#she's usually overlooked in favor of gabriel and is used to it
onlineviolence · 2 years
yuriel is confident, and under stress tends to stay calm instead of breaking down. her ambition drives her to act the way she does, in the hopes of impressing the council to gain status.
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shadlad24 · 4 years
Tumblr Master Post
(Third Mensiversary)
Hey, guys! So, instead of the usual monthly post, I decided to consolidate everything. From now on, I will update the following list and reblog it every 22nd. Enjoy!
Please note that Tumblr either cannot or will not preserve my formatting. So, I have used Google Docs as well. Please click on this link if you’d prefer that. It’s open to all. Thanks!
My posts are almost XWP-related and can be categorized into eight main categories (The pic below is merely for record-keeping and visualization purposes; scroll down for the actual links):
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Curious— Why does everyone think Gabrielle/Renée O’Connor has green eyes?
A Favor to the God of War?— What in the world was the favor Ares wanted from Gabrielle during “Sacrifice”?
Smoking Gun?— Why did Hope knowing Solan’s name give her away as his killer?
Good Luck, Kid!— Why was security so bad in “Maternal Instincts”?
The Love of Your Love— Wasn’t the second verse of this song frustrating and hurtful to Gabrielle?
The (Many) Problem(s) with Ares— Why does so little about Ares’s character make sense?
Hard Ask— Can I PLEASE get a willing, able, AND reliable beta-reader for my Xena fanfic???
The (Many) Problem(s) with Ares [Reblog]— Three more questions about the god of war
No Way— Is the titular image of “Xena: Warrior Princess” what it seems?
Episode Reflections
Random Thoughts While Watching XWP— funny moments from “A Family Affair,” “Them Bones, Them Bones,” “Married with Fishsticks,” and “Coming Home”
Observations from “Sins of the Past”— fifteen things I noticed while watching the episode for the second time (first after completing the series)
Running Commentary on “A Family Affair”— just what it sounds like XD
Concluding Thoughts on “A Family Affair”— a defense of Hope and Gabrielle
Echoes Across the Years— how Solan’s last conversation with his mother echoed Gabrielle’s first with the warrior princess
Redeeming “Fishsticks,” Part 1— how the adults and themes in Gabrielle’s dreamworld held great significance
Redeeming “Fishsticks,” Part 2— how Crustacea’s monstrous children were re-imaginations of Hope and The Destroyer
Fault— my thoughts on the series finale
Good Luck, Kid! [Reblog]— a fun little extension of the original post showing the impression Gabrielle made on Hope
Original Fanfic Excerpts
The Mother of Hope, a collection of one-shots exploring Gabrielle’s thoughts, feelings, and experiences with/about her daughter
Disparity— Hope’s and Gabrielle’s conversation during the final commercial break of “A Family Affair”
Somewhere— Gabrielle searching Tartarus for Hope while Ares was harassing Xena and Solan in “God Fearing Child”
Super Challenge— the entire Rift Arc summed up in a single conversation, the lines of dialogue coming from each of the twelve Rift episodes of season three
Aperture— Gabrielle’s thoughts the night of her wedding
The Daughter of Duality, Hope’s life story from her perspective
My Great Hope— Seraphin prepares her goddess for childbirth
Hope Rising— Baby Hope makes a terrible mistake
“Tears of a Goddess: Blood Rain,” a one-shot exploring “Motherhood” from the goddess of love’s perspective
Useless— Aphrodite agonizes over what to do when alone with Gabrielle and Eve
Tears of a Goddess, a story in which Aphrodite comes clean about the large part she played in Gabrielle’s life behind the scenes
Gabrielle Rages against Xena— the bard finds herself at Aphrodite’s temple, heartbroken and lost after the series finale
Aphrodite Ribs Gabrielle— Aphrodite complains about Gabrielle’s mishaps throughout the show
Rapprochement, a story about Xena and Gabrielle hashing out The Rift Arc before finally coming together as a couple
The Answer— Xena reminds Gabrielle of who she is
Divine Intervention— Aphrodite blesses Xena and Gabrielle’s union
Adventures in Moving Forward, a chronicle of Aphrodite’s and Gabrielle’s adventures together post-AFIN and all my other XWP stories
Stranger— Aphrodite protects Gabrielle from a mob in Brittania
The Betrayer, Gabrielle's untold experience during “The Deliverer.”
