#she's got a little disco in there too dont worry
preciadosbass · 1 month
13/8/24 [5x DIYS today + one package!! // key + significant photos at end.]
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woke up at 10 and immediately went outside to see boris. [before taking ages to get out of bed, that is.] he was really excited to see me this morning and layed down on my shoes. i stayed outside with him for at least 30 minutes before i started getting paranoid my prevision would show up. once i got inside i got dressed into my silent hill shirt, dark cargo jorts, and various bracelets consisting of a spiked cuff, my chemical romance/sleeping with sirens/pierce the veil/panic! at the disco band bracelets, and a wooden beaded bracelet. all of which being in the colour scheme of black, white, and dark green. i love matching my outfits.
once i was done getting ready, i made a ‘key’ for my journals and added it to my intro, and started writing this. at 11:10 my dad came into my room and told me that my prevision isn’t even coming round so that’s sort of a relief. with that, i went back outside with boris for about 10 minutes until my eyesight started going weird and i could only see yellow because of how sunny it was on the driveway. upon getting inside, i had a cup of tea and asked my dad to help me out with the start of my can tab bracelet as i’m useless at following youtube tutorials.
he did the first bit of pattern until i caught up onto it and then started doing it myself. like i’ve mentioned before, i know i dont have enough tabs so it ended up being a little off the length around my wrist. which is annoying because i’m so close to it fitting but i sent my aunt a picture of my progress so she remembers to keep on collecting can tabs for me lmaoo 😭 anyway, im glad i’ve finally gotten around to doing something with tabs apart from making smaller jewellery/making diy pins as i’ve been thinking about making a bracelet for years now. i always end up collecting my own and then losing the stash. however that trinket box i made has been helping me keep track without them going anywhere and everywhere. [photos at end.]
i did what i could with the bracelet and finished at 12:20. after writing about it, i decided on starting to add the key to the end of every one of my journals. hopefully it’ll make it easier for people to understand what on earth i speak about. i went upstairs to my sisters room at 1:25 and watched her play fnaf security beach again. she got stuck with what the task was pretty quickly, so i decided to just listen while looking up every now and then and make a collage in my journal. i made one out of the leaflets from the premier inn we stayed in + the car park recipts. after finishing, i decided to make another with various other receipts from the weekend [like the receipt from my green day cd]. [photos at end] my sister got up to the part of the game where you need to find a head and use a party pass or something.
i don’t really like the second collage i made, or either of them actually, but its whatever. i stayed watching her game until 2:30 when i went outside with boris. at some point, someone pulled up on our driveway. usually when people do that, they’re looking for an assisted living home just down the road — for some reason the addresses always get messed up. but, he handed me a package. i’m just glad i wasn’t in my pyjamas. on his way back to the car, boris came up to him and he stroked him which was sweet. i called my mum to ask if the package was hers or mine and she told me to open it anyways.
it sort of felt like some kind of plushie though the packaging, but when i opened it up it was just something wrapped up very thoroughly. i ripped open the bubble wrap and saw my black parade gerard way funko pop!!! i was getting worried because technically only one of my packages from depop had come so i was relieved to receive him. i took a picture of him and then set him up beside my concert tickets because that’s where i put all of my important things. i will display him on my desk’s shelf at one point but it’s too messy at the moment and i don’t want him to get scratched or anyting along those lines.
i went back up to my sister after fussing boris outside at 2:40. i thought i was going upstairs to watch her play more five nights at freddy’s but she started showing me horror-ish game trailers. she made me pick out one for her to buy so i can watch her play it. she knows i already really want to watch her play fnaf4 so that was sort of out of the question. i couldn’t choose between this low graphic game with barely any plays or bendy and the ink machine. after somewhat picking, i went downstairs as my parents came back from an appointment/the town centre. i showed them my gerard figurine and they were shocked by the size of him loll
my dad reused the packaging from my gerard funko pop to package a few cds he was selling so me, him and my mum walked down to the post office through the woods. i only really wanted to go to get my steps up but i quickly regretting it concidered today was the day after the hottest day of the year. we snuck round the back garden door just incase boris followed us from the driveway. upon getting there, i picked out some low cal treats for myself and got my sister some sweets. on the way back home, i decided to walk back by myself the road way because i was sure it’d be quicker and less exhausting as the woods is all up and down. me and my parents split up and i got home 6 minutes before them.
once i got back i gave my sister her sweets and sat outside with boris. my vision started going weird again so i had something to drink and sat in my room for a while until my sister came down to call me up to watch her play bendy and the ink machine. i went up and watched while playing mcr + the used cover of under pressure, two songs off mcr live in valencia [nanana and vampire money] before she told me to turn it off as she doesn’t like mcr. because she’s stinky. her favourite song out of the music i listen to right now is all my life by falling in reverse so i played that and we both sang along to it. she’s starting to learn it off by heart now.
i went back down into my room at 6:30 and wrote more of this journal. i continued doing so up until 7:30 when i copied all of the journals i’ve written so far into my notes app just incase i get logged out of this or something. afterwards i posted asking whoever’s reading this right now to let me know who does/does not want to be tagged when i post [PLEASE LIKE/COMMENT EITHER ON THAT POST OR HERE SO I KNOW!!] and went outside with boris for just a minute to say hi. i didn’t plan on going in immediately but it was really cold and he opened the door himself and went inside. i fed him and then went to living room as my dad had made me a cup of tea. i sorted through a few kandi/bead inspiration photos.
then my mum and sister came back from my sister’s karate lesson. i started asking my mum about what i did yesterday as i hadn’t written anything about it until tonight. she didn’t know much as she was out for the first half of the day so i went outside in the garden to my dads shed and asked him about my day instead. i took notes and then went through them with my mum. after everything was somewhat confirmed i went into my room, put on my green day cd and wrote about yesterday.
at 9:23 i decided to make this star out of bendy wire and tiny beads. i made it in the colours of the gay flag, because that’s my flag, but mainly because i love that colour scheme. i unironically put it everywhere/generally make everything in those colours. i finished at 9:45. afterwards i got out a bottlecap and a few beads i cut off thrifted jewellery from my shed outside. i couldn’t make a hole through it so i went out to my dads hut and asked if he could. he said that he can tomorrow with his drill and also do my shells for the windcharm i’ve been planning to make. i went to check on boris and then i made a gecko out of kandi at 10. i was supposed to make his eyes black but the only black beads i have didn’t fit through the elastic i use. i’m not ecstatic over how he came out, but i don’t hate it as much as my first animal kandi attempt. [photos of diy’s at end, warning their both very funky looking.]
my cd ended at around 10:50. i’ve listened to the album before but i’ve never tracked what my favourite song off it is. id say based off listening to it today, ‘jesus of suburbia’ is my #1. i went upstairs to my parents at 11, wrote a bit of this journal, checked if boris wanted to come back inside, and actually finished asking my questions at 12. i let boris in and my mum and sister got into a huge argument afterwards so i went into the kitchen with him and shut the door to drain some of the noise out. i spoke to him for a while until he started scratching on the dishwasher which means he wants to go outside. i let him out at around 12:20 and kept on going to check if he wanted to come back inside. i checked again at 12:50 and got jumpscared by my dad trying to toast a bagel.
i continued checking while sorting through giphy to find more interest related gifs in advance for future journals up until 1 when boris came back inside. he had something to eat, came into my room, and i said goodnight to him at around the same time he came in, and finished at 2. while talking to him i showed him all of the crafts i’ve done today + my gerard funko pop. i like updating him on what i do throughout the day when i’m not with him. i went to sleep at 2:50 after figuring out the first/last name for my killjoy oc [i haven’t decided whether it’s going to be first or last name because i don’t have two yet.]
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🗝️ — boris/my cat, prevision/keyworker i have to see instead of being taken back into mainstream education
have a good day/night O_o
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barbieb0y · 23 days
song of the tulips.
DAY 7 YAYYYYYYYY we going out with a bang here people. this is probably the longest one ive written for this event
today, i went with a crown of flowers upon the head + picnicking among nature’s beauty + a dance of blooming roses ! okay that last one is kinda untrue bc i wrote about tulips instead bc apparently theres a tulip garden in san fran and it's amazing bc tulips are my fave flowers. crazy
this is actually a sequel to my day 2 entry ! you dont have to read that one to get this one but you'll get the references i put here if you do!! also a little disclaimer this one is kinda suggestive. nothing too wild, just a joke and a subtle nudge but yeah. if i could write smut i wouldve done it for these two believe me (not for this week/event but in general)
enjoy what may be my last uppercut fic for a while. thank you scrunkly week for enabling me and my selfship these past few days, you have NO idea how much this means to me 🥺
Queen Wilhelmina Garden is fairly far from where they reside in Haight Street, especially if they are to ride there on Joe’s bike. Luckily for the couple, Joe has a rare moment of pure genius (yet a common moment of money spending for Paper Cut).
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A peaceful smile creeps onto Paper Cut’s face, relieved that his lover took his advice to heart. It’s not uncommon since Joe sort of sees Paper Cut as the all-knowing doctor but it does well to remind himself that the biker is as stubborn as Paper Cut himself.
“Wow, you actually bought a car this time around.”
And beautiful it is. Paper Cut does notice something about it though.
“Yeah! Look at her – beautiful, ain’t she?”
“Considering it’s the exact same model as the car you rented that weekend in summer, I’m guessing you got emotionally attached to that car.”
Joe lets out an awkward laugh then falls silent, and so does his smile.
“...We don’t talk about that car.”
Right on the money, Paper Cut thinks. He’ll humor his boyfriend.
“Anyway, shall we get going then?”
A smile that can rival the sunshine instantly makes its way to Joe’s lips.
“Last one to get in the car is a rotten egg!”
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“And soooooo Sally can wait…”
“She knows it’s too lateeeee as we’re waaalkin’ on by~”
It’s full-on karaoke mode in that freshly-bought car. Though Paper Cut always insists he won’t sing along (“I’m not as good as you.” “It’s not about being good, babe, it’s about having fun!”), a part of him subconsciously makes him belt out to radio hits either way.
“Man, I love music.”
Paper Cut’s confession prompts Joe to let out a hearty laugh. The freedom in Paper Cut’s singing voice is already proof of that fact but it’s nice to hear it from the man himself. Then Joe has a flashbulb moment.
“I oughta take you out to the disco sometimes.”
“Oh God, no thank you. Too many sweaty people dancing in one small, dark room sounds like a nightmare.”
Joe often attempts to drag Paper Cut into social situations knowing he won’t ever do it himself. As introverted as he is, he’s still a social creature as far as Paper Cut’s concerned.
Joe had expected this response. The reasoning is just a bonus. But his spirit is not broken so easily (which is merely a delicate way of saying he’s stubborn).
“When you put it that way, it sounds like one! Don’t worry baby boy, I’ll make sure you’ll have a good time.”
Paper Cut falls into red, bashful silence at the phrase “baby boy”, cursing himself for being so weak to pet names as such, but especially that one. Joe only smirks, knowing his victory is sealed. After a minute, Paper Cut sighs.
“Okay, but still, I don’t dance.”
Well, now he’s just straight up lying, Joe thinks.
“You did yesterday. I saw you.”
Joe genuinely thinks this is a good argument – it would be if it weren’t for the fact that Paper Cut was not made aware of this fact.
“It is very not nice to peep on people!”
Paper Cut gives Joe’s shoulder a light hit, the blush never leaving his face. Joe manages to scratch the back of his head in shame with one hand.
“Yeah okay, but you looked like you were having a good time!”
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“Keep your hand on the steering wheel, dammit!”
The two keep on bantering for the rest of the journey, the radio karaoke forgotten entirely.
They wouldn't say the idea of having a picnic here is anything original but they definitely expected less picnic blankets strewn about. But it's a pleasant sight – friends, couples, families, even individuals are out here surrounding themselves with nature's beauty with sandwiches in hand.
Thankfully, despite the amount of people, the couple still manages to find a spot for just the two of them, a little ways away from the rest of everyone else just in case Paper Cut gets too anxious (and in case Joe wants to initiate some “socially unacceptable” PDA – the two tries not to lament on the fate on couples like them too much).
They start unpacking their lunches – fried rice and fruit juices courtesy of Paper Cut, mineral water and (of course) sandwiches courtesy of Joe.
“Man, you’re out here serving us food like we’re kings meanwhile I just brought us plain-ass water and peanut butter jelly sandwiches like we’re kindergarten kids.”
The exaggeration pulls out a laugh from Paper Cut.
“C’mon, it’s not that serious. As long as it doesn’t kill me, I’ll put it in my mouth. And no, that’s not your cue to joke about you-know-what.”
A pout makes its appearance which Paper Cut ignores in grace, continuing to set up their little picnic spot with a little hum of a radio hit on his lips. With gentle sunlight and the scent of newly-bloomed tulips embracing the couple, Paper Cut feels like he’s a budding plant himself.
They start digging into their food; Joe sees this as a prime opportunity to gossip about the going-ons of their neighbors and the neighborhood kids while Paper Cut relishes in people-watching from their place.
At some point, Joe, being the kinaesthete that he is, gets up to walk around the garden but not without a quick heads-up to Paper Cut. Paper Cut, on the other hand, takes this as his cue to dominate the picnic blanket and lie down as if he’s making a snow angel (a picnic blanket angel, maybe). He soaks up the sun while he can, before he eventually retreats into his “man cave” as some locals have described his residence.
He tries to gain some inspiration from the springing of mother nature that surrounds him. Grass greener than the other side, the rows and rows of tulips in different hues reminiscent of a Holland rainbow, laughter tickling his sensitive ears, and skies as blue as his lover’s gentle eyes. Paper Cut never thought it was possible to feel this alive. Should this even be a bandage? It is an emotion so heavenly that it may transcend corporealness.
“Enjoying yourself, arent’cha?”
All things come to an end, yes, but beautiful things can begin right after. Joe snaps his boyfriend out of his trance with his teasing voice and the beautiful skies he has for eyes. In addition, he comes bearing gifts, which he then proceeds to rain down on his boyfriend who’s in the process of sitting up. Literally.
“What the–”
He is met with a shower of flowers and their healthy green stems, in which he tries to shield his face from by dropping his head and raising his hands, forming futile gates. Joe giggles and as he sits down, utters a quick apology for the prank. Paper Cut doesn’t take his teasing to heart but he pretends to sulk anyway, prompting his lover to elaborate on the sudden appearance of flowers separated from their fields and gathered on their picnic blanket.
“There’s a bunch of stray flowers around so I just hoarded them for no reason. But then this really nice lady taught me how to make flower crowns for them so that kinda took a bit of my time. You don’t mind, right?”
Paper Cut gives his lover a small laugh at his recount of his little walk. It’s difficult to get mad at this guy.
“Not at all. It’s very ‘you’ to already be making friends out here.”
Joe guiltily rubs a hand on the back of his head either way, offering an apologetic smile. His boyfriend merely shoots him a knowing glance.
“So lemme guess… you wanna try making flower crowns with me?”
Paper Cut starts to fiddle with a flower, staring at it curiously. He doesn’t have any kind of flower crown knowledge or experience so it’ll make for an interesting activity.
“Yeah! We can make them for each other!”
Joe is beaming once more. If the sun ever feels like retiring, Joe can easily fill in the vacancy.
“Haha, alright then.”
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Well, at least he can say he tried his best?
For a first attempt, he’d say it’s not that bad. His demons are fighting amongst themselves to whisper in his ear that it could’ve been better while Paper Cut himself basks in the simplicity of having had fun making the flower crown.
“You finished?”
Paper Cut looks up from where his crown lay in his lap at the question and merely nods, a bit shy to show off his creation. Meanwhile, Joe raises his own like a well-earned trophy.
The boundless wonder in his eyes can only make Paper Cut smile tenderly, matching the demure nature of the flower crown Joe made – all pale pink and yellow tulips, it’s a color combination that Paper Cut thinks is spring itself.
“It’s beautiful.”
“Not as beautiful as you.”
That is all he can muster up to say aloud. There is a proud twinkle in Joe’s eyes that eventually transitions into an affectionate one, once he places the flower crown on his boyfriend’s head.
Paper Cut is as red as the flowers on his lap now and he averts his gaze out of embarrassment. A light chuckle escapes his lover’s lips but he doesn’t say anything else.
“W-Well… I made this. It’s not as good as yours but…”
The blushing boy somehow manages to mutter and, still without looking at his lover, outstretches his hands to show Joe his flower crown. It is a dance of crimson tulips, and Joe can feel Paper Cut’s deep love and passion in his creation.
“Cut… this is the prettiest thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on. Aside from you, I mean.”
That manages to bring a laugh out of Paper Cut, his embarrassment subsiding slightly. He rises to his knees as Joe leans down to aid him in placing the crown on his head. They both laugh this time and Joe makes the first move to revert to his original position, allowing the flower crowning ceremony to resume.
They then proceed to gaze into each other’s eyes, both enamored by each other and unsure of what to do next with all this tension. But as usual, Joe initiates – once the two of them are within suitable proximity, he leans in for a delicate kiss. Paper Cut takes a second to overcome his shock and then reciprocates.
The world around seems to dissolve as they kiss and as Joe shifts to lay Paper Cut down. The former leans down once more to plant more kisses which the latter returns with no hesitation. Mother Nature sways in a sudden breeze, as if to shield them from prying eyes.
It is until Paper Cut lets out a little noise that clarity hits him like a truck. He instantly puts a hand between his face and Joe’s to stop him from continuing.
“Okay okay okay, I think that’s enough. We’re in public, remember?”
He insists as he watches Joe’s consciousness snap back into place as well. Joe only sighs, whether satisfied with their little love session or discontent that he was interrupted, Paper Cut doesn’t know. But it’s a reminder much needed for the both of them.
“It’s easy to forget when I’m around you, really.”
This time Paper Cut only rolls his eyes in amusement. His lover truly takes any chance to charm him to death.
Joe guffaws as he pulls Paper Cut to sit up together.
“You like it though.”
Paper Cut lets out a brief “hah”, now leaning on Joe’s shoulder. Joe follows suit.
“I didn’t say I didn’t like it.”
They enjoy each other’s company for the remainder of the afternoon until they eventually have to head home (“Actually, can we stop by a mosque on the way home? It’s getting kind of late.” “Honey, you should’ve told me earlier, I’d hate for you to miss your prayer because of me!”). More bantering and singing ensue in their little car, with the addition of another kissing session once they’re actually home. But perhaps, home is wherever and whenever they’re together.
Spring is the season for the new, and the flower crowns that adorn their home walls mark the beckoning of a new chapter for the couple.
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defactomatriarch-a · 5 years
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“If I can’t sleep then I’m gonna dance around my living room to eighties music while Carl looks on in horror.”
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officialleotolstoy · 3 years
Oh Anatole Brainrot* We’re Really In It Now, aka Anatole playlist annotations!
*I only have brainrot about him in terms of his relationships with Hélène and Dolokhov idc about him on his own 🤢
This playlist is infuriating because it has so many good songs on it and he does NOT deserve to have a playlist that slaps so hard :/
My Type - Saint Motel
“You’re just my type; you’ve got a pulse and you are breathing”
The lyrics are literally just I Will Have Sex With Anything That Breathes which is Anatole’s only personality trait. It just is.
Fool For Love - Lord Huron
“I’m asking her to be my bride, I know there’s another man but he ain’t gonna delay my plans”
This song is about eloping with a girl who already has a boyfriend, it is THE Comet section Anatole song. Which angers me because it’s such a good song, it doesn’t deserve to be associated with him in my head.
The Cult of Dionysus - The Orion Experience
“Wine and women and wonderful vices”
HEDONISM BABEY!!! Also the phrase “wine and women” with “he spends his money on women and wine” in Comet...makes ya think.
Everybody Loves Me - OneRepublic
“Look so good I might die, all I know is everybody loves me”
You know that quote that’s like “[Anatole] cultivated an air of superiority blah blah blah whatever” (paraphrased)? This is that in song form.
Bedroom Hymns - Florence + The Machine
“The wine and the women and the bedroom hymns”
Thottery AND the phrase “wine and women”? Anatolecore.
Talk - Hozier
“I’ll try to talk refined for fear that you find out how I’m imagining you”
I think if he needs to, Anatole can sugarcoat carnal desire with pretty words. It kind of comes down to “I’m pretending to be eloquently and romantically interested in you but I really just want to have s*x with you”. He might not have that much self-control, but the bottom line is that this song is horny and so is he.
Someone New - Hozier
“I wake at the first cringe of morning and my heart’s already sinned”
All my notes say is “commitment issues thot anthem” which is fair. I think it’s physically impossible for him not to fall in love with someone new every week, which is the entire point of this song. Also “you knew who I was with every step that I ran to you” tracks, Anatole doesn’t really try to hide it.
Paradise City - Guns N’ Roses
“Take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty”
I won’t lie, I’m not sure if this is what the song is actually about but that bit at least has hedonism energy. Also this came up on genius lyrics and it feels like something Anatole would do:
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Hallelujah - Panic! At The Disco
“I got caught under the covers with secondhand lovers”
Ok whore. But also the vibes of knowing you’re a sinner and reveling in it feels like Anatole. It’s the complete lack of shame for me.
Why Should I Worry - Billy Joel
“Why should I worry? Why should I care?”
Has he ever actually cared about anything other than his own personal wellbeing? Jury’s still out. This song implies he has street smarts which may not be true but not every lyric is gonna work 😔✌🏻
Only The Good Die Young - Billy Joel
“I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun”
The entire song is just seducing a devoutly Catholic girl, and it doesnt exactly work but I always assign this in my head to that time he tried to marry Marya B. But just in general, the reckless seduction vibes work.
Mambo No. 5 - Lou Bega
“To me flirting is just like a sport”
Unironically this is such an Anatole song. Listing off all his different lovers and their attributes is absolutely something he’s done. This is just a carefree thot song which is his vibe.
Ex’s and Oh’s - Elle King
“Ex’s and oh’s they haunt me like ghosts”
This is also on the Hélène playlist but this time the ex messing things up is his wife (not that any of that was her fault). I also think the general vibes of “I’m gonna make you want me so much and then leave you” are Anatoleish
Rasputin - Boney M.
“Russia’s greatest love machine”
LOOK ME IN THE EYES AND TELL ME THIS DOESN’T WORK. It’s about the seduction of upper-class Russian women come ON
I’m Born To Run - American Authors
“I’m gonna live my life like I’m gonna die young”
This is almost a more wholesome version of his careless hedonism, more skewed toward seeing the world rather than just having drunken fun but the energy is still there
Don’t Stop Me Now - Queen
“Tonight I’m gonna have myself a real good time”
It’s the “having fun is the only thing that matters” mindset. He doesn’t deserve this song 😔
Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen
I don’t have a lyric for this one, it’s just like. Yes I am a professional flirter! He is not this into commitment but i imagine he tells a new person this every week.
Oops!...I Did It Again - Britney Spears
“But to lose all my senses, that is just so typically me”
The lack of commitment and not treating relationships seriously is very Anatole, and so is the refusal to take responsibility for the heartbreak you directly caused.
How Bad Can I Be? - The Lorax
“How bad can I be? I’m just doing what comes naturally”
I KNOW I KNOW. HEAR ME OUT. This is pretty much Tolstoy’s “defense” of him verbatim. It’s the idea that he’s just so naturally like this it has never occurred to him to be any other way or to think about other people’s wellbeing. Anatole is the Onceler and Natasha is a straight girl on tumblr circa 2012.
Runaway Baby - Bruno Mars
“When I play, I never stay”
He would never be this self-aware, but otherwise it fits. The whole thing is about an inability to commit and a propensity for causing heartbreak. Also, I’ve had a grudge against this song for years and the blind rage it fills me with is reminiscent of the blind rage Anatole fills me with.
California Girls - The Beach Boys
“I’ve been all around this great big world and I’ve seen all kinds of girls”
This song is like, “What if we objectified every woman ever but made it a bop?” which is massive Anatole energy I think.
Girls, Girls, Girls - Motley Crüe
“I just need a new toy”
Literally the exact same justification as California Girls
It’s Raining Men - The Weather Girls
If I’m gonna add songs about objectifying women, I’m gonna add songs about objectifying men too. Equal opportunity whorery.
Parental Guidance - Judas Priest
“You say I waste my life away but I live it to the full”
This is just him to Vassily. Refusing to be controlled by your parents’ expectations and just going off to have fun is Vassily’s whole gripe with him and also the point of this song.
How To Be A Heartbreaker - MARINA
“You gotta have fun, but baby when you’re done you gotta be the first to run”
The bits about not getting close to anyone because you’re afraid of getting hurt don’t really apply but the “here’s how to make people like you and also we are for sure not staying together this is just for fun” definitely fit.
The STD Song - Top Memes
“Sinning with your naked bod is evil and atrocious”
I uh. I forgot this was on here but I was RIGHT when I added it. This is the lecture Vassily gives him after his Polish wife debacle-
“I’m only doing anything I want to do because I do it all the time”
He literally just does whatever he wants without thinking about the consequences. It’s just got huge entitled kid thot energy which is Anatole’s whole character. And the line “I’m taking your girl and I’m making her mine” is deeply Anatoleish.
Until The Night Turns - Lord Huron
“I got a helluva view for the end of the world, I've got a bottle of booze and a beautiful girl”
This doesn’t fit into any particular situation but I do think if the world was ending and Anatole was drunk with a pretty lady he would have this exact reaction. Also the repetition of the word sunrise (which is what the name Anatole means) is just a fun little extra bit.
Girls - The 1975
“What’s the fun in doing what you’re told?”
Rebellious kid energy! Also “she can’t be what you need if she’s 17” is everyone with morals @ him about Natasha (I know she was 19 at the time shh it’s about the energy).
Pretty Fly (For A White Guy) - The Offspring
“In his own mind he’s the dopest trip”
This man is The Worst but he really thinks he’s all that and a bag of chips huh! Literally everyone can tell he’s not the brightest bulb in the bunch EXCEPT HIM. Smh.
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cabin-7 · 4 years
Did someone say solangelo???
Secret Smooches
@i-love-all-books I got you bro
TW: I dont think there are any but tell me if any are needed.
Word count:2231 short and simple
AN: this started super late at night and I just kept comin back to it so here's a fluffy as hell Solangelo fic written by yours truly. It also not been checked so grammar mistakes aka terrible writing ahead
Nico didn’t know why it started. To most people, it was endearing what Will did but to Nico, he was just annoyed. He enjoyed kisses from his boyfriend, but not so suddenly. At least that’s what he told everyone else.
It started a few weeks into their relationship. Nico was sitting at the Hades table eating whatever he had first thought of when he heard Will walk past, seemingly talking with friends. He turned to wave and just as soon as he was facing him Will smacked a kiss onto his lips and kept on walking and talking as if he had done nothing in particular. Nico, on the other hand, was gobsmacked and raised his hand up to his lips. His head swiveled towards where Will had just sat down at the Apollo table and gave him a look that he hoped conveyed his message: “What the hell was that about?”. In return. Will simply smirked and winked at him. Nico felt blood rush up to his cheeks as he stubbornly turned back to his plate trying not to reminisce on the chaste kiss.
Then it became a routine. The thing was that it always happened before people showed up at the dining pavilion. Nico had convinced will to eat lunch because of it which was why Nico didn’t try to tell Will to stop. Because if Will ate lunch, he was taking care of himself, so what was a little kiss in front of a few people.
One day Jason had slipped into a seat across from Nico and was mindlessly chattering. He talked about his girlfriend which Nico wasn’t entirely interested in. He commented back nonetheless, so he wouldn’t be seen as rude. Jason was his friend after all. Their conversation slowly transitioned to another topic. 
Jason picked up a book that he had at his side. “I’m revamping all of the temples on the Temple Hill as you know,” he said excitedly as he flickered through the pages, “and I want your opinion on the Pluto temple,” he flipped a few pages back and flipped the book towards Nico to reveal messy sketches and notes. The drawings weren’t wonderful by any means and it was clear that Jason was still learning but it was definitely better than the last time he had seen Jason’s sketches. Nico wondered if he had gotten some tips from Hazel. Jason pointed at spots on the page and explained what he had visioned.
“So I think having some sort of torches would be fitting, but I don’t want it to be too dark,” he said with a huff, “I’m just not sure what to do for that.”
“Just promise me it won’t be like Hades cabin when we first came here,” Nico remarked, “it was so-” suddenly Nico heard his name being called. Looking to his left he saw none other than his boyfriend running up the hill waving his arms dramatically.  Nico glanced over at Jason who looked mildly confused. 
As quickly as he could Will rushed up to Nico.
“It’s kind of crazy in the infirmary so I have to skip lunch but-” Will started but Nico cut him off by holding out an apple.
“You need to eat something,’ he said, “and, an apple a day keeps the doctor away is how the saying goes right? That means you can scram for all  I care,” he teased lightly.
Will smiled at Nico and gratefully took the apple. “Thanks, babe,” he chirped before planting a sweet kiss on Nico’s lips that lingered for a few seconds. Not too long, but enough for Nico to blush ever so slightly. Will pulled away still smiling, “you’re the best,” he waved at Jason with a small ‘hey’ before ruffling Nico’s hair and running back to the infirmary. 
Nico watched him run off with furrowed eyebrows. He couldn’t decide whether to be angry, flustered, or endeared. He settled on a stone-cold expression he turned back to Jason. He also decided that his feeling for Will could be kept in his mind. Jason had a mischievous grin and at that moment Nico felt himself grow embarrassed and the blush return to his cheeks and ears. He felt like people might’ve been staring at him, but that he was used to. It was the look on Jason’s face that told Nico he was in for it though.
“So... Will Solace?” he questioned innocently and Nico groaned, burying his face in his hands. Jason cackled and leaned forward, “oh c’mon! You’ve gotta at least tell me about him!”
