#short black hair and tattoos really is my weakness tho I had the most insane breakdown when the pictures of him with his new hair dropped
kazeofthemagun · 3 years
Kaze - Character Tropes
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[A thing I compiled for fun for my portrayal of Kaze and all my headcanons. There is so much stuff on TVTropes that I may keep adding as I go. He does have a page on it but it's lackluster for my taste XD but here it is.]
[Putting all this crap under a read more cuz that is long.]
Purpose-Driven Immortality / Regenerative Immortality - as long as the prophecy holds and Chaos still exists, Kaze cannot die. When his body is killed, he comes back through regeneration, centered on the Magun.
Soul Jar - the Magun, specifically, his heart that had been transplanted into it and bound him to the Gun Dragon sealed in the Demon Weapon. The vial is warded by very potent magic - supposedly, only another Unlimited has the power to break it.
Touched by Vorlons - granted immortality by Bahamut, the Gun Dragon, upon being accepted as Magun's prophecized perfect wielder - Unlimited.
Cybernetic Mythical Beast - the Gun Dragon and how he came to be - made from the slain Bahamut's corpse and infused with tech, animated by his still-living soul. As such, all Summon Spirits that come from the Gun Dragon and his Magun are also biomechanical in nature.
Dracolich - Gun Dragon is technically undead, while also reinforced with machinery to create a "perfect Weapon". He's forged from parts of his own corpse, bones showing through such as the arms, legs, exposed spine.
Draconic Abomination - Gun Dragon.
Dragons are Divine - Gun Dragon as the Windarian God of Destruction - the title gets passed on to Kaze as his chosen and vessel. Also War God.
BFG - Magun is fucking massive.
Bling-Bling-Bang! - Magun seems to be made of gold, but is really composed of an unidentified alien metal. Shiny tho.
He Who Hunts Monsters - fanatical levels of obsession with hunting everything Chaotic. (His title of choice being literally the Hunter of Chaos, Hunter for friends.) Definitely partially a personal vendetta - his whole world was devoured and his own mind was ripped nigh to shreds - but also a purpose felt strongly through the connection with Magun/Gun Dragon, a Demon Weapon forged specifically to combat Chaos that activates only at its scent, pre-repaired verse. Almost leads to a Van Helsing Hate Crime against Ai and Yu - luckily, Kaze is not that merciless and spares the kids for wanting to live as humans and not demons. All in all, Kaze/Gun Dragon are a cosmic force that opposes Chaos till the end of time. Also Married To The Job.
Collateral Damage - piss him off and you're gonna go. Alongside everything in approximately a 5 mile radius of where you're standing. (Thankfully he learns more restraint with time, attempting to minimize casualties where possible. Still, if ending Chaos requires sacrifices.. so be it.) Probably also Inferred Holo//caust in FFU. He had blown up huge chunks of land to end his foes. Likely killed people or at least animals :/
The Stoic - His personality archetype.
Weak to Magic - Blue Elenium, a special type of water magic that corrupts Soil. As an extension, Kaze is harmed more by water magic in general, seeing as the energy messes with Soil flow.
Trauma Button - having his hand held/touched suddenly. It brings painful memories of his sister, Aura, who died holding his hand. Under Chaos' influence, it was one of the only memories Kaze still had of her, rendering the trigger particularly intense and sending him into dissociative episodes. Furthermore, a fear of Gaudian flowers - the blue phantom flowers that herald the arrival of Chaos. Suffers from visions and nightmares of a very gory nature that involve said flowers.
Shell-Shocked Veteran - of the War with Chaos.
Loners are Freaks - he is an introvert born to a society that abhors weakness as disgraceful and sinful. Has trouble connecting with people - but he also (mostly) doesn't need to. Due to the nature of his quest, accepts his fate as the one who will never fit in anymore. "I am the monster who hunts monsters so that you may sleep at night human. It is a thankless job."
Beware the Quiet Ones - his silence precedes a storm. When he speaks, his words boom as thunder - be they a roar or a whisper. This man wastes no words.
Aloof Ally - self-explanatory.
Tranquil Fury - most of the time. Also, Rage Breaking Point applies when facing Kumo mid-show. Except Kumo promptly wrecks him, without much effort involved. It is only later (After-series) that Kaze recovers most of his power and sanity, and gains equal footing to his rival.
Firing One-Handed - can only do so this way. Only has one hand 99% of the time, the other is bound to the Magun and is reformed only to fire it.
Guns vs Swords - him and Kumo - Demon Gunman vs Demon Swordsman. Gun Dragon vs Sword Dragons.
Hand Cannon - Magun, to a lesser degree Orthrus.
I call it "Vera" - with Orthrus, named after the patron shepherd dog spirit of the sun's blood-haired children.
Improbable Aiming Skills - especially with the Gun Demon sight.
Overheating - the Magun when too many summonings are performed too quickly. As an extension of it, Kaze himself. May result in a death via Spontaneous Human Combustion.
Sawed-off Shotgun - Orthrus, double barreled.
Sniper Pistol - Orthrus.
Trigger Happy - self-explanatory.
Ancestral Weapon - the Magun, passed down the line of the Windarian summoner prodigies.
Made of Indestructium - the Magun, which cannot be broken by anyone short of another Unlimited.
Living Weapon - the Magun. Also, Legendary Weapon.
Shapeshifter Weapon - the Magun, a part of Kaze's body - gauntlet, windmill, gun. Replaces his right arm.
Only the Chosen May Wield - the Magun.
They Call Him "Sword" - except, gun. Kaze views himself as more of a weapon than a person at times. Makes sense, considering he is one - his true body is the Magun, which houses his heart, binds his soul and consciousness, and serves as the core from which his regenerative immortalitysets to work.
Nemesis Weapon - Kaze's Magun to Kumo's Maken. While forged for the same purpose, they govern conflicting energies. Also, Sword vs Gun.
Weapon Wields You - the Magun to Kaze with its funky laser-guided teleportation, always going after Chaos. Oh, Chaos' signature is underneath the ocean? Too bad.
Equippable Ally - Kaze, after reducing himself to the Magun and having Kumo and Lisa wield him to bring out the Gun Dragon.
Human Weapon - Kaze, literally.
Become Your Weapon - Kaze with the Magun.
This is a Drill - the Magun's Soil engine that activates Soil through spiral motion. Combined with a wholeass windmill.
Spectacular Spinning - the Magun's windmill. Plainly put, Spin to Deflect Stuff. Also, Blow You Away applies due to the Tornado Move.
Deadly Rotary Fan - the Magun's windmill used offensively.
Swirling Dust - Soil Spiral on the winds generated by the Magun.
Transformation Is A Free Action - seems to be the case in the series. May not be the case always.
Mechanical Lifeforms - Gun Dragon and all its summons.
Badass Cape - of course.
When Things Spin, Science Happens - the Magun's spinning shenanigans empower Soil.
Stock Footage - the summonings. He is become budget, Destroyer of Chaos. Also Transformation Sequence. Guy has a routine.
Running Gag - his spontaneous appearances, seemingly from nowhere.
Emergency Transformation - soul reforged into a Soil bullet, summoning himself as the Gun Dragon.
Elemental Powers - all the summon spirits.
Soul Power - Soil.
Soul-Powered Engine - the Magun/Gun Dragon.
