, and pull out at the same time Shuri does. Riri whines, feeling too empty. She needs to be filled again and it doesn’t take long to fulfill her wishes. 
Shuri thrusts so you do too. “Fuck!” It’s more growl than moan, but it sounds lovely coming from Ri’s mouth nonetheless. 
You’re mimicking Shuri’s movements and Ri is a wet mess between you two. You can feel her, all of her. Her juices are trailing down your cock, her walls squeezing you, and god, they were so soft. 
It was like you just melted into her, your moans meshing with hers as though you were the one being fucked. 
“Babyyy, you’re doing s-so good, f-fucking me so good,” her words were fuel to your flame. Your fingers tightened around her waist. The pressure of her gripping you, the pressure of Shuri’s cock pressing against yours through the girl between you, my god, it was fucking delicious. 
And she was fucking delirious, unable to control the sensation as it ran hot through her body or the incoherent words that ran from her mouth. 
“S-so close, so close-“
When Shuri picked up speed, so did you. From the look on her face, full of focus and lust, she was also close. 
“D-don’t cum yet, ma. N-not ready to stop.”
You wanted her to hold it? Fuck, fuck that was gonna be hard. Her orgasm was right there, you were grinding into it with your tip, her pussy splashing around your cock, dripping down to Shuri’s. 
“O-oh baby, I-I can’t-“
“Yes, you can. I know you can.”
Your lower stomach was covered in Riri, the wetness slicking your clit. She couldn’t though. She was already coming, your name on her lips, loud. 
“Y/n, baby, oooh, my b-baby, I-I’m f-fucking coming.”
Shuri breaks your rhythm, bouncing Riri on her cock at inhumane speeds, panther-like speeds. You slip out at the swift movements and Ri is free to release, coming, fucking squirting on your torso, soaking you in her stickiness. 
“Just y/n, Ri? You only coming for her?”
“N-no, Shuri, fuck, t-too deep-“
She lifts the girl slightly, but doesn’t stop. “Oh now you know my name? Didn’t know it when you were coming, so guess I gotta make you cum again, huh?”
Riri’s trying so hard to squeeze her legs shut, her body too sensitive from the orgasm that just wrecked her. “N-no, sorry, S-Shuri, fuck-“
The panther’s got her canines bared, eyes dark, voice low. “Nah, that’s n-not my fucking name no more, baby-“
Shit, what a fucking sight. Ri’s breasts bounce hard, her little body being thrown into the air, landing back on the entirety of Shuri’s cock. 
“I-I’m n-not-“
Shuri showed no mercy, her hand reaching around Riri’s front to swipe at her clit. The overly sensitive bud was already worn out. 
You watched, hypnotized, wondering when Riri would crack. Shuri’s eyes met yours and god, her smirk was so sexy. “Like what you see, baby?”
Your nod was slight, lip pulled between your teeth. “Good, cuz you next.”
She turned back to her task at hand, teeth sinking into Riri’s neck, licking away the pain she knew it caused. 
“C’mon, baby. Give it to me.”
“F-fuck, Shuri, please-“
Shuri was relentless-her torture wasn’t letting up. “My name, Ri. Say my name baby.”
She had to. Riri knew she had to as her second orgasm tethered near. It was going to rip her apart, Shuri was going to rip her apart. Eyes squeezed shut, cunt leaking once more, she caved. Riri gave in, just as her pussy poured into Shuri’s sheets, her name roaring through the air.
“D-daddy, fuck!”
Shuri was fucking pleased and her cock twitched deep in Riri, spilling her seed into her ass and back all over her dick. “Was that so hard? Huh, baby?”
Riri was silent, body shaking, nut collecting beneath the three of you. She convulsed like she was possessed, mouth wide open, a beautiful contortion on her face. 
Her body went limp afterward, falling into the wet comforter beneath her. “Shit-“
Shuri leaned over, a wet kiss falling from her lips and planting on Riri’s. “You called me da-“
“Nigga, no, okay? We don’t speak of it.”
You make your way between their two bodies, having enjoyed the tender moment, even if it was brief. “You did call her daddy, though.”
If looks could kill, you’d be six feet under, and then some. Riri’s eyes were slits, staring daggers into your head. 
Shuri’s lips moved to yours next, “I didn’t know you had all that in you, baby.”
Your blush brought butterflies to the princess’ stomach. “Did I do good? Did you like it?”
Her arms wrap around your body, pulling you on top of hers while Riri scoots closer, kissing down your arm. “You did phenomenally. I fucking loved it, fucking love you.”
“I love y-“
A hard knock cuts your words short. Okoye’s voice rings through the heavy door, “Hey! Yeah, your soundproofing didn’t work, Princess!”
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t00thpaste33 · 1 year
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this was just for funsies before i cram for physics also sorry for the crunchy lines 🔥🔥🔥
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chadwickswidowspeak · 2 years
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Just some arm appreciation 🤭😘
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What's Your Favorite Scary Movie // Shuriri // 18+
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Pairing: Ghostface!Shuriri x Fem!Reader 
Warning: Mentioned Death // Violence // Blood // Fluff // Angst // Attempted Robbery // Guns // Murder // Smut // Threesome //  
Word Count: 5.6k
A/N: I started over SO MANY TIMES. Felt like it wasn’t right or something was off but I am happy with how this one turned out. Sorry for making yall wait but here is the Ghostface crossover fic as promised. Not proofread so forgive the errors.
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When you first saw them, they were in the middle of one of their nightly outings. You shouldn’t have been there. You were supposed to meet some friends for a movie. But you just had to be stupid as fuck and try to help a woman who had ran into you. She was bleeding, scared, and disoriented. You would think she ran from a car accident or something. She held onto you while sobbing as you tried to calm her down. "Hey let's go ahead and get you to a hospital okay. You look like you've been hit by a car." You rubbed her shoulders making sure you didn't brush over any wounds. "What's your name? Where did you come from?" She cried into your shoulder before wiping blood off her cheek. "Anita. I was coming from a party and they started chasing me. Stabbed me." She was starting to become hysterical and you brushed her hair down. "Who chased you?' You said as a figure stepped out of the shadows. "We have to run!" She screamed out pulling you behind her as you navigated through the park. The figure was ducking through the trees and you went ahead of her as she started to slow down. You took the lead and ran ahead with her hand in yours. You could see the street ahead and smiled. "Come on, we're almost there." You couldn't wait to get to safety. Just as you passed through the gate the woman was snatched away from you with such force you nearly tripped up. The woman locked eyes with you and you can see the fear swimming in her brown eyes before she was stabbed in her stomach. You wanted to scream but couldn't. The scene in front of you had you frozen in place. The knife was yanked out before they stabbed her again, this time you can see the life fade from her eyes. You should run. Dropping her body they turned the mask in your direction and you felt glued to your spot. Your eyes flickered from the figure to the now dead Anita on the ground. The masked figure gave a small nod and you frowned in confusion. Get up and run. You jumped to your feet and booked it into the street. Running down the sidewalk you kept your eyes forward trying to get to your house. It's right there. Dashing up the steps you grabbed your key and went for the doorknob but the silence behind you had your hair on your neck standing straight. Your thoughts cut short when your head was tilted back as a rag was put over your mouth and nose. You reached back while your legs kicked in the air, trying your best to get out of their iron grip. "Relax, pretty girl." And just like that you were out like a light. 
When you came to you were in a bedroom with your hands and feet tied together. Pulling at the restraints you silently cursed as it didn't budge. This is not happening. The door slowly opened and you saw the mask. You leaned further into the headboard and watched them as they set the knife down on the small table. "You good. I won't hurt you." 
"What do you want with me? Why didn't you kill me at the park?" You couldn't help the questions that rolled off your tongue as they made their way closer to you. "Hate to break it to you ma, but you was in the wrong place at the wrong time. What was a pretty thing like you doing alone at night. You ever watch the news? Ever watch scary movies?" They said with a distorted voice and you felt a shiver run down your spine. The mask was lifted high enough for you to see their dark lips and you held your breath. "Use your words ma. It’s rude to not answer a genuine question." They stated in a light tone and you sighed. You waited anxiously as they took the mask completely off their head and your shoulders fell. She was gorgeous. And also dangerous, but you can’t knock her looks. You were sure your eyes were like saucers as she approached you. "Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you. As long as you don't try anything." You shrunk back into the headboard not knowing what else to do. You wanted to try and escape but with your feet tied together it wouldn't do you much good. She was so ruthless and dangerous when she killed people. She has blood on her hands but yet she spoke so softly to you. Inviting. As if she was afraid you'd despise her. "You're the one going around killing people?" Your fear must've been written all over your face because she was trying her hardest to stay calm. “Nothing gets past you huh pretty?” If you were in any other situation your heart would flutter but she just killed someone AND kidnapped you. You held your hard stare before you gave a small tug on your restraints with a sigh. "This necessary?"
"For now yeah. It was the only way she was gonna let you stay here." You frowned up and looked at the girl. "She?" Riri nodded her head as she walked to the side of the bed. You felt uneasy but did your best to look as calm as possible. "Never been kidnapped before." You mumbled trying to make subtle conversation. You caught her stare and saw a slight glint of worry in her dark eyes. "It ain’t personal. You saw us. Got to make sure you won't say anything to anybody. Wouldn’t want you getting hurt." 
"So she's awake? She better be with how much trouble we just went through for her." A voice called out and you looked behind Riri to see a taller woman leaning on the doorframe wiping her hands with a paper towel. Your stare glued to the red stains. She was a bit thinner but she looks like she could snap you in half if she wanted to. You were sure she was the one that grabbed you. Her curls fell over her eyes but you were sure she was looking right through you. Her accent made it known that she wasn’t from around here. You wanted to seem tough but you stuck in a room with two bitches that kill people. “This is my partner. Wish I coulda introduced yall on a lighter note.” You didn’t miss how she sized you up before a scoff left her lips. “This is her? The one who almost got away. Bast are we getting sloppy?” She slowly approached you before grabbing your chin. “Just because we left you alive doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods. So for your sake you better be on your best behavior.”
A couple hours have passed since you’ve woken up and you've still been kept in the dark on what they were planning to do with you. If they were gonna kill you, you’d like to know. There was a small knock at the door and you sat up quietly. Riri popped her head in the door and your palms started to sweat. "You still looking at me like imma stab you or some shit."
"Like you did ole girl at the park? I'm scared aight. Pretty sure I can be, you’ve killed people." You stated as the other woman walked in shortly after. "She has a right to be afraid. After what we did to those people. I would be too if I was in her position." You winced at the playfulness laced in her words as you watched the two carefully. "Please. I don’t have time for you acting like that.” You were sure she was toying with you at this point. Making you feel uncomfortable on purpose. “Shuri-” A name slipped off her tongue and the three of you sat in silence. The girl noticed her mistake and looked at her partner. “Look, we can only go forward from here. She’s here. Right now. It’s either you get over it or we send her back. Where she could potentially call the cops. The choice was made and now here we are.” You watched the two go back and forth not really knowing if it's your place to say anything. "Why do you think Riri left you alive hm?" She tilted her head and for the first time in this conversation you locked eyes with her. 
"I honestly don’t know. I’m just trying to stay alive here. If I upset you, I’m not doing it on purpose." You tried to level with her but she shook her head. You rubbed your hands down your dirty jeans and she scoffed. 
"You don't have anything to be afraid of. She made sure I knew you were off limits. So I can't kill you. But that doesn't mean I can't harm you." She pulled your chin up so you were looking her in the face. "Shuri-" The taller woman ignored her partner and continued to intimidate you. "You have become a thorn in my side the second we brought you back here." 
"Likewise." You mumbled and she raised an eyebrow. 
"So you do have a little bark in you." She smirked and you balled your fists. "You look like you want to say something. So say it."
"You seem to already know. So why should I?" You scowled and she grabbed the back of your. "Do not forget who you are talking to. I can rip your life away from you in less than a second." For a split second you saw the darkness in her eyes and you felt anger crawl up your spin. "Yo Shuri what the fuck! Let her go." Riri shouted, running to free you from the woman's grip. "Shuri, please calm down. We aint kids no more use your damn words."
