#shilo israel
girlactionfigure · 1 month
🔵 Mon night  - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
❗️FIREFIGHT BETWEEN IDF AND EGYPTIAN SOLDIERS AT RAFAH BORDER CROSSING.. at the Egyptian border Rafah crossing an Egyptian army force opened fire at an IDF force, who returned fire.  There were no casualties to IDF forces, on the Egyptian side there were several casualties including 1 dead (various reports of 1-4 dead).
Egyptians fired at an Israeli APC, which returned fire.
Israel and Egypt are investigating the causes of the incident.
▪️IRAN NUKES.. "The Atomic Energy Agency says that Iran continues to enrich uranium to a level approaching the level needed to produce weapons. Iran's stockpile of enriched uranium exceeds 30 times the permitted limit."
.. The US appealed to the member states of the International Atomic Energy Agency with a request not to escalate the upcoming discussion with Iran.
▪️POLITICS.. on the conscription law, a minister appealed the “law of continuity” allowing the law from the last government to be re-put for a vote. Appeal rejected - the law placed in the cycle, vote in 14 days.  Defense Minister Gallat against the appeal and against the law, “I think you have forgotten what the unity government was formed for, so let me remind you: for the war, not for elections (positioning).”
▪️TERROR STABBING - OLD CITY, JERUSALEM.. Cotton Gate.  Serious injury.  Terrorist killed.
▪️MERON RE-OPENED TO THE PUBLIC.. briefly thereafter hit by multiple rocket barrages.  Recommend avoiding the area!
▪️HOUTHIS.. “we attacked 2 US Navy destroyers plus 2 cargo ships in the Indian Ocean.”
▪️PROTEST - PRO-PALESTINIAN PROTEST IN HAIFA.. support for the Palestinians and calling for an end to the war in Gaza, with Palestinian flag.  Police acting against illegal demonstration with enemy flag.
🔸DEAL - - NO DEAL.. Hamas: "The movement informed the mediators that it will not participate in any negotiations with Israel after the fire incident in Rafah."
♦️IDF BURNED A SERIES OF CARS.. in Samara, Kfir Dan, which then blew up with major secondary explosions - - they were car bombs.
♦️RAFAH.. A report of a sudden movement of tanks from the south of Rafah towards the north with panicking the few remaining residents. IDF robotic (no soldiers) armored vehicles spotted in the area of ​​Tel Za'arb, close to Za'arb square in the southwest of Rafah.
⭕ 30 ROCKETS FIRED AT KIRYAT SHMONA today by Hezbollah.
⭕ 3 ANTI-TANK MISSILES at Margaliot - significant building damage.
⭕ CROSS GREEN LINE FIRE.. at Merav inside Israel, from the Jenin area.
⭕ HAMAS ROCKETS at near-Gaza towns, 1 round.
🔥 FIRE TERROR.. at Paduel and at Nachal Shilo.  Areas of the Israeli villages evacuated.
🔥 FIRE TERROR.. set fire to the Ba'al Hazor air control base in Benjamin and caused a fire in the open area next to it.
🔥 LARGE FIRE BY KIRYAT SHMONA.. set off by a suicide drone.
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eretzyisrael · 9 months
Following Hamas's criminal invasion of southern Israel, brave men and women have stepped up to defend their homeland, with dozens sacrificing their lives in the process; These are their names
Yoav Zitun, Ilana Curiel, Elisha Ben Kimon, Meir Turgeman, Israel Moskvitz, Roni Green Shaulov|Updated:10:13
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More than 700 Israelis were murdered on the first day of the war against Hamas. So far, only a few dozen names have been released.
Reports emerged on Saturday of the death of Nahal Brigade Commander Col. Jonathan Steinberg among numerous others. He was killed in clashes with a terrorist near Kerem Shalom. On Sunday morning, the names of an additional 25 fallen soldiers were reported.
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Nahal Brigade Commander Col. Jonathan Steinberg
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
Steinberg, 42, from Shomria, was en route to a clash site where his soldiers were engaged with terrorists. He encountered a terrorist on his way there and was killed during a firefight near Kerem Shalom.
