#she's kind of Eliza Hamilton coded I fear
wisteriasymphony · 7 months
“I- I don’t understand! Adrien, there’s a wedding dress in there! A wedding dress, and it’s not mine!”
“Darling, please—“
“Please just tell me you bought it for me! I- I’ll overlook the cigarette burns on it and the way it got stained, just please tell me it wasn’t meant for someone else! Tell me the truth!”
Adrien thought for a second, chewing his lower lip.
“I’ve always been meant to love you, Marinette,” he said, his guilt only compounding with how much he had to force that name out of his mouth. “…But I didn’t choose to.”
Marinette was dizzy from weeping, and she was not the person who knew how to sift through his riddles and ways of obfuscating truth. “…What do you mean..?”
He couldn’t look at her as he said it. He wouldn’t want to look at Marinette ever again. Had he ever wanted to?
“Please don’t say you’re cheating on me,” she whispered.
“…No. If anything,” he paused, feeling compelled to look her in the eyes but refusing to, “I’ve always felt like I’ve been cheating on her, with you. And I never even wanted it.”
Forgetting who the dress belonged to, Marinette clutched it to her chest like a child. “Never wanted what? Me? We’ve been married, we’ve been in love for all this time and you never even meant it?”
“No, I have, you just weren’t my first choice—“
She was going through the rest of the box now, scattering the contents across his closet. “What else am I going to find in here, Adrien? Love letters? Lockets? Wedding rings? Did I ever mean anything to you?”
“We didn’t even have the chance to do such a thing, Marinette!”
“The chance?! —Adrien, we have children together now! You expected to hide this from all of us for the rest of our miserable lives?!” Her tears only grew louder and more fervent upon finding the jackets—each neatly folded, with the smell of his lost love still lingering. “You’re not the man I feel in love with! Or— Or maybe you are! And I just fell in love with a sick, miserable man! How dare you, Adrien Agresté.”
Related to this fake AITA post
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maybedefinitely404 · 4 years
The Boy who Sings Next Door, Pt 1
Genre: just-out-of-college AU
Pairings: Pre-romantic/romantic Prinxiety, pre-romantic Logicality
Content: general anxiety/allusions to past panic attacks, (it’s Virgil, c’mon), food mentions, a lil yappy puppy, Hamilton songs (it’s Roman, c’mon), just the boys being super gay. 
Word count: 2.6k
Comments: I’ve been in a bit of a funk (not the good kind of funk) recently, and this is the only thing I’ve been able to churn out during it. It will have a part two, don’t worry. Gotta get that good Prinxiety content.
Comments (the sequel): This took almost a week to write due to said funk, so I apologize for any inconsistency that appears. I have edited this as much as my brain let me, so it should be good.
Virgil hadn’t lived there for long. In fact, it was just nearing the one month anniversary of the day his two roommates and him had moved into the townhouse complex on the grungier side of town. They were still getting to know the house; the basement Virgil swore was haunted, the crudely attached cabinets that Patton very nearly pulled down every time the shorter man had to climb the counter to reach the top shelf, and especially the upstairs bathroom’s shower that would become scalding hot if someone flushed a toilet while it was running. Janus’ shriek was something Virgil wished he could have recorded on camera. 
Meeting his new neighbours was still a fear he had to get over. Patton had already introduced himself to all of them (on the first day living there, with cookies, nonetheless), and was eagerly awaiting the day when Virgil would give the ‘okay’ to invite some of them over for dinner. He was especially excited about the man who lived to their left, a professor at the university across town that Patton claimed he had clicked with.
“A professor? How old is he?”
“He looked like he was our age!”
“A professor who’s twenty two?”
“Well… maybe he’s really smart! Or has a great skincare routine!”
Despite Patton’s obvious infatuations with the guy, Virgil was hesitant to meet him. He’d already had a less than promising accidental run in with the old man living on their right, incited by Janus parking in the wrong spot and poor Virgil being the one to open the door to the screaming neighbor. It had taken him twenty minutes to calm down from that panic attack. But after too many rounds of Patton’s puppy eyes, Virgil gave in. 
“Only the one guy though, and I get to have a code word in case I need to leave.”
“Okay! What’s the code word?”
“I don’t know. You pick.”