"She shouldn't be here." Shuri spat as she ignored Riri's attempts to calm her down. You had enough at this point. You didn’t care if they stabbed you to death or slit your throat. You did NOTHING wrong. "You can talk to me any kind of shit way but when I bite back it’s a problem. What’s the matter, can’t handle what you dish out princess?” You spat before she grabbed her hunting knife off the table. You staggered a bit but refused to back down. You are too deep in the argument to back away now. She swung once but you back away so her next bet was to tackle you to the floor. You brought a hand to the back of her head, grabbing a fist full of curls. She brought the knife up and you used your free arm to cover your chest and neck. “Shuri! Ease up!” Riri ran up to grab her arm before the taller woman swung back. Riri dodged just in time before the blade made contact with her neck. Her eyes grew wide in shock before you felt Shuri’s anger disappear. “Shit. I’m sorry usana. I didn’t mean to snap at you.” She got off you, dropping the blade to cup Riri’s cheeks. You watched the exchange in silence before getting to your feet and walking out of the room, leaving the two alone. Riri came to you to apologize on Shuri's behalf sometime after but everything she was saying went in one ear and out the other. You had completely disassociated yourself. She saw you made no effort to speak and let out a sigh. The look on your face. She’d seen it before. When Shuri found out her mother had passed it's like everything else didn't matter. She wouldn't eat or sleep. Riri was the first to notice how you shut everything out. You just sat there and slept. And Shuri has been gone for the past 3 hours. The younger girl waited for Shrui to return and jumped to her feet when the door was pushed open. 
"Hey." Shuri locked eyes with her before setting her gear on the table. "Hey. How's um.." 
"She still hasn't said anything. You really freaked her out earlier. You can’t be snapping on people like that.” Shuri leaned on the counter with her head down as Riri reamined in her spot. “I know. I know.”
“Look Shuri, I think we're good to take her back home." 
"Out of the question."
"She was on the security footage from that night. The last person to see that woman. Alive. The police have swarmed her home. Checking everything inside and out. With her not being that for so long they're ready to pin it on her." Now she cares? You listened in on their conversation since Riri mentioned you going home but Shuri had a point. You'd be sent to jail on sight. The police force for this town was more of a 'act now ask questions later' kinda setup. "She has to stay here. You said it yourself, just till things calm down." Shuri left a lingering kiss to Riri's lips before she walked down the hall without another word and Riri looked back at the closed door separating you. On the other side you couldn’t help but feel a sense of peace. Shuri was right. You’d have to stay for awhile, a few more days at least. Taking a seat on the bed, you fiddled with your nails when the door opened. Riri walked around to face you with a blank stare. "Hey ma. Listen, I’m sorry about her, but unfortunately you can't go home just yet. Not if you don't want to get arrested." You didn't even flinch in response to her words and she sighed. She tightly grabbed your chin, she made sure you looked at her. Your eyes focused and went wide as she looked at you. "There's no point in sulking now. It's either you stay here with us or go back to get arrested. Which one you prefer?" You remained silent as a smirk appeared on her lips. "You need to loosen up a bit. I can help with that but you gotta tell me yes." You stared up at her with wide eyes before you took your lip between your teeth. “Promise she won’t kill me?” You couldn’t help your shaky voice as she brought her hands to your cheeks. Another voice cut in as she opened her lips to speak. “Cross my heart.” Shuri opened the door with a small smirk. You stared up at her but Riri grabbed your chin, pulling you into a feverish kiss. 
"You okay with this?" You nodded, pulling her flush against you with a soft kiss. Her hands immediately went to your waist as you fell back against the mattress. Any hesitation she held washed away as her kisses became sloppy and hot. "Then tell us what you want, let me hear how you want to get fucked?" Pulling at your pants she slipped her hand over your panties causing you to throw your head back. Riri left a trail of kisses, tongue and spit down your neck as Shuri leaned against the doorframe, watching the scene in front of her unfold. 
"Riri, fuck don't stop." You moaned out while the woman worked diligently on rubbing circles around your covered clit. Your legs spread to give her room to move when the sensation became more than a small jolt of pleasure. You urged her to go faster as she felt the wet spot she created, gently rubbing you down. "You can be louder than that. I know that for a fact." You groaned at her words before she pushed two fingers past the waistband and stroked your folds. "So fucking wet for me." She slipped her fingers inside you as her tongue dragged along your skin. You took the lead and started fucking yourself on her digits while she pulled at your shirt to reveal your gray bra. Not long after the piece was on the floor, giving Riri a chance to clasp her lips around your nipple. She curled her fingers as she sped up the pace, fucking you a bit harder. Shuri watched on as you clenched around her lover's fingers, feeling her own wetness start to pool between her legs. You took her so well. Brushing against your g spot, Riri groaned as you quickly come undone by her hand. "Fuck Ri I'm gonna come. I'm coming." You moaned as your juices spilled into her hand. She pulled away to admire the shine on her fingers before slipping on in her mouth. "You taste so fucking good." You move in for a desperate kiss with half lidded eyes, still warm and sensitive in bliss. You could taste yourself on her tongue before feeling another body beside you. You locked eyes with Shuri, tensing up before Riri tapped your shoulder. 
"It's alright. She gone take care of you too." You felt at ease by her words as Shuri leaned in to kiss your forehead. You sighed into her touch as her hand gently wrapped around your throat. Riri latched onto your pulse to keep herself busy as you fell into the passion of the kiss. "I’m sorry for earlier. I didn’t mean to scare you." Riri groaned against your skin before repositioning against the headboard. She brought her hands up to cup your breasts while Shuri pulled your panties down your legs painfully slow. "Will you forgive me Y/N?.”
"Trust us ma. We both know how to treat a lady." Riri added as she spread your legs. Gently tilting your head back to plant a hungry kiss to your lips. When you pulled away Shuri nestled her own hips between your thighs. "This is why you didn't answer my question earlier?" You said as she rubbed the tip of her strap along your dripping slit. She took her time slipping into you causing you to wince from the slight burn of her stretching you out. This one will take some getting used to. She was halfway inside before she grabbed your chin. "Look at me. Usana." The xhosa slipped off her tongue as you stared into her dark eyes. She then took the chance to fully bury herself into your warmth. Riri on the other hand took the chance to wrap her arm around your body to find the throbbing bundle of nerves aching to be touched. "Oh my god." You moaned out leaning against Riri's now bare chest. When she shed her shirt you'll never know. "Wait. Ri let me taste you baby. Please." You whined and she gave a small nod. "When you ask so nicely. Shuri pulled out to let you maneuver until you were hovering over Riri's clothed pussy. You helped her shimmy out of her shorts before a moan left your lips as you laid eyes on the wetness dripping down her thighs. Your tongue peeked from between your lips as you gave a single lick along her slit. The moan that left her was utterly disgusting and you wanted to pull more from her. She usually never let's you go down on her. You started to lap at her pussy as Shuri ran the tip of her strap over your drooling folds. With a sudden thrust you moaned into Riri's heat, the vibrations sending her into a frenzy. The woman behind you started her own pace while you flatten your tongue and lapped up Riri's arousal. You moaned out as she grabbed your hair to use your face to chase her orgasm. You slid a finger past her walls while your mouth worked its magic.
"Fuuuuuuuuuck that's it." Shuri wasted no time pounding into you while you helped Riri with her own. You licked, spit and sucked on her pussy until you felt her clench around your finger. "She's still so pretty when she comes." Shuri joked as Riri's body went limp on the bed. You could tell Shuri was close. The toy brushed against her clit with the same intensity she was giving to fuck you. The knot was so close to coming loose. The toy pushed against your abused g spot and you felt a second orgasm creep up on you. You clenched down on her strap feeling your juices gush out over her thighs. Soon after her grip tightened over the skin of your ass and her orgasm wrecked through her. "Look at that. You're so pretty like this." Riri held your cheeks as Shuri pulled out of you. Your body went slack against Riri's chest as you took a minute to come down from cloud nine. Shuri peppered a trail of kisses down your back. "You did so good for us Y/N. You groaned in response, not being able to form words as Riri ran her fingers over your scalp. “We’re not through with you yet, beautiful.”
You pulled yourself out of your trance from last night's activities when the lightning lit up the night sky. Leaning on the counter you opened the cabinet to get a bowl down. After filling the dish with Cinnamon Toast crunch you heard your phone buzz. Your eyes lit up when you saw a certain group chat icon on your screen.
Shuri: Didn't take you for a squirter.
You felt your face grow hot before hiding behind a pillow. 
Y/N: Neither did I but I guess you're just good with your hands. 
Riri: If you do that everytime, It'll get even better. You trying to slide through tonight?
Y/N: I can't. Got a tutoring session.
Shuri: With who? 
Y/N: That girl Tiana. Said she needed some help so she could pass her herbology lecture. But she was supposed to be here an hour ago. Idek if she's still coming.
Neither of them responded for a couple minutes and you began to wonder if something happened.
Y/N: Yall okay?
Shuri: Yeah, I had to make a call.
Riri: But she asking for help then don't show. Bitch crazy. Couldn't have been me. 
Y/N: Yeah I know you'd charge her an extra $300. 
Riri: Nah $400 just because I don't like ha ass.
Y/N: Ri! You stupid as hell 
Riri: I'm just saying. But look yall start the movie without me, imma swing by later. I need to handle something.
Y/N: Everything alright?
Riri: Yeah. The brainless jock ass thought I was playing about paying me. 
Y/N: Don't go to hard on him 
Riri: I won't ma.
You sat down your phone and put on some sweatpants before heading to the kitchen with your phone now in hand. You turned on the news and stopped in your tracks as the bright red letters urgent news caught your attention. 
"It's been 6 days since Anita Ubie was found stabbed to death just outside of Chicago's outskirts. This marks the fourth killing in the span of 2 weeks. We have suggested that everyone be cautious and the authorities have begun to set a curfew in place.
Your mind began racing over the past couple of days. It could’ve been you. But it wasn’t. There’s nothing you could do now. They brought you home so you could talk to the police and clear your own name. Thanks to Shuri it was said that a man Anita was seeing snapped and killed her when he found out she was cheating on him. You just so happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. You shook your head of the thought and went into your kitchen. You proceeded to put your dishes in the sink before the doorbell rang. You stood still in the middle of the kitchen, dumbfounded. You weren't expecting company at this time of night. You creeped up to the peephole and let out a sigh of relief when you saw a familiar face. You opened the door to see Tiana fixing her makeup with a man next to her. You recognized him as her sneaky link Tay.
"Bitch you were supposed to be here 2 hours ago. Alone." You sneered not to keen on people wasting your time. 
"Girl relax, I had to stop by Tay's place. I swear he can make any stress I have disappear with a good dick down. But decided at the last minute to bring him, he won't be in the way. I promise." She sighed, stretching her arms above her head as she walked in with Tay on her heels. 
"You reach out to me, saying you want a girls night. Then you wasted my time because of a dick appointment? THEN you show up here with said dick appointment. Where ya man? Cause last I heard, its sure as hell not Tay. You chuckled, closing your door. Not aware of the eyes watching the scene unfold.
"Look, he's not giving it to me the way I need it and Tay can. But that's a secret that stays between us." She frowned as you rolled your eyes. "Look, I'm sorry. It won't happen again."
"Let's just get this over with. I got shit to do. Just make sure you pay me my money when we done. Its extra for me to keep your little secret." You told her as you led the way to your living room. You took notice of how Tiana scanned the room before sitting on the couch.
"I gotchu. Maybe Tay can help you out sometime." You laughed at her offer before setting your books down on the table. "Nah. Don’t root for that team." 
"Really! I never would've thought." She said and you nodded before starting your late night study session. "Girl, what the fuck made you move all the way out here? All this land surely can be scary at night huh."
"It's alright. I tend to like being alone so it's not that big of a deal." You told her as she leaned down to grab the remote.
"Have you seen the news lately? People turning up dead left and right. Makes me not want to leave the house anymore." She stated with a shiver.
"Yeah shits wild. That's why you gotta have something to protect yourself. I always keep my pistol somewhere nearby." Your eyes moved from Tiana to Tay who seemed a little skittish. "You aight? You've been a bit jittery since you got here. I'm not going to shoot you. Not unless you give me a reason to." 
"Nah, just tired is all. Been up all day doing some yard work for a couple down the street from my house. Haven't really wound down yet." He told you but kept diverting his eyes away from you. 
"Yeah. In this heat I'm sure working all day will do it to ya. Hey I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back." You told the couple as you grabbed your phone and went down the hall. You hadn't noticed how Tiana burned holes in your back and entire walk until you closed the door. After doing your business you unlocked your phone to see a slew of messages from your best friend, Shuri, and Riri?
Nia: Bitch call me when you read this!
Shuri: Y/N Call me!
Nia: Bitch I know you're tutoring Tiana today. Watch yo back. Especially if she bring that bum ass nigga Tay. Streets whispering that they gone try to pull some shit on you. Saying they just robbed Jerome and his sister after she invited them over to her place. From what I'm hearing, the bitch don't like you. Please be careful. 
Riri: You said you was tutoring Tiana? Did that bitch bring somebody to yo house.
