#she's just like a good guy. she's besties with black mamba...
thetooncrew · 9 months
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boomslang and friends!
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thenovacainestories · 8 years
The Day After Valentine's day.
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“So in the end of it all; He lost his virginity, I lost my bra,”
There was a long pause as the blonde woman took a sip of her coffee. As she drank, the two other females sat there, staring at her with wide eyes; just waiting for the story to finish. Currently, the three Women of  Empire were sitting around a small rounded table outside a Local Starbucks. It was the day after Valentine's day and the girls were talking about how they spent it with their men. Brody, of course, wanted to share her lovely story about her and DYNASTY's Jacob Senn’s dirty yet fun Valentine's night together.  She went into mad details about using a white version of the Black Mamba (It was minus the Barbed-wire, of course. She also called it Senn Jr. , which made Aria cringe) and how she was the one that got called daddy that night. The story went on for what seemed to be hours but was only 30 minutes long. And Tarah, the whole time, tried her best not to crack jokes about the fact that Senn was a Virgin up to this point.  “I mean, I don’t know about you two ladies but it seems like a fair tradeoff to me.” Brody laughed, looking at the girls as a small grin grew on her face. The others just continued to stare, questions running through their minds. After a moment, Aria was the first to open her mouth to make a comment, “So was he...” Her sentence trailed off as she tried to come up with the rights words. Tarah looked at her, while she struggled to find them so Nova came in with the save.  “She wants to know if he was he a good fuck for a first timer, B. So was he?” The Leader said, finishing off  Aria’s thought. The pink haired Siren looked at Nova with an annoyed look before looking at the Sparkling Pestilence for the answer.
“Oh, Aria! You inner dirty girl” She giggled again, winking at The Queen before she continued, “Anyway! He was, in fact. I had him begging for more and more. He was into biting too. He EVEN liked it when I bit him on the--- ” “OKAY! WE GET IT” Both of the Sirens yelped, Tarah almost spilling her coffee in the process. Brody sat there, closing her mouth for a second. “I wasn’t going to say his DICK...I was gonna say his neck. Jeezus you dirty birdies.” She huffed, leaning back against her chair. Both of the girls looked at each others with a tint of blush on there faces. “What about you two? How was your nights?” She took another sip of her coffee, “Was it as dirty as mine? Come on, tell me!” The Spark smiled, placing her coffee down; seeming to be too excited to hear the stories from the of girls.
At first, the two went quiet. It felt like time froze and Aria could feel the heat hit her face. Both of the girls had a good day and night but speaking about it? Tarah looked at Aria and offered her the floor.  “Uh..” She began, giving her best friend the ‘I hate you’ look before she sighed into her tea. “Well first, I woke up to dozen of roses all over my  bedroom. Some pink ones, yellows and reds. Aren was in the kitchen, making us breakfast. I mean it was great, he was treating me like a Queen all day.” Aria smiled, blushing softly. Brody just rolled her eyes, slightly bored by the story while Tarah was chuckling; earning another look from her bestie, “What's wrong, Tare? Wasn’t that a nice thing for him to do?” The Michigan Native chuckled again, “No, it was nice, Pinkie. I'm happy that Aren was treating you like a Queen but what about Voin? Did he come out and play in the evening?” Aria’s face changed from a light pink to a heavy shade of red that matched the ends of Brody’s hair. Nova and Sparks smiled at each other; seeing the red of her face. As they did so, they both leaned in; wanting to hear more.
“So Voin? The Demon King? Was he rougher than normal Aren or...?” The Spark asked, twirling one of her pigtails around. The Cali Native groaned as her hands hid her face. As she slowly slid her hands down, Aria went to open her mouth but was quickly cut off by Tarah, “Wait..I thought that was what her B.O.B was called? The Demon King.”  She questioned, looking at the smallest woman at the table for help. Brody only laughed at the question as The pink haired Siren groaned again. “That's what Eclipse calls it when he jokes around with Aria but I don’t think--”
“It is.” Her small voice mumbled.
