#shouting KENOBI MOSS like it's a battle move from a pokemon game
dathomirdumpsterfire · 10 months
Chat writes the plot! Time for more 👑🐲🐟 KotD!
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~King of the Dragonfish: Chapter 11~
'If I make it out of this alive,’ Obi-Wan thinks, ‘I'm leaving this part of the story off my report to the rest of the council.’
The whole ‘sith lord reborn through… an unknown convergence in the force… into a previously unheard of fish hybrid… who was supposed to be dead… but isn't… and-’
… actually, he's not sure what he's going to say at all.
His thoughts are interrupted by a wack of fins upside his head.
“Ow!” the jedi says, rubbing at the point of impact and glaring at the source. “Why are you hitting me again?”
“You are not paying attention!” Maul declares, and shoves more of the slimy moss into his hands. “Look!”
He does. It's… the same as before? Clover like. Wet. bioluminescent. Slick. “Yes? What about it?”
The dragonfish sith huffs, like he's being obtuse, and spirals around his back. Obi-Wan finds himself lifted and supported entirely on the curl of his tail. Maul’s head leans over his shoulder, hands reaching around him to pull even more of the plants into his lap. The sith's pupils are blown, big enough to see in the green light of his eyes.
“It is luminous and it is soft,” the sith sighs happily, “it is Kenobi Moss.”
Obi-Wan huffs with exasperation. “What in the world are you trying to say? It's just a plant. Tsk. I think you imbibed a bit much of… whatever it was that you took.”
Maul growls, shaking the bundle, “I am not high, it is-! It is Kenobi Moss! It is light and soft like you are light and soft!”
The jedi master crosses his arms and leans back.
…he's surprised to find himself quite comfortable, save for the damp plants in his lap. The length of Maul's torso and tail made for a rather shapely chair.
“I am not soft, Maul. I'm scared, calloused, and quite hairy. Now! I think, perhaps, you should consider sleeping off whatever this is.”
“You are dumb,” the sith says plainly, “and soft,” he adds, putting his clawed hands into Obi-Wan's hair. “Ssssoft…” he sith hisses delightfully, suddenly deciding to play with it.
Obi-Wan blinks, rapidly, cheeks going pink. “...quit that,” he demands lamely.
“Hnnn!” Maul says, ignoring him in favor of winding fingers through his hair repeatedly.
Oh blast, that feels incredible. Nails trail along his scalp, alternatively heavy enough to dig heady lines across the skin, then light enough tracing to give him shivers.
“Maul,” he complains, “would you please qu-”
“No,” the bastard chimes, “I am busy.”
The jedi scowls, trying to reach up and detangle the hands from his head, despite how nice it feels. He is, more or less, sitting on Maul's lap and being petted.
He is also leaving this part of the story out of his report.
“You didn't even hear what I was about to ask!” he complains.
“No!” Maul spits at him, "I am very busy right now, I will not do anything else!”
“You're just… just touching me to amuse yourself! Despite the fact that it's pleasant, you really are not busy! Besides, that’s previously what I was going to ask you. To stop-.”
Maul makes a noise that is absolutely alien, neither zabrak nor human.
…do dragonfish make some kind of noises?
“I do not want to stop! It is pleasant, and soft, and good, and always these things are taken away from me! Always the others are given food! Always the others may sit at the table and be included! Never me! Never me! Always the others are given a chance to kill me, cut me, take my place! But now I am different, I am strong. Now I make the rules.”
“... what?” he says quietly, deeply confused and a little alarmed.
What is the sith talking about?
...food? ...others? ...cutting?
“I am ssstrong,” Maul hisses in his ear, one hand threading deep into Obi-Wan's hair and winding the stands in his fist. “If I want soft things, I will take soft things.”
The man's other hand reaches around his middle, holding the jedi's back flush against his cool, unyielding scales.
“Maul…” he says, thrown and still not sure what to say.
“You… are so soft,” the sith croons into his ear, “and If I want you, I will take you.”
Every word of that phrase goes straight down his spine and into his-
Obi-Wan crosses his arms, his legs, and his toes, then tries to bury everything those words make him feel. “What exactly do you mean about… food? About sitting at the table?”
The sith makes a frustrated noise, nosing into his hair, huffing, then releasing the arm around his middle to pull in yet more glowy moss. “It matters not. The past is gone away. Look. Is this not very good? It makes light. It is like you.”
Maul… really wants him to enjoy the moss? He guesses? …or his blitzed little brain is attempting the most transparent change of subject ever witnessed.
“It is… yes, it's very nice-” he looks down at it, then sidelong at the man curled over his shoulder, “-though… if you don't put it back in the water it will probably die. I suppose it is like me, in that. If I don't get back to the surface, eventually I will also die.”
Maul snarls, wrenching his head back. It hurts, until he relaxes into the pull. The sith moves him where he wants him, draping Obi-Wan along his tail and looming over top of him. His dick gives a little twitch of interest about all this.
“You are not,” the sith tells him fiercely, “allowed. to die. I am keeping you. You are soft and light and good and I will remake the seas until they are hospitable to you. I will pull up heat from the earth to keep you warm, and steal fruit from the sky to see you fed.” The grip on his head relaxes as the sith's brow furrows, confusion and frustration and the struggle to express himself written across his face. “This place is… it is better with you here. You… you will be well here. I will not stop until it is so.”
…kriffing, kark. If that isn't the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to him. How in the ever loving sith hells did they get from revenge and death to this? In a matter of days?
“Maul,” he says too softly, pained, and then stops. Again, he's at a loss for words.
The sith makes a noise of disgust for some reason, and goes back to playing with his hair, then moves on to being fascinated with his beard, following the scruff down and under his jaw with curious fingers until it trails away into skin. He… complacently puts up with the manhandling, with his legs still determinedly crossed.
At least until the other man starts tugging at his tunics.
“Wh- Ma- Excuse you, what are you doing?” he snaps.
“You spoke true… there is very much hair. It is most soft here,” he says, ruffling Obi-Wan's head, “and less soft here," he scritches under the jedi's chin. “I saw your torso before, there was more of it. I want to see how it feels. Take this off.”
Oh hoho hooo No. Absolutely not. “I don't think so,” Obi-Wan drawls, “but I have an excellent alternative for you.”
Maul drifts back a bit, head tilting curiously. His ear fins flit twice. “Mnhh?”
“Kenobi Moss!” the jedi shouts helpfully, and tosses all of the piles of it into the air with the force. Then, he makes them spin and float around like dandelion fluff.
Maul's pupils dilate from ‘overblown’ to ‘the irises are basically gone’, and he goes swaying off to catch the nearest one.
Obi-Wan slides safely off the side of him as he leaves, exhaling expansively.
That was… a close one.
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