#ship.the gensym's knight
dracwife · 4 years
my kink is emotionally detached dudes cracking the smallest smile seeing their s/o bc theyre secretly soft for them and only them
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dracwife · 4 years
yes i loaded into leviathan alone just to get this gif, and i will never stop thinking about it
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dracwife · 4 years
it's 4am and im yearning don't look at me ,, i get sappy sometimes ok
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If you were to ask Fenryr Theyj'a what his favorite part of Io was, well he'd likely be obligated to respond that it was one Asher Mir, considering the nature of their relationship. If you were to ask him his second favorite part of Io was, he'd likely look rather longingly towards the horizon, and express his sadness that the planet's beauty had been taken so forcefully by the constant warring as of late. His third, of course, would be the springs that dotted said landscape, and the relaxation and comfort that he'd come to associate with them.
Oh how he longed to be there now. Io had, after everything, become his new home. It was a rare occurrence - Guardians finding something akin to domesticity. It was a sense of belonging, and left Fenryr wondering so little of his past life that he almost forgot about it entirely and looked forward only to the future he was building to now.
He had been gone far too long, and had only a vague notion of when he'd be back. While he loved the company of his Ghost, it hardly compared in both nature and scale to being in the mere presence of Asher's personality.
In short, Fenryr missed him dearly. And he could only assume Asher felt the same, judging by the rather long, rambling transmission he was receiving at that moment. While he duly enjoyed hearing the Fragmented Researcher's rather grating, whiny voice (which, Fenryr reasoned with himself that he was certainly allowed to think because he loved Asher so excessively in either case) it would likely distract him from his mission and cause him yet another wave of sadness and yearning - he could only imagine Asher's disgusted groan at the phrase, sarcastically commenting on "How...endearing" the thought was - that he felt he did not need at that moment. He opted for a transcription instead. He found himself reading it bit by bit as he punched in the coordinates for Nessus, realizing just how far it was from Io. Apparently Asher had caught wind of the mission as well, likely from Ikora Rey after much nagging, as Fenryr began reading less of Asher's scientific ramblings that he tried so hard to at least pretend to understand and more of Asher's complaints about being alone on the Vex-infested planet they now called home, and just how far it was from the occupancy of the Exodus Black.
And I hear they have you across the galaxy again. I think I shall speak with the Vanguard about how frequently I find myself alone here, without your company. Though I suppose I shall tell them it is the lack of protection that frustrates me, that seems more a concern of theirs; I assume that subtly adding the fact that the Vex are growing restless here may change their priorities and, I hope, their insistence on dragging you away to some Hive-ridden planet every free moment you have.
The research is slowed without you to help, of course, but going well nonetheless. I can only assume your general lack of understanding of my work means you also understood nearly nothing I may have commented on earlier, but know that I am content with my progress since you've been gone. I'm not sure how much closer I am to the answer, but as of late I can feel myself beginning to believe that any progress, even if it is minor, is worth celebration - a skill that I believe you have taught me for the better…
I don't wish to worry you, but you are the only one I would dream of telling this: I fear I am growing worse with every passing day. I cannot say this for sure, but...My intuition tells me it won't be long before what little control I have left of my arm is completely gone. 
As much disdain as I may hold for the Pity Parties people tend to throw themselves, perhaps this is a point I will bring up with Ikora privately. For my own wellbeing, and to cure this impeccably potent feeling of...Loneliness, I wish to have you here again. 
In addition, I have decided that I shall concede with the idea that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Every day that you are not with me again I find myself growing more distracted in my downtime. Eating alone is no longer time to brainstorm, and lying alone does not help me theorize anymore. Instead, I am feeling rather upset that you are not with me, and find my mind wandering to the many things we could have been doing had you been there. I have had no less than three full hypothetical conversations with myself and the you that isn't here in the past forty-eight hours. I'm not sure if I should classify this new habit of mine as a nuisance, or a sign. I fear what it may say about me if it is the latter. You have changed me for the better, there is no doubt, but…
I'm afraid. My emotions distract from my work. I know this well, and yet I do not seem to care. My work should be my top priority, but alas my mind wanders to your touch, the sound of your voice, the comfort of your heartbeat every waking moment. I'm unsure if it is the consequence of...Such strong emotions that I feel, or rather my mind's response to what little progress I have made to save myself and therefore stand facing an inevitable death.
I will not lose hope yet. I learn more every day. There were times I would believe my efforts were in vain, and pondered if trying at all was a worthwhile use of my time. Now I strive for even the smallest victories, and celebrate them - to myself, of course - as I would a breakthrough. 
I do this because I believe I wish to try all I can now. For you.
I await my Knight's return to me.
By the time Fenryr had read through it all, he had barely reached Nessus' orbit. With a new sense of urgency, he prepared himself for the mission at hand. He wished this to be as easy and quick as Zavala had promised.
For he too missed his Gensym Scribe, and wanted nothing more then but to return to him again.
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dracwife · 4 years
I didn't really understand what the ask meme was implying but [slams book on desks] [slams book on desk] [slams 📖 on desk]
obvi doin this for asher/fenryr from ashers perspective smh anyways have some asher writing sappy space letters to his bf while hes out working 4 the vanguard
"There are many things that I find inconceivable in this universe. So much that I do not know, do not understand. I felt, for so long, as though it all would remain that way. For so long, I only assumed that my own desires and feelings would stay one of those things.
And yet it is now more than ever, that in the face of death with you by my side, that clarity shines upon me. You are the comfort I have needed, the motivation I have so desperately craved to bring me a will to save myself. I will not pretend I can fathom why you above all else brings such a comfort to me, but it is not something I choose to linger on any longer. It is a strange thing, understanding what I feel, but never why -- I shall add it to the list of undefinable ways of our universe.
All I know is that I must take advantage of it while I still can. I will not act as though we have forever together, we both know that is far from the case, however I shall admit that no longer do I lay awake at night contemplating my next theory. Instead I find tranquility and warmth in your arms, and as much as I hate to admit, it is the nights you are away that are the longest. Those are the nights that remind me that were it not for you, I would be standing alone against an impossible task, perhaps even have given up on the basis that my efforts to save myself are futile.
Now I cannot even bear the thought.
I hope you are safe. Until we are reunited again,
I await my Knight's return."
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dracwife · 4 years
thank u sm to @aramaathlanvhenas for tagging me ILU !!! ❤️
asher mir / fenryr theyj'a
Bold the tropes that apply to your ship
height difference • mutual pining • first kiss • first love • wedding • in-jokes • family disapproves • friends disapproves • would die for each other • fake relationship • arranged wedding • cuddlers • pda friendly • and they were roommates • secret relationship • opposing world views • opposing personalities • opposing goals • getting a pet • have kids • grow old together • relationship failures • rest head on shoulder • share a bed • token dummies • relationship doubts • they have a song • first date • share a jacket • sharing a blanket • mutual interests • study buddies • bathing together • crash into hello • accidental nudity • laundry • same hobbies • cooking for each other • big fancy gala • sibling rivalry • hair stroking • dancing • laying in the grass • watching stars together • watching the other sleep • shared values • friends to lovers • enemies to lovers • lovers to enemies • childhood friends • slow burn • love triangle • toxic relationship • sitting on each other’s lap • can’t be together • hugs • forehead touches • neck kisses • car/motorbike rides • compliments • nicknames • falling asleep together • late night talks • gifts
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dracwife · 4 years
[ tag dump for my ships oops ]
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