Both of the other girls looked at Aria with wide eyes for a moment. First Senn Jr, now The DEMON KING! The girls started busting guts, dying at the round table as Aria hid her face once again; her face glowing as bright and as hot as the sun. Tears ran down Brody’s face as Tarah leaned back; holding her stomach in pain, laughing hard. “Ow..Ow I can’t--” More laughter echoed from the table till The Pink haired Siren pushed the Raven haired one off her chair and onto the ground. The Leader looked up from the floor in shock for a moment before laughing again. “I’m sorry, Pinkie. Its just so funny.” She smiled, standing up from the ground. “I mean B.O.B The Demon King? Jeezus, Ari.” As she sat back down, Brody looked at her, the laughter finally dying down. “And you, Tarebear? What about your night?” Tarah only looked at the Sparkling Siren, shrugging her shoulders.  
She sat there for a moment, trying to rethink her night. A breathless laugh left her lips before she looked at the girls. “I was in my bed at the hotel by myself most of the day. I woke up alone, ate alone and showered alone.  I mean it's cool..” Another shrug happened as she slid her hands into the pockets of her leather jacket. “He texted, we talked over the phone. He was busy most of the day and I understood. ”  Brody and Aria looked at her with sadness in their eyes. “Tare--” She waved The pink haired woman off, “Hey, It's okay. I mean later that night he came over. He was tired so nothing like Brody’s night happened. And besides,  we’re spending today together after hes done at the gym.” A weak smile appeared on Nova’s lips as she looked at her girls. She wasn’t mad or upset in anyway. Tarah didn't need the roses or the long nights. She didn’t need to be spoiled with diamonds or pearls, she wasn’t that kind of girl at all. Truly all she wanted was his company and that was it. “So what did you guy do than?” Brody asked. “We played Mario Kart. I blue shelled his ass at least five times. ” The girls smiled at the Killer before giggling at her childish night. As the girls giggled softly, a chair from the other side of the table was pulled out and Cailin Dillon sat down. “Ladies.” Cailin said, resting her arm on the back of Tarah’s chair. They all smiled, greeting her. “How was your night, boothang.” Tarah smirked, looking at her gingersnap.
The Southern Poison only shook her head, smiling. “Oh you mean other than walking into my Hotel room to 3 dozen roses with a note saying ‘With all my Love’ and no name on it? It was fine, I guess.” The three other girls looked at the Ginger oddly as the words slid off her tongue so easily and care free. Aria shook her head, a small smiling appear as she did so. “So who were they from?” “Not a clue.” Cailin replied, reaching over and taking Aria’s tea; sipping on it. The Leader smiled watching them, “Maybe it's Cloudybutt trying to get in your panties again?”  The Texan Native cringed,  “I hope not.” Hearing that, Brody looked from her phone and glared at Cailin. “Rude. She's family.” “She's annoying.” Tarah shot back, taking a sip of her coffee before the Sparking Pestilence stood up from her chair. “Say it again, Nova...I dare you...” The Killer eyed her for a moment before placing her coffee down and slowly rising from her seat as well.
The other two fell quiet as the two women looked at each each with daggers in their eyes. “Cloud is annoying as fuck..” She repeated herself. Brody glared before a small smirk appeared, “Not as annoying as Haruna.” A smirk grew on the face of Tarah as well. “True that.” The Spark and the Freak started to laugh as the others let out the breaths they were holding. Both of them sat back down, and continued talking till ‘Be Somebody by Thousand Foot Krutch’ started to play off Tarah’s phone. Quickly she pulled her phone out and answered, “Oh hey babe, you ready? --- Okay, on my way.” With a faint smile, The Leader hung up; looking at the girls, “Alright, he's done at the gym. I’m out.” With that, she hugged each one of her girls ‘goodbye’ and headed to her rental car.
