#shoutout to reggie you let 7 year old me learn about surface tension and feel cool for having met someone who works for nasa o7
driftwooddestiel Β· 1 year
i had such a strange dream last night i had to make this project about SOMETHING in like one hour and it had these little lego models that i built in some sort of lego-minecraft hybrid? and then my friend started talking about the time they accidentally were rude to this guy who my sisters friends with who moved here from america in 2017 and then left in like. 2019 (who were still friends with)(his family are family friends and stuff they visit like once a year bc the mum is australian) who for some reason in this dream used to be in some sort of orchestra ? that my friend was also in despite the fact that irl they dont play any instruments in an orchestra they just play the drums occasionally? and so i made my project about that event for some reason and i was freaking out because it was really rushed . and then i was watching some sort of documentary where the guy from america was like. 8 for some reason and at my old primary school talking about my sister?? then he appeared and was weirded out by my project (understandably)?? and i started remembering some random converssation i overheard his dad having ages ago where he talked about getting comics with his brother from the only shopping centre in the really empty desert town they lived in . idk why
and then i had to frantically finish my project, and THEN i was woken up irl finally
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