#she's like my brother should post in these tites
greatwyrmgold · 2 years
I've been reading Bleach recently, after a certain professional shitbag recommended it. I'm only a dozen chapters in, but I have some thoughts.
First: If you've been reading my posts talking about new Shonen Jump series, I am sorry. But also, the thing I keep talking about is pacing. Shonen Jump titles are under a lot of pressure to perform well out of the gate; this means most of them cram as much of their premise and ideas into chapter 1, getting to "the good part" ASAP without having time to lay any groundwork for it.
Bleach isn't like that. Basic story facts are scattered throughout the first volume or so, giving more room for the characters and such to breathe. I dunno if Jump worked differently twenty years ago, or if Tite Kubo was more confident in his writing speaking for itself, or what, but I appreciate it.
Second: Maybe it's just that I binged Mieruko-chan earlier this week, but it feels like Ichigo seeing (normal) ghosts should come up more than it does. There aren't anywhere near as many ghosts around in Ichigo's world as Miko's, and they're a lot nicer (except the Hollows), but still.
Third: I was expecting the fact that Ichigo's physical body stays behind, unconscious, when he astrally projects or whatever to fight Hollows was just a handy plot excuse. A reason for Ichigo's broad-daylight swordfights to not be noticed, that would come up for the occasional gag or when it's convenient to the plot, but mostly be forgotten.
But nope! Characters have reacted to Ichigo going unconscious both times (so far) he's projected while outside his house—nothing plot-altering, but enough to make the characters feel like they notice the weird things he's doing and react to them.
Fourth: When Ichigo finds out Hollows used to be human (um, spoilers for chapter 3/episode 2 of Bleach I guess?), he's mad at Rukia for not telling him this, but doesn't really angst about having to kill ex-humans. He talks at them a normal shonen manga amount, but that's about all he does differently when he learns that his enemies used to be human. That feels like something that most series would give more focus (and angst) than it really deserves.
Fifth: There are a lot of nice little moments. Rukia stealing Ichigo's sisters clothes because she didn't pack anything for her not-so-brief trip to the mortal world. Orihime talking with her ex-brother. Rukia not knowing how juice boxes work. Some random guy getting mad at Ichigo for "copying his look," but nothing really comes of it; it's just a school Ichigo's been going to and has a history at. Rukia failing to comfort the dead kid in a parakeet, this makes sense in context.
Maybe this is just reiterating the pacing thing I started with, but...it's nice that there's space for things that don't really do anything except establish characters and tone. Also, I think Rukia's my favorite character.
Speaking of which, sixth: I kinda wish Rukia kept a bit more of her power. At the moment, it feels like she's basically only useful for spiritual cleanup and occasionally not dying long enough for Ichigo to show up. When she said she could only use a few Kidō spells, I thought that meant she'd use them to back up Ichigo in combat. But no, she's limited to a pretty normal level of physical abilities and some spells that don't do much.
Now, it could be a lot worse. Rukia refuses to be damseled, and the fight scene where she and one of Ichigo's mundane classmates work together to stall the Hollow proves that just because a character isn't as strong as Ichigo doesn't mean they won't get awesome moments. But it's still kinda disappointing.
I'm not saying Rukia should be as strong as Ichigo, mind. Rukia losing almost all her reaper power to Ichigo is the inciting incident, that's fine. I just wish she kept, like, 5% instead of 1%. Enough to keep some cool fight powers.
She's probably getting some power-up sooner or later, probably shouldn't complain too much. Anyways, that's six things I thought about in Bleach that I felt like sharing.
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hujikin · 6 years
IR Community Post: Reason why IR makes sense
I figured that we could compile all the reasons that makes IR a good couple from what we have read on here and also from what we know ourselves , while also disproving some popular IH “points” that don’t make sense for fun lol. 
Keep It going guys
Rukia and Ichigo are connected by Destiny as Kubo drew in one of his older covers
 Rukia is the reason why ichigo has started smiling again since the death of his mother
(regardless of if people accept it) Tite Kubo purposely drew Isshin and Masaki’s panel similar to Ichigo’s and Rukia’s. As I asked, why did he choose Ichigo and Rukia, a non romantic pairing as you say, and not Ichigo and Orihime if he knew they were the end goal? It would only make sense to compare Masaki to Orihime since they are so alike, as many IR think, would it not?