The names of the fallen IDF soldiers that have been released are as follows: Sst. Roi Weiser, 21, from Efrat, a Golani soldier; Sst. Adir Geori, 20, from Jerusalem, a Sayeret Matkal commando; Cpl. Ariel Eliyahu, 19, from Mitzpe Yericho, a 7th Armored Brigade soldier; Sst. Guy Simchi, 20, from Gedera, a Paratrooper; Cpl. Shira Shochat, 19, from Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'ut, a Unit 414 soldier; Sgt. Maj. Aharon Parash, 36, from Ofakim, a Technology and Maintenance Corps inspector; and Lt. Shilo Cohen, 24, from Sderot, a Shaldag soldier.
Maj. Amir Sakuri, 31, from Jerusalem, a Sayeret Matkal commando; Warrant Officer Ido Rosenthal, 45, from Ben Shemen, a Shaldag soldier; Maj. Ariel Ben Moshe, 27, from Kiryat Bialik, a commander in Sayeret Matkal; Cpl. Danit Cohen, 19, from Sderot, a soldier in Southern Command; Sst. Or Mizrachi, 21, from Petah Tikva, a Nahal soldier; Cpl. Amit Gueta, 21, from Rehovot, a Maglan soldier.
Earlier, the names of the following fallen were cleared for publication: Col. Roi Yosef Levy, 44, from Shavei Tzion, commander of the Multidimensional Unit, also known as the “Ghost” Unit; Lt. Col. Yonatan Tzur, 33, from Kedumim, the commander of the Nahal Reconnaissance Battalion, Maj. Avraham Hovlashvili, 26, from Ashdod, an officer in Caracal; Sgt. Itay-El Marciano, 20, from Shoham, a Paratrooper; Pvt. Ofir Davidian, 18, from Patish, a logistics soldier in the Home Front Command; Cpt. Tal Grushka, 25, from Kfar Saba, a Nahal officer; Cpt. Arye Shlomo Tsering, 27, from Raanana, a K-9 Unit officer. Sst. Ilay Gamzu, 20, from Ashdod, a Paratrooper; Sst. Ohad Cohen, 20, from Idan, a Shaldag soldier.
Cpl. Itamar Ayash, 19, from Kiryat Gat, served in the Southern District of the Home Front Command; Maj. Ido Yehoshua, 27, from Yavne, commander of the training platoon at the Special Air Forces School. Cpl. Uri Locker, 19, from Pardes Hana Karkur, a Golani solider; Maj (Res.) Omri Michaeli, 35, from Nes Ziona, a Duvdevan soldier; Maj. Vitali Skipkevich, 21, from Ariel, an Egoz soldier. Lt. Shoham Tomer, 23, from Srigim, company commander in the 934th Reconnaissance Battalion; Lt. Itai Maor, 23, from Rosh Ha'Ain, a platoon commander in the Golani Brigade's 51st Battalion; Lt. Rom Shlomi, 23, from Moshav Ganot, reconnaissance platoon commander in the Shaldag Unit. Cpl. Yaron Zohar, 19, from Kiryat Ata, a Golani soldier.
Cpt. Adir Aboudi, 23, from Modi'in, a commander in the Home Front Command; Cpt. Yotam Ben Bassat, 24, from Bat Hefer, a commander in the Multidimensional Unit; Sgt. Ofir Tzioni, 21, from Yokneam Illit, a commander in the Home Front Command; 2nd Lt. Adar Ben Simon, 20, from Neve Ziv, a commander in the Home Front Command; Sgt. Or Asto, 21, from Be'er Sheva, a logistics NCO in Golani.
Fallen IDF soldiers and officers from the Swords of Iron War
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(Photo: Israel Police, IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
Sgt. Eden Alon Levi, 19, from Nirit, a commander in the Home Front Command; Sst. Yuval Ben Yaakov, 21, from Kfar Menahem, a solider in the 7th Armored Brigade; Cpl. Guy Bazak, 19, from Givatayim, a Golani soldier; Pvt. Nerya Aharon Nagari, 18, from Talmon, a Home Front Command soldier; Pvt. Naama Boni, 19, from Afula, a soldier in the 7th Armored Brigade; Lt. Iftah Yavetz, 23, from Ramat Hasharon, a commander in Maglan.