Merger of Souls - Kaze with all of Magun's leftover Soil, as well as Bahamut's soul that animates Gun Dragon. Also Many Spirits Inside Of One - Endless White as the confluence of all the colors.
Emphatic Weapon - the Magun has a mind of its own, considering it is a vessel for the Gun Dragon.
Shoot the Hostage Taker - with Soljashy. Goddammit, Lisa.
Theme Music Power Up - Demon Gun Dissolve and Demon Gun Shot.
Black Blood - Kaze's blood, corrupted by the Magun's smoke. His earring, made of his own red blood mixed with tree sap, is a reminder of when he was still fully human. Technically also Machine Blood - it serves as a coolant for Magun and catalyst for Soil. Furthermore, My Blood Runs Hot - whenever Magun malfunctions. May be dangerous, as already mentioned.
Important Haircut - Kaze wears his hair long specifically as a "fuck you" to Windarian folk beliefs related to the blood hair curse.
Dark-Skinned Redhead - self-explanatory.
Death Glare - his usual go-to method of communication.
Icy Blue Eyes - a cold stare.
Eyes Do Not Belong There - Gun Dragon, with four eyes on the chest and one on the belly in addition to the four already on its head, also, many other summons, such as Phoenix or Raiden.
Glowing Eyes of Doom - Kaze's special Gun Demon crosshairs eyes, for when the time comes to be particularly scary.
True Sight - Kaze is capable of seeing through most basic illusions due to an extremely sharp spirit sense. Can see certain types of ghosts. Also Supernatural Sensitivity.
Cool Shades - wears a dark lens over his left eye to minimize distraction via Orthtus' muzzle flash. Also, Sunglasses At Night.
Megane - lol.
Lean And Mean - also lol.
Jerkass - he is. Sometimes Jerk With A Heart Of Gold.
Facial Markings - the wave on his nose and the solar marks under his eye.
Power Tattoo - the Embrace (Gun Dragon's claws upon the shoulders.)
Fingerless Gloves - wears an archery glove that covers the pointing finger and thumb only.
Eccentric Artist - also outside of battle. Primarily a poet, draws sometimes.
Being Tortured Makes You Evil - by Chaos, after being possessed. Returned to being good-aligned after some time.
Brainwashed And Crazy - by Chaos, to obsessively hunt Kumo. Now recovered. Also Mind Rape.
Laser-Guided Amnesia - his memory loss and subsequent insane pursuit of Kumo mid-show.
Curse - according to his people's folklore, the unusual color of his hair.
Stress-Induced Mental Voices - happens a lot, bothin hallucinations and the Soil speaking.
Heroic Willpower - to stand strong against Chaos.
Dark and Troubled Past - everything about him. Everything. Also Born Unlucky - cursed from the start.
Sole Survivor - of Windaria's fall.
Last of His Kind - last Windarian.
Meaningful Name - Black Wind.
Rite Of Passage Name Change - from the nickname "Wolf" to his current name, as granted by his clan.
Driven to Madness - first somewhat by his pursuit of power, then more so by Chaos.
No Medication For Me - good luck getting him to medicate for his issues. Chances are it would not work anyway due to his altered nature.
There Are No Therapists - on Windaria.
Good Thing You Can Heal - gets injured or killed multiple times during his quest. Good thing he's immortal, right?
I Can Still Fight! - frequently, especially when Kumo is somehow involved.
Organ Dodge - his heart is no longer in his chest.
Wound That Will Not Heal - still feels a type of phantom pain where his heart once was - the surgery scar is the only scar that refuses to heal.
An Arm And A Leg - the Magun essentially removed his right arm below the elbow.
Arm Cannon - the Magun.
Artificial Limbs - the Magun, replacing Kaze's right arm.
Handicapped Badass - despite possessing only one hand (when Magun not thawed).
Don't You Dare Pity Me! - Kaze and most of the Wind Warriors' culture in general.
All Are Equal In Death - as Soil.
Anti-Hero - also Pragmatic Hero.
The Cynic - self-explanatory.
Badass Creed - “From the Glory of Death, for the Glory of Life.”
Battle Cry - “Soil is my power!” Also Catchphrase and Calling Your Attacks.
Pre-Asskicking One-Liner - sometimes. "What is the matter with the Magun? Why won't you use it?"
Giving Someone the Pointer Finger - “The Soil Charge Triad to use on you has been decided!”
Big Brother Instinct - around Aura.
Parental Abandonment - never knew his parents, grew up on the streets as an orphan.
Summon Magic - Soil-Adherents train in Soil summonings - the Magun allows Kaze control over all summons, except ones of Mist.
Summoning Ritual - the Soil Charge Triad.
Offscreen Teleportation - played for comedic value. Is actually Soil Spiral teleportation, though.
Forced Sleep - induced by Kumo, causing Kaze to slumber for twelve years. Sleep, bitch!
Mage Marksman - self-explanatory.
Warrior Poet - "The gilding of a blood indomitable... True Sanguine."
Religion is Magic - the Soil poetry is sacred to Windarian summoners.
Dark Messiah - as the Dark Unlimited, Hunter of Chaos.
Duelling Messiahs - him and Kumo, who fits the light end of the spectrum. But will Makenshi's purity serve him? Hmm...
In Love With Your Carnage - You can kill efficiently and potentially kick his ass? Hot. Also Power is Sexy.
Magitek - the Magun and all its summons.
Human Alien - Windarians, Kaze's species. Also Proud Warrior Race.
Martyrdom Culture - the Missionary caste Soil-martyring for the Adherents.
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messagefromtheveins · 6 years
Dirty Little Secret (Who Has To Know?)
A/N: I don’t even know how to start. Probably by mentioning that this is a threesome fic between Shawn and Cez and the Reader. I honestly don’t think I would’ve ever finished it, much less would be posting it, without @waitonmedarling listening to my rambles and helping me out whenever I got stuck and most of all enduring all of my thirsty thoughts. Also for proof reading this. Thank you! 😘
Please keep in mind that I know close to nothing about Cez because it’s really hard to find anything about him 😂
Look at me trying to be ~edgy~ with these titles lately
Words: 10k
Pairing: Shawn/Cez/Reader
Warning: Smut. Threesome. 
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Tour life was crazy and exhausting most of the time, so much that you sometimes found yourself wondering why you had chosen this life. But then, on nights off like this one, with the whole team gathered in a bar, you remembered why you enjoyed this lifestyle so much.
"Who's getting the next round?"
"I will," you responded and got up, stopping mid step when a hand curled around your wrist.
Worried dark eyes looked up to you before Shawn looked over his shoulder towards the crowded bar, mostly surrounded by guys. "Want me to come with you?" he offered, getting an immediate smile from you. That was part of the reason why you loved working for him- how caring and thoughtful he was, never letting the fame get to his head and always being the charming guy he is.
"I'll be fine, but thanks," you smiled, his touch leaving your wrist as you once again turned to step away from the table.
What you didn’t know was that you had two pairs of eyes following you as you walked over to the bar to order the next round of shots, both of them checking you out.
The night hadn't started like that, but at some point you found yourself sitting in between Shawn and Cez, both of them so close that their thighs kept brushing yours below the table- you were still trying to figure out if it was accidental. But you couldn't deny that you were absolutely enjoying yourself, surrounded by two incredibly attractive guys.