You frowned as you read the messages and cursed. You should have kicked them both out when she showed up 2 hours late with this nigga. You ran the water to pretend you're washing your hands before going under the sink for the gun you have hidden there. Sticking the gun in the back of your pants you walked out with a slight scowl. "I got to cut tonight short. We're done here."
"What but we haven't gotten to the last chapter yet."
"Yeah I'm pretty tired. Picked up an early shift tomorrow and can't afford to be late." You lied with a smile and Tiana's eye twitched. 
"Okay. We'll just have to finish another time then." She said grabbing her books. "Yeah. I'll get to you when I have an opening." She failed to conceal her annoyance as she let a sigh leave her lips. "Don't you want me to pay you?"
"On the house."
"In that case girl, I need you to hand over everything you got." Her friendly persona quickly dropped as Tay aimed a gun at you. You reached for your own and aimed back as you put distance between you and them.
"Don't fuck with me Tiana. Get the fuck out my house." You sneered as you noticed a shadow walk past the window. "Now."
"Look. I know you tight with Riri Williams. That bitch got people dropping bands to help them pass classes. Now all of a sudden yall fucking? I hear the gossip." She shouted as you began to back up. "There's a lot of students paying her Y/N. Meaning it's a shit ton of money. I just know she giving you a cut, so give it up and we'll leave."
"Bitch fuck you and your pansy ass side piece." You spat and her smile faded into a scowl. "I could always make Tay shoot yo ass hoe!"
"How many people you brought to my house?" Her expression switched to confusion for a split second and she scoffed, not even noticing your attention was on the door. "What? Why would I bring groupies to rob yo stupid ass?"
"So who the fuck is at my door?" You questioned and the two of them turned to look. You could see a figure standing there but you refused to run to check.
"How the fuck should I know? Tay tell them to come back later. We're in the middle of something." She said as Tay walked up to the door. He swung open the door to reveal someone dressed in a black cloak with a white mask. 
"The fuck. Nigga it's a little early to be dressing up for Halloween. Look at this nigga bruh." Tay laughed and Tiana giggled behind her hand. "Look bruh you gotta go. We busy right now. But when we're done, you're more than welcome to take some more of her shit. We just want the money."
"Shut yo ass up Tay. You talk too damn much." Tiana sneered as you aimed your gun at her. 
"Get. Out." She let her mask fall as fear crossed her features. Tay had the gun and he was preoccupied. 
"Tay. Shoot this bitch. We'll just take what we want and leave her bleeding out on the floor." She spat before Tay gasped. We both turned to look at the door in time to see Tay drop the gun. He sounded as if he was trying to speak but weird gurgling sounds came out instead. "Tay quit playing!" Tay turned at the sound of her voice and your eyes widened. His throat had been slit and his hand held the cut to try and stop the bleeding but to no avail. The person at the door tilted their head and you bolted up the stairs, Tiana not far behind screaming her head off. You could hear the steps of the intruder as you ran to your room. Tiana locked herself in your hallway bathroom. You slipped under your bed with your pocket knife close. The house sat silent. Not a word was said. But you could hear the slow footsteps echoing throughout the hall. Black boots stopped in front of the bathroom door and they rattled the handle. Tiana screamed for them to stop but they continued to torment the girl. That was until a voice called out from downstairs. "Tiana! Oh shit, is that Tay? Fuck- Tiana!" The intruder dashed down the hall as Devon came up the stairs. "Devon. They're still out there! They killed Tay." Tiana’s voice cracked as she cried in the bathroom. 
"What, who?" He asked, leaning into the door. "Unlock the door. There's no one out here." As the lock clicked she opened the door but the intruder chose to strike and bury their knife in his back. This one was different. Taller. Slimmer. Stronger. Devon shouted in pain as he was pushed into the bathroom. Between his shouts of pain and Tiana's screams of fear you put a hand over your mouth to silence your own sobs. Tiana slipped out the bathroom unscathed just to trip over her own feet. She crawled into your room before she was grabbed by the hair to lift her up off the floor. You locked eyes with her as the same knife that killed Tay, slid across her neck leaving a thick red line. She began choking on her own blood until she lay still on the floor. The intruders silently backed out of the room leaving you alone under the bed. Your carpet began to stain red the longer Tiana's body laid there. Moving from under the bed you quietly tried to reach the door and run yo ass up outta there. Fuck me.
You tiptoed down the steps trying to avoid tripping over Devon while searching for the masked intruder. When you reached the doorway a gloved hand reached out and wrapped around your neck and you stopped in your tracks. Staring into the dark voids of the mask you just stopped fighting and relaxed. You felt another presence behind you and looked up to see another mask. Tilting their head as they stared down at you, running a gloved finger down your neck.
"What's the matter ma, cat got your tongue?" The voice was distorted and you gave a small sigh. "Took you two long enough."
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risingoftime · 1 year
can you do a riri fic where she says move your hand/ being aggressive during yk 🤭
𝖘𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖘 𝖇𝖊𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖍𝖊𝖊𝖙𝖘 | 𝖗𝖎𝖗𝖎 𝖔 𝖋𝖊𝖒!𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗
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synopsis:  Riri had just returned to her hometown after her time at Wakanda and MIT. After her school year of stress, she’s looking forward to finally spending the summer with her childhood best friend. Yet, the feelings she ran away from all return once she’s with her again.
word count: 3.8k
warnings: smut, friends to lovers, implied cheating, fingering, softdom!riri, overstimulation, strap use!, min plot, cursing, multiple positions, strap riding, mutual orgasm.
18+ | minors do not interact
➴ feel free to send me more thots
The knocking on my window jolted me awake. Quickly wiping away the drool from my lips, I saw Riri staring back at me. I almost pushed her over when I whipped open the car door. Enfolding her in my arms, I squeezed her body close to mine and spun around. The scent wavering off her skin made me more entranced with Riri—a sweet vanilla and saffron cologne she always wore, her signature. Her head rested on my shoulder, and we stood momentarily until I pulled away to get a better look at my best friend. Riri had never been the girly type growing up. She used to always wear her hair out in a heap of curls and wore clothes that accentuated her masculine features. Riri claimed it was “easier” to wear loose clothing when working in the garage. Today, she kept her hair braided in straight-back cornrows, allowing me to see her face, unlike before. That wasn’t the only change that I noticed about her. She had a restless look, bags under her eyes and an unreadable emotion that I couldn’t place.
“I’ve missed you so much!” I shook her as I said so. Riri had just rolled her eyes in response with the same goofy smile she had when we were kids. “Yeah, I could see that. I waited at the terminal for almost an hour, ringing off your phone as you drooled on yourself.” Sneaking a peak at the time, I saw 4:47 pm flash across my iPhone. 
“I’m so sorry! How did you even find me?” 
“I can’t miss this bright ass red car you built with my Dad. It’s a sight for sore eyes. Is that the Cuda you’ve always been talking about? I didn’t know you finished  it.” Riri trailed her fingers on the car's tail and popped my trunk to begin putting her bags inside. The car has been my dream for as long as I can remember. It’s a 72 Plymouth Cuda that Mr. Williams and I restored to ride like new. I’ve spent my spare time outside university lecturers working in the shop. So this car was just a perk. 
“Yeah, and if you’ve been listening to me during our calls, you’d know that already.” 
I flicked Riri in the temple of her head, opened the passenger door for her to enter, and hopped in shortly after. Before starting the engine, I told her, “We have a lot to catch up on.” 
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Riri took her time before driving to my house, and I expected nothing less. From the looks of it, Riri needed those moments with her family to unwind. Either way, it gave me more time to prepare for her to sleep over. Since she’s been gone, I’ve moved into my parent's basement after they renovated the house. So not only did I have a bigger room, but I also had a living space and my bathroom away from my younger siblings, which meant more privacy when I had company. And I wanted Riri all to myself tonight without interruption, to talk, of course. 
I don’t know when I developed feelings for Riri, but I assume they had always laid dormant, waiting patiently to be known. It arose during our first goodbye when Riri had to leave for MIT. My throat felt thick, like it was hard to swallow, and my chest hurt at the sight of her packed bags in front of her house. The feeling was foreign to me as I had never felt strongly about anyone in that way before. Not even for my past ex-boyfriends. I never truly cared who came and left as long as I had Riri by my side. So naturally, when she left for school, I was distraught. I tried to convince her to stay in our city and work for our Dad’s mechanic shop, but I knew in my heart that she was destined for more. Her mind was one of her best qualities. Since she was a child, it was unmistakable that Riri was a scientific protege. I couldn’t live with myself if I were the reason why she never went after her dreams and aspirations. Yet now, as she came back home for summer break, I was unsure how I would go another year without her near. 
I waited patiently in my living room and assessed the space around me. I lit candles, and Riri’s favourite snacks, hidden from my curious siblings, were now perfectly arranged on my coffee table. Since childhood, we’ve been inseparable, literally. Both of our Dads had been best friends since college and decided to move their families to the same neighbourhood. Riri and I ended up doing everything together because of it. We went to the same school, played in the same soccer league, visited our Dads at their mechanic shop, and rode our bikes whenever the weather allowed. Sunday dinners would either be at hers or mine, and if we were lucky, we could convince our parents to let us order takeout. I can’t remember a time as a kid without Riri not being too far behind. She captivated all of my dearest memories. I felt the same—nerves and excitement from the airport. Riri would be here any minute now, and I couldn’t stop watching the clock. Our calls and texts had been less frequent this year as Riri’s workload and responsibilities were never-ending, making me even more impatient to see her finally. 
Heavy footsteps descended the staircase, and I instantly knew who it was before I could see the face behind the wall. “Riri, I still don’t understand how you’re 5ft and walk as if you’re a grown man,” I laughed. Riri looked down at her feet-covered Nike socks once she entered the basement and shrugged nonchalantly before making a beeline toward the snacks on the table. Her eyes instantly lit up once she saw the arrangements of sweet and sour candy from our childhood.  
“No way! I didn’t even know these were still sold in stores,” she squealed. 
Riri hugged me before opening the snacks, beginning with the gummy worms. She sorted the candies by colour, leaving two piles for her and me. I never minded this because they all tasted similar to me, but not Riri; she’s always adamant about them tasting different. Reaching forward, I grabbed one from what I assumed was my pile, which Riri claimed to dislike. 
“Cheers?” I turned to her on the couch, holding the worm in my hand to reach her halfway, and bumped mine against hers before biting off the gummy. 
“I never understood why we always used to do that as kids. Looking back, we thought it was so cool, but it’s corny now that we’re older” Riri smiled in between bites and held a handful of the worms in her lap. Although she appeared to be different, deep down, Riri was still the person I called my best friend. 
“Aren’t all traditions a bit corny?” I asked. 
“I guess… But what did I miss while I was gone? You said we needed to catch up.” 
Stretching out my legs in front of me, I reached forward to grab the wine bottle and poured myself a glass. “Yeah, we do. But first, you need to tell me why you’ve been MIA at MIT. It’s not like you not return my calls or texts. And now? You show up like everything is normal. Did you forget I know you like the back of my hand?” I raised my eyebrow at Riri, beckoning her to respond. She pursed her lips as if she was in deep thought about what to say. The silence stretched between us until she broke. 
“I wish I could tell you, I do. Just know that I wasn’t purposefully ignoring you. Can we call it even? It’s not like you haven’t done the same in the past.”
“Speaking of, how’s Jayden?”  The smirk on her face returned when she brought up my ex. 
“First of all, Jayden and I are irrelevant; second of all, why do you keep changing the subject? Does this have something to do with Princess Shuri visiting your dorms?” 
“How did you find out about that?” Riri exclaimed. Her body turned frigid, and her posture was upright and tense. She was unaware when others kept tabs on her, probably how she got involved with Wakandan royalty. 
“You’re roommate MJ told me. I still have her number from when I visited you last time.” The bitter taste remained in my mouth from having to go as low as contacting Riri’s MIT friends to know why she had been airing my calls. After all, I’m her best friend. I should know about what’s going on in her life. But, instead, time and distance felt like it was driving us further apart. It felt like a knife had stabbed me in my chest. 
“Look, I would’ve told you everything if I could. It’s just complicated,” Riri sighed. 
“Yeah, I know you would. I was just worried about you. Next time, give me a heads up before you disappear like that again.” 
“You were worried about me?” Her facial features perked up at the thought. 
“Of course, I worry about you! You drove me to the point of tracking down your fucking roommate. That’s such a stupid question to ask me, Riri.” To my surprise, the girl had the nerve to laugh. 
“It’s so hard for me to take you seriously when you talk like that. You’re cute when you’re upset.” 
“I won’t be so cute when I shove my foot up your ass.” The smile on her face grew more prominent, and what was said next made my mouth drop in shock. 
“Careful. I might be into that shit.” 