Lt. Col. Sahar Mahlouf, 36, from Modi'in, the commander of the 481st Signal Battalion; Sgt. Ofek Rosenthal, 20, from Kfar Menahem, a Maglan soldier; 2nd Lt. Yanai Kaminka, 20, from Tzur Hadassah, a commander in the Home Front Command; Lt. Or Moses, 22, from Ashdod, a commander in the Home Front Command; Sst. Omri Niv Feirstein, 20, a Home Front Command soldier; Cpl. Dvir Lisha, 21, from Nitzan, a Golani soldier.
Sgt. Ido Harush, from Mitzpe Ramon, a soldier in the 7th Armored Brigade; Sgt. Menashe Yoav Maliev, 19, from Kiryat Ono, an officer in the 7th Armored Brigade; Cpl. Netanel Yang, 20, from Tel Aviv, a Golani soldier; Maj. Chen Buchris, 26, from Ashdod, the deputy commander Maglan; Lt. Or Yosef Ran, 29, from Itamar, a commander in Duvdevan; Cpl. Adi Gurman, 19, from Hogla, a Unit 414 soldier; Sfc. Amir Fisher, 22, from Tel Aviv, a Duvdevan soldier; Lt. (Res.) Ido Edri, 24, from Givaton, an infantry officer.
Raz Tzioni, father of Sst. Ofir Tzioni, said, "We spoke to him for the last time Friday evening, he said that everything is fine with him. On Saturday when we realized what happened, I sent him a message 'Write that everything is fine...,' but he didn't respond. In the evening, the army representatives came to inform us."
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Fallen police officers
After a day of intense combat, where Israel Police officers, Border Patrol soldiers and commandos valiantly stood at the forefront of battles against the enemy, the Israel Police solemnly announces the death of 30 of its members. The following are their names:
Chief Superintendent Ge-ar Davidov, commander of the Rahat station; Chief Superintendent Itzhak Shvili, commander of the Segev Shalom station; Superintendent Martin Kuzmickas, commander in the coordination of enforcement operations unit; Chief Inspector Shlomo Moshe Al, officer in the Yamam counter-terror unit; Superintendent Nisim Lugasi, deputy commander of a Magav unit; Superintendent Amin Ohonadov, squad commander in the Yoav unit; Inspector Andrei Poshivi, town station patrol officer; Inspector Alexei Shamkov, officer in the Yamam counter-terror unit; Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Meir Abragil, Sderot station investigation coordinator; Sergeant Major Chen Nahmias, sniper in the Yamam counter-terror unit.
Sergeant Major Roman Gendel, instructor in the Lotar counter-terror unit; Sergeant Major Yehuda Kedar, non-commisioned officer Border Police officer at the Eshkol Ein Habsor station; Sergeant Major Roni Abuharon, detective at the Rahat station; Sergeant Major Adir Shlomo, head of logistics at the Sderot station; Sergeant Major Igal Iluz, bomb sapper; First Sergeant Bar Sivan, fighter in the Yamam counter-terror unit; First Sergeant Alon Barad, investigator at the Rahat station; First Sergeant Alexey Borodovsky, Negev Yasam patrol unit; First Sergeant Vitaly Karsik, forensics department crime scene investigator, Tel Aviv District; First Sergeant Alik Poznyakov, detective in the Magen unit.
First Sergeant Melik Karim, investigator at the Be'er Sheva station; First Sergeant Yoram Eliyahu Cohen, fighter in the Yamam counter-terror unit; Staff Sergeant Major Dror Elton, sapper in the Yamam counter-terror unit; Staff Sergeant Yaakov Shlomo Krasninski, fighter in the undercover police unit; Staff Sergeant Major Elior Yifrach, detective; Sgt. First Class Avi Buzaglo, detective at the Rahat station; Sgt. First Class Michael Lizmi, detective at the Be'er Sheva station; Sgt. First Class Shai El Knafo, town patrol in police’s Southern District; Staff Sergeant Alyona Astapenko, town patrol at the Ofakim station; Corporal Ravit Hanna Asayag, Border Police officer in police’s Southern District.
The harrowing details from the incident near Moshav Re'im, where Hamas terrorists raided an open-air rave, are gradually coming to light. So far, the identified victims from the event include Tzur Saidi, Omri Ram and Aviad Halevi.