'I am sitting between 2 guys who are both too attractive to be true, who both smell too good to be true, are too funny to be true and they keep touching me in friendly ways that actually drive me insane. help!!'
That was the text that had started everything that would happen later that night. That text had turned into your friend interrogating you on both Shawn and Cez before it had somehow turned into a threesome talk. And to top the whole thing off you made the horrible mistake of leaving your phone on the table while you went to pee.
Cez's gaze caught your phone as the screen lit up with an incoming message, already about to look back up when he caught his name. Curiosity got best of him as he lightly leaned over so he could read the message before the screen would go black again.
'for real tho. A threesome with Shawn and Cez would be a dream come true, right?! I honestly don't get how you didn't give in to either one of them already'
Clearing his throat, he looked over his shoulder to check that you weren't just now coming back to the table before he took your phone while nudging Shawn across your empty chair.
Shawn turned to look at his tour manager and raised his eyebrows as Cez handed him the phone, but wordlessly took it and read the message. His eyes widened in an almost comical way before his head snapped up, searching the bar before he turned to Cez again. "What is this?"
You were blissfully unaware of what had happened while you had been in the bathroom, sitting down between the two guys again and reaching for your drink. You didn't notice the way they kept staring at you out of the corner of their eyes.
What you did notice was the way they suddenly turned even more touchy than before. The first touch of Cez's hand on your thigh startled you for a short moment, but you didn't read too much into it. You smiled as Shawn put his arm over the back of your chair and started playing with your hair, simply because you knew that he was quite the touchy person. But you had to bite back a moan as Cez's hand later placed on the back of your neck where he actually started to lightly massage your skin.
Even when you reached for your phone to answer your friends text with a few eye-roll emojis you still didn't make the connection.
Shawn leaned in closer to you, his lips lightly brushing the shell of your ear. You knew that it didn't seem like a strange thing to an outsider, especially with how loud it was in the bar, so it only looked like he was casually telling you something. But his words made you shiver. "What if I told you that Cez and I are down for it?"
Your eyes widened before you forced yourself to act calmly, knowing that tons of questions would be fired your way if someone noticed. Turning to look at him as he pulled back again, he gave you a soft grin as he noticed your shocked expression. "For what?" you asked, your voice weak as all kinds of fantasies crossed your mind while you didn't want to get your hopes up yet.
His only response was to tap the black screen of your phone. Swallowing heavily, you turned to look at Cez as he lightly placed his hand on your thigh again. "I might've seen the text. Sorry," he apologized in a quiet voice.
Your thoughts started racing as you tried to figure out what you had gotten yourself into and if you really weren't just dreaming. "You can't be serious, guys," you finally concluded, receiving a grin and a shrug from Cez while Shawn smirked at you.
Clearing his throat, Shawn leaned in again. "Why don't we head back to the hotel?" he murmured right when Cez's hand gently squeezed your thigh, your eyes widening for a moment as you swallowed heavily. Keeping your gaze on his hand- his thumb slowly brushing back and forth while he patiently waited for you to make a decision- you slowly lifted your head and looked from one guy to the other a few times before you found yourself nodding.
You were scared that it would seem suspicious, but no one seemed to question why the three of you left at the same time. The hotel was only a short walk away from the bar and it passed in silence, Shawn only quickly waving at the couple of fans waiting in front of the hotel before you entered the building.
"Mine or yours?" Cez murmured, the simple question making your heart skip a beat in excitement. You were really about to do this.
"Mine. You of all people should know that I got the best room," Shawn responded with a grin, chuckling as Cez shoved him with a smirk. Usually you would roll your eyes at them, but the fact that the three of you were waiting for the elevator to take you up to Shawn's room where you might experience the best night of your life kept you quiet.
Of course other people were getting in the elevator with you, your fantasies of getting pushed up against the mirrored walls and kissed until you were breathless getting destroyed immediately. But your heart started beating faster when a strong and tattooed arm snuck around your middle, gently tugging you back until you were pressed up against his front. You had to bite your lip as he slowly- in movements so light that an outsider definitely wouldn't notice them- rolled his hips against the curve of your ass.
You reached the floor before you even fully got to appreciate how nice it felt to have his arms wrapped around you like that, the three of you the only ones that got out. Cez wrapped an arm around your shoulders as you walked down the long hallways while Shawn dug his keycard out of the back pocket of his jeans, your head turning to look up to him. "You know you can tell us if you change your mind about this, right?" he asked quietly, giving you a comforting smile that had your heartbeat slow down.
You nodded. "I know," you responded and smiled as he placed a soft kiss on your cheek like he usually did right after greeting you. You reached the door right when Shawn unlocked it, holding it open and letting you step inside first with a soft smile. What you didn't know- but highly suspected- was that you had two pair of eyes staring at your butt before they followed you into the room.
You heard the lock click into place before you turned around to them to find Shawn tossing the card on the desk shoved against the wall while Cez took his jacket off and threw it over the back of one of the armchairs. You followed his example and took your shoes and socks off while you were at it before you straightened up again and gave them a grin. "I have to be honest with you guys, I've never done this before."
"You think we have?" Shawn chuckled and ran a hand through his hair, Cez clearing his throat beside him and immediately getting all of the attention.
Scratching the back of his neck, he shrugged and gave you a smirk. "Actually, I have," he confessed, your eyes widening while Shawn took a step back and stared at his tour manager with pure disbelief written in his eyes.
"You what?"
Cez shrugged. "Yeah. So?"
Crossing your arms in front of your chest with a big grin, you tilted your head at them. "But what would this do to your wholesome duo reputation?" you teased with a grin. "Imagine the shitstorm if your fans find out that their beloved Shawn isn't an innocent boy like they all assume."
Quickly looking over to his tour manager, he grinned before he approached you. His hands settled on your waist as soon as he was close enough, looking down on you with warm and dark eyes before he slowly leaned in closer. You instinctively reached up to grasp his upper arms as the tip of his nose lightly rubbed against yours while your eyelids fluttered. You couldn't decide if you wanted to close them already or keep them open until he would finally kiss you. "But you don't kiss and tell, do you?" he whispered, his lips almost brushing yours as he talked.
"Guess you have to find out," you breathed right before he closed the gap between you, his soft lips perfectly fitting against yours. You couldn't hold back the quiet whimper as he kissed you in a tender way, his grip on you tightening at the sound. Reaching up, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pushed yourself up on your tip toes in the process, your chest pressing up against his.
You were aware of the sound of Cez moving around, but you couldn't bring yourself to concentrate on it while Shawn gently coaxed you to part your lips- which you didn't hesitate to do- before he deepened the kiss, a low groan rumbling in his chest at the first taste of you. The feeling of another pair of hands settling on your hips startled you for a moment, but you found yourself relaxing into it as another body pressed up against your back.
You broke away from the kiss with a soft gasp as warm lips touched the side of your neck in gentle kisses, the feeling of his beard brushing over your skin giving you immediate goosebumps. Your fingers tugged on Shawn's hair as he didn't hesitate to dip his head down, peppering a bit rougher kisses over the other side of your neck.
"Shit, guys," you whimpered, your teeth harshly digging into your bottom lip as Cez boldly moved his hands up to cup your boobs, his low moan muffled against your skin. But then some part of your brain started working again, immediate panic bubbling up. "Hold on."