Disturbance— Xena makes an unexpected suggestion on how to stop Gabrielle’s recurring nightmare
Deception— Khrafstar fills multiple voids in Gabrielle’s heart
Defilement— Reality slips away from Gabrielle with the loss of her blood innocence
Desecration— Gabrielle becomes one with darkness
Dissolution— The return of Gabrielle’s hero brings about only more tragedy
Fan Theories
Soul Orbits and Psychic Echoes— how Xena and Gabrielle got their children through equal and opposite people and circumstances
Shazam!— how Xena might be able to come back after the series finale
Man-Killer— what really happened to Toris
An Unsung Hero— Aphrodite being Gabrielle’s guardian angel throughout the Rift Arc
Infamous, Infuriated— why Xena engaged in the GabDrag (and BardBraining)
Solving Some Problems with Ares— answering two of my own questions about the god of war
Odd, Sort of Beautiful Symmetry— how we ended up with Annie and Harry
Soul Orbits and Psychic Echoes [Reblog]— an extension of the original theory that focuses more on Solan and Hope themselves
Solving More Problems with Ares— answering my next questions about the god of war
Episode Cracksubs
The Comedy of Amphipolis— “The Haunting of Amphipolis”
What in the Gurkhan?— “Who’s Gurkhan?”
Them Bones and Boneheads— “Them Bones, Them Bones”
TL;DRs— cliff-notes version of longer posts
TL;DR #1: Soul Orbits and Psychic Echoes
TL;DR #2: Infamous, Infuriated
TL;DR #3: The (Many) Problem(s) with Ares
Funny Little Moments— (Five:) a series highlighting overlooked silly things from each episode, illustrated in pictures and cracksubs / (More:) summation posts showcasing additional funny moments from each episode, in half-season chunks
Five Funny Little Moments #1: “Sins of the Past”
Five Funny Little Moments #2: Chariots of War
Five Funny Little Moments #3: Dreamworker
Five Funny Little Moments #4: Cradle of Hope
Five Funny Little Moments #5: The Path Not Taken
Five Funny Little Moments #6: The Reckoning
Five Funny Little Moments #7: The Titans
Five Funny Little Moments #8: Prometheus 
Five Funny Little Moments #9: Death in Chains 
Five Funny Little Moments #10: Hooves and Harlots
Five Funny Little Moments #11: The Black Wolf
Five Funny Little Moments #12: Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts
Golden Ticket— Renee O’Connor’s initial responses to me on Instagram
Bath Time— a fun self-challenge involving making a story from recently downloaded/screenshot images in just a few minutes
Mensiversary— review of my first month on Tumblr
Confirmation/Affirmation— Steven L. Sears’s essay of support for my Furies theory
K.O.— Renée O’Connor liking my comment about ^
Hooray!— The Mother of Hope is finished (kinda)
Aww…— a quick picture post to try something new while I was bummed about the deadly tech bug that obliterated my posts for weeks
Second Mensiversary— review of my second month on Tumblr
NOOO!— a lamentation related to The Mother of Hope
The (Many) Problem(s) with Ares [Reblog/Response]— answering a reader
More Funny Little Moments #1: Season 1, Episodes 1-12
Black Hole— a poem about depression
It’s Nothing— a poem on invalidation
What the?— the beginning of the bug :(
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arazialotis · 6 years
Two Twin Arrows
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This was written for the wonderful and fabulous @atc74 Fierce Females in Fanfiction Challenge as a celebration for her amazing achievement of reaching 3000 followers!! Thanks babe for hosting this fun challenge! 
Prompt: I am Strong Because I had to be. I will take back what is mine and give nothing in return.
Word Count: Around 2600
Summary: When your twin brother goes missing, you will do everything in your power to track him down and bring him home. 
Warnings: Language
Your little brother was perhaps the single most important piece of your life; he meant everything to you. Of course, you were technically twins, but being born nine days earlier gave you an advantageous head start. You even helped your mother through his birth. And when you held him, so small and vulnerable in your arms, his laugh as bright as the sun, you vowed on that day to do everything in your power to protect him; always.
Yet when you swore that promise, you had yet to realize the gravity behind it. It was soon after that it dawned on you that you and Apollo were destined to be exact opposites. He the sun, you the moon; you chaste and pure and he… Well, to say promiscuous would be putting it lightly. You were cunning and thoughtful and he was impulsive and impetuous, proning him to all types of trouble you’d bail him from. So when he went missing, and he often did, it didn’t surprise you.