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List of names of the deceased from Netiv HaAsara
Shortly before midnight on Saturday, the names of 15 victims in Netiv HaAsara, a town of less than a thousand people near the Gaza border, were cleared for publication: brothers Amit and Yigal Wax, Oren Stern, Shlomi and his wife Ayelet Molcho, Hevik Segal, Gil Ta'aseh, Adi Baharev, Tal Keren, Ruthi and Aryeh Akuni and their daughter Or, Nurit Berger, Marina Almagor and Danny Vobek.
Vobek, a resident of Netiv HaAsara, had been a volunteer with the ZAKA divers unit for many years. The organization said that "he took part in dozens of rescue missions, dedicated to saving lives and honoring the deceased. During the brutal attack on Netiv HaAsara, Vobek courageously defended his home and friends, ultimately losing his life in the battle against armed terrorists. ZAKA volunteers, alongside the entire nation of Israel, mourn his loss, share in the pain, and extend condolences to his family and loved ones."
Talia Marcelle, from Kiryat Arba, was murdered in the surprise attack on Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha near the Gaza border. A few years ago, Marcelle relocated from the Talia farm in the Hebron hills to Kiryat Arba. She was fatally shot on the kibbutz where she was celebrating the holiday.
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Dolev and Odeya Swissa and their two daughters
Dolev and Odeya Swissa were murdered in their hometown of Sderot. They leave behind two young daughters, ages 3 and 7. Dolev, who was shot by terrorists, was found dead Saturday night. A search was conducted throughout the night for his wife Odeya, who was considered missing until her body was discovered in the morning. "We don't know how the girls were saved," said Rehovot Deputy Mayor Zohar Blum, who is married to Dolev's sister. "We woke up to a dark morning."
Blum added, "Following the heart-wrenching news of Dolev's murder and a sleepless night, we have now learned that Odeya, his beloved wife whom we searched for hours, was also mercilessly murdered by the assassins. This young couple's lives were tragically cut short in the war, simply because of their location near the Gaza Strip and the startling ease with which the terrorists invaded their home. A remarkable couple, they leave behind two young, now orphaned, daughters. My heart aches for my wife and her family in Sderot.
Aharon Haimov, a 25-year-old senior paramedic and ambulance driver with Magen David Adom (MDA) from Ofakim, was fatally shot on Saturday morning en route to treat the wounded in his hometown. He is survived by his wife and two children. Haimov began his career with Magen David Adom as a post-high school volunteer before joining the organization in a professional capacity.
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Magen David Adom senior medic and ambulance driver Aharon Haimov, 25, of Ofakim was killed on his way to treat injured
“He was a person who put the good of others and the value of life ahead of everything else — including today, on this tragic morning,” said MDA Director-General Eli Bin.
Israel Fire and Rescue Services announced that Kiryat Gat Fire Station Commander Battalion Chief Shalom Tzaban and Senior Firefighter Yevgeny Galsky were also slain in the attack. Tsaban, 60, a father of two, joined the fire brigade in 1992 and was posthumously promoted to fire deputy chief. Galsky, 34, served in the Netivot fire station. He was promoted posthumously to the rank of sergeant firefighter.
Israel Fire and Rescue Services Commissioner Eyal Caspi extended his condolences to the families and commended the firefighters and commanders who were working tirelessly in numerous locations throughout the conflict zone.
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Israel Fire and Rescue Services announcement of the death of Shalom Tzaban (right) and Yevgeny Galsky
The fire brigade on Sunday morning announced the death of Sergeant Major Firefighter Eric Yehuda Marciano, 50, who joined the fire brigade in 1996 and served as a team leader at the Kiryat Gat Fire Station. He is survived by his wife and three children.
His daughter Coral said: "He went on duty, and probably because of the pressure, he forgot his bag at home. I wrote to him, 'Dad, you forgot your bag.' At 7:05am, he told me he would come back to get it and at 7:20 he no longer answered me, he had already encountered the terrorists. Numerous trucks loaded with armed terrorists entered the area. He fought the terrorists and managed to save a child. I knew my father was dead before we were informed; someone saw him dead and sent me a picture. My father is a hero. He was my whole world. He was a father who always put us first, and himself second, placing everyone before him."