Nico shook his head and Jason only begged him for some information on the boy who had suddenly kissed him. After a lot of refusals, Nico let loose the smile that was tugging at the corners of his mouth and looked up.
Nico heaved a heavy sigh as he balanced his head on the palm of his hand, “he’s my boyfriend,” he confessed. Jason gave a subtle eye roll and muttered ‘duh’. Nico lightly hit his arm. “I’ve been dating him for a few months. We started dating on September 15 and today is…” he glanced at Jason for the date. 
The son of Jupiter laughed, “it’s November 18th”
Nico nodded, “right. Well anyway, he does…” he paused as he thought of what to say, “Since like October he’s been” he felt his face grow hotter and hesitated, “kissing me when I least expect it.”
“Awww!” Jason cooed, “that’s so cute!”
Nico glared at him, “don’t push your luck Grace. You may be my friend but that doesn’t mean I’m any less likely to punch you.”
The tradition continued, every day. Nico always thought he’d expect it, but then it started changing. Will switched up when he did, but made sure it was at least at one of the three meals. He said it was to make sure Nico was eating, but the other knew better. He knew Will was having fun with it, and gods be damned he wasn’t going to upset him.
So, it was definitely odd when Nico hadn’t seen Will at breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Call him a worrywart, but he knew something was wrong. Or at least he thought he did. So Nico finished his dinner wearily and even waited in the dining pavilion for a bit. People gave him odd looks. Jason teased him, but he didn’t care. He was just worried about Will and he wasn’t going to miss him.
Eventually, though, he decided that it would be better to look for Will than wait for him. So he hoisted himself off of the table’s bench and started to walk off into the camp. He decided to stop by the Apollo cabin. When he got close to the cabin he heard Dancing Queen by Abba being played loudly over High Hopes by Panic! At The Disco. There were other songs mixed in here and there not playing nearly as loud as Apollo children loudly shouted over one another.
Nico chuckled quietly to himself as he stepped on the porch. He wondered if knocking would even work, but there was no doorbell so he’d have to hope. He wasn’t looking to raise his voice or just open the door. 
Luckily children of Apollo have extremely keen ears.
As soon as Nico knocked he heard one of Will’s sister, Kayla, yell “QUIET” louder than was humanly possible. Nico was beginning to realize how loud Apollo kids really were. All music in the cabin ceased it’s playing and the door swung open to show Kayla with a bright smile and a lot of Apollo kids who seemed to be fighting. One had another pinned to the ground, holding a fist above her head as her brother squirmed.
“Yo! Nico!” Kayla greeted, “sorry about the ruckus, music debate night. You know how it is.” Nico, in fact, didn’t have a clue what she was talking about, “anyway, how can I help you?”
Nico could feel the eyes of Apollo campers glaring into them as they impatiently waited for their debate to resume. Nico smiled awkwardly, “just looking for Will, is he here?”
Kayla spun around and looked around the large cabin, “WILL?” she yelled. No reply. A small girl who was being sat on by her younger (but stronger) brother squeaked, “Haven’t seen him since this morning.” Another kid called, “who’s Will?” Kayla spun around back to Nico, “I think that’s your answer. Check the dining pavilion, maybe the infirmary. Though he shouldn’t be in the infirmary, I told him to catch a break.”
Nico sighed, “I’ve been telling him for the entire time I’ve known him,” He shrugged, “well… thanks, Kayla.” She nodded and waved before she picked up two pots. 
“You might wanna cover your ears, and close the door will you?” Nico shut the door and heard two pots clang together as Kayla screamed, “ROUND THREE! WARFARE!” before the music began blaring loudly once more. The bass was so strong that the cabin shook beneath his feet. Nico quickly hopped off the porch. Once he was a few feet away from the cabin the noise ceased. He assumed there was some sort of noise spell put over the cabin because he knew that if there wasn’t the cabin would’ve been heard all the way in New Jersey.
Nico pulled his black leather jacket closer to him as the chilly autumn air blew around him. While Camp Half-Blood had control over the weather, year-round campers liked to experience the different seasons, if a bit milder. Nico did too. He likes to see the trees changing and feel the colder weather kick in. Bonus: he got to steal Will’s jackets.
The son of Hades tried to peek into the infirmary through the windows but the curtains were drawn. Suspicion bubbled in Nico’s chest, but either way, he knocked. Unlike the Apollo cabin, the silence wasn’t nice to hear. So he tried the doorknob. Turns out it was unlocked so Nico walked right in.
“Will?” Nico called. There was a shuffling from a back room and a crash before a familiar voice called back.
“One sec!” Will yelled. His voice sounded a bit strained, but nothing worrying. Nico was more so worried about the crash and why Will was still at the infirmary.
Soon enough Will walked out of the backroom and tossed his gloves out before he rubbed his eyes. Nico smiled softly at him and cautiously held open his arms. Will smiled gratefully and walked into Nico’s arms, tenderly wrapping his arms around his torso and burying his head in his hair. Nico rested his chin on Will’s chest.
“Rough day?” he asked quietly. Will silently nodded and held Nico closer to him which only made the boy smile. “We all have bad days. Is there anything I can do to help?” Once again Will stayed silent, but this time he shrugged. Nico nodded and reached up to press a kiss to Will’s cheek. “Your siblings are being super loud right now. We can go to my cabin and watch TV or something.”
Will cracked a smile, “I forgot that it was a music debate Monday” he said quietly, “we can hang out in your cabin,” he took a deep breath, “that sounds nice.”
Nico smiled a bit more and let go of the medic, “wanna tell me what happened first?”
So, Will sighed and began to explain that on top of being busy, he just felt out of it. He was not only physically tired but emotionally too. Nico listened to everything he said as he spoke in a far different tone than usual. It was soft and quiet. And yet Nico knew that it was still his Will. So as they were about to leave the infirmary, Nico grabbed Will’s sleeve to stop him and planted a surprise kiss on his cheek like he always did for him. Surprise smooches always brightened up his day.
Nico rested his head on Will’s chest, “So, the dinosaurs are CGI?” he asked for confirmation. 
\Will nodded as he raked his fingers through Nico’s hair, “Yeah. it’s really cool technology, but I wouldn’t be the person to tell you about it. The son of Hades nodded, “It just looks so..so..”
His boyfriend chuckled, “real? Yeah, I know. It’s kind of crazy-” he was cut off by a sudden boy kissing him sweetly. Will blushed a bit but happily obliged to the sudden kiss that ended too soon for liking. “What was that for?” He asked.
Nico shrugged, settling back into where he was snuggled up, “you’ve given me a crap ton of surprises, why can you get one?” Will laughed softly and pulled the quilt on Nico’s bed up closer, “yeah that’s fair.”
“It should be a game,” Will said after a pause, “who can steal a secret smooch first?” there was a moment of silence between them before they both burst out laughing.
“You’re on Solace,” Nico said with a smirk. Will nodded and the two shook hands at an awkward angle before they both dove in for the first move of a game that would last way longer than they expected.
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krizaland · 5 years
So i got a stupid idea for a request but ima do it anyway. Could you write something based of house of memories by patd? I see songs in your requests so i figured this one might fit the theme. Basically reader went missing when they were younger and dib spent alot of time and research trying to find them then years later finds their ghost in a worn down home and its just big angst time because i like crying. Sorry if this request is weird you obviously dont have to do it if you dont want to 👓💙
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Oooh! I love Panic! At the Disco! If you want to cry then you’ve come to the right place amigo.
Now I hope you don’t mind but I’m going to make Dib a few years older in this fic (Think 15-16 years old).
Be warned: This fic will be dealing with death! Bring some tissues because it’s time for another feels trip!
Here’s the song the Anon is referring to btw
It’s been over 3 years since the day you vanished and Dib hadn’t known peace since.
You were his only real friend he ever had.  You didn’t think he was weird nor creepy. You loved the paranormal just as much, if not more than he did! You loved coming up with crazy ways to expose Zim and other paranormal pests. Especially ghosts. Oh how you loved ghosts.
Dib also remembered how you would always stick up for him whenever he got bullied and you would even vouch for him whenever an attempt to expose Zim failed.
You were the only person who truly understood him.
When Gaz told him that you were gone, Dib laughed it off and assumed she was just trying to mess with him.
However, after repeating herself (and a kick to his shin) Dib finally believed her.
Needless to say, Dib was devastated!
His only friend was gone! He couldn’t live without you! No!
He wouldn’t live without you.
From that day fourth, Dib vowed to find you no matter what it took!
He would spend the rest of his days cooped up in his room, only leaving to shower, eat, and go to Skool. (he didn’t want to become a chair again.)
Clembrane would bring him some pudding every once in a while but Dib would normally refuse.
Soon the real Professor Membrane became more and more worried about his poor, insane son.
He would often send Gaz to check up on him but she usually didn’t care. She simply lied and said Dib was fine.
Until Dib’s occasional sobbing was disrupting her Gameslave.
“Dib! Keep it down! I’m trying to beat my high score!” Gaz snapped as she burst through his door.
Dib was too distraught to acknowledge her.
“Where are you, Y/N?! I’ve looked everywhere I possibly could! The high Skool, your old house, even that witchcraft store at the mall you loved so much! Where have you gone?! Why didn’t you take me with you?” Dib blubbered as he put his head down on his desk.
“Dib! Let it go already! Y/N’s been gone a long time. As far as we know they’re probably gone for good.” Gaz sighed as she folded her arms.
“That’s not true! Y/N Has to bee still out there! They would never abandon me!” Dib roared as he whipped around to face Gaz.
“Dib, Y/N is dead ok?!” Gaz confessed.
Dib looked like had just been stabbed in the chest.
“How could you say that, Gaz?! Y/N can’t be dead! They just can’t be!” Dib wailed as he grabbed the sides of his head.
“Y/N has been dead for over 3 years now! We never told you because Dad didn’t want you to raise the dead again!” Gaz snapped.
“No! You’re lying! Y/N is still alive! I know it!” Dib insisted as more tears fell from his eyes.
“Dib, the only way Y/N could still be around is if they were a ghost or something.” Gaz grumbled as she opened an eye.
“Wait! Gaz! That’s it!” Dib’s eyes lit up as he wiped away his tears.
“What’s it?”
“Y/N loved ghosts! I remember that we would always check out this one abandoned house in the woods that was said to be full of them! That must be where Y/N is! Why didn’t I think of looking there sooner?!” Dib let out a crazed laugh as he sprung from his chair.
“Whatever, just keep it down!” Gaz grumbled as she went back to her room.
“Don’t worry, Y/N! I’ll find you!” Dib announced as he pulled out his ghost hunting gear.
After getting suited up, Dib rushed out the door and headed for the woods.
“If you’re a lover you should know, the lonely moments just get lonelier the longer you’re in love than if you were alone.” Dib sang as he pulled out an old map he made with you to find your way to the house.
“Memories turn into day dreams, become a taboo!” Dib turned on the flashlight attached his ghost hunting goggles.
“I don’t want to be afraid, the deeper that I go, it takes my breath away. Soft hearts electric souls.” Dib sang as he cautiously waded through the dying trees.
“Heart to heart and eyes to eyes.” Dib pulled out his phone and gazed at a picture of you.
Dib could’ve sworn he saw two glowing blue eyes leering at him from the shadows.
“Is this taboo?”
Dib shook his head and the eyes had vanished.
“Baby, we built this house on memories! Take my picture now! Shake it till you see it!” Dib pulled out the map again and shook out the creases.
“And when your fantasies become your legacy,” Dib lovingly stroked the doodle you drew of yourself holding a cage with a cute little ghost inside.
“Promise me a place, in your house of memories!” Dib put the map away and continued his journey.
The wind howled as fallen leaves swirled behind Dib. The glowing eyes seemed to follow him but Dib didn’t seem to notice.
“I think of you from time to time, more than I thought I would.” Dib closed his eyes as his mind traveled to the past for a moment
“You were just too kind and I was too young to know.”  
He remembered how you comforted him after Zim started mocking him.
“That’s all that really matters”
Dib could still feel your warm arms wrap around him and hold him tight.
“I was a fool”
He then remembered how you got sent to detention for punching Zim in the face.
Just like that, the memories faded away as Dib’s eyes opened once more.
“Baby, we built this house, on memories. Take my picture now, shake it till you see it!” Dib sang as he pulled out the map again.
Dib could’ve sworn he heard heavy breathing but turned his focus back to the map.
“And when your fantasies become your legacy,” Dib gave the map a hug.
“Promise me a place, in your house of memories!” Dib looked up from the map and noticed he had reached the house.
“Yes!” He cheered as he put the map away and went inside.
The glowing eyes followed his every move but Dib didn’t seem to notice. All that mattered to him was finding you.
He felt his heart pound in his chest as his footsteps made the worn floorboards creak.
“C’mon, Y/N….Where are you.” He whispered as he continued his search.
Suddenly, he heard the sound of your voice faintly echoing in the distance.
“Those thoughts of my past lover will always haunt me! I wish I could believe you’d never wrong me!” Dib followed the sound as more tears fell from his eyes.
Dib kept running and running as your voice grew louder and louder.
“Then you will remember me in the same way, as I remember you….” Suddenly Dib stopped dead in his tracks,
He had indeed found you but you did not look like the same Y/N he once knew. What floated before him was something he hoped he would never see. You had become the very thing you vowed to capture.
You had become a ghost.
Dib let out a scream and backed away from you.
“N-No! Y/N! It can’t be!” Dib fell to his knees and covered his mouth.
You floated down and kneeled beside him.
“Baby we built this house, on memories. Take my picture now, shake it till you see it.” You sang softly.
Dib looked up at you and sniffled.
“And when your fantasies become your legacy promise me a place…”
You used your ghostly energy to gently lift him up and gave him a warm smile.
Dib gasped but his fears melted away when he realized that  while you had indeed changed,
You were still the same Y/N he knew and loved.
“Baby we built this house on memories. Take my picture now, Shake it till you see it.” Your voices melted together as you used your ghostly energy to help Dib dance with you.
“And when your fantasies become your legacy! Save me a place in your house of memories!” You and Dib sang together as your blue ghostly energy swirled around him.
Dib tried to reach out for you but you seemed to be avoiding his touch as the haunted dance went on.
“Save me a place…” Dib fought against your energy and tried to pull you into a warm embrace.
You gasped and tried to avoid him but it was too late.
The moment his body made contact with your ghostly one, your body vanished into wisps of blue smoke.
“In your house of memories?” Dib’s eyes widened as his mind slowly realized what just happened.
Dib fell to his knees and tears begun to pour down his face.
Suddenly, Dib felt something grab him from behind.
Dib let out a shriek but quickly caught his breath when he saw who was behind him.
“Dad? What are you doing here?!” Dib squeaked.
“I saw you running out of the house and wanted to make sure you weren’t trying to raise the dead again.” Professor Membrane explained as he lowered the brightness of his flashlight goggles.
“Don’t worry I wasn’t. I was just trying to find something. That’s all” Dib muttered as he hung his head low.
“Oh, is that all? Well, did you find what you were looking for?” Professor Membrane inquired.
“I guess I did….”
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warmau · 6 years
{Mermaid!AU} Johnny
happy birthday to jonathan [it’s late, i know] | other nct mermaid aus 
“guess who just got CURSED?”
you look up from your computer and stare directly at the person who’d rudely interrupted your five hour streak of studying
it’s none other than seo youngho 
a.k.a chatterbox, a.k.a your embarrassing friend from childhood, a.k.a johnny - as he insisted everyone call him
you grumble, returning your tired eyes back to your screen
finals are in three days, your notes are a mess, and the library group you usually hit the books with was nowhere to be seen
probably holed up in their dorms with textbooks up to their ears
johnny doesn’t seem to notice your gloomy aura, or take into consideration the fact that you’re ignoring him to do your work as he takes a seat opposite you
he throws a hand over the chair beside him casually and repeats what he just said
“hey - hey guess who just c u r s e d!”
“yeah, by the demon of never shutting up - right?”
johnny laughs off your sarcasm
“actually no, but guess who cursed me out? - turns out taeil really does have a limit when it comes to teasing”
you sigh, feeling bad for moon taeil - a senior student who seemingly means no harm to anyone and minds his own business for a fact
but who even johnny could break - it looks like 
“he called me things ive never even heard of in my life, did you know asshat was an insult? i didn’t till today!”
he grins and you can tell that even though taeil might have snapped at johnny, it probably wasn’t that ugly of a situation
johnny has a skill that you’ve never seen in any other person before - no matter how annoying or how interuptive he is
and no matter how mad you get
you can’t stay mad at him - his face just makes everything less serious 
his happy-go-lucky attitude vibrates through whatever angry wall you try to put up
which is why, even though he can be a little irksome because he’s more the outgoing, loud type
you do actually treasure him as a friend
but not right now,,,,,,,,,,,because finals
“johnny id love to hear more about how you’ve been magically turned into a frog by taeil cursing at you, but i dont have any clue what intro to physics is about and i have a test on it soon so please?”
you look over your laptop screen at him and johnny gives a dismissive wave of his hand
“you’re the brains of this friendship, you always have been - you’ll do fine!”
his words are playful - but they are a bit encouraging to hear
with that being said though, he gets up and gives your hair a messy ruffle
you swat at his hand
and he says he’ll text you later
before disappearing out of the library
you try to fix some loose strands, but end up ignoring your hair all together 
eyes back on your screen, physics back to assaulting your brain
you don’t hear from johnny till finals actually start
you’ve spent all your time grinding on study sheets and note cards, that you only really notice you haven’t talked to him
when one of your study buddies - taeyong - asks if you can give johnny back the camera he lent him
you stare down at the nikon in your hands
it’s one of johnny’s favorites, he got it when you two were still in highschool together
it’s weird that he’d,,,,,,just let someone borrow it - let alone not hound them to give it back as soon as possible
you safely tuck the camera away in your bag, focusing instead on your tests at hand
when the day comes to an end, you’re exhausted and not looking forward to doing it all over again tomorrow for your other classes
but as you stop by the local cafe to get some much needed coffee, your fingers brush the camera again
right - i should stop by johnny’s apartment before i head to the dorms
you remind yourself
ending up in front of the apartment half an hour later, for some reason anxious about knocking on the door
you finally do - and to your surprise one of johnny’s four roommates open it
ten looks almost relieved to see you
“thank goodness! please tell me you know where johnny is?”
you pause and frown
“what - he’s not home?”
the happy spark dies in ten’s eyes as he realizes you have no clue what he’s talking about
“no,,,he hasn’t been home for three days straight! i thought he might have been with you-”
“with me? for three days?!?!”
ten shrugs, stepping aside so you can come in 
“i don’t know, i thought he finally grew up and told you how he felt and you two you know,,,,,,,,,would just,,,,”
ten scratches behind his ear rather shyly
“would just enjoy it for a while alone -”
you don’t even want to know what ten is envisioning happening between you and johnny
so you cut in before he can go on with his wild ideas
“if he’s not here - and it’s been that long, it’s time we call the police.”
“yeah like they’ll believe us! they probably won’t do anything - johnny’s an adult, they’ll just say he took a surprise trip and didn’t warn anyone.”
you want to argue, but ten is most likely right - three days isn’t three months 
and johnny is spontaneous, it’s not out of his nature to do random things at random times
but disappear? not tell anyone - not tell you, the person whose known him since before you two could even make out full sentences, where he was going?
you decide you’ll give your parents a call, see if they can call johnny’s parents and see if he went back home
you tell ten your plan and he gives you his number in case you find out anything
and when you get back to your dorm, you feel an uneasy weight in your chest
you sit down, knowing you should get back to your books
but instead you take out johnny’s camera and turn it on
the most recent photos are from some frat party johnny had went, there are silly photos of him and his roommates, and scenery shots that you know he takes for fun in the city
but you end up going farther back and you see photos from the last time you guys hung out 
it had been on valentines day - and because you both were single and a little sulky about it
you’d decided to go out and just have fun
you look at the photos of you and johnny from karaoke, his face highlighted by the cheap disco lights and the shots of you mid-jump, microphone in hand - no inhibitions
there are photos from the hotpot you guys got, your face of awe as you stare down into the giant bowl - johnny holding his chopsticks up to his mouth like a walrus 
and then there are photos of you on the balcony of his apartment
you don’t remember taking them or even being there with him after that
but there you are, leaning over the railing, staring up at the sky with johnny’s old varsity jacket over your shoulders
he must have taken this when you weren’t looking or didn’t know - you put the camera down and fall back against your bed
now that he’s not around making a big mess of my things or laughing out loud - i kind of miss all the noise he makes
you roll onto your side and check your phone for any new messages
there are some, but none from johnny
you press his contact and listen as it rings, and rings, and then the familiar
“what’s up! you’ve reached johnny - if you’re my mom, then you’ve reached seo youngho haha! leave a message or text-”
you hang up and sigh
no use worrying about him now, more finals tomorrow and it’s johnny - he should be fine
you tell yourself, but you don’t think you really believe it
finals end and the monday following is off as a little gift for students
you decide that since you have nothing better to do, you’ll try and see if you can scout out some of his favorite places and see if he’s around 
but even after going every place you can think of, and not being sure how to feel when one of the students you talked to goes
“oh - are you dating him? i thought he was single.”
you debate whether or not you should make the trip to your old hometown
you’d called your parents, like you told ten you would, but your mom had said she didn’t know 
apparently johnny’s family was on vacation right now - so the house was always empty
you have a hunch that maybe he’s hiding out there - so before you can stop yourself
you buy the train ticket
and come to terms with the fact that you’ll probably be skipping tuesday morning class
it’s not too long of a ride, but you spend it looking out the window - thinking about what you’ve got upcoming in the week
but your thoughts float back to johnny
the image of him sitting across from you in the library, laughing and reaching out to ruffle your hair
you remember how excited you’d both been when you got accepted to the same university
how johnny had picked you up in a spinning hug and left you breathless
you remember sitting beside him at orientation, already he’d managed to befriend at least ten people 
and you’d wondered how in the world he just attracted other to his energy
you’ve always known him to be carefree and comedian at heart
which is why it was very new,,,,to feel worried about him - to feel scared to see if he was ok 
when you walk up to the front door of a house you haven’t seen in a while - you recognize bits and pieces of it from your memory
you and johnny had learned to ride bikes together on his front lawn, how he’d nearly broken his knee falling out of the tree on the corner street trying to get your cat out of the branches
you hesitate before knocking - much like you’d hesitated in front of his apartment door back in the city
but to your shock, the hinges creak and with just the touch of your hand on it - the door opens and you’re meet with a silent hallway
isn’t this like,,,,,breaking and entering?
you think - but the thought doesn’t stop you from going inside and calling out johnny’s name
there’s no response but as you listen closely you can hear something,,,,,,,it’s coming from upstairs
is that - it sounds like the water is running in one of the bathrooms?
you pause and realize you’re that means someone is upstairs
it’s probably johnny! he totally came all the way back home to avoid finals - that idiot!
you rush up the stairs, the familiarity of the house comes back to you, and you find the bathroom with ease
you open it - not concerned about walking in on him, you and johnny went to summer camp together for three years so there’s nothing to be embarrassed about
but when you do - opening your mouth to triumphantly scold johnny about running away from his problems
you freeze
johnny is in the bathtub
or at least
something that looks like johnny is
it’s johnny from the waist up - but from the waist down
it’s a huge, glittering, orange scaled MERMAIDS TAIL?!?!?
your eyes widen and johnny lifts himself on his elbows, a look of horror across his own face
“wh-what are you doing here?!?!?!”
“who cares - johnny why are you a -”
without another word, he dunks his head back under - splashing you and the entire bathroom with a nearly soaking wave
you exclaim - stomping over and leaning over the ledge
you put your hand down, thinking you’ll grab his shoulder 
but johnny emerges before you can - and you come face to face with your childhood bestfriend
but his usual features are somehow different - the gills that run below his jawline, the fluttering orange hues that have appeared on the contours of his skin, the casual smile replaced with what looks like genuine terror
“j-johnny, what’s going on?”
he stares - brown eyes darker than you’ve ever seen before
“didn’t i tell you - i got cursed.”
your face twists with confusion
“wh-what are you saying?”
“you weren’t listening? i told you - moon taeil cursed me!”
“he cursed you out! he just yelled at you! he didn’t turn you into a -”
johnny’s face doesn’t change - and you realize that,,,,,,,,,,,,he isn’t joking around 
you can feel the water on the bathroom floor soaking through your clothes, the condensation dripping off the wall
how long has johnny been sitting in here?
you pull back a little
“h-how do you know it was him?”
johnny relaxes just a bit too - leaning his head against the wall of the bath
‘well considering he started yelling in tongues at me at first, and the next day i grew gills i would assume you know -”
he shrugs, big shoulders causing ripples through the water
“whatever, i can’t even move with this tail. i came home thinking i could try and figure out something on my own, but then my legs just - just turned into this!”
he closes his eyes and his voice is full of frustration 
johnny hasn’t gotten angry in front of you in years - johnny hasn’t even ever raised his voice this way in years
you sigh
“well, ill just go back to school and find taeil and ask him how to fix this.”
johnny slowly opens his eyes back up, before turning to look at you
“don’t worry. this is my problem, you have other things to worry about.”
“what are you talking about - you’re my bestfriend and you’ve been cursed! this takes precedence over other things!”
johnny’s lips twitch - like he wants to say something and you’re half expecting him to
until he just tears his gaze from yours
“i said leave it alone. school is important and it’s all you care about anymore, so just let me deal with-”
you plunge your hand into the water, taking a hold of johnny’s and giving him a bit of a shock
“you’re suffering - how long have you been in this tub? ten says you’ve been gone three days! im not going to leave you, even if it means skipping school.”
johnny blinks, but then curses to himself
“right, ten. i should have at least called him-”
“johnny - you’ve been turned into a mermaid. you can’t even walk right now. let’s stop worrying about other people and figure out what to do ok?”
he doesn’t answer you for a moment
and you think he’s going to spew some more nonsense about refusing your help
but instead he weakly yanks his hand from yours 
“can’t believe i had to be cursed for you to show any kind of interest in me again,,,,,”
you want to say something to that - but you ,,,, you have no idea how to respond 
and instead you quietly get up and tell johnny you’ll go bring him some food 
there’s nothing in the house so you make the short walk to your home
your mom looks shocked to see you, but stacks your arms full of food
before asking
“how is youngho? i miss that boy, remember when you two would stage fake weddings in the living room?”
you roll your eyes - telling her not to embarrass you 
but as you’re walking on the path to johnny’s - you feel something,,,,weird
the camera full of photos johnny took of you
ten and others confusing you two for a couple
the plethora of memories you’ve had with johnny, all encompassed in this glowing, warm light in your memory
before, you were just happy with johnny as a friend - even sometimes a little annoyed by his rowdy presence throughout your life
but now it was,,,,,,it was different
something new was emerging with all of these events - but
you couldn’t think about that
after all,,,,,,,,,,,he’d been cursed,,,,,,,,,,,,solving that problem was what should be on your mind
you stay the night at johnny’s place, he can’t move from the bathtub so you leave food and spend some hours just talking to him
realizing as he tells you what has happened so far that even though you and him went to the same school, saw each other on a daily basis
you had never really
asked johnny how he was
how he was holding up
you just always assumed everything was fine - that he was always smiling because he was happy
but as johnny talks, he tells you that classes have been so-so, that he’s thought of switching majors, that he’s been getting into arguments with ten more often and that he hasn’t had a chance to do photography in a while
it reminds you about the camera - which you brought with you and you bring it to johnny
who sits in the tub, looking through them and stopping on that photo he took of you on his balcony
you watch him, seemingly hypnotized by it
before a smile cracks over his features
and he looks up at you
“isn’t it silly - how im looking at this photo of you instead of the real you that’s right in front of me?”
you chuckle, saying something in response about how you didn’t know he took the photo, how you’re not photogenic at all
and for a moment johnny goes back to cracking jokes, being the easy person to be around that you’ve known him to be
but at night, you’re curled up on the sofa - the sound of water turning on and off from upstairs makes you realize
nothing is normal right now - not johnny being cursed, not johnny getting frustrated and angry, and not your feelings about him
before making the trip back to school, you visit johnny whose scratching at his gills and thrashing in the tub
you rush to the side of it and ask if he’s ok
“it just,,,,it hurts - when the gills get dry it feels like i can’t breathe -”
you cup some water from the sink and bring it up to his neck, rubbing your fingers along the gills
johnny makes a noise and leans into your touch
“does this help?”
your voice shakes and johnny nods,
“when you touch me - everything hurts less.”
the moment plays over and over in your mind as you make your way back to campus
it’s all you can think about until you finllay track down moon taeil 
he’s alone in the lab, tinkering with something when you storm up to him and demand, like a deranged person, why he turned johnny into a mermaid
calmly taeil looks up at you through his eyelashes
“because he’s annoying”
“you turned him into a MAGICAL FISH PERSON because he annoyed you??!”
taeil shrugs
“sometimes im not nice, sometimes i just decide to curse people.”
“ok well very funny, he’s learned his lesson - how do i change him back? how do i uncurse him?”
taeil moves one of the beakers 
you throw a hand down on the counter
“c’mon - listen, i know better than anyone that johnny can talk a lot and be hard to handle but he’s a good person, who just wants people around him to be happy and so -”
taeil smiles and you don’t know what in the world that means
“sounds like you know johnny really well.”
“he’s been my bestfriend since we were kids - of course i do. and that’s why i need you to tell me how to uncurse him!”
“kiss him”
you open your mouth, but no sound comes out 
instead you stare into taeil’s clear eyes
“s-s-sorry what?”
“kiss him.”
“wh-what why?”