Two weeks was fine, but at three weeks you started to worry. And as the weeks turned into months you knew you had to go looking for him. The last time he went missing was for a month and a half in the roaring twenties. You tracked him down to New York City and discovered him in the middle of a bender so infamous, Dionysus himself was envious. Had mortals shown an ounce of respect for gods these days, Apollo would have at least one or two more stories to add to his repertoire.
After that, the two of you stayed in the New World, occasionally travelling here or there, for family engagements. As much as possible, you kept a low profile, and tried to convince your brother to as well. It worked, for the most part.
This time after he went missing, naturally, you started with the party towns and after hearing about a ‘miracle’ in Las Vegas where the sun didn’t set for three days time, you knew you had found the place to start. Knowing Apollo had a flair for extravagance, you started at the top, working your way down. But even the Bentel & Bentel penthouse suite at the Cosmopolitan Hotel was a but flashy, even for him.
The signs of his inhabitants were all to clear, but he had not returned even after several days. You started pursuing club surveillance, finally pinning him to the Emerald Gentlemen's Club. It was his last known whereabouts and the last place he was seen. All other traces of him had vanished. It was as if he didn’t want to be found. But on the video surveillance, two days later popped up another face. One you were all to familiar with. One Apollo had several run ins with that often lead to trouble. The trickster.
You hunted him down to the desolate wasteland of North Dakota, hiding like a fox in a hole. His private resort was carved into the side of a mountain, easily overlooked by the untrained eye. But Loki’s desire for luxury undid him. It glowed as obvious as a candle in the night, calling you in.
You lurked in the shadows for days. Watching, waiting, but Apollo never showed. You finally revealed yourself once you had enough of the cheating rat’s trickery. He was in the middle of a poker game, porn stars in barely nothing dancing around polls opposite of him. Three other men, all gruff placed bets. He lifted his his face, when you saw it. His two cards were four, all aces.
Your restraint could no longer be contained. You lifted your bow, sliding an arrow into place and without hesitation let it release. It tore right through the cards, pinning them to the table. The three gentlemen looked down at the table seeing the four cards displayed. They eyed Loki dangerously.
He shrugged his shoulders. “Fellas, those aren’t mine.” One man threw his hand down on the table, before rolling up his sleeves. But Loki paused the scene before it continued. “And neither is this.” He pried the arrow from the table, the illusion faded as he further examined it. The people, the cards, the drinks, all vanished leaving only you, him, and the furnishings. “Come out Katniss.” He goaded.
You bravely stepped out of the shadows.
“My… Athena… Haven’t you changed with the times.” He looked you up and down; your black skinny jeans tucked into dark boots., studded leather jacket over a silk red top, and your hair hanging down in curls.
“It’s Artemis, you pig.” You held you bow close.
“Ah yes.” He recalled. “All of you are so hard to keep straight. Don’t even get me started with the whole Roman thing…” He walked over to a wooden bar pouring himself a drink. “So what can I do ya for? I make a mean Sex on the Beach.” He offered before taking a sip.
You ignored the proposal. “I’m here for information. It’d be wise you answer truthfully in interest of your well being.” You paused and for a moment your curiosity got the better of you. “Is it true what they say about you?”
He wiggled his eyebrows playfully. “And what do they say about me? That I can last nights on end, that I have the endurance of a panther, that Aphrodite got half her stories from me, that Zeus wishes he had a pair like…” You squinted at him. “You dare tempt me?”
He chuckled. “Oh god no. I was just hoping that cute brother of yours was going to pop out of a shadow in a jealous rage. But it looks like I’m out of luck.”
Your hope dropped. “You’ve not seen Apollo?” Loki sighed. “Listen, I like to get wrapped up in a Greek tragedy at least once every century as much as the next guy, but when you guys start dropping in for holidays, come on, it starts to cramp my style.” You tucked your bow back into it’s satchel and turned to leave. But he grabbed your shoulder before you could. “Arty…” He cood. “What’s happened?”
You shook your head. “I’m sure nothing. You know how he is.”
“Let me suggest two things.” He held up a finger. “First, get a beeper for that kid. Second.” He pulled a card out of thin air. “Maybe it’s time to call in a favor from your patron saints…” You took the card. Eyeing it with suspicion. It was an FBI business card, with the name Agent Robert Plant and a phone number. Obviously a fake. Obviously a hunter. You looked back to Loki. “Thanks, but I got this.” You turned to leave again. “By the way. It looks like you might be molting… Gabriel.” 