I felt my heart race at the thought of what kinks Riri might have. She’s never been the most forthcoming about her sexual escapades. Riri hasn’t ever told me about her dating life. I just always assumed she didn’t have one. But her comment piqued my interest. 
“Oh really, so what are you into? MJ?” I asked. 
“MJ has a boyfriend, and what I like… I don’t think that she could handle that.”
 I narrowed my eyes at her, “handle what? Riri, you’re 5ft.” Her legs were spread out before her, taking up more space as she got comfortable. It was playful banter, but I could feel my head spinning from our conversation's whirlwind and the implications of Riri’s sexual escapades. I wasn’t used to being on the other side of this. Usually, I would be the one spilling all of the juicy secrets. A part of me was bothered that she had another life that she had never alluded to. One that was kept between the sheets. 
“You'd be surprised. I could make you forget about that sorry ass Jayden’s name.” Her cockiness always ticked me off, yet now I was outright embarrassed. I had been more than forthcoming with Riri about Jay’s weak ass stroke game, and now she was throwing it back in my face. 
“It wasn’t like he was that memorable anyways,” I retorted. I ignored Riri’s suggestion, unsure if it was wise to venture and explore that side of our relationship. It wasn’t that I hadn’t noticed the tension or stolen glances that were exchanged between us. I was just scared to make the first move.
 “And I doubt you could have me hooked on you just like that. For all I know, you’re a holy virgin.” I held a poker face to conceal my beating heart and the jittery nerves that kept my body on edge. Riri’s eyes raked over my body, and suddenly my clothing felt invisible. 
“Give me five minutes. That’s all I need to get you begging for me.”
 Picturing what Riri’s hands were capable of with me underneath her. I’ve watched her work in the shop, observing how her nimble fingers can reach all the tricky spots to complete a job. I couldn't help but now wonder what they were capable of.  I bit my lip to distract myself from the oncoming images that shadowed my rational thoughts.
“Five minutes,” she repeated, “and I'll compensate for all the stress I caused.” 
Riri could tell my mind was turning and debating what to say next. She closed the space between us. I looked down at our legs and how hers brushed against mine. With every move, Riri had made my body even more hyper-aware of what would happen. Her fingers trailed along my legs, hinting at her intentions. My breath hitched at the contact. I can’t remember the last time I’ve had sex or a good fuck. Jayden was a pretty boy but wasn’t good for anything else but to look at. He kept me company for the time being until what I wanted flew in. Now that it was in front of me, I was unsure if I had the confidence to take it. 
“If we do this, Riri, I can’t forget it happened.” 
“Neither can I, and I don’t want to.”  Riri’s hand brushed against my cheek, and my breath hitched as her face approached nearer. I could smell the candy on her, the sugar remnants still on Riri’s lips. I craved to know what it would feel like to be the one who could lick it off. I felt the familiar wet spot between my legs from the mere thought of having Riri’s body against mine. Once her lips met mine, all my thoughts drifted away and were replaced by lustful impulses. It began soft and tentative, as if we were kids again, unsure of the other. Riri’s full lips were unbelievably soft as I lightly bit her bottom lip, encouraging her to open up further for my tongue to slip inside. The taste of sugar invigorated my senses, awakening every cell in my body and urging me to wrap my arms around Riri’s waist. I pressed myself towards her until our bodies were flushed against each other. I was practically on top of her at this point. I only paused between our heated makeout to bring my legs on either side of Riri to straddle her. I had been so distracted earlier that I hadn’t noticed the bulge between her legs. My mind began to reel at the realization of what it might be that I was feeling underneath me. Moving my hips in search of any friction that it could provide, I could feel myself begin to feel desperate, almost ready to beg for Riri to rub her fingers along my pussy. 
“Let’s go to my bedroom,” I said, sounding husky and breathless. 
Riri nodded in response and picked me up to stand upright from the couch. I guided her along the corridor to my room, and she wasted no time throwing me onto the bed. My eyes were wide from the shock of her strength. I noted how her back flexed when she removed her sweater and the light happy trail that led down to the band of her boxers once she turned to face me. My eyes lingered on the outline of her strap. Riri’s gaze met mine, then smirked, clearly aware of where I was looking. 
“Take off your clothes.”
Slowly, I lifted my shirt to reveal the pushup bra underneath. Stealing a glance at Riri, I could decipher the temptation and desire that lay dormant as she licked her lips. She looked as if she was ready to pounce at any second, making me want to move aggravatingly slowly. I tried to make her wait like she had done to me. Moving to the edge of the bed, I discarded the pants I wore onto the floor. I looked up at Riri for a sign of what may happen next. She stood between my legs and brought her hand to wrap around my neck, forcing my head back. I had completely submitted myself to her, trusting her fully. Riri applied pressure on either side of my neck, and when my mouth parted from the new sensation, she connected her lips to mine and slipped her tongue inside—breathing in each other’s air as her fingers circled the thin fabric that barely kept my lower lips covered. Riri’s fingertips rubbed my clit in an aggravatingly slow motion. I bucked my hips forward, urging her to increase her speed. At this moment, I didn’t want anything more than to be consumed by Riri’s presence. 
“Open your legs wider,” Riri commanded. 
I did as I was told, pushing my thighs further apart to permit more accessible access to my throbbing center. Riri dived deeper, teasing the entrance of my pussy, only allowing a fraction of her index and middle finger to thrust inside. The moan that escaped from me was sinful. 
“Riri, please” 
“Please, what?” she replied. 
“Please stop playing with me” My voice came out a pitch higher and sounded whiny. 
“Your wish is my command, Princess.”
Riri repositioned herself so that her bottom half was flush against mine while she moved her fingers further inside. She used her hips to guide her hand to apply pressure. I could feel myself get wetter the longer she continued. The sounds of my pussy filled the room, leaving no secret to what was happening in my bedroom. Riri left sloppy kisses on my collarbone to my neck until she reached my ear, only pausing to whisper, “Can I put it in?” I knew what she was referring to and nodded my head. I didn’t trust myself to be able to get the words out. 
“Use your words.”
“Yes, what?” Frustration briefly overtook me, and I was reminded that I was telling my childhood best friend to fuck me. I suddenly felt shy as I said, “Yes, Riri, please put it in.” 
“See, now, was that so hard to say?” 
I didn’t answer her question and watched Riri instead as she removed her pants and briefs to reveal an opaque pink dildo attached to her strap. Not the colour that I was expecting, but the size surprised me. It could’ve at least been 7 inches bigger than Jayden, that’s for sure. Riri held the pink dick in her hand and slowly glided it along my pussy, taking extra time to rub the tip against my clit before lowering it inside and stretching me out. Riri went slow at first until her full length was inside. My legs had already begun to shake from the new sensation that I felt from the girth of the dildo. 
“How does it feel, baby?” Riri began to grind her hips while thrusting in and out of my pussy. Her pace remained unhurried. She was enjoying watching my facial expressions with a sultry smile. When I didn’t respond immediately, Riri began increasing her tempo, and I couldn’t silence the escaping moan. “Fuck- so good,” I sighed.  She kept pounding inside me until my broken cries turned into gasps. I slyly moved my hands down to her torso to slow her down. Instead, Riri grabbed my hands and pinned them down onto the mattress. 
“C'mon, you can take it.” Riri’s lips hovered over mine, keeping eye contact throughout. I am completely and utterly lost in her trance. I’m convinced she wants to leave her mark, leave me so drunk off of her that I wouldn’t be able to think of glancing at another man. “Riri, I can’t; I’m going to cum” I whispered. I sigh into her kiss as Riri swirls her tongue around mine and wraps my legs around her waist to lock her closer. She released my hands to wrap her arms around me and flipped us over in the bed, so I was now on top of her. 
“Ride it out, baby girl” Riri kept her hands around my waist to keep me in place. I took my time to adjust to the new position that she had put us in and bobbed my hips on the strap, loving how deep it could go and fill my hole. I began desperately grinding in search of more. It brought felicity that I had not known before, so intensely that I hadn’t noticed how loud I was getting with each movement. “Shhh, baby,” Riri growled. “Shit,” we didn’t have the house to ourselves. I bit my lip as a reminder to remain quiet while I felt the orgasm take over me and my fluids slipping down onto the harness she wore. My core began to contract, and my legs began to tremble as I whimpered in her ear. “I’m cumming, Riri.” 
"Yeah?" Riri planted her feet on the mattress, balancing myself on top of her before she began thrusting upwards. 
“I’m not done yet,” she said. 
My pussy gripped around her as she kissed my G-spot with each thrust, pushing me to my next peak. "I can feel it on my clit" Her low voice was shaky, and it turned me on even more at the thought of her getting off from fucking me and using me like a toy. It sent a wave of urgency and need to make her cum. I was pinned against her and unable to free myself from her grip. “Keep bouncing on it, baby” Riri’s mouth was open agape, and she struggled to keep her eyes open as her small sighs of euphoria became moans. “Mmph.” Riri was unrelenting in chasing her high. My pussy got wetter from watching her face conform to a blissed-out state. 
“I’m so close, don’t move” Her voice was staggered and pleading. 
“Me too,” I replied. 
The last thing I saw was Riri’s eyes rolling back until my orgasm overtook me. I didn’t care who would hear as we moaned in each other’s mouths, breathing in the same air. My head spun out from cumming so hard. Riri’s legs collapsed, making the bed squeak from the sudden movement. When I opened my eyes, Riri analyzed me with a peaceful expression. 
“What? Why are you staring at me?” I asked. 
“You’re so beautiful” She smiled the same smile that she had at the airport earlier. I gave her a side eye and tried to shake my body off her, but her firm hold on me remained. 
“Aren’t you going to let me go?” I asked. 
“Not after you gave me great sex like that. I’m ready to go for round two,” Riri stated. 
“Round two?” I shrieked.
It was apparent that what had just occurred between us was longer than five minutes, but I couldn’t stop. Once I kissed Riri, I had already gained an insatiable appetite for her. I was left yearning for more and more. While lying there with Riri, I wondered what had I gotten myself into? 
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annavrse · 1 year
this is screaming shuriri x y/n
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s0ulspen · 11 months
shuriri hcs p2
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they FaceTime at horrible times because of their time difference but neither of them really complain.
Riri’s homegirls thought she was delusional bc she was going off of CRUMBS. (Shuri didn’t speak often but not because she didn’t like her, simply because she had no idea how.)
“I swear she wants me.”
“All She did was text hello.”
“Girl literally shut the fuck up, I can’t have shit.”
Temp wise. Shuri’s always too cold and Riri’s always too hot so cuddling is an issue. Taking showers together is an issue too.
“The water is too damn cold.”
“It’s fine, the water doesn’t need to be scalding.”
Once Shuri creased one of Riri’s shoes and it took everything in Riri not to have a reaction.
“It’s fine.”
“I’ll buy you a new pair-“
“They’re limited, it’s okay. Really it’s fine.”
Her eye started twitching.
Shuri’s biggest pet peeve is when Riri interrupts her in the bathroom with her speaker. She’s always blasting music and Shuri sees it as her own version of ‘me time’.
“Rianna, turn that music down.”
“Girl—-this is Mariah Carey, it’s her old shit.”
Shuri will close the door on her.
One of Riri’s pet peeves is when Shuri drives her car like it’s her own and not only that she always leaves an empty cup in there.
When they face time, on of them is always asleep. Most of the time it’s Riri.
Riri kisses her teeth after Shuri irritates her and it always makes the Royal do a 360.
“What was that?”
Shuri’s phone is always dying when they go out so she and Riri practically share Riri’s phone all the time.
They know how to braid each others hair but don’t like doing each others hair.
The public only knows they’re dating because of photos of them front row at multiple bull games. At first, Riri was anxious about it but stopped caring after a little.
Shuri can’t dance and when Riri invites her to parties the only thing she’ll do is a little two step.
“You not gon dance?”
“This isn’t enough?”
When they went to go visit Riri’s mom, Her mother wanted to help Shuri unpack and…opened the wrong backpack up.
“I can explain.”
“Please do not.”
They had to keep the door wide open that night. (Riri’s mom said so.)
Riri likes to pick at Shuri’s face when she sees a mark or pimple and it pisses Shuri off bad.
“You’re going to make it worse.”
“No, I’ll just-“
“Do not.”
Shuri stopped buying Riri jewelry often because she realized that Riri’s very messy and loses her stuff often.
When they go to fancy events together, they look like they want to go home. It’s so obvious and they only straighten up when they see a Dora or someone walk around them.
They can’t go to intimate dinners because they can’t be serious so they end up being a little too loud.
They can’t play video games together because Riri taps out the minute she loses and declares a rematch before the game can end.
“This shit is rigged-“
“We haven’t finished.”
Shuri is actually very scared of Horror movies and refuses to watch them.