As Nasir hung up his phone, a smile appeared on his lips for a moment till the clearing of throats snapped him from his thoughts. He looked over at Aren and Jacob, who were standing by the punching bags, smirking. “She on her way?” Aren asked, crossing his arms. “Yeah.” He replied. “Was she mad about last night?” Jacob questioned after The Russian, watching the Agent of Change take a seat on the bench close to them, “No, she understood but to make sure she isn’t mad, I’m taking her out tonight.” Nasir looked up at the boys for a moment before starting to unwrap his wrists. “Man, you're lucky she’s chill about that.  If I forgot Valentine's day; Aria would KILL ME.” Aren said, giving his brother a look before sending a punch at the punching bag that Senn was holding. As he continued to punch the bag, the eerie voice of Eclipse appeared from behind The Jersey boy, “No, if you forgot Valentine’s day, Aria would have simply play with The Demon King.” The Russian paused before looking at the monster of a man as the other two held in their laughter. “The Demon King..what do you mean?” A snort left Senn just as Nasir started to laugh at the questionable look on Aren’s face. His face changed from confused to annoyed rather quickly from the laugher, “What?”
Eclipse chuckled once more, “It is, I imagine, her pocket friend when you are away. She may call it Demon King.” Smoothly, he spoke; making The Russian’s face turn red as all of them laughed now. The laugher echoed around him, annoying him till her pushed the punching bag into Senn. “Hey you shouldn’t be laughing!” As he yelled that, Senn glared at him in anger. “And why is that, Aren?” “Cause, rumor has it, you weren’t the one being called Daddy last night, lover boy!” The room fell silent as all the eyes landed on Jacob Senn. His face went pale while he stared at Aren. He tried to make a comment but no words would leave his mouth. “Wait a minute,” Nasir started, “You called Brody ‘DADDY’?? Thats insane!” He started to laugh more has he spoke. The World Heavyweight Champion cringed hearing the word ‘Daddy’ again. “It kinda slipped out. I didn--” “IT KINDA SLIPPED OUT!?” Aren yelled, mocking him, “She is a 5’1 midget and you called THAT daddy!?” Eclipse and Nasir sat there; watching as the two Elitists yelled and fought with each other. “HEY! AT LEAST MY WOMAN DOESN’T HAVE A TOY NAMED AFTER ME!” And just as the words left Senn’s lips, Nasir’s phone ding. A text from Tarah: ‘Oh BTW, This can’t wait till you get in the car!! BRODY NAMED A WHITE DIDLO AFTER SENN! BABE, I CRI! ’. Slowly, The Jersey boy looked up at Jacob with wide eyes.
“Actually she did, dude.” The room went silent again and once again, all eyes were on Senn. “YOU LIE!” He screamed moving closer to Nasir. Laughing, he showed Senn the text from Tarah which made the World Heavyweight Champion groan. “This is too much...” Jacob covered his face, sighing into his palms. Eclipse, slowly patted the back of Senn; another dark and eerie laugh left his lips, “She is a wild thing, my brother. You have been warned.” With that, the Master of Fear stalked away from the men and out the door just as a black car rolled up. Tarah climbed out of the driver's seat and walked around the car to passenger side. “Diemos” She said with a nod. “Sister Nova.” He replied, walking past her. She watched him carefully till she looked up, hearing the  gym doors open. “Hey you,” Nasir smiled, walking over to her and kissing her cheek. “Hey Handsome,” The Leader smiled, taking his bag from him and throwing in the back of the car, “ Oh, if you want you can drive, love. I really don--” “NOVA!” Quickly, Tarah looked up to see Jacob Senn marching towards her. His eyes were filled with fire which made Nova smirk. “SHE DID NOT NAME A DIDLO AFTER ME, RIGHT?!” He screamed than got rather quiet after. Tarah glared at Nasir, who was laughing from the car before looking back at the Champ, “She did, Senny Boy. Talk to her about it, not me. That's not my problem.” Smiling, she reached up, patting his cheek rather hard. “Now bye Senn.” With that, Tarah climbed into the rental car and drove away, leaving Senn standing there with a frown.
