#shiv planting the idea in logan's head that it should be kendall to go to jail in favour of tom
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childhoodtheme · 2 years ago
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2.10, This Is Not For Tears || 4.10, With Open Eyes
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holycartoonwarrior · 2 years ago
For @jordanenthusiast cuz I love him here’s my very silly not at all serious list of what would happen to the succession crew if their private jet crashed on a stranded island.
1. Gerri Kellman- was on the second private jet w Karl and Frank and Karolina that didn’t crash. The only island they’re on is a vacation one off the coast of Italy, have fun! (I cant bare to torture them)
2. Logan Roy - Dies in the plane crash lol. Like IMMEDIATELY on impact. And the Roy sibs try to keep his mangled body w them for as long as possible.
3. Connor Roy - Connor, god bless his heart, has been WAITING for this moment. No more wall street, they're in HIS domain now. He's been training for this all his life. He's so ready to drink his own piss; he is so ready to consume raw meat.
Honestly he wouldn't do too bad except for his hubris gets him really quickly. He insists it’s his job to hunt as a man, and tries to spear a wild boar with a stick he worked and she immediatly gores him and he dies.
4. Kendall Roy - Kendall immediatly appoints himself in charge of getting a search party to come cuz he doesn't wanna do manual labor and wants to feel like he's contributing to an escape. He ping pongs rapidly between thinking they were meant to die here and that this is a sign from some higher power and giving up, to, in a manic state, deciding to build his own “fortified” raft overnight cuz he's sure if he floats to sea he'll find a waystar cruise ship to come save them soon enough.
Unfortunately the moment he gets into deep water and the waves get stronger, the raft totally unravels and falls apart and throws him into the sea where he drowns.
5. Greg Hirsch - he gets torn apart limb from limb by monkeys idk.
6. Roman Roy - Roman is the complete opposite of Connor. He's doing SO badly. The ONLY thing he has going for him is that he has strong prey instincts lol. They all know hoarding Logan’s body is kinda futile; and it’s Marcia (if she’s there, if not her then Tom) that is insistent they need to get rid of Logan's body cuz it's gonna attract diseaseand wild animals. They all kinda reluctantly give in except for Roman who gets REALLY mad and defensive.
He INSISTS Logan’s body should stay cuz what if they're found soon and they end up dumping their dad's corpse for nothing! (He's in denial) So in denial and delusional in fact he cuts off a tiny piece of Logan to keep w him when they dump him.
It, of course, attracts disease which Roman contracts and that only freaks him out even more and puts more stress on his body and he dies obviously cuz he's built like a feeble industrial age child. I think it’s fitting for his Dad’s sickness to kill him.
7. Shiv Roy - Got really fucking mad when she couldn't catch any food on her own and had to stick to foraging to plants she has no idea are poisonous or not or eat from other people’s catches (which are just scraps in her head) and got madder when Tom tried to give her more and more of his food he caught because it felt belittling. He tries to insist it's fine that she isn’t good at this, but Shiv insists she can catch her own damn food, and it’s obviously not fine, and he isn't helping. She’s paranoid they’re all gonna go Lord of the Flies on each other any second and if she can't do this for herself when it's every man for themself she's fucked.
In a panic she goes off in the middle of the night to set up some traps herself despite everyone's warnings and decides to go out further away from camp than necessary cuz she is worried someone may tamper w her traps to fuck w her head. In the darkness doesn’t notice and opening in the ground and falls into cave hiting her head and losing feeling in her legs. Unable to walk she starves to death.
8. Tom Wambsgans - I’m sure his Boy Scout training came in handy here. He built them hammocks and is the only one of them who rlly consistently knows how to start a fire lol. But As SOON as someone even joked about drawing sticks to eat people. Tom kept insisting "he is more than willing to sacrifice his body, his flesh per se, in case they ran out of food, if push comes to shove." Roman jokes that Tom would probably be way too gamey and sinewy to eat anyway, tough muscley man meat. When Ken & Shiv insist that is VERY uneccesary (again he is the only one who rlly knows how to start a fire) he INSIATS it's in "Logan’s honor" which doesn’t mean much when his mangled corpse is like rotting in the being eaten by fishes against the shore by now.
That's not even how he dies tho lol. He goes to find shiv when she goes missing in the night, finds her in a cave and obviously freaks out. Unsure what to do he tries to pull her out, but can't and slips too and ends up falling into the cave w her and they starve to death together. So romantic. <3
9. Stewy Hosseini - Realistically he would not be there but it’s funny to imagine so I’m gonna. Only came on this stupid trip because Kendall dragged him into a scheme and he's sooooo mad he just completely shuts down and isn’t talking to the Roy’s I think, esp because no one else is even remotely concerned abt him except for Ken who is currently mad at. Probably is mad up until Ken dies and then he is deeply regretful but it’s okay stewpot u did ur best lol. He does what needs to be done to survive even if he is not at ALL built to live this kinda life LMAO. He just wants to get HOME.
Doesn't even bother hunting it's dangerous and too much work. He's a forager queen and if he did die, god forbid, it’d boil down to not being equipped to handle the elements and plain ol’ bad luck cuz he’d accidentally eat a poisonous berry or something but he goes out peaceful in his sleep, inshallah.
10. Marcia Roy - WHY THE HELL WOULD SHE BE ON THIS TRIP??? She wouldn't!!!! She's on vacation! BUT.…IF she was, she's living through it no matter what!
She came from the mud and fought for everything she had. She will claw and maim and hunt and kill and forage and hike and wittle her heels into skewers to stab fish, even cannibalism if it like REALLY came down to it. SHE IS DOING WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO MAKE HER SUN RISE AGAIN! She is GETTING rescued.
Does anyone wanna read my long list of Wether each succ character would survive on a stranded island and if not how’d they die?
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