Your voice was barely more than a breath, but they both pulled back immediately. Dark eyes looked down on you, understanding written in them as he let go of you, letting you take a step back after Cez's touch left you. "It's okay. We don't have to do anything if you're not comfortable," Shawn reassured you, the smile he gave you only easing your worries a bit.
Running a hand through your hair, you sighed and met Cez's blue eyes as he stepped around you to look at you with concerned eyes. "That's really not the problem, guys," you mumbled, your teeth nervously biting your bottom lip.
"Then what is it?" Cez asked, his voice quiet and soothing.
You started pacing the hotel room, your heart racing in your chest. "How can you be so calm about this? What if things get weird after we do this? I mean, we're working together literally every day and-"
"Hey," Cez's voice was firm, his hands grasping your upper arms to bring your restless legs to a stop. Your eyes were wide as you looked up to him. "Deep breaths, yeah? It's not worth having a panic attack over this," he told you, smiling as you took a shaky breath and held it in your lungs for a long moment before slowly releasing it again.
It was quiet in the room for a moment before you spoke up again. "How do threesomes even work? Is there some guidebook?"
Both of them chuckled, Cez letting go of you when he was sure that you wouldn't start to panic again. "Why don't you ask Mister 'had a threesome before'?" Shawn sassed and nodded over to his tour manager who started to laugh.
"Are you mad that you don't have as much experience as I do?"
Shawn crossed his arms in front of his chest while leaning back against one of the armchairs, but before he could speak up your quiet and insecure voice reached them.
"You're thinking way too much about this, honey," Shawn told you, his defensive stance having softened instantly as soon as his eyes had met yours. "I also don't know what will happen and how this whole thing will work," he continued, giving you an encouraging smile as you nervously nibbled around on your bottom lip. The realization that he was just as inexperienced as you were in this case calmed you immensely. "Just relax. We'll just… go with the flow, okay? Do whatever feels right. No pressure."
You took a calming breath before you nodded. "Okay. I can do that."
"So, if I were to kiss you, would that be okay?" Cez asked and slowly stepped closer to you again.
"That would be more than okay," you grinned and reached for him as soon as he was close enough, your hands cupping around his face while he leaned down to kiss you. Kissing him was so much different than kissing Shawn- the feeling of his beard on your skin had you swallowing down a moan, wondering what it would feel like on the inside of your thighs or even right against your-
The feeling of his hands settling on your hips brought you back to reality, tugging you closer to him while he deepened the kiss before his hands slid to rest on your butt, squeezing the cheeks gently. "Just-" you were interrupted as Cez kissed you again, your lips curling into a smile. "Just a quick question," you said as you finally managed to break away from him, your head tilting as he immediately attacked your neck in gentle kisses again while your hands moved to grasp his shoulders.
"What is it?" Shawn asked, staying right where he was and giving you a smirk as your eyelids fluttered when Cez found that one really sensitive spot on your neck. One of your hands tangled into Cez's hair at the back of his head as he concentrated on the spot, your back arching and chest pushing against his as he sucked on it.
"When did you even talk about this?" your voice was breathy, eyes falling closed as Cez moved a hand up to rest it on your back like he wanted to keep you pressed up against him like this.
Moving his head up, he gently nibbled on your earlobe and received a gasp from you, your fingers tugging on his hair. "When your friend sent that text," he answered, his voice deeper and sending a shiver down your back before he moved in to kiss you again. You moaned into his mouth, his hands slowly sliding beneath your long sleeve, fingers tickling your back.
You licked your bottom lip as he pulled away, eyes opening to find Shawn approaching. "And you managed to agree that you're both down for it while I was in the bathroom for just a couple of minutes?" you grinned up to Cez while Shawn stepped up behind you.
Grasping the hem of your sweater, Shawn grinned as you didn't hesitate to lift your arms up, allowing him to tug it off. Cez immediately moved his attention to your chest, your breasts perfectly spilling out of the cups of your bra. "Guess we're both fucked for you," Cez murmured and gave you a smirk.
Shawn slowly explored your back, his fingertips ghosting over your skin while your hips tilted back. A low growl rumbled in his chest behind you as your butt pushed against his crotch, Cez lightly toying with the straps of your bra and slowly brushing them off your shoulders.
Blue eyes looked down on you with a fond expression written in them as he noticed the blush on your cheeks. "Don't be shy, darling," he whispered and leaned in to place soft kisses over your jaw while his hands traced down your sides to curl around the side of your butt that was slowly grinding back, Shawn's sinfully quiet whimpers sounding like heaven to your ears.
Cez backed off as Shawn tugged you back against his toned chest, big hands spread over your lower stomach to keep you in place as he gently bit your shoulder, the sound he received going straight south. "We'll take good care of you tonight, honey," Shawn promised in a whisper, the two of you watching Cez as he pulled the curtains shut to give you a sense of privacy from the world outside. You breathlessly gasped Shawn's name as he slowly snuck his hand under your jeans before he hesitated, but the way you tilted your hips into his touch had him moving his hand fully down.
He grunted against your shoulder as a single finger dipped between your folds, your juices immediately coating his finger as he rubbed slow circles over your clit. Your knees buckled as you finally got some friction on your clit and your eyes were heavy lidded as you found Cez watching you with darkened eyes. You moved a hand back, Shawn's deep groan filling the room just a moment later as you palmed him over his jeans, his cock straining against the denim.
"God, baby," he murmured, wishing that your tight jeans would allow him to push his fingers into you and really feel you, "'got me so hard for you."
Turning your head, you found his lips in a bit of an awkward angle, but neither of you really seemed to care as he greedily devoured your lips. It didn't last as long as you had hoped for, instead you were interrupted when he moaned your name while you applied pressure on his tip through his jeans. "You two are quite the sight for sore eyes," Cez's voice reached you, your head turning back to find him sitting on the edge of the bed, palming himself over his jeans.
"See what you're doing to us?" Shawn whispered into your ear, his teeth tugging on your earlobe while his finger moved over your clit just perfectly. You whimpered as he pulled his hand back, not even getting the chance to complain before he gave you a gentle push towards Cez who held a hand out to you.
Your head was still spinning a bit when you took his hand as soon as you were close enough, letting him tug you between his spread legs. "Can't wait to get my mouth on you," he murmured and placed a couple of small pecks along the waistband of your jeans, your mouth dropping open without a sound coming out. It only took a swift move from him to have you flopping down on the bed, laying flat on your back on the bed with your legs dangling off the edge. Crawling over you, he braced his hands on either side of you while he held himself up above you, his lips meeting yours over and over in kisses that gradually turned longer and hotter.
You inhaled deeply and tilted your head back as he trailed soft kisses down your neck, your hands in his hair as he kissed over the swell of your breasts. His hands were eagerly exploring your bare skin, your eyes fluttering open as the bed dipped under another weight beside you. Shawn gave you a soft smile- by now in nothing but his black skinny jeans with the white waistband of his boxers peeking out- while he tossed an entire Durex pack on the bed beside him.
You grinned while Cez chuckled against your stomach, his head lifting. "Got a long night planned?" he teased while he moved to kneel on the floor in front of the bed, right between your legs. You got hot and cold at the sight, squirming in anticipation as his fingers reached for the button of your jeans.