“you wanna break the curse right?”
dumbfounded you look at taeil to see if he’s joking, because he has to be 
but he just looks back with a bored expression on his face
“w-what do i just have to get someone to kiss him and he’ll be fine?”
“no, you have to kiss him.”
“why me?!?!?”
taeil laughs, like this is some big joke and you’re not smart enough to catch on
“everyone knows true loves kiss breaks any curse. so,,,,,go try it out.”
there’s so much you want to say, to dispute - but you don’t even know where to start with this
actually, you want to know how taeil even has the ability to put curses on people in the first place
is he a wizard? is magic like,,,,real? since when were you seo youngho’s true love? why didn’t you get the memo about that?!?!?
you turn, grumbling that fine - whatever, he didn’t want to help then you’d just have to figure out another way to help johnny
but you hear taeil chuckle as you make your way out the door
“im telling you, just kiss him!”
you spend the second trip you make back to your hometown trying to research mermaids and curses and magic
but it all makes your head spin and you feel even worse when you see an email from your professor asking where you’d been this morning
when you get back to johnny, you realize you don’t know how you’re going to tell him that taeil suggested making out as a remedy to his problem
you think - hey, maybe you’ll tell him and you’l have a good laugh and forget it ever happened
maybe it’ll even be a nice way to joke about the situation, but you can’t even bring yourself to go upstairs and see him
at some point you force yourself to and when you open the door to the bathroom
johnny throws his hands up out of the water
“finally! so how are we going to turn me back to a human?”
you shuffle closer and try to think of something to say
“uhhh,,,,,,well actually he said something kind of ,,,, funny”
johnny leans his elbows on the ledge of the tub and rests his cheek on his hand
“funny? do i have to chant a spell or something -”
he laughs and your heart weirdly jumps at the sound
“do i have to say taeil’s the best person on earth or promise that ill stop annoying him for notes in class?”
you shift
“no,,,,he said ,,,,,,, he basically said-”
johnny waits, nodding his head
“he said i have to kiss you - and that it has to be me and no one else! can you believe it? im sure he was jokin-”
“ok, so what are we waiting for?”
you tense and johnny doesn’t look like he’s playing around
instead he’s really ,,,,,,, he’s really serious about this as he puts a hand out to motion for you to come over
“c’mon, i would walk to you - but you can see my dilemma”
he gives a splash of his tail and you swallow the lump that’s appeared in your throat
kiss johnny? kiss my bestfriend?
the corner of his mouth twitches and he tries to speak calmly 
“hey, i know im not the guy you want to be kissing - no prince charming and all that, but ill be really thankful if you do this for me.”
the first reaction you have is to tell him that,,,,it’s not that you don’t want to be kissing him
but then you stop yourself - because saying that might make this weird
attatching feelings ,,, romantic feelings to this might be wrong
because even though you’re a nervous wreck, heart pounding and room spinning
johnny looks like he’s asking you to go for a walk with him - not kiss him after knowing him for years
which probably means kissing you doesn’t,,,,,excite him - it doesn’t make him swoon like the thought does to you
so you suck it up, tell yourself that this doesn’t mean anything like how you might want it too
you said you’d save johnny - and even though you think taeil is lying about this ‘kiss cures the curse’ thing 
you might as well try it - it’s the only lead you have right now
so you walk over, sitting on your knees in front of the ledge
johnny’s face is a little wet, water clinging to the line of his jaw, his eyelashes and lips glistening
when did he get so handsome? when did he stop being the tall, lanky class clown and become,,,,,,,,
he moves the hand he put out to rest on your neck - it’s a little cold and you tilt your heard so it’s easier for him to lean in
you let your eyes flutter close and then you feel johnny’s breath tickle the skin of your cheek
and then he’s kissing you - and he wastes no time really kissing you, tongue running against yours - little sharp intakes of air
you naturally react, putting your own hands in his hair and tugging him as close as the tub will let you
you have half the mind to just let go, and get in the tub - just so this is easier
just so you can wrap your hands around his shoulders
but there’s water everywhere
and when you do break from him - just for a second you debate it
do i care if i get my clothes all wet if it means i get to kiss him more?
your heart makes your decision faster than your mind and you go for it
johnny makes a little sound of shock, but you just murmur that maybe you guys have to kiss for a while longer till the curse breaks
he puts hands on your waist - when you sit on top of him in the water it nearly comes up to past your elbows
it feels weird to be in there with everything on, but you ignore it and duck back down to kiss him again
you two are so busy at it that only realize something is happening when johnny makes a groan against your lips
“what? what’s wrong?”
you ask, panicking
“it’s my ,,,, it’s my legs i can feel them again and it just -”
you look over your shoulder and through the bathwater you can see that johnny’s giant orange tail is gone
“johnny - i think it’s working!”
he moves a bit and you realize you should probably get off him because if he’s turned back to normal
than you are in a bit of a,,,,, interesting,,,,situation
so you do - and johnny wiggles a bit
till you see him pull his legs up - the tops of his knees peeking out the water
you don’t hesitate to throw your arms around his shoulders
“we did it! you’re ok again!”
he laughs against your neck 
“can’t believe the kiss really worked- looks like taeil didn’t lie.”
you nod and then sigh
“im sure if i got anyone to kiss you, it would work. taeil kept saying it had to be me, but what if i got that girl you really liked in freshman year - irene? to kiss you then it would at least be wor-”
you’re interrupted by johnny pulling you back down in for another kiss
it’s softer than the first one, nothing more than a short peck
but when he let’s you go
he stares at you 
“i think the only kiss that would uncurse me would have to be something from somebody i love, like in a fairy tail.”
you blink, feeling the rush of blood to your face
“love? like in our friendship kind of w-”
“you were just sitting on top of me and making out with me in a very,,,,,not just friendship kind of way ,,,, so”
he makes a kind of smirking face and you have the urge to roll your eyes
but it’s true, friends don’t kiss friends like that
even if it’s to uncurse them from being turned into a mermaid
“well anyway, i should get you some clothes.”
you start
“and you should change - i know you were dying to kiss me all these years but just getting into a tub like that was not a great idea-”
this time you do roll your eyes, mumble him to save it and leave the room
as you’re pulling some old shirts out of his rooms closest, you can’t help but smile to yourself
‘something from somebody i love’
you and johnny return to school the next day
you come on campus, johnny walking you to your first class with his hand in yours
he kisses the top of it as he drops you off
and you tell him not to be embarrassing, but he just shakes his head
“after liking you for so long - im going to be as lovey dovey as i want - now that i can do it in public”
you finally see ten and apologize for giving him another panic, but ten doesn’t seem to be as mad when he notices johnny’s hand around your waist
and then
you two bump into moon taeil
who refuses to answer - how in the world he managed to curse someone in this modern day and age
but comments on how he’ll vote you two cutest couple for this months issue of the uni magazine
you and johnny stand their dumbfounded as the senior walks off
and then you hear johnny go
“next time your boyfriend tells you he got cursed - will you believe me?”
you scrunch up your nose
“my boyfriend better not get cursed again”
“listen, you know me - “
he points to himself up and down
“im the one who gets cursed in the relationship and you’re the ones with the brains to get me back to normal - that’s why we work so well together”
“oh shut it johnny!” you laugh and push at him playfully before he pulls you back into his chest
you laugh against the front of his shirt, happy that everything has fallen back into place
and no one will ever believe your boyfriend turned into a mermaid just so you could both realize you’re in literal love with each other LOL
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imagethat · 5 years
Jenny | Nico x Female Reader
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This one's for the girls, I try to keep everything gender neutral but I really wanted to write something to the song Jenny. Nico x Female Reader~
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You had known Nico ever since the two of you were kids. She was always just as excitable, ambitious, and talented as she was now. The way her eyes lit up when she got an idea, how she'd ramble on for hours, or request your help in the garage. You couldn't help but fall in love with her. As the two of you drove towards the phone booth Nero had rang from you tapped your fingers on the seats handle.
Jenny darlin, you're my best friend
It was a month into the Quipoths reign over Red Grave. You, Nero, and Nico have been working night and day to help any survivors.
But there's a few things that you don't know about
You had to slam your hands on the dashboard to keep your face from smashing into it first as Nico leaned out the window to chat with Nero. "No! Not that one! Next to it!" She pointed, wanting the demon part clearly. You internally laughed at how much of an airhead Nero could be, whether it was intentional or not. As Nico fashioned the new demon part into a work of art, you decided to check on Nero. The demon he took down was pretty big after all. "Fuck I need some fresh air." Nero said, waving a hand in front of his face. "Suit yourself." Nico said from her work station, cigarette lit in her mouth even as she worked. Nero grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the van.
Why I borrow you lipstick so often, or how I'm using your shirt as a pillow case
"Ow!" You hissed as he released you. "So!?!?" He asked. "So what?" You questioned, already knowing well what he wanted to hear. "You know what!" He replied with a pointed look. "You get injured so conveniently and I leave so you two have the whole van to yourself and you still don't do anything!" Nero said while crossing his arms. You did have the van all to yourselves but what are you supposed to do. Just be like 'hey I've been mega crushing on you hardcore and like I dont know if you like women but if you do then like maybe we should be together.' You cringed at even the thought of it. "I… I can't do it Nero! I'd rather just be friends… that way I won't risk losing anything." You said while pressing your back to the van and sliding to the ground. You buried your face into your knees. "I already know though, you don't need to remind me." You added quietly. The situation was already grim and some nights the thought you'd never make it back to Nico at all was overpowering. The demons were growing stronger, and at this point in time you three still thought Urizen killed Dante. Unaware he had miraculously survived. Nero sighed softly before crouching down. "Listen, you know Nico well and I know Nico well. She cares for you a lot." He said. You could tell he was being honest, but the thought of telling her scared you. Would you never be able to return to building your motorcycle with her? Would trips to the beach be awkward after this? Your thoughts spun around. The door slammed open and hit something metal. It was Nero's arm, and had he not stopped it, it would've hit you. "Hey! Careful with my-" Nico demanded before noticing you behind the door. "Shit sorry!" She said in a panic. You forced a smile and reassured her it was fine. "Alright! Come see what I've cooked up!" She exclaimed excitedly, Nero following her back into the van. But not without giving you a certain look.
I want to ruin our friendship
Later that night you took over the driving so Nico could get some needed rest. She seemed so peaceful. You didn't have any spare blankets in the van, so you draped your jacket over her instead. The phone rang, but lucky for you Nico was a pretty heavy sleeper. "Where are you?" You asked and Nero ignored you. "So!?!?" He demanded and you slammed the phone back into the holder. He was a persistent jackass and kept trying to call until you had to turn off the phone. By the time you did, Nico was awake though and looked a little displeased. "Somethin' happening hun?" She mused groggily. "No, no! Everythings fine. Nero is just being annoying as usual." You reassured in a soft tone. She nodded and searched for her glasses, unable to find them in the dark. You grabbed them from the dash and slid them carefully onto her face.
We should be lovers instead
Your hand lingered for a moment too long before you pulled away. Thankful it was night, because the dusk hid your blushing cheeks. "Sorry!" You quickly said before taking your seat again. "You can go back to sleep, I've got this. Don't worry." You said with a smile. She tucked herself back in with your jacket, which made your face burn even worse. 
I don't know how to say this, cause you're really my dearest friend
These feelings would continue to consume you the way they had for months. The first time you realized you had them was one time when the two of you were working in the garage on a truck. You always teased her, saying it looked like a toy truck. But having something that could go off road would really help with getting more jobs. The thing was her prized joy and the two of you built it from the frame up. Adding your own flare to the inside with decorations too. "We have to test it!!!" She cheered, hands clenched near her chest. It took a good half hour before she convinced you. "No crazy driving though! We still need to do a bit more work." You warned while climbing into the passenger seat. She squealed and climbed into the driver's seat. The ride seemed to be going well and was tame for her until she spotted a completely empty parking lot. You could see it in her eyes. "Nico no!" You cried as she drove over the sidewalk into it, starting to do cookies in the parking lot. Part of the tire had lost traction though and simultaneously the power steering gave out. Causing the steering wheel to become too hard to turn. You could feel the momentum and Nico let out a scream. You were quicker, unbuckling your seatbelt and moving into her lap almost. You were part demon, and stronger than her, so you had no problem turning the wheel as you flicked through the gears. When you finally came to a stop that showed no sign of tipping you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in. Your chest heaving for air, Nico's doing the same. She was used to stuff like that, but even it had frightened her. In this moment of closeness though, your legs lightly tangled together, your noses almost touching as you looked at her. It burned in your chest. You buried your face in her shoulder as you laughed at the pure luck you had just encountered. She hugged you tightly. "You're a gift from god, you are a gift from fucking god." She sang through her breaths. Suffice to say you drove back and made a pact to never tell Nero because he'd never let you live it down. You got lost in your thoughts, recalling every good time you've had with her. 
I've been doing bad things that you don't know about stealin your stuff now and then
Nero knew about your feelings early on and joked about how Nico was blind for not being able to see them. The only reason you think he knew though was because one time you had gotten completely covered in demon gunk so you borrowed one of Nicos shirts. And you had carelessly worn it in front of Nero when he came to hang out at your house. When he offered to take it back to her you got flustered and tried to lie and say it was a gift. But he knew. Oh he knew. You always gave Nico extra attention, taking hard missions just to get her new materials. Offering to buy her food so you could see her. 
Nothing you'd miss but it means the world to me
But most telling of all was when Nicos birthday rolled around. You spoiled the girl senseless with all the attention, demon parts, and gifts you could afford. The thing she adored most though was a tiny sterling silver heart necklace you had bought her. Sure, it was a little tacky, but it was small and clung close to her neck. You knew she wouldn't want anything too fancy. Later that night all of you had gone to a club, just to dance and enjoy her special night. Nero stayed away from you two because he could see the way you laughed and danced with her. Your eyes gleaming, even in the slightly dark disco room. But the way the lights landed on Nico as she moved, you couldn't help but be mesmerized. 
I wanna ruin our friendship we should be lovers instead but I don't know how to say this because you're really my dearest friend
As your thoughts become overbearing, you gave into sleep. How you wanted to hold her right now. You woke up to the sound of Nico tinkering. She noticed you sit up immediately and dropped a wrench in surprise. "Oh my god I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to wake you!" She said apologetically. "It's fine, you've gotta be ready for the day n all." You hummed tiredly as you stretched. "Oh my god I'm so sore." You whimpered, not used to sleeping in the drivers chair. You got up and made your way to the bathroom to clean yourself up for the day. As you made your way out, informing Nico you were joining the hunt again, she stopped you. She seemed embarrassed, hiding something behind her back. "What is it?" You asked curiously with a confused expression. "C-close your eyes and hold out your hands!" She demanded. You followed her orders and tried to guess what she placed in your hands. "Open!" She exclaimed. You opened your eyes to find your weapons in your hand. But she had improved them by heaps and bounds. "Oh my gosh! Thank you!" You said excitedly, wanting to test them out. "O-of course, I've been saving up parts to make 'em really good." She said while averting her eyes from yours. "R-really?" You questioned and she nodded. "Yeah, but don't tell Nero! It's only free for you!" She exclaimed and you nodded while smiling. "Of course!" You said while offering a pinky. She locked hers with yours and nodded with a grin. "Alright, if that's all, I'll be on my way. Thank you so much!" You exclaimed, making your way to the door again but she stopped you. 
Jenny take my hand
She was holding your hand from across the counter, and before you could turn to face her she had ducked below the counter and gotten behind you. Placing her hands on your shoulder blades. It made you shudder but you kept deathly still. "Nico?" You asked, voice barely above a whisper. She wasn't one to be tender with anyone but in this moment she seemed so soft. Her arms wrapped around you from behind. Was she… Crying??? She wasn't one to cry either. She wasn't worried about the demon outbreak until you had been injured and had to stay with her in the van. The wound was pretty deep and if you were honest, you got lucky. She pressed her face into your shoulder. The past few days you had been too absorbed in your thoughts to notice how she had changed or how much she was working. "Stay safe out there." She said quietly, giving your stomach a squeeze. Slowly your rested your hands on top of hers.
Cause we are more than friends, and I will follow you until the end
"I will." Was all you could manage to squeeze out. You don't know how long you two stood like that before you peeled her hands from you so you could turn and face her. You hesitated for a moment before raising your hands to her cheeks. Rubbing away the remnants of her tears softly with your thumbs. "I will, I promise." You repeated in a more affirmative voice. She nodded before leaning in. You closed your eyes as you accepted her kiss. Her lips were soft and you could taste whatever chapstick she had used earlier. You got caught up in the moment as she leaned into you more heavily. You wished you could stay like this forever, in this perfect moment. You pulled away slowly and rested your forehead against hers. 
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The Fairy King - Chapter 4
Fandom: Queen/Borhap
Specified gender: Female
Pairing: Queen X reader/ To be determined, x reader
TW: Mentions of death, sabotage, I don't think there’s anything else?
Genre: Fantasy. (Labyrinth AU)
Series: The Fairy King
Requests: CLOSED
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(Y/N) already felt like she’d been there for hours, and if Roger’s words were indeed correct and time did pass differently, she most definitely had. She was also starting to believe that the worm had pulled her leg and sent her the entirely wrong way, because no matter where she turned, she didn’t appear to make any progress. Just after the worm had sent her on her way, she’d found a piece of chalk against the wall and had begun drawing arrows pointing in the direction she was heading. However, she soon realised they'd all been flipped and changed. Her eyebrows furrowed at the realisation and she let out a growl.
“Someone has been changing my marks! What a horrible place this is! It’s not fair!” She exclaimed, her hands slapping against her legs.
“That’s right! It’s not fair!” A new voice made (Y/N) twist around and she saw that the wall that had been sealed before had now become to doors with guards in front of them. One of the guards in front of each door was upside down, head poking out from the bottom of the shield and the other was stood upright, the shield held tight in its grip. The guards on the left held a shield with red details, matching the colour of the helmet on its head and the guard on the left held a shield with blue details. Each of the guards laughed at the comment, shaking their heads.
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“This… this was a dead-end a minute ago,” (Y/N) mumbled aloud and the four guards looked between themselves before glancing back at her.
“No, that’s the dead-end behind you!” the blue upside down guard chuckled, and when she turned back, the wall had, in fact, closed up, enclosing her in with the guards. They all continued to laugh, borderline hysterically.
“It keeps changing! What am I supposed to do?” She huffed in annoyance and all the guards shrugged except for the upside-down red one who raised his eyebrows slightly.
“Try one of these doors.” He stated, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, causing (Y/N)’s skin to crawl in exasperation
“One of them leads to the tower and the other leads to-”
“Baba ba bum!”
“-certain death!”
She narrowed her eyebrows and folded her arms, examining the group.
“Which one is which?” (Y/N) requested, taking a few steps closer and knelt down to the upside-down guards as the group appeared to grow nervous. The two upside-down guards shared a glance before looking back to her.
“We can’t tell you,” The flipped red one answered.
“Why not?”
“Uh, I, uh… we don’t know!”
“But they do!” The upside-down blue guard butted in and the pair looked up to the normal guards.
“Oh, then I’ll ask them,” She stood back up and looked between the red and blue guards expectantly.
“You can’t ask us! You can only ask one of us,” The red guard corrected and adjusted himself, jostling the guard below.
“It’s in the rules. And you should know that one of us always tells the truth and one of us always lies. That’s a rule too,” The blue guard pointed to the red guard “He always lies.”
“I do not! I tell the truth!”
“Oh what a lie!” The two upside-down guards covered their mouths to stop their near maniacal laughter.
“He’s the liar!”
“Alright,” (Y/N) walked over to the red guard and placed her hands on her hips “Answer yes or no. Would he tell me that this door leads to the castle?” She pointed to the blue guard who looked at her, flabbergasted.
“Uh…” The red guard leant down so his head was hidden by the shield and began muttering to the upside-down guard. After a few seconds, he looked back up to her “Yes.”
(Y/N) paused and thought over his response, glancing between them both as she searched her own answer for any discrepancies.
“Then the other door leads to the castle and this door leads to certain death!” She said, feeling a strong sense of pride and accomplishment fill her body.
“How do you know? He could be telling the truth,” He replied, almost as if he was trying to persuade you to go into his door instead.
“But then you wouldn’t be. So if you said yes, the answer would be no,” She reasoned and blue guard seemed shocked, even more so than he had been before.
“But I could be telling the truth!”
“Then he would be lying. So if you told me yes, the answer would still be no,” She shot back and the blue and red guard looked at each other.
“Is that right?” The red guard asked and the blue guard shrugged.
“I don’t know- I’ve never understood it!”
“No, it’s right. I’ve figured it out,” (Y/N) insisted and walked over to the blue guards, who stepped aside, a little awkwardly, before taking a small step through the threshold “I could never do it before. I think I’m getting smarter. It’s a piece of cake!”  
However, just as she said that the floor opened from beneath her feet.  She let out a scream as she dropped but before hundreds of hands reached out through the wall and gripped onto her, slowly pulling her to a stop.
“Yuck! Help! Stop it!” She screeched, squirming in the grip of the dozens of hands. Suddenly, some of the hands joined together to look like a face.
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“What do you mean help?”
“We are helping.”
“We’re helping hands!”
“You’re hurting!” She snapped, glancing around the darkened tunnel of hands.
“Would you like us to let go?”
As they let go, she continued to fall, another scream ripping from her throat.
“No!” She bellowed and the hands gripped onto her body once more.
“Well then, come on!”
“Which way?”
“Which way?” She repeated, shifting as the hands gripped tighter and began pinching.
“Up or down?”
“Oh…” (Y/N) muttered
“Come on! Come on!”
“We haven’t got all day!”
“Well, it’s a big decision for her.”
“Which way do you want to go, hmm?”
“Yes, which way?”
“Well… since I’m pointed that way… I guess I’ll go down,” (Y/N) said but instantly regretted her decision as the voices turned mocking.
“She chose down!”
“She chose down?”
The hands began leading her straight down and she tried to grip on to them to stop herself from descending further.
“Wait, was that wrong?” She questioned.
“Too late now!”
With that, the hands dropped her through a metal grate, which instantly closed behind her, and their harsh laughter echoed until it slammed shut. The room was pitch black and she looked around in panic.
Mercury was lazing on his throne leisurely, watching the girl through the enlarged crystal ball in the middle of the room. May and Deacon stood either side of his throne and the people of Mercury’s party crowded around the crystal, trying to eye where (Y/N) had found herself. May was beyond impressed that she had managed to solve the two-door prison - so many had lost their lives upon reaching the guards- but he had winced upon her saying how easy it was. That was one of the worst things anyone could say while trapped inside the King’s labyrinth. However, while May was impressed, Deacon couldn’t stop the worry rising in his body. She was a young thing, full of life, and clearly very intelligent but so naive. She was going to get herself killed if she continued the way she was.
“She’s in the oubliette,” Mercury observed and the room, beside the king, May and Deacon, burst into laughter, only to be silenced a second later with a harsh “Shut up. She shouldn’t have made it as far as the Oubliette. She should have given up by now.”
“She’ll never give up,” One of the guests replied, not taking her eyes off of the girl in the crystal.
“The pixie is about to lead her back to the beginning. She’ll soon give up when she realises she has to start all over again,” Mercury let out a dark laugh, slicing through the tense silence of the room “Well, laugh!”
Tags (for this series): @loveandbeloved29 @sam-mercurry-sixx@sunflower-borhap-boys @bouncingjoe @lets-go-panic-at-discos@storiesandcelestialbodies @everything-you-dont-wanna-be @sincereleygmg @mirkwoodshewolf@queendeakyy @sprinkle-covered-leeks
Tags:  @writingfortoomanyfandoms @metaphorical-love-for-a-car@queens-n-roses @freaky-dcaky@yourealegendfred@fierce-bab@dusthas-beenbitten   @bensroger@strangeandwonderfulconcepts@babebenhardy@benhardyjones @silvver-rose @psychosupernatural
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art-by-rozzai · 5 years
not ur average famILY
chapter 1
it’s been four years since nicole jourè was put in foster care, and as her eleventh birthday creeps up, she can’t help but feel like something big has to happen soon. little did she know, a group of four mismatched teenagers would spin her life out of control.
in the best way possible.
tw- swearing, mentions of anxiety + child abuse, nothing too bad
may 26, 2019 3:04 am
she just needed to keep running.
her brain felt as if it had been set to slow motion, groggy thoughts bouncing around her head. she needed to keep moving to keep herself from thinking. if she started to think, she would start to panic and if she started to panic, she wouldn’t be able to breathe, and given the fact that she had no idea where the fuck she was, passing out wasn’t currently a viable option. she just need to keep running. keep running. keep moving. keep-
oh mother f-
“oh shh-i’m so sorry! i wasn’t paying attention at all-are you okay?”
nicole didn’t look up, fearing the bubbly stranger would see the tears slowly building in her eyes, and instead kept her gaze locked on his shoes. teal converse with doodles running up the side. the laces were dirty and one shoe seemed so close to being untied, that it was driving nicole insane. the stranger’s voice-which was very sweet and airy, almost like a cloud was talking to her-which, was an embarrassing revelation at the least-continued to ramble on. not that nikki minded, the constant talking worked almost like white noise, and the kindness of the tone of his voice helped her relax.
“...and that’s why i will NEVER live in australia. anyways, you seemed to have calmed down a lot, kiddo. wanna talk about why you’re on the streets of NYC at three in the morning?” the stranger asked, bending down. now, nicole could see his pants and the bottom of his t-shirt. skinny maroon jeans with paint splatters around the top, and a mint green/blue tee with white stripes on the sleeves. nicole slowly tilted her head up more, finally examine the strangers face. it was youthful, older than her definitely but not an adult quite yet. he had a rounder face, with freckles scattered across it. he was wearing a pair of round, white frames glasses, and he had curly, dirty blonde hair that swooped slightly into his face. the last thing nicole noticed was his eyes. like a star exploded inside them, the strangers eyes were a mix of blue, yellow and green, and when they locked with hers, in a way that made nikki feel so, so safe and protected-
she simply burst into the tears she had tried desperately to hold back.
“oh, oh kiddo, it’s okay, shh-it’s okay, don’t worry. i’m going to touch you now, okay?” he comforted, slowly pulling nicole into a warm hug. she clutched onto his arms, desperately clinging to the stranger like her life depended on it. “don’t worry, it’s going to be alright. you can call me patt or patton? okay?”
“okay.” was all nicole could choke out, as patton continued to comfort the small, shaking girl. she gave a weak smile, and noticed that patton’s eyes were glimmering with tears as well. “can i carry you? i’ll take you straight to my car and take you home okay?” nicole nodded again, letting patton lift her up. as the teenager hummed a soft song that nikki was too tired to identify, she found herself falling asleep on the freckled stranger.
all too soon, patton had stopped moving again, and nikki woke up to the inside of a light blue punchbuggy. patton, from the drivers seat, turned around to her and smiled softly. “hey kiddo. i-uh, i never caught your name?”
“i never threw it.” nicole deadpanned.
“oh. oh! heathers!! one of my best friends, roman, loves that musical. so does logan, but he’ll never admit it.” patton chuckled with a fond smile. “for realsies though? like, what should i call you?“
“uh-my names actually nicole, but you can call me nikki. yup-nicole jourè. that’s my name.” she groaned inwardly, cursing herself for being so damn awkward. patt did not seem to mind, simply laughing alongside nicole. suddenly, she felt less-anxious and weird.
“patton hart! that’s mine.” he giggled. “and how old are you nikki?”
“i’m eleven...why?”
“oh!” patton was laughing again, and nicole was beginning to think this man was never NOT laughing. “because, i mean-i’m seventeen, but i babysit around the block for cash, so i was trying to see if you were anywhere near the age i’m used to taking care of.” at the notice of nicole’s slightly uncomfortable expression, patt rushed to correct himself. “don’t worry though! you aren’t, but that only means one thing-i dont have to change anymore diapers tonight!” he suddenly grimaced before brushing a piece of blonde hair out of his eyes.
“you babysit?” nicole asked curiously, her head tilting to the side.
“yeah, i’m not exactly...rolling in money, so i watch kids and pets since it’s pretty easy. anyways, it’s really late, and i’m sure your parents are insanely worried. where to?”
“umm...they’re-they’re dead.” nicole lied.
“oh-i’m so sorry kiddo. do you have a foster home i can drop you off at?”
“no. it’s fine-just...drop me off at the next gas station. i’ll be fine.” all this lying is going to make me throw up, nicole thought.
“not gonna happen bud. can i take you to my place? you can sleep in my bed, i’ll take the couch!” patton began to mutter more to himself, thinking over the plan. “yeah...my parents aren’t ever home soooo...it won’t be a problem! if i call in sick at school and text logan to get me the homework, then this will be easy!! alright kiddo, does that sound okay?”
well, nicole though to herself, you have no better options and he seems nice enough. what’s the worst that can happen, honestly?
“okay. sounds fine. you sure i’m not a problem?”
“no way!! this is going to be fun, like a sleepover!!” as he started the car, patt turned towards her. “any requests for music?”
“ummm...got any panic! at the disco?” nikki asked timidly.
“ohmygOD!!! one of my best friends, virgil, LOVES them!! you guys would get along so well. personally, my favorite is nine in the afternoon...wanna start with that?”
“actually yeah!” nicole grinned. “that’s my favorite too.”
maybe this wasn’t the worst idea.
may 26, 2019 4:15 am
“hey kiddo? this is it!” patton spoke quietly, waking nicole up as gently as possible. as she slowly opened her eyes, nicole looked at the house in front of her. pale yellow with white shutters, a welcoming, medium sized cottage. “it’s not much, i’m aware but...it’s home. at least it is for me, and my friends. speaking of which-i texted them. i explained the situation and they really want to come over. i told them it was your choice, so...? what do you say? it will only be three people, and trust me i would never let anything happen to you. ever. i don’t care if we just met, you’re just a kid, and i’m going to do my best to make sure you’re safe, okay? pinky promise!” patton, held out his pinky, and nikki took note of the yellow and blue polish on his nails. she debated accepting the promise, but as patt beamed at her nicole couldn’t help but feel safe for once.
so she wrapped her pinky around his and gave her best attempt at a smile. the least she could do for this kind teenager is let him invite some friends over.