Surprisingly, Virgil didn’t have to use the code word (which was not tiddylicious). Logan was a pretty great guy, if slightly lacking in the ‘emoting’ department. Patton and him got on like fire in a library, and his roommates happy wiggles the whole night was probably what gave the anxious man the bravado to stick through it. Janus even had the decency to make some honest conversation, which was a first for him. Logan eventually mentioned the fact that he had a dog, and the conversation immediately derailed into Patton squealing over the pictures he showed him. They took this as the opportunity to sneak away from the two, giving them the space they obviously needed. Gross. 
There was a line stretching across Logan’s backyard; a red cable that connected to his deck and reached to the fence on the opposite side. From this cord hung a pink leash, and to this pink leash, Logan attached his dog several times a day. Virgil didn’t know what the signal was for them, but every couple of hours, the sliding door would screech open and the dog would run to the gate closing off the porch, waiting impatiently until Logan clipped on the leash and let it run onto the lawn. The first time the small dog saw Virgil on his phone in the shade of his roof, it immediately took this as a grave act of terrorism and began to yap so loud that Virgil screamed. Logan quickly came back out, explaining that while his pup may have the intimidation factor of a stuffed animal, she thought all the grass of her yard and of the adjoining houses was hers to protect, even if the terrier was just about the size of a decent Thanksgiving turkey. A few head scratches later, and the two decently bonded, enough that she wouldn’t throw a hissy fit every time he sat on his porch.
That’s where he was now, half asleep in a lawn chair with one earbud in, when the tell tale squeak of Logan’s sliding door startled him from his rest. He reached up lazily and popped out his music, smiling slightly at the prospect of another conversation with Logan. Despite their age difference (it wasn’t all that much, but just enough that he got confused stares from the elder when he mentioned the prospect of ‘stealing someone’s kneecaps’), they were starting to become good friends. His hand froze, however, as he heard a voice that was very much not Logan’s coming from the man’s deck.
“Dear Alexander, 
I am slow to anger,
But I, tow the line,
As I reckon with the offense of your,
Life on mine.”
And if Virgil said he didn’t immediately feel butterflies at the soft lilting of the deep voice, he would be lying. He shrunk back into his shirt, hoping the other wouldn’t glance over the short bush between them and see his blushing face. Even if he wasn’t infatuated with whoever was letting Logan’s dog out, it wasn’t like him to try and meet someone new.
The screen door shut with a loud whap and the dog pulled at the red cord as hard as she possibly could, trying to get free pets from Virgil. He obliged, but made sure to duck back to his side as soon as the door reopened. 
“Raise a glass to freedom,
Something they can never take away,
No matter what they tell you.”
He lurched back into his own house at the sound of that gorgeous voice, slamming the sliding door and consequently scaring the hell out of Patton.
“Sorry,” he said quickly, scrubbing a hand over his face.
“What’s gotten you in such a hullabaloo?” Patton squinted from his table of crafting supplies, where it looked like he was putting together more pages for his scrapbook.
“I’m gay.”
“Ah,” The older man scrunched his eyebrows together, setting down his glue stick, “For Logan…?”
“No! Logan’s yours, don’t worry,” he ignored Patton’s indignant spluttering and blushing, satisfied that he wasn’t the only disaster gay in the room now, “Someone else is at his house.”
“Someone cute?” He was suddenly very interested in his book, trying to hide his red cheeks.
“I don’t know.”
“Then why are you in gay mode?”
“His voice.”
“His voice?”
“Quit laughing at me!” Virgil snarled non aggressively, refusing to meet Patton’s bright eyes.
“I’m not, I swear!” Patton giggled nonetheless, “It’s cute! I’ll have to hear it for myself sometime.” Virgil huffed, despite his growing smile, and went to his room, too overwhelmed to wait outside for the voice again, no matter how much his heart wanted to.
A couple days later, Patton showed up in his open doorway (it was his attempt to be less antisocial, and it made his housemates happy) grinning like a child who’d just gotten a puppy.
“I just talked to Logan-”
“Oh?” Virgil smirked, closing his laptop in favor of tea.
“Oh, shush. He just said during the summer, he has these fancy shmancy teaching seminars every weekend just out of town.”
“Sooo…” Patton wiggled a little, sticking his tongue between his teeth, “When he’s not home, his brother watches Gremmy!”