Riri sometimes lies on her back in her sleep and Shuri thinks it’s the weirdest thing ever (I agree.)
Sometimes they wear each others clothes like sweats, etc and don’t even realize until they step out.
Riri makes Shuri take her photos for all her Instagram post and Shuri hates doing it because of how picky she gets.
“It’s fine, is this for vogue?”
“No, now lower the phone and take this photo.”
Shuri is the sassiest person known to man and her comebacks during arguments make Riri’s eye twitch.
“I said what I said.”
“I didn’t ask.”
Shuri CAN’T watch a movie without bashing it every two seconds.
“What’s the use in having them run if the area is limited?”
“Just watch.”
Riri can’t watch a movie without asking questions.
“When did he die?”
“Riri, please- hold on.”
When Riri leaves the house, Shuri takes her jewelry (her chains, rings, etc) and wears them as her own. Riri notices her collecting them and lets her.
They pick up each other’s facial expressions and look at each other when someone around them says something real stupid.
They played just dance one time and Shuri injured herself somehow so they haven’t played it since.
Riri did in fact take Shuri to Coachella at some point because Shuri had mentioned it a couple of times.
They’re the type of couple that will share two earbuds so they can listen to music together.
When they’re on missions/programs together they can never stay serious.
“ Is she really a villain? I mean she’s kinda bad-“
“You don’t like my new suit?”
“I didnt-“
“Just say you don’t want me anymore.”
“You’re dramatic, get up.”
“What if I was actually dead?”
“Then you’re…dead or with the ancestors? I don’t know man.”
“I truly cannot stand you.”
“For the love of God, I never said she was pretty. I said-“
“You said she’s smart, that’s so much worse.”
this had been sitting in my drafts for far too long.
@imnotb @sapphicsourcee @xchoxix
k bye bye till November pookiees 🩵
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roseamongroses · 3 months
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featuring my very specific hcs for riotheart + mcu riri. including: double amputee riotheart, red locs, hoops that she's put old screws + nails in, etc etc
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kisskourt · 1 year
24/7 (drabble)
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pairing: shuri x riri
contains: smut (18+)
taglist: @inmyheadimobsessed @abenomeiiii @shurislover @phantomof-themcu @sapphicvqmpires @sapphicjunglefever @playhousedistee @thtgirlllmona
author's note: i have no words for this lol. just vibe. if you would like to be added to my taglist, let me know. thanks for reading!
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it was a lazy sunday afternoon; the sound of rain and thunder dancing together could be heard in the distance. with her back facing shuri’s front, riri allowed herself to fully lean into shuri’s embrace.
bare faced, fro pointing towards the sky – this version of the chicago native was her favorite.
“your hair always smells so heavenly,” shuri proclaimed, as she placed a delicate peck behind riri’s ear.
“you always smell divine.”
the royal’s tone leaked of desperation; she needed riri to understand every word that fell from her lips.
“you smell good enough to eat.”
“can i? can i devour you, my love?”
the energy in the air was so intense that the shorter of the pair could barely hear herself think. biting her lip, riri began to contemplate what to do next. this game she was playing eventually had to come to an end.
a gasp departed riri’s mouth as her eyes closed.
shuri no longer felt the need to be gentle; every ounce of patience left her body the moment she noticed the visible dampness that formed in between riri’s thighs. using her right hand, the royal wrapped her hand around riri’s neck, applying slight pressure. her left hand found its path by toying with the band of her briefs.
riri wore a cropped tank accompanied by a pair of shuri's briefs.
undoubtedly, shuri could feel how much riri needed her — she felt everything.
but shuri needed riri like she needed air; the panther was famashed.
“you don’t hear me talking to you, mama?”
releasing a sigh, riri opened her mouth, only to close it again. riri was just as desperate as the royal; the undeniable desire for shuri’s touch had been marinating for a week. this week consisted of the same pattern – shuri’s spends the night in her lab, comes home in the morning, and behaves as if everything is splendid.
the love that shuri has for science is one of the things that riri adores about her. yet sometimes, she hated how consumed shuri was with her passion. she wanted shuri 24/7; not when it was convenient to her insatiable need to create.
because of this feeling, riri wanted to prove a point.
if shuri could blow her off for a week, she could deny her for just as long.
this was only day 3 of her game.
“riri.” shuri purred, as she ghosted her hand over riri’s center.
“i know you’re upset with me,” the royal established.
“and i know you’re trying to deny me…” she slapped riri’s cunt through her briefs, taking mental note of how her left leg twitched.
“but she,” another slap, harsher this time.
“simply can’t.”
as riri attempted to squirm out of shuri’s hold, shuri removed her hand from riri’s throat.
“you dare deny your panther?” she chuckled in disbelief.
riri didn’t want to break. she wanted to hold out longer but shuri was making it hard. her cat-like eyes stared at riri with so much yearning.
if not her eyes, it would be her voice that finally broke riri.
the royal's voice oozed confidence; honey filled vowels and demands trickled from her lips.
“no…” riri whispered, loud enough only for prey to hear.
shuri smirked.
she was circling riri’s clit now, painfully slow.
“it’s gonna be a long night for you, my love."
181 notes · View notes
quintessencewrites · 2 years
Y-Yes, Daddy pt. 2
stud!ShuRiri x black!fem!reader
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Hmm, Shuri hums. “You look so damn good walking away, y/n, but that don’t mean I like it when you walk away from me. You wanna explain that shit?”
Warnings: 18+!!! SMUT HEAVY, with some plot, edging, daddy kink, mommy kink, public sex???, explicit language, dom!Shuri, switch!Riri, switch! reader, breeding kink, rope bunny shit?, slight bdsm, squirting, oral sex (reader and Shuri receiving), rough sex, slight degrading, praise kink as always, brat!Riri, brat tamer!reader/Shuri, probably so many that I missed...
Word Count: 7.7k+
Tags: @percsane @zestgodtj @k3nn3dyxo @mlmilani @letitias-fav @doms-fav @sweetalittleselfish-honey @g4yforu @widowmakker @becauseimswagman1 @zayswriting @inmyheadimobsessed @laurensmabel1 @malltake12 @msudaku @faeriah-thv @fetchyourlife @mbakuetshurisprincess @sinsikoxo @honey-teaaaaaaaa @rxcently @pinkcorns @takeyaki @yamsthoughts @thethickerside @0hshoot1tsl4ni @shurisbathwater @shurismainbxtch @luvrzhearts @sadfreakx @shuri-my-love @justariellove @heartsforjojo @blackgirlfariy @tuesdaylovesu @chocoflagcutii @taiiunknown @zhanylai @ziayamikaelson @verachii @taiiunknown @beautybyfire @soearthquakequeen @remwritess @pinkwright @jenlouvre @letitiasleftfoot @6-noir @kya-rose @saintwrld @someshuriposts @jessiap @ilikegecos @iiluvl4n @katymae12344 @shurismainbxtch @crookedsaladlover
A/N: THIS IS FILTHY...lmao enjoy!
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Riri was staring a heat so intense into the back of your head, you could feel it. You felt the burning move south, from your head down the nape of your neck, straight to the plumpness that swayed with every step you took. 
Ahead of you, Shuri watched your hips rock. Her eyes were glued on you, begging you to look up at her. Riri’s gaze was begging you to turn around. You didn’t respond to either; your stride quickened as you walked past the princess and out of reach of the smaller stud. 
“Why she acting like she ain’t see us?” Riri approaches Shuri, the question falling from her lips. 
“She probably didn’t see you, fun-size. But I know she seen me.” A mix of emotions overtakes the Wakandan at that moment. Did they do something to offend you? Upset you? 
Riri lets the insult roll off her back. She was too concerned with whatever was going on with you. “So if she seen you, why she walk right past you?”
“I don’t know, baby. We gon find out?”
Poor Ri was spiraling with worry. She liked you; she really liked you. They both did. It didn’t take much for the little genius to figure they did something wrong. You three had been in such a good place these past couple of weeks. This switch around was so sudden. 
“Hell yeah, nigga.”
Shuri sat in your desk chair, legs spread. Her back rested against the curve of the seat, hands rested in the crotch of her sweatpants. While her thin leg flexed with a bounce, the silver grill in her mouth glistened with the suck of her teeth. “She was supposed to be here by now, Ri.”
Riri was spread across your bed on her back, feet kicked up in the air and phone in hand. “Nigga, I know this. You know this. Fuck you want me to do about it?”
“I want you to stop calling me that, first of fucking all.”
“No. Nigga. And we wouldn’t be sitting here wondering where she was if you wasn’t hesitating to give her your little kimoyo beads.”
“This right here is why I was hesitant. I don’t think she serious bout fucking with us. I’m not giving my tech to any ole body.” The pace in Shuri’s leg quickened. She didn’t believe the shit coming out her mouth, but she’d convinced herself that you were gonna come in and dump them. Could you dump them? She and Riri talked about making it official, but they hadn’t yet. No time felt like the right time. 
You unlocked the door to your dorm room with the weight of the world on your shoulders. The last thing you were expecting was to see Riri and Shuri there, making themselves at home. 
Shuri’s chocolate-colored eyes looked delicious as they pierced into you. Riri’s mocha orbs felt just as intense. 
“Hey, usana. Welcome home.” Shuri’s voice was daunting; it sounded anything but welcoming. 
“H-hey, Shuri. Ri. What are yall doing here? How yall get in?” The heavy ass bag on your shoulders thudded to the ground with an audible sound. Riri winced at the weight you must’ve been carrying around all day. Her demeanor towards you softened as she sat upright. 
“You gave me the spare, baby-” Riri’s words were so sweet, a stark contrast to the pissed-off royal.
“Yiza apha, y/n.” Shuri’s hands beckoned you toward her, those beautiful brown eyes still staring at you harshly. 
Your brows bore the question your mouth couldn’t. “Come here,” she repeated with a low growl from the back of her throat. 
The hesitation in your steps was evident. On the tips of your toes, you made your way to Shuri in slow motion. When you got close enough for her to reach, the princess held out her hand, guiding you the rest of the way until you were seated in her lap and your feet no longer touched the floor. 
Her long tender fingers traced along your jawline, touching you so tenderly. You melting into her hold was involuntary, but more than welcome. A sweet sigh escaped you; you knew these girls, your girls, would take care of you after such a long day. 
When your eyes flutter shut, Shuri’s tender touch becomes rough. The gentle tracing along your chin turns into a tight grip. Your head tilts to the side under Shuri’s guide until your lips are inches away from hers. 
You lean forward, yearning to close the gap between the two of you, but Shuri’s grasp holds you in place. 
“Open your eyes, usana.” Her whisper is low enough for only you to hear and when you obey, you get a sight full of hurt in the royal’s gaze. Darkness swims in her ducts, tears threatening the brim. 
“You don’t want us?”
Her question catches you off guard and you feel your heart stutter. “W-what?”
She doesn’t answer you, dropping her hold on your face. You turn to see Riri’s expression just as dreary. “You guys think I don’t want you?”
Hmm, Shuri hums. “You look so damn good walking away, y/n, but that don’t mean I like it when you walk away from me. You wanna explain that shit?”
Shit… Your bottom lip rolls into your mouth while your brain wracks for an excuse or two. Riri pushes off the bed, chains ringing together when her feet hit the floor. In two steps, she’s standing above you. Her thumb runs across your mouth slowly, seductively. You gasp when she pulls your lip out of your mouth. “Answer her.”
Even angry, the two girls ooze a sexiness beyond belief. “I-I, um.”
“Use your words,” Riri speaks again. Shuri sits back, enjoying the sight of her Ri taking the lead. 
“I didn’t mean to hurt you guys.”
Shuri’s hands squeeze around your hips, adjusting you in her lap so you’re straddling her. “Then why’d you ignore us, y/n?”
“Shuri, I-”
Her raised brows cut you off before her words do. “Do you want this, y/n? Do you want us? You wanna make this official?”
You don’t need a single second to think before you respond. “Yes, I want this, I absolutely want this. I want you, both of you.” And it was the truth. Shuri and Riri were all that was on your mind for weeks, either at the same time or the two of them separately. Either way, you wanted them all to yourself. 
Shuri’s attempt at hiding her smirk fails, miserably. “Good, then you know how to address me.”
You feel your own smile spread, your tense muscles relaxing at her change in demeanor.
“Daddy,” You start again. Shuri hums in approval and nods her head for you to continue. 
“I didn’t mean to hurt you two. We been kicking it, having a good time, right?” You sound so small. 
“Yeah, in the safety of one of our dorms. Why we gotta hide your pretty ass?” Riri stays in the lead, hands running up and down your sides. 
“Because it's tons of bitches who want y’all and I’m not trying to be thrown in the middle of that.”