And with that he was left in the room alone. He looked down to his feet where a few golden feathers had collected. “Dammit!” He cursed.
Outside a small town in Iowa, you stayed in a rundown motel off of a dying highway route. In its glory days, southern tourists bound for Mt. Rushmore must have filled it to the brim. But now, in it’s secludedness and stillness, it was the perfect place to reconvene and focus. You twirled the business card back and forth between your fingers; considering it. If these hunters had any idea who you were or half the things you’ve done, they wouldn’t hesitating putting a stake through your chest. And Apollo… well, if they caught wind of him, there’s no telling what would happen.
You had arrogance, yes, but not the arrogance of other gods that would dismiss hunters as any other ape. You had to be smart, cunning, to treat them with respect, or your fate could easily end up as any other monster on their hit list.
Finally, you worked through your hesitation and dialed the number, faking the best damsel in distress act as you could. You simply needed to keep him on the line long enough to triangulate his position, then you could go to him, gauging his usefulness, if he proved otherwise, you could easily slip away with your presence going entirely unnoticed.
“Hello.” A strong, deep voice answered.
“Uh… hello, um Agent Plant?” You stuttered, voice a few octaves higher than usual.
“Yes?” His confusion quickly grew.
“I um, I got your number from a friend, Sally Hanson, I’m not sure if you remember, she says you helped her a few years back on a case…” You fabricated, but intently kept an eye on your laptop as the tracking software was running.
There was a pause as he tried to recall. “Oh, right, of course… Sally.” Even though there was confidence in his voice, you could tell it was complete bullshit. “Well, what seems to be troubling you.”
You sighed. “You see… it’s my brother, he’s been missing near two weeks. I haven’t been able to contact him.”
“Have you filed a missing persons report?” He asked, trying to fish out details of the case.
“Of course, but the local police haven’t been too helpful… Unfortunately, my brother has a bit of a reputation around here.” Actually the story came easier than you thought.
“And uh, what makes you think he simply hasn’t started fresh somewhere else?”
“Well, that does seem like him, but we’ve always been so close. He would never leave and not tell me.” You explained, heart hurting more and more as you began to diverge the truth.
“Well…” He chewed on it. “I’m not sure it’s exactly my type of case, I got a few things lined up, but if I have any openings….”
Shit. You needed a few more minutes. “I’m just so worried about him.” You interrupted. “There’s been other missing people too. With the police not helping I’ve tried to do my own investigation you know. And I started at this old hangout of his. And it’s just like creepy you know. I know I must be imagining things but there is just this chill that comes over you as...:” Bingo. You pinned him nearby Lebanon, Kansas.
He assumed you had stopped unable to continue from sadness or fear. “Okay sweetheart, just calm down. I’ll run the details by my partner and we’ll try to be out in a couple days. Where are you at anyways.”
“Oh…” You chuckled. “This is so embarrassing. He’s uh calling me right now. I’ll give you a call back if we need anything.” And you abruptly hung up, quickly switching off your phone so he couldn’t track you.
After taking a minute to breathe, you shook of any remainder of the act, for a damsel in distress you were surely not. You pack your things and checked out of the motel, heading for Lebanon.
Lebanon. It was a extremely small town. To say it was a one-horse town would be a vast understatement. But that made your hunt all the more easy. You set up shop at the only food market in town and waited.
It was two days before he showed up. His car stood out like a sore thumb. It was old enough to be handed down through the generations, taken well care of, countless of miles put on it, and modifications to the trunk. You expected a hunter, but the man not who stepped out of the car.
Your heart dropped. Instantly recognizing him from the security footage you reviewed time and time again in Vegas. But the fear was instantly replaced by boiling anger. Apollo wasn’t dead, yet. You could feel it. He couldn’t be. And not from the hands of this hunter. As he lazily strenched, you jolted from your car catching him by surprise. You grabbed his wrist, using the force to push him up against the car. He struggled a bit but you had him pinned.
“Where is he?!” You demanded.
Dean pondered trying to catch up. “Listen, sweetheart..” He started.
You cut him off, shoving him hard against the car. “Call me that one more time.” You warmed. “Where is my brother?”
“Why don’t you just calm down and we can find him together.” Dean attempted to de-escalate your anger.