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Head of the Sha'ar HaNegev Regional Council, Ofir Libstein, was killed in the terrorist attack on the Gaza border town
(Photo: Contact)
The head of the Sha’ar HaNegev Regional Council, Ofir Libstein, was killed during fighting with Hamas terrorists Saturday morning. “Ofir was killed when he went to defend a town during the terrorist attack,” the council said.
Israel Amichai Vitzan and Moshe Yedidya Raziel (Rosenberg) were killed in Kerem Shalom. They were both residents of the West Bank settlement of Psagot.
Nine people, including a number of children, were killed when rockets struck their communities in the northern Negev, which do not have shelters, according to local authorities.
In Arara, Yazan Zakaria Abu Jama was killed when a rocket landed near his home. In Alba’at, brothers Malek Ibrahim Alkra’an, 14, and Jawad Ibrahim Alkra’an, 15, were killed in a direct strike. Alba’at cousins Amin Akal Alkra’an, 11, and Mahmoud Diab Alkra’an, 12, were also killed. Faiza Abu Sabaakh, 57, and her granddaughter May Zuheir Abu Sabaakh, 13, were also killed in Alba’at.
On Monday morning the IDF released the names of a further 16 fatalities among its force.
Lt. Col. Eli Ginsburg, 42, a commander of the Naval Commando 13 unit, from Dovrat; Private Lior Levy, 19, an operations commander in the Home Front Command, from Dimona; Corporal Adir Tahar, 19, a soldier in the Golani brigade, from Jerusalem; Staff Srg. Uriel Moshe, 21,from the Golani brigade, a resident of Rechasim; Major Peleg Salem, 30, from Netanya; Corporal Amit Tzur, 19, a fighter in the Golan Brigade from Eliachin; Corporal Elai Bar Sade, 19, a fighter in the Golani brigade, from Ramat Gan; Lt. Itai Cohen, 22, a commander in the Engineering Corps' Yahalom special unit, from Rehovot; Sgt. Ben Rubinstein, 20, from the Lotar anti-terror unit, from Hod Hasharon; Srg. Yaron Uri Shai, 21, from the Nahal elite unit, from Kadima-Tzuran; Srg.(Res.) Roi Nagri, 28, from the Lotar anti-terror school, from Tel Aviv; Staff Srg. Itamar Bruchim, 21, paratrooper and commander in the officers' school, from Ashdod; Lt. Nitai Amar, 22, Engineering Corps, from Ma'alumim; 2nd Lt. Yonatan Gutin, special forces, from Modi'in; Staff Sgt. Tashgr Tekah, 21, Golani Brigade, from Jerusalem; Staff Sgt. Naveh Eliezer Lacks from the Matkal special forces unit, from Lod
First published: 00:25, 10.08.23
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divinum-pacis · 8 months
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October 12, 2023: Israeli soldiers carry the flag-covered coffin of Shilo Rauchberger at the Mount Herzl cemetery in Jerusalem. In Israel, on Saturday October 14, rabbis worked around the clock at Shura military base in Israel to identify and count the dead civilians and soldiers gunned down in the Hamas attack. Israel's military rabbinate is working on Shabbat for the first time since 2005. Some of the bodies have been brought to Mount Herzl, Israel's national cemetery in Jerusalem. (AP Photo/Francisco Seco)
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momagirl-cosmicstatic · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: HAFTORAH RECORDS VINYL ALBUM SHILO NEW Jewish Hebrew HASHANAH Yom KIPPUR 1966.
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shalomelohim · 7 months
Yeshua | One New Man Worship in Hebrew & Korean (Live) - with subtitles - Shilo Ben Hod
Le secret de l'adoration est sa durée afin que l'atmosphère s'installe et que l'on puisse s'immerger pour que le Ruah Ha Kodesh descende. The secret of worship is its duration so that the atmosphere settles and one can immerse oneself and the Ruah Ha Kodesh comes.
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The Spirit & the Bride say Come Yeshua ! Bo Yeshua ! The Bride of Messiah is one and united people from every nation and tongue, from the eastern most corner in Korea all the way to Israel, we are one !
L’Esprit et l’Épouse disent Viens Yeshoua ! Bo Yeshua ! L’Épouse du Messie est un peuple uni de toutes les nations et de toutes les langues, du coin le plus oriental de la Corée jusqu’en Israël, nous sommes un !