“How do you not know the puppy’s name? And also, you’re focusing on the wrong part of the sentence! His brother is going to be there every weekend, all summer!” 
Virgil tried to digest the butterflies that exploded in his gut, failing to hide his reappearing blush. “So? We don’t even know if he’s our age, or if he’s into guys.”
Patton dropped his gaze, sucking his lips into his mouth in a vain attempt to smother his smile. 
“He’s our age and he’s into guys,” He squeaked. 
“You asked?!”
“It came up naturally!”
“Not important!” He was full on beaming now, hopping on his toes. “You should totally talk to him next weekend!”
“No. Nope. Not happening.”
The following Friday, Virgil found himself sitting on his deck under the roof, scrolling aimlessly through Tumblr, and it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he happened to see a new car pull into Logan’s spot thirty minutes after the man left. Nothing like that at all. He sipped absentmindedly on the lemonade Patton had brought him with a cheeky look on his face, trying not to think about the fact that the angel voiced man was right next door. And his heart absolutely did not begin to pound when the tell tale screeching of the screen door sounded.
This time, music accompanied the man’s singing as he hooked the dog, Gremmy, onto her leash.
And Peggy,
The Schuyler sisters,
Angelica (Peggy) Eliza (Work!)”
Even if Virgil had only heard his voice once, it seemed fitting that he was trying to sing every part, altering slightly to nail the voice changes of every character. He curled up a little more in his chair as the man followed Gremmy out onto the lawn, music still pumping from his phone.
“Daddy said to be home by sundown,
Daddy doesn’t need to know,
Daddy said not to go downtown,
Like I said, you’re free to go.”
Virgil couldn’t breathe, but that was the heat’s fault. It definitely wasn’t caused by the gorgeous man now dancing in small circles on the grass, dog jumping at his feet as he laughed along to the music. The sudden warmth in his face was caused by the sun, not the toned muscle of the man’s arms, or the way his much too loose muscle tee showed off his tan, or how his light brown hair flopped over his eyes when he bent down to pick up a stick from the ground. All while singing; just carelessly enjoying himself. 
“Angelica, remind me what we’re looking for?
(She’s looking for me!)
Eliza, I’m looking for a mind at work (work),
I’m looking for a mind at work (work),
I’m looking for a mind at work (work),
Woah, woah, woah, woah, work!”
The harmonies were too much, his voice flawlessly adding a fourth harmony where there wasn’t in the song. Virgil jumped like a spooked cat, fleeing into the house and drawing the curtains shut hurriedly. He knew the other man had probably heard the door slam, but that wasn’t his main concern right now. 
“Gay panic?” 
Virgil spun around to see Janus, all too bemused, sipping Gatorade out of a wine glass. The man’s sense of class would not be affected by the time of day. “Gay panic,” He confirmed weakly, sliding down the wall, “He’s hot.”
“Let me see.”
“Janus, no, what are you doing?!” 
The taller man pulled the curtain aside, humming under his breath. “Oh yeah, he is hot.”
“Jan, stop!” He hissed, trying to tug Janus’ arm down from the curtain without being seen.
“Oh, he’s waving at me.”
“Can I wave back?”
Janus waved back, kicking Virgil lightly out of sight. “Let go of my sleeve, fucker.”
Virgil did, booking it upstairs as soon as Janus dropped the curtain. He flopped onto his bed with a groan that was almost loud enough to be a shriek, swearing to himself to not go outside for the rest of the weekend. And to kill Janus later. He did leave his window open though, but not because he wanted to keep hearing the snippets of song that floated up to his room every time the sliding glass next door opened. Not at all. 
Virgil hated that he ended up counting down the days until Friday, and that he couldn’t tear himself away from the window until he arrived. Responding to his housemates giggles and stares with a quick flip of the bird, he took his usual spot on the deck. Because the weather was nice, and he needs a tan. No other reason. Not that he would say out loud, anyways.
He didn’t have to wait long until the door scratched open and a calm, almost haunting melody reached his ears. He’s singing along to a track again, mixing in harmonies that send shivers up Virgil’s spine.
“I saved every letter you wrote me,
From the moment I read them I knew you were mine,
You said you were mine,
I thought you were- Shit, Gremmy, no, get back here!”