“I’m not taking your bullshit hunter.” You spat. “You were there. In Las Vegas. When he disappeared.” Tears threatened to spill over.
It took him a second, but then it clicked. “I might know where he is. How about all three of us meet up tonight…” He stopped when he felt his hands being tied together. “You will take me to him now.”
You took the keys from his pocket, opened the door and shoved him inside. You slid into the driver’s seat, next to him.
“Oh hell no.” He protested as you started up the car.
Just by briefly looking around it was easy to see the car was occupied usually by three. “Don’t bother trying to notify your partners.” You noticed he already seemed to be looking for a knife to pry out of the ropes. “The more you resist the restraints the tighter they become.” “What are you?” Dean huffed as you pulled out of the parking lot. “Witches, demons.”
You lightly chuckled but did not grant him the satisfaction of an answer.
It took a while to find his location, he not being the most helpful or willing subject. But his emotions became easier to read the more time spent with him. The subtle gritting of teeth or sighs of relief each correct or incorrect turn you made, it led you closer to the destination until you finally arrived.
You led Dean through the entrance, dagger at his back to hinder him or his partners from trying anything. The door swung open with a heavy creak leading into the hideout below. To be honest, you were impressed with the space.
“Dean?” Someone called from below. His younger brother. Taller, longer hair, but still a touch of youthfulness that Dean lacked.
“Hiya Sammy.” Dean drearily greeted.
Sam reached for the gun in his back pocket, but your second dagger buzzed threw the air dislodging it before it was even pointed at you.
“What’s going on?” Sam asked through the shock.
“She’s a lot stronger than she looks.” Dean scoffed.
“I’m strong because I had to be.” You explained as Dean felt the dagger press harder against his back. “Born into a world of vengeful and sex crazed gods, I didn’t have any other choice. Now, I will take back what is mine and give nothing in return.”
Sam still had confusion plastered across his face, attempting to work out what Dean already had. Everyone’s attention broke at the sound of a coffee mug shattering against the floor. You turned to the sound, expecting their third partner but instead finding your fool of a brother in a bathrobe.
“Arty?” He sheepishly asked.
“Apollo.” You sighed a breath of relief and released Dean, running towards him. “Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” You checked him over.
He rolled his eyes. “Arty you are embarrassing me.”
When all seemed right, you punched him square in the shoulder. “What the hell? You can’t just disappear on me like that.”
“Ow.” He moaned and rubbed the spot on impact. “Can you blame me? They’re cute.” He defended. “I didn’t need you up in my business ruining everything. You’re kinda a cock blocker.”
As you argued back and forth, Dean made his way slowly down the stairs and joined Sam, marvelling in wonderment.
“Turns out we’ve had a god living with us, right under our noses.” Dean commented.
Apollo’s argument sounded over them. “Besides, anytime there was a successful hunt, I burnt offerings of incense to you.”
“Like that matters!” You spat.
“For a whole month….” Sam added to his and Dean’s side conversation. “We must be losing our touch.”
Forevers:  @nanie5 @sea040561 @crushing83@mogaruke@deanwinchesterforpromqueen @ginamsmith @jotink78@blushingdean@sup3r-pott3r-lock3d @dancingalone21 @li-ssu@highonpastries @daddy-kink-confirmed @weewooweewoo1212@carryonmyswansong @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @atc74@superapplepie @coolness22 @cassieraider@winchesternco @adaliamalfoy@iwriteaboutdean @spnbaby-67 @cigsandpie @curedean @monkeymcpoopoo@adoptdontshoppets @maddiepants
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riverheadbooks · 7 years
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I hope you’ve dusted off your dancing shoes, Libra! This is your month to fete yourself, and the celebration can (and should!) be nothing less than spectacular. As you enter this new season of your life, take a chance on yourself and do something you’ve never done! Give yourself permission to step outside of the responsibilities and boundaries you’ve adhered to for so long (adulthood, am I right? UGH.) and regain your sense of magic and wonder, if only for one night! You may find yourself craving some respite from spontaneity and adventure soon, so take advantage of your moment of abandon while you can, and then allow yourself to slip back into your quieter state. But if you find that a part of you still yearns for the kind of life-changing mystery and adventure that your day-to-day experiences simply can’t deliver, you should know exactly where to turn: books! Your lucky selection for this month follows three generations of a family in the Virgin Islands, right after being transferred from Danish to American rule. Two sisters and their half brother, orphaned by a shipwreck, each possess a particular magic that will either sink or save them. Allow yourself to be swept away by this gorgeous, vibrant tale that will remind you of the unlimited promise of a new beginning...and the beautiful chaos of a life richly lived.