Shawn smirked and shrugged a shoulder. "You don't?" he responded, not seeming to expect an answer as he turned to you. His features softened immediately, reaching out to brush your hair back while you lifted your hips off the bed to allow Cez to pull your jeans off. "You good, honey?" Shawn whispered and cupped a hand around the side of your face. You nodded, but before you could speak up you felt a broad tongue pushing against your clit with the fabric of your panties in between, a gasp falling from your lips while your back arched off the bed.
"Fuck, Cez," you moaned, your head tilting down to look at him, but Shawn quickly turned your head back to him so he could capture your lips in a passionate kiss. You were overwhelmed in the best way, torn between concentrating on Shawn's lips and his fingers that tickled on your chest or Cez's mouth working wonders on you, even though he didn't have full access to your core yet.
Reaching below yourself, you unclasped your bra and grinned as Shawn immediately helped you take it off before his mouth moved to your chest, lips wrapping around your nipple before he sucked on it. Cez guided your legs over his shoulders and simply pushed your panties aside before he dove back in, the feeling of his tongue on your clit and beard tickling on your skin with Shawn's lips and tongue teasing your sensitive nipples leaving you a moaning and whimpering mess beneath them.
Tangling a hand into Shawn's curls to tug on them, you reached your other hand down to find one of Cez's, smiling as he immediately intertwined his fingers with yours and let you dig your nails into the back of his hand. "Fuck, you sound so beautiful," Shawn murmured and moved up to kiss you again before he looked down, your gaze following his to where Cez's face was buried between your legs, the sight alone already making your knees weak. "How does she taste?" Shawn murmured as Cez opened his eyes to find the two of you watching him.
You gasped and jerked in surprise as he playfully nibbled on your clit before he pulled back, his mouth glistening. "Have a taste," he grinned. Shawn didn't hesitate to lean down, his necklace bumping against your lower stomach and his fingers holding your panties aside as he licked through your folds, his low groan vibrating against your core and making you gasp his name.
Cez gently placed your feet on the floor so he could get up, his gaze on Shawn's head moving between your thighs while he undressed, his sweater dropping to the floor first before his jeans followed. "Fuck, I gotta be the luckiest girl ever," you sighed, Shawn's head lifting as he chuckled before he placed a kiss on your hip and got up.
"You're wrong. We're the lucky ones here," Cez replied while he dropped the last piece of clothing on the floor while Shawn fumbled to take his jeans off. You sat up as Cez approached you, a smirk playing on his lips. You were dying to get your mouth on him, but he sat down beside you at the foot of the bed before you could reach out to pull him closer. "Because we get to spend the night with such an incredibly beautiful girl," he continued and guided you to straddle his lap, his hands exploring your legs on either side of him as soon as you settled on his thighs.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you leaned in to kiss him and released a soft hum into his mouth as you tasted yourself on his tongue. Locking an arm around your hips, he tugged you closer and lightly bit your bottom lip as he had your clothed core pressed up against his throbbing cock, your hips immediately bucking to create a bit of friction.
Calloused fingertips traced over your back as Shawn stepped up behind you, goosebumps spreading over your arms as he slowly brushed your hair over your shoulders so it fell down your back in slightly messy curls. Lips disconnecting from Cez's, you smiled as Shawn immediately curled a hand around your chin and tilted your head back so he could capture your lips in an upside down kiss.
Letting himself fall back so he laid flat on his back with his feet still touching the floor, Cez adjusted you on top of him and growled as his length pushed between your folds so the tip rubbed against your clit with your panties still in between. Your gasp interrupted the kiss just shortly before Shawn connected his lips to yours again, your hands bracing on Cez's thighs behind you as you started to rock your hips, his shaft sliding back and forth against the fabric and giving both of you the perfect kind of friction.
Giving Shawn a smirk as he pulled back, you turned to Cez who had his eyebrows furrowed in pleasure with the way you were rolling your hips against him. Bending over him, you braced a hand beside his head and found his lips in a chaste kiss while you reached for the pack of condoms. Shawn licked his lips, his gaze eagerly trailing over your bare backside, hands caressing and squeezing your bum before his eyes focused on your hand that reached back to him, shiny square between two of your fingers.
Grinning widely, he took it and quickly ripped it open while you tangled your hands into Cez's hair, his lips chasing yours while his hands had settled on your hips, guiding your movements. Though, your motions stopped completely and your head dropped to rest on his chest as Shawn pressed into you after simply pushing your panties aside, your walls stretching open around him and a whimper falling from your lips as he bottomed out in a smooth thrust.
"Fuck," Shawn's moan filled the room, his blunt nails digging into your ass as he waited for you to adjust, only moving when you wriggled your hips against him.
You were limp and breathless, the position allowing him to thrust so deep that you were sure you'd be seeing stars soon while Cez's hands combed through your hair in a calming way. Blue eyes met yours as you lifted your head, his lips curving into a soft smile while his hands cupped your cheeks. The feeling of Shawn's length moving deep inside of you while Cez kissed you again had your mind spinning in the best way, your hips picking up their former movements.
You couldn't remember ever having felt so overwhelmed before- you were torn between concentrating on Shawn inside of you and Cez grinding against you, both of them delivering the best kind of pleasure you had ever received. Breaking away from Cez's lips, you braced a hand on his chest and reached the other one back, finding the back of Shawn's neck and pulling him closer. His chest flattened against your back without stopping the motions of his hips, his lips touching the crook of your neck in sloppy kisses.
It was only a rather brief moment when you and Shawn both looked down on Cez with dark eyes, but he had to swallow heavily. Having both of you looking at him like that definitely shouldn't turn him on as much as it did, he decided and placed his hands around your waist as he started to meet the movements of your hips while you turned your head to kiss Shawn again.
Shawn got quite vocal as he neared his high- his moans increased, beautiful quiet sounds falling from his lips while his head pushed against the side of your neck. His arms wrapped around your waist to keep you pressed up against him, still allowing you to grind against Cez while his thrusts quickened. Your name left his lips in a choked sound as he came, blunt nails scratching at your sides while he grunted against your neck, riding his high out with a few sloppy thrusts.
He knew you were close, so he clenched his jaw and tried to ignore how sensitive he was as he kept thrusting into you with slow movements of his hips while he mouthed at your neck.
Resting your cheek against Cez's chest, you clawed at his sides and trembled on top of him before you came with a cry. Your high quite literally knocked the breath out of you, your legs quivering as you gasped and whimpered, the feeling of Cez slowly rocking his hips back and forth to create a gentle friction while Shawn gave you a few lazy thrusts had your mind reeling. Your walls clenching around his sensitive cock made Shawn groan, his grip on you tightening as he slowly pulled out of you.
Leaving a few soft kisses over your back, Shawn eventually stepped back, his presence behind you disappearing completely.
You only released a soft hum as Cez turned the two of you over so you laid on your back beneath him, relaxing into the mattress while he shifted around, the crinkling sound of the condom wrapper reaching you before it was ripped open.
You slowly forced your eyes open as he leaned over you, hands bracing on either side of your head and a smile spreading over his lips. Your hands were still trembling a bit as you reached up to cup his face, pulling him down into a kiss that he kept slow and chaste while you caught your breath. Your heartbeat slowly went back to normal- or at least as normal as it could get with such an attractive and naked man on top of you. "Please," you mumbled between kisses.