The name above all names ! The one we Love ! The one who is coming back for us ! This is just a sweet little taste of the powerful time we had just a couple of weeks ago, together with our dear brothers and sisters from Jusarang Church in Incheon, South Korea.
Le nom avant tout les noms ! Celui qu’on aime ! Celui qui revient pour nous ! Ce n’est qu’un petit avant-goût sucré du moment puissant que nous avons vécu il y a quelques semaines, avec nos chers frères et sœurs de l’église Jusarang à Incheon, en Corée du Sud.
This video is so special and is such a good reminder that the name of Yeshua goes beyond any stronghold, border or barrier bringing unity and love among his people !
Cette vidéo est si spéciale et est un si bon rappel que le nom de Yeshoua va au-delà de toute forteresse, frontière ou barrière apportant l’unité et l’amour parmi son peuple !
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rw7771 · 1 year
Watch "Shilo Ben Hod" on YouTube
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coghive · 2 years
Joshua Aaron Releases First Album In History Recorded Live At Jerusalem’s Garden Tomb
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Award-winning, American-Israeli artist Joshua Aaron recently released the first album in history to be recorded live at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. The record, “LIVE at the GARDEN TOMB” includes the first released version of the Hebrew-translated, chart-topping, Elevation Worship and Kari Jobe song “The Blessing.” Inspired by scriptures John 17:20-23, Matthew 6:9-13 and Mark 12:28-31, “LIVE at the GARDEN TOMB” tells the story of a Jewish Savior who came to die, but rose again. The album was recorded on a night when Jerusalem believers gathered from all over Israel and the nations to sing songs of hope in English, Hebrew, and Arabic.
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“After well over two years of planning, preparing, and rehearsing, nothing could hold us back from singing GOD’s praises at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem! Not COVID, not even threats of terrorism just a few hundred meters away at the Damascus Gate,” Joshua Aaron said. “We felt supernaturally protected that night knowing we were safely held in the hands of the Almighty (and with ten Israeli soldiers patrolling outside the Garden Tomb Gate!).” The “us” Joshua Aaron is referring to includes collaborations with his long-time friend and world-renown middle eastern instrumentalist, Yaron Cherniak, five-time Dove Award winner Aaron Shust and Israel’s own darling worship leader, Shilo Ben Hod. The artist wrote 7 of the 13 songs on “LIVE at the GARDEN TOMB” with Aaron Shust, Jesse Reeves (How Great is Our God), Krissy Nordhoff, Jamie Hilsden and more. Joshua Aaron and team have already received beautiful responses from listeners around the globe. https://youtu.be/kzqrWae5lK4 “My hope is that you will be blessed as you hear these songs recorded LIVE that memorable evening,” Joshua Aaron said. “In the midst of the chaos around the world, I pray you see Yeshua, the Risen Savior, Messiah, King of all, and feel the sense of reality that He was, He is and He soon will come again. Amen.” LIVE at the GARDEN TOMB - Joshua Aaron https://open.spotify.com/album/1LlHlW1q1aGLGreo2YDpfF?si=fb427334e366473b Read the full article
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tuviapollack · 2 years
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I had the privilege of interviewing my friend Shilo Ben Hod about the new worship ministry, SOLU Israel. Amazing people, amazing music, and an amazing vision. "The music serves two basic purposes: to glorify God by expressing our love for Him, and to build up His body on earth. We want to be able to regularly release new, inspiring music that will be a fresh source of encouragement for believers to live a lifestyle of worship & be strong in their faith." news.kehila.org https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch-Gx5NjWfk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ISRAEL. 1978. The Israeli flag flies over the settlement at Shilo, Samaria. by Micha Bar-Am
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daloy-politsey · 5 years
Israel’s 1977 Abortion Law legalized abortion under any one of five conditions: (1) the woman is under 18 or over 40; (2) the fetus has a serious mental or physical defect; (3) the pregnancy resulted from forbidden relations such as rape, incest or adultery; (4) the pregnancy threatens the woman’s physical or mental health; (5) the pregnancy threatens the woman’s economic stability. The fifth criterion was abolished in 1980 as a result of pressure from religious political parties who do not view finances a legitimate consideration in family planning. In practice, unmarried women can have abortions with relative ease, but not married women, according to Orly Hasson Tsitsuashvili, the Director of Shilo Family Planning Educational and Counseling Center. Abortions are illegal for a married woman whose pregnancy does not fit into one of the four categories — even a married woman suffering from poverty, or already struggling with a large family. A married woman who simply does not want a child, or who wants to practice family planning, certainly does not count.