LUCKY BOOK: Land of Love and Drowning by Tiphanie Yanique
Welcome to fall, Scorpio! The seasons are changing, pumpkins are emerging, and as usual, this time of change and transition is making you antsy. You need a goal, a plan, something to aspire to, and right now, you’re undergoing a massive shift in thinking that typically precedes a bold move. So what will it be, Scorpio? With your birthday just around the corner, and a brand year hot on its heels, you’re in prime position to make a definitive move. A word of caution (and encouragement): you are, at this very moment, laying the groundwork for the change you want to see occur in your life. Whether it be a relationship beginning or ending, a new business opportunity or a farewell to your current career, you’re doing the work necessary to get yourself to the next place you’re itching to be. Don’t underestimate your ambition: these changes may be happening faster than you thought possible or necessary. But you know what? This is when you celebrate, not panic. You’re totally capable of this! Don’t believe me? Take a look at your desk, at the state of your bedroom. If you’re cringing at the mess, you shouldn’t. Your lucky book this month will show you why your more free-spirited, devil-may-care approach to life (and unfolded laundry) may contribute to your creativity and wellspring of ideas. Trust yourself, Scorpio, and take the leap. You’re ready!
LUCKY BOOK: Messy: The Power of Disorder to Transform Our Lives by Tim Harford
Squad up, Sagittarius! This month is all about the power of the collective - we all know what one is the loneliest number, and while that may be preferable from time to time, it’s important to maintain those socializing and collaboration skills when more manpower is required. Are you in the throes of planning a massive Halloween bash? Don’t run yourself into the ground; delegate tasks and continue getting sleep at night! Trying to negotiate a thorny work situation? Call an emergency friend meeting and spill the beans: sometimes it takes multiple points of entry on a problem before you can gain any clarity. Keep in mind, however, that at all times, you are the master of your fate. Working with other people doesn’t mean letting them walk all over you! Figure out exactly what it is that you want, and allow the people who love and care for you to be there in your time of need. Teamwork makes the dream work, after all. For some of the most epic and mind-bendingly unforgettable scenes that showcase the importance of community and self-sufficiency, be sure to pick up a copy of your lucky book for this month. It’s a harrowing, gorgeous story of survival in the face of overwhelming odds, and the power of just a few impactful relationships in completely transforming someone’s life -- for good.
LUCKY BOOK: My Absolute Darling by Gabriel Tallent
Capricorn, I hope you’re feeling ready to receive some blessings this month. Success is looming, and it’d be a shame if you missed the opportunities coming your way! Imposter syndrome, stage fright, survivor’s remorse -- whatever you’d like to call it, it has no place in your life right now, do you hear me? This is the month where you bet on yourself: take some wild chances and make sure you’re rubbing elbows with the right people. At the end of the day, it’s rarely only luck or only connections that get you where you need to go; it’s both. And talking yourself out of attending that party, answering that phone call, or writing that letter will only hurt yourself in the long run. Yes, putting yourself out there is frightening, no one is denying that. But how will you ever know what you’re capable of if you don’t make an attempt? Do yourself a favor: live. Take risks. Show up. Make mistakes, and keep trying. If I can’t convince you, then maybe your lucky book this month will: a succinct and inspiring memoir of a hospice chaplain’s experiences with people at the very end of their lives. Sometimes the best way to ensure we make the most out of today is remembering that we never know when there will be no more tomorrow -- a chilling thought, but also, a motivating one! Until we unlock the secret to immortality, taking control of now is the best chance we have to live a life we can be proud of -- so seriously, Cap, what exactly are you waiting for?
