#should've gone to bed earlier so I wouldn't have had to deal with anyone but whatever
nervocat · 2 months
Ok well there's. Something. I guess
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rueclfer · 3 years
calling the boy you hate pretty // Bakugou
a/n: don't talk to me i'm obsessed :'-)
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You called him. You knew you shouldn't have and if you didn't have fireball running through your veins right now, then you wouldn't have. You were stumbling down the dark street towards the dorms and slowly losing your sense of direction.
"Why the fuck are you calling me? What's wrong with you?" You hear the voice bite at you through the phone.
"God can you go one minute without yelling?" You hiccup. "I don't know where I am. It's late. I want to be in my bed."
"Are you drunk right now?"
"Well..." You began.
"No wonder why you're being dumber than usual. Bother someone who fucking cares. BEEP"
Well shit. He was the only person you felt comfortable bothering and annoying at this hour and from the looks of it, you were going to spend your night sleeping on a park bench- if you could find the park that is.
It was cold, you could see your breath in front of you with every exhale. You were wearing an outfit that barely covered the goods and your feet were killing you. Maybe you shouldn't have insisted that you were going to stay a little longer for another drink or two. You should've gone back to the dorms with Mina and Jirou when they asked.
You lightly kicked the pavement in front of you, squeezing yours eyes shut a few times to focus your vision.
"I wish I was sober..." You thought to yourself.
You were painfully self aware and could feel the knot in your stomach threatening to unravel with every step. If you haven't had your last few shots then maybe you brain would be clear enough for you to find a way back home, but everything seemed foggy.
You phone suddenly started buzzing in your hand.
"Hello?" you replied without looking at the number.
"Shut the fuck up. Tell me where you and I'll come get you." The familiar voice says in a low tone.
You couldn't help but smile a bit. "Uuuuhhh. I'm not so sure. Big liquor sign. Next to a McDonalds. Not too far from that one pub everyone goes to."
"Stay where you are and do not move. Don't talk to anyone. Get that through your head and I'll be there shortly. BEEP"
Rude, but you'll accept the help nonetheless. You leaned up against the street light, hugging your arms for warmth. How long will it take him to find you? What would be his excuse if he was caught sneaking out?
No one would be bold enough to question anyways. Not at this time of night. It was impossible to not walk on eggshells around him with his short fuse. Of course you weren't afraid to test his boundaries, but having to deal with an feisty brat like Bakugou is all too much to handle.
God it was cold. Maybe you should start walking toward the direction you think dorms are at? If you were going in the right direction you would at least run into Bakugou. Maybe you should take off your heels for the walk. The ground was probably freezing, but your shoes were starting to dig into the sides of your feet. Everything was fucked. You're freezing, your feet hurt, you couldn't think straight, your makeup was probably a disaster, if you take another step you might throw up, and-
"What did you get yourself into?"
You turn around to see a lanky figure, swallowed up in a large hoodie. His eyes pierced into your own with annoyance.
"Hi..." You murmur. You suddenly felt the embarrassment cloud over your head. "Thank you for coming to get me."
You take a few steps in his direction and began stumbling a little bit. He reaches out and grabs your shoulders to stabilize you.
"Idiot, can't you take those off?" He glares at your tall heels.
"Then my feet are going to get cold" You whine.
He deadpans and looks at you with a blank face.
"You know what, whatever. I don't care. Put this on." He shoves another large hoodie into your hands.
At this moment, it felt like he had given you the most valuable thing in the world. You effortlessly slid the soft material over your head and it felt like you were in heaven.
"Thank you. Can we go?" You ask. "I don't think I can handle standing up right any longer than I have to.
He turns around and squats down. "Get on."
You're taken aback. "Uh, no it's fine I can-"
"I said. Get on. I don't want to deal with you anymore tonight so just do as I say and keep your mouth shut."
You purse your lips. What a shitty attitude. You climb onto his back without a word and he starts making his way back to the dorms as if you weighed nothing.
"For someone who thinks they're the shit, you're so irresponsible and self destructive, you know that? It's this fucking late and out of all the people in the world, you had to call me. What the fuck is wrong with you. And you had to audacity to drunk text me earlier?" He goes off on you.
"Why did you come then? You didn't have to come get me if you were just going to be an ass and lecture me." You spit back. "For someone with such a pretty face, you have an ugly fucking attitude!"
"For fucks sake, y/n, stop saying that!"
"Why? You have a problem with it? You're PRETTY. When you're not trying so hard to be a whole BITCH to me, you're cute and admirable and strong and yeah you might have a nice fucking face, but if you're going to be so mean then what's the fucking point!"
"If you weren't so infuriating, then I wouldn't have to be on your ass all the time, do I? Stop being annoying, and maybe your pretty face can be enjoyable to look at too."
You perked up. With your drunken state, it was hard to maintain your sour mood- especially when tough pretty boy Bakugo thinks you're pretty too. You couldn't help but let a giggle slip out, but you tried to muffle it in his hood.
"Shut up-"
"You think I'm preeetttyyy." You sing in his ear.
You could feel him adjust his grip on your thighs as he carries you on his back.
"I think you're annoying too." He mutters.
"I wish I was sober" You chuckle "Don't let me forget about this tomorrow okay? The night I got too much to drink and my hot rival came to my rescue...and called me pretty."
The rest of the walk to the dorms were quiet. Your breath warmed your face as your breath into the back of his hoodie. Bakugou had a consistent breathing pattern from the beginning of the walk to the end, having no struggle at all with your weight on his back.
At this point it was hard to read him. His face seemed as angry as always, but something in his eyes looked different. Maybe it's because the cold air has left a blush on the tip of his nose and cheeks and the late night wind had swept his hair out of place and he couldn't free a hand to fix it. Maybe it's because you were hyper aware of his tight grasp on your thighs because perhaps he couldn't trust you to have a secure hold around his neck and shoulder. Maybe it's because you felt oddly comfortable and warm being this close to him and hearing his light breathing.
Either way, he shined a little differently under the streetlights and he knew that if he could see your face right now, with your chapped blue lips and big glowy eyes, he wouldn't be able to remember you as the person he hated with everything in him.
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