Later that night, when all the Heathens were out and with one another, Carson was standing out front of the hotel; smoking one of his last cigarettes. He took a long drag, leaning against the wall as the cars passed him by. Closing his eyes, he sigh just before a voice met his ears.  “Carson? You okay?” The Wolf Slayer's eyes shot open to see Cailin standing in front of him. “Oh, hey Cai. ” He dropped his Cig to the ground, before sliding his hands into his leather jacket. “Uh, yeah, I’m okay. Why are you out here so late?” “I was actually looking for --- You see, someone sent me roses yesterday. A Lot of them-- and I was trying to figure out who it was.” Carson tilted his head to the side, looking at Cailin as her cheeks turned pink under the moonlit sky. “Did you ask Cloud yet?” He smirked, making her groan. “God, You sound like Tarah....No, I was hoping it wasn’t her but.. I don’t wanna know if it is... I mea--” Suddenly, there was a ruffling behind a few bushes that stood in front of the hotel. Carson and Cailin watched it shake before La Diva appeared from behind the bushes; making the Heathens jump. “Hello!” She said cheerfully, looking mostly at Cailin. “Cailin Dillon! I, La Diva, sent you the roses! And I Do---” La Diva went quiet as her eyes traveled over to the Wolf Slayer. She noticed how close they were together, which wasn’t close at all, but still--that didn’t matter to her. La Diva frowned at him. “CARSON RAMSAY,” Her voice got louder within seconds, making both the Heathens cringe. “I WANT TO CHALLENGE YOU FOR A MATCH FOR THE LOVE OF CAILIN AT REASONABLE DOUBT!!” The Heathens stared at her as she went on, “I WILL FIGHT YOU AND WIN HER LOV--” Before La Diva could finish, The Man With The Silver Swing kicked her in the stomp then quickly grabbed her by the neck, hitting the Fateful Eighty Nine on her. A loud smack hit the pavement and slowly, Carson stood up. The Texan Siren smiled at him, “Thank you.” A smile creeped onto his lips as well as he rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah...you're welcome.” Silence fell between the two before Cailin spoke up, “Would you like a drink between friends?” “I’d like that, yeah.” Hearing a yes, she hooked her arm with his and both of the Heathens made their way into the Hotel to the bar for a well deserved drink.
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sebastianshaw · 3 years
I know Shaw and Haven and occasionally Fabian or Shin are who I mostly talk about interacting because they’re the muses I RP but for Munday, Imma say I have like a whole fic-verse in my head I’ll never write of what TONS of minor Marvel villains are up to with each other.
Skein is ABSOLUTELY besties with Black Mamba and Asp, and basically their third girl whenever Diamondback goes straight and is hanging with heroes. Impala sometimes still hangs out with them too whenever she passes through, even though she’s way too good for them. They’ve got a passing positive acquaintanceship with Dragonfly too. Asp and Pretty Persuasions have worked/danced at the same club and are on good terms from it. Mindmeld and Lady Mastermind get on REALLY well because they both have an understanding that NEITHER will have each other’s back in a bad spot and don’t expect any loyalty from the other, and just have a lot of fun---legal or otherwise---regardless with no strings attached. Black Mamba, Asp, and Skein ALSO like Mindmeld. Like basically these three are my “hang out with everybody” gals. Darkstar is NOT fucking her way through every woman in Marvel like my fanart would have you believe but she totally got some chemistry going with Venus and like Namora had some Feelings about it because she strikes me as Not Great With That but I think everything got worked out and they’re not poly, Darkstar isn’t part of their relationship WHICH THEY TOTALLY HAVE but it’s like, she’s welcome over for Netflix and chill if she’s ever in the neighborhood. Anne Marie Cortezand Frenzy are absolutely determined to fuck each other the moment they meet And yes I have entirely talked about female characters only so far because tbqh it’s mostly women I’m invested in for having positive offscreen relationships between them FOR OBVY REASONS but I like to think Aqueduct and Aireo are besties even if Aireo is really reluctant to admit it, Aqueduct and Firewall/Silk Fever have had some interesting conversations about the Vietnam War (Aqueduct is a Vietnam vet whereas Silk Fever is the Cambodian daughter of a Vietnamese American GI conceived during said war) in which he learned a lot (he strikes me as a totally clueless guy who just got drafted and STILL doesn’t know why he was there, and she seems to Not Like Americans which I. . . don’t blame her for) and Aqueduct and Aireo have totally hung out with Pyro and Avalanche too, also sometimes with Terraformer and Toad tagging along. Phantazia would come too but honestly the stupidity factor just gets too high for her after a certain point and shit I should mentally write her some female friendships/romances with my other minor lady faves--
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