LUCKY BOOK: On Living by Kerry Egan
Work hard, play hard, Aquarius! I want you to think of this month as the reward for all of the labor you’ve been putting in -- at work, at home, in a certain relationship, or even on yourself. There’s an area of your life that you’ve been laser focused on improving or becoming more knowledgeable in, and the hours you’ve put in may have felt overlooked. That is not so! You’re growing, Aquarius, and with growth comes rewards. Not everyone can apply such brainpower to such a specific issue for such a long period of time (seriously!) and you should absolutely give yourself a pat on the back. You may not be aware of this, but people are watching, and they’re taking note of how self-motivated and accomplished you are (or will be!). Use that reputation you’re building for good, and continue to build. For inspiration, the author of this month’s lucky book is about as #goals as you can get. A journalist who fled her own country because of political persecution, she has devoted her life to exposing and telling the hard truths about figures in power who have built their empires on the backs of the oppressed. After years of both study and hard reporting, she has created a reputation and career that cannot be diminished. This month, learn from one of the best to ever do it, Aquarius, and then keep reminding yourself that if you keep putting in the work, the world will be within your grasp. Take it.
LUCKY BOOK: The Future is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia by Masha Gessen
Hey, Pisces. This month got off to a rather dramatic start, didn’t it? Everything feels a bit frenetic and electric right now, a bit like you’ve slammed an open palm on a live wire. This is a blessing and a curse, no doubt about it. The powers of attraction are at their peak right now, so don’t be surprised at the heads turning your way as you walk down the street, or the rather impassioned messages that begin rolling into your Tinder inbox. Committed Pisces, this may be the month you find yourself having the difficult conversations you’ve both been avoiding -- for better or for worse (words chosen carefully). You’re realizing who your true friends are and who you can more accurately think of as an acquaintance -- realizations that may be painful in the moment, but ultimately vital to know in the long run. Work catastrophes reveal important things about how you and your colleagues respond under pressure. If the universe’s grand gestures begin to feel too overwhelming to deal with, turn to your lucky book this month -- a sharp, concise novel about what happens when your public and private lives intersect in ways that quickly morph from exciting to dangerous. In those moments, it becomes imperative to see past your immediate emotional reaction, and be able to make decisions under immense pressure. This time will pass, Pisces, and you’ll be able to relax. Until then, keep your eyes open, and focus on those deep breaths. You’ll make it through this month, step by careful step.
LUCKY BOOK: Reputations by Juan Gabriel Vásquez
Happy autumn, Aries! Maybe it’s all the pumpkin spice wafting through the air, or maybe it’s your eternal hatred for all things pumpkin spice -- either way, October has you feeling fired up and full of energy. There is so much to do, so many people to see and places to go, and at the rate you’re going, you just may be able to squeeze them all in! Embrace the high you’re feeling, and ride it for as long as you can. People naturally want to be in your orbit right now; you’re exuding positive vibes and it can only open more doors for you. But if you put yourself out there, you have to be ready for whatever comes, even opportunities you weren’t necessarily expecting. Be honest about where you want to go, and if you happen to bite off more than you can chew, own it. Don’t set yourself up for future failure because you’re enjoying the attention now! Have integrity and value other people’s time and energy as much as they value yours. Your lucky book this month is full of stories that get right to the heart of some of the most beautiful and admirable shades of humanity: compassion, hard work, friendship, loyalty. It’s the perfect reminder to keep you grounded and humble this month, even as your social status (and Instagram follower count) rises.
LUCKY BOOK: Five-Carat Soul by James McBride
Up and at ‘em, Taurus! The slightly cooler fall temperatures have encouraged you to lace up your jogging shoes, because who wants to go for a run in the thick of August, dripping with sweat? Not you, and I don’t blame you. So this month, you’re leaning into your fitness dreams and getting yourself back on track. While you’re in the gym, on the trail, or posing like a tree, try to apply a similar level of focus to your internal exercises as well. What have you allowed to accumulate these past few months that you would do well to shed now? What are you holding onto that weighs you down, making it increasingly difficult to get out of bed? It may take some meditation, a clarifying talk with your therapist, or simply some downtime, away from the constant blue glow of your smartphone. But most of all, what it will take is time. This month, you’ll find both validation and wisdom in your lucky book -- very important companions on a journey like the one you’re embarking upon. In today’s fast-paced, efficiency-obsessed world, the standards for compassionate human care have declined, and so has our approach to health. You’ll learn why a return to a slower method of care is vital, and see why applying the same principles of kindness and patience to your own emotional fitness plan will ensure long-lasting results.