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globalworship · 2 years
You Deserve The Glory (Hebrew, Arabic, English song)
Yeshua our Messiah has broken the wall of enmity, by His death and resurrection, He has now made us one, no longer enemies but beloved children of God
Join us in this special moment of worship where Joshua Aaron, Nizar Francis and Shilo Ben Hod praise the God of Israel in Hebrew, Arabic and English! English subtitles are on the screen for the whole song.
This video was filmed Sukkot 2021 for the @International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, ICEJ festival. Location: In front of Mount Zion, Jerusalem, Israel.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: HAFTORAH RECORDS VINYL ALBUM SHILO NEW Jewish Hebrew HASHANAH Yom KIPPUR 1966.
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shalomelohim · 1 year
Shma Israel (Live) | Hear O Israel [Hebrew Worship Sessions] - SoluIsrael - Hebrew & English (Deutéronome 6:4)
Team : Sarah, Yedidyah and Shilo Ben Hod, Rebekah Wagner, Nethanel Buehler, Vadym Sokolyk.
Nice version.
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Shma Israel - Hear O Israel - are the words every worshipper of the God of Israel knows, The Lord Our God, The Lord is Echad / One ! Our righteousness, Our salvation. Shma Israël - Ecoute O Israël - sont les mots que tout adorateur du Dieu d’Israël connaît, Le Seigneur Notre Dieu, Le Seigneur est Echad / Un ! Notre justice, Notre salut.
God has revealed Himself as the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit, and the day is coming, when every crown will be laid to His feet, every knee will bow and all of Israel will know - Yeshua is the King! Dieu s’est révélé comme le Père, le Fils et le Saint-Esprit, et le jour vient, où chaque couronne sera posée à Ses pieds, chaque genou fléchira et tout Israël saura - Yeshoua est le Roi !
Yeshua Melech ! Yeshua is the King ! Yeshua est le Roi !
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heplev · 3 years
Der palästinensische Angriff auf jüdische Geschichte und jüdisches Erbe
Der palästinensische Angriff auf jüdische Geschichte und jüdisches Erbe
Michael Freund, Jerusalem Post, 23. September 2021 Wenn irgendjemand immer noch Zweifel bezüglich der Entschlossenheit der PA hat alle Spüren von Israels uraltem jüdischem Erbe auszulöschen, dann sollte ein wichtiger neuer Bericht alle derartigen Ungewissheiten beseitigen. Das 65 Seiten starke Dokument mit dem Titel „National Heritage Survey“, veröffentlicht von den Organisationen Shilo Forum…
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mp3smash · 3 years
[Music] Shilo Ben Hod - To Be Close
[Music] Shilo Ben Hod – To Be Close
Download Mp3 “To Be Close” Music by Shilo Ben Hod – Hebrew Worship Live Session Israel Contemporary Christian/Gospel Musician, Shilo Ben Hod Release New Song Titled “To Be Close” To Be Close Is a Powerful Song That Will Uplift Your Spirit. Listen & Download Free Mp3 Audio, Stream Music Video & Lyrics. Share & Stay being…
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hartliadigitalphoto · 4 years
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On this site I found Micha Bar-Am a photographer who took photos during a time of turmoil  in Israel. The image above from him spoke to me, making me want to compose this. The photo is captioned “The Israeli flag flies over a settlement. Shilo, Samaria”. This picture was taken in 1978 published through Magnum correspondents. The photo represents to me two sides of Israel. The more religious conservative side represented the rabbi standing with his hands behind his back and the flag with a star of David on it. As well the more aggressive modern image of  the soldiers in full uniform standing by with a gun in hand. 
I wanted to cover this photo because I relate to this due to the fact that I am Jewish. I have been to Israel personally when i was younger. From personal experience i believe this photo represents how i saw the country at the time. Israel is very proud of their army and soldiers, like how they are represented in the photo. As well everywhere there were rabbis and orthodox men and just predominantly those who observed religion. 
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