“awww!! this is gonna be so much fun! i’ll text ro to steal some of his little sisters clothes so you can take a shower. i’ll order pizza and maybe we can watch some movies? if you ever feel uncomfortable, just let me know by the way.”
nicole nodded, slightly overwhelmed by all of the information. patton lead her to the bathroom and gave her one of his old t-shirts to throw on afterwards if “ro” wasn’t there when she got out of the shower. after asking what pizza toppings she liked, patton left the bathroom, leaving nikki to herself once again. sighing, she turned up the water, letting the heat of the shower calm her thoughts.
this was going to be one hell of a night.
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All The Stars (Part 3)
Summary: Nova goes to Hogwarts
Tagging: @tarasxmarkovs @thespacebuns @melyaliz @coffee-randomness @speedypan
Nova looked up at the scarlet train her mouth hanging open in awe. This was it, she was going to Hogwarts she jumped excitedly in place then turned to face her parents… her parents. It slowly dawned on her that she was going to be away from her parents until Christmas. No coming home and doing her homework as her father went through reports. No baking with her mother on the weekends to have bread for the week.
“Nova honey what’s wrong?” Her mother asked as she kneeled down to be at eye level with her.
Nova simply hugged her mother tightly enjoying the feeling of having her mother hugging her back.
“I’m gonna miss you.” Nova mumbled as she tucked her head into the crook of her neck.
“I’m gonna miss you too starlight. But you will have so much fun, and you can write to us everyday with your new owl.” Her mother said pulling away and they both glanced at the Golden barn owl who was perched on his cage looking at everyone passing by curiously.
“And you will come home for Christmas.” Her father said kneeling down also and Nova quickly hugged him. “And before you know it the school year will be done and you will be home for the summer.”
Nova nodded as she hugged her father tightly, then pulled away and fixed her skirt.
“Now go our you’ll miss your train.” Her father whispered as he kissed her forehead. “I love you stardust.”
“I love you too papa.” Nova blinked, she didn’t want to cry.
She grabbed her trolley and wheeled it towards the train. It took her awhile to find an apartment but she finally found one that was empty, at least for now. She placed Apollo on one of the seat cushions and managed to get her clothes and school supplies trunk put away but she underestimated the weight of her book trunk and was having a bit of trouble. She glanced around as she took her wand out of the sleeve of her sweatshirt.
“Wingardium leviosa.” She whispered pointing her wand at the trunk and smiled as it began to hover.
“You know you’re not allowed to do magic outside of Hogwarts.” A voice said behind Nova making her squeak and lose her concentration, the trunk came crashing down and burst open.
She turned around and saw a boy who was looking very worried at the trunk that had crashed and spilled the books out. His grey eyes looked at her apologetically but blinked a little startled.
“You’re eyes are two different colors.” He stayed a little dumbstruck.
“Yes and? Didn’t your parents teach you it’s rude to sneak up on people.” Nova huffed as she kneeled down and began picking up her books.
“Sorry.” The boy said helping her in getting her books. “I was just trying to avoid you getting in trouble.”
“Technically the rule isn’t you can’t do magic outside of Hogwarts it’s you can’t do magic in front of muggles.” Nova countered his question that interrupted her. “And I’m pretty sure you’re not a muggle.”
The boy smiled as he handed her a small pile of her books. “No I’m not a muggle but you still could have just asked for help.”
“I was doing perfectly well till you scared me.” Nova said as she closed her trunk and got up. “But now that you are here can you help me?”
The boy nodded and together they hauled the trunk up and set it in place.
“So what’s your name?” The boy asked.
“Nova.” She replied holding her hand out. “And yours?”
“Cedric.” He smiled shaking her hand. “Do you mind if I sit here too?”
Nova shrugged she figured she wasn’t going to get any privacy anyways. Cedric put his things away as Nova sat down giving Apollo a small scratch on his head through the cage.
“Is this your second year at Hogwarts?” Cedric asked as he sat down.
“No.” Nova responded as she grabbed her bag and pulled out a book, but her response made Cedric frown.
“Then how were you able to do that spell?” He asked. “This can’t possibly be your first year.”
“In a way it is.” Nova said as she looked up at Cedric. “My mother had me homeschooled my first year. This is my second year but my first year at Hogwarts.”
“Yes, I had a professor come to my house and teach me the subject I would normally learn in my first year.”
“Why were you homeschooled?” Cedric asked looking at her curiously.
“My mother wanted me to go to muggle school one last year.”
“You’re a muggle?”
“You mean half.”
“No I mean part. The only muggle in my family is my Grandfather Jacob, my mother is a squib.”
“Oh I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Don’t be, my mother is very happy with her life she’s a very well respected doctor.”
“A what?”
Nova paused trying to think of what would be the equivalent in the wizard world.
“Healer. A muggle healer.” Nova stated with a nod as she opened her bag.
“What about your father?” He asked.
“He’s an auror.” Nova said as she pulled out her Walkman. “Now I was hoping to listen to some music before we got to Hogwarts do you have anymore questions?”
“Just one, what’s that?” He asked pointing to the device in her hands.
“It’s a Walkman.”
“It doesn’t look like a person.” Cedric said and Nova giggled making him blink, it was a cute giggle.
“It’s not suppose to look like a person. It’s called a Walkman because you can listen to music wherever you go.” Nova explained as she unraveled her headphones. “The only downside is that I can’t play this at Hogwarts the magical interference won't let it work properly once we get there.”
Nova smiled at Cedric as she plugged the headphones in and pressed play. The door to their compartment opened and a couple of boys and a girl poked their heads in, they seemed to have been looking for Cedric because they began talking to him. Nova happily tuned them out as she listened to her music and looked through her book.
After sometime she felt a tap against her book, looking up she glanced at Cedric before taking off her headphones.
“Yes?” She asked.
“Do you want something from the trolley?” He asked glancing over at the door where an elderly woman stood with a cart full of treats.
“Oh yes.” Nova said as she dug through her bag. “Excuse me. I’ll have a chocolate frog, a cauldron cake, and two pumpkin pasties.”
Suddenly Apollo hooted and Nova sighed.
“Make that four pumpkin pasties.” The woman smiled as she gave Nova her things.
“You spoiled little thing.” Nova smiled as she gave Apollo a piece of the pumpkin pastie.
“He’s beautiful.” The girl said smiling at the bird who was happily pecking at his pastie.
“Say thank you Apollo.” Nova said and the owl hooted.
“So Cedric says you were homeschooled your first year.” One of the boys said looking at Nova curiously.
“Did he now?” Nova asked raising an eyebrow at Cedric who was looking at her apologetically again.
“I didn’t want to disturb your reading and they were asking questions about you.” Cedric shrugged making Nova sigh.
“Yes I was homeschooled. My mother wanted me to take one more year of muggle classes.”
“So you’re muggle.” The other boy asked.
“Only part.” Nova clarified. “What about you? Are you pure, half, or muggle?”
“Oh well um.”
“I’m Jaimie, muggle.” The girl smiled warmly. “Those two are Lou and Sam they’re pure blood and dont mind them they just love asking questions about muggles. Love your Walkman by the way wish I had thought to bring mine.”
Nova relaxed a bit at Jaimes words and smiled.
“Thank you. It was a birthday gift from my grandfather.”
“So if this is the first time you are coming to Hogwarts then does that mean you don't belong to a house yet?” Sam asked and this time everyone stared at her very curiously.
“Um no. I’m suppose to meet up with Professor McGonagall so I can go through my sorting.”
“Oh I wonder what house you’ll be in.” Lou said and smiled. “Hope you’re in hufflepuff.”
“Lou.” Jaime scolded.
“Please with all the reading she just did bet shes a Ravenclaw.” Sam said.
“Sam.” This time it was Cedric who did the scolding. “It doesn’t matter what house you’re in. We’d be glad to have you as a friend.”
Nova nodded smiling as she gave Apollo his other pumpkin pastie and he hooted happily.
The rest of the train ride Nova and Jaime talked about music. Nova found it a bit funny that Jaime liked the disco music but promised to give it a chance when they got back to the muggle world. Nova frowned when the Walkman began to act up.
“We’re getting close.” Nova stated as she started packing up her things.
“Oh we need to change come on.” Jaime said as she took Novas hand and helped her find a place to change.
“Who’s Hagrid?” Nova asked as she finished straightening out her skirt.
“Oh he’s not hard to miss. He’s our gatekeeper and you’ll hear him shouting as soon as we get off. Why?”
“Oh, cause he’s the one who’s supposed to take me to McGonagall.” Nova explained as they walked back to their compartment.
“You behave.” Nova said to her bird who gave her hoot as if slightly offended.
She said goodbye to everyone when she got off and headed towards where she could hear Hagrid shouting. Jaime was right about one thing he was definitely not hard to miss. Hagrid towered over the sea of students the first years standing near him a little frightened.
“Hello Mr. Hagrid?” Nova said as she stood in front of him.
“Huh? Oh hello there, are yer a first year?” He asked as he looked down to see her.
“No, I’m Nova, you’re supposed to take me to see McGonagall.” Nova explained.
“Oh! Right yer the special student. Alright stay with me you’ll be going with the first years on the boats.” He smiled as he talked and Nova nodded.
Hagrid was very friendly and Nova listened as he rambled on about the school and his job there.
“So you help take care of the magical creatures?” Nova asked as she got into the boat.
“Yup I keep an eye out for the ones that live in the forest too.”
“Wow. That must be fun.”
“Yer a fan of magical creatures.”
“They are very useful for many things, even the ones that people don't quite understand or think are annoying. They just need to be studied better and not harmed just because they don't look friendly.” Nova said.
Hagrid chuckled and patted her so hard she almost flew out of the boat.
“Yer alright little one.”
Nova fixed her robe as she got off the boat and quickly followed Hagrid. She looked around at the castle, the last time she had been here she had seen the castle during the day. Now seeing it in the dark with all its lights on it seemed a bit daunting. She stayed close to Hagrid as they entered and went up the steps where an elderly looking woman stood waiting.
“Professor McGonagall this is Nova.” Hagrid said as he gently pushed her forward.
“Ah, yes Miss Vinci. You will go first during the ceremony and every head boy and girl has been informed about you so that they can show you to your place properly.” Professor McGonagall explained.
Nova nodded. “Thank you ma’am.”
“Right, follow me children.” Professor McGonagall ordered and everyone began to follow her into the dinning hall.
Nova spotted Dumbledore sitting at the center where all the professors were. The small group of students paused and then Professor McGonagall brought out an old hat and small stool. When she placed the hat on the stool it began to sing.
If Nova has to be honest she tuned out most of what it said something about the different houses and what they mean. Her eyes wandered around the room looking at the floating candles and banners of all the houses, this was where she’ll be staying at for the school year. She slightly registered the hat stop singing and Dumbledore standing to give a speech that again she didn’t really quite hear.
“Now before we begin our normal sorting ceremony we do have a late student. One who would have joined us last year but do to circumstances is just now coming to Hogwarts.” Dumbledore's words cut Nova out of her trance and she heard murmurs from all the students.
“Irina Vinci, Nova.” McGonagall called from her spot next to the stool now holding the hat.
Nova smoothed her hands over her robe again trying to keep her heart from leaping out of her chest. She wasn’t sure how fast she was walking the next thing she knew she was already sitting on the stool with Professor McGonagall lowering the hat on her head.
“Well now let's see here.” She heard a voice in her head and even though her father had told her this part it still made her jump a bit.
“I see I see you are a very loyal girl hmm make a nice Hufflepuff but no, no not quite. Very intelligent possible Ravenclaw, mm no there’s more. Much more oh yes I see you like to prove yourself, prove your worth, ah yes. SLYTHERIN.”
The hat was taken off and the far right side was thundering with applause and whoops. Nova stood up smoothing down her skirt one last time and smiling at her table as she made her way over. But right before she sat down she caught a quick glimpse of Cedric from the Hufflepuff table with a bit of sad look. She wasn’t able to ponder on it too much because she was soon swarmed by her house mates.
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My Thoughts on Episodes 7-9 of Young Justice Outsiders
Episodes 7-9 of Young Justice Outsiders gave me what I had been wanting since it was announced that season 3 was happening. So, I’m going to talk about my thoughts on these three awesome episodes. Spoilers ahead (duh).
In episode 7, we got plenty of team bonding between Violet, Brion, and Forager which I was kind of loving. Brion’s “hot lava” comment had me laughing so hard and then the shade about Nightwing’s mullet and disco era made it so much better. The dynamic between Brion and Violet is something that I’m starting to enjoy and I’m actually starting to get invested in the new characters.
When they were having that campfire and discussing how stupid it would be for Batman to fight Superman, I was living for it. It almost gives me hope that DC might be able to learn from and even joke about their mistakes. Seeing Dick, Conner, and Artemis train a new team on the beach of Mount Justice made me seriously nostalgic for season one and it made me realize how grown up the original team is now.
Vandal Savage was there too, which is relatively common for Young Justice. As someone who used to watch Legends of Tomorrow, I’m just so sick of Vandal Savage that I don’t really care that he’s here. I get that he was the main villain for season 1 of Legends, but they overused him quite a bit and it feels played out to me.
In episode 8, Jade makes her (triumphant?) return. I’ve got to say, Jade’s appearances almost always irritate me. There hasn’t been much character growth with her, she’s just defined by the fact that she’s a villain even though she doesn’t really have much motivation anymore. Maybe I’m only angry because in the comics she did see Lian even though she was in jail and she wanted to be part of her life. At the same time, I understand that she thinks that Lian is better off without her. Artemis telling her to go visit and that she’s still Lian’s mother was good to see too. Even though she isn’t her sister’s biggest fan, she still tries to help her in a way.
This episode might have been my favourite of these three for three reasons in particular. Those reasons being Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, and Cassandra Cain. Just before they made their appearance on screen, I’ll admit to being kind of annoyed. We hadn’t much of Batman, Robin, or Spoiler since episode one and even in episode one, they were barely there. Everyone kept mentioning that Batman Inc. was happening simultaneously and that’s one of my favourite Batman stories. The fact that it was happening but we were focused on training on the beach was kind of irritating.
Then, we got to see the whole Batfamily (minus Jay and Dami who obviously shouldn’t be there right now) together in several scenes. I do hope that we get to see some part of The Killing Joke this season because it’s obviously already happened and because not everyone is well-versed in the comics. Casual fans are probably wondering what happened to Barbara and it would be bad storytelling to assume that everyone knows and to not tell the story.
As for the fact that Batman Inc., Dick’s new team, Young Justice, and Wonder Woman have been secretly working together the whole time, I’m not surprised. Batman wouldn’t quit the Justice League without a bigger plan in place and I knew that from the moment he resigned in the first episode.
In episode nine, we can really tell that this show isn’t on Cartoon Network anymore. Lady Shiva brutally decapitates Ocean Master, something that we would have never seen before, and I really enjoyed it. Lady Shiva is a dangerous assassin, she wouldn’t simply give him a warning, she would kill him. It is interesting that Lady Shiva seems like she’s going to play a fairly large role this season, the season that introduces Cass for the first time. As some of you may know, Lady Shiva is Cassandra Cain’s mother, so I wonder if they’re going to do anything with that.
I was worried throughout the episode about the superparents and their children. Logically I knew nothing would happen to them, but then again, we’re not on Cartoon Network anymore so I couldn’t be 100% sure. Seeing all of the League’s kids having one big play date was kind of adorable and it’s something that most superhero shows wouldn’t bother showing. That’s one of my favourite things about this show, it shows more than the heroes kicking ass, you see their every day lives too and the characters feel more fleshed out because of it.
Bart also got some screen time this episode and I loved seeing him help Iris with her speedster twins. I really hope he and the rest of the second team get some more screen time soon. As much as I love the original team and getting to know this newer team, I do feel like we’ve been seeing a little bit too much of them. I grew way more attached to the second Young Justice team than I thought that I would when I started season 2, which is why it sucks that we haven’t seen much of them.
To sum it all up, I enjoyed these three episodes more than the six that came before them, but I do understand that they had to set everything up in the other episodes. I do have some questions about certain things that haven’t been acknowledged yet like what happened to Arthur to make Kaldur Aquaman or why M’gann’s hero persona looks so drastically different. However, I’m sure they will explain in due time. Here’s to next week’s episodes and to seeing more of Jason soon, even though that’s probably not going to happen.  
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holydepths-blog · 5 years
✩ jt & sienna
my wrist hurts from typing so eat ass 
Who is more likely to raise their voice? sienna … like we get it he’s in a gang so he has to b mean to other people but both of them know she’ll kill him if he ever talks to her loudly in any capacity Who threatens to leave but never actually does? i feel like he’s a dramatic mf … like ummmm i can go any time i WANT to im not actually ur bf !! and she’s like yeah ur right leave and he goes :pensive: Who actually keeps their word and leaves? sienna . she would storm out of her own house for dramatic effect .  my girl doesn’t give a fuck Who trashes the house? she’ll throw sum at him …. prolly a pillow , she doesn’t need a lawsuit on her hands Do either of them get physical? not to imply domestic abuse is ever laughable but if (when? we dk) she ever came @ him … it’d be funny cos he cld literally just push against her forehead and her arms would not reach him How often do they argue/disagree? all the time, she disagrees simply to disagree w him Who is the first to apologise? her, solely because she’s Antagonistic on purpose and then feels bad 
Who is on top? she wants to take a ride on his disco stick Who is on the bottom? u heard me Who has the strangest desires? they both think the other person’s entirely normal behavior is freaky . jt wants to snuggle ? sienna: tf are we , puritans ? Any kinks? i refuse to take the bdsm test for her because i’m scared of what i’ll find so come back to me on this one Who’s dominant in bed? it’s exhausting being dominant in everything else so he takes the w on this one Is head ever in the equation? yethIf so, who is better at performing it? his beard is itchy so he compensates by being really fucking good at it Ever had sex in public? yes. they’ve had sex in the back room of the thrift shop more than they have upstairs in her apartment Who moans the most? can he shut the frick up Who leaves the most marks? sienna…………………………………. dont askWho screams the loudest? can SHE shut the frick up ….Who is the more experienced of the two? idk how experienced he is probably very but it’s important for me that u know she’s a whore Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? they frick Rough or soft? r**gh …. once a month she’s uwu ….How long do they usually last? for a long time , her poor thrussy Is protection used? yes. she’d kill herself before she got pregnant Does it ever get boring? no Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? they’ve had sex anywhere and everywhere 
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? she would literally rather DIE than be pregnant. FOR THE PURPOSES of this section … they adopt (one) kid when they’re too old to be raising a tot but still try, don’t @ me. If so, how many children do your muses want/have? her ? none lol but AGAIN … i cannot leave this section blank and …. future purposes dont @ meWho is the favorite parent? sienna’s not a regular mom, she’s a cool momWho is the authoritative parent? she’s also a bitch though, don’t forget it Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? jt , mostly because sienna doesn’t want them around all day Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? SIENNA  …. yeah sorry that i don’t think it’s jordan ‘waahhh sienna i don’t want you to get mercury poisoning’ tucker …. mind ur fucking business maybe ? Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? sienna , but she drags jt with her so she has someone to bitch about soccer moms and how long [ insert activity here ] is running with Who goes to parent teacher interviews? jt , sienna isn’t allowed there anymore. it’s a long story. Who changes the diapers? bold of u to assume she would ever go NEAR a diaperWho gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? she’s fully decided she is INDEPENDENT and does not NEED him to wake up for moral support or to warm up a bottle … her tit is good enough Who spends the most time with the children? jt , she’s an ankle biter anti . ( she still  reads the kid bedtime stories every night )Who packs their lunch boxes? jt , sienna is not allowed to make health choices for ANYONE Who gives their children ‘the talk’? SIENNA … she tells them flat out what happens and why it happens , no bullshit . science babey ! Who cleans up after the kids? nothing ever gets cleaned up , ever. Who worries the most? jt . sienna is too cool and chill 2 have anxiety Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? SIENNA 
Who likes to cuddle? he does … she’s super handsy casually but whenever it comes to actually hugging she takes a bit to warm up to it Who is the little spoon? she is …. he’s only allowed 2 snuggle her if she can fall asleep in his arms . nearly vomited writing that actually Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? right now ? sienna , trying to convince everyone they’re like actually really a thing . Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? sienna , and she denies it until her dying breath How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? sienna’s … ability to be uber affectionate with him is limited …. but she gets a lot better as time grows on . that’s character development Who gives the most kisses? jtWhat is their favourite non-sexual activity? dont ask me why my first thought was watching shitty b-rated horror movies …. she also makes him sort through clothes with her, and she promises it’s very theraputic Where is their favourite place to cuddle? bed . it’s much easier to get her to drop her mr tough guy act when she’s sleepy Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? neither , when they touch eachother it means BUSINESS , see two sections back How often do they get time to themselves? all the time , she runs away
Who snores? i already know she does , dont judge her If both do, who snores the loudest? sienna Do they share a bed or sleep separately? share :3 not rn …… but they WLD If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? she’s ready to draw a partition down the middle of the bedWho talks in their sleep? sienna , and he makes fun of her for it What do they wear to bed? sienna steals clothes specifically from him  to sleep in. she’s also 10/10 a morning showererer so she’ll lit sleep in her clothes from that day and not give a FUCK Are either of your muses insomniacs? sienna never sleeps she runs purely on red bull and annoyance Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? yeah , she takes them most nights Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? side by side, though occasionally she’ll reach for his hand Who wakes up with bed hair? sienna, and it’s awful. he’ll get his ass beat if he mentions it Who wakes up first? jt. it takes her FOREVER to fall asleep , but once she’s out she’s out .  think being awake for 24 hours then sleeping for 12+ Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? he does, not to be romantic but because he’s sick and tired of her eating leftover fried rice in bed. What is their favourite sleeping position? she sprawls , and she doesn’t like to be touching him when she sleeps , but his presence is a good thing Who hogs the sheets? jt , simply because he’s so comparatively large next to her that using a reasonable amount of sheets reads as hogging Do they set an alarm each night? they both intend to — and always forget. when when it goes off, sienna sleeps through it Can a television be found in their bedroom? yes , but it doesn’t get cable like the one in the living room does. it’s exclusively for blockbuster rentals. Who has nightmares? she doesn’t have wake up in a cold sweat nightmares, but she has sad dreams a lot Who has ridiculous dreams? sienna makes up the craziest dreams to relay to him just to fuck with him Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? SIENNAWho makes the bed?  neither have the time What time is bed time? either 8pm or 4am, no in between Any routines/rituals before bed? her SOLE form of self care is face masks, and she makes him do them on the top half of his face where green gunk wont get in his hair Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? sienna is grumpy all the time, so it’d have to be him by comparison 
Who is the busiest? she literally lives at work, so there’s always something Who rakes in the highest income? considering she is a SMART , STRONG , almost business owner ( omg they popping BIG bottles when the old bitch that actually owns the attic dies ) and he thrives on tips and gang bullshit ? do the math. Are any of your muses unemployed? nopeWho takes the most sick days? sienna just opens the store and goes back upstairs to fake supervise in her sleep, call her if there’s a fireWho is more likely to turn up late to work? he is, it’s LITERALLY impossible for her to do that Who sucks up to their boss? paging ed, she’s her own fucking boss What are their jobs? he’s a bartender/gang fREAK , she manages the attic thrift store Who stresses the most? jt has a lot of long days to to the antics of alcoholics , she likes her job even though she wishes she was somewhere else Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? she likes it…. but she’s super depressed she isn’t following her dreams. i assume he likes whatever’s going on on the wrong side of town Are your muses financially stable? yes 
Who does the washing? jtWho takes out the trash? jordan tucker Who does the ironing? jordanWho does the cooking? mr tuckerWho is more likely to burn the house down just trying? see i would say sienna, but she DOESN’T try. Who is messier? sienna, but she’s not as much messy as she is disorganizedWho leaves the toilet roll empty? siennaWho leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? jt, he lit just took his shoes off in the thread ….. literally get off her couch Who forgets to flush the toilet? that’s gross. Who is the prankster around the house? if he pulls anything over on her in her house he’s kicked 2 the curb. she bullying he is fair game tho Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? sienna doesn’t drive, so him Who mows the lawn? what lawn Who answers the telephone? she pointedly ignores them Who does the vacuuming? see the other chore listWho does the groceries? ^Who takes the longest to shower? siennaWho spends the most time in the bathroom? neither of them , efficiency is key 
Is money a problem? mo money mo problems is what i always say . it isn’t overflowing , but it isn’t an issue How many cars do they own? he has a motorcycle , she has a bike and two working feet Do they own their home or do they rent? she rents , technically , until she gets the store Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? dont ask this again mads still has not told me where we are Do they live in the city or in the country? SHE lives downtown , he would have to move in with her Do they enjoy their surroundings? she hates it , she wants a big city What’s their song? she played this on her record player , and she had one too many drinks and tried to dance with him to it ….. What do they do when they’re away from each other? breathe a sigh of relief Where did they first meet? the thrift storeHow did they first meet? when she literally made out w him unprecedentedly Who spends the most money when out shopping? sienna is always buying things at garage sales and other thrift stores she insists are to resell but then a week later they show up in her house or she’s wearing them Who’s more likely to flash their assets? sienna  owns one expensive thing and never lets it go. Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? they aren’t 10 Any mental issues? too many to countWho’s terrified of bugs? spiders are her friends Who kills the spiders around the house? if he does she’ll b mad at him that’s pablo , he lives in the corner Their favourite place? her apartment Who pays the bills? siennaDo they have any fears for their future? at this point probably the stress of staging a breakup Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? LOOK … i know it’s not the question but she surprises him with spectacularly unfancy dinners …. he shows up and they’re eating pizza rolls by candlelight because if she doesn’t cook them ahead of time he won’t let her eat them Who uses up all of the hot water? SIENNAWho’s the tallest? he is , she’s 2ft Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? sienna, the horndogWho wanders around in their underwear? [ me vc ] if he keeps barging in he’s seen her in a towel Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? neither of them , they DANCE What do they tease each other about? him about her poor life choices , her about his criticisms of her life choices . essentially she mocks him Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? sienna has to beg him to not wear a clean version of the same fucking clothes every day . he owns one outfit and washes it each night as far as she’s concerned Do they have mutual friends? no , they run in VERY different circles Who crushed first? [ tatbilb vc ] if anyone’s fallen in love with someone who doesn’t love them back, it’s not you. it’s kavinsky. he’s kavinsky. Any alcohol or substance related problems? the only water she drinks is watered down beer because it was cheaper, amiright lads? also she smokes a lot , have fun with lung cancer when you’re 40 sienna Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? sienna, and he was the bartenderWho swears the most? her 
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survivormetaverse · 3 years
Episode 7 - "Jodi is doing the absolute MOST" ~Colin
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Yasssssssss PERIODT!!!! Merge!!!!! Whooooooo
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I just want the former fools to spill the tea to me lmao that's all
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I made it to merge finally and I feel like I'm doing really good at talking to people. I would have to say that my favorite people right now are Collin, Jared, Amy, Jodi, Ginny and Brayden!! Those are the people I'm feeling like I could trust a lot going foward. I've gotten some sus news about Jay claiming for an alliance that didn't include me in it. So I'm not really trusting that boy right now. But of course I will continue to pretend I do. And Elle is super nice but our convorsations don't really contain much game talk and I really never know where her head is at because she's not the most active. She's more in this thing for the challenges which I can respect BUT ALSO SHES GOOD AT THEM. I think Elle is worried that people percieve her as someone who is good at challenges but it's true. I'm not about to let her win challenges all the way to the final tribal council. She is lowkey my target even though I literally love and adore her. And I met Jodi today and she is so cool and easy to talk to so maybe we will work together too! But I've gotten gossip that Jodi thinks I'm "connected." So I don't really know what that means? I could be a threat to her socially so I might not keep her the closest. 