LUCKY BOOK: Slow Medicine: The Way to Healing by Victoria Sweet
Strike a pose, gem! You’re feeling like a million bucks (and looking like it, too)! Allow yourself to indulge in some vanity this month and treat every street you walk down like your personal catwalk. Smize, work it, stunt, repeat. You’ve been logging some hard hours lately, putting in the effort to make your mark on the world. Well, the world won’t know about it unless you promote! Use this surge of confidence to put yourself out there, unapologetically: send those scary pitch emails, network with people you idolize, find ways to brag about your work. Suffering from impostor syndrome? That’s normal, and it’s okay. It’s nearly impossible to get to the next level in your career or side-hustle without feeling a bit of natural fear and “what am I doing here?” But the trick is to keep pushing anyway. Recognize when you start to pull back and retreat into a safe shell, and remind yourself that this means this thing you’re attempting to do, this next level you’re aspiring to reach, is a bit scary and therefore most likely worth the fear! For some extra inspiration (and a little bit of hand-holding; don’t pretend you’re above it!), turn to your lucky book this month: a sizzling collection of short stories from one of the masters of the genre! Each story features characters that undergo difficult, sometimes seemingly impossible circumstances, with only their wits to rely on - with varying levels of success. Life may be a crapshoot, Gem, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. You’ve got the juice, now go act like it!
LUCKY BOOK: The King is Always Above the People by Daniel Alarcón
Click those heels three times, Cancer, you know you want to. Right now, staying in and getting re-acquainted with your couch and streaming device probably sound like paradise -- parades and raucous nights out be damned. Or perhaps you’re feeling particularly nostalgic and yearning to reconnect with people from your past, the people who immediately come to mind when you think of ‘home.’ Follow these instincts; there’s a reason you’re feeling this way! Whether that means giving yourself some time away from the fall hustle and bustle to have a few quiet nights in, or make a point to call your grandparents and ask how they’re doing, reconnecting with your roots is a perfect way to begin a brand new season. Just don’t let your need for quiet and reflection lead you to isolate yourself, because that isn’t healthy either. Your lucky book this month a beautifully stirring portrait of several generations of women, and how the stories that once started out as fact become contorted, stretched, and glossed over with the passage of time. It’s a celebration of family, albeit not a completely pleasant one (realistic), and the perfect companion on a chilly autumn night.
LUCKY BOOK: I’m Supposed to Protect You From All This by Nadja Spiegelman
Hello, Leo? You there? You’re giving Waldo and Carmen a run for their money this month with your aura of mystery. But sometimes you just need to shake things up, right? Life’s way too short to be boring! Walk a different path, go to a concert for an artist you’ve never heard of, finally wear that outfit you’ve kept in the back of your closet for months! Your teenage years and early twenties are not the only time you can claim self-discovery: it’s constant, this kind of growth, and you’ll never stop learning who you are, because you’re changing all the time. And if this makes you a little difficult to pin down sometimes, well, so be it. (But please - return your mother’s phone calls.) As you venture into the unknown, making new friends and setting down new roots, remember that at some point, your past will catch up. And if that reminder gives you pause...do your future self a favor and reevaluate some of your decisions. The main character of your lucky book probably should have taken that advice, but her journey is so riveting, you definitely won’t mind. Sometimes the road to self-discovery includes a few broken hearts -- and when they revolve around someone whose whereabouts and actions are hard to keep track of (ahem), rumors start to fly. Between your thrilling excursions this month, be sure to get into your lucky book. You’ll be very, very glad you did.
LUCKY BOOK: The Mothers by Brit Bennett
Hey, Virgo! Got plans to slow down anytime soon? Your creative well is positively overflowing and pumping the breaks can feel a bit like self-sabotage. NOT. You aren’t a machine, and you need to rest to keep that energy going. Be kind to yourself and watch your productivity flourish. That said, beware the admirers who come around with empty hands outstretched: in a dog-eat-dog world, sometimes you need to override your naturally nurturing and coaching tendencies to recognize when people want to profit off your creativity for free. Be kind, but but be firm: you’ve worked too hard to get the point you’re at in order for someone else to swoop in and claim credit for what you’ve built. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with protecting what’s yours -- and perhaps, if you’re feeling generous, helping others discover and fine-tune their own ideas. We know you’re on the go this month, so your lucky book is not quite as text-heavy, but not short on the inspiration: a collection of gorgeous original artwork and accompanying annotations from one of the most prolific political cartoonists of our times. When you’re in the thick of your own artistic process, learning how others approach and execute their work can be an immeasurable gift. Onward, Virgo, but consider scheduling a nap?
LUCKY BOOK: Blitt by Barry Blitt
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