He pulled back, his eyes caring as he gently brushed your hair back. "You sure, darling? I don't mind if you need a break," he whispered.
"Go easy on me?"
"Of course," he smiled and stole another quick kiss from you before he sat up. You caught sight of Shawn across the room, still fully naked and spread out over the couch, his head tilted back and eyes closed while his chest was still moving a bit faster than normal. You had to grin, relieved that you weren't the only one completely out of breath before your attention went back to Cez who guided your legs around his hips, your thighs resting over his. Your crotch was almost touching his, but yet he left a few inches between that had you squirming in an attempt to get closer, only giving up when he grasped onto your waist and held you in place. "Patience, baby," he chuckled softly and slowly caressed his fingertips over your bare torso, goosebumps breaking out on your skin.
You reached down to grasp his knees on either side of your hips, your teeth digging into your bottom lip as you realized that you were in for lots of teasing- and yet you couldn't help but feel excited.
He took his sweet time- his fingers exploring your soft skin, tracing along the curve of your boobs, but never actually touching you in the places you so desperately wanted him to. He noticed how you nibbled on your bottom lip and how your eyebrows furrowed in pleasure as he neared your nipples only to have frustration filling your features as his touch drifted down again. But deep down you loved it. And he knew it.
Your eyes fell shut as his fingers slowly and gently caressed your stomach, every now and then brushing along the waistband of your panties before he moved back again. He chuckled again as you lightly bucked your hips up whenever he neared your panties, though he never acted on it. And it wasn't until you stopped that he finally moved a hand lower, your eyes opening to look at him as your breath hitched in your throat at the feeling of his fingers lightly brushing over your sensitive clit through the fabric. You moaned his name in need and lightly dug your nails into his knees, spreading your legs a bit more as he put just a little bit more pressure behind his actions.
"Shh, we'll get there, darling. I promise," he whispered and moved his free hand up to give your nipples minimal attention. You pressed your lips together and muffled a moan, glaring at him as he smirked. A whine left your lips as he immediately stopped, his hands leaving your body and your back immediately arching like you searched for his touch, your eyes frustrated. "Attitude won’t get you anywhere, baby," he said, his voice not so soft anymore.
"I'm sorry."
"Are you going to be good?"
You nodded and whispered a soft 'Yes', a little sound escaping your lips as his hands returned to your body after a teasing pause. It was torturous, the way he barely touched you, his fingers so light on your skin. Your eyebrows furrowed, teeth harshly digging into your bottom lip as you forced yourself to stay silent instead of complaining.
So when he suddenly pushed his index finger down on your clit with just the perfect amount of pressure and friction with the fabric in between you couldn't hold back the cry that left your lips, your hands tightly holding on to his thighs as your body squirmed against his hand. Moving his finger just a bit, he watched with satisfaction as your body reacted to the stimulation, your spine arching off the bed and chest heaving. "Please," you begged once more.
"Please what?" he grinned and slowly took his hand away, your body slumping into the mattress as you swallowed back a whine.
"Let me come. Fuck me. Anything," you begged, and if you weren't so far gone and so frustrated you'd probably laugh at yourself for actually begging him.
"Which one, darling?" he asked and grasped the waistband of your soaked panties, slowly peeling the fabric off your legs as you looked up to him with pleading eyes.
"The first."
Your eyes fell shut again as his fingers slowly circled around your clit, this time without any kind of fabric in between, teasing you for a moment before he put a little more pressure on and received a moan from you. You were so pretty, laid out and so willing, the sight of your hardened nipples having his mouth watering with desire to just lean down and devour your chest, but he didn't. Not yet.
It didn't take long for you to start squirming beneath him, your hips slowly moving to meet his actions as you neared your high, and you were so surprised that he let you that you didn't put too much thought into it. Which, you deeply regretted as you were right on the brink, just needing one more perfectly placed rub of his fingers when he withdrew his hand, chuckling at the whimper he received.
"I'll let you come, I promise," he smiled, leaning down to capture your lips in a tender kiss. He pushed your legs apart a bit more, his body shifting as he didn't interrupt the kiss for a few more seconds before he slowly leaned back. A gasp left your lips at the feeling of the swollen crown of his cock pushing against your folds, stretching you open as he moved his hips forwards, his eyes staying locked on yours. Your eyes fluttered, but you forced them to stay open as he had his entire length buried inside you, stretching your walls and leaving you feeling satisfyingly full. His finger returned to your clit, your hands moving to grasp his shoulders as he gave the bundle of nerves a few skilled flicks before he had you coming undone beneath him, your walls clenching around his cock like you tried to pull him in deeper as your nails scratched at his skin, moans of his name spilling from your lips. He worked you through it, not stopping his motions on your clit while he slowly moved his hips back and forth to give you a little more friction, his eyes not leaving your face as he took in your blissed out expression.
And he knew when to pull his hand away, knowing that you'd get too sensitive if he continued like that now, instead moving so his body settled on top of yours while you slowly recovered, your eyes slowly focusing on him again. He gave you a soft smile that you returned a little weakly, your bones feeling heavy and spent as he leaned down to kiss you again. You cupped his face in trembling hands as he slowly moved his hips, pulling out just about halfway before he gently thrust back into you, knowing that you'd go into sensory overload if he'd start pounding into you now.
Pulling back, he braced his lower arms on either side of you as he looked at you with caring eyes, the head of his cock still slowly dragging back and forth along your walls. "You doing okay?" he whispered, turning his head to place a kiss on your palm as you let your thumb brush along his cheekbone. You nodded and gave him a small smile, his head dipping to your neck where he placed chaste kisses while keeping up the gentle pace of his hips moving against yours.
He kept his earlier promise- his thrusts were slow and gentle, patiently waiting until you gave him the sign to go faster while he placed soft kisses over your neck. "God, you feel so good," he groaned against your neck, reaching down to guide one of your thighs over his hip before he picked up the pace, his fingers curling into the sheets on either side of you.
Your hands clawed and lightly scratched his back, your moans and whimpers filling the quiet room. You were still so sensitive from your previous orgasms and you knew that he wouldn't be happy unless he got another one out of you.
A movement in the corner of your eye caught your attention, your gaze shifting over Cez's shoulder to catch Shawn's dark eyes staring right at you. His hand was wrapped around his already fully hard length again, giving himself some lazy pumps while a smirk played on his lips. The sight made you release a quiet moan that dragged into a whimper as Cez hit the perfect spot, your walls clenching around him and receiving a grunt from him.
You didn't know how, but Cez just managed to hit all the right spots in all the right ways. It was like he knew exactly how to roll his hips to have you panting beneath him. But it wasn't until he pushed an arm under your hips that you fully realized how he knew exactly what he was doing. Your back arched and you cried out as he hit your g-spot with every thrust, complete pleasure washing over you as you started to tremble. "Fuck," you moaned, his teeth gently digging into your shoulder.
Lifting his head, he nibbled on your earlobe while your body squirmed beneath him. "Can you come like this for me?" he murmured, his voice deeper and raspy, the sound making you release a quiet moan.
