#she's the absolute /worst/ and I love her sfdgjhsdfg
ironxkid · 3 years
👴: Which OC is your oldest, creation wise? 😍: Which OC is your favorite? Unexpected favorite? 🤑: Do you mostly fandom OCs or purely original ones? If original, do you have any plans for them in terms of producing a short film, book? 🗣: Historically, the internet has never been too kind to OCs. What's one thing you wish people realized about OCs?
Character Questions for Creators
👴: Which OC is your oldest, creation wise? 
oh god dfjgfsdghj - I don’t even know x’D probably an oc for Warriors if I’m being honest, but I can’t remember for the life of me
actually, no, it was definitely a fandomless oc - uhhh, man, I honestly can’t remember dsfgjhsfdjh
😍: Which OC is your favorite? Unexpected favorite? 
oh, hands down, Carter’s my favorite DSJFGHDSFJ
my unexpected favorite, however, would probably be Arthfael! He’s an og oc, and honestly there’s only like. three or four friends that know about him, but I actually really like him! Which is hilarious, because he’s an absolute jackass, and I specifically made him as a character to hate fdgjhsfdghj - but, hey! that’s what happens when you go back to develop ocs further! Plus I changed the world quite a bit... which I’ll get into in the next question!
🤑: Do you mostly fandom OCs or purely original ones? If original, do you have any plans for them in terms of producing a short film, book? 
oh, absolutely mostly fandom ocs - I mean, y’all, I’ve created numerous characters for Warriors, which means I’ve created fanclans and I’ve filled out the canon Clans with nothing but ocs, so, yeah, I have a lot of fandom ocs x’D
but!! I do have multiple original ones as well! Arthfael is one of them, but I also have Greer, Circe, Draven, Digger, Ethan, and Lilith, and plenty of others in the same universe, and I do plan on writing a book with them! Actually, it’s either going to be a duology with a prequel, or a trilogy with a prequel - it depends on how I want the plot to go, because I don’t want to drag things on forever, but I’ve always envisioned it to be a trilogy. But, oh boy, it’s... definitely a work in progress!
I keep changing everything about the overall plot and I’m still figuring out the world, because it takes place on a moon, essentially - I mean, the technically term is a satellite, since the planet it orbits is actually a gas giant, but... eh, I’ll spare details right now sdfgjhdsf 
anyway, I have a few spotify playlists and pinterest boards for the characters and stories, I had a sideblog for the trilogy (which I called the Bloodline Trilogy, though honestly that name may end up changing given how much has changed since I first penned it) though I took it down when I restarted my personal blog that I’ve been neglecting whoops, but I do have a few concept pieces I posted to deviantart! I... don’t particularly want to share them tbh? bc I don’t care for them that much anymore and, again, I’ve changed the world, but if any of y’all are curious I don’t mind sharing xD
anyway, uhhh - yeah! I’ve honestly considered making an rp blog for some of my og ocs, in particular for Circe, since she’s actually taken quite a bit of focus surprisingly, considering she wasn’t created to be a main character, but... just with how all over the place my information with everything is, and the fact I’d really need to break things down for everyone to understand the lore surrounding any of them and all that jazz, I... really haven’t taken the thought seriously
maybe one day if I can nail something more solid down!
🗣: Historically, the internet has never been too kind to OCs. What's one thing you wish people realized about OCs?
holy fuck, people need to realize all canon characters are ocs that have just been shoved into media that’s consumed by many - even if the story the characters are connected to is small... they’re still ocs
this has been said a lot by numerous people, but it’s honestly my biggest issue. That, and people are so quick to brush ocs off as mary/gary-sues, and I hate that - I can’t even begin to explain how badly that fucked up my confidence when I was younger, because I was working on a fanfic that I loved and had someone jump into the comments and say something along the lines of: “oh my god, this character is such a mary-su it’s awful *grabs friend and jumps off a cliff*” - and I really wish I was exaggerating. I was 14, I had enough insecurity issues I was dealing with, and to have someone say that (and, to top it off, the person was a beta editor, since it was on fanfiction net) really just... did nothing to help me
also, who cares? Honestly, if an oc is perfect in everyway and you don’t like it, just move on. Just leave the creator to do their own thing - it could be a troll, or it could be someone just having fun, and there’s nothing wrong with that as long as they’re not hurting themselves or anyone else. 
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