#she's definitely pregnant so idk how we'll deal with that
fabulouslygaybean · 1 year
so we miiiight be adopting another cat
a few days back, my mom encountered this teeny tiny pregnant kitten (probably no older than 9 months) and absolutely fell in love. like, she's unbelievably sweet for a stray and even managed to get into the house TWICE when my mom tried going back inside, so she seems to really want a housecat life.
well, like an hour ago, we found her meowing on our doorstep :( it's raining so we took her in, dried her off, and set her up with a little room in the garage (bed, cat litter, water, some food) and now she's gonna stay there for the night
we'll let her out again during the day since we're trying to fully win her over and we're positive she'll come back later in the day, but next week we're gonna take her to the vet and see how she's doing health-wise so. yeah! woo!
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acourtofthought · 2 years
I’ve seen many speculations that Elain’s powers mimic those of the Mystics in CC (I do not agree, imo they’re pretty distinct), and that because of that & her ability to scary, she’ll use Rhys’ map in CC3 but like…no? Elain’s never looked for or into other worlds, and also, by that logic, what’s not to say Nesta wouldn’t read Rhys’ map? We all know the IC would rather use Nesta than Elain…
Idk I think this Seer/Mystic association is another desperate ploy of e*riels to show how Elain could be relevant to CC3 in a way that would be more impactful than Gwyn. But what do you think about her connection—if any—to the mystics?
You know when I think we're going to find out more about Elain's power? In Elains actual book.
I'm with you, I don't think she's similar to the mystics. And I'm not saying Elain won't be mentioned or that we won't see her at all in CC3. It's a bit of a farfetched theory at this point however there is the slight possibility that the place Koschei keeps his soul is the island where the territory for Dusk may have been hidden. Koschei himself is across the Sea on the continent but the "onyx box that he possesses, more vital than anything" is still unaccounted for.
In medieval Russian books, Buyan is described as a mysterious island in the ocean with the ability to appear and disappear with the tide.
The island of Buyan features prominently in many famous myths; Koschei the Deathless keeps his soul or immortality hidden there.
Furthermore, Buyan has the mythical stone with healing and magic powers
In Russian traditional stories Buyan is a magic island, mentioned in incantations and spells. The Sun, according to some sources, lived on the island with its attendants (Sun = a Star = Origins of the Starborn Fae)
With Elain and Lucien being so strongly connected to the Koschei storyline, if there was some chance his soul is hidden where the Dusk Court should have been, maybe Elain will play some role in that piece of things using her already known Seer powers.
Because again in ACOSF, she hadn't tried to use her powers in quite some time and I don't think it makes sense for her to test them out again in another series. And we're definitely not going to discover anything new that she can do before she has a book of her own. AND Elain does tend to be a "last solution" when it comes to the IC. The only reason Feyre even asked for her help in SF was because she was pregnant with Nyx. Now that she's no longer pregnant Feyre would probably take things on herself.
Just like I don't think we'd learn more about Gwyn's powers in another series either. If Gwyn plays a role in CC3, I think it will be helping to share information she's learned during her time researching for Merrill. I don't think we're going to see her playing some major role beyond that because we still need to further understand her powers and whatever healing journey SJM has set her up for. If we see Gwyn in a major role in the IC's planning and plotting when it comes to Bryce then it means we've skipped over a whole chunk of something. In Silver Flames, she returned to living in the library despite the Rite and wasn't sure if she'd attend Nesta's mating ceremony. That means Gwyn was dealing with some pretty major stuff and needed to return to where she felt the most secure.
So if she wasn't sure she was ready for her friends wedding, I don't think she's going to be hanging out in the River House with the whole gang and an interplanetary visitor. That would mean when we do get to Gwyn's book (because I do think Gwynriel is happening and she'll have her story), we'll have glossed over something major.
I could see Nesta or Rhys or someone bringing Bryce to the library to meet with her (which makes sense since there are hints that Gwyn would understand Bryce while speaking the old language) so I do see Gwyn playing a role for sure.
And maybe Elain will make it on page but maybe not.
But in the end, I honestly don't think either is going to be so very important that it's going to make a difference as to the future of the ACOTAR book and ships either way. I personally think this is going to be the Rhys and Feyre show when it comes down to it. They are the "spokespeople of Prythian" for time travelers. When crossovers are involved, the major players tend to be the ones who are the focus (for example, if SJM involved TOG, you'd expect Rowan and Aelin to be the ones who interacted with Bryce the most over a character like Lysandra). And since Rhys and Feyre have already had their main journey, it's a chance for us to have more of their story without giving away the story of characters who still are getting books of their own.
For me, focusing on Gwyn or Elain being more important seems to be the wrong direction to go in because I think (for as important as they both are to the ACOTAR series), they won't be the main focus of the CC3 book. Yes, Gwyn will probably share important information from her research and maaaaybe Elain can toss out something she'd seen in a vision from the past but at the end of the day, CC3 is going to be about Bryce and what she's got going on, Rhys because of his hinted connection to being a distant relative of Ruhn and the other CC characters.
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eroaneki · 5 years
Is there really anything wrong with women who like to be admired? With men who like to be admired? Even if they're married with children/actively trying to get pregnant? This one girl I work with is way over the top about it. Flat out flirts with the doctors, sits in his office all afternoon, and he reciprocates it. He's totally in love with her. But he's married with 4 kids. And it's really shitty? Because I went to dinner with her once and she was talking to me about her husband and how she agreed to have a baby with him when she's 30 (which is this May) and then she asked me when I agreed to have a baby with Joe. And I was like well... I never really agreed to it, but maybe after 32? I'd think more about it?
And that's honest. Last September when we were going through that ish, we touched upon how he didn't think he could get it together fast enough for what I wanted; he assumed I wanted to get married and have kids within 2 years and I was like uhhhh hold up, no. Early 30s. Let's aim for that. I'm still a bit too immature to be having a child right now. I'm still very young at heart. But getting back to my coworker, I know she had plans to go back to school to become a NP. But now, it seems as if she got married, bought a house, and now has her husband harrassing her to have a baby. And she outwardly tries to be happy about, but it's complete bullshit on the inside. He tries controlling the amount of money she spends; she ships packages to her sister's house so her husband doesn't know about them, he says she spends too much money on food, etc. But that's one side of the story. Who knows what his is. She did, at the first Christmas party we ever had, get so trashed that she started dancing on the doctor's desks. After then her husband comes with her to all work functions.
It's so sad to see sad marriages starting. Or who knows, they could be insanely happy. But she just sounds entirely fucking scripted the whole time she engages with him, and she never really seems to be in a rush to get home to him. She has a minor alcohol problem; it's definitely her crutch when she's stressed. But once she gets pregnant and can't have a glass of wine to deal with her stress, I wonder how she'll handle everything. I also wonder if they doctors will still flirt with her just the same once she's had a child. Because it seems to me like many dudes back off once women have children. The illusion of a young woman ripe for the taking disappears as they've now had a child. They're now no different than their own wives. Idk, I guess we'll see.
I hate how I notice all of this now. I really do. Because on one hand it grosses me out, but on the other hand I'm incredibly thankful I don't have to worry about that shit with Joe.
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