Your gaze went over to Shawn again who gave you the most seductive smirk you had ever seen. 'Come' he mouthed, biting his bottom lip as his thumb teased his sensitive tip. 'Come for us'
You didn't know what ended up pushing you over the edge- the sight of Shawn while he encouraged you to let go or Cez moving inside of you in all the right ways. Your nails dug into Cez's shoulders and your eyes squeezed shut as you trembled beneath him, your walls squeezing around his length while you whimpered over and over.
He knew exactly when to slow down again, leaving small pecks over your neck as your head lolled back. And even with the change of pace it didn't take him much longer to reach his high, his head pushing into the crook of your neck where he panted and groaned against your skin. His length heavily twitched against your walls while he jerkily thrust into you a few more times before he stilled.
Taking a deep breath, he slowly pulled out of you and placed several calming kisses over your jaw as you released a quiet whimper. Your eyelids were heavy as you looked up to him, his blue eyes satisfied and exhausted as he gave you a fond smile. "You did so well, darling," he murmured, a smile tugging at the corner of your lips.
He helped you come down by combing his hands through your hair over and over while he left soft kisses all over your face, patiently waiting until your chest wasn't heaving anymore and you completely relaxed beneath him. "Thank you," you mumbled and gave him a lazy smile that made him grin.
Placing a soft kiss on your lips, he trailed a few more over your cheek until he reached your ear. "Why don't you make our Rockstar feel good again? Hmm, baby?" Cez murmured, your breath hitching in your throat. "Can you do that for me?" he added, reaching over to get another condom that he placed in your palm.
You inhaled deeply before you found yourself nodding, his body rolling off of yours and allowing you to get up.
"Wish you had less of your so called experience and more of my stamina now, huh?" Shawn teased, only receiving an amused chuckle from Cez. Your knees were shaky as you approached him where he was lounging on the couch, a smirk on his lips as he let go of his cock and instead sat up. He relaxed back against the couch while his eyes eagerly trailed over your naked body. "Hi, beautiful," he rasped, his hands reaching for you to grasp your hips as you threw a leg over him and straddled his thighs. Leaning in to capture his lips in a quick kiss, you gave him a grin before you sat back again and ripped the foil open. He sucked in a breath as he watched how you rolled the condom over his length before you shifted on top of him, his hands guiding you before he reached down to grip the base of his throbbing cock.
His eyes moved up to watch your reaction as you lowered yourself down on him, a moan falling from your lips and your head tilting back as he stretched you out once again, your sensitive walls gripping him. "Fuck, Shawn," you whimpered, your nails digging into his abs.
His hands gently curled around yours, fingers weaving through yours and feeling you cling to them. "Shhh, take your time, honey," he whispered, peppering soft kisses over your knuckles while you slowly rolled your hips against his. "No need to rush. I'm not going anywhere," he murmured, smiling up to you as you stopped your movements and took a deep breath. "C'mere," he breathed and tugged you closer, letting go of your hands to instead cup your face as he pulled you into a tender kiss. You relaxed on top of him, your chest flush against his with his length buried deep inside of you, occasionally lightly twitching against your walls.
Mid-kiss you slowly started to move your hips again, pushing yourself up just a bit before you lowered yourself down again, his moan muffled against your mouth. His hands moved down to cup your butt as he helped you move, but he didn't rush you. He didn't try to get you to move faster, instead let you go at your own pace, leaving soft kisses over your shoulders and neck once your lips disconnected from his.
He was so patient with you and you couldn't express how thankful you were for that. Your entire body was exhausted but yet you wanted to make him feel good once more.
"Do you think you can give me another one, baby?" he whispered as he realized that his high was slowly approaching, a comforting hand rubbing over your back as you inhaled sharply. "It's okay if you can't," he quickly added, knowing that your limits had been pushed immensely tonight.
"I'll try," you mumbled.
He grinned almost proudly. "That's my girl." The nickname made your heart skip a beat, but before you could dwell too much on it he dipped a hand between your legs. Your entire body jerked and you gasped his name as he circled two fingers over your clit. "Stop me if it gets too much."
You took a deep breath and nodded, your hands on his shoulders as you continued to steadily roll your hips against his.
It didn't take much for either of you to get close again- he was already so worked up from watching Cez getting you off. So he put more efforts into the patterns he rubbed over your clit, determined to get you to come before him this time. Your thighs immediately tensed up on either side of him while your body started to tremble, your grip on his shoulders tightening.
"I can't," you choked out and shook your head, your eyes heavy and full of desire.
"Come on, honey. I know you're right there," he encouraged you, your teeth tightly digging into your bottom lip and your eyes falling shut. It was more of a sob than a moan as you came around him, your whole body going limp as your walls wildly fluttered around him. You clung to him, arms wrapping around his neck and your quick pants right next to his ear.
Quickly twisting, he laid you down so he was on top of you, his weight crushing you in the best way as you wrapped your arms and legs around him while he delivered a few more forceful thrusts before he stilled completely. His arms clutched at your waist and his face was hidden in the crook of your neck as he whimpered against your skin, his length twitching deep inside of you. Your nails dug into his shoulders as you trembled beneath him, his hips jerking against yours a few more times while he rode out the last waves of his orgasm before he slumped on top of you.
Biting his bottom lip, he slowly pulled out of you and noticed how you tightened your legs around him like you wanted to keep him close. Smiling softly, he lifted his head and met your exhausted eyes. "You okay, honey?" he whispered, peppering a few chaste kisses over your forehead and temples. You swallowed heavily and nodded, your eyes falling shut as he found your lips in a couple of tender kisses before he pushed himself up. "Be right back," he murmured, placing one last kiss on your forehead before he got up.
You felt completely drained and exhausted as you turned to lay on your side and closed your eyes, your legs pulling up to your chest that was heaving as you struggled to breathe. You tuned them out completely, barely aware of their low murmurs until a gentle hand placed on your back, a whimper falling from your lips. "Shhh."
"Give her a minute to breathe," Cez's voice reached you, "it's been a lot for her."
"I just wanted to make sure she's fine," Shawn responded, his voice worried.
You swallowed heavily and took a deep breath. "I'm fine."
"See? How would you feel if you just got fucked by two guys?"
"Probably very sore," Shawn giggled, Cez's chuckle following.
"You're an idiot."
It took you a few more minutes until you finally cracked your eyes open, finding the hotel room exactly how it was before. Clothes were still strewn all over the floor, the sheets on the bed were wrinkled and disheveled. The two of them were only in boxer briefs as they quietly talked, Shawn being the first one to catch your gaze. Giving you a soft smile, he approached you and quickly grabbed something hanging over one of the armchairs while you sat up. "Here, come on," Shawn murmured, careful as he helped you into the T-shirt he had gotten from his suitcase earlier, his smell completely surrounding you and putting you at ease. You grinned widely as he pulled your hair out from under the collar and smoothed down the tangled strands.
"I can dress myself, you know?" you giggled, looking up to him with carefree and tired eyes.
A wide grin spread over his lips, his finger playfully nudging the tip of your nose and receiving a laugh from you. "And I like to spoil you, so deal with it."
Cez approached, crouching down in front of you and giving you a fond smile. "You need anything, darling? I can run to your room and get you some stuff if you want me to."
You shook your head. "I think I'll be fine, thanks. I just need to regain any kind of feeling in my legs again," you grinned and wiggled your toes a bit.