“Who gives a damn about them?” Shuri’s sudden outburst makes you jump in her arms, while Riri rubs her soothing touch in an attempt to calm you. 
“Nigga, hush. I got this.” The explicit girl turns towards you. “Who gives a damn about them?”
Shuri’s eyes roll, but she stays quiet.
“I do, Ri. I’m not trying to get my ass jumped over you two fine asses. We can just keep what we got going on hush and be at peace.”
The intelligent princess laughs underneath you. “Jumped? Baby, nobody’s touching a pretty hair on your pretty head.”
“Yeah, baby, I wish a bitch would.” 
“Shut up, Ri. All they gotta do is take your step stool and you defenseless.”
“Nigga, I been letting you take little jabs here and there all damn day-”
“And I keep telling you bout calling me that slur. Imma wash your mouth out with soap.”
The two of them argue back and forth as if you weren’t seated between them. With Shuri’s head leaned back and her attention on Riri, her bare neck was exposed to you and before you could think about it, your tongue was tracing the cocoa-colored skin. 
“Ri, you gonna get bent over my-shittt, baby.”
You lift your head, lashes fluttering innocently. “So, what? Y’all gonna protect my little ass?”
Shuri’s hands are gripping your backside harshly. “There ain’t nothing little ‘bout it.” Her grill flashes at you and you long to feel the cool metal against your-
Riri’s calloused hands snake around your body, one at your throat and the other on your tits. She uses her hold on your neck to throw your head back until your eyes meet hers. “Yeah, baby. We gon protect you.”
The smile your words pull from the small girl is contagious. “Yes, baby girl. I promise.”
Shuri is still focused on your behind when you turn back to her. “Promise, Shuri?”
“Isithembiso, usana (Promise, baby). Can I taste you now?”
Shuri finds your laughter so intoxicating. She feels the air around her thin as the sound rings out of you. “I got one more question first, Shuri.”
You’re purposefully dismissing her title every time you address her, knowing the punishment for your disobedience would later be delicious. 
“What is it, usana?”
“Y’all gonna want a bunch of pda now? I ain’t ready for all that. We don’t even gotta do that couple shit in public at all.”
Mischief dances behind Shuri’s eyes when she makes contact with Riri’s. “Pda like what, my love? Pda like this?”
Her long, tattooed fingers slide between your two bodies, brushing past your clothed core so lightly, you shudder. 
“Or pda like this?” Riri rasps as she brings her lips down to the back of your neck, kissing gently.
“Or,” Shuri’s touch traces back up until her lengthy phalanges wrap around the entirety of your throat. “Pda like the way you bout to be punished? You want that shit on display?”
 She squeezes a bit and you can feel your pussy growing wet at the feel. “You want everyone on campus to see the way your pussy bout to get spanked? How you bout to cum until you’re begging to stop?”
As crazy as it is, the thought brings forth an unholy moan from you.
“Oh, you into that shit?” Shuri taunts you, ready to watch you come apart in her lap. 
“Yeah, daddy. I might be,” is your breathy response while your thighs beg to squeeze together to ease the pressure the girls have built within you. 
“Is that what you want? Me to ease in between these thick ass thighs with an audience?”
Riri kisses down the back of your neck gently, her tongue tracing the very spots her lips just touched as she makes her way back up to your ear. Her teeth grazing it cause you to yelp and underneath her warm breath, you sink further into Shuri’s touch. 
“Well, if that’s what you want, baby, that’s what you ain’t getting.”
Her words jolt you. “Wait, Ri. What?”
The smaller girl ignores your shock. “Let’s go, Shuri.”
Even Shuri is taken aback. “Let’s go?”
Riri’s head nod is sharp as it points Shuri towards the door. “I didn’t stutter.”
With a far-too-gentle kiss on your lips, the princess lifts you from her lap and stands to leave. Riri takes a tender step toward you, preparing to part ways with her own goodbye kiss. 
“I like you a lot, y/n. I don’t say that shit to just anybody. But I wanna like you in public. I’m tired of keeping you in the dark, man. I don’t got shit to hide, baby and I got an artillery full of shit if a bitch wanna try you.”
She pecks your lips in between her words. 
“So whenever you ready for that, we right here. A’ight?” 
Her steps away from you feel like betrayal and before you can speak, she and Shuri are out the door.
“Y’know you not gonna be able to resist her long, right?” Shuri digs her hands into her pockets as she and Riri walk away from your room. 
“Nah, I know. But it’ll be fun watching her get all pent up while I try.”
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Their denial of you goes beyond the bedroom. When you pass them in the halls and don’t feel their gazes on you, your heart sinks. Day by day, your outfits get riskier and raunchier, and still, they ignore you.
Or so you think. Shuri is well aware of your body and its every movement. The panther’s ears pick up every time your foot grazes the ground, heel to toe. She notices every bounce of your bosom and every quiver from your thighs with each step. 
With the passing days, the princess’s patience thins. You looked so good with the way you strutted about campus in a shirt cut way too low and pants that hugged you way too tight. She wasn’t complaining at the fact that she could see every detail of your ass through the jeans that were practically painted onto your frame. She was complaining about the fact that everyone else could also see it. 
Denying you also meant denying Shuri, at least for Riri. If she gave in to the persuasive Wakandan, then she would be swayed to give in to you. So while you’d been given restricted access to the girls, Shuri was also being kept at arm’s length. 
“I can’t get none from either of my girls?” Shuri was physically pained. She was trying so hard to side with Riri, but she didn’t give a damn whether or not you wanted her at that moment because, my God, the way she wanted you was fierce. 
“Nigga, you can’t get none from y/n. You can’t get none from me because you devilish with them fingers and I don’t know how to tell your ass no. I don’t give a damn who you get it from to hold yourself over.”
So Shuri went looking for something to hold her over. The pretty broad standing in front of her wasn’t shit compared to you or Riri. She couldn’t even hold a good enough conversation to keep the princess’s attention. 
Shuri was trying hard to not look bored. She had to try even harder to not cringe when the girl leaned in so her breasts brushed against Shuri’s stomach. Her hands reached up to tug on the white-gold chain dangled around Shuri’s tattooed neck. 
The royal didn’t bother hiding her eyes when they wandered to you, entering the caf. Look over, she begged silently. Just glance at her and give her an excuse to leave this chick’s touch. 
You couldn’t read minds, but your obedience made Shuri smile. When your eyes rested on hers, taking in her figure, and the hands that grazed against it, you’d reached your limit. Shuri loved the way you looked, walking over to her, anger etched across your beautiful face. 
You hadn’t thought this through. What were you gonna do when you approached her?
“S-Shuri.” The chime of your voice was music to her ears, especially when you spoke her name so gingerly. 
“Y/n,” she returned in her low rasp. The girl that stood between you was clearly annoyed. Who the hell were you to be interrupting her precious Shuri time?
Your pretty, manicured hand reached out to grasp the thin white tee Shuri bore. “Can we talk?” It was more a command than a request, especially when you dragged her away by her collar and out of the grasp of the girl who didn’t stand a chance. 
The corner by the back doors of the caf didn’t offer nearly enough privacy. You could feel several eyes on you and Shuri as you made your way to the semi-discreet space. 
“Who is she?” You kept your voice low enough so that only Shuri could hear. Her expression towards you was amused and it only pissed you off more. 
Shuri didn’t speak. She couldn’t; far too entranced with every feature of your face. Your lips were poised into a plump pout and it took every ounce of self-control she had to not lean in and bite them. The way your eyes were so round, so needy as they looked up at her grabbed at her heart and refused to let go. 
“Shuri? Who is she?” Your fingers snapping in her face brought her attention back to the forefront. 
“She’s nobody,” Shuri responded with a slick lick to her lips. “You look good, baby.”
Her compliment didn’t go unheard and the dark scarlet hue they brought to your cheeks didn’t go unnoticed. “She didn’t look like nobody. You just let nobody grab on you like that?”
The Wakandan was mute again. 
“Shuri, I’m tired of playing these games.”
“What games?”
Your frustration was visible now and you didn’t know whether to express it through tears or through screams. 
When you stomped your foot instead, Shuri’s stifled laughter was almost grounding for you. 
“These games, Shuri. I don’t want you to keep ignoring me. I want you. You and Riri. Publicly, privately, whichever, I don’t care. I want you. I don’t want nobodies touching on you in the way I should be. In fact, how about I go rip ‘nobody’s’ tracks out for staring at me like she is, BITCH WHAT'S UP?” You couldn’t fight, but with the mix of emotions swimming amongst you, the threat makes its way out, loud enough for the broad who had Shuri’s attention before to scoff. 
Shuri knew you couldn’t take a punch and she didn’t feel like throwing any to defend your mouth. Her hands grazed up and down your arms. “A’ight, baby girl. Enough of that. Look at me, look at me, baby.”
Your eyes burned a fierce fire when they finally reach Shuri’s. “You want me, y/n?”
“Yeah, Shuri. I want you.”
That delicious grill gleamed at you when her lips parted into a smile. “Show me, then.”
Without a second thought, with no hesitation, your lips crash into hers. In front of everyone, even the girl who thought she had a chance, you slip your tongue into Shuri’s mouth and let your hands slip up her shirt to grip and scratch down her abs.
Mmhm, Shuri moans from deep in her throat. “Baby, baby,” she calls, separating herself from you. “I know I said I’d fuck you in front of an audience, but I didn’t have the caf in mind.”
Your eyes roll at her playful words. “Fine, then. Where’s Ri?”
Her long arms snake around your waist and pull your body into hers. “I don’t know. I look like Riri’s keeper?”
“Yes, actually. I know she got them little beads. Where she at?”
Shuri’s body recoils. “Little beads? My advanced technology isn’t just some ‘little beads.’ I created tech that isn’t even fathomable to you Americans-”
“Until I get a bracelet, I don’t care. Where’s Ri?”
The princess looks ready to lecture you. With a lift of her wrist and a couple of grumbles, she pulls up a hologram of the campus map. On it is a small red dot, moving through the courtyard. 
You turn to slip out the back doors and avoid the dozens of eyes piercing you from every direction. Shuri’s hand claps your ass with a jiggle before you walk off and she bites her lips at the sight. The only thing crossing her mind is the way it’s going to shake tonight when she bends you over.
Riri’s back is facing you when you catch up to her. She stops for a moment to glance at her phone with a frown and you take the chance to slip your arms around her neck.
“Hey, mamas.”
Your voice brings a smile from the small girl as she turns towards you. “What’s up, y/n?”
“I want you.”
“You want me?” Riri’s confusion is evident.
Your head full of curls bounces when you nod. “I want you. I want you to be mine and I wanna be yours. All that cute shit.”
“I imagined this shit would be more romantic.”
When you suck your teeth and shake your head, your curls sway even more and Riri bites her lip at the sight. She had been missing you so bad these past few days. To be honest, she wasn’t sure how much longer she was going to last. The girl with an iron heart was ready to tap out.
So when the urge to kiss you overtakes her, she doesn’t ignore it. It only takes a second for Riri to pull you close and bring your lips together. You sigh deeply at the gesture. Oh, how you’d missed these lips.
Behind you, the gentle tickle of a hand draws a moan from your distracted lips. “A’ight now, not too much without me.” Shuri’s touch is lighter than her words. The sight the three of you must’ve been in the middle of the courtyard for all to see.
Riri pulls away, dropping her hands from your hips. “You got any more classes today, baby?”
“I had one, but I’m kind of willing to skip it…”
“How about you don’t skip it and go get the education you paying for?” Shuri asks, her long, slender fingers still drawing shapes into your exposed back. 
The sound of your teeth sucking against your lips pulls Shuri’s hand from your back and lands it at your throat. “Chill on that disrespect, baby. I been adding up your punishments in my head. You already in the double digits.”
You’re frozen in place by her quick movements and slick threats. Your nod in compliance earns you a peck on your nose and a dismissive ‘good girl’. “Get to class. We’ll see you after.”
Shuri and Riri hang behind, watching you with no shame as you stray away from them. They’re practically drooling at the sight of your swaying hips and your gravity-defying ass. 
They watch in silence until you’re no longer in view. Shuri turns to her short girl. “So you done denying me now, Ri?”
“You miss me that bad?”
“Yeah, I did. Had slimy bitches touching on me cuz you wanna fuck around.”
The two girls fall in step together, walking close enough that their arms are brushing. “Nigga, you the one that went out looking for another bitch. That shit fall on you.”
“You told me to!”
“And you listened? C’mon, Princess. I thought you was smarter than that. You know where home is.”
Shuri bites her lips at Ri’s words, letting her walk slightly ahead, watching her cheeks rise and fall with her steps. “Yeah, I do.”
“Then bring your dumbass home.”