Rukia dries up Ichigo’s sadness/rain. Ichigo has only been cheered up by Rukia throughout the manga, except for that one time that you stated that Orihime cheered him up when he was going to save Rukia. Even throughout the 16 months Orihime could do nothing to bring joy to the man she loves.
Orihime has been jealous of, as she stated when she was speaking to Rangiku, Rukia the chemistry she has with Ichigo. Why would Orihime get jealous if she has the best connection to Ichigo? Why would Orihime get jealous if she of Rukia if there wasn’t a possibility that Rukia may have something with Ichigo that she does not? Orihime stated that Rukia was doing for Ichigo what she can’t, what she should be doing for him as the person that loves him. If your significant other always had to go to their, supposed friend for positive reinforcement, happiness, strength, joy, if they felt like they gained peace because they are around, if their lives have become better because of them would you think that that friend was only a friend? Isn’t a good romantic partner supposed to do all the things that I stated, all the thing Rukia does for Ichigo? All the things Orihime said herself that she couldn’t do?
Despite what Rangiku states (when she gives advice to Orihime) these words that Orihime said still stands and Rangiku had never had more then one encounter with Ichigo. How could she give Orihime advice about someone she bairly even knows?
Tensa Zangetsu pulls out the hollow, that has caused Ichigo’s inner world to be flooded with rain, the hollow form that cause Ichigo to halt his progress, the hollow form that Orihime called on in a moment when Ichigo had a whole through his chest after she said, “ The next time we meet, I won’t look to you for help, Kurosaki kun, Ill be able to fight on my own”, and then began depending and screaming at the top of her lungs for him to save her. That Hollow form is what is causing him anguish even though it was accidently caused by Orihime she is still the cause. This is not to say that the hollow hasn’t been a problem before, he popped up when Ichigo was fighting Byakuya while saving Rukia, but the hollow was never the way it was till that moment with Orihime and you can’t deny that.
Ichigo always had positive emotional growth with Rukia, even after fighting to save Rukia and risking his life and almost dying multiple times he was happen internally and externally when it ended. That's why I compare Ichigo’s inner world after saving Orihime because after he saves her everything is the opposite, he’s not happy he’s depressed, he doesn’t grow, he isn’t happy externally or internally. Even though he saved the person that, he supposedly loves.
Orihime has doubted Ichigo, during the fullbringer arc when Tsukishima implements himself in her memories she stand by him and no Ichigo. Even though she would love him 5 times over. And I know what your gonna say, “he changed her memories”. Yes but he didn’t get rid of them, Those memories of Ichigo saving her and doing so much for her haven’t changed. That private moment with ichigo, before she was forced to go to HM, still happened. Does that love that she said she would have for 5 lives mean nothing? Was that love even as strong as she said? And I know you are going to say again “she had no choice her memories of Ichigo were changed”. That is actually false, she had a choice. When Byakuya’s memories of Ichigo were changed and Tsukishima placed himself in Byakuya’s memories he didn’t betray him even though he was trying to kill ichigo not to long ago. He said, I can not begin to repay the debts I owe you, such is my gratitude however, you are an enemy of Kurosaki Ichigo” (chap 473)
This shows that Orihime HAD A CHOICE to stand by Ichigo despite what Tsukishima did but she didn’t choose the man she’d love for 5 lives. I mean Byakuya has more loyalty then Orihime in this point, maybe he love him too lmao :) (all jokes but the point stands) And your gonna say “ he was like a brother to her” yes but Byakuya owed him everything because Tsukishima change his memories, he still choose Ichigo and Orihime ( and chad) did not.
Orihime’s fear for Ichigo’s hollow.( as I said I'm stating all the points lol) As I stated and as clearly shown in the other chapter pages Orihime ( reread chapter 4-6 and tell me where she is afraid) You say she was traumatized, traumatized is defined as (subject to lasting shock as a result of an emotionally disturbing experience or physical injury.) and then trauma is defined as (a deeply distressing or disturbing experience.) Now throughout those chapter while Orihime was being hurt by her brother she never showed distress or fear and she didn’t show she was disturbed either. While she was being gripped by her brother she tried to bite him move and get out of his grip to protect Tatsuki. She even allowed herself to get hurt by her brother so she could hug him and speak to him. She gained closure from the experience and closure is (Closure is any interaction, information, or practice that allows a person to feel that a traumatic, upsetting, or confusing life event has been resolved. The term has its origins in Gestalt psychology, but it is more commonly used to refer to the final resolution to a conflict or problem.) The traumatic moment in her life wasn’t the hollow experience but the experience of losing her brother and she was relieved after speaking to him. So no she didn’t gain trauma from the situation she gained closure. So her reaction to Ichigo, someone she loves so much was not due to her brother being a hollow.