Virgil jolted upright as twenty pounds of fluff landed in his chest, paws digging into his sternum. The dog looked up at him with, dare he say, smug eyes? He ran a hand through the fur on her back, holding her collar with one hand in case she decided to bolt again.
“I am so sorry! She wormed out of the gate before I got the leash on her!”
He looked up from the dog and holy hell oh my god he’s way hotter up close. Never before in his life had he wished for Patton’s bubbliness or Janus’ general aloofness, but now he would rather have any personality trait besides anxious because oh god the hottest guy he’d ever met is staring at him and he has no idea what to say.
“Well, good thing she likes me, or you’d be down a dog.” What the hell was that?
Surprisingly, the other man laughed, folding his arms across his chest. “What, you don’t think I’d be able to catch her?”
“In all honesty, probably not.”
“How dare you!” He gasped, holding a hand to his chest dramatically, “I’ll have you know Gremmy loves me!”
“I’m sure that’s why she booked it as soon as she had the chance.” He extended the dog almost comically, her too short legs waving frantically in his grip. The man took her with a murmur of thanks, giving her a stern look that made Virgil snicker. A part of him was slightly shocked that someone related to Logan could be so… relaxed. The older man seemed held together purely by stress and logic, never without a collared shirt and tie, and he would definitely never be seen in the plain white v-neck this guy was wearing really well.
“So, you’re Logan’s brother?” Where the hell was this courage coming from?!
“Yup. You know him?” 
“About as well as I know any of my neighbors. So, barely. But he’s close with my roommate.”
The man’s expression turned to glee as he shifted the dog in his arms. She seemed unhappy being held when there were birds to be chased, but her struggle was lazy. “Patton, right? I’ve heard a lot about him.”
He hummed happily, fiddling with Gremmy’s collar. “It’s about time Logan found someone who makes him happy. We never really understood each other when it comes to interacting with other people. He’s more secluded nerd, and I’m more…” He trailed off, waving his fingers under the dog cluelessly.
“More theatre nerd?” Virgil guessed, pleased with the way the man’s eyebrows flew up.
“How’d you guess that?”
“You’ve been singing a different Hamilton song every time you’ve taken the dog out.”
Instead of looking embarrassed or upset like Virgil would definitely be in his situation, he seemed to puff up more, almost delighted.
“Ah, I thought I had an audience! That was you?”
Virgil could feel his face turning beet red, much to his chagrin. This was it, this was the moment he died. Let the earth open up and swallow him whole, his little pride had been too wounded to continue. The man took his silence as answer enough, seemingly pleased with the reaction.
“I’m Roman,” The man grinned, holding out his hand. He took it hesitantly, the touch sending a shock up his spine that he was barely able to suppress.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Virgil.”
He couldn’t help the authentic smile that tugged on his lips as they shook hands, Gremmy dangling from Roman’s other arm like a football.
“You too, Roman.”
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the-and-peggy · 7 years
Word Count: 2251 Author’s Note: As someone who feels and has felt like this, I just needed to write it. Plus I love Angelica. Blame @chuckisgod. <3
You had never asked to be shattered.
You had never even expected to be ruined so completely. It had hit you harder than a car crashing into a tree. You had never expected to be the tree, not with her.
Yet here you were, hidden in your room, asking yourself where it all went wrong.
You had known Angelica for years. Your fathers had been the best of friends, so you had been forced into socializing with her and both of her sisters. It hadn't taken long for you to find that you enjoyed their company; all four of you had been fast friends, bonding in the blink of an eye. But it was Angelica who had always drawn your attention.
As you grew up, you became known as the intelligent child amongst your family. It was a title you held with glee, constantly dangling it over your two brothers, proud to have obtained superiority in the continuously raging competition between you. But when you were old enough to sit back and examine the positive traits of those around you, you came to realize that Angelica was more intelligent by far. You admired her brain, her wit, and her utter independence from the rest of the world. She passionately upheld her views to all, viewing the world through a critical lens and making every effort to better it.
The day you realized you had fallen in love with her was a Saturday. You had been spending the weekend at the Schuyler house while your parents were out of town. You and the girls had used most of the day to marathon your favorite movies, devouring popcorn and sharing the latest gossip from school. With her younger sisters asleep, Angelica had dragged you out to the backyard, where you were sharing a blanket spread across the grass and staring together at the sky.