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Out of the three, you were the only one without a roommate. How you’d managed to swing that, you had no idea, but it meant your dorm was the spot for all of your secret rendezvous. This time was no exception, however, you weren’t participating. 
Your statistics class dragged on and you didn’t anticipate the surprise awaiting you behind that closed door. With a click of the lock, you were welcomed with a delicious sight. 
Riri sat in your desk chair this time, legs spread. Shuri’s curly head was buried between them, lapping as if her life depended on it while Riri moaned loud and proud.
“You bitches started without me?”
Your words were low compared to the noise Riri was making, but of course, the panther’s ears caught them. With a kiss to Ri’s clit that made her shudder, Shuri stood and approached you. 
Her long arm reached to shut the door fully behind you and lift your heavy bag from your shoulders. Then, with movements so quick, you barely caught them, she had you pressed against the closed door by your neck. “Repeat that, baby. I don’t think Riri heard you.”
The fear caused by her swiftness evaporated into moans that filled the air around you. Your hesitation made Shuri squeeze just a bit harder, knowing you could take it. “Go on,” she said slowly as her free hand moved to unbutton the jeans from around your waist and slip her hand in. 
“Say it again.” Her fingers moved harshly and rapidly to your clit, giving you no time to prepare. She squeezed the little bud and slipped past it, throwing two fingers so deep into your wet cunt that you arched under her touch. 
“Repeat yourself, y/n.”
“I-I said y-you started without m-me, oh, fuck, Shuri.” She was so deep, moving so fast, so close to coaxing you to your first orgasm in weeks. 
A third finger pushes against your walls and you welcome it graciously. “That’s not what you said, baby. What did you call us? C’mere, Ri. You gonna like this.”
Riri approaches slowly, still naked from the waist down. Her pussy is soaked, so much so that the wetness runs down her inner thighs. “What did you call us?”
Shuri’s fingers pick up inhumane speeds and you can feel yourself splashing and squeezing around her.  
“You squeeze me so damn good, baby. Now be a good girl. Repeat yourself.”
Your voice is practically a whisper. “Bitches,” you moan quietly. “I-I said you bitches started w-without me. Fuck, Shuri, I’m coming, I’m coming!”
Shuri kisses your lips with faux gentleness. “Oh, baby, no you not.”
A long whine escapes you when she pulls her fingers from your heat and you feel your impending orgasm subside. The sight of her throwing those same fingers into her mouth to suck on your taste makes your body quiver. 
“I’m sorry-” your attempt to apologize for your words is laughable. 
“You in too deep now, y/n, baby,” Riri mumbles against your neck, tugging on the hem of your shirt until it’s lifted above your head and thrown in the corner. Your pants are next and she can’t stop her brows from jumping to the top of her face when you turn up pantiless underneath. 
“Oh,” she chuckles dryly. “Oh, a’ight.”
Shuri walks back over to wrap her arms underneath your thighs and lifts you with ease. She throws you onto your bed with a bounce and stands back in awe of your perfect body. 
“Safeword. Cuz you gonna need it.”
Oh, fuck. “Um, red.”
“Red?” Shuri questions.
Riri smiles at your bouncing curls with the bob of your head. “My favorite color.”
“I know.” You bite your lip at the girl, hoping and praying she would be your saving grace. 
“Okay, red then. Same for you, Ri?”
“Yeah, just make it red all around. Why I need a safe word, though?”
“Cuz you don’t know how to address me by my name either.” The bed sinks with Shuri’s added weight as she sits straddling you.
“Nigga, I’m not calling you daddy.”
“I didn’t ask you to. It’s that damn slur you keep throwing around.”
Before Riri can respond, Shuri grabs at the string behind your bed that draws the blinds. The room brightens as the sunlight washes over it. Three floors down, the campus is crawling with bodies going to and fro without a care in the world.
“What the hell are you doing?” Riri voices the very question you were about to ask. 
Shuri’s stare down at you shakes your core. She gathers both your hands in one of hers and holds them above your head. With a quick knot, your wrists are bound together by the thin string, pinning you in place and keeping the blinds up. 
Riri’s question goes unanswered when Shuri takes her hands and separates your thighs. Your wet pussy is so pink, so pretty, glistening at Riri, summoning her. 
“You been wanting this shit for days, right Ri? C’mon, baby. Come taste.”
The way Riri licks her lips at the sight of you, so exposed, so vulnerable, and unable to do a damn thing about it. She’s practically drooling as she makes her way over and the bed shifts again with her added weight. 
Before her tongue touches you, her fingers do and they drag down your core at an agonizing pace. When she grazes your slit, she nearly slips right in due to the wetness that runs from you. Your moan is deep and both girls grow wetter at the sounds you make. 
Riri pops her finger in her mouth, swirling her tongue around the tip and her eyes roll back at your taste. The very taste she’s craved every night for many nights. Her head dips between your thighs and at the flick of her tongue against your clit, your hands pull at the string restricting them, wanting so badly to grip the back of her head and push her deeper. 
Her tongue traces a teasing trail over both of your puffy lips before dipping into your slit, curving and getting a mouthful of your taste. Riri’s tongue was a sinful thing and the way she used it was an even greater sin. 
The way she lapped and licked made you writhe against your restrictions. Shuri’s long, thin fingers dug into the flesh of your inner thighs, prying them apart. The more you moaned, the more Ri slurped. Her sounds were so lewd and your body reacted just as expected. 
“Lube her up, Ri. She gon need to be nice and wet for me,” Shuri’s voice was breathy, her own pussy growing wet at the noises you and Riri were making. Ri’s hum in confirmation shook your inner core, pulling you closer to the edge. 
“Shit, shit, Ri, baby, hold on,” Your pleas were slurred, the intoxication and affection mixing like a cocktail in your veins. Too bad your words meant nothing to the girl and her task at hand. Your pussy was her drug and she wanted to experience a levitating high. 
Your poor cunt was soaked; Riri’s cheeks glistened in your slick. Her tongue flattened against your swollen clit, her pretty brown lips kissing on your pretty brown ones. The warmth of her mouth grew the fire in you the moment she wrapped her lips around your clit and sucked. Your orgasm leaked from your sex, your legs quivering and shaking like an earthquake. 
“Ooh, cum on her face, y/n. Be a good girl,” Shuri’s rasps were full of praise and Riri refused to separate from your cunt, the wetness coating her face and collecting in a pool underneath you.
“That’s my good girl,” Shuri’s praises drawled on, drowned under the screech of your gasps and moans. “Ahh, fuck, Ri, shit, shit. That’s go-good, ma, I-I’m good,” your stutters were weak; your orgasm subsided, and yet, Riri still refused to let you escape her mouth. Not until she decided you were finished. Your hips wiggled, and your thighs vibrated, trying so hard to escape Ri’s tongue and catch your breath. 
Of course, she couldn’t part without a sultry goodbye kiss to your center. “That pretty pussy.” Her voice was low when she finally sat up, pulling the hem of her shirt up to wipe her mouth dry. 
Your muscles finally relaxed and the ache in your shoulders became evident. “Shuri, can you untie me? Please?”
The panther slips from behind you and off the bed, pulling the clothes from her oh-so-sexy body, piece by piece. Her rough hands caress your cheeks, cupping your chin and bringing your face to hers. “Oh, usana. No.”
“No?” Right below your window, campus was roaring with a sea of people. All they had to do was look up… 
Riri climbs behind you, rubbing soothing shapes into your bareback with her nails. The action draws a hiss from you and her hands wander to your front, mimicking the shapes on your stomach. Her fingers crawl up to your breasts and there they stay, toying with the piercings adorning your nipples. “You so pretty. I ever tell you that, y/n, baby?”
A deep moan precedes your words. “All the time, ma.”
“She is so pretty, isn’t she? And she gon be so fucking pretty with my cock hilt deep in her.”
Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Shuri stood in front of you, only wearing her boxers. A monster of a cock is strapped to her toned thighs, ready to be buried into you. She bore a delicious smirk at your widened eyes. Even Riri’s eyes grew a few sizes. 
“Shuri, what the fuck?”
“What, ma? What’s the problem?”
Riri hesitates at the pet name, though you catch the groan it brings from the back of her throat. “Your first time strapping her and you choose that one?”
Your curious eyes look up at the girl still playing with your bosom. “You’ve taken that one before?” You dart your gaze back to Shuri. “You’ve fucked her with that?”
Shuri steps closer, allowing you to see the detailed purple veins pulsing in the faux dick. “Once or twice.”
“She take it?”
“Like a fucking champ,” Shuri’s answer was littered with moans at the flashback of Riri bouncing on her. 
Your heart races when you spread your legs just a little further. “Then I can take it.”
The princess reaches the bed at this point, crawling towards you on all fours. Her curls hide her darkened eyes and the muscles in her upper arms and neck flex with each movement. She truly looked like a panther stalking its prey. “Oh, you can take it, baby?”
She rose to her knees, eyes baring into yours as she did. “You not gon run from me? You gon let me punish this pretty pussy?” Her hand rose to administer a slap to your cunt, one that caused you to squeeze your thighs together. Pain and ecstasy swam through you and your head fell back against Riri’s shoulder at the feeling. 
“Nah, baby, see? That’s already a problem for me. Aye, Ri?”
Shuri leaned forward until her lips were brushing against Riri’s. The smaller girl closed the gap, crashing their mouths together into a heated kiss. Their tongues fought against one another, neither willing to relinquish dominance. Finally, Shuri pulled away, leaving Riri gasping and a thin string of spit still connecting them. “Hold her open for me?”
Riri’s nod was absent-minded. “I got you.”
Shuri came eye to eye with you and lined herself up with your center. “You gon be a good girl?” 
She brushed her tip against your slit, coating it in your wetness. “Y-yes, shit. Yes, imma be good.”
She chuckled dryly at your response. “You already fucking up, baby. C’mon, you know better. Yes, what?”
“Yes, daddy,” Your voice was small with anticipation. 
“Yes, what?” Shuri repeated, lining up with your center and bracing herself, a hand on either side of your thigh. 
“Yes, daddy.”
Her forehead rested against yours, her voice low and raspy. “One more time, usana.”
“Yes, da-oh, fuck!”
Shuri pushed into you mid-sentence. The thrust was supposed to be hard, she wanted you to take her entirely all at once. The way your pussy gripped around her shaft threw her plans straight out the window behind you. “Shit, you’re so fucking tight, baby.”
“Y-you can feel me? How-”
“The strap, baby. Vibranium,” Riri mumbles in your ear. Her eyes can’t be torn away from the sight before her. Shuri pushes deeper into you, your moans mixing into a beautiful melody that Riri can’t get enough of. 
The Wakandan’s chest heaves. Her arms feel like they’re going to collapse from under her; the sensation of your pussy, the way you’re squeezing her, can be felt throughout her whole body. Riri reaches around you, grabbing Shuri’s hips and pulling them forward. You both almost melt. 
“What you hesitating for? Fuck her,” Ri’s impatient words fill the princess’s ears and all Shuri can do is nod. She pulls out of you, catching her breath for a moment and allowing you to do the same. You don’t get any warning before she’s back in it, thrusting and gasping louder than you.
Each thrust pushes the cock the size of a forearm even further until your little cunt swallows the whole thing. “Shit,” you squeal, high-pitched and piercing the air. Shuri’s hands gravitate to the spot where your thighs meet your hips and they latch on, keeping her up while she pumps you. 
“S-so good, baby. You’re taking me so good.”
Words don’t form, though you tell them to. “Don’t get quiet on me now, baby. You got so much mouth on you. Tell me how it feels. T-tell me how good I feel.”
Shuri’s vulgar words are met with only moans. Her pumps are deep and slow, sultry. The tip of her thick cock digs at your cervix. Your thighs are screaming at you to close them, your arms begging you to let them down. All you can do is scream back. 
It only takes two more pumps before your moans reach octaves that no human should reach. Your breathing draws closer together and Riri can see the wetness beginning to pour out of you. “She coming, Shuri.”
“A-already? Not so soon, baby. Hold it.”
There she go again with that ‘hold it’ shit.
Though this time, you did try. You clenched around her, begging your orgasm to wait. You didn’t need any more reason to be punished. 
Shuri’s eyes rolled back at the feel of you tightening around her even further. “Fuck! Fuck, fuck, baby girl.” 
“I-I can’t h-hold it.” You sounded like an incoherent drunk. Neither girl acknowledged your words because they couldn’t understand them. The sound of skin slapping soon turned into the sound of splashing around Shuri’s cock. The sheets flooded beneath the three of you. The extra slick allowed Shuri’s thrusts to become more fluent and they just picked up speed. 