The smirk that spread over Shawn’s lips immediately let you know that he was up to no good. You squealed in surprise as he grabbed you and easily threw you over his shoulder, finding yourself facing his back. "Cez, help!" you laughed followed by a surprised gasp as Shawn playfully smacked your bum. "Shawn!"
He only chuckled, his grip on your thighs secure as he crossed the hotel room and stepped into the bathroom where the light was still on. He was so careful as he set you down, only letting go of you once he was sure that you were steady on your feet. What he didn't expect was that you would wrap your arms around his waist and cling to him, worry settling in his chest as he gently brushed his hands through your hair before he placed a kiss on your head. "You sure you're doing okay, honey?" he whispered, keeping a hand on the back of your head while the other rubbed over your shoulders and down your back.
You didn't respond for a long moment before you inhaled deeply, your eyelashes brushing his chest every time you blinked. He placed another kiss on your head as you nodded. "Just overwhelmed. Like, in a good way, but still overwhelmed."
"Cez and I will help you calm down with cuddles after you're finished in here, okay?" he murmured and gave you a soft smile as you tilted your head up to look at him. "You're going to be okay until then?" he asked, worry lacing his voice.
They were both in bed when you stepped out of the bathroom, Cez still sitting up and leaning against the headboard with his phone in his hands while Shawn was laying down, a hand behind his head while the two of them laughed at something. Both of their gazes found you, pretty similar gentle smiles spreading over their lips. Leaning a shoulder against the doorway, you crossed your arms in front of your chest and raised an eyebrow at them. "What are you two giggling about?"
They both grinned widely, Shawn's gaze shamelessly trailing down your bare legs. "We were just saying how we should write your friend a thank-you card," Cez explained while placing his phone on the beside table before he turned back to you.
"God, please don't," you responded with a chuckle, "she'll never shut up about it if she ever hears about this."
"Even more reason to write a card," Shawn teased, giving you a wink as you glared at him. "Gonna come join us?" His voice had dropped to a murmur.
Cez patted the spot in the middle, right between them. "Got a spot saved for you. And I believe Shawn promised you cuddles."
The temptation to just walk over to them and join them was so high, but you forced yourself to stay right where you were. You lightly bit your bottom lip as you hesitated, immediately seeing the way both of them got worried. Shawn sat up, the covers bunching around his hips as he looked at you with attentive eyes. "Are you guys sure that spending the night like this is a good idea?" you asked and uncrossed your arms to instead toy with the hem of the T-shirt.
"What's the problem with it?" Shawn asked.
You shrugged and nibbled around on your bottom lip. "What if someone finds us like this in the morning?"
"The door is locked," Cez reminded you. "And we'll just make sure that no one sees us getting out of here when we sneak out in the morning” He added with a wink and a grin, actually managing to ease your worries. Your tense shoulders visibly relaxed as you nodded and took a deep breath. "So?" he asked and lifted the middle of the blanket as a silent invitation.
Smiling, you crossed the room and crawled on the bed, soon finding yourself between the two of them.
You woke up wrapped up in Cez's arms, his chest pressed up against your back and quiet snores muffled into your hair. Opening your eyes, you faced the semi dark room. And Shawn's eyes. He gave you a soft smile and took your hand into his as you reached out to him, fingers lacing through yours. "Go back to sleep," he whispered so quietly that you barely heard him.
"Why are you awake?" you mumbled sleepily.
"Why are you?"
A grin spread over your lips. "Good point," you giggled, Cez's arms tightening around you as he released a soft sigh, but didn't wake up. "You okay with everything that happened earlier?" you whispered, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "I mean, we've only talked about me being okay all the time. That was quite a new thing for you too."
His features softened as he raised your tangled hands and placed a soft kiss on your knuckles. "To be really honest with you, I was also a bit scared that things would get weird. But we just can't let it get weird," he shrugged and grinned, "it's really that simple."
His eyelids fluttered and a smile tugged at the corner of his lips as you reached your free hand over to him, gently cupping the side of his face. "The world would be a so much easier place if everyone was a bit more like you," you told him in a voice that was barely above a whisper, his eyes opening fully again as he looked at you with pure admiration written in his eyes. He gently squeezed your hand in return, his thumb slowly brushing back and forth. "Kiss me?"
He grinned as he shifted closer to you where you were still wrapped up in Cez's embrace, Shawn's soft lips finding yours in the dark. It was easy and gentle. No rush behind it. No intentions behind it.
A pair of arms wrapping around you woke you up for the second time that morning. He tugged you a bit closer to his comfortably warm body, letting you eagerly snuggle into his chest as he held you close. "I hate to say this, but you need to get up," Shawn murmured, his voice still full of sleep and his arms that tightened around you bringing an entirely different message across.
"Five more minutes?" you mumbled, so close to drifting off to sleep again with his body wrapped around you like this.
You heard the bathroom door open before a quiet sigh followed. "Fuck, it's so hard not to just get back into bed when I see you two like this," Cez said.
You smiled into Shawn's chest. "You're the meanie who decided that it's time to get up," Shawn grumbled and tangled his legs with yours.
"I mean, you guys can stay like this if you don't mind getting caught? Probably by Andrew?" Cez replied, sighing as the two of you stayed silent. Both of you whined as the covers were roughly yanked off your bodies just a moment later, your eyes opening to glare at Cez. "Don't think that will work on me," he grinned, reaching out to tickle your foot.
You immediately squirmed away with a giggle. "Okay, stop. I'll get up," you gave in, reluctantly detaching yourself from Shawn and stumbling into the bathroom. It didn't take long for you to get dressed, finding yourself ready to go just minutes later.
"You stay here. I'll make sure the coast is clear," Cez told you, a giggle falling from your lips as you watched how he snuck out of the room.
Turning to Shawn, you grinned as he sat on the edge of the bed, still only in a pair of boxers and hair beyond ruffled. "Thanks for last night," you mumbled and slowly stepped closer to him.
"Nuh-uh," he shook his head and yawned, his arms reaching out to you and tugging you in between his spread legs, his forehead bumping against your stomach. "Thank you. For trusting both me and Cez like that," he mumbled and sighed in content as you tangled your hands into his hair to gently scratch his scalp.
"'knew you'd be good to me," you responded, his grin hidden against your stomach before he tilted his head up to look at you with slightly dazed and sleepy eyes. Your phone vibrated in your pocket, making you pull away from him. "That's my sign. See you at the meeting later?"
"Of course," he grinned, his eyes following you until you closed the door and disappeared out of sight.
Cez was waiting in an empty elevator for you, a foot shoved between the doors to keep them from closing and a big grin spreading over his lips. "Not going to lie, I expected that I would have to go back to drag you out of bed again," he chuckled as you stepped into the elevator, the doors closing before it started moving down.
"Would you have punished me?" you teased and playfully bumped your shoulder against his as he released a breathy laugh.
Wrapping an arm around your shoulders, he planted a soft kiss on your temple before he placed his lips against your ear. "Don't start something you won't get to finish." Right in that moment the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened with a ding, your heart beating a bit faster in your chest as you detached yourself from him so you could step out of the elevator, turning back to look at him. "See you later, darling."
"Later," you breathed, a grin playing on his lips as the doors closed again.
S.Mendes+Team Taglist: @justanotherfangurl272 @alone-in-madness @waitonmedarling​ 
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