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wow we made merge. i'm not shocked to get to this point, but I am shocked to see that Danny was voted out. That is a major blow to my game he literally needed to survive one (1) more fucking round ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. But the show must go on right? Merge was overwhelming like a flood of people coming in. Some I knew some I didn't but based on my perspective here is my initial analysis of these gorls: Jodi- Finalllllllllly we back baby. Now that Danny is gone, Jodi moved herself up to my number 1 spot. I trust her I really do and I'm glad that we're back together I think that we can run this game together. However, I am withholding information from her. I wanted to tell her about only one idol, but I didn't even though we video chatted and I strongly considered telling her like I think I can trust her but at the same time it was almost like she was trying to pull some info out of me? idk i said that if i ever play the game of survivor i would never tell anyone about my idol and i'm just gonna ride with my gut. But we caught up and we are thinkin a lot of the same stuff. I feel like she's just like me, where she wants me to believe shes giving me 100% trust but shes really giving me 95% the same way I am. I still have my eye on her but she is my ideal person to ride this game with. It's just gonna be a problem when I need an ally to play something with and I'm gonna have to do major damage control. We'll cross that bridge when we get there. Amy- Girlllll idk how I feel about u anymore. Don't play the fakey fakey nicey nicey game with me you cannot bullshit the bullshit artist rn. She's working with others and trying to play the game where shes just nice to everyone and in everyones good graces. no. Jodi and i see you girllll we watchinnnnnn youuuu I don't think she fully wants to work with ginny but shes potentially tight with others too. I believe she has my back to some extent, but i know shes dipping her hand into a lot of pots. Babs- the only person i did not talk to. Colin- I know he's close with Jay so i made nice with him. Jodi informed me that hes tight with her too and I said perf bc he's tight with Jay so that is the formation of the group. Jay- Same stuff. meh. Jared- My king luv u xoxo we haven't talked too too much but I don't think we need to. You get spot number 2 my love. Also he told me about an alliance hes making with i think amy brayden anastasia and him which is good also confirms more that amy is very ugh. Brayden- Meh Ginny- Meh but also literally reached out to me and was like "i'm working with amy and anastasia and i know elle we wanna make a huge merge majority if u wanna join" LIKE WTFFFFFFF EFHIUDEHUDFBFHIUFE like u can't make this stuff up why would u tell me this????? All Ginny has done during this premerge is just reveal to me that shes actually smarter than shes making herself out to be, and it clicks now that she did not really need to connect much with us BECAUSE SHE ALREADY HAD HER PEOPLE THAT SHE WAS WAITING TO GET TO AT MERGE LIKE OMGGG the tribe placements Elle- Now miss elle.... turns out you do have a lot of connections here. And you're smart. interestingggggggggg. You are a problem for me. Anastasia- you are a problem for me already. i see you talking to everyone being all nice and shit like yes i get it youre supposed to be making connections and blah blah blah but not like this youre going about it wrong. And now I know you already have a group that you'd prioritize over me miss thing. Watchin you too. Josh- Glad he survived and I think he's riding with me. Back on original phantoms I told Jodi that I didn't speak to him when in fact josh and I were like alliance yas. I fear that he may have told Jodi that him and I were close and maybe thats where she's starting to get a bit shaky with me. But I know the two of them stuck together with an alliance of Collin Jodi and Josh. Butttt jared did tell me that josh was like i wanna work with u and he could probs be saying that to everyone yas i think i got everyone. So Jodi wants to go for ginny but I wanna go for anastasia. The tricky thing is there are soooo many advantages out there that if you say the wrong thing to someone it'll bite you in the ass unexpectedly and I am reallyyyyy not trying to get blindsided with two fucking idols in my pocket. So I want to get a group together that I proposed to jodi and jared separately which would be me, jodi, jared, jay, colin, josh. I don't think these people would run their mouths about who we voting out just to prevent an advantage from being played. I want to essentially force that group of elle brayden anastasia ginny amy(?) on the bottom but also in my good graces at face value. I think once the merge hit and even talking to jodi and jared the air is different and I feel like everyone is running around making alliances. I feel like jared and jodi even have a different air about them almost like the gears are finally starting to turn. i still gotta trust them and i think i can. It's just not gonna be cute when i start whipping out idols and theyre gonna be like wtf you fucking lied dennis. but again, will cross that bridge when i get there. gonna spend the next two days just chit chatting and being nice to these people. ginny is on the hit list, and i'm glad jodi is being very forward with it because shes just making herself a target.
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WE MERGEDDDD✨ while I was at work rip me 😅 but it's fine I'm idk if I've talked to everyone yet I was kinda busy but anyone who reached out first I did 😂😂 I do wanna talk to Babs she seems great and I haven't yet and I should try to get to know all of the new ppl from the other tribes I haven't met, Jodi reached out anddddd I can't remember if anyone else I didn't already know talked to me 😂 but yeah! 🎶Merge, baby merge, ✨disco inferno✨
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https://youtu.be/gAKFLe75uDY update; the alliance is really awkward and turned into like a how i met ur mother fan group HAHAH
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The phantoms tribe is all in one piece that’s perfect especially when I got Anastasia and Elle on my side as well we are gonna dominate this season whoooooooi
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Day two of merge: https://youtube.com/shorts/OvofAokuBtM?feature=share
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It was kinda a slow day. I talked with elle for a while today but no game talk. same with anastasia and they wanna make a russians alliance but like this is post-ironic. anastasia cannot run around making alliances with people like its obviously not real? BUT i realized that anastasia is doing this. elle is linked to anastasia. brayden has a linkage there (whos also playing dumb with me like i see right through dis boy). ginny is associated too. amy is involved. i know jared has a fake alliance with them and josh is floating around somewhere too. i may be the only one in here not making a million alliances except like babs lol but the point is i dont need any of those groupings and alliances. let them make groupchats. let thm do whatever because they will all fall apart except the elle/anastasia and co group which has allegiance that goes beyond this game. i just need to essentially stay in the good graces of the people i wanna vote out. because literally most of them are essentially double/triple dipping and people are already on edge and paranoid so like all i need to do is just buy a tiny bit of time, hope that the little tiny seeds that have been growing for a day now sprout in the coming days, and groups and alliances crumble apart. like i didnt do anything wrong for making any move when it comes down it bc essentially nobody wants to involve me? so essentially just painting the picture of being the friendly outsider casting votes until they all realize they cant trust each other. but i trust jared and jay rn and they will help me get through this. jodi also numba 1 buttttttt ughhhhhhhhhhhh i was thinking like okay if people are saying ginny then what is ginny saying? what are ginnys allies saying (if she even has true ones) like my logic would be that the other person receiving votes may be jodi. shes quite vocal and out there and like shes digging herself a grave every day but im not gonna stop her from digging? like if word goes to ginny that ginny may be getting votes and ginny asks who started this shit? it'll probably fall back on jodi. i fear she might not last much longer if she is on the vote because that'll get her in peoples minds. anywho yeah, the important things are that i have a good connection with jared jay and jodi, and i love that i got to jared before any of these other ppl. like theyre all coming to him with stuff and hes just bringing the info back to me. maybe he tells me half truths but nonetheless its something. if we just figure out where votes are going we figure out what to do from within and if i ever pick up on weird vibe changes and shit becomes different based on how they act with me i will whip out one or maybe even two idols teehee. so yeah plan rn, be chill and friendly BUT NOT OVERDO IT LIKE SOME PEOPLE, bank on the fact that there are lots of cracks in some of these groups, and just make sure the vote does not fall on me. :)
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MERGE IS INSANE! From a tribe of 6 to 5 to 4 to now 12, it's a lot to keep up with. I'm glad Phantoms stayed afloat and we own 1/2 the merge, but there's a lot going on. Within a day, I created/got added to several alliances, so here's the breakdown (BTW, I CAME UP WITH THE ALLIANCE NAMES AND THEMES. CREDIT TO ME): 1) jodi's lovers – me, Jay, & Jared; this is my F3, this is my alliance. I will go into detail about my history with Jared later, but Jay was in my last org but we never got to play together due to never being swapped together and not making merge. Jay & Jared were swapped together, aligned, then realized I was a commonality so we decided to do a solid 3. This is where my true loyalty lies. All my info from other alliances and conversations are directed here. 2) 21 gang – me, Colin, & Jay; Colin and Jay were tightest on OG S.E.E.S, and Colin and I were tightest on new S.E.E.S. This came together naturally due to that, as well as me and Jay feeling good about playing together. 3) the krusty krab – me, Josh, Colin, & Jay; this is an extension of 21 gang, to pull in Josh as ours and nobody else's. He let out that he knew Danny so now that he's gone, Josh's best option is to stick to me and Colin, and as a result, Jay. This next vote will truly test that he's with us and not any secret alliance with the other side, but I am pretty certain he wouldn't blow up his game with the three of us to save who we're voting out. 4) how i met your mother – me, Amy, Anastasia, Jared, Brayden, Colin; originally they left Colin out but I fought to keep him so that he's in a big alliance and doesn't feel like a side piece, because he isn't. My loyalty is with him and Jared over the rest of them. Having 3/6 on my side is also good because as far as they know, I don't know Jared or Anastasia. This alliance is clearly not really one to stick together, but at the minimum, it's creating fun conversation and personal connections, as well as subconsciously leaving names out of peoples' mouths. That's honestly the only reason why I'm here, as I'm certain that the Stings kids have their separate alliance. ONE ON ONE ALLIANCES: 1. JAY & JARED are truly both my #1s. I'm going with them to the end, even though I'm 99% sure Jared beats both of us for being a Denise, winning advantages, surviving that cursed Fools tribe. 2. Colin honestly would be my tightest person here if not for Jay & Jared being upfront about just running to the end together. Colin essentially is my #1 from new S.E.E.S, and he even told me about his Safety Without Power. I trust him so much, but I cannot trust him over jodi's lovers because he does know Anastasia and Elle and Amy and whoever else. However, he's not my absolute #1 not because I don't trust him, I just trust jodi's lovers more. 3. Dennis – this is a key relationship that I have maintained. I connected with Dennis in hour 1 of the game, but honestly I struggle with trusting him because he is just so paranoid all the time about votes, advantages, alliances, etc. He got freaked out by Amy because she messaged everyone on OG Phantom, like what? We only had 6 people. But I genuinely think he relies on me because he thinks I'm not connected to Stings alumni with him. But he does love to stir up paranoia and try to plant seeds and doubts. We need his vote for the time being, but jodi's lovers agree that he's too paranoid to keep in the long term. And he would flip. 4. Babs/Josh – these two I've just maintained relationships from the swapped tribe and it has paid off because they are numbers coming into the merge. 5. Amy – ah, my OG #1. Girl, I still see you as my #1 occasionally but you've freaked me out with your Ginny and Anastasia alliance, as well as the subtle unwillingness to get rid of Ginny. If it was genuinely just to keep OG Phantom numbers, I understand and I'm sorry for the paranoia, but hopefully you see why that was never gonna be a concern – I had Colin, Jay and Jared (& honestly Babs too) locked down, who are much more willing to play this game with me than Ginny ever did. I love you though and I hope we can get back to #1 status within the next couple rounds. THE KIDS WILL PICK EACH OTHER OVER US. I'll share my story with Jared as well as our Merge boot plan in the next confessional(s). 
The Story of me and Jared Lai. I was going to film this (still might) but my phone is out of storage. But here is the (not so) juicy story of me and Jared. He and I were both competitive badminton players when we were younger. He lived in Seattle, while I lived in Vancouver; in 2013, I met him at a badminton tournament because his club came up to play. I don't distinctly recall what the instant spark was, but we met that once and maybe had half a conversation. Of course, me being 13, thought he was a cutie and word got out, I guess he found out. I had maybe spoken to him once in person at the time, so he's probably really freaked out that some girl he's barely met has this huge crush on him. So I ended up literally never talking to him for years, because it just was awkward. Fast forward to recently, he started noticing that I was posting some Survivor stuff on my finsta (which he's followed since I made it like 7 years ago?) and realized I was a Survivor fan. I posted about my application for Metaverse (something about the flirt game I wanted to play) on my finsta and he asked me what it was, so I hesitantly sent him the link and he signed up. In all honesty, I didn't mention this earlier because I was dreading being put together or swapped together, because I really was not ready for the level of socializing with him that this game requires just yet. We ended up not being together until merge, where we finally decided to just talk. We called, and realized you know what, lets just play the game together because no matter how awkward it felt, we did have a connection that could be valuable in the game. That's how I realized he connected with Jay and formed the jodi's lovers alliance. It is worth noting that he never thought I was cute back. It was very one way. That is why I feel awkward and was slightly hesitant whether he'd play with me or use it as a reason to get rid of me early. But I think we're good. Maybe we'll play a BvW ORG soon or the real thing. 
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While i like elle and anastasia, i’m forming a new majority (i pray to GOD i am) with Jodi, Jared, Josh, Colin, and hopefully we have dennis and amy...i don’t know where this game is going, i genuinely like everyone in this game but ginny. And it’s not like i DISLIKE ginny, I just don’t know anything about her. I have a good relationship with most people here, i just hope i’m not shot in the crossfire tonight at tribal. 
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Well my former tribemate Ginny is terrible at communication. I’ve heard from several other players that they have received very cold or short responses when attempting to reach out to Ginny so it makes them an easy first target. I’ve also found out that apparently Ginny, Elle & Anastasia are besties irl so that must be broken up immediately. 
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Finally created the renegades alliance it’s going to be huge nobody would expect it whatsoever 
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHQhqd5cz-Y&list=PLrsCGcojtF16jvLW49C4855pUlLWI9pnn&index=13 hey guys who here like amy winehouse say I
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AHHH MERGE HAPPENED okay so I have no idea where to even begin. I'm just gonna ramble as usual. ITS so weird going from talking to 3 other people to now having to talk to 11 its the first merge round and I already have 3 new alliances One with Jodi + josh + Jay One with just Jodi + jay and one majority one with Brayden + Anastasia + Amy + Jared + jodi after Amy won immunity, shit hit the fan. Jodi is doing the absolute MOST. for some reason she's still on her rampage against Ginny. I don't know what their beef even is. but sis is doing the absolute most to get her out the natural move this round is to vote out Babs. Their name came out immediately because they're inactive still and haven't added some people back yet even. it's crazy. However, I'm out with friends last night and meanwhile Jodi is arranging an entire blindside and counting me as a number for it. like GIRL WHAT. I love her and she's my #1 but I can't put my own game in jeopardy for her chaotic plans. It would honestly be actually very easy to vote out Ginny instead but the way she's going about it makes it more chaotic than it needs to be My main thing is I dont wanna burn bridges. I feel very close to Anastasia and Amy and I don't want to lie to them. Brayden and Jared and Elle are people I would love to work with, but I can't start that off with a blindside. I understand there's a lot of powers and advantages in the game, but it's first merge vote. so now that I'm able to talk to everyone and take initiative, I'm taking it in my hands and trying to get it to be unanimous on ginny. that way Jodi gets her way, she doesn't spiral, she knows I'm still on her side, and I don't have to draw a line in the sand so definitively. i have no idea how this is gonna play out but we'll see how it goes!!
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Jay told me Anastasia told him Ginny was the only vote for her at her last FTC. Girl, you’re literally proving why we need to get rid of her. I love you but she’ll never vote for me or work with me and my alliance. Sorry :/ 
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teehee almost two hours till tribal. hate all of these people. voting out ginny. brayden is sussing me out he claims to be throwing a vote on babs so we'll see who else is putting a vote on babs. anastasia makes an "alliance" but doesnt talk to me about the vote lol anyway im just gonna chill and lurk in the shadows for a bit and just find cracks. just need to ride out these next few eliminations. thinkin about the most effective way to play a chaos idol. lots of thoughts. feel bad that the vote is on ginny but shes tanking her own game :/ i dont think she would even come for me yet so the only benefit of her going is that it takes away at anastasia and co's number. by co im assuming its elle brayden amy and whoever else they roped in. dxfcgvhbjkl so sorry ginny but bye i guess. maybe she'll pull out an advantage or something cool i hope my first tribal is exciting and not boring. i wanna be blindsided but not bc there are votes against me. just wanna see someone random go home.
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So! Tribal tonight, I think everybody is pretty much voting Ginny. I feel like having an idol makes me that much more paranoid 😅 because im like *squints eyes* what if it's secretly me and they're trying to blindside me??? But anyway if Ginny ends up being voted out I'm sorry ❤️, I did mean it when I said mount merapi was water under the bridge, but i had work and then was exhausted so i took a nap and literally everyone had pretty much made up their minds 😅 there was no room to really even try to change minds.
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We are voting out Ginny :( I AM ACTUALLY SAD I DONT WANT GINNY TO GO WHY GINNY??? Literally it was so random. Babs was going to be the target and then randomly Jodi and Collin were saying how they wanted to keep Babs and get rid of Ginny. And I tried to save it by sending a giant paragraph saying how Ginny would be a good number but they had their mind set. I THINK JODI AND COLLIN ARE WORKING WITH BABS. Jodi is literally my #1 target right now lol I want that girl gone. GINNY DONT WORRY IM NOT VOTING FOR YOU I AM VOTING BABS. I WILL AVENGE YOU!!
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gonna save the shade for the vote confessional lmao
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Power Rankings:
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Jared: As a lot of people have put it, Jared is the “Denise” of the season. He is coming into the merge with a fresh start and a clean slate as the last remaining member of his tribe. He has aligned with Jay and Jodi who are definitely powerful numbers to have this early in the game. Additionally, he’s also hiding behind Jodi’s massive and ever-increasing target. People are not viewing Jared as a big, monstrous threat. However, he is managing the numbers behind the scenes and one of the only people who can keep Jodi’s head screwed on. His power over Jodi also gives him access to numbers that he would not have otherwise. Overall, Jared is calling the shots and getting things to go his way always.
Colin: Colin has played very impressively this round. He has managed to reign Jodi back in and has cleaned up most of her mess. Now, he nor Jodi will lose important numbers because of Jodi’s desire to make the first merge vote a blindside. By being clear, upfront, and communicative with his allies, he is gaining their trust despite not voting the way they want. Speaking of allies, Colin has built relationships with people that Jodi has not; namely, Anastasia, Elle, Amy, and Brayden are key numbers for Colin. This marks him as the head of the non-Jodi side, but he is also close with Jodi enough to find out information. He realizes just how important these numbers will be in the long run. Finally, Colin realizes that Jodi is a messy and chaotic player who will do more harm than good in the long run. This realization is sure to be the start of Jodi’s downfall which, if placed at the right time, will be very beneficial for his game.
Jay: Jay holds power because he is aligned with Jodi and Jared. Not many people give Jay a second look otherwise. He’s on the outs with everyone besides those two. Both Colin and Dennis do not vibe well with him causing him to be a target down the road if they need an easy one. However, Jay’s greatest strength has and is his ability to stay under the radar while aligning with power players. He is effectively using Jodi and Jared as shields for his own agenda. This might be a problem later down the road as he might be seen as their goat. So, he needs to step up and have more of a say on what goes on in that alliance instead of being reactionary to whatever Jodi and Jared do.
Jodi: There is SO much to say about Jodi’s game, but only some of it is good. Jodi has gone off the rails this round. Her obsession and paranoia with returnees and advantages have clouded her vision. She has tunnel vision when it comes to getting Ginnifer out. Due to this, she was ready to blindside and burn bridges with people that she should still try to play nice with early in the merge. Jodi seems to be of the belief that no matter what she does her allies will still trust her. This is seen when she openly talks about her closeness with others in front of people, making several unnecessary and clearly fake alliances, and lying to people despite having no reason to lie. She’s still at the #4 spot because, at this point, people trust her and she holds a lot of power because of it. However, her actions, which I foresee continuing, will only cause that power to reduce significantly as people start to see her for the chaotic mess she is.
Josh: Josh is a little bit out of the loop this round, especially when he told Anastasia and Brayden about the vote for Ginny when he was not supposed to. This caused some rifts in his relationship with Jodi. However, due to this, Josh is firmly in the middle of everything as no one sees him as a firm ally, but no one wants to target him either. He could even be the one to turn on Jodi eventually seeing as he is in all these alliances with her.
Amy: Amy was in a bit of trouble near the beginning of the tribal phase. Jodi does not trust her as much as Amy would like to believe. In fact, without Josh outing the plan, Amy would not have even known that the vote was actually for Ginny. She would just be one of the few Jodi blindsided without remorse. However, I do think that Jodi has learned to keep Amy close is better in the long run. Additionally, Amy has Anastasia, Brayden, and Colin on her side which helps keep her in the middle. She is not necessarily a swing vote as Jodi keeps a ton of information from her. However, the position she is in keeps her firmly in the middle of all the power distribution going on.
Babs: They are not active, but their previous likeability in the challenges in pre-merge has caused them to have powerful and vocal vouchers, such as Colin and Jodi, to keep them safe.
Dennis: The distrust of Dennis saga continues. Jodi believes that Dennis is paranoid and talks too much for his own good (sort of like what she is actually doing). The alliance of Jay, Jodi, and Jared believe that Dennis will flip on them if given the chance and is a game Player. The only reason he wasn’t targeted this round is because of Jodi’s vendetta against Ginny. However, I foresee him getting targeted by this group later down the road. The worst part is that he cannot get a direct read on this group. He believes that they are all wrapped around his finger. If he does not wake up soon or get strong relationships outside of those three, he will soon find himself blindsided with two idols in his pockets. And those two idols are the only thing keeping him away from the bottom 4.
Brayden: The top of the bottom 4. Brayden, for the longest time before Colin cleaned up Jodi’s mess, believed that Babs was the person getting voted out tonight. He had complete faith in Jodi which has since backfired because she rats about everything he says to her other alliances. His alliance with Amy and Anastasia is quickly being spotted by people, and he has made himself a target by association. This was not a good round for Brayden as it puts him in the bottom for the rounds to come. Additionally, his reads have been off causing him to be majorly out of the loop.
Anastasia: Anything Anastasia says regarding Ginny always seems to backfire. Anastasia could say “I think Ginny is lovely person” and Jodi will go “See! This is why we need Ginny out!” Anastasia’s relationship with Ginny in this game was quickly exposed, and it gave a lot of people a free target. Anastasia’s defense of Ginny has worsened her position on her tribe’s totem pole. She does not seem to have a lot of social power yet on her tribe either. She does have strong allies with Brayden and Amy, but she is going to have to find new ones soon. This is because that alliance is quickly being read by others meaning it just serves as an excuse to target Anastasia.
Elle: Elle is pretty inactive this round which has been to their detriment. This has led to people liking them, but not necessarily wanting to work with them. Additionally, the rumor of an IRL relationship with Ginny and Anastasia is still spreading and being believed even now. They have been pigeonholed into working with those two as it seems that there is no way others want to work with them because of said reason. Elle has a lot of leg work to regain power in this game.
Ginnifer: I do not know why Ginny is being targeted so vehemently. False rumor of her connection with Anastasia and Elle? Attempting to start a majority alliance without telling half the people before its creation? Her first mistake was trying to create an alliance so quickly after the merge started. This information spread like wildfire throughout the tribe which gave her opposition (mainly Jodi) fuel to target her over someone inactive like Babs. If Ginny had sat back and just small talked their way through this round, Babs would be the person going while she is on the jury. It does not look good at the moment for Ginny’s game. The problem being that her detractors are very vocal in their opposition, especially the alliance of Jodi, Jared, and Jay who were willing to burn a lot of bridges just to get Ginny out.
All the alliances in this single round (y’all really said “What if Raffy was Pressed and Stressed”):
Fools Gold is Really Phantoms - Amy, Anastasia, Ginny
2 Gays and a Jodi - Josh, Colin, Jodi
Lasagna - Colin, Anastasia, Elle, Jay
Final 3 - Brayden, Anastasia, Amy
Kitty Cats - Dennis, Jared, Jay
The Active Ones - Brayden, Jodi, Amy
Krusty Krab - Colin, Josh, Jodi, Jay
Renegades - Ginny, Jodi, Dennis, Josh, Elle, Brayden, Anastasia, Amy
Vampires - Dennis, Jodi, Amy
Cody and Sarah's Besties - Jodi, Amy, Jay
Jodi's Lovers - Jodi, Jared, Jay
How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM) - Colin, Anastasia, Amy, Brayden, Jared, Jodi
21 Gang - Jay, Jodi, Colin
Yeet Ginny - Jodi, Dennis, Jay, Jared
0 notes
sogcajh-smut-blog · 7 years
♡I Have A Feeling I’ll Remember This♡
DM requests our little horndogs♡
Theme: College, frat party, drunk sex
Word Count: 2960
I've never been much of a party person. Yes, it’s a cliche, but I’d much rather lay down on my bed with a fuzzy blanket and a good book. Nevertheless, it’s not like I ever get the opportunity to do that. I’m either writing a paper for environmental biology class, or doing a research project on Greek philosophers. It feels like everyday, something new is due, and it stresses me the fuck out. Understandably, after finals, I wanted to take it easy, drink plenty of hot cocoa, sleep, and binge watch “Gilmore Girls,”  all break, but Elena had different plans.
“Get up” I heard a harsh voice from reality peak in to my dream world, “Now! Out of bed, I mean it” the voice got louder, I half opened my eyes. Much to my dismay I saw a made up, sexed up Elena, my roomate.
“I arranged a party while you were napping. At least one of us in this dorm is doing something productive” She said snarkily
Defending myself, I managed to croak out,
“Excuse you, but I was napping, and personally, I found it very productive”
“Yea, yea. Anyways, get ready, people are going to show up in about 20. We’ll be drinking to the end of finals and the break Just about all of us Sophomores will be there, ya better look good” I grumble
“No pressure” she said in a sing songy voice, skipping out of my room.
I pulled a sweater over my skimpy tank top following her in to the living room. All of the furniture was pushed to the side, two of Elena’s friends (who were also insanely popular) sat at the couch, a keg was in the middle if the room and a big ass speaker that I didn't know we owned sat behind it, with a disco ball light to add a party vibe.
“What the fuck Elena! I thought we agreed, you can't just invite a million people over here to throw a keg party” I scowled at her, angry, but not surprised
“Actually I can, and I did” she giggled, and her two minions on the couch did the same.
I paced around the room.
“ If you get caught you better tell them I had nothing to do with this! I just wanted a relaxing break---”
“Shut. Up. Dont stress me out, it’s bad for my skin, number one. You can just go and chill in your room,number two. It’s no biggie!” she listed
“Actually yes, it’s a very big biggie, it’s a biggie of monstrous proportions”
“Ah ah ah, what did I tell you about the skin?” she asked. I rolled my eyes.
“Listen, if you let me throw this thing without telling anyone, I’ll give you money, What do you want, ten? Twenty?” “Stop your bribes Elena. I’m just going back to my room, and you owe me one. Big time!”
I stormed and locked the door behind me, picked up “Little Women”, which I was re-reading for the third time, and sat on my bed, planning to stay there all night. By the time I got to chapter two I started to hear the speakers blasting shitty pop music, and the voices of many a tipsy sophomores. As mad as I was at Elena, I do recognize that she can throw a party. Naturally, I just kept reading. You know how time flies when you're having fun, I experience that hardcore with reading, I told myself I would go to bed by ten, but by that time it was already 11:00. After finishing the chapter i decided that it was time for beddy-beddy-bye-bye, but the music was pumped up all the way and I could hear the frat boys chanting “Chug! Chug! Chug!.” Eventually I decided that even I couldn't, the deepest sleeper I know, couldn't sleep in these conditions. With a frustrated sigh I changed into my blue velvet nightgown, let my hair down from a tight bun and removed my makeup, planning to just lay in bed until things slowed down a little. I flopped back on my bed after switching off every light but a dimly lit one on my night table and picked my book backup. I began reading until I heared the door knob rattling. Probably just some drunk boys I thought, not worried because I had locked the door, but to my surprise the door opened, light and music poured in to my once peaceful room. “Damnit, I thought I locked the door. It must be broken! Tonight out of all nights, seriously” I said without looking up, examining the lock.
“Uh---sorry, I don't realize someone was in here” I heard a gravelly voice say.
“It’s fine, it’s my fault” i say with a rushed voice as i slowly look up. Standing before me is a tall man, with long muscles that were slightly defined under his clothing. He had dark brown hair and a creamy colored skin. Something about his face made me feel like he was the most attractive boy I had ever laid my eyes on. My breath hitched.
“Hi” i said shyly, looking down, and blushing, I’m sure. I suddenly became very aware of how small my nightgown seemed. “Hey” he laughed.
Continuing, he explained “Sorry I came in, I was just looking for a place to chill for a second, get away from the flashy lights and music”
“Um, I have a mini fridge” I said awkwardly pointing at my fridge. “If you want something to eat, you can hang out here for a second”
“Yeah!  Sure. Thanks” He said, still standing.
“You can sit on the chair” i uncomfortabley pointed to a chair.
“Are you sure, I can go”
“ No, no,It’s fine. I mean I should at least meet one new person if I’m having a party at my place” I put two pieces of cold hawaiian pizza on the night table between us.
“So this isn't really your thing either?”
“Yeah, not really. More my roomates”
“My friends dragged me here, I guess that's what happens when your in a fraternity, plus half of them have banged this Elena chick”
Have you?” Shit, I realized, that was a bad thing to ask. “I mean, never mind”
Of course he had, I thought, he was so hot, and she was just up his alley. I couldn't compete with girls like her.
“Nah” he chuckled “Not really my type”
“Yeah” i asked “ What is your type?”
“I dont really know, I’m Adam by the way”
“Oh” hot name I thought. There was an awkward pause in the conversation.
“Oh” I laughed, catching on, “I’m Anabel” I said looking away.
He took a bite of the pizza.
“Good pizza”
“Nah, it’s actually really bad, you don't have to pretend, it’s kinda old”
Laughing, he sat down next to me on my bed. He looked at me, studying my face.
“Whatcha lookin at” I teased him, trying to move the conversation along
“Your very pretty Anabel” he said frankly.
I smiled and shook my head.
“I mean it, I think you’re my type”
“Did you have some beer out there mister” I asked, trying to change the subject
“Nah, I wish though”
“Ok, go get two cans” I said, throwing caution to the wind.
He raised his eyebrows at me.
“Really, I didn't really pin you as there beer type”
“Oh yeah, I love cracking open a cold one with the boys”” i said exaggerating the truth.
He promptly came back with two beers in hand
I cracked mine open, and chugs some down. Yes I had a schedule for the break that did not include being hung over, but men make me crazy.
“So tell me about yourself Anabel, where are you from”
And that's where the conversation took off, It kept getting more and more in depth as we probed each and every layer of each others very existence. We talked for a couple hours before we had both had enough beers to be substantially tipsy. Look at me, a typical college girl. We got into the topics of exes after I said some unflattering things about Tyler previously.
“So tell me more about this Tyler”
“Well, we dated for 2 years, then I got into Colombia” I said pointing around me “obviously, and he wanted me to give it up”
“What do you mean”
“He basically told me he wouldn't even try to work things out if I left town to come to college here” i said frowning slightly “Hey” I laughed “his loss, I mean I was great to him. He was a shitty boyfriend, he was never there, and when he was all he wanted was sex. And he wasn't even good at it” i said flailing my arms in the air, eyes half open, practically making myself fall back onto the bed. I was a lightweight.