Your wet pussy begged for a break, but your mouth couldn’t form a sentence. Shuri’s, however, could. “You taking this shit so good baby. Yeah, yeah take this dick. Lemme watch, lemme see that fat pussy around my cock.”
“Damn, Shuri,” Riri gasped at her vulgarity, squeezing her own thigh’s together as her wet pussy ached for some kind of contact. 
“Lemme fuck you, baby. Lemme see that hole swallow this thick cock. It’s so damn wet y/n, your creamy ass pussy squeezing me like that. You hear that shit? You hear how fucking wet you are?”
Shuri was so fucking close. Her ego was massive at the waterfall your cunt continuously produced. The sound of her hips slapping yours, of your drenched pussy, it was music to her fucking ears. Your moans fed her and she was insatiable. 
“Imma cum in this pussy, y/n. Fuck, baby. That okay? I can fill your pretty pussy to the brim and watch it all leak back out?”
“Y- c-can’t geh m- p-pregnant, r-right?” Shuri laughed at your slurs. She was sky high knowing she had fucked you drunk, had you fucking stupid over her cock. 
“Nah, baby. N-Nah, but y-you take me so good, I kinda wish I could.”
“T-then fi-me up, daddy,” You were barely coherent, but Shuri understood you well enough to know that you’d given her the okay. Her thrusts were beyond sloppy at this point. There was no rhythm, no method to her madness, but they still dug deep into you. “Uhh,” her groans prepared you for the warmth that filled your cunt after. Shuri’s cum poured into you, surrounding the thick toy that was still buried between your walls, and god, it was so much. 
The cock twitched within you, emptying her seed into your pussy and she pulled out of you with a delicious squelch. The cum she emptied so deep in you pooled out in a slow river from your center, collecting onto your already-wet sheets.
“Shit,” Shuri gasped at the sight, catching her breath. “You took that so fucking good, baby. And it won’t be the last time you take my dick.”
Mhm was the last thing you hummed before your eyes fluttered closed. The feel of hands around your wrists reopened them just as your body fell back into Riri, finally free of its restraints. “You good, baby?”
“I-I’m good, daddy.”
The burning in your arms and legs finally began to go away as your body relaxed in Riri’s warmth. 
Shuri tapped the small girl’s thighs. “Ri, c’mere, baby.”
Riri must’ve been feeling hella good today because she obeyed almost too easily. She climbed from beneath you, laying your body on the wet mattress below. 
“My turn?” Ri asked, moving around your body and laying her cheek against your stomach. Your hand gravitated to her head, fingers tracing the spaces between her cornrows. 
“Ewe, usana (Yes, baby).” Shuri brought her hand down hard to clasp Riri’s ass, causing her to hiss between those pretty teeth. “Come on, phezulu (up). You know how I like you.”
Riri met your gaze with a wink before she brought her hips up, throwing her round behind in the air and allowing Shuri full access. 
Watching Shuri align her strap with Riri’s opening was entrancing. Your hand stayed on Riri’s head and her fingers dug into your sides when Shuri finally pushed the thick piece into her. The toy was still covered in your slick, allowing the panther to shove the lubed device in its entirety into the poor girl. 
Her pumps were merciless and deep, throwing Riri’s little body forward into yours. If you were pretty being stuffed full of cock, Riri was fucking gorgeous. Her mouth formed a perfect little ‘O’ and those big, round eyes refused to peel away from yours. 
Shuri was a rough lover and the way she fucked displayed every bit of that. Riri’s poor pussy was bound to be sore the next day, but right now, it was in heaven. Shuri’s fingers gripped at Ri’s hips, steadying herself and pulling Ri’s body to meet hers.
“Throw that shit back on me, Ri, baby. Show y/n how fucking good you take it. Yeah, show her how good you get fucked.”
Riri’s bottom lip was tucked away between her teeth. She’d take Shuri’s dick any day; happily taunting her in public and getting fucked into filth in private. But you switched up their dynamic. She wasn’t about to bitch beneath Shuri, not in front of you. She was ma, mamas, or mami (spelled with an I to be exact) if you were feeling her. Shuri needed to chill on this ‘baby’ shit. 
Shuri took Ri’s silence as a challenge. Her thrusts grew harder, pounding and bruising Riri’s cervix as you watched. “You not gon talk to me Ri? Huh?”
Riri was taking each pump like a champ. Her ass shook every time Shuri’s hips came in contact with it. You ran your fingers down her cheek and cupped them so gently around her chin. When you pulled her eyes to yours, you saw her hard demeanor crumble as a small moan escaped her. “You gon talk to me then, mamas? Tell me how good it feel. You taking it so good.”
Shuri’s movements stuttered at your words, sultry and low and so fucking sexy. This was a trap and Ri knew it. She shook her head and looked away, more willing to take Shuri in silence than to let her pride evaporate. 
Your hand slid even lower, clasping around Riri’s throat like a pretty necklace. “Talk to me, mami. I’m not asking this time.”
A brow climbed the sweaty pather’s face. Your voice, your movements, shit, they were enough to make her fold. 
And Riri did. Her bit lip was released and her stare up at you was pleading. “I-I’m so close, baby.”
“You close, mami?”
Shuri could feel Riri grow even wetter around her. She slipped in and out so easily, she actually feared she was going too deep. 
“Yeah, I’m close. It feel so fucking good.”
“You gon cum?” Your words were pushing Riri to the edge and matched with Shuri’s movements, shit, she wouldn’t last long. 
Riri nods, granting her a hard hand coming in contact with her cheeks. “Use your fucking words, Ri.” Shuri is growling now, almost over the edge with her own orgasm. 
“I’m gon cum, y/n.”
“You gon let me watch, ma? Lemme see that pussy clench around daddy’s dick? I just wanna see you cream. Make a pretty mess on that dick.”
Riri was already coming before you even finished your sentence. You could see Shuri’s cock disappear within Ri’s walls and come back out coated. Her grip on you tightened, her deep moans rapidly leaving her lips. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, I’m fucking coming. Shuri, baby, don’t fucking stop, don’t stop. Fuck this shit outta me, fuck it all out of me.”
Shuri came at the same time, throwing her head back and slowing her thrusts. You could see her ab muscles twitch as she released deep in Riri’s pussy.  Their cum mixed, creating a big, white, creamy mess that soaked your mattress even deeper. 
The smaller girl collapsed first, throwing her body on top of yours, gasping for breath. Shuri sat down, resting her back against the wall while she struggled to regulate her breathing. “I-imma need a minute…” Riri’s voice trailed off. You planted a kiss on the top of her forehead while you moved from beneath her. 
“Daddy?” Your voice rang out so sweetly.
“Yeah, baby?”
“You got one more nut in you?” You were seated in front of her, hands running up and down her thighs, nails dragging along her skin. Her grill gleamed at you when her lips parted with her smirk. “What you want?”
“I wanna taste.”
Shuri shivered at the thought of your pretty lips around her cock. She imagined what your tongue would feel like licking her and Riri’s cum off her thick shaft. Her “Go ahead” was breathy with anticipation.
Your tongue swiped across your lips before you lowered them onto Shuri’s tip. Her groan encouraged you. The thick toy stretched your mouth the same way they stretched your cunt. With a long slurp, you popped the dick out of your mouth and swallowed the taste of your girls.
“Baby, you wanna close the blinds?”
The three of you had completely forgotten the open window, too caught up in each other’s bodies. The sun had begun setting, so surely, you weren’t as visible before. However, below stood a group of three guys, all totally mesmerized by the show they’d just gotten. 
“Ugh men,” you rolled your eyes, lowering your head back to Shuri’s shaft. “Nah, daddy. Let them watch.”
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d0wnb4df0rf1cm3n · 2 years
Send Noods
Shuri Udaku x Reader
Summary: Shuri's hungry. You're confused what she's hungry for.
Word Count: 1K
Warnings: fluff, a lil bit of smutty smut smut (still 18+ pls), tbh this is just funny to me. NOT CANON COMPLIANT
Author's Note: i cant lie this maybe the stupidest thing i've ever written but its funny and cute and shuri deserves that.
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I'm going to be working late tonight. Send noods? Read.
You weren't really sure how to react to Shuri's request. On the one hand, you two had a pretty active and healthy sex life - nudes weren't really the least conservative thing you two had engaged in.
On the other hand, it seemed particularly odd that she would ask for them if she intended to spend the rest of the evening in the labs.
You were slightly pissed off that she had cancelled on yet another date night in favour of working on whatever it was that she was developing - but you understood the importance of her job to Wakanda, so you let it slide.
The prospect of taking nudes excited you - you'd never done it before. You looked yourself once over in the mirror, taking in every inch of your reflection. Not for the first time since moving in with Shuri, you felt... sexy. Wanted. Your confidence wasn't lacking - you knew you were beautiful without Shuri's validation - but there was something about Shuri's spontaneity that made your confidence spike.
You showered, making sure to pamper yourself the same way you knew Shuri would if she were here with you. You shaved, did your skincare, painted your nails in Shuri's favourite colour.
You walked into the massive closet that Shuri had engineered for you, looking for the beautiful lingerie that Shuri had recently brought back from California. She'd been out there for a convention with Peter (Parker) and she'd sent you a picture of the lingerie with a 'thinking of you' message attached. Safe to say that you were so touch-starved that the idea of her thinking of you in that way had got you wet.
You put the lingerie on, marveling at how you felt more naked than if you had been nude, and posed in front of the mirror. You felt powerful in this. You put your favourite heels on, knowing how Shuri loved to unbuckle them for you, and lay on the bed.
You set your phone up on a tripod and took a series of pictures that were risque enough that you'd leave her wanting, but conservative enough that Shuri would want to come to bed. You want to entice her away from her work - the true love of her life.
You googled 'boudoir' and took reference from the poses you found. The photos you took were far from crude - no, they were tasteful, almost works of art.
You smiled when you were done. Shuri asked for nudes? Well, nudes she would get.
You sent her the photos and then threw your phone face down on the bed. Now to wait.
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Shuri's phone pinged. She made a mental reminder to check it in a moment, just after she had finished her work on this new suit. She had modified the Black Panther suit, infusing it with the same nanotechnology that Peter had been working on at MIT. She was excited to test out her improvements.
Her phone pinged again. Whoever it was really wanted to get a hold of her. She sighed when her text tone rang out again, standing up to grab her phone.
From: Sithandwa <;3 Image 📸
What the hell did you want now? Maybe you were asking what noodles she wanted? She opened her phone and promptly turned the screen to the table. What had she just seen?
She looked around to make sure there was no one else in the lab - of course, no one else was in the lab because she had a strict 'you must leave the lab at 8pm' which she enforced for everyone except herself. She looked at her phone again to find 5 pictures of you spread over your shared bed, posing in ways that made her mouth water and pussy clench.
Shuri told Griot to look up the lab and she sprinted down the halls - god, you looked delicious and she wanted to devour you.
She opened your bedroom door to see you sitting on the edge of the bed, anxiously biting your nails.
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You were so nervous. What if you'd completely misread the signals - no response from Shuri was normally never a good sign.
The door swung open and Shuri stood in the doorway, eyes raking over you, a smile playing on her lips. She stalked over to you, hand cupping your face. She pulled you in for a passionate kiss - her tongue slipping inside your mouth. You relaxed into her hold, kissing her back and pulling her towards you.
She climbed onto the bed, straddling you as she rocked into you. You felt something hard under the confines of her trousers and you smiled. You were in for a fun night.
"What did I do to deserve these beautiful pictures of you, sithandwa?" She asked, pulling away to rest her forehead against yours. You looked up in confusion.
"What? You asked for them, remember?"
Shuri looked confused, "Uh- no I didn't?"
"Yes, you did. See," you pulled your phone from the bedside table, "You said, 'send nudes'." Shuri burst out laughing.
You curled away from her, embarrassed, but she pulled you back into her arms, laughter still bubbling up. She cupped your cheeks and looked into your eyes, "I meant noodles, sithandwa, not nudes." You smiled involuntarily, laughter bubbling up from you too, "Not that I'm not appreciative of your gorgeous photos, but you've ruined my plan for this evening."
"I think I already have an idea of what your plan was for this evening."
"And do you like it?"
You nodded gently, a wave of shyness washing over you.
Shuri lifted your chin up with her finger, "Words, princess."
"Yes, please."
She pushed you down so your back was on the bed, "Good girl."
She kissed you again, fingers trailing up and down your sides. She peeled the straps of the lingerie down, revealing each inch of your skin, pressing light kisses to the expanse of your shoulders.
She kissed down your navel, taking her time to make you squirm. If there was any art that Shuri had perfected, it was the art of fucking you just right.
You stopped her as she reached the softness of your belly. She looked up at you, puzzled, but burst into laughter as soon as she heard what you had to say.
"After this can we get noodles?"
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