“Wouldn't you love to go to space?”
Your head turned slightly to get a better view of her as she spoke. Her eyes shone brighter than the stars she was watching, and a contented smile sat on her face. She looked at peace with the world, and you found yourself staring at her, for once at rest as opposed to her constant flurry of motion.
“I guess,” you replied quietly. Angelica's nose wrinkled in disapproval of such an answer. “I've never really thought about it before. It seems more scary than anything.”
“That's the point,” she stated. “It's supposed to scare you. The fear encourages you to explore it, so that you learn to not be scared of it anymore.”
“Oh,” you said meekly. Her head turned to look at you, and you were shocked that she did not shy away from the closeness of your faces. Your noses were practically touching. In that brief moment, you wondered what her lips would taste like. You snapped your head back to the sky as you felt your cheeks beginning to heat up, and prayed that the darkness would hide their color. Even as you watched the stars, you could feel her eyes still on you.
“I've never thought of it like that before,” you supplied, hoping to keep the conversation focused on the idea of space.
“Why not? You don't think the same way everyone else does. I can tell.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you don't look at the world for only the aesthetic beauty, if that makes any sense.”
“It does,” you conceded. “Ten points for word choice, by the way.”
Angelica laughed, and for the first time, you noticed the gentle melody of the sound, and the sweet cadence of her breathing as she gulped down air between giggles.
“Ignoring the comment,” she continued, her smile stretched into a grin, “you look at that world to figure things out. You want to understand more than just see. It's a thing that smart people do.”
Your eyes flitted to the side, glancing at her through your lashes. You saw her eyes dart over to you, as though she had felt the weight of your gaze upon her.
“How do you know that's how I think? And how it's something smart people do?”
“Because it's how I think,” she said, as though it were obvious. “And I'm smart, and I know you're smart, and that we think about things the same way.”
You started to laugh at her. You found her confidence in herself endearing, especially when she was comparing your brain to hers. A new feeling took hold of your heart in that minute, when her laugh joined yours to chorus together through the quiet of the evening. It was on this day that you knew you had loved her.
It took you a few days to come to terms with this newfound love. You spent each night lying awake in bed, your mind mulling over the desires of your heart and attempting to justify them. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't push them away, and eventually you came to a point of realizing that you didn't want to. You were proud of your feelings for Angelica, even if you were the only one who knew about them. You were proud.
Until the day came that you saw you were not the only one in love with her, and that she did not have eyes for you.
You were at a ball held by the linguistics department of your college. You and Angelica had remained best friends through high school and into college, even though she was a year ahead of you academically. But you had ended up at the same university, by her pleading that you stay together, and had navigating these new waters side by side. You still spent many nights dreaming of her face, the feeling of her hand entwined with yours in a way that was more than platonic, or the touch of her lips all over your skin. But you suffered in silence, hoping that one day she would see you as you had watched her for these past years.
Unfortunately for you, it took you until this ball that such hope was entirely false, merely another dream.
“Look over there,” Angelica whispered, pointing out one of the boys in her year. You smirked at her and tilted your head, watching him interact with his small group of friends.
“Who is he? I know John Laurens and Lafayette, but I've never seen him before.”
“Oh god, he's coming over here!” She started to playfully shove you away from her, pretending you had not just been giggling about him as he began to make his way across the room. “Please, I'm invoking code!”
“Code,” you cried in mock outrage. “Totally unfair.”
Angelica grinned as you retreated, falling back into the crowd to watch their interaction. Out of her line of sight, your smile fell as you studied her face. She was enraptured by whoever he was, and whatever he was saying. Your grip on your drink unconsciously tightened, causing the liquid in the little plastic cup to burst out, dripping down your hand and leaving a sticky trail on your fingers. Focused on trying to clean it off, you didn't notice the girl that appeared at your side.
“Who's that guy Angie’s talking to?”
“Well hi to you too, Eliza,” you huffed, still trying to shake the drink off your hands. “And I have no clue. He was hanging out with Laurens, Laf, and Mulligan though.”
“Ooh,” she cooed, leaning over your shoulder to get a better look. “A hottie in with the revolutionaries! Those are the best kind!”
You rolled your eyes at her and pushed her gently away from your arm.
“You're taken aren't you,” you asked, causing her to pull her gaze away from the stranger. “Or did you and Nate break up and nobody thought to tell me?”
