#she's fascinated by them & she'd be. embarassed
vairuler · 3 years
thinking abt the headcanon that flowers may rot & wilt at gallilea’s touch or presence ,,,
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imadhatt3r · 3 years
someone had to ask: Disco Elysium for the blorbo ask game 😔
Thank you for your sacrifice 😢7
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): God, probably Harry or Kim, which shouldn't be suprising... I can't pick because it's geniuinely difficult for me to think about them as two separate characters, my brain always packages them in a set, like some leftover holiday-themed products right after said holiday ends and they want to clear the stock as fast as possible.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): Literally all the kids, Cuno and Cunoesse, Anette, Little Lily and her twin brothers... I am willing to beat anyone who's mean to them into a pulp. I saw this adorable fanart on twitter recently of Harry and Kim buying all the kids from the game ice cream as a thank-you for their contribution to the investigation, no matter how small and AHAHGAIAHAVAUAJAHHA 😭😭😭😭😭
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) Probably Cindy the SKULL, I love this archetype of a snarky, mean girl with a lot of eyeshadow and an oversized coat with a good heart underneath, plus she's an artist who paints with gasoline and blood, so... yeah 🥰 I adore that pose she takes on when you talk to her, how she reclines on the wall and looks at you from an upside-down perspective, both to show off that she doesn't take you seriously and possibly because she's an artist so she's looking at the world in a different way... yeah. That "squeal for me piggy" convo is dear to my heart, something about girls making men who could easily crush them in a physical confrontation embarass themselves for them makes me 👀. I also really like Acele, she's clearly both very mature but still slightly childish and young, both things probably stemming from her past. I like this short but sweet friendship she can have with Harry, with both kinda reaching a quiet respect for eachother if you'll exhaust her dialogue tree and the "silver bird" convo.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): This one's kinda hard, since pretty much all characters are relevant to the plot in some way or another... Maybe Lilienne? She's awesome, I love her backstory of a hard-working woman just trying to keep herself and her kids afloat (hehe) and pretty much doing everything herself out of necessity. Her attitude towards her dead husband is interesting, very pragmatic, I guess it just goes to show how casually alcoholism is treated, like it's almost expected that your husband will abuse alcohol and die young, and you can count yourself lucky if he won't be aggressive towards you or the kids. On a lighter note, I like that she still has a bit of showmanship despite her pragmatism- her sword for example, because while it is factory-made, it's still something very eye-catching and distinct. Her lure earrings fascinate me- this seems like something she'd make herself out of whatever's lying around, which would once again imply that there's some desire for looking nice, despite that outward pragmatism. So yeah, cool, tough, working-class lady who's a leader of her community and has depths for people who look too deep into things like me and has a great design. A real pearl in all that silt. What more do you need?
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): There's simply no meow meow more poor than Harry, that's just a fact. The more he embarasses himself in front of others the more I want to grab him by these mutton chops and press my face against his while going 👁👁. I vividly remember watching the Dora dream on youtube for the first time and howling in cringe-laughter over how awfully awkward that scene was (complimentory). I used to not understand people who felt cringe so severe when consuming media that they had to pause and walk it off, but now I do. Then again, this scene is supposed to make you cringe in how pathetic, delusional and sad Harry is, so that speaks about how good ZA/UM's writers are at their job. And that kiss, god, I was screaming "WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU DUMB FUCK, STOOOOOPPP!!!!!", it was so bad. Thankfully i could writhe to my heart's content because I was home alone, and it's good that I've picked that moment because my parents would probably get concerned 😖 Harry sucks so bad at everything at we love him for that <3
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Jean, for no other reason other than "I just think it would be funny". I do think that his anger and disappointment towards Harry is 100% justifiable, but something about his way of being just makes it seem like it would be funny to clown on him a little. Plus he dealt with Harry all those years, so he took his immunity boosters against teasing ages ago. He seems like he would be funny when he gets mad, would probably starts swearing in French or something.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): Taking obvious choices like the mercenaries out of the equation, probably Sunday Friend. Slimy liberal bastard who exploits younger and poorer Smoker, plus he talks like all the most annoying western EU politicians talking about problems in Eastern Europe while gleefully ignoring that they're responsible for at least a part of them, lol
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