It was because her image of ichigo; her crush who could do no wrong, a man she imagined as a prince. Was not the prince that she imagined all along. He didn’t fit her Ideal Image of him anymore, he was a monster in her eyes. Not the guy she loved, not a hollow that needed help like her brother, just simply a monster.
Orihime did not encourage Ichigo to go save Rukia. If you read chapter 57 Ichigo had already intended on going to save Rukia after Urahara told him there was a way to go to the soul society. Then in chapter 58 Orihime says " I see she returned to where she came from, and so you'll be going to rescue her?" to which ichigo respond "hm? yeah yeah" he already was going to save her Orihime didn't tell him anything he didnt already know. She actually, in beginning, was stating in a lecture like voice, that wouldn't going after her mean that you are taking her from her family and friends, while knowing Rukia is in danger, almost like she convincing him on not going then she say surprise and states that even if she lectured him he already had his mind set on saving Rukia.
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ku-rp · 6 years
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ʀᴇᴠɪᴇᴡɪɴɢ ᴀᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ; ᴀᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴀᴄᴄᴇᴘᴛᴇᴅ !
Congratulations EIJI KYOU, we are delighted to announce your acceptance into Korea University!
If you haven’t already, please create your twitter account and follow the admins. If you fail to do so within 48 hours, your spot will be given to another student. (remember to link back to this post on your twitter profile)
Faceclaim: Yuto Adachi of Pentagon
Name:  Eiji Kyou
Nickname: that guy, the blue (occasionally red) prince
Age: 21 y/o
Year: Fourth
Major: Bachelor’s degree Major in Philosophy of Law
Fraternity: Alpha Tau Gamma (President)
Room number: 001
University debate society ( President )
University Science and Technology Research Guild ( legal advisor )
Part time job: Korean Intellectual Property Office
Favourite song:
Dogma - The Gazette Premiere Gymnopedie - Erik Satie
Favourite quote:
"For the common folks are like the leaves of a tree, and live and die unnoticed.” ― L. Frank Baum “I know that. What’s your point?”  ― Tite Kubo “People think that I must be a very strange person. This is not correct. I have the heart of a small boy. It is in a glass jar on my desk.” ― Stephen King
Just like everything in his life, Kyou studied how to have the appropriate personality. It’s always a pleasurable sight to see the look at the faces of freshmen whenever they find out who is the President of the prestige Alpha Tau Gamma brotherhood, not expecting the person to be not as wild as his brethren. However, during his stay in the house, Kyou has made sure that those born into wealth will be acting as such, only allowing “barbaric” actions when under influence (or when he isnt around, to be honest).
Kyou is a person that in default, without sin. He has learned to wake up necessary parts of person only when it is advantageous for the house and/or himself.
Wrath The birth of the “red” prince is a show of dominance and power. It was when Kyou was at the end of his second year of undergraduate program, in the first few months after being the president of Alpha Tau Gamma. He was given the position of the former president a few months early for the latter to focus on his incoming graduating year matters (and the brotherhood weirdly having no junior members that were… responsible at the time), and it seemed that other members will no simply obey a someone younger than them, nevertheless a soft looking bitch.
It was two hours past lights out when Kyou found out that there are some seniors still up and getting high in the yard. Ten minutes later and the other members were taking pictures and videos from their rooms and the yard of the two seniors getting beaten up to unconsciousness.
It’s not that he’s powerful or anything, heck- Kyou probably can’t open a jar of pickles. However he has been taught of a way to use an opponent’s strength against them, a fluid dance that is lethal yet mesmerizing to watch.
Lust It’s not so rare that the Alpha’s parties sometimes get a little out of hand and maybe there are times when the party goes to even the President’s room, a place untouched by anyone except the vice president.
It is when Kyou is somewhat human, when his cranial desires are on the steering wheel with alcohol as fuel and his reason in the backseat. However, it is not in his nature to get undressed during the act or actually sleep beside the person. He is infamous for not sleeping with the same person twice with rare exemptions, and for staying up all night studying while waiting for the person to wake up, get dressed, and go home.