“What, no we didn't break up! Come on, don't you think I would tell you if I broke up with your brother?”
Eliza quirked her eyebrow at you, her eyes lit up with a certain mischief that had you wanting to douse your brain in bleach to avoid the thoughts you knew were rolling through her head. You shoved her shoulder and focused on Angelica again.
“You're gross, and I don't want to know!”
“Aww, its only gross because he's your baby brother. But actually it's pretty-”
“Shut up, shut up, shut up,” you cried, covering your ears like a child. She started laughing and held her hands up in surrender.
“Okay,” she relented, “I'm going. But let me know what happens with Angie!”
“Will do,” you assured her, raising your voice as she walked away. She offered you a quick wave of her hand in response. You barely had time to turn your head back towards Angelica when all of a sudden, she had appeared in front of you.
“Oh my god,” she gushed excitedly. She was bouncing on her toes, a huge smile pulling your attention away from her words. “His name is Alexander Hamilton, and he is perfect!”
You listened to Angelica as she continued to tell you everything she had learned in their short conversation, including his phone number and the fact that he wanted to take her out for dinner the next day. You had barely processed her rushing stream of words when you felt your heart starting to sink in your chest. It took more effort to hold your excited smile with each passing second.
You knew you had lost your chance, and with it, Angelica herself. Your shot was gone, wasted in the years you had spent loving her from a distance. Yet deep in your soul, some small glimmer of hope persisted.
You had then spent a year trapped in this predicament. You were forced to watch as Angelica and Alexander grew closer, knowing you could do nothing to stop it. You were completely helpless, in the worst kind of way. But when the opportunity arose to allow you the chance of catching her attention, you seized it with open arms.
During your freshman year in college, you had befriended a sweet girl named Maria Reynolds. The farther Angelica had drifted from you, the better friends you had become with Maria. Now three years later, you had hatched a scheme together that would both protect her from her abusive boyfriend while simultaneously catching Angelica’s eye.
“Are you sure this is a good idea,” Maria whispered nervously in your ear. You were sharing a table in the park for lunch, with some of your friends scattered around you.
“I won't let anything happen to you, I promise.”
You leaned closer to her as you spoke, gently nuzzling her cheek with the tip of your nose. It was a gesture that both comforted her and kept up the act that the two of you were together. Maria smiled appreciatively and turned her head, her soft lips meeting yours for a fraction of a second before she had moved away again. A small warmth bloomed in your heart, reminding you of that night in Angelica’s backyard spent stargazing. It was something you desperately attempted to shove away as you reminded yourself that you were in love with Angelica.
“Hey Angie, nice of you to finally join us.”
The sound of Peggy’s voice made you look up to see Alexander leading Angelica over to your table. You forced your usual cheerful smile onto your face as they sat down together directly across from you and Maria. Everyone offered their own greetings before turning back to their individual plates of food. You all sat in silence while you ate, everyone too focused on their meal to talk. It wasn’t until afterwards that Angelica grabbed your arm, dragging you away from the rest of your friends. Once she was sure you were out of your companions’ range of hearing, she started to talk.
“So you're dating Maria now?”
You glanced up at her in surprise, that old glimmer of hope rising in your chest.
“Yes,” you replied, unsure of how you should portray yourself. You weren't expecting her to squeal at you like a small child, or throw her arms around you in a tight hug.
“(Y/N) thats amazing! I'm so happy for you!”
The hope you had held in your heart withered in that moment, blowing away like ash on a distant wind. You had never felt so utterly broken inside, realizing that the precise thing you had been trying to use to your advantage had just lost you the place in her story you had been yearning for. Even while at rock bottom, you couldn't shake the feeling that something worse was still on its way. Tears began to form behind your eyes, but you made yourself blink them away, keeping the small illusion of a smile on your face.
When you finally made it back to your room that evening, you locked yourself in and sat on your bed, sobbing every tear you had kept yourself from shedding in the years since you had fallen in love. You felt the pain stab through you, your heart breaking into pieces that could no longer be kept together. You had known this was coming, from the moment you acknowledged your feelings for her, and yet you hadn’t attempted to stop yourself. You fell, damning the reason and logic that told you not to allow yourself to be hurt.
But you had never asked to be shattered.
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