#she's sooooo cute and i love her so much. my sweet girl kenna.
b1gwings · 10 months
Can I get a Kenna from naddpod?
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AHHHHH HERE SHE IS.... thank u so much for requesting this, i adore kenna with my whole entire heart and it was a treat to get to draw her
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choicessa · 7 years
I was tagged by @magnificenthippogriff
Thank you for the tag! ❤ ❤ ❤
Favorite book and why:
Oh men... I must admit my fav book changes from time to time, since I've had a weeks of slightly obsession with all of them BUT now I would definitely choose The Royal Romance. Since I am trash for any kind of romance and crimes, whether it's book or movie or anything else, I just fell in love with the concept of this book and now when they added a little mystery with Savannah disappearence, with mysterious traitor on the court I just have everything I love in one place <3
Also Most Wanted. I had to mention it, because damn, that book was sooooo good and please let me have book 2 before I die, pretty please!
Least favorite book and why:
Now it is definitely The Sophomore. I loved the Freshman when I started to play Choices and all three books were great, but when I'm playing Sophomore now I just... don't see any plot? Where is this book even going? It’s just really boring for me now and I really, really hope they will soon fix it because right now I am playing it only to earn diamonds...
Your MC’s LI for each story you’re playing:
TRR: Drake forever and always! <3 (Although on the other device I am choosing prince Liam because damn, who could resist him too?)
LH: Mark Collins <3
Hero: None? Seriously, I just don't feel any of the LIs yet? :P
ES: Jake McKenzie
TF/TS: Chris Powell
RoE: Leo
HSS: Michael Harrison
Favorite MC ship:
Drake x MC, I am a trash for that ship and I will always be, forgive me xD Honorable mention for Mark x MC on second place because I love that boy So. Damn. Much!
Least favorite MC ship:
I think any Hero ship? I really have nothing against Kenji and Grayson but I just don't feel any of them yet, sooo... I am waiting for someone new? Or for change of heart? Or my MC will be just independent superhero? xD
Favorite Non-MC ship:
Sooooo. Maaaaany! Party!Twin x Blake; Craig x Zahra; Grace x Alaister... I bet there are more, so when something comes to my mind I will add it!
Least favorite Non-MC ship:
I would go with Nerdy!Twin and Audrey, I just don't feel it... I wasn't a big fan of Audrey from the beginning, I just can't feel her and find any connection with her, that's pretty much it...
Favorite character and why:
No... No. No! Why would you make me choose just one? When I love so many??? ;___; When I started to play Choices I immediately fell in love with Kenna and I still love her with my heart, but while playing other books I started to give my love to other characters and now I have to choose just one fav child from all of them? I love Kenna, I love pretty much everyone from TRR (means Drake, Liam, Hana, Maxwell, hell I even adore Bertrand after last chapter of TRR2), I love the ES characters, don't start with me how amazing the ES girls are!!! And my adorable LoveHacks children? Noooooo, I can't choose one, I refuse to choose just one!
Least favorite character and why:
I hate Prince Marco from TCaTF with all.my.heart! I can't point out exactly why, but from the very first beginning, when he was rude at Kenna's court, through his comments and acts throught the book I hated him more and more, he was just a rude ass and no one can change my mind.
Character you like that most people don’t:
I feel like Mark isn't getting enough love in that fandom? Or maybe that's just me? But I loved that boy since he appeared in the first chapter, seriously, the moment I saw him I was like „My MC will have you one way or another!” xD Seriously, that guy is so sweet and cute and such a cinnamon roll that he deserves all the love in the world, don't try to convince me otherwise <3
Character you don’t like that most people do:
Right now I would choose Becca. I really started to like her, after TF2 i TF3 but what they did to her in Sophomore? Don't hate me but after what she did to Madison in last chapters and how she was behaving to main characters I just can't stand her behaviour now and I really hope Pixelberry would do something with her because I would love to have more nice interaction with her!
Which character are you most like in real life?
That one is tough, honestly, I just feel like I can't compare myself to only one character? Can I choose a few of them? Yes? Ok, soooo I am a mix of... My Freshman MC, because I love to write as she does, a bit of Mark (let's just say his love comparision to mix of serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin is something I would TOTALLY do xD), I am also a total hugger like Brooke, a bit of perfectionist like Maria Flores (was she actually a perfectionst? Anyway when something doesn't go as I wanted I would totally act crazy like her) aaaand I would also add Michelle and my LH MC to that list for other reasons and that's pretty much me :D
If you could live in any choices story, which one would it be and why?
Right now I think I would choose LoveHacks. I know it doesn't really have a plot but I just adore all the characters and their relationship and I'm at that point in my life where I would just DIE for having time for my friends to meet like that in the city, have problems like your best friend marrying almost a stranger, hanging out, having fun... This book is kind of therapy for me to... un-stress and relax so I would love to choose it to live there <3 And also Maaaark <3
Can I also choose TRR just so I could meet my Drake and marry him?
How long have you been playing?
I think... Half a year for now? I'm quite new, I downloaded that app at the beginning of this year as a time killer, so I could have fun during lectures at my uni and I just got addicted and here I am now :D
@kittenmusicals @jonna811 @ellaxohacks @emilyxchoices @choicesapp
If I didn’t tag you and you want to do this as well - feel like you’ve been tagged! ❤
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