“It always ends up that way, huh?” he said a lot more composed than me. He wasn't a lightweight.
“ That the bad guys always get the good girls”
“I guess” I responded “I mean, they guy never once got me to climax” I open up a lot when drunk.
“Not once in two years?!” Adam said with an astonished voice.
“I know right, and he would get all mad if I ever brought it up, it was pretty toxic!” I vented.
“Sounds it, I would never treat a girl like that”
“ I know” i said, “You mister” I put my pointer finger against his chest, “are a good egg”
He chuckled.
“What do you think he did wrong” Adam asked
“ I don't know, It just always felt rushed, and like he was just serving himself. He didn't care about me.”
“That's not fair, it pisses me off”
“It's fine, and he's the only guy I’ve ever dated, so the only person whose made me cum is myself” i said
“I could make you cum” he said abruptly “if you want, I mean your drunk right now, I am too, but if you want”
“Get me another beer pretty boy” I said, trying to defer the offer.
He looked let down, but did as told.
Ever since I had been with Tyler I had felt like shit about myself, even when I was drunk I could still feel uncomfortable. Adam returned.
“Sorry if I scared you with what I said earlier” he said in a rushed voice
“That's ok, I was actually thinking” opening the can “I really should have sex, kinda like a therapeutic experience, I mean, I’ve only ever had bad sex”
“Yeah, a therapeutic experience” he repeated
“Plus you're really hot, I mean really hot”
He smiled
“You too, in a sexily adorable kind of way” he said  touching my arm “I’m glad I stumbled in here” I nodded, then we just stared at each other for a second. It wasn't strained or awkward, it was actually pretty romantic.
He looked at me as our faces got closer, and my eyes fluttered shut as we shared the most incredible electric kiss I had ever had in my life. Even when I was drunk, I could tell it was fire. He deepened the kiss and slipped his tongue into my mouth, I had never frenched before, but after a while I got the hang of it. He tasted like beer, in the sexiest of ways. He slowly moved over me as we lay horizontally on my bed.
“Wait” I said, breaking the kiss. I hopped up and made sure to lock the door this time, and went back to him. He laughed and stroked my cheek, looking into my eyes with his smoldering dark ones.
“You know what sucks” i managed to say between open mouthed kisses “is that I might not even remember this”
“I have a feeling you will” he said before kissing my collar bone. I ran my hands through his hair. I finally understood why Elena lived like she did, drunkenly hooking up with college boys was really fun. He worked his way down to the lace on the bust of my nightgown and put his hand behind my back lifting me up a little as to allow the straps to fall off my shoulders. All he needed to do was pull it off, I was nervous, I couldn't imagine how I would feel sober.
He pulled the dress down half way revealing my breasts, which were never amazingly large, but one of my only body parts that I liked. He let out a deep raspy breath as he cupped my breasts and ran his thumbs lightly over my nipples, giving me goosebumps.
“Now this is where our friend Tyler went wrong” he explained “I’ll bet you never really touched you, slowly, or watched to see how you responded, to see what you like” I nodded, releasing a shaky breath as he whisped his hands up and down my stomach, skillfully pulling off my whole nightgown, leaving me naked under his touch. He slowly dragged the back of his hand down right under my belly button as he kissed me. He then trailed wet, open mouth kisses down  my breasts, circling my nipples, before he played with them with his tongue. I breathed in a harsh breath, he began to work his way down to my navel, hands under my ass and low back, on his knees off the bed, with me lying on the bed and his head between my legs.
“Did Tyler ever eat you out” he asked
I shook my head.
“Wow, sounds like a dick, but I’m here now” he said right before he spread his fingers to open my slit, he pumped one finger agonizingly slowly, in and out, flicking his tongue right under my clit. I moaned quietly, he began pumping faster curling fingers. I started breathing faster.
She tasted like no other girl, and watching her was a fantasy. Her shining brown hair as she tilted her head to the side, squinting her eyes and holding back moans was one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen. Her fingers gripped onto my hair, pulling my face deeper into her, as I pumped my fingers faster. I’d seen her around school aside from today, and I knew that I wanted her. I brought my mouth up to her swollen clit, and slowly flicked my tongue against it, scraping my teeth along it before I pulled away and used my free hand to rub it, hard. Speaking of hard, I was so hard at this point. Just watching her read in that little blue nightgown got me going earlier. I felt her walls begin to clench, and her breathe quickened as she came all over my hand. Her moans were soft, but uncontrolled. I continued to pump before I was sure I had ridden it out for as long as possible, then I lifted my hand to my mouth to taste. I moved through her legs and up to her face, her eyes still closed from her orgasm I kissed her gingerly.
“Took a while to come back” I teased her,
“Gosh, having someone else making you come is a lot better” she muttered.
“Who would've thought” I whispered, flipping to lay down next to her on the bed.
“Hey, you know what's not fair” she asked
“No, what”
“I’m laying here completely naked and vulnerable, and there you are, fully clothed.” she pouted. She has nothing to feel vulnerable about I thought.
“We can fix that” I said, taking off my shirt. She leaned over and fumbled with my belt, failing to open the latch. I took it off, chuckling at her. She moved on top of me sitting on my abs, and leaned over to kiss me as she unbuttoned my pants. I slid them off leaving me in my boxers, which were promptly removed, and added to the growing pile of clothing. I was naked, with her, and I was big as I’d ever been, she made me this hard.
“Wow, Tyler doesn't compare” she whispered under her breathe looking at me.
“Can I’ I asked her,  she nodded, and I entered her.
God she felt good, so tight and wet, all for me. I held her hips and slowly lead them up and down. Above me she kept moving her head with her eyes closed out of pleasure, I reached up and circled her nipples with my thumbs. Leaning down to kiss me, she moaned into my neck to go faster. I started bringing her hips down my forcefully, causing a smack sound whenever our skin met, but I couldn't care if the whole college heard, This was the best time Id ever had during sex. My hands wandered up and down her body until settling on her clit, rubbing lightly.
“Holy shit” I hissed, as I felt her tighten around me.
“Are you close?” I asked
She nodded and moaned in response, I started bringing her down on me deeper and faster, making sure to hit her g-spot. She was a moaning mess as she came for a second time, I released into the condom, and slowed down looking up to kiss her.
“You were right” she said, panting as she recovered from her orgasm “ I am going to remember this.” She slid off of me, layed next to me, and nuzzled into my chest as I stroke her hair and dragged my fingers along her back and she dozed off into sleep. I felt very content that she knew what it felt like to be cared for, and I had a gut sense that this wasn't the last I would see of her. I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
kunikida doesn't deserve this shit
Yohei: *asleep, Toru sleeping on his chest* chie: *smiles and snaps a pic* Yohei: =w= "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Motojiro: *taps glasses with Tachihara* Tachihara: -_- "Just don't get the appeal of this season..." hirotsu: just enjoy it. *sips* Motojiro: =w= "How very zen." Tachihara: -_-; "Can't even find anyone around today..." leo: *entering with tea* is there anything else you would like today? Motojiro: owo "Do you have lemon for the tea~?" leo: i think so. i'll go and check, sir. Motojiro: "No problem--I'll handle this!" *pulls a lemon out of his pants* leo: ._.; hirotsu: that's just.....unsanitary. Motojiro: "I promise you, I kept the lemon hermetically sealed. My pants double as a sterile environment--" Tachihara: *spits up his drink, laughing hard* Motojiro: ._. "???" leo: ._.;;;;; hirotsu: *mortified* Motojiro: "..." *light bulb* "Hey! I didn't mean 'sterile' like that! I promise you, I am fertile!" leo: .... *blink* ????? hirotsu: *pinches nose* oooh dear lord... Tachihara: *laughs so hard he has fallen backwards in his chair* Motojiro: >\\\\< -elsewhere- Takehisa: *looking outside* maki: ? Takehisa: "Oh. Hello." *small smile* maki: hey. ^^ Takehisa: "Hmm...New sweater?" maki: yep! *it's a pusupusu sweater* ^u^ Takehisa: "It suits you." -elsewhere- Touma: *tosses slop into the jail cell* gil: eyyyyyyyyyyy Touma: "Eat up. Merry Christmas." gil:.... can we order pi-zza~? OwO Touma: *tosses a phone at him* "Try..." gil: *dialing* hello- *No signal* gil: D8 ray:.... that's just mean. gil:....im keeping the phone! Touma: "Have fun with that...I left some photos on it." gil: ???? *checks photos* *They show certain vampires being tortured...* gil: .___________.;;;;;;; *checking* boss lady and una arent in these. *phew* Touma: "Just a matter of time~" gil: YOU FIEND!! -elsewhere- Chuuya: *playing with Mito and her new toy* "You want the mouse? Catch it! Catch it!" mito: *tackles* *mreow!* Chuuya: "Hee hee..." *checks his phone* -messages from kouyou, kajii, and hirotsu- Chuuya: *pulls up Kajii's* Motojiro: [TELL THEM I'M NOT STERILE] Chuuya: "..." *deletes* *pulls up Hirostu's* hirotsu: [how was everything at home?] Chuuya: [peaceful day. sonia liked your gift] hirotsu: [glad to hear] Chuuya: [how were things on your end?] hirotsu:..... -he explains what all happened- Chuuya: "..." [keep the liquor cabinets locked. please] hirotsu: [noted] Chuuya: *checks Kouyou's message* kouyou: [merry christmas, chuuya ^^ how's sonia?] Chuuya: [same to you! she's happy] *sends a picture of Sonia hugging her new plushie* kouyou: ^^ Chuuya: [how was today?] kouyou: ... [eventful. leo tended to guests today] Chuuya: [so i heard. LOCK THE LIQUOR CABINETS] kouyou: [already done] Chuuya: [thanks. when u heading to shrine? new year?] kouyou: [yes. i got a new kimono for sonia to wear ^^] Chuuya: [excellent! can't wait for her to see it] -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Here you go, little one..." *sets the plant down in her new indoor butterfly garden* akaderu: ...cute. Kepuri: *beaming* "Of course--because I'm the genius that added a greenhouse when everyone said I couldn't!" *dramatic pose* -elsewhere- Gin: *washing dishes* naoya: *asleep on the couch* zzzz Gin: "..." *puts a blanket over Naoya* naoya: =w= Gin: *sighs* *looks out the window* -elsewhere- otogiri: *reading* ... Mr. Tsubaki's letter: "Beware the wolf: that scent was not normal." otogiri: ?? Letter: "I spotted something outside where I am staying. When investigating, I smelled a wolf--but there was something off about it. I have only encountered that scent around certain individuals: they call them Ability Users. Keep our family safe from them." otogiri: hmm.... Letter: "Take care of yourself, especially at this time of year. I know it is difficult--but I also know you are the level-headed one." otogiri: ... Letter: *the letter is signed with a fox pawprint* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *knocks on Nozomi's door* nozomi:....its open... Akitaru: *enters* "Hey. We sliced up a piece of Christmas cake for you." *holding the plate* nozomi:....*sad nom* Akitaru: *small smile* "Your aunt helped Relan and Iris with the recipe. She seems to know her way with chemistry." nozomi: ..... Akitaru: "...How did you spend last Christmas?" nozomi: .....dr i- ....aunt karin and i went to a light show. Akitaru: "You liked it?" nozomi:...it was nice. Akitaru: *nods* "That's good...Your aunt really cares about you. And I think she appreciated your gift." nozomi: .....im glad... Akitaru: "You should be. You make her happy...And she worries about you." nozomi: .....*shaking* Akitaru: "..." *pats her shoulder* -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Feel okay?" lisa: y-yeah... Vulcan: "You need some tea?" lisa:...*nod* Vulcan: *strokes her head* "I'll be right back..." *puts on a shirt, steps out to the kitchen* lisa: ..... Vulcan: ("...Maybe a doctor...") -elsewhere- Kid: *shudders, sighs* stocking: *panting* f-fuck... Kid: "Amazing..." *presses his lips to her side* stocking: *shudders* Kid: *smiles, rubbing her hip* "D-Did you like your present?" stocking: oh you know it *kiss* Kid: *smooch* ^\\\^ "Thank you for that...Stocking? Do you..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "...I know this is a lot to discuss...Children." stocking: kid... Kid: "Because...we haven't used protection, and I..." stocking: *hug* Kid: "...I want to be the father of your children, whenever you're ready..." stocking: i would like that ^^ Kid: *smiles* "Okay..." *smirks lightly* "I think we got in a lot of practice already." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *cuddles with her* "Can you keep me warm tonight?" stocking: of course~<3 Kid: *pulls the blanket over them, resting his head next to hers, massaging her side* -elsewhere- Izuku: *sets his new shirt over his chair, sets up his new All Might Funko figure* ^^ -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *looks at a photo of his child* mary: mr fitz? Fitzgerald: "Hmm? Yes, Mary?" mary: *hug* shelly christmas! Fitzgerald: "...Um...'Shelly'?" mary: um, hello? *points to herself* Fitzgerald: "...Shelly...Mary...!!! Oh!" *claps* "How clever!" mary: ^u^ Fitzgerald: *pat pat* "Shelly Christmas to you, too." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: >3< oscar: so you've been intimate with another man, so what? i've done it plenty of times. Steinbeck: "I don't even know what happened! I just woke up with him in bed with me..." oscar: do you feel anything in your bum? Steinbeck: O_O "No!" oscar: how about you, marky? twain: *shrug + 'i dunno' sound* Steinbeck: -_-# "What, you just go into random people's beds?" twain: it was cold and i had a few many eggnogs. Steinbeck: "And that's a fine excuse?! What if you ended up in someone else's bed, like Ebie, or Oscar--" oscar: not that i'd mind~ emily: you're shameless... Steinbeck: "If you're going to be like this, we're not having you drink that much in the future." twain: =3= mean. -elsewhere- Dazai: "Zzz..." atsushi: .... Odasaku: ("How's he holding up?") atsushi: (i think he's doing better...am i doing a good job? looking after him?) Odasaku: ("Do _you_ think you're doing a good job? Have you noticed a problem for him?") atsushi: .... Odasaku: ("I mean, it's not like you know what it's like to be a future potential father...although you've done well caring for others, haven't you?") atsushi: ... (i mean, i _think_ so?) Odasaku: ("...Kyouka looks like she's doing well. And Dazai is handling this news better than I thought he would...") atsushi:... (i guess) *lays down and sighs* Odsaku: ("...Things will make more sense after you get some sleep.") atsushi: ...right.... night. -a few days later- atsushi: *fixing up his bowtie* Dazai: "...Bowties are in now?" atsushi: i just decided to go with this... y-you dont have to if you dont want- Dazai: "I'll stick with the regular tie..." *looks at his pants* "...Are these 'dad jeans' now?" atsushi: i dunno. ^^; -elsewhere- yana: everyone ready for this? lydia: <yes> Ivan: *picks up a radio* yana: alright... *puts on a cape and rat mask* <all soldiers, move out...> -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "And make sure to stand up straight, don't move unless commanded to, and no making a mess on anyone's feet." Mr. Tsubaki: Q_Q mary: yessir! *in a stitched green dress* Fitzgerald: "I leave the pet in your care. Where are the others?" *finishes his tie* bram: here... Fitzgerald: "Miss Alcott?" louisa: h-here sir! Fitzgerald: "Eckleberg?" eckleburg: i'm here as well! Fitzgerald: "Ah, very well." *turns on the lights* "Now, we party!" *The disco ball descends--and smashes on the floor* louisa: ._.; Fitzgerald: OWO; "...I knew I shouldn't have installed that myself." -elsewhere- Tanizaki: *tugging his collar* naomi: *has her hair up in a bun* yosano: all set? *she wore a pantsuit* Kyoka: *in a dress* "..." *nods* atsushi: you ready, lucy? Lucy: *hiding behind him, curled up into a ball* "I can do this. I CAN'T DO THIS. I can do this. I CAN'T DO THIS." atsushi: *holds her hands* it's ok, lucy. Lucy: .\\\\. "..." *gulps, slowly walks forward* "What will he say..." atsushi:...i think they'd be happy to see you. ^^ Lucy: "I hope so...I just don't know--" *looks* "...Is that a doggie door?" atsushi: huh... aya: this is gonna bo soooo coooool! *A fox pops out of the doggie door* Mr. Tsubaki: "???" atsushi: woah! aya: awww how cute! Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *leaps out...sniffs at Aya* aya: hehehe~ ^^ *holds her hand out* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *doesn't smell like the wolf* *nuzzles into her hand* aya: aww ^^ eckleburg: please, do come in. -inside is quite the fancy shindig, they even have a full orchestra- Dazai: "..." *stares at Eckleburg* "Oh! Look! They have their own Kunikida!" *points at Eckleburg* eckleburg: *blink blink* um...hello? ^^; Kunikida: *facepalm* "Just...be quiet." atsushi: (wow, i feel like i just stepped into an entierly different world....) Fitzgerald: "Welcome, former enemies!" ^w^ atsushi: YEEP! kenji: howdy! ^^ Fitzgerald: "Howdy!" *holds out his hand to Fukuzawa* "No hard feelings, right?" fukuzawa:...*squint* *shakes hand* Fitzgerald: "Very good. And how are your subordinates after your nasty poison incident?" fukuzawa: on edge. *squint* Fitzgerald: "Like a sword's edge?" *beat* "..." *laughs at his own wordplay* fukuzawa: .... atsushi:.... >->;; *takes lucy out onto the dancefloor* Lucy: owo "??? O-Okay?" atsushi: ok, i think i got this *puts a hand on her hip and dances slowly* .///.;;; Lucy: .\\\\. "...Okay...This is nice." ^\\\^ Fitzgerald: *turns, spots Lucy* "???" atsushi: ^///^.... *notices fitzgerald* OwO;;;; (MMMMMMMM!!!!) Fitzgerald: *points to his eyes, then at Atsushi* *deathly serious face* atsushi: *SWEATS* Dazai: "Mmm...The cheese is excellent!" louisa: *she nods* the highest quality in the city. Dazai: "You got some Ritz crackers for these?" waiter: *walks up to kunikida* champagne sir? Kunikida: "...Yes, thank you." waiter: enjoy yourself. ^^ *walks off* .....*he is in a secluded area* *over earpiece* he's here. yana: good, make the request. Kunikida: *sniffs his glass* waiter: *mushitaro* *walks up to the conductor* may i make a request? Conductor: "Hmm?" mushitaro: i would like to request 'polovtsian dances?' Conductor: "Hmm...Sure, we can play that..." *informs the band* mushitaro: thank you~ *vanishes into the crowd as the music begins playing* -in the basement, several figures with rat masks and capes ascend up the stairs as the music begins playing- -in the ballroom- atsushi:.... *tiger senses* !!! Lucy: "???" atsushi: something...feels bad... Lucy: "..." *looks around* atsushi: come on, we have to warn the others. i think the rats are about to make a counter attack... Lucy: *whispers* "Around here, I can't recognize where they can be coming from--" -the doors swing open and several of the rats have secured the exits as people scream- aya: !!! naomi: !!!! shit! Kunikida: "!!!" *pushes Aya behind him* fukuzawa: *he has his sword* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *looking around, then dives under a table* Dazai: *looks up, mouth full of cheese* "???" O_O -someone in a rat mask and cape steps up onto the podium, their voice distorted by the mask- Conductor: *still conducting* O-O;;;; yana: {GoOd EvEnInG, dEaR pAtRoNs. PlEaSe, Do NoT bE aLaRmEd. ThIs WiLl OnLy TaKe A mOmEnT oF yOuR tImE.} Tanizaki: *standing in front of Naomi* "..." louisa: oh dear. ._.;; Lucy: *looking at the windows* "..." yana: {yOu SeE, oUr LeAdEr, Mr DoStOyEvSkI hAs ReCeNtLy BeEn DeTaInEd. So We HaVe TaKeN iT uPoN oUrSeLvEs To PaY eViL uNtO eViL.} Kunikida: *narrows his eyes* ("Interesting phrasing...") yana: {wE oNlY hAvE oNe, SiMpLe ReQuEsT; fOr DoPpO kUnIkIdA tO sUrReNdEr HiMsElF tO tHe AuThOrItIeS.} atsushi: ???!!! fukuzawa: what? aya: kunikida? Kunikida: "!!!" yana: {iF hE rEfUsEs To CoMpLy, WeLl, InNoCeNt PeOpLe ArE gOiNg To GeT hUrT...} *looks at one rat* {<you know what to do.>} Jordan: Q___Q *tries to make a run for it* rat: *shoots him in the leg* daisy: !!! rat 2: *drags her onto the stage at gunpoint* Jordan: *screams, howling in pain* Kunikida: "!!!! Stop this!" yana: {tIcK tOcK, mR kUnIkIdA. oR tHeIr BlOoD wIlL bE oN yOuR hAnDs. JuSt LiKe ThAt ChIlD's...} Kunikida: "..." *shivers* "Is this...what that is about?" *looks at the Rat* "...Will you let me use that phone in the corner?" rat 3: {gOoD lUcK.} Kunikida: "..." *holds his hands up, walks to the phone* "..." aya: h-hey, kunikida? atsushi: ?? Kunikida: "..." *looks back at Aya* aya: *she looks worried* Kunikida: "..." *puts on a smile* "It will be okay." atsushi: what are you- Kunikida: *picks up the phone...dials 911* atsushi: !!! operater: yes- Kunikida: "I am calling to make..." atsushi: kunikida, dont do it! Kunikida: "...To make a confession. I was the one who killed the child discovered in the mines on the outskirts of town." aya: !!!! fukuzawa: !!! yosano: what the hell are you- atsushi: but that's wrong! you know you didnt do it! Kunikida:…….. rat: <quiet you! let him talk!> Kunikida: "...I am willing to surrender myself to police custody." operater: ...we'll transfer you over now. aya: *teary eyed* kunikida.... Kunikida: "Thank you. ..." *holds Aya's hand* aya: why? why would you let them get away with this?! Kunikida: "Because I have faith in my ideals..." aya: .... Kunikida: "..." *hands his book to her* *looks at the Rat* "We done here?" yana: {gOoD} Kunikida: *nods* "I fulfilled your request. Now uphold your obligation: release your hostages and let the others get medical attention..." yana:... {vErY wElL} -smoke fills the room as the rats exit- Kunikida: "...Doctor, please tend to the man with the bullet wound." yosano: ...right... atsushi: *tries to run after the rats....but they're long gone*...dammit! Jordan: *crying in pain* yosano: it's ok. it'll only hurt a little bit more, then it will be alright. aya: kunikida, you cant let them take you to jail! you know you didnt do it- Kunikida: "My ideal...of protecting you all outweighs even the truth." aya: *tears falling* louisa:....lord francis, should we- Fitzgerald: "Let the police in upon their arrival." atsushi: what?! fukuzawa: ....kunikida- Kunikida: *lowers his head, holding back tears* "I am sorry, sir..." fukuzawa:...are you certain you want to do this? Kunikida: "Sir...I cannot let this hang over my head...My presence here after what happened could taint our...your agency." atsushi: ...... Lucy: "...This is stupid...Isn't anyone going to say something?" Dazai: "..." *turns his back* yosano: you cant just let the rats win like this, you idiot! naomi: you didnt have anything to do with- Kunikida: "I didn't save the child, now did I?!" naomi: ...... -the authorities soon arrive- Kunikida: "..." *holds up his hands* jack thompson: a thorough investigation will have to take place before a conviction is made, for now, you'll be in holding. aya: you cant let them do this!! Ivan: <How do you think it went?> yana:..... *removing her mask*...........*sigh*.....*making a call* gonch, give me a moment. Fyodor: *over the phone* <Yes?> yana: <good news, you'll be getting a new cellmate soon.> Fyodor: <...> "Happy New Year, then." <I look forward to the company.> yana: ..... Fyodor: <How do you feel?> yana: <what does it even matter? after all...> *fake smile and dead eyes* <im just your puppet, right?> Fyodor: <An extension of my will...Very good tonight, Yana.> yana: ... <alright, so what's our next move?> Fyodor: <Allow me to speak with our guest. I need something to be thrown away as well.> yana: <and that would be?> Fyodor: <Mushitaro knows: just let him know to proceed.> yana: <understood> -elsewhere- Katai: *reads the text message* "..." *shakes* keek: we have to bail him out somehow! he wasnt the one who did it! Katai: *shakes his head* "Kunikida is stubborn: his ideals won't allow it..." keek: t-then the agency just has to prove he is innocent! Katai: "..." *nods* "That would be up to Ranpo, then." keek: i'll do what i can to...true, i did use to do jobs for the mafia...but after the agency saved my life, the least i can do is repay them! Katai: *weak smile* "They'll appreciate that..." *pulls up footage* "...B-But I think we'll need protection...I don't want us to get hunted again." Q_Q -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." grimoire: .... Alone: *stares* "...Can I try on your glasses?" Kunikida: "..." Nals: "..." *dramatic hair flip* grimoire:......not very chatty, is he? Kunikida: "...Officer?" sancha: yes? Kunikida: "I would like to request paper and something to write with...like a crayon?" sancha: how do we know you wont try to escape? given your ability... Kunikida: "You can ask my supervisors at the Agency: my ability only works on a particular type of paper..." -elsewhere- madoka: happy birthday, guys. ^^ kyouko: happy birthday! Rin: *blows a party favor* "Thanks!" Yukio: "Um...Yes, thank you." konekomaru: we got your presents here. ^^ Rin: "Sweet!" *grabs one for Yukio, tosses it to him* Yukio: "H-Hey! Careful! It could be fragile..." shiemi: ^^ nee: ^o^ Yukio: *opens his gift* -elsewhere- Yumi: "What do we know about his confession?" lord death: it's only that, thus far. there isnt any evidence to prove or deny it... Yumi: *points to the report* "Look at the residue left on the remains--confirm what makes up that explosive." nygus: right. -elsewhere- Mori: *shaking under his covers* secretary: .....so creepy....what do you think, mii? Mii: "..." *gets under the bedsheet, cuddles against Mori* Mori: Q~Q *tentative pet* secretary: ._.;;;; Mii: =w= *purrs* Mori: *his eyes start to close slightly...* "Zz..." *falls onto the bed in front of the Secretary* secretary: eep! .-.;; Mori: *his head falls right at her legs--he's out cold* Mii: *rests on Mori's head* ^w^ secretary: ._.;;;;; Mori: *snore* Mii: *lowers his head to the Secretary* secretary:... *pet pet* im not sure how you arent scared of him... ^^; Mii: *purrs, gets off of Mori's head, lies on the bed* secretary:.... *gives mori a pillow to hug onto* Mori: "E-Elise..." -elsewhere- *Mr. Tsubaki's letter sits opened in front of Tsubaki* tsubaki:..... *The letter informs her that he has only told her and Otogiri about the Wolf, and to take care of his family--* Mr. Tsubaki's letter: "There is not a moment where you are not on my mind. I want you protected..." tsubaki:...