Gluttony The part of Kyou rarest awake, gluttony, isn’t only applicable for food, but all excessive intake of anything. Obsession or addiction, one could say.
But even him and all his 18 years of being trained to be perfect is not invulnerable to worldly pleasures of pizza. Just saying.
Greed and Pride Working together, these enable Kyou to be hungry for perfection and nothing but prestige and high honor for his house, albeit the well-established (and to be honest, well-evidenced) stereotype against them.
Kyou is a person who does everything in high excellence, thus waking up these personalities are a rare occurrence, contrary to one might believe. He had his mother’s soft personality, and only when Kyou feels like he is being belittled that he has his father’s stubbornness, greed for nothing less than perfection and pride that one should be careful to never challenge
Envy Lover of rare things, Kyou has a passion for the concept of being unparalleled. He would spend excessively to be the only one who has a certain item, buying all and disposing the copies and keeping only one.
Making sure there is no master higher than him, this is the personality that isn’t woken up by Kyou but instead wakes up on its own and lights the fire within the blue prince to take any god damn measure to get what he wants.
Sloth The part of Kyou that haven’t waken up even once since it first slept. For obvious reasons.
Once upon a time, there were twins, a young boy and girl, that lived on top of a hill. It was a small mansion that their parents gave them, and here they lived loved and adored by many for their ethereal perfection. Eyes that had the innocence of a child and the piercing stare of a predator, voices that spoke like honey. Their every move was fluid and graceful, that no dance would ever compare.
The young lad grew to be one of the most intelligent person in the vicinity, her personal collection of books are visited by scholars all around the world. The young lady stayed outside of the castle more than her brother, her skill in reading behavior and public speaking recognized even outside their small town.
But they were getting older and still had no families to their name. The two were well sought after, even people from different towns and high profile ones, however no one was able to make their hearts skip a beat.
“Tell me, brother. Why is there no one that parallels you? I am desperate for a child to bear and a husband to submit to, but humans are full of faults. I do not wish to be wed with a person who acts barbaric.” the female twin asked one night, her long hair being combed by the brother in their garden.
“You are not alone in that thought. I do not wish to be wed with a person that is significantly inferior to me, a wife should be a man’s counsel. I need a person who can understand scholarly problems.” the man replied.
“What would we name him?” She then again asked, her hair being combed by her brother in their gardens while the newborn lad is sucking on her tit.
“People would come for us for what we did, but it is for the better good. The world needs someone who will bear our blood without this fault-full tainting him. A pristine child, free from the barbaric and idiotic genes.”
An offering to knowledge, Eiji Kyou.
For the rest of the world, it was an act of sin. Two decades later, the twins would be held mentally incapacitated, and their only son sent miles away from them. However everything was kept secret by the government, everything can be hushed by money anyways.
Eiji Kyou grew up just as closed off as his parents. They were his teachers before he entered college, being taught privately in their library. He was taught religion by his father, pointing out the flaws in every belief and discipline that ever existed. He was taught etiquette by his mother, reminding him to abandon opinion and prioritize aesthetic. Everything that he is, a spitting image of what his parents could’ve been if they were born in one body.
When he first got enrolled in the university, some say that the person whom they’ll call the blue prince later on had the aura of being ethereal both in a good and bad way. Like he had no faults, making him seem unworldly and not human. However, Kyou learned about this and studied how to loosen up and be clumsy at times, his mother’s voice echoing in his head.
“The first step in persuading is being relatable. Be too fault-less and they won’t consider you as their own. Remember, do not be perfect. Instead, do everything perfectly.”
And perfectly he did his job. Knowledge is there, but where’s the sacrifice? His parents are living as freemen. When David sinned, it was Solomon who paid the price. When Solomon sinned, it was Jeroboam and Rehoboam who paid the price.
When the twins sinned, it was Kyou who paid the price. Being perfect means being sin-less, a process that Kyou went through his entire childhood to be the perfect human being that his parents expected of him. Free from the manifestations of the seven sins, by turning them into separate personalities and forcing these entities inside him sleep. But the world is vast and tempting, Kyou isn’t an exemption.
Some may claim to see the Alpha President being different than usual, one even claimed to be beaten up by the man. Who knows, maybe it’s a lie or maybe one of them woke up from their slumber.
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