*hands shaking* Mr. Tsubaki's letter: "I admire and appreciate your care to keep my family away from these C3 bastards. But I won't rest peacefully until I find how to keep them away forever. When I do, I will come home to our family." tsubaki: *tears falling* Mr. Tsubaki's letter: "I love you." *pawprint signature* -elsewhere- Kid: "How do you feel?" stocking: =~= stupid cramps... Kid: "..." *sets the warm water bottle down* stocking: *sniff* thanks Kid: *nods* "You're welcome..." *opens a box of chocolates* stocking: *mouth open* Kid: *feeds one to her* stocking: ^u^ Kid: "Which flavor did you get?" -elsewhere- Lucy: *holding her hands, sitting on the couch, nervous* mary: you're lucy, right? it's so nice to meet you! ^^ Lucy: "Yes? And you are?" mary: mary shelly! im new to the new guild! and this is my buddy, bram! bram: h-hello. Lucy: *waves* "Hello. ...How do you like it here?" mary: it's been sooo fun! they even have a foxy! *holds up mr tsubaki* say hi, toby! Mr. Tsubaki: ._. Lucy: *shiny eyes* "May I pet him?" mary: sure! ^^ Lucy: *pets 'Toby'* 'Toby': ^w^ -the next day- Dazai: "...Damn it." ango: we'll see if there is anything to do regarding the investigation. Dazai: "How will you explain this to your boss if he asks why you're helping defend a friend of a frenemy?" ango: i think it will go well. Dazai: "Until then, we have our best investigator checking for evidence, too." -elsewhere- ranpo: *in a bear suit* Patty: "Want a balloon, Julie?" julie: *she nods* ranpo: here ya go! -elsewhere- Kyouka: "...Aya?" aya: *punching a pillow* this sucks! they cant just do this when he didnt do anything! i'll beat those jerk rats into next week! Kyouka: "Your time will come. But until they show themselves, you can either keep punching a pillow, or train to eliminate them." *assassin's stare* aya: ._.; kenji: for now, lets keep looking for clues! ^^ Kyouka: "The police would have the mines shut down. We could sneak in there, or search elsewhere." aya: hmmm.... Kyouka: *pulls up a map on her phone* "Here is Death City. We are here. The mines are there. We can trace paths they took to get to other locations..." aya: hmm, so we're around the slums still... Kyouka: "We could interrogate potential witnesses..." aya: alright! let's go! Katai: "Wh-What are you all talking about in there?" *he's rolled up in his futon* aya: EEK! kenji: hi mr katai, are you trying to become a butterfly in the spring? Katai: o_o; "...I don't...think so?" *shakes his head* "Wh-Where do you think you're all going? You can't just go through the slums alone..." aya: we're investigating, duh! Katai: "Not alone!" *whips the futon off of him in a dramatic pose--and it hits him in the face, knocking him back* aya: ._.; Katai: "...Help me up, and let's interview some suspects." -elsewhere- Ivan: <Was Master pleased~?> yana: <sounded like it. mushitaro's already hard at work.> Ivan: <Usually is...> *sets down a map* <Which is the next tunnel to create?> yana: *takes a look* hmm. <this 'nether' seems of interest...think we had a guy there that didnt come back...> Ivan: <Send a scout first?> yana: <sounds good...> -elsewhere- Haumea: "Okay, I finished erasing our path out of the old site...It would've gone faster if I had had some time-manipulation help, Little Bro." Sho: "..." Jonah: "Did you get that thing I asked you to retrieve~?" Haumea: -_-# guruna: you're shameless. =3= arrow:.... assault, are you awake? Assault: X____X Haumea: "..." *sniffs* "Is he dead?" guruna: *fire tornados him up* WAKE UP!! >3< Assault: O___O "AAAAAAAH-" *smashes against the ceiling* Haumea: ._.; Jonah: *giggles* arrow:.... *siiiiigh* *A loud thump is heard from the room next door* Haumea: O-O; "...The Preacher is displeased..." arrow: .... -elsewhere- Vulcan: *sets down apples sliced like bunnies* "Hungry?" lisa: *nom* Vulcan: ^^ "I can put some peanut butter and raisins on them, like we used to do..." lisa:...*small smile* t-thanks, vul. Vulcan: *smiles* "You're welcome." *takes a sip of the milk* "...You see what Iris has done to her garden?" lisa: ...havent seen it. Vulcan: "I know it's kinda cold out, but with the snow, it really has to be seen in person." lisa:...r-right. Vulcan: *small smile* "You could try on that new sweater..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "You got someone housesitting while you're on your mission?" soul: kilik said he'd cover. Black Star: "That'll be good." *passes a drink* "You still going solo on this one?" soul: yeah. stein said he'd help me out if need be. Black Star: "...Keep mace on you." soul: noted. -elsewhere- pushkin: um... we maaaay have a small problem. Chuuya: "Specify." pushkin: well, kati and i were at the in-base bar, and she thought to mix vodka, white wine, and redbull together and......the regret is instant. Chuuya: "...What has to be cleaned?" katya: *completly wasted* EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK~ EVERYWHERE, THERE'S A FACE~ OR SOMETHING-SOMETHIN-SOOOMETHIIIN~ Chuuya: "...Coffee. Lots of it." katya: *climbing onto pushkin's shoulders* heyyyyyy whos my soft pillow boy with a baby head, hehehe~ =w= its so soft *pats his head* how you even doin' that? pushkin: yes, i have a soft head, kati. Chuuya: "..." *snaps a photo* katya: *blink* pushkin are we dead? pushkin: no, we arent dead. Chuuya: "Get her to bed. Now." pushkin: <no need to tell me twice> katya: MUSH! MUSH! Chuuya: "And keep it down--some people are working. And I--" *SLIP* *SPLAT* katya: *peeeek* Chuuya: *he slipped on vomit* Q___Q -elsewhere- Mephisto: "How was your Christmas, sweetie?" stocking: it was great~ *smiles at kid* Kid: ^\\\^ felisia: oho, do anything naughty~? stocking: m-MOM! >///<; Kid: O\\\\\\\o Mephisto: "Dear, please, you're embarrassing them." *turns to Stocking* "So, are you pregnant yet?" stocking: DAD. Kid: *all color has faded out of his face and suit* Mephisto: "There are techniques--" stocking: *covers ears* FALALALALA IM NOT LISTENING. Kid: *still pouring tea into a cup--until it overflows* X____X felisia: ^-^; -elsewhere- Shotaro: *making a bed* "I'll be done with them in another few minutes! Can you check on the soup?" kyouko: ok! Rin: *stirring the soup* "Should be about done..." *looks down* "You got the spices?" Ukobach: *thumbs up* "Eeep!" kyouko: good job, uko. ^^ Ukobach: ^o^ *mixes the spices, dropping them into the soup* Shotaro: "???" ("Who the heck they talking to?") -elsewhere- Joker: "Think you can sneak into where the Hoods were before?" scarlet: it's a possibility. Joker: "Try it. Or we can send Ivy or Victor as a test-run--" scarlet: after victor's _last_ excursion in the nether? Joker: "...I mean, he'd know the area. I'm sure he's not that traumatized--" Victor: *curled up in the corner* scarlet: *sweatdrop* Victor: "Can't sleep...Preacher will eat me..." Joker: -_-# "Fine. Get a Hazmat suit for Ivy." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *lays out a kimono* tsubaki: getting ready for new years already? Sakuya: "Someone has to. If I lay it out, I'm hoping it'll get the others to get ready--" Belkia: "I lost my kimono in a fire." Higan: "I started a fire." otogiri: .... im not even shocked. Black Star: *sighs* "You're going to have to shop for more..." *hands Otogiri some money* -elsewhere- Crona: *looks out the window* mami: *making lunch* Crona: "...What do you want for the new year?" mami: hmm. hard to say. Crona: "...Yeah...Maybe just peace?" mami: *nod* yeah... -elsewhere- Kyouka: *holds up an image of Rat graffiti* "We know you know where they are. Talk." mrs uraraka:...is this deadmau5? Kyouka: "That is not the correct answer. Answer it correctly, or I unless our martial arts experts." ochako: eh? kyouka? what's going on? Kyouka: "Oh. Hello. I was interrogating this hostile witness regarding the location of an enemy troop suspected to be in this area. Could you help me getting a statement from this person?" ochako:..eh? ^^; *looks at her parents, confused* Mr. Uraraka: O_O; "...Young lady, we haven't seen that graffiti--" Kyouka: *holding a taser* Mr. Uraraka: "!!!" *stands in front of his wife and daughter* kenji: *holds onto kyouka's hand* it's ok kyouka, i dont think they mean trouble. if you've seen anything, let us know, ok? ^^ Mr. Uraraka: OWO;;; "Tha-Thank you, young man." *pushing his wife and daughter along* "L-Let's get the heck out of here now..." Kyouka: "..." *looks at Kenji* "..." kenji: i think if we ask nicely, they'll help us out better. ^^ Kyouka: "Hmm...You try the next one." *points* "Like that one." kenji: ok! -elsewhere- Emine: "Target acquired." *aims snowball* mono: *humming* Emine: *toss* -BWAB- mono: ACK! Emine: "Bad deed complete." *BAD DEED GET* mono: im trying really hard to like you guys more, BUT PEOPLE LIKE YOU MAKE THAT DIFFICULT!! DX< Emine: "...Then fight back. Throw a snowball." mono: *grumble* fine! -elsewhere- Relan: "One step...There you go." shinra: t-thanks. iris: ^^ Relan: *smiles* "Easier with two to lean on, huh?" shinra: yeah, haha ^^; Relan: "How about we try that waffle mix the Commander bought?" shinra: sounds good! Relan: "Iris, what fruit we got?" iris: i bought strawberries and blueberries. Relan: "Sounds good!" *opens the cupboard--and a random Yuu falls onto him* yu: woah! hi. -elsewhere- Mifune: *knocks* tsubaki: yes? Mifune: "Hello." *holds up a bag of oranges* tsubaki: oh, thank you. ^^ Mifune: "You're welcome. How is the end of the year going?" tsubaki: busy. Mifune: "Preparations for the new year ceremony?" tsubaki: ..y-yeah. Mifune: "...What is the threat?" tsubaki: ?? Mifune: "You seem nervous. Is there a threat inside?" tsubaki: oh, no, they arent that bad- naho: *peeeeek* Mifune: "???" *waves at Naho* naho: hiya! Mifune: "Hello." *looks at Tsubaki* "How many do you have here again?" tsubaki:... a lot. Mifune: "Hm. Big house, then--" -elsewhere- Kunikida: *staring at his meal* "..." grimoire: ... Alone: "...You two gonna eat that or what?" *already licking his own plate* prisoner: *nom nom* Kunikida: "..." *sips his milk* Alone: "So..." *slobbering* "What you in for?" Kunikida: "..." Alone: "...Overdue library book?" Nals: -_- *trying to fix his hair in the plate's reflection* prisoner 2: he's just under suspicion, unlike that guy....*points to fyodor, who is in a corner by himself* Fyodor: *humming* Alone: "...So, what's his deal?" Nals: "He could use a haircut." Kunikida: "!!!" prisoner 2: *whispers* i think he's some kind of cult leader, i'd avoid talking to him if i were you... Fyodor: *looks up at Prisoner 2...winks* prisoner 2: *she backs away, uneasy* Kunikida: "You're right. Do not go near him. Do not touch him. Do not talk to him--" Alone: "That just makes me want to touch the girly-hair man more." Fyodor: ._. ("...'Girly'?") prisoner 3: didnt you hear? he killed a guard just from touching him! Alone: "I mean, maybe it was something the guard ate--" Nals: "We're still cleaning the remains off the floor." -_-# Fyodor: *smiles at Prisoner 2 and Kunikida* prisoner 2: *she's shaking* Kunikida: "...Stay back from the bars. Do not do what he requests. Do not touch him." -elsewhere- Katai: Q_Q "No luck finding new information today..." *rubs his shin* "And that one old person kicked me so hard." aya: that just leaves-....*gulp* _that_ house... Kyoka: "..." *knock knock* man: yeah? what? Kyoka: *holds up a drawing of the Rat symbol* "Greetings, citizen. Have you seen this symbol before?" man:.....s-sorry, i dont know....*shaking* Kyoka: "Kenji, hold the door open." kenji: ok. aya: ??? Kyoka: "Sir, we just want to know whether you recognize this symbol. Yes or no." man: p-please, g-go easy on us, we just lost a family member- Kyoka: "We are not here to hurt you. We are investigating criminals and murderers. Your information can assist us." man: ....... -he tells him all he knows, though it’s not much- Kyoka: *nods* "Thank you for your information." *hands him a card* "Call with any new information." man:...o-ok.... Kyoka: "..." *stares intently* child: .... Kyoka: *spots the child* child: *he and several others just stare at them* Katai: Q___Q "So many...kids..." aya: ..... kenji: *waves* ^^ Kyoka: "...Are you the father of them all?" man: w-wha no! they're my siblings, i look after them... Kyoka: "Ah..." -elsewhere- Dazai: *looking at the canal* atsushi: .....*pats his back* Dazai: "...This is where we met." atsushi: it was only a few months, but it feels like it was years ago... Dazai: "No kiddin'. Time's weird..." *falls back into the grass and melting snow* "...You ever think about kids?" atsushi: ._.; im still 18?? Dazai: "Yeah, but I'm trying to teach you to put a hat on your jimmy, or else you'll have a child before you're ready." atsushi: .____________.;;;;; Dazai: "But seriously, you've thought about whether you want to have kids in the future, right?" atsushi: i guess? ^^; Dazai: "...I didn't think I'd live long enough." atsushi: .... Dazai: "...What do I do? I can't just go away..." atsushi: i guess be there for your child? if it were _him_, i think that's what he'd do... Dazai: "...Yeah. He would've." atsushi:..... Dazai: "...He used to play this game with the kids..." *small laugh* "He'd try to get them to try to assassinate him." atsushi: ^-^; really now? Dazai: "Yep. Made a game of it. He usually won." atsushi: i guess he was a lot taller than them... Dazai: "He was a full-grown adult. They were just...little kids." atsushi: ...... Dazai: "...Am I going to die?" atsushi: no, you're going to be fine, i think. Dazai: "...Dying before your kid is even an adult...I...have not wanted to live..." atsushi:.....*awkward hug.....it feels....comforting, somehow* Dazai: "..." *small sob* atsushi: come on, lets get home... Dazai: "O-Okay..." -elsewhere- Iida: *walking through a park* "..." momo: hey tenya. Iida: "...Momo?" momo: mind if i walk with you for a while? Iida: "...Okay." momo:....*holds his hand* Iida: "..." *looks down at the ground* momo:...*hug* Iida: "..." *he doesn't move...a tear falls down his face* momo: im here, ok? Iida: "..." *slight crack* "O-Okay." -elsewhere- Emine: *covered in snow* Yohei: "...The heck happened?" mono:... .-. we went overboard. Yohei: "...It looks like you won, at least. Congrats, Mono." *hands her a shovel* "You two can now shovel the walk." mono: =3= -elsewhere- Ivan: "..." *turns the radio louder* "..." <When?> lydia: ?? Ivan: <Isn't Master going to give us future instructions?> yana: <give him time. he's gonna need it.> Ivan: <But I want to know noooooooow...> *whine* yana: <ok, i got the next order.> Ivan: OWO "Yes?" yana: bosses orders. chill the fuck out. Ivan: <I'LL DO IT! I'M THE BEST AT CHILLING, MASTER~> lydia: ...*sweatdrop* -SCREAMING- Ivan: "Eep!" mushitaro: I AM GOING TO KILL EVERYTHING!!! TT~TT Ivan: O_O; "...What happened?” mushitaro: I AM IN PAIN AND I FUCKING HATE THIS SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUUCK!!! *he is screaming and crying* yana: need us to pick up some discount christmas chocolate- mushitaro: DO IT!! Ivan: *puts on fuzzy hat* "On it!" *runs--into the wall* yana:....lydia? lydia: <understood> *exits* Ivan: X_X zoey:....i'll be treating you now~ Ivan: *dazed* "Master? When did you get so ugly?" zoey: *jabs a scalpel into his shoulder* HOW DARE YOU INSULT MASTER YOU FILTHY WRETCH!! yana: play nice you two! -elsewhere- leo: .... Akutagawa: "Thank you for the tea." leo: you're welcome. *bows* Akutagawa: *nods* "How has your day been?" leo: alright, mostly. been busy with working around the estate. Akutagawa: *nods* "I can imagine the work here must be exact..." *stabbing his fork into a stale gingerbread man cookie* leo: ... Akutagawa: *stab stab STAB STAB* "Why won't you die?!" leo: s-sir, please calm down! Akutagawa: "How much longer will this go on?!" *smashes his fist on top of the cookie* leo: !!! -squeaky- -someone threw a plush tiger- Akutagawa: "..." Q_Q leo: ?? *looks up* Gin: "..." leo: ah... -elsewhere- Lucy: T__T "I was so worried he'd hate me..." naomi: well, looks like things turned out well ^^ Lucy: *nod nod* "I'm just so happy..." *ugly crying face, Izuku puddle of tears* kirako: *hands her a bucket* Lucy: "Th-Thank you..." *catching her tears* -elsewhere- Mori: "Zzz..." {Rintaro: "Where are you going, Father?"} {ougai sr: hm? oh, im just tending to a patient. they're very sick...i dont think they're going to make it.} {Rintaro: "...That's very sad."} {ougai sr: *pets his head* it is, but even though doctors save lives, we cant save them all. *out of rintarou's view, he smiles a dark smile*} {Rintaro: "What if we could?"} {ougai sr: ...*hands him some money* here, why dont you buy yourself something nice? papa has to work now. *small forehead kiss*} {Rintaro: Q_Q "O-Okay..." *turns* *walks away*} {ougai sr: *enters the operating room* … *looking at the woman strapped to the operating table.....looks at his medical tools*} {Woman: *trying to scream*} {ougai sr: shhh, it's alright ma'am. it will only hurt for a moment~} Mori: *shifting in his sleep* "N-No..." fukuzawa:..... Mori: *mutters something in...German?* fukuzawa: ??? -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "What a mess...When is Jordan coming back to work?" louisa: sometime after the new year. bram: .... Fitzgerald: "This is all embarrassing...Eckleberg, how did they even get inside?" eckleburg: they must have had someone hack into the system. i'll have to work on an update to the system then. Fitzgerald: "Do it, Old Sport--quickly and correctly." eckleburg: understood! -elsewhere- Poe: *has cut up and laid out newspaper clippings* rowena: ?? *Clippings show Kunikida's arrest, Fyodor's capture, and some other random items--with one having a raccoon ink-print on it* rowena: investigating something? Poe: *small yelp* .\\\\. "Y-Yes? I just thought I noticed something..." rowena: like what? Poe: *points at a photo behind Kunikida, when the news photographed the handcuffs being put on him* "This photo was from December 27th. Why does the calendar behind him show December _28th_?" rowena: ?! Poe: *nods* "Someone tore it off...Was it Kunikida? If so, why?" rowena: we'll just have to investigate further, right? Poe: "Yes! ... 'We'? You're up for this?" rowena: *she nods* i can invite one of the new club members to assist us too! Poe: "??? 'New club member'? Who?" rowena: it's a surprise~ ^^ Poe: "Oh, well then, let's see it when the time comes." ^^ -elsewhere- Kid: *still frozen and all color faded out of him* o_o kirika:.....*rips one of his sleeves* Kid: *wakes up* "HOW DARE YOU DEFILE MY ATTIRE WITH YOUR AWFUL SYMMETRICAL FOOLISHNESS! SHAME! SHAAAAAAAME!!!!" kirika: he's alive guys! liz: oh thank god. Patty: *holding a coffin* "...Nuts." *Hugh pops out of the coffin* Hugh: "THIEF!" tetsu: kidnapping, technically. Hugh: >3< -elsewhere- Haumea: *has a slap mark on her face* -_-# "I changed that brat's diapers, and this is the thanks I get? Rotten little rugrat..." arrow: as a _child_? Haumea: "I was a child prodigy at my age! What, older sisters change their baby brothers' diapers all the time!" guruna: werent you like, 5 or something? Haumea: "You all calling me a liar?! Lying's a sin! I'm no sinner!" arrow:.......do you want a polite answer or an honest answer? Haumea: "YOU LIE, YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!" guruna: oh haumi, we're _in_ hell, and we've _been_ in hell 8D Haumea: "..." *forehead flick* guruna: *twitching on the floor* HFJK<FNJLJDKNVKJNDJKVOKL -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Zzz..." sonia: *drawing* Chuuya: *turns over...yawns* *looks around* "???" sonia: *drawing a picture of the people in the mafia, including rain, but mori has horns and demon wings* Chuuya: "...Sonia? You been playing?" sonia: *holds up her drawing* Chuuya: "...It looks good." *points at Rain* "Is that Mommy?" sonia: *she nods* Chuuya: "It looks good...I'm sure she'd like it." sonia: ... Chuuya: "..." *hug* sonia: *hug* Chuuya: "...I love you." sonia: i love you too, papa. Chuuya: *smiles* "...Let's get you some dinner." -elsewhere- chie: *rocking toru* toru: zzz Yohei: *puts batteries back into the security camera* -elsewhere- PlushFix: *grumbles* kinuta: gooooood, it feels like we havent done _anything_ =3= *letting him rest between her breasts* PlushFix: =\\\\= "No kiddin'...The va-cay was good and all, but can't we do some thievery?" hina: fuck yeah! PlushFix: *muffled voice* "Rob some mansions!" hina: murder some fuckers! PlushFix: *more muffled* "FUCK YEAH!" -elsewhere- Asura: "..." *fanning himself with a scarf* mikan: feeling hot? Asura: "...Yes." mikan: hmm. *puts an ice pack on him* Asura: =\\\\= "Thank you...Why do I feel so warm in winter..." mikan: perhaps you have a fever? Asura: "I don't feel sick..." *unwraps some scarves* -elsewhere- Kid: *sighs* stocking: you ok, kiddo? *in the bath with him* Kid: *smiles at her* "Much better now." stocking: glad to hear~ *leans against his chest* Kid: *strokes her head, kisses her forehead* stocking: hehe, strokes circles on his chest with her fingertip* Kid: *small gasp* ^\\\^; *rubs her shoulders* stocking: so handsome~ Kid: "So beautiful..." *cheek smooch* -elsewhere- {Mrs Kusakabe: "All done!" *holds up a mirror* "What do you think of your Halloween costume?"} {shinra: cool!} {-he pokes her stomach-} {shinra: what do you think?} {Mrs. Kusakabe: "Hee hee!" *holds her belly, impersonates a silly voice* " 'I think your costume looks great, Big Brother!'"} {shinra: i cant wait to see you!} shinra: *yaaawns* *looks at the window* morning already? *The room is quiet* shinra:....*looks to his side* Relan: *sleeping* shinra:....*kisses his forehead* Relan: =w= *yawns* "Sh-Shinra?" shinra: morning rel. *hug* Relan: ^\\\^ *strokes his back* "Morning...Up early?" shinra: yeah. sleep ok? Relan: "Pretty well...Felt snug." *smiles* shinra: ^///^ .....i wasnt...._too_ hard, was i? Relan: .\\\\. "...I didn't think so?" shinra: ah...*hug* -elsewhere- Emine: "Zzz..." lin-kimpur:.......*hugs him* Emine: *yawns* "..." *looks into her eyes* "...Morning." lin-kimpur: *sniff* m-morning.... Emine: "...What's wrong?" lin-kimpur: j-just sad i guess..... Emine: "..." *hug* "Talk?" lin-kimpur: can i just lay here for a while? Emine: "...Of course." *shifts to rest his arm under her* -elsewhere- Todoroki: *rings the doorbell* ochako: hey todoroki! ^^ Todoroki: *waves* "Hello. How are you?" ochako: feeling old =3= Todoroki: "??? You don't look any older than when I saw you last..." ochako: yeah... ^^; Todoroki: "Oh. Sorry. I didn't realize your birthday..." ochako: it was two days ago? on the 27th? though to be fair, i dont remember you asking... ^^; Todoroki: "..." *nods* "I'll remember it, then. And treat you..." ochako: aw, thanks. *hug* Todoroki: ^\\\^ "You, um, have breakfast yet?" -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *studying the other inmates* prisoner 2: *she's uneasy* Kunikida: "...You." prisoner 2: ??? w-what? Kunikida: "What are you accused of?" prisoner 2: ...m-murder of a coworker.... Kunikida: "Oh..." *steps back* prisoner 2: i-it wasnt me! i didnt kill her! Kunikida: "...Who was the victim?" prisoner 2:....her name was noriko shirono. Kunikida: *nods* "I'm familiar with that case...So you're..." prisoner 2: kanae minato. Kunikida: "...I remember your public defender was shoddy." minato: well, it's my fault for going with 'dewey, cheetum, and hao.' Kunikida: *already writing in chalk along the walls* "The alibi you gave was flimsy yet not unbelievable." minato: im telling the truth though! Kunikida: "...Have you gotten a lawyer to appeal your case?" *still drawing a diagram on the wall* minato: no such luck.... Kunikida: *drawing diagrams of angles* "No...Angle is wrong." *holds a hand up to her head* minato: eh- Kunikida: "Wrong height. And furthermore--" *Creepy laughter echoes in the jail wing* minato: *shudders* Kunikida: *trying to stay calm...* Fyodor: "Child...His truth will _not_ set you free..." minato: ....... Fyodor: "Do you think this punishment is fair?" minato:........... Fyodor: "...It may be. After all...maybe you're guilty of something..." minato: ........ Fyodor: "What if you _did_ do it, but suppressed--" Kunikida: "Shut your mouth this instant!" guard: alright, you're going back to solitary... *using a stick to guide fyodor to his cell* Fyodor: *slight giggle* "Careful--I'm ticklish..." guard: ..... Fyodor: *goes to his cell...after turning his head to smirk at Minato* minato: *shaking* Kunikida: "...That man is a sociopath. Block out his words. Just--" {Kunikida: "I killed the child."} Kunikida: "..." *shell-shocked* minato:...... {*staring at shirono's crumbled body, with blood all over her*} .... Kunikida: "..." *falls back against the wall...covers his face* -elsewhere- Ivan: <Is he pleased~?> yana: <sounds like it, he's making some new friends.> Ivan: <...Just friends?> yana: <yeah, 'friends' maaaay be pushing it. this _is_ fyodor we're talking about> Ivan: *loud sigh of relief* <Oh, thank goodness--I thought he had replaced me!> yana: <gonch, you're one in a million.> Ivan: "..." QWQ "Thank you.” -elsewhere- Poe: *walking nervously, looking around every corner* bear: *staaaares* Poe: O_______o;;;; bear: hey poe! Poe: *covers his face* "DON'T EAT ME, GIANT BEAR!" -the 'bear' removes it's head, revealing....- ranpo: yo. Poe: ._.; "...Oh. Hi. ...Is this a punishment?" ranpo: sorta. -he explains what all happened- Poe: "That's...rather humorous. Hee hee..." ^^ "Have you seen anything interesting?" ranpo: it's a work in progress....*notices someone* oh, hey mr fancy hat and fancy hat junior! Chuuya: "...Walk faster, Sonia--" sonia: *glaaaaares at them* Poe: ._.;;; *whispers to Ranpo* "Do you think they're still mad--" *A shoe smashes into Poe's face, knocking him back* sonia: *kicks him in the shin* ranpo:...i'll take that as a 'yes'. Chuuya: "Sonia, you know that's inappropriate--without also kicking him in the other shin." Poe: *scrambles away--leaving a bag behind* "Have mercy!" ranpo: ?? *examines the bag* *Inside is a small jewelry box* ranpo: *about to peak* *Snatch* ranpo: ?? Poe: >\\\\< "No!" ranpo:....*realizing* oooooooOOOOH poe you dog! 7w7 Poe: "YOU KNOW NOTHING! YOU'RE JUST A BOY IN A BEAR SUIT!" ranpo: *innocent whistling* Poe: *grumbles* "Tell no one..." ranpo: hey, if you arent gonna say anything, neither am i. sonia: ??? Chuuya: -_-# "Give me back my shoes" -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Zz..." Katai: ._.; "How long has she been out?" atsushi: she must be exhausted... Katai: "She was really going all-out detective style..." *hands Atsushi a blanket* atsushi: well, we are a detective agency. *chuckles and covers her* Katai: "...Most of us..." atsushi:....r-right.... Katai: "...How was everyone when I wasn't there?" *hugging his futon* atsushi: maybe ask fukuzawa? Katai: *nods* "H-He just seems...serious lately. And busy." atsushi:.... >->; Katai: "Maybe I could bring him his favorite tea--and those sweets he liked." atsushi: sure, go with that ^^; Katai: "Yay!" ^^ "..." o_O "I would have to go outside to get treats..." kenji: we'll go with you. ^^ Katai: *loud sigh of relief* "Oh thank God..." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Maki, tell the Captain I'm not asking her." Takehisa: "Any information about the Hoods--" Vulcan: "No! Just back off..." maki: what's going on? lisa: *shaking* Vulcan: *glares at Takehisa, holding Lisa's hand* Takehisa: "The longer we wait, the harder it will be to locate the Hoods. Maki, if you knew where they were, you'd tell us, yes?" maki:...i mean, of course i would....but lisa...her circumstances are different. Takehisa: "..." *sighs* "Just...give us whatever information you have--" lisa:........ Vulcan: "...You don't have to...Take your time." lisa:......s-shapes.....e-everything's just shapes....*shaking badly* Vulcan: "Okay, that's enough..." *holds her* "It's okay..." Takehisa: "..." lisa:....*her breathing steadies* Vulcan: "Let's go...Take a walk..." Takehisa: "..." lisa: o-ok.... -elsewhere- Dazai: "You sure a prison break isn't still a viable option?" yosano: that will only make matters worse. Dazai: "Not if we do this gradually..." *takes out a pair of chopsticks* -chop- yosano: do not. Dazai: >3< "At least I'm thinking of an idea. I don't see anyone else. Oh, I know!--Let's ask Kunikida! Oh, right--HE'S NOT HERE!" kirako: *hug* down boy. Dazai: TT\\\\\TT kirako: better? Dazai: "A-A little...This is all just so much all at once." -elsewhere- Mikuni: "And then we'll get you a new dress, and maybe design your hair--" Jeje: *stuck on Mikuni's shoulders* -_-# "Kill me..." metsu: ... ?? there's a customer. Mikuni: "???? Welcome, to our little curio shop--" rowena: um, h-hello. .///w///. Mikuni: "Well, howdy, missy!" rowena: i wanted to give you something for the holiday! >///< *hands him a heart shaped box of chocolates* please enjoy it! Mikuni: OwO "Ooooo! We love chocolate, don't we, Jeje?" Jeje: *judgy snake face* -_-# metsu:.... Mikuni: "Did you make these?" *takes a bite of one* rowena: myself? oh goodness, im not that skilled. .///.; Mikuni: "D'aw, that's a shame. You should try--making chocolates can be fun!" *holds one up to Jeje* Jeje: *shakes his head 'no'* -elsewhere- Hyde: *searching through online streaming videos* "...Shit. I remember this film. I was at its premiere." licht: didnt you kill the lead actor? Hyde: -_-; "...Let's watch something else." -elsewhere- Yumi: "..." marie: whats up? Yumi: "Just trying to figure out a few cases. How are you?" marie: busy, there's a mjolnir family reunion coming up. Yumi: "So you're traveling?" marie: and little christa too~ ^^ Yumi: *smiles* "She'll be the center of attention." marie: >u< Yumi: ^^ "I hope you have fun there. Is everyone going?' -elsewhere- Anya: "Classes will begin again soon." tsugumi: yeah. Meme: "Picked your classes?" tsugumi: *she nods* Anya: "I'll be in history, public speaking, and more combat courses. You?" tsugumi: hmmm. i guess i want to learn more about this whole 'grigori soul' thing... Meme: "So a 'soul studies' class?" tsugumi: yeah, that. Anya: "I heard that course is intensive. Maybe talk to the teacher?" tsugumi: noted. mio: how about you, meme? Meme: "I'm not sure...I was looking at combat classes and...some advanced studies." ao: oh? Meme: *nods* "Maybe, I don't know, pursue some more intellectual studies?" mio: that's great. ^^ Meme: ^^ "How about you, Mio?" mio: not sure just yet. i might see if there's some kind of coding class or something. Meme: "Oh, you'd be great! I know they want to add more of those classes." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "??? What happened to you?" Poe: *has a shoe imprint on his face* Q_Q "I don't want to talk..." karl: *chitter* *pap pap* Poe: TTWTT *pat pat* *sets his bag in his locker* -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *tending to his grapevines* dorothy: *staaaare* Steinbeck: "??? Yes, Dorothy?" dorothy: can i watch? big brother's being a buttpain. Steinbeck: "Sure...What's wrong?" dorothy: he's just a bit much when it comes to brotherly affection. not in a weird way, mind you. Steinbeck: "...Okay? Um...What boundaries do you want him to practice?" dorothy: he needs to learn to chill the heck on out. Steinbeck: "I could send him out on errands. Or--" baum: JOOOOOHN!!! Steinbeck: "?!!!! Wh-Whhat?"at?" baum: *holds dorothy close* dont lust after my sister you sick bastard! i should have you fined and arrested! dorothy: =_=; Steinbeck: o_O "I...wasn't...?" baum: you better not have been. T_T Steinbeck: "I assure you, I wasn't...Um...Do you need to take a break? Get a snack?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *trying on his formal kimono* "..." kirei: getting ready for new years festivities? Benimaru: *nods* "Thought I should check to make sure it still suited me." *holds out his arms* "How is it? Good size?" kirei: *she nods* ^^ Benimaru: "Thank you. How is festival organizing going?" kirei: the sisters are all working hard. Benimaru: *nods* "Your kimono?" kirei: i already have it set out. -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *sniffs* mary: whats wrong, toby? Mr. Tsubaki: TT3TT mary: *brushing him* Mr. Tsubaki: =\\\\= *fox sigh* -elsewhere- Belkia: "Tah-dah!" *he's in a Bedazzled kimono* Sakuya: "..." *covers his eyes* "I have gone blind." tsubaki: it's certainly...unique. ^^; Belkia: "Thank you! They called me mad for daring to sequin a kimono!" -elsewhere- Mori: *sips his tea* "...I just remembered, I'm not a big fan of tea. But you were, weren't you?" fukuzawa: yes. Mori: "...Very traditional...Samurai..." fukuzawa: ... Mori: "...I remember...milkshakes." fukuzawa:....should i have someone picks something up for you? Mori: *nods* "And lemon cookies." fukuzawa: .. Mori: "Maybe...chocolate. Rainbow stickers..." fukuzawa: .... --# Mori: "..." *finishes his tea* "..." *stares at the tea leaves* "...I want to get better." fukuzawa: ... Mori: "..." *holds up the cup* "Do you read tea leaves?" fukuzawa: not normally. Mori: "...Oh. Was hoping someone could predict these." fukuzawa: ...... >->; (i dont want to let that girl near this lolicon.) Mori: "...Well, I better sleep..." -morning- Kid: =_= stocking: rough night? Kid: *nods* "Migraine..." stocking: aww. Kid: "Maybe some medicine and water..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: *yawns* -...- Kunikida: "..." *looks at the wall...picks up his chalk* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *claps his hands* "Line up! We continue inspections." -staff lining up- Fitzgerald: "...Eckleberg! Fix that tie!" eckleburg: *doing so* Fitzgerald: *walks by--then leans down* "And you. Where were you at 11:59 PM the night of December 27?" worker: i was home! you can ask my mother! Fitzgerald: "HOW DO I KNOW YOUR MOTHER WASN'T INVOLVED IN THIS EVIL PLOT OF EVIL?!" worker: Q_Q daisy: sir, he's pissing himself. Fitzgerald: "Hmm...The self-urination is a rather convincing piece of evidence. Very well. Jordan, clean this mess up." jordan: -_-; -elsewhere- Steinbeck: -_-##### twain: that seriously happened? Steinbeck: *small growl* "Unfortunately..." twain: what's his deal? Steinbeck: "He has a sister fixation. And as someone with sisters--that's pretty messed up." baum: its not anything weird or lewd! keep your perverted ideas away from us, freak. twain: ._.; Steinbeck: "Just...keep him occupied. Like, a jigsaw puzzle, or compare beauty tips." twain: can do! -elsewhere- Ivan: -_-# <Such noise...> yana: hmm? Ivan: <Tell that cow to stop her groaning...> yana: oi, medic, you ok? zoey: ah.....h-hungry....my baby needs to eat..... lydia: <vachenka, i know you dont like her at all, but it wouldnt kill you to be less of a dick.> Ivan: <No, it actually would. It's a medical condition. Tragic.> lydia: ... T_T; Ivan: <Why don't _I_ prepare her meal?> *innocent smile* lydia: <i will handle it.> Ivan: -3- yana: (boss, please get home soon before i lose what remains of my sanity...) -elsewhere- minato:.... Fyodor: *humming* minato: *tenses and tries to walk away* Fyodor: "Still running?" minato: w-what do you want from me? Fyodor: "To free this world of sins..." minato: but why are you targeting me? i didnt do a single thing to you! Fyodor: *smiles* "If I seek to eliminate this world of sin, I have to make every person I meet be honest with themselves." minato: i-i didnt murder her! Fyodor: "So why are you here?" minato: i.....*shaking* i didnt mean to.....i-i had to....i-i was......*her eyes are wide, tears falling* Fyodor: "...Child..." minato: *hyperventilating* {minato: *asleep*} {-someone sneaks into her apartment and enters her room....and starts choking her-} {minato: !!!!!????} {shirono: this is for your own good. you're going to bring us all down if you keep living... *she seems unstable*} {minato: *kicks her off before grabbing scissors, and in a fit of panic, stabs her to death* ah......ah...... *screaming*} minato: ....... Fyodor: "...You had to do it, didn't you?" minato:....*crying and trembling* Fyodor: "And like any murderer, now you are here." minato: ...............*catatonic* Fyodor: "The truth...shows you why you are here. But the truth...can also set you free." minato:...w-what should i do? Fyodor: "Do you think this punishment is appropriate?" minato:.....i...i dont know..... Fyodor: "Which sentence did they give to you, when they locked you here?" minato:.....i dont remember.....7 months? Fyodor: "Seven months? That is all for killing?" minato:........ Fyodor: "It is said that, to take a life, only one thing can be done to make up for that sin...An eye..." minato:....for an eye.....*glances to the door leading to the stairs* Fyodor: "Shall I help you?" minato:....please.... Fyodor: *looks at Alone* "You. Wolfman." Alone: *Scooby 'Huh?' noise* Fyodor: "What if I offered you freedom?" Alone: "...Like, escape from here?" Fyodor: *smirks* Alone: "...Yo, Grimoire? You--" grimoire: dont trust this man. i get a bad vibe from him. Alone: "But Grim--freedom! He's offering--" Fyodor: *already talking to another prisoner* "--if you just do as I ask." grimoire:.... !!!! Prisoner #1: "AAAARG!" *picks up a metal tray--and smashes it into Alone's face* Alone: "OUCHIE!" *knocked down* grimoire: hey! what the hell are you doing?! guard: hey-HEY! Prisoner #1: *kicks at Grimoire's face* Fyodor: *stares at Minato* minato: *makes a beeline for the stairs, running up them* -Outside- Kunikida: *lifting a weight...in view of the roof* prisoner 2:....eh? whazzat? Kunikida: *looks up...squints, to see the distance and against the bright sun* minato: *stumbling to the roof's edge, staring down below* ............................. Kunikida: "That's...!!!!" minato: *closes her eyes.......and leans forwards.....almost falling in slow motion........* -crunch- -the prisoners are screaming and running away- Kunikida: *just stares...so shocked, he drops his weight* -the guards are doing all they can to handle the situation- Kunikida: *looks at the fence between the yard and where Minato...* "..." *runs...and jumps, crawling over the fence* guard: h-hey! GET BACK HERE! Kunikida: *runs to where Minato is* ("What am I doing? I'm not Yosano. I'm not...I'm not able to do anything...But I have to try...") -she's already gone....just a crumpled form laying in blood, with a few bones sticking out- -the top of her head had caved in from the impact- Kunikida: *stares wide-eyed* "..." *he's just standing...staring* -silence, save for a ringing in the ears...- -THUD- guard: get back in your cell! Kunikida: *knocked to the ground* -elsewhere- liz: *watching tv*.....!!!! *horrified* Wes: "...God..." julie: liz? uncle wes? what's going on? liz: !!! hey kiddo. why dont you and riley get the gamecube set up and we can all play mario party? julie: for real? ok! *goes to do that* Wes: "..." *holds her hand, shaking* -elsewhere- yuma: happy birthday, mifune. ^^ Mifune: *small smile, nods* "Thank you." angela: we got you mochi! -there is a little box with mochi shaped like rabbits- Mifune: "Oh! Looks good..." *hugs* angela: *huuug* ^u^ yuma: ^u^ Mifune: "Well...let's dig in." -elsewhere- Lucy: *washing plates...turns on the radio* -seems some christmas music is still playing- Lucy: *sighs* "Corny, but familiar..." *turns up the volume* -the door opens- atsushi: hey lucy. *wave* Lucy: "Oh, hey." *waves* "On break?" atsushi: yeah. school starts up next year. *yawns* pulled an all nighter last night.... Lucy: "On studying?" *dries her hands* atsushi: yep. Lucy: "That's some commitment...You try a nap, or do you want some coffee?" atsushi: yes please. -elsewhere- Yohei: *sets down GET* "Alright. Get to it." get: *salute* chie: *chuckles* booo. Yohei: *smiles* *pats GET* -elsewhere- PlushFix: =w= "If I could smoke again, this'd be heaven..." hina: *giggling* shaula: yeeep dats da good shiiiit. mimeca: =w= saku:..... <idiots> PlushFix: *stares at Shaula* "...Pretty hair, BT-dubs." [[as in BTW]] shaula: magic, bitches, lul. beatrice: =-=; (lady shaula i love you but you're so strange sometimes) -elsewhere- Johannes: "..." *sighs, tears a page out of his notebook* metsu: doctor? Johannes: "What?" *ripping the page in half* metsu: ...nevermind. Johannes: "..." *returns to his writing...the torn up page is next to Metsu's feet...One word is legible: "Sister"* metsu:....... -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Looking forward to the festival?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: *smiles* "We'll get some treats, Grandma will want to look at the lanterns..." sonia: ok. Chuuya: "Any games you want to play?" -elsewhere- Hyde: *setting up a booth* kyouko: im here! sayaka: *was dropping her off via scooter* Hyde: "Yo! There are some boxes to unpack." kyouko: ok then. Hyde: "Getting here a problem?" kyouko: i got a friend to help. sayaka: *waves* heyoo. Hyde: *waves* "Hey. I'm Hyde." -elsewhere- Poe: "...Ghastly." lana: *holding him close*..... Poe: *shivers* "Just...I've written things like this..." lana: *listening* Poe: "B-But I wrote those things so that...because I thought they _wouldn't_ happen...or that I'd be st-stronger when they could..." lana: *rubs his back* Poe: "...What if I did those things..." lana: you know you're not that kind of person, edgar... Poe: *covers his face* "Have you read what I wrote? I trapped...you and Ranpo and that doctor in my book..." lana: you have dark thoughts. but it was technically all fiction, right? ^^ Poe: "Sucking people into that fantasy...was to get Ranpo killed..." lana: .... Poe: "..." *shudders* "You don't recognize how awful death is...until you face it..." *rubs his arms* lana: ....*she hugs him* Poe: *weeping* lana: *kisses his forehead* it's ok. im here, karl is here, your sister is here, we're here, ok? Poe: *nods...shivers* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *groans...opens his eyes* "Wh-Where..." -he was back in his cell- Kunikida: *feels his head--winces* "Ow!" guard: i see you're awake now. Kunikida: "...She is..." guard:....miss minato sadly didnt survive. Kunikida: "..." guard:..... *walks away* Kunikida: "...Another...Another...Another...Anoth--" *sobs* "Another...Another..." guard: *walking down the hall* Kunikida: *lying on his back, just crying* -elsewhere- Katai: Q~Q blair: *in cat form, sleeping on his lap* Katai: *strokes Blair* T\\\T -elsewhere- Ivan: *giggles* mushitaro: well _you_ seem chipper, whats up? Ivan: "Master just keeps making his glorious plan work..." mushitaro: ah. Ivan: "Soon, his glory will bless this entire world~" -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Kenji, lift it." kenji: *liiiift* Kyoka: "Now. I will ask the question again..." guy: ._.;;; Kyoka: "Have you seen this man?" *holds up a photo of Fyodor* guy: h-he's that guy who got arrested, right? Kyoka: "Correct. Have you seen him before his arrest?" guy: i-i saw him at the cafe when he got arrested! Kyoka: "Why were you there?" guy: i-i was getting my coffee like i always do in the mornings when i go to work! Kyoka: "For whom do you work...?" *holding a blade* guy: Q-Q i-i work at an insurance firm! aya: *examines his id card* he checks out! Kyoka: "...Okay. You may go on your way..." *reads the name on the ID card* -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." ango: so you chose _here_ of all places? Dazai: "A reminder of who has been lost--and a promise not to let that happen again." *smiles* "Because I intend to end this." ango: ?? Dazai: "You and I know the Rats are behind this. Now, I've been patient with you getting the evidence..." ango:...something seems wrong....someone's been tampering with evidence. perhaps via an ability? Dazai: "??? How can you tell it's altered?" ango: call it instinct....*showing him some photos* Dazai: *looks at them* "...From a distance, nothing looks too out of the ordinary..." ango: but up close? Dazai: *holds it closer to his eyes...* -elsewhere- Tuhl: *shivers* saki: you ok? Tuhl: "Just feels chilly in here." saki: *hands him a coat* Tuhl: "Thanks..." *puts it on* "You okay with this weather?" saki: yeah....smore? Tuhl: "Please." ^^ saki: *setting it up, heating the marshmallow with a finger lighter* Tuhl: "..." *sits across from her* "Any spices to add...?" *staring at her finger* saki: tuhl, you dont add spices to a s'more. ^^; Tuhl: "Well, not even some cinnamon?" saki: hmm, well maybe a little. -elsewhere- Lucy: *puts a blanket over Atsushi* atsushi: zzzz.... =w= Lucy: "..." *sits by him on the cafe couch...rests her head on his shoulder* "..." waitress: *snaps a pic* ^^ Lucy: .\\\\. *puts a finger over her lips to say "Don't make noise, please..."* waitress: *nods* Lucy: =\\\\= *small cuddle* -elsewhere- Mephisto: "Comfy?" felisia: =u= *nuzzles* Mephisto: "I'll take that as a yes~" *pours more hot chocolate* -elsewhere- Motojiro: ^wX *he has a black eye* leo: ah! what happened? ayako: *bruised* X3= Motojiro: "A minor workplace accident FOR SCIENCE!" leo: you really should be more careful... Motojiro: owx "??? We were wearing goggles..." leo: *getting him ice* Motojiro: "Thanks, ma'am." ^wX *elbows Ayako* "Isn't that nice?" ayako: yeppers! Motojiro: *contented sigh* "So lovely...Like lemons." ayako: xwO ~?? Motojiro: "Sweet lemons...Pretty lemons..." =\\\\x leo: ? Motojiro: "She even smells like lemons..." *he's...floating...* leo: s-sir, sir! ayako: WOAH! Motojiro: "..." *opens his eyes* "...Oh! Sorry." *turns off his air-belt, landing on his feet* ayako: SUCCESS! leo: ^^; Motojiro: "So, we got the air-belt to work, I didn't lose my eye--Ayako, you're hair is still on fire." ayako: *licks her fingers and puts the flame out on her hair antennae, going out with a 'tssss'* Motojiro: *thumbs up--then blood squirts out the top of his thumb* leo: *bandages him* Motojiro: .\\\\\. leo: you really should be more careful, sir... Motojiro: "I-I guess? I mean, have to have a little danger for an experiment..." leo: but what if you died? what then? Motojiro: owx "Well...I'd get to know how the brain operates near death?" leo: ......*sigh* just look after yourself, ok? Motojiro: .\\\\\. *nod nod nod nod nod* -the next day, new years day- Black Star: ^w^ tsubaki: everyone ready? Black Star: *nod nod* Belkia: "Ready!" Higan: *fanning himself* -elsewhere- Patty: *dressing up* "Almost ready!" liz: yep! Patty: *steps out...she has makeup on* liz: oh wow, nice job! Patty: ^\\\^ "Thanks. I thought I'd get all pretty-ified..." julie: ^u^ Patty: "How you like your kimono, Jules?" julie: ^u^ *she's in a pink one with flowers on it* Patty: "So cute..." *holds up the phone to take pics* -elsewhere- Tanizaki: *adjusting his sash* fukuzawa: is everyone ready? Kyoka: "...I'm used to this attire anyway." atsushi: yep, all set. aya: mmhmm! Lucy: *blinks* "...Dazai...What are you--" Dazai: *he's wearing a ski mask* kenji: are you cold? aya: ROBBER! *kick to the balls* Dazai: .________O *collapses* Lucy: "...Well, if he was going to have kids--" atsushi + ranpo + fukuzawa: !!! *clasping their junk* yosano: oh, even _I_ felt that. Tanizaki: o_o;;; *hides behind Naomi* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "!!! ..." *smiles* sonia: hiya grandma, hi miss leo. Chuuya: *waves* -elsewhere mushitaro: that Q-ball kid braided the medic's hair.... ^u^# looking at it pisses me off. Ivan: "Then un-braid it." mushitaro: ooooor~ *holding scissors* mushishishishi~<3 Ivan: "...Doooooo iiiiiiiit..." mushitaro: *sneaks over to her room*..... *grinch grin* zoey: *resting* mushitaro: *griiiiins* -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Hee hee...So pretty." mana: .///. um..t-thanks... Shotaro: "??? Hmm?" *turns back, holding rock candy* "Oh, Mana. Didn't see you there." *holds one stick out* mana: ...... -_-; Emine: *smirk* nea: the festival is really kicking off, eh? Shinoda: "Indeed. Comfortable?" nea: mmhmm~ ^^ Yohei: "Liking the cold's got to help with that..." *holds Toru* Assi: *munching on tako* mono: 737 ..... Assi: "??? Want some?" mono:..*nom* =n= *kimono flip* mono: h-HEY!! Emine: "Bad deed complete..." Assi: .\\\\. mono: I'LL KILL YOU! D8< -elsewhere- Rin: "Madoka!" *waving* madoka: *hug* Rin: ^\\\^ "Glad to see you..." tatsuya: hey rin! Rin: "Hey, Big Guy!" *holds up his hand for a high-five* -high five- tatsuya: ^^ Rin: "So, what you two up for? I really want to play the fish game." tatsuya: that sounds awesome! Rin: "Let's go then!" ^W^ -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *smiles* "It looks good." kim: yep. Jacqueline: "..." *brushes her hand* kim: *holds her hand* ^///^ Jacqueline: ^\\\^ *small squeeze* "L-Let's walk..." -elsewhere- Arthur: *nom nom nom nom nom* tamaki: ^u^ Arthur: "Tasty, right?" *hands a napkin* tamaki: yeah! Arthur: "..." *smiles* "That's good news..." -elsewhere- Kishiri: "Lookin' good~" vivian: hehe, why thank you~ huang: *glaaaare* Kishiri: owo;;;; *keeps an arm's length away from Vivian* -elsewhere- Kid: "Another anpan?" stocking: yes please! Kid: *unwraps it, offers it to her* stocking: *nom* <3 Kid: *smiles...* "You look happy..." stocking: i am~ ^^ Kid: *smiles...brushes her hand* stocking: ^^ Kid: "...Let's make this a good year..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." *looks at the lanterns* hirotsu: a lovely sight. Akutagawa: "Yes..." *taps one lantern* "...It's light." higuchi: it sure is. Akutagawa: "...Did you go to these festivals often?" higuchi: yeah. Akutagawa: "With your sister?" higuchi: *she nods* Akutagawa: "...We didn't." higuchi:...*pap pap* Akutagawa: "..." *nods* "...Can you make this time good for her?" higuchi: i will. -elsewhere- Izuku: "Looks cute." ^\\\^ tsuyu: thanks. ^^ Izuku: "...Y-Your family seems to be having fun!" -elsewhere- Akitaru: "...I had a problem finding a kimono in my size." miwa: ^^; Takehisa: "At least it covers you--and we are all grateful for that. -_- Hibana: "Still surprised they let gorillas into the festival--" Akitaru: -_-### Karim: *rolls his eyes* pearl: ^^; Konro: *sets down the tray of drinks* "Here you are." shinra: thanks for inviting us. ^^ fang-hua: glad to be back, sir. Benimaru: "Good to have you back, Fang-Hua." Tsukiyo: "And me~?" Benimaru: "..." Tsukiyo: D:< kirei: ^^; glad to see you're back as well, miss usada. Tsukiyo: *bows* "Thank you." TWT -elsewhere- Sakuya: *sneezes* naho: are you cold? Sakuya: "A little..." naho: *huuug* Sakuya: "..." *pat pat* ^^ -elsewhere- Black Star: *nom nom nom nom nom--* tsubaki: ^^; mahiru: hey guys! Kuro: *carrying snacks...that he is eating* "Hmmm thmmm." ("Hey, there.") tsubaki: enjoying the festival? Kuro: "Yes--but the walking is tiresome." -_- mahiru: -_-; what _isnt_ tiresome for you... Kuro: "Sleep..." tsubaki + mahiru: *sweatdrop* Black Star: *grabs a bit of Kuro's cotton candy--* *GRAB* Kuro: *death glare* "Bad move..." Black Star: "..." *death glare returned* tsubaki + mahiru: *sweatdrop x2* -elsewhere- Bakugo: "--and the damn thing won't change no matter how many times I wash it!" *his hair is still styled* itsuka: ._.; Bakugo: "I might as well just shave it--BUT I CAN'T FIND A BLADE TO CUT THROUGH IT." -elsewhere- Victor: "...This is fun, right?" nozomi:...i-i guess... Victor: "...You like rides?" nozomi:...y-yeah... Victor: "How 'bout that one?" *it's a caterpillar kiddie ride* nozomi:..... tamaki: i'll even ride with you. nozomi:...o-ok... Victor: ^w^ "Three tickets, please--" -elsewhere- Shima: ^\\\w\\\^ "So many cuties..." izumo: *side punch* shameless! Shima: "Ow! Oh, what, you think I'm the only person who appreciates fine human form with stylish outfits?" izumo: shush. konekomaru: come on guys, lets try to get along. ^^; Shima: >3> Bon: *eyeroll* "Come on, Konekomaru--let's go for the games, leave the lovebirds alone." izumo: w-what?! D8< Shima: "It's not like that!" ):< konekomaru: take care you two. ^^; Bon: *waves* Shima: >3< izumo: *grumble* just great... Shima: "...Want a soda?" izumo:...fine. -elsewhere- Kyoka: *holding binoculars* kenji: *nom nom nom* Kyoka: *sighs* "Nothing..." *picks off one of Kenji's tako* kenji: did you want one too? Kyoka: *nods* kenji: here! *hands her some* ^^ Kyoka: "...Thank you." *nom* nankichii: um...h-hi... gon: *fox chitter* Kyoka: *waves* "Hello, Kenji's friend." kenji: hey kankichii! are you here with the others from your place? nankichii: y-yeah.... ???: nanki, these your friends? Kyoka: *stares* man: hi, im Eiji Yoshikawa. i work at salamander publishing too. nice to meet ya. ^^ Kyoka: "Hello. Are you an editor?" eiji: *he nods* i also write a few samurai stories in my spare time. ^^ Kyoka: "...Do you need someone to model for painted covers of your books?" -elsewhere- Katai: *holding his futon...which is also dressed in a kimono* aya:....i have no words for this. Katai: "I-I just wanted to match..." Q~Q higuchi:... D8 YOU! Katai: Q______Q "Oh shit..." *hides behind Aya* aya: oh, its your ex and her girlfriend. Katai: Q_____Q "Sh-She's not my ex--she wasn't into me..." -elsewhere- Yumi: "How are you feeling?" lord death: content~ ^u^ Yumi: "Good." *smiles* "Because you still have to read your opening remarks..." lord death: right. Benimaru: "Death? This way..." *hands him the microphone* lord death: alrighty then! -elsewhere- Aizawa: "...Having fun?" yuuji:...i guess so. Aizawa: "Hmm." *nods* *points to a building* "Go for a tour in the game house?" yuuji: um, sure. Aizawa: "I wonder if it's a haunted house, or..." -elsewhere- Burns: "...This seems like a waste of time--" foien: well, the others seem to be enjoying themselves. Onyango: "Indeed..." *sampling the ramen* ruby: yeah, let loose once in a while! >3< Burns: "...What would you suggest?" ruby: face painting! >u< Burns: "...Wha?" x_o; ruby: *pushing him along* Burns: "...This will not end well..." Onyango: *small smile* -elsewhere- Shamrock: "..." himawari: are you alright? Shamrock: "Just...reflecting." *stares at the water* himawari:....*small chuckle* Shamrock: "..." Xw^ "Just thinking about...the next steps." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *holds up Sonia* "Can you see now?" sonia: yeah. Chuuya: *smiles* -elsewhere- Stein: "..." *lights up* nygus: figured i'd find you here. Stein: "You found me. What's up?" nygus: havent gone on your mission yet, huh? Stein: "No...Delay after delay after invasion after delay." nygus: ah. Stein: "I'll be leaving after the New Year--unless more delays." -elsewhere- Gopher: =w= kirika:.....*awkward lean* Gopher: o\\\\\o "...Is this reality?" kirika: *pinches his cheek* easy there, goph, dont have a heart attack on me. 7///7; Gopher: "Ouchie!" ^\\\\^ "O-Okay...Is-Is this comfortable?" kirika:...i guess. sorry, affection aint one of my strong suits. 737; Gopher: "It's fine...No one's perfect...Not even someone perfect." *smiles* kirika: =///,///=; Gopher: "If that...you know, makes sense..." *looks into her eye, smiles* kirika:...t-thanks. =///=; -elsewhere- Vulcan: *holding dozens of animal plushies* lisa:....*small smile* Vulcan: ^^; "Guess I got overly enthusiastic..." *spots some children* "Maybe they'd like the ones you don't want?" lisa:.....i-i guess.....um....h-hey...? Child #1: "??? Yes, ma'am?" kurome: ?? lisa: here, you can have these. Vulcan: ^^ Child #1: o___o "Wow..." kurome: thanks lady! papa, look! "Kurome's Father": "That's adorable." ^^ Vulcan: "..." *whispers to Lisa* "Jeez, that guy's voice is deep..." yu: ^^; "Kurome's Father": "Did you thank the nice lady?" kurome: *nod nod* "Kurome's Father": "That's good. Let's keep looking around..." -elsewhere- Mikuni: *has set up a booth for the shop* "Can I interest you in one of our curios?" lana:...?? edgar? Poe: *death glare* "No jury in the world would convict me..." Mikuni: *looks around--spots Lana* "And what can I do for this happy coup--" *sees Poe* OWO;;;; lana:.... ^^; should i give you two some space? ^^;; Mikuni: D: "Don't leave me alone with him!" Poe: "Yes, please give us some space~ I'll need no witnesses." *slasher grin* Mikuni: O_________O "JEJE! SAVE ME!" Jeje: "No." Mikuni: "YOU TRAITOR!" Poe: *leans forward, still smiling* "...How much for the volume of love poems~?" Mikuni: "FREE! JUST TAKE IT!" *throws the book at Poe* Poe: *one-hand catch* ^^ "Thank you." *offers it to Lana* lana: ^^; aww. *smooch on the cheek* Poe: ^\\\\^ Mikuni: *crouching in the corner* Jeje: *draws -_- on his brown paper bag* -elsewhere- Meme: *rings a bell* mio: *making her wish* ao: *in her miko garb* thank you for your patronage. Meme: *nods, smiles* "Tsugumi, you're next!" tsugumi: *making her wish* Anya: "..." ao: what will you wish for? Anya: "...Just keep it simple, I guess." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *sips his tea* oscar: how's it going in here, johnny boy? Steinbeck: "Quiet..." oscar: ah....missing your family? Steinbeck: "A bit...I wrote again." oscar: i see. something on your mind, hun? Steinbeck: "...I don't know. Just feeling listless, like I'm waiting..." oscar: still shook up about the twain incident? Steinbeck: *spits up his tea* *cough hack cough* oscar: ohoho, its alright. i wont judge~<3 Steinbeck: "J-Just, no, okay? I don't even..." oscar: johnny boy, its alright. if things did happen, how would you feel about it? Steinbeck: "I-I don't even know that I said it could happen..." oscar: hmm... twain: *peeek* you still mad? Steinbeck: *throws tea cup at him* twain: *dodge* no hard feelings, buddy! *runs* Steinbeck: >~< oscar: *pap pap* -elsewhere- Kid: *smiles* stocking: to the new year. Kid: "To the next year." *clinks glasses* -elsewhere- atsushi:.... Odasaku: (How you hanging in there?) atsushi: alright, for what it's worth. Odasaku: (...Worried about something?) atsushi: *lays on his back* just everything that's been going on, i guess.... Odasaku: (Such as Kunikida?) atsushi:.....yeah... Odasaku: (...Have they let you visit?) atsushi: *shakes his head* Odasaku: (...Have they scheduled a trial?) atsushi: it's still under investigation. Odasaku: (...And Dazai looks depressed by it all...) atsushi:....should i talk to him? Odasaku: (Please?) atsushi:...ok....*knock* dazai? Dazai: "Hmm?" *opens the door* "Oh, hey! You're back?" atsushi: you ok? Dazai: "Eh, alright. You?" atsushi:.....*awkward hug* thought you needed that. Dazai: "..." *pat pat* "Yeah. Thanks..." atsushi: here's hoping next year gets better.... Dazai: "...No kidding...For us